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15x16 - The Beginning of the End

Posted: 08/31/21 11:17
by bunniefuu
Previously on ER:

Chase me!

One more touchdown,
then we get ice cream.

Booker and banfield -

that's all the Bears
are going to need this year.

We should
ride in together,

unless someone
might see us.

Being covert is more exciting,
isn't it?

We've broken up.
We're working together.

It's weird.
We said we weren't going

to screw up our schedules.
You know, some awkwardness

while we're finding
our bearings is, uh...

I should have never let
you and Sarah go out that night.

No, you were being cool.

We may have to put you
on the transplant list.

so, joanie's not her mother,
and lucy has no idea?

I'm in big trouble.

Only five hours in
and it's safe to say...

best Valentine's day ever.

I got to go. I have to check
yesterday's paperwork.

I thought my hours
were tough.

It's 5.00 a.m.

I'm a rookie detective.

I think what you're doing to me

is tantamount
to police brutality.

Where did you hear
that line?

Some Dirty Harry movie?

No, I think
it was a porno.

One of the feminist ones,

Oh, right.
Yeah, I bet.

So, what can i do
to sweeten your day?


Candy hearts.


You know those
little candy hearts

with stuff written on them?

Get me some.

I've never had them.

Are you crazy? Everybody gets those.

Not me.

No-one's ever
given you a necco?


Forget it.
You're nuts. I got to go.

Then go.

Then stop.
You stop first.

Oh, detective Diaz!

He bought me
a plastic tiara

and took me to
Hampton court.

Said I deserved to be
treated like a queen.

Well, he got that right.

We were 15.


What happened to him?

I heard he runs the Bombay
Brasserie in Leicester.

Has three little kids and
hands that smell of dalchini.

It's not such a bad life.

What about you?


There was... there was one time,
when, um...

this girl and I went to Bali,

some surfing and some diving.

It was nice.

Bali... Bali was nice.

I like it there.

What about the girl?

Yeah, she was nice, too.

Right. You probably don't even
remember her name, do you?


No, uh,
her name was Nicole.

It's nicole.

i was thinking, maybe we...

Maybe we should
go away sometime.

Well, maybe in a month
or so. Where?

I'll tell you later.


Alex, honey, I'm sorry
you didn't sleep,

but you are not staying home
from school.

I know. It sucks.

We'll talk about it
when I get home.


Alex had a girlfriend
for two whole days

and she just dumped him
tonight on the phone.

Happy valentine's day.

I know. I tried
to tell him

she's just a spoiled
little princess

and forget about it, but...

Forget about it?
weren't you ever 15?

What happened?

Some kind of brawl.

I'm Dr Morris.

Get this thing out of me.

How did you end up
with a tire iron in your belly?

It was about this girl.

I've got a forearm fracture
and a hefty lip lac.

Another one?
Some girl!

You take tire iron guy.

The rest go to triage.
I'll take this.

Teddy Lempel, 63,
bronchospasm at a wedding.

Still going at 6.00 a.m.?

Pretty raucous wedding.

We were just getting started.

They wanted to be married
at daybreak on Valentine's Day.

It's a midsummer night's dream
themed wedding.

Teddy was officiating.

As Puck.

But you already
guessed that.

Sats went up
after a nasal cannula O2.

Are you all right?

I'm fine. I'm fine.

It was just an allergy
or something.

Don't listen to him.

Baby, you need a doctor.

Lovers and madmen
have such seething brains.

First unit's up.

Ow, my stomach, man!

Do something, please.
Take it out.

Sorry, I can't do anything
until the surgeons get here.

Just give him
ten more morphine.

The first dose didn't
seem to touch him.

I already did.
You already did what?

Gave him ten of morphine.
About two minutes ago.

You can't just give meds
without an order

Oh, come on. You were just
about to ask me for it.

It's only morphine.

In the O.R., i don't even
need an order.
Yeah, well,

it's different down here.

it's my ass on the line.

What would you like me to do?
Hang some more blood,
Nurse Taggart.

Go sew up the lip lac.
I got this.

Drop it, Sam.

We could try
one more cycle.

We could.

You don't think
it's a good idea.


all those hormones,

and only a very little
chance of it working.

That's no reason
to give up.

