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15x08 - Age of Innocence

Posted: 08/31/21 11:10
by bunniefuu
""Because of the ongoing chaos...

...there has been a depletion
of resources including water...

...which continues to divide the area.

-What are you doing?.
-Water resources are at such a low...

...scholars are projecting
that by 2O25...

-Okay, put that down.
-...Syria, Oman, Libya...

...and Ethiopia will also be struggling
for a larger supply. ""

That's my thesis. It's rough.

That is not rough. That is scholarly.

I haven't even rewritten that page.

You misspelled irrigation.

-No, I didn't.
-Yeah, you did. It's ""i-g"" not ""a-g. ""

Look, I can't type.

""Well, one of the most efficient
resources is drip irrigation.... ""

You're torturing me. Stop.

But as more countries gain the use...

...of this technology...

...the areas will become--


-When was Kennedy assassinated?.

-John or Robert?.
-I haven't heard a thing.

-I was hoping you had.
-Do I look fat?.

-No, sit down. When was Bobby k*lled?.
-1 978. '73?.

Does your son have any friends
that may have called?.

-'68, Alex. You gotta learn these.

-Six, six, '68.
-I knew that one.

You don't even know
how to choose clothes.

-I'm changing.
-No, you look great. Sit down.

No, I hear you. I'll call you
if I know anything, Mrs. Gonzalez.

-Thank you.
-No news?.

Maybe this guy
wants to be homeless.

-Nobody wants to be homeless, Sarah.
-You know everyone in the world?.

No, smart-Alex, do you know every one
of those flashcards?. Let me see.

When was the w*r of 1 81 2?.

-Look at him. He's thinking.
-No, I got you.


-It's over his breakfast.
-He thought about it.

Hi, yeah, this is him. Quiet.
Shh, shh. It's the shelter on Third.

Hi, yes.

You haven't heard from him. Okay.

No, thank you.
I appreciate you calling me back. Bye.

I was thinking of staying put.

I was gonna go back home
but the airfare is so bloody expensive.

What about you?. What are your plans?.

Oh, that's great, Ray.
Where's she from?.

Oh, I've heard
that Georgia is beautiful.

Well, that should be fun.

Well, I guess I'll talk to you
when you get back.

Yeah, you too.

-You don't have to do that.
-I don't work Tuesday, it's no big deal.

Don't worry about it.
My brother's friends will help me move.

Neela, this is Leanne. Leanne, Neela.

Moving. I hate moving.

Hard to concentrate on my dissertation
when my roommate's screwing.

-What's your focus?.
-Middle Eastern politics.

Speaking of which, Samuir Khalaf's... a lecture in an hour,
I've gotta go.

Okay, I'll see you tonight.

She seems impressive.

Full scholarship
to University of Chicago...

...and she speaks five languages.

Does she twirl around in phone booths
and fight crime?.

She doesn't seem like your type.

-Why's that?.
-I don't know.

I figured you with someone
less intellectual.

Now, that is rude.
No, you've got me all wrong.


In fact, it's evolving into quite a thing.

-How about you?. You seeing anyone?.
-No, riding solo.

I can set you up with a rugby mate.

Yeah, I'd rather be boiled
and laid in a bed of cat litter.

-I can arrange that too.
-Bug off.

Beth, 46, fell down a flight
of stairs trying to escape a house fire.

I'm Dr. Brenner,
do you know where you are?.

-Shallow resps, tachy to 1 25...

...BP's 1 00/58.

-My leg.
-Closed deformity on the left...

...Iooks like a tib-fib.

-How is she?.
-You were to obey...

-...the traffic lights.
-She's my wife.

Pulled her from the fire.
I tried to have him looked over.

-How you feeling?.
-I'm fine.

-Trauma room, let's go.
DUBENKO: Bolus 5000 units heparin.

Then 900 an hour.

-Hey, do you have a second?.
-What's up?. I'm late for a diverticulum.

I wanted to talk about Mendenhall.

Let's all try to move
on from that, shall we?.

