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02x01 - Brothers and Sisters

Posted: 08/31/21 11:01
by bunniefuu







Is someone there?



You there. Identify yourself.

I said identify yourself now.

I'm nobody.

Give me your knots.

You don't need my knots.

And why is that?
























- I thought I k*lled him.

Your sword went straight through.

He would have died from
his wounds, but much later.

- Come here, boy. Come here.

You can't see a k*ll.

You must feel it. Put
your hands on mine.

Now close your eyes.
[SNIFFS] Close them.


- You push in and up. Up.

- [CHUCKLES] Do you feel that?


You know, the ripping and
the... the tearing. [CHUCKLES]

You cut up like that,
I promise you he'll stay dead.








Straighten your leg.




Are we gonna have another problem?



[MAN] Lieutenant Wren. I just came by
to check up on the prisoner.

- Anything to report?
- [WREN] She's fine.

General, you said it would be a few
days. It's been almost a month.

[GENERAL] It won't be much longer.

[WREN] I don't understand
why you have to keep her here.

[GENERAL] You know I can't make her
an official prisoner.

[WREN] If the Triangle
hears you've smuggled

a sighted prisoner into the city,

- we'll both be as good as dead.
- You'll be fine.

You're following orders, so follow them.

Let me worry about the council.

You're the only one
I can trust with this, Wren.

You trust me enough to do your bidding,

but not to tell me who she is
and why she's here.

I would also like to know
who you are and why I'm here.


I am... Commander General Edo Voss.


And you will speak... when spoken to.


As you were, Lieutenant.


You managed not to
ruin this one's armor.

Feels like you could squeeze into it.

I just need the chest plate.


Here, hold my sword.

Do you think it'll fit?

[GROANS, GRUNTS] It doesn't have to fit.

It just has to carry his smell.

Son, give me a sword.

Okay. [PANTS]

You and Paris camp heartbeats
into the trees.

- Against the mountain wall...
- What are you talking about?

I'm coming with you.

No. No, no, no, you are not.

It's gonna be hard enough
getting one of you out.

Then how are you gonna find her?
You'll need my eyes.

Your eyes?

Dad, what are you doing?

- Baba!

- Hit me back.
- What?


I said hit me.


They will hear every move
you make just as I do.

A lifetime of sight has
left you loud and clumsy.

- That's enough.


- Kofun. Kofun. [BREATHES HEAVILY]

- My son. [SHUSHES] Listen to me.

[BREATHES HEAVILY] Your mother and I...

we raised you to be beautiful,
not a warrior.

I don't want you to have to fight
the way that I had to.


I never imagined a life for you
away from the Alkenny.

And I failed to prepare you.


I will likely not return. [SNIFFS]

You need to learn how to fight with
your eyes closed like a blind man,

as I would've taught you.

Remember, your eyes betray you.

- Dad...

Someone has to survive. Okay?

- Paris.

- Come here.

Listen to me. You wait seven days.

If I do not return, then I am dead,
and so is Haniwa.

You get away from here
as far as possible.

Paris, say it.

Seven days, we go.

- If I do not return, you'll be all he has.




I swore I'd never return here.

Come back with Haniwa
and swear it again.

I'm sorry, boy.

I love you, my son.






Are you well?

Of course I'm well.

You were out there for some time.

Ah. Too many days on the trail
eating poorly-cooked game.

I don't have your Alkenny stomach.

How far to Pennsa?

Just a short distance beyond
the lake, Your Highness.

Well, then...


- [SOLDIER] Tak!

[SOLDIER] Twenty-sixth
border battalion, sir.

When they didn't check in,
we came looking.

They most likely came across
a band of smugglers.

No. This wasn't smugglers.


Take them in.

- Full honors.
- Yes, sir.

Welcome home, Baba.






- Knots.

Captain Koji?

Twenty-six battalion?

Twenty-six isn't due
back until tomorrow.

I was ordered in early
for a casualty report.

That's unusual, isn't it?

Not when there are casualties.






You can head to the Eastern Gate.


You need to eat.

What do you care if I eat?

I don't.

I'm just trying to make you comfortable.

I have been chained
to this bed for weeks.

Believe me, Edo could
do much worse to you.

Then why hasn't he?


- Why is he doing this to me?

I already told you I don't know.

I don't even know why you're here.


The general said his name is Edo Voss.