I want us
to raise a child.

I'm not giving up on that.

I'm only saying

it doesn't have
to be through IVF.

So, you're back to adoption, then?

I don't understand
why you're so against it.

I'm not against it.

I just worry we wouldn't be able
to love that child the same way.

That's not true. It scares me.

And a biological child,
do we know how that will go?

Well, at least we'd have some idea
where it came from.

What about an egg donor?

So, you would use a stranger's egg,
but you won't adopt?

I can get an egg from someone
who carries my genes.

Lara's in school
at UC now.

You...want to use
your niece's egg?

You don't think that's weird?

Mac three and an 80.

I'm gonna put a tube
down your throat

to help you to breathe.

No, man,
i don't want that.

Do you want etomidate
or ketamine?

I think ketamine
Etomidate, please.

You're not gonna feel
any of this.

Dr Morris.

What brings
you guys around?

We're investigating the brawl
at the night kitchen.

The what?
The club where
the fight broke out. >

2,000 kids got stuffed
into this little warehouse.

Detective Trent Mallory, CPD.

Oh, uh, Claudia's been
telling me about you.

Our little star.

Mind if we ask you

a few questions?
Get the cops out, all right?

Sorry, guys.

200cc's out.
Dr Rasgotra,
the trauma surgeon.

I don't need surgery,

and I don't need cops
asking me stuff, all right?


Etomidate's in.
Two units.

More lap pads. And let the O.R.
know we're sending him up now!

Over time,

wrinkles appear
around the mouth,

lips become thinner.

1. Smooth the appearance
of wrinkles

around the lips with...


2. Intensely

for a re-plumped effect.

We're worth it.

# "Fever"

# Never know how much...

You can tell when he's on a quest,

looking for something exciting.

# I get a fever that's so hard
to bear...

Like Sheba pouches
in jelly varieties.

# When you kiss me...

The finest ingredients

with tender strips
of succulent chicken.

Go on, share the experience.

Discover Sheba pouches
in jelly varieties.

# "I Couldn't Live
Without Your Love"

He's not just bringing you
the latest news.

# A shoulder there
for me to cry on

# No one knows...

He's not just making you smile.

# Even though my love...

He's not just going out with you
in any weather.

# I couldn't live without your love

Love him back

with new recipes from Cesar,

carefully sourced ingredients

for all the balanced nutrition
he needs every day.


Time to celebrate
the death of the week.

Time to ponder the miracle
that is egg.

Time for pancakes.

Why just
once a year?

Or toast -

a granary canvas
for a million toppings.

Saturday breakfast
deserves the best.

Give it Lurpak.


not to go!

No, a girl.

Oh, I see.

No - a little girl.

Her mom's a patient in
the transplant service.

Hi, Simon.

That's my
foster dad.

He said to call if I need him
to take me to school.

Oh, you're gonna
be missing school today.


I'm gonna let
your mom tell you.

Lucy, this
is Dr Banfield.

Nice to meet you.

Good news, sweetie.

They found me
a heart.



I knew they would.

I knew it.

Her heart's
in Bloomington.

I'm gonna take
a helicopter there

as soon as they're ready.

Now, Lucy, your mom's
gonna go

and get some tests and then we're
gonna take her to the operating room.


That's what they tell me.

I've got to go.

Um, I'll come back as soon
as I know anything.

Thank you.

Ten minutes?

Are you sure?

All right, then,
there's a, uh, coffee shop

we can meet at
across the street.


This is from
my girlfriend.

yeah, we met
last winter

snowdog sledding;
it's a crazy story.

Yeah, I'm sure it is. I'll be back

Jerry, is that
for you?

Yeah, from Doris.
The Eskimo chick?

She's not an Eskimo.

Excuse me.

You OK?

Yeah, a patient
freaked out.

Listen, about earlier...

I'm sorry if I was out of line.

I was a little dense.

It's just in the O.R., I have
a different utonomy.

Just let me know
what you're doing first.

(Teddy) Hey, you two.

Get a room!
You've overdosed on mushrooms.


Not that kind
of mushrooms.

When are we gonna
get out of here?

What kind of mushrooms?

This is Teddy Lempel,

the premier mycologist
in Chicago.

Best mushroom man four years running
in Fungi Magazine.