Pull into the slow lane during
an accident you'll have a problem.

I was thinking of a way to ensure
that never happens.

Really?. I hope you plan
to patent that idea.

If you have the ability to control the
future, you might be onto something.

-Lucien, I'm not joking.
-Let's just use this... an opportunity to assess
your management style.

My style is not the problem.

How am I to delegate
work to an intern I can't trust?.

Make him into one you can.

I wish I didn't have
to supervise anyone.

-I'd be better off.
-That's really how you feel?.

-Yeah, it is.
-Fine then. Permission granted.

You are free of having to supervise.
No more interns for you.

He's not capable, not competent.
I can't have him k*lling another.

I'm moving him. He's gone.
You made a decision, stick by it.

-They have me in surgical clinic.
EMlLY: You'll have to do it anyway.

I was planning on the end of the year
when I was tired.

-You'll be fine.
-What if Dr. Rasgotra...

...cockblocks me in the department?.

-She's not.
-Andrew thinks everyone... thinking about him.
Do not entertain him.

She told Dubenko
she doesn't want me to work with her.

Give her a few weeks,
she'll get over it.

And if she doesn't?.

You'll look at ass ditzels
on old women forever.

Hey, just because Banfield's
on vacation...

...doesn't mean you guys
can slack off.

Tracy, Grady, Brenner
just got a trauma.

And Daria, Gates
is doing a central line in Curtains.

And Andrew,
you shouldn't even be down here.

You see?.
Even the nurses don't want me here.

-I am gonna strangle you.
-ls he like this at home?.

-Uh-huh. All the time.
-All right, you need some love.

Hands in. Intern power.


Thank God I'm a resident.

Maybe I should call the VA hospital
or Voices for Veterans.

You've done enough.

I could also check the alleys
around the hospital.

-Sorry, I got stuck splinting a 3-year-old.
-T en of lido.

Hey, sir, you're gonna feel a little stick,
this is the numbing medicine.

Ceftriaxone's ready.

What's the name of that shelter
on Michigan near the El?.

St. Mary's.

My neighbor volunteers there.

All right. Angle that up a little bit.

-How many rounds of epi?.

-He's been out 20 minutes.
-Lily?. What's going on?.

Homeless man found down.

You guys got this, right?.

Line is primed.


-Only 8O systolic.
-I can't thread the guidewire.

Don't pull back.
Try rotating the bevel.

-Maybe that's not him.
GATES: That's his duffle.

DARlA: It's not going.
SAM: He needs volume and pressors.

All right. Get me gloves.
Open a new tray.

That's it.

Superficial burns to the right arm.

-What labs do you want?.
-CBC, trauma panel, type and cross.

Why won't they leave us alone?.

-Chest is stable.
-It's okay, honey. We'll move.

-Right-upper quadrant's tender.
BETH: Not going anywhere.

This is our home.

-Talk later. Let's just get you well first.
-lV's in.

Your interns do know
how to hold a scalpel?.

-Excuse me?.
NEELA: Why was surgery called...

...for a buttock abscess?.

I was late because I was doing
an l&D that an ER intern could do.

A surgical intern. Your underlings?.

That's really not the point.
What have you got?.

Beth Lotery. Blunt trauma to the belly
and legs, minor burns.

-How's the ultrasound?.
-We're getting to that.

-Sat's 86.
-What's happening?.

Mrs. Lotery, open your eyes.

-She's not breathing.

-Tracy, you up for this?.
-Totally. Mac two and seven-oh.

Morris, can you sew this
and check the chest x-ray?.

Let your intern do it.

-Five hundred cc's in.
-He's still hypotensive.

Two liters and start levophed.

He's septic, help me
get his pressure up.

-What are you doing?.
-I have to take care of something.

-Dr. Gates.
-Hey, Sully. How are you?.

I need more colored condoms.

-I gave you a bunch.
-What are you, jealous?.

I'm scared. I'll hook you up later.

Tony, I'm sorry.

It's not him.

It's not Max.

Pericardium looks good.

Systolic's only 79.