My father is Baba Voss.

Edo's brother?

You've heard of him?

Only the stories. I...
I was still a kid when he fled.

But Edo's been searching for him
for over winters

to avenge his father's death.

- You're saying Baba k*lled his own father?
- Yes.

I don't believe that.

Well, what you believe
doesn't actually matter.

[HANIWA] Edo is using
me to lure Baba here.

Most men choose to avoid
my father at any cost.

[WREN] Well, the general
is not like most men.

And he's been waiting a very long time

to get his hands on Baba Voss.


You don't know my father.

When he comes for me,
you won't know it until we're gone.

Your father might be able to
make it into the city...

[GUARD] Next.

... but he'll never get out alive.

[GUARD] Identification knots.

[WREN] This is Edo's city.

[GUARD] Let's go. Hurry it up.
Identification knots.

[WREN] And he'll be waiting for him.

So Edo is the general,
and you work for Edo.

What does that make you?

That makes me someone who feels like

she's answered enough of your questions.

Okay. Just one more.


Does he know you can see?






[MAN] Come get a taste.

Sexual satisfaction for all tastes.

Whatever you feel you want to...

- Pleasure guaranteed.
- [MAN ] Look at these beauties here!

♪ Goodbye Ruby Tuesday ♪

- ♪ Who could hang a name on you? ♪
- [WOMAN ] Thank you.

♪ When you change with every new day ♪

♪ Still I'm gonna miss you ♪


[MAN] Come on, you lazy bastards!

Mind the fires. I don't
want that slag settling.

- Smithy. This one's no good.

Must have cracked while it was cooling.

'Cause it was moved while cooling.

Melt it down. Take more
care, for f*ck sake.


Military steel. Black's hilt. Authentic.

You've got the chest plate
to match. That's a rare haul.

What is it worth to you?

It's against the law to buy
or sell military weapons.

- Guess I'll have to take it back.
- Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Uh, ten coppers.

The hilt alone is worth that. Twenty.

[LAUGHS] For coppers,

you'd have to bring the soldier
that you f*cking stole it from.

You should have told me that
before I k*lled him.

I know that voice. But it can't be.

It belongs to a man that's dead.

And if he isn't dead,

then I could get coppers
for turning him in.

Yes... but first, you'd
have to make it out alive.

And I know you can't outrun me.

[CHUCKLING] f*ck you.

Baba Voss.

You gotta be crazy coming back here.

I'm happy to hear your voice.

But I suspect I'll be
regretting it soon enough.

- Yes, you will.

Come, it's a little cooler in the back.

How did you know?

I've spent my whole life hiding it.

Just like you. I know
what it looks like.

Clearly, Jerlamarel is not your father.


My parents are here in Trivantes.

And your mother or father?

They're normal.

So are my brothers.

Jerlamarel was born to blind parents,

but I've never heard
of anyone else like that.

Are there others like you here?

None... that I know of.

Well, that must be very lonely.

And being a soldier,

aren't you worried they'll figure it out
and burn you as a witch?

Trivantes isn't like Paya.
No one here believes in witches.

But they would still execute me.

If they don't believe
in witches, then why?

Our government isn't superstitious,
but they're practical.

There are laws in the strands
going back centuries.

Vision destroyed the world once.

And they will not allow it
to happen again.

So if I told the general your secret,

it wouldn't go well for you, would it?

It would be the word
of a desperate prisoner

against a loyal lieutenant.

Who do you think he would believe?

- And be glad that's the case...

... because otherwise,
I'd have already k*lled you

and told the general
you died trying to escape.

You wouldn't k*ll me.

You don't know me.

I already know you better
than anyone ever has.

Highness Queen Kane.



Even in all this noise,
I can still hear you pouting.

You gave me your word we would
keep searching for my family.

And we shall.

We've been searching for over days.

We can't wander
the countryside indefinitely.

We have a kingdom to reclaim.

Once we have, we'll own fresh soldiers

and a base from which
to continue the search.

Fruitless though it may be.


We should leave.

Calm yourself, Boots.

You grew up alone and in filth,

and now you're a consort
to the Payan Queen.

- Do you not grasp the miracle in that?
- I am a witch here.

You serve a sacred and specific purpose.

She will keep you safe.
Now stop whining.


Beautiful room.


My queen.

[ALL] My queen.

We're all so relieved you survived.