I'm a chef, and anyone
who's anyone knows

no-one can hunt down
wild mushrooms like Ted.

My curse.

All right, can we have
some room here, please?

Quite an entourage.

I need to listen to your lungs.

This wedding

is because of me,
you could say,

and now it might not happen
because of me,

which is quite a paradox.

Baby, baby, don't fret.

So, you're Cupid?

Oh, it's the basidiomycetes, really,

some of which are known
to produce a mating trigger

in sows.

A sort of porcine pheromone.

I don't say I know
that it works on humans,

but a certain beverage was imbibed
by Kevin and Nina the other night.

Their eyes met across

a crowded kitchen,
and voila,

they were like Abelard,
Tristan and Isolde,

Pyramus and Thisbe.
Chest films are back.
Thank you.

I need to look at these
with radiology. Come with me.

Well, don't take too long.
Love is fleeting.

You'll need to
come back later.
That's fine.

Oh, nice seeing

Here, you've
been deprived.

Neela. Special delivery.

You know, I'm waiting on a call
from chopper transport.

I'll be in the break room.
What's this all about? Hmm?

Oh, it's from Doris.
Oh, the Malamute breeder?

I told you
about her?
Lucky guess.


# Take my hand
Come with me

# Into this crystal scenery

# And wait till I retain the ticket

# You would never have the time

# I would love to change your mind

# You were there
And it was good in the beginning

# Over here, see the lights

# Arranging twilight sages

# Commence to reveal it
to the others

# But you would never have the time

# I would love to change your mind

# You were there
And it was good in the beginning

# You were there
We were good in the beginning

# Oh, oh, oh-oh

# Oooh-oooh-oooh

# Take my hand and come with me

# Into this crystal village

# And see the lights
so philosphied in brightness

# Cos you would never have the time

# And I would love
to change your mind

# You were there
And it was good in the beginning

# Oooh-oooh-oooh... #



Can you redress my ankle in three
and make sure that
my NPO girl is still NPO?

I got it.

Excuse me.

Hey, Grady, I got your STD buddhist
to take the penicillin.

Thank God.

Is Dr Morris around?

Are you a family member?

I'm John Carter.


Used to work here.


As what?

Can you find him?
Can you find Dr Morris?

He's around

Carter? You the one
that got that nurse pregnant?

No, that was somebody else.

Sorry, my mistake.

Elixir of love -

my Valentine's Day gift
to the daring among you.

It looks fecal.

It works.

Love potion?

Puck had a magical mixture made from
a flower called "love-in-idleness"

and I've got my mushroom juice.

Didn't that make Titania
fall in love with an ass?

We're all asses, aren't we?

It was a mistake.

That's what the play's about.
It's about mistakes.


but without the mistake
there'd be no play, would there?

So, what now?
Are you done with me?

Well, we found some
abnormal nodules that are concerning.


Did you consult
a pulmonologist?


Did you order bronchoscopy?
What's that?

They look into your lungs...
Thanks, I got this.

We can biopsy the nodules
and see what we're dealing with.

20-year-old, heart rate in the '60s,
unconscious in the rig.

Morris is down the hall.

Hey, Zades! Finally, a familiar face.

Dr Carter,
how the hell you been?

Not too bad.
How about you?

Same old same old.
What happened?

We were taking a statement
on the brawl.

How long you in town for?

Uh, it all depends.

On what?

A bunch of stuff,

I want to do it.

I appreciate
that. I do.

but you need to think
it through.

You've explained it
all to me.

It's not like giving blood.
It's your egg.

You really should be...
Aunt Cate,

you remember
when I was 15,

and I ran off with that guy?

The 25-year-old bartender.

And I called you
from that restaurant.

Uh, it was a bar.

My parents had no idea.

You were the only adults
I could talk to.

You saved me.

I remember driving out there.

Bringing you home. Cleaning you up.

Getting you into bed.

That week I spent with you,

sleeping in Daryl's room.

He must have been
about three.

I was so sad then...

..and he was so sweet to me.

I would do anything for you.

We brought him in as a witness.

Flexes with painful stim,
but that's about it.

It was only later
he told us

he got punched in the face.

Tracy, what's the GCS?

1-1-3, a five.