Could be the anesthesia.

Okay. Hang another liter of NS.
Do we have a repeat crit?.

Running it now.

-You guys need any help?.
NEELA: We're fine, Andrew.

-Clinic's not for another hour. I thought--
-More gel please, thank you.

What was that about?.

This is the patient's brother.

Hey, Beth. It's Richie. I'm right here.

-She's been sedated.
-Helping her breathe while her body heals.

I told you something
was gonna happen.

I didn't burn down the house. I wasn't
the one who threw rocks at our car.

But this is because of you.

My sister shouldn't have to live
like this.

-What do you think that is?.
MORRlS: Maybe a subcapsular hematoma.

-Crit's down to 31.
-Let's get her to CT.

-She might need surgery.
-Wait a minute, surgery?.

She's got to have surgery?.

Possibly the fall
may have caused injury to her liver.

-You son of a bitch.
MORRlS: Whoa, whoa.

No, I told her to leave you a year ago.

BRENNER: Settle down.
RlCHlE: You're a freak and a pervert.

Twelve years old.
Twelve years old, Hank, that kid was.

I didn't do it, Richie.

I didn't touch that girl.

How do you think that guy
got Max's bag?.

Probably ripped it off
at a homeless shelter.

Pretty lame.

Oh, look at this.

Is that Max?.

GATES: Y eah, it says
a couple years ago, up in T al Afar.

-You'd hardly recognize him.
-You know what?.

I'll put this up at fire houses.

-Maybe it'll make someone give a damn.
-Well, that's a good idea.

-And after that, you're going to let it go?.
-I'm gonna try.

Daria, did you look at the x-ray
for my pneumonia guy?.

Yeah, line's in the near the atrium.

Start him on antibiotics
and move him upstairs, okay?.

-All right. Now show me the look.
-Okay. It was like this:

""We're fine, Andrew. ""

She's probably having a bad day.

[lN NORMAL VOlCE] Daria, did you see
the stink eye?. Look again.

""We're fine, Andrew. ""

Dude, you're cool. I promise.

The stink eye, Daria--

-Hello, Dr. Rasgotra.
-Hi, there.


Okay, I take it back. You're dead.

Whoa, Little Miss Sunshine's mad.

I'm sick of interns.

-This about that old lady last week?.
-lt is.

-lt was a mistake.
-A mistake that cost someone their life.

You need vacation.
What you doing for holidays?.

I was thinking to visit Ray
but he's going away with his girlfriend.

His girlfriend?.

Morris, that storage locker
in lndiana called.

They said if you don't pay up
they'll sell your dad's stuff.

Dead, my dad's driving me crazy.
Ray has a girlfriend?.

-He just met her at the gym.
-Are you okay?.

I'm happy for him. This is wonderful.

MALCOLM: Are you Neela Rasgotra?.
-Yeah, how can I help you?.

You've been served.

Is that a subpoena?.

Yeah, it's a medical malpractice suit.

TRACY: Going for a CAT scan
of her abdomen and pelvis.

Could give her cancer.

We have to have it
to see if she needs surgery.

-You coming up, Dr. Brenner?.
-Yeah. Did you bring O-neg?.

-Right here.
-How long does this take?.

Not very long.

Can you check his oxygen levels
while we go upstairs?.

-I wanna stay.
-Should listen to your lungs.

-You can't be with her.
-I'll let you know her results.

I'm okay. Really.

You're short of breath,
let me check you out.



Bye, sweetie.

Why don't you come with us?.

This way.

It's not true
what he's saying about me.

-None of my business.
-I mean, I teach music.

How am I supposed to show a kid
how to play clarinet...

...without touching their arm,
their back?.

What school are you at?.

-Oak Hill Elementary.
-Lily, can you give me a hand?.

No problem.

One of my students came forward
about a year ago.

I thought it would all be settled
by a quick conversation...

...with her and her parents...

...but then next thing I know...

...I'm suspended without pay,
facing a lawsuit.

Her word against yours?.

Then the whole neighborhood...