When we heard of the destruction
of Kanzua, we feared the worst.

Lord Harlan, thank you
for this wonderful reception.

Your presence is an honor
in any circumstance,

let alone a triumphant
return from the dead.

[MAGHRA] Hello, Lord Harlan.

Hello. Who's this?



Did you not recognize my voice?

It can't be.

It is me, Harlan.



- Both sisters return to us!

Truly a miraculous day!


It's been so long. I'm surprised
you even remember me.

- 'Course I remember you.
- Good.

'Cause as I recall, you're
a big admirer of mine.

My queen.

The knots we received
in advance of your party

indicated your intention

to consecrate Pennsa
as the new Payan capital.

I assume you have no objection?

On the contrary, I am humbled.

I've known you too long to believe that.

We all mourned the loss
of Kanzua, my queen.

Truly an inconceivable tragedy.


One we'll have plenty of time to discuss
in a more private setting.

Of course.

I can only imagine
how terrible your journey's been.

The genocide of your people.

You cast out into the badlands
beyond the lower walls.

So I've taken the liberty
of securing you a beautiful residence.

It's well-fortified, perfectly located.

- You'll be comfortable...
- Which is the highest house in Pennsa?

Well, that would be
this house. My house.

Would it?


Which I would be honored
to repurpose as your palace.

I'll have you brought upstairs at once.

I will not forget your
kindness, Lord Harlan.

[LORD HARLAN] Princess Maghra.

Well... [SIGHS] ... this is something
of a clusterfuck, isn't it?

So, you're just gonna let her
ride in like this and take your city?

She's the queen.

You have more soldiers
than she has Witchfinders.

Yes, but hers are more adept
at k*lling than mine.

Besides, handled properly,

there are advantages
to having the queen this close.

Yesterday, the queen was dead.
That was close enough for me.

Kerrigan, you're my brother,
and I love you,

but you have no imagination.

[MAN] So all this time,

you've been hiding in
the Payan mountains.

- Hard to imagine you as a Payan.
- [BABA VOSS] I'm not.

I lived among the hidden tribes.

So you're not a Trivantian.

You're not a Payan.

Well, at least you're not
a f*cking Ganite, right?



Right to the f*cking point.
Same old Baba.

Okay, what is it?

- Edo.
- Shit.

He took my daughter.

I need to find out
where he's hiding her.

You've been away a long time, Baba.

Edo's come up in the world.

- I know he's the general.
- He's the commander general.

- He's commander general?
- That's right.

You'll never get anywhere near him.

Not that you'd want to.
He'll skin you alive for what you did.

She's my little girl.

Do you understand that?

Look, I've been out for a long time,

but if he took her to draw you in,

she won't be in a regular prison.

My guess is that he'll have her
at base three.

Tell me about base three.

It's a sealed compound.
Secret army doings.

Edo has his own commando regiment there.

And how do I get in there?

No one gets in, not even the government.


- f*cking Baba.

[MAGHRA] You think it was wise
to take Lord Harlan's house?

I am the queen. The queen
should live in the highest house.

Even a queen needs her allies.

Our situation here is tenuous at best.

Until the destruction of Kanzua
has been satisfactorily explained,

we are vulnerable.

- You worry too much.
- You don't worry enough.

Your people have already
turned on you once.

Lord Harlan controls the army,
and we will need his protection,

- especially when we announce the new law...
- Enough.

Harlan was a lowly courtier

who managed to become
the Lord of Pennsa.

I don't know how he did it.
Most likely not by being an idiot.

Show a man like Harlan any
weakness, and he will own you.

Remember that.

You need to take greater care
in your dealings with Lord Harlan.

We need him and the
leadership on our side.

I am their queen.

What other side can they be on?

I'm just saying a beloved monarch

can achieve much more
than a despised one.

You're talking about your children.

I made you a promise, Maghra.
You think I won't keep it?

- I'm suggesting you curry favor...
- A queen doesn't curry favor.

... with the leadership while
Kanzua remains unexplained.

I don't have to explain
anything to anyone.

Your Majesty, Lord Harlan
and Captain Gosset.

I'll receive them.

- Leave us.

What will you say about Kanzua?

I'll decide what needs to be said
and that's what I'll say.

Whatever lie you tell
becomes my lie as well.

If the queen says it, it's not a lie.

Lord Harlan. Who have you brought?