So what now?

Good. Do it.

All grown up.
No way!

What are you doing here?

I'm gonna be in chicago for a while.
That's great!

Pushing it now.
I was thinking about some shifts.

You're kidding.
That'd be awesome.

This guy is a legend.
We kind of met outside.

Might get better alignment
with a shoulder roll.

Who should I talk to?

That would be
Catherine Banfield, our chief.

I can see the cords.
Then go for it.
You followed my advice, Archie.

How's that?
You set the tone.

I'm off to Bloomington.

They're about to cross-clamp
the donor's aorta.

Joanie in surgery yet?

No, but she should be heading
to the O.R. any minute.

I'll try and catch her
before she goes up.

What are you looking for?

Scopolomine patches.

Helicopters make
me airsick.


You never told
me that.

Well, planes are fine,

but helicopters
are so jiggly.

Well, that is
good to know.

Tell me...

how do you feel
about boats?


Have a safe flight.

at a rate of 26.

CT can take him now.

All right,
let's move.

Left my backboard.
Hey, Zades,

you sure you got the story
right on this guy?

Yeah, why?

He's in pretty bad shape.
Not your average

punch in the face.

Cops took a report.
People saw it happen.

Good enough for me.

Maybe he hit his head
on something on the way down.

How's he doing?
Not great.

We had to put a tube in
to breathe for him.
Oh, no.

You know, he seems
a lot sicker

than he should be
from one hit.

Something's not
right here.

It seems like
our uniformed guy

got a little mixed up.

It happened
at the station house.
It did?

They brought the guy in
for questioning.

My guys weren't watching him.

How so?

There was a drunk thug
from Garfield

in the holding cell
with him. It turned ugly.

I see.

It's our fault. We should've had
better control of the situation.

Well, thanks for the update.

I'm going to get you something
to make your tummy feel better.

I'm telling you -
drink the juice.

Everybody is.

Thanks, but to be honest,

this really doesn't look...

Dr Carter!

Hey, Sam.
How are you?


You should probably
be back in bed.

That's for sick people.

When did you get here?
Back a little while ago.

It's like bizarro E.R.

Kind of the same, but every
single thing is different.

Well, one thing never
changes - the patients.
Dr Carter!


Welcome back.
Hey, how are you?

I kind of snuck in.

Hey, how's Kem?
She's great.

She's in Paris with her mom.

Oh, well, how long
are you in town?

That, uh, is still
kind of up in the air.

I'm still waiting
on that file, Jerry.

Sam, our migraine
lady's been parked

in this hallway
since Tuesday.

Mary, shouldn't you
be, uh, leaning

against a wall somewhere,

Dr Banfield? Meet John carter.

I've heard about you.
All good, I hope.

I would love a couple
minutes of your time.

Pump-flow failed in Radiology.
BP took a dive.

This mom?
Neela's gone to pick up the heart.

Uh, sorry, Jim,

you'll have
to catch me later.


Good, you guys are still here.

Is he OK?
What'd the scan show?

You see these areas here?

Multiple cerebral contusions
and generalized brain edema.

Is that really bad?


And we're a little confused.

What's that?

Well, the only way to get this is
from multiple blows to the head.

From different directions,
probably from a blunt object.

You can tell that from an X-ray?
This picture doesn't match
the history that I'm getting.

Dr Morris...
It wouldn't be the first time
this has happened.

What are you suggesting?

That whoever is telling you
this story is lying.

The thing is, Dr Morris,
I'm the one telling you the story.

No, you don't understand.
Our patient is herniating.

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worth it.

Yes, as soon as you can.
Thank you.

Neurosurge is in the O.R.

Yeah, what else is new?
In another hospital.

What? This guy just gave me an earful
about the national shortage
of neurosurgeons.

They've started double-covering
the Chicago hospitals.

Is that even legal?

Pulse down to 44.

Did he say how long he'd be?
A couple of hours, at least.

You're kidding. He's going to die
if we wait that long.
I know that!

Let's do it.

No, no, no.
We can't.

We don't have the training...

You gonna let the guy die?

Sterile eights, a bovie,
and a ventriculostomy tray.

Whoa, whoa! Are we gonna do
a ventriculostomy here?

It's his only chance.
I'll go get the twist drill.