...went on a witch-hunt.

Everyone we knew.

They just turned against us.

Can you open your mouth
for me please?.

-Say ""Ah. ""

She said I did stuff.

Made her do stuff.

I have a daughter.

I would never hurt a kid.

I thought it would be all over
when they found me not guilty...

...but they just kept harassing us.

Now they tried
to burn down our house.

I'm sure the cops
will find out who did this.

The cops don't care.

To them, I'm guilty.

I've got eight clinic patients
waiting, so this better be....

-ls that your hand?.
-Can you forget that.

I was hoping you could do
a quick skin biopsy.

-Do something.
-Send him... Derm clinic?.
-Don't have an opening until February.

How long have you had this?.

Don't know, for a while?.
I'm getting married in a month.

My body can't look like this.

NEELA: Have a minute?.
-Asymmetric, irregular burns.

He can't wait three months
for a biopsy.

Yeah. Give me a sec.

-Get one of these?.
-No, what is it?.

Bertha's family is suing.

You're kidding.
They said they wouldn't do that.

-You talked to them?.
-I had to tell them the truth.

You told them?.

-My brother's very ethical--
-I can handle it.

-I'm just saying that--
-Daria, I can handle it.

It was my mistake,
I needed to own up to it.

This is not just about you.

What about the department?.

You're an intern. You'll be protected.
It's the rest of us who are gonna fry.

Hey, Dr. Rasgotra?.
Dr. Rasgotra, please.

Dr. Rasgotra.

-How'd my diverticulitis guy do?.
-Sepsis resolved.

-Was there peritonitis?.
-Just a walled-off abscess.

Mr. Lotery's wheezing cleared.
No carbon monoxide on his ABG.

That's too bad.

Okay, thanks.
You're wife's still in Radiology.

-lt was a rush CT.
-They're backed up.

Still in the hallway.
Go sit back down...

-...I get an update, I'll let you know.
-Thank you.

I had a rough night. My friend, Mary
Ann, read my blog and went ballistic.

-What did you write?.
-I said how a certain tall boy... gym class
who she thought liked her...

...really doesn't like her,
in fact likes Jean.

I see.

And then when I woke up
my head was k*lling me.

Then you took
the acetaminophen?.

When I went into the bathroom
I saw the bottle open.

How many did you take?.


You did the right thing bringing her in.
We'll be able to give you antidote.

-Thank you.
-It's not gonna hurt, is it?.

SAM: You'll be fine.
GATES: Deep breath.

Gl consult, LFTs and four-hour
Tylenol level?.

Start mucomyst. We can't be sure
until we get the labs back.

How long?.
I just need to go call my job...

-...tell them.
-Phone's at the desk...

-...or you can use your cell outside.
-I'll be right back.

So tell me more about this blog.

Why would Andrew do that?.

All the research says when you're

...about your mistakes,
they are less likely to sue.

Look, I'll speak to Anspaugh.
I bet it'll get tossed out.

Better or else I'll be doing
a ho stroll down the street.

-A what?.
-Forget it.

BRENNER: Doctors.
-Oh, hey.

I've been here a month
and I have an enemy.

I don't get enemies.

-Jeff Davis, you stepped on his frog.
-lt jumped under my shoe, remember?.

Hey, what's up, guys?.

-We're having a pity party.

More Attending problems?.

Andrew told the family he made
a mistake and now they' re suing.

-Do you think what you did was right?.
ANDREW: I'd do it again.

Then man up, go in there
and kick ass.

-The more you rock it...

-...the less likely they are to remember.
-She's got a point.

Right I do. Because if you keep acting
all soft and wimpy...

...we're gonna throw you out
of the crew.

We have a crew?.

I can't find your mom...

...and we need to draw
your blood level now.

Sure, just get it over with.

-Relax, I haven't done anything yet.

I hate needles.

Can't you wait until the mom
comes back?.

Blood has to be drawn four hours
after ingestion.

She took the pills at 9
so now is the time.

-I'll go find your mom.
-No, please, just stay here. I can do it.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. You're okay.

-What school do you go to?.
-Claflin Elementary, over on Lincoln.

Thank you.

I'm friends with your principal.

He's really nice.

He's a great guy.
We used to be in a band together.

Would you do me a favor?.

Tell him the next time you see him
that Henry Lotery says hello?.

Sir, what are you doing?. Step back.

Are you crazy?.

-It's not what you think.
-No, you need to move.

You piece of crap.

You twisted bastard. I'll k*ll you.

He was helping me.


Okay, okay, that's enough.
That's enough.

All right. All right. I'm good.

I didn't do anything.

I need some help here.

I didn't do it.

I didn't do it.

Scalp bleeder. I need a Raney clip.

-No one wants to believe me.
-Epistaxis. Some pressure on your nose.

What's the point of their system?.

-Tachy at 1 20.
-You need help in here?.

MORRlS: We're fine.
-I'll give you a hand with the access.

-Hey! I don't want him working on me.

Cops are done with the brother-in-law,
they may need to talk to you too.

Dr. Brenner. Dr. Brenner,
I've got a complex lip laceration.

Align the vermilion border with 6-oh.

-I haven't done it.
-You should.

Simon, I could use your help.

Just get Dr. Gates to help you.

Looks like a flail chest with diminished
breath sounds.

-This the chopper run?.
-Tasha Overbrook, auto vs. pedestrian.

-Pulse, weak and thready.
-She needs bilateral chest tubes ASAP.

I was on my way to my first date
with this guy I met on Facebook.

Open an intubation tray.

A car came out of nowhere and hit me.

Trauma panel, get two of O-neg.

-I die the day I'm to meet my husband...
-One, two, three.

You know when the last time
I got kissed was?.

Let's concentrate
on getting you better.

We need you in here.
Possible orbital blowout.

It's gonna have to wait.
Check an intraocular pressure.

MORRlS: Could be worse.
Maybe a surgical eye.

I was there. He was awake.

This lady's more critical.
Did you try Dubenko or Crenshaw?.

-They're both in the O.R. Your intern?.
GRADY: One percent with lido, 32 French.

MORRlS: Neela, I need a hand.

1 O blade.

MORRlS: Neela.
-Call Andrew. Tell him I need him now.

Mitch Kellems twisted his ankle getting
into a fight outside of a supermarket.

-I'm Dr. Gates.
-I was passing out my coupons...

...and some vegans
started talking smack.

-Can you wiggle your toes?.
-I can...

...but my giblets kind of hurt.

Neurovascular intact.

-Curtain 4's open.
-Give him 1 O of morphine...

...and a knee series with a sunrise

I saw that picture you had posted
in the station.

-Max Gonzalez?.
-I might've seen him...

...couple nights ago in front
of Benny's Liquor.

Passed out, when we got
there he didn't want to come in.

All he kept yapping about was how he
lost his bag or something.

Still don't have a BP on this girl.

Two units are up.

-What are you doing?.
-I'm hooking up my central line.

What, you don't want blood
from the infuser?.


-You all right?.
-Yeah, I'm fine.

You wanted me in here?.

Yeah, go in next door
and see if he needs the O.R.

-Yes, you.

Sure, no problem.

Get T-POD, it's a bad pelvic fracture.

Large hematoma behind the eye.

-I can't see a thing. Going blind.
-Your optic nerve is getting compressed.

The anterior packing's not helping.
He lost a couple units.

Vision loss from a retrobulbar

-...bleeding from posterior epistaxis.
-Blood's going down my throat.

Frazier-tip suction.

Okay, Gottschalk the nose
and do a lateral canthotomy.

-Uh. You sure you don't want to switch?.
-Come on, somebody do something.

Systolic's down to 6O.

You're going to have to do it.

GRADY: Heart rate's 42.
BRENNER: Amp of atropine.

NEELA: Okay, let's get her to Angio
before she arrests.

Ugh. Please don't make me drink
more of that stuff.

Well, hopefully you won't have to.