The projections's only 18%.
L-vad's malfunctioning.

What does that mean?
the device pumping
the blood isn't working.

Stealing your twist drill.
Sats only 84.

Another 80 of lasix.
Why won't it work?

Don't you think the girl
should wait outside?

She can handle this.

Fix it! Can you fix it?
Lucy, come here.

Come here.

Look at me.

I'm OK.

You don't have to worry.

Systolic 49.

Joanie, we need to intubate.

Guys, I found this
in the ICU.

What is it?
in the event
of an electrical failure,

the L-vad is designed
to use a hand pump.

How do you know
it's an electrical failure?

I don't. But it's worth a shot.

Good carotid.

Pulse ox is coming up.

I think this might hold us
till we get to the O.R.
You got it.

How long do you have
to keep squeezing that thing?

Until she gets her new heart.
Which is gonna be any minute.

BP's 190/118.


What are you doing?
I'm through to the white matter.
Just drilling into the brain.

Good luck with that.


Aim it toward the medial canthus...
Of the opposite eye, I know.

Everybody start praying.

How do you know you're not gonna hit
a blood vessel?

I don't.
Or the pituitary?

I'm nowhere near it.

I don't think.

Does a brain feel more
like jello or like butter?

Tracy, shut up.
I'm sorry. I'm just nervous.

Oh, my God.
Believe I am in. >

Is that CSF?

Yep, decompressed
the ventricles.
Keep the ICP around 15.

Heart's up to 58
and climbing.

Tell ICU to make room.

Assertive... I like it.
Nice job, Archie.

You all right, man?

Yeah, yeah,
I'm fine.

Hey, Jerry, is Frank coming in today?

Uh, only if I call in sick.

No, he's not on till next week.

Some family thing in Cleveland.

Love is in the air.

Did somebody actually
drink that?

Oh, that chocolate soda?
Pretty skunky.
No. The bogus fungus water.


Are you sure you're OK?
Yeah, all good.

Gonna wait for Dr Banfield
in the lounge.


Can I just tell you
you look great in those jeans?


I know it feels like
the end of the world today,

but you will fall
for someone else tomorrow.

Where did you learn that?
parenting 101?

Sorry. I can wait someplace else.

No, no, no. Actually, you saved me.

I'm gonna go get something
from the jumbo mart.

There's another thing that's
different. He got a foot taller.

I know.

And he's under the influence
of a bunch of fun hormones.

Well, don't let him drink
whatever Jerry's drinking. Forget it.


So, Sam...what did you hear
from Abby and Luka?

She e-mailed me.
Sounds like it's, uh, going great.
Great for them.


Sam, can you check the status
of the transport team?

I want to know
the minute they get here.

Thank you.
Good to see you.
Good to see you.

So, you're a popular guy.

Worked here a long time.
Been away a long time.

But I am gonna be in chicago
sort of indefinitely,

and I was hoping to keep my skills
up and maybe help you out a little.

Help us out?
Pick up a few shifts.

You don't have to pay me.
I work for food.

So, you were an attending here?

And what have you been doing?

Working in Africa. Darfur mostly.

I spent some time in Indonesia
after the tsunami.

So, now you're ready
to come back to the real world?

Well, that felt pretty real to me
out there but you could say that.

Having done the same thing,
I know there's a lot
of relearning required,

and if you're not
fully invested in it...

I don't know how many shifts
I can pick up,

but I do know procedures,
and the patients

and I know quite a bit
of your personnel.

And I know not to use
the snack machine on 3,

and how to get to the clinic
without going outside in winter,

and the bottom right-hand drawer of
the desk sticks unless you brace it

with the bottom of your foot.

I wasted a lot of money
in that snack machine.

Not any more.

So, tell me,
when did you first work here?

I was a med student
in the E.R. in 1994.
You knew Mark Greene.

Yeah. I knew Mark Greene.

Yep. Learned a lot from him.

When can you start?

Is he gonna
be all right?


But what you guys
did down there...

Well, we probably
saved his life,

but there's no way to know
if he'll ever wake up,
or understand anything.

I can tell you know.

Know what?

Don't do that.

I can tell when something
is bothering you.

It was like I froze.
I didn't know what to do.