If your acetaminophen level is low
enough, you'll be able to go home.

Is that man okay?.

-They're working on him. Don't worry.
-When are those results gonna be back?.

Soon. I'm gonna go call the lab.

-Where are you going?.
-T o find his mind. Clearly, he's lost it.

Zadro saw Max on Halstead.

-Are you kidding?.
-No, you want to come?.

Tony, I'm working and so are you.

-lt'll take a half hour.
-What are you doing?.

You didn't chase diabetic
patient who left last week...

...or the AlDS patient who went
this morning.

-This is different.
-Why, because he's military?.

-You don't understand.
-No, because you won't let me in.

You toss and turn. Every morning
you're calling Veteran advocacy groups...

...homeless shelters.
Not like you served with him--

Sam, either you're going with me
or you're not.

T-POD's tightened as far as it goes.

Okay, ask the blood bank
to stay ahead 8 units.

-Passed the Gottschalk. Now?.
-I can't breathe.

Pulse ox 97.

Inflate the posterior balloon
at 8 cc's of water.

Ten-cc syringe.

-Chest tube bandage is loose.
-Oh, God.

GRADY: We're getting an air leak.
-Keep a hand on it.

-I'll go and get some elastoplast.

TRACY: It's going in.
-Then 20 cc's anterior. Slowly.

Okay, both balloons are up.

Oropharynx looks dry.
I think you got it.

I need to get this girl to Angio.

I could use some help
with the canthotomy.

-Lost the pulse.
GRADY: I'll bag.

-Starting compressions.
-Thoracotomy tray.

-Can we wait for Neela to assist?.
-No, you can do it.

-Come on, help me.
-We're looking at permanent blindness.

Lido's ready.

Sir, I need to numb up
the side of your eye.

TRACY: Yankauer.
-Two units, type specific.

Major hematemesis.
You think it's just swallowed blood?.

It's a good possibility.

-Maybe increased intraocular pressure.
-Or exsanguinating from Gl bleed.

One way to tell. Hemostat and iris
scissors. I'm gonna open the eye socket.

-Lotto just closed.

Have you seen this guy?.

No, can't say I have.

I heard he was asleep
out on your sidewalk...

...and you called the paramedics.
You know where he is?.

I don't follow them with GPS.

I just try to keep them away
from the front door.


How about this guy?.

Look familiar?.

That the same guy?.

I wish I could help you.

ANDREW: He's numb.
TRACY: And he's out with four of Versed.

Then crimp the skin
at the lateral corner.

You're prepped and ready.

-You feeling okay?.
-Yeah, I'm good.

-We can get someone to cover for you.
-I'm fine.

What's next?.

Okay. Iris scissors.
Two centimeter cut.

GRADY: 1 O blade's ready.
-Hold on, I've got a femoral pulse.

It feels pretty strong.

We got ahead of the bleeding.
Try for a BP.

Incision's done.
The eye pressure's still way up.

Cut the inferior crux
of the lateral canthus tendon.

-You're gonna have to dissect down a bit.

Neela, we could use your help in here.

I can't. Keep the blood
pouring in with platelets and Factor 7-A.

Let's get her to Angio
and bring a thoracotomy tray.

I may have to open her up.

-Retract the inferior lid downward.
MORRlS: Got it.

That's either a tendon or the arteriole.

You better be sure it's a tendon.

Well, should l?.

I'm cutting.

-Did he bag the artery?.
-Bleeding stops, we're out of the woods.

-Hematoma's drained. We did it, Neela!
NEELA: Congratulations.

Get him to CT, we're off to Angio.

-I've got the infuser.
-You stay here. We've got it.


You want a ride?.

I'm doing my show,
laying my normal knowledge.

This guy calls in and says,
""The economy's fine. ""

I say, ""The economy is not fine. ""

Then he breaks
into this long monologue...

...about how we're screwing up
and I said:

""Dude, have you been living
under a rock for the last eight years--?. ""

-God. My left arm's hurting again.
-Just take a deep breath.

I can't stay long.
I gotta tape some commercials.

I need to check some labs.

This whole political season's
been way too stressful.

Well, thank goodness it's over.

It's not over. I'm on five days a week.

You might need a break.

That is unless you wanna be
doing a radio show up there.

You have a recording studio upstairs?.

What?. You mean I could die?.

Well, we're all dying.
Stress just gets you there faster.

Let me get a nurse
to draw your blood.


You all right?.

They moved Henry's wife out of

-That's good.
-lnto the lCU.

-She needed another two units.

I gotta finish up with a patient
but we can talk in a minute.

-About what?.
-You're kidding me?.

It's not my fault.
The street sign says no parking.

What does she think, I made the sign?.
It's my job.

Gary Jones, punched in the face
during an altercation.

Swollen over the zygoma.

Once I start the ticket, I can't stop it.
It's in the system.

Why don't we take him
to Curtain 2, we'll do a facial series.

I'm pregnant and this jerk
won't let me get my vitamins.

She got into it with the parking guy.
Fell with a knee abrasion.

Let's move her to Exam 3.

Does he want me
to park around the corner?.

I don't make the rules!

What man writes parking tickets
anyway, you wuss?.

Get a real job!

-I'll catch up with you later.

If my kid grows up to be like him,
I'm dropping him off in Omaha.

I will disown him!

-What are you starting?.
-Abdominal aortic aneurysm.

-With an endovascular stent?.
-That's the plan.

Well, if you need an extra set of hands,
I'm free.

I'll be fine. I should be in and out
in an hour or so.

So rumor has it
that Andrew did a lateral canthotomy.

-He did.
-By himself?.

Well, actually I walked him through it.

Oh, you taught him?.
I thought Mighty Mouse worked alone.

I was with an unstable patient.
No way I could do it.

-I assisted him through the other room.
-So he was receptive to your knowledge?.

He was a little nervous...

...but he was able to incise the canthus
tendon and relieve the pressure.

-I'm surprised the patient isn't blind.

Well, yeah. An inexperienced surgeon
can rupture the globe.

Okay. You've made your point.

I'm sorry, I probably
didn't react very well earlier.

Good, because I was beginning to
wonder why I'd wasted my time...

-...teaching you.
-I was never like that.

Right. I seem to remember
a blown triple-A you almost sent home.

Then the phrenic nerve
I stopped you from cutting.


And when you cross-clamped
the esophagus.

-What, are you keeping score?. I get it.
-Who do you think you are?.

Dr. Dubenko, uh, we're ready.

They call this a teaching hospital...

...because this is where
doctors give back.

If you're only interested in becoming
a rock star, Dr. Rasgotra...

...I suggest you look elsewhere.
We don't need you here.

-We're driving around in circles.
-Make a right up here.

T ony, it's getting absurd.

-lf you didn't wanna help, why come?.
-Because I'm worried about you.

Don't worry about me. Just drive me.

I'm sorry, Sam.

I'm sorry.

I told you about Keith, right?.

Sarah's dad?.

Yeah. We got back from the Gulf,
we were so messed up.

Nobody cared about us.
Nobody gave a damn.

We had no plans, we had no goals.
So we just-- We cut loose.

We got high all the time,
drank like crazy.

Yeah, you were young, it happens.

No. Keith started having
these nightmares, you know?.

Alcohol wouldn't make them go away.
He'd get aggressive and angry.

And then one night, he just snapped.

He punched Meg so hard in the face,
she flew across the room.

Was Sarah there?.

Yeah. She saw everything.

Instead of asking him what's wrong...

...or finding out if I could help him,
I said ""Get the hell out...'re not my problem anymore. ""

And although I was trying
to protect Meg and Sarah--

You know, I turned my back
on my best friend.

And then two days later he OD'd.

So I'd really like
to try to find this guy.


Well, we got good news.
No brain bleed.

And the eye surgery
took all the pressure off the optic nerve.

-My vision's better.
-Good. That's what I like to hear.

How's my wife?.

Repaired injuries
to the liver and spleen.