When? What happened?

They took this guy
into interrogation.

I stayed at the desk filling out
some forms. There's three of them
tuning him up pretty good.

Three cops?

I see them through the window,
so what do I do?

Tell them to give it a break?
Get somebody else involved? No.

I walk away,
come back ten minutes later.

By then, he's crying for help.
Eventually, they let me call 911.

Did you tell Mallory?

I didn't have to -
he was in there with them.

You can't just bury this.

What am I supposed to do?
I am the new guy. I follow orders.

I wouldn't even be there
if he hadn't backed me up.

You don't get it, Archie.
No, I think I do.
These things happen sometimes.

You mean ignore it.

There's a code on the job.
You don't turn on one of your own.

That's something
you never come back from.

There are about 20 surgeons
in the room, all picking up organs.

Dr Robbins steps up,
takes a scalpel...

Dr Robbins?
The transplant attending.

She whips out the heart
like it's no big deal,

and then says to the room,
"Looks good. Thanks."

30 seconds later, we're back up in
the air like a band of superheroes.

Well, you kind of are.

I don't know if I could do
transplant surgeries full-time,

but there's a rush.

Robbins wants your butt in here.
OK, coming.

You off shift now?

Yeah, uh, but I'll wait with Lucy
until you're done.

Adson with teeth.

Dr Rasgotra, you're
missing all the fun.

SVC, IVC are done.

Saved the aorta for you.
Wow! Are you sure?

My eight-year-old
could do it.

Cut the great vessels as close
to the heart as you can.

That way, we have
tissue to work with.




Less talk,
more action.

The aorta is...divided.

Take it out.
The heart?
No, the kidney.

Yes, doctor, the big,
dead organ you just disconnected.

It's Bloomington.
They want to a doctor.
Say it's going fine.

Pick it up with the clamp...
They need to speak with you.


We need to stop the transplant.
There's been a mistake.

# She's pure as New York snow

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When it's vital you're in control,

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At Halifax, we understand that

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Bring out your Italian side tonight

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Tear off some garlic bread
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A traditional Italian meal for four.


Good with food.

How do you make healthier kids?

First take someone little.

Like me.

Mix in some mums
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Then we add
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And voila! Kids who know
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Collect Flora Cooking
With Schools tokens now.

Go ahead and discharge,

but do phone follow-up.

All right,
got to go. Thanks.


Are you done?


Is the new heart in yet?

What's going on?

I, um...Do you know
what a blood type is?

Sort of.

Your mom is a type O,

which means she can only get a heart
from another O.

There was a mistake
at the hospital.

The donor's blood type
was mislabeled. She's an A.

If we had put that heart
in your mom, she would have died.

Fortunately, they found out
before it was too late.

Your mom will get a new heart, Lucy.

So, what now?

We reimplant the L-vad,
and then we wait?

The thing is we didn't learn
of the mistake

until we had tookn out the old heart.

Your mom is on
a cardiac bypass machine.

She needs to stay on it
until we find her a new heart.

She can't talk?

No, but she'll know
you're there.

Any changes?

Well, his intracranial pressure's
still spiking. It's not a good sign.

As I'm sure you're both aware,
I'm required by law to report this.

Report what?

Well, whenever the history
doesn't match the physical injury
we need to follow certain protocols.

You know the drill.
I don't think I do.

I've sent the scalp lavage
fluid to the lab

where they'll look for substances,
fibers to help fill in the blanks.

You know, standard procedure.
I see.

And of course I'll need to
notify the state authorities,

start an official investigation.

What do you think
you're doing, doctor?

My job.

You see that game
last night?

The bulls were really, uh, sh**ting
from outside the paint.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

Me neither, basketball banter.
Just trying to approximate guy talk.

Well, thanks for trying.

Women. Can't live with 'em.
Can't sh**t 'em.

Look, I've learned one thing.

Get your heart stomped on,
it's best to take all that energy

and channel it
into something positive.

Hi, Lucy.

Your foster dad's
not here yet?

It's OK.

I want to say good night
to my mom before I go.

Well, she should be settled
upstairs soon.

I always knew she wasn't my mom.

I found a picture of another lady
in a hospital bed,

holding me when I was a baby,
so I figured it out.

You're a very smart little girl.