-She's doing well in recovery.
-Good, that's good.

That doctor had no right to touch me.

I was helping that girl.

I'll speak to him.

Are you gonna speak to the jerks
who hurt my wife too?.

You know, you guys got lucky today.

It could have been far worse.

And it might be next time.

I'd leave here in a minute...

...move someplace else...

...but my wife grew up in that house.

Her parents are in a nursing home
3 miles away.

-I understand--
-She has a card shop around the corner.

She's not gonna go.

Umbrella girl tolerated fluids,
going home with follow-up.

Great. I didn't think she'd make it.

What happened to you in there?.

-I'm just having a bad day.
-I'm the one getting served.

-You want to talk about it?.
-No, it's okay.

Oh, and Crohn's CT
is negative for abscess.

Yeah, well, pulse with steroids
and have Gl see him next week.

I'll talk to you later.

Is he acting strange?.

Kind of. I don't know
what's up with him.

-You kicked ass in there.
-I rocked it.

-Yeah, Neela can't say jack now.
-Excuse me, Dr. Martin?.

Oh, Dr. Rasgotra.

We were about to go get drinks
to celebrate the team's victory.

And we were hoping you'd join us.

-I'll pass. Andrew, you have a second?.
ANDREW: Y eah.

-Thank you for trusting me.
NEELA: Doctor.

-For guiding me and teaching me.
-That's what I'm supposed to do.

And about last week,
I thought I was doing the right thing.

I didn't realize what's right for me
isn't for the team.

Look, I admire your empathy
for Bertha's family.

Your emotional impulse was correct.

Next time talk to me or Dubenko
before you approach the family.

-That's why we're here.
-Got it.

Now go have yourself a drink.

-You did kind of rock it today.
-Thank you.

Hey, I was looking for you.
What was up with you today?.

You know, that guy could throw
a lawsuit at us.

You Americans sure love to sue.

You think this is funny?.
He was proven innocent.

So what does that mean?.

He has the right to get treatment
without getting roughed-up by doctors.

What if he goes to Anspaugh?.
Or the board?. What then?.

You don't know
what you' re dealing with.

-What are you talking about?.
-That guy's guilty.

-Hey, we don't know that.
-I know what he is.

What?. What do you--?.
What do you know--?.

Did something happen to you?.

I was 1 0 the first time.

My mother was wild, you know?.
The type everyone wants to be around.

And she'd throw these parties...

...that started on the Friday
and they'd last till the Sunday.

There was this one guy.



He has a grey mustache.

He'd always buy my mom
this cheap wine...

...and he'd give me those little candies
that were stuck on the paper.

And when the parties were going on,
he'd sometimes hang out in my room.

Did you tell anybody about this?.

My dad was long gone and my--
My mom--

She was unconscious half the time,

They appear to be nice, Archie.

That's what they do.

Hi. I just wanted to make sure
you were all right.

That's very sweet of you.
How are you?.

-Good, how are you?.
-I've been better.

They buddy up to you.

-I hear you have a blog.

-What's it called?.
-""Meredith's ""

I'm gonna e-mail you
soon as I get home.


They act interested
in everything you've got to say.

HENRY: Do you like movies?.
-I like animation movies.

-I love all the Shreks.
-I love the Shreks too.

BRENNER: And then you let
your guard down just for one second--

And that's when
they make their move.

Come here. Let me give you a hug.

But it feels-- It feels normal--

It feels normal at first.

Like your secret and his.

We'll be special friends.

-Let's not tell anyone, okay?.

You better get back to your mom,
she's gonna be worried.

-Okay. Bye.

But then it fes-- It festers in you
because you know it's wrong.

Like it's your fault.
Like you've actually brought this on.

You feel-- You feel guilty.

I mean, I could've screamed.
I could've screamed.

My mom was in the next room.


Simon, you-- You need
to talk to somebody about this.

It does-- It doesn't just go away.

I need to go back to work.

It's still affecting you.
You have to deal with it.

I am dealing with it. In my own way.