It never bothered me.

Because she always loved me so much,
and made me feel so happy.

And I knew that that's what
a real mother did,
even if she's not your real mom.

Mr Lempel, what are you doing?

If we hold the ceremony
in the next hour, we'll beat sunset.

You can't leave now.
Why, am I dying?

No, you're not dying.
Fantastic. Stupendous.

All the more reason
to start celebrating.

You have a hypersensitivity

It's an immune reaction to fungal
spores. Mushroom worker's lung.
You've heard of it?

Pleurotus cornucopiae is a likely
culprit, I knew it was
just a matter of time.

Gentleman, lady, thank you very much.

This place is...nowhere near as bad
as its reputation.

Wait, you need to be treated.

What do you mean, "nah"?

Well, I don't know why you
need me to tell you this,

but the only definitive treatment
is to stay away from mushrooms.

And that, my friends,
is not an option.

You'd rather have lung disease
than stay away from mushrooms?

If mushrooms be
the food of on.

If we shadows have offended,

say but this and all is mended.

What was that?

Why'd you pull that stunt up there?

To see that the right thing happens.

I was gonna handle it my own way.
Well, it didn't seem like that.

What? Now you want to judge me?
I'm trying to help.

Well, stop! Last thing I need
is them knowing I opened up my mouth.

Just the two I was looking for.

Dr Morris, it turns out, there was
an incident that some of the guys

didn't feel they wanted
to be upfront about.

It's being dealt
with now.

Dealt with?

The officers will be disciplined,
maybe even prosecuted.

We can't abide that kind of
infraction. Can we, Detective Diaz?

No, sir.

I appreciate
your help.

We'll get you a report so that
your records can accurately reflect
the cause of injury.

OK. Thank you.

So, you got any shifts
you want me to work?

Banfield said yes?
Took a little persuading.

Ah, she's no pushover.
I'll be around.
That's great, man.

Thanks for showing me
how to tube the effusion.
Oh, no problem.

Check a film in an hour, and call me
if the fluid reaccumulates.

the student has become the teacher.

I heard you were lurking about.
How have you been?

Oh, I've had better days. I hear
the Carter Center is finally opening.

Official opening in a few weeks.
You and Kem must be so proud.


I'll be around. I'll buy you
a cup of coffee and tell you
tales of Africa.

I look forward
to hearing them.

From Dr Brenner. John! John!

Call me!

# No, you don't remember
the town where you were born

# Cos you never
No, no, never

# Opened up the doors

# In a dream that you were dreaming

# Well, I hope you know for sure

# It's the town you don't remember

# The town where you were born

# Well, you wiped out
all your footsteps

# And you wiped out all your foes

# For the comfort and the safety

# That comes when you're alone

# It's the town you don't remember

# The town where you were born

# It's the town that you are leaving

# The town where you belong

# Heaven knows the reason
Heaven knows for sure. #

Uh, what the hell are you doing?
It's freezing out here!

Buono sera, mio dolce cretina.

No, uh...

I'm sorry. I think
I just called you a sweet idiot.

Simon, what are we doing here?

This is the closest that
we've got to a canal for now,
but I am determined...

to do better.

What's this?

Well, that's an IOU.

We take a week off in April
and spring, as you know,

is the perfect time
to visit Venice.

You want to go to Venice?


With you.




All right, I think this
qualifies as a romantic gesture.

This... No, this is nothing.
This is just the beginning.

Come on. He's on in a minute.

- Have you had your hair done, Lisa?
- No.

Right, guys. Roast chicken with
couscous, and for less than a fiver.

Chop some red onion, garlic.

Just add this to the chicken.
Bang that in the oven.

Right, who wants
to help me with the couscous?

Cooks in literally
two or three minutes.

Is that your mate over there? Hello.


Have a look at that!
Absolutely beautiful.

Sainsbury's Freedom Food
endorsed chicken

reared to RSPCA welfare standards.

- Any good?
- Mm. Lovely!

- Had your hair done?
- Yes.

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Let the doctors get to work.

You have to let me in, I'm family.

Up to 300 joules.

I am family.

You'll have to wait. Sit down.

< Another IV?

< Right.



< Do what? This?

< This? Yeah!

< Family dinners...