My queen. Princess.

Allow me to present Captain Gosset,
Pennsa's chief military officer.

It is an honor, my queen.

The attack at Kanzua was an
unprecedented abomination.


We've been on full military
alert since we heard.

I expect a full readiness report
on your fortifications here tomorrow.

[GOSSET] And you shall have it.

As the only witness, if you
could tell us who our enemy is,

- it would surely help us prepare.
- I can.

And I will, in due time.

Call up your council.

I'll meet with them
at the earliest opportunity.

Yes, Your Majesty.

I have a separate issue that
is of the utmost importance.

- Maghra.
- [GOSSET] Princess?

You hunted them for years.
You can search a little longer.

Fair enough.

My family and I were separated.

I will need every soldier you can spare

to continue the search for them.

We shall leave no stone unturned.

Thank you.

I will accompany you to give
the soldiers the mandate.

Ah! The things we do for family.


I trust...

you and your sister find the
accommodation to your liking?


And now, I take it we're going
to have a real conversation.

It stands to reason, following
the attack on Kanzua,

we would want to shore up our defenses.

And yet you've just agreed to send
valuable soldiers out of the city.

Unless perhaps you have reason
not to fear a second attack.

We are well fortified here.

Pennsa has the largest regiment
in Paya, does it not?

- It's one of the reasons I chose it.
- Oh.

I thought it's 'cause you knew
you had a friend in me.

Am I in need of your friendship?

Well, there are whispers, my queen.


Yeah, it's no secret that
the nobility of Kanzua

were mobilizing against you.

Be very careful, Harlan.

I always am, my queen.

My devotion to you is unassailable,

but Pennsa's a big city.

Lot of factions,
lot of people of influence.

They have their suspicions.

I can only assume

you're working your way towards
something resembling a point.

It's the same one I made before.

You've got a friend in me.

I can be a very good one.

I'll keep that in mind. Now if
there's nothing else, leave me.

I'm still learning my way
around my new palace.

- My queen.


Yes, Queen?

You can see. Do I look well?

You look beautiful.


Do I look like I want you around?

Leave me!



Kerrigan. [CHUCKLES]


And how was the queen?

Every bit as cunning and
dangerous as I remember.

Hmm. Sounds like my kind of woman.

And the sister?

figured her out yet,

but there's an intriguing disharmony
between the two.

Something's off.

- What is it?
- I don't know.

Could be worth discovering.

Either way, I'll no doubt require
the leverage we discussed.

You know where he is?

He is being delivered as we speak.


In the meantime,

it seems the High Lord of Pennsa

has been expelled from his own bedroom.


Not coincidentally,
so has his younger brother.

I had a feeling you'd say that.

God Flame. Protect our Haniwa.

Baba Voss, her father.

Deliver them whole to us.

Deliver them in peace to us.




You're not out here all alone, are you?

I could ask the same thing of you.

But you are not alone, are you?

- No, I'm not...


Witchfinders. We have to go now.


- Don't move.

- Haniwa.
- It's time for me to go.

- You'll never make it out of the city.
- Then it'll be a short trip.

Now, we're gonna walk over
to that leg shackle...


- f*ck.






- I don't wanna hurt you.
- Then let me go.

- I don't want to do that either.





[GRUNTS] f*ck!



That's enough.


[PARIS] What are Witchfinders doing
this far from the capital?

We're searching for
two Alkenny siblings,

- Haniwa and Kofun.
- We are not them.

Well, our dogs smell otherwise. [GRUNTS]

- This is Kofun.
- No, I'm not.

- Leave him be.
- Ah.

The years in your voice
tell me that you are not Haniwa.

- So, where is she?
- She is not with us.

Well, one's better than none.

- By order of Princess Maghra...
- Maghra?

... you are to return with us
to Pennsa immediately.

What are you talking about?
She's not... Princess? She's dead.

I assure you she is both alive
and the sister of Queen Kane.

- You're lying.


He speaks truth.

- What?
- [PARIS] She's alive.

Maghra is alive.

- What?
- [MAN] We need to move. Now.

You're sure?

I felt her life force on him
very strongly.

Thank you for confirming
that which was never in doubt.

- Now let's go.
- Wait, no!

Wait, wait, we can't... we can't leave.
We're waiting for someone.

Is it Haniwa?

Yes, and my father.
They'll be here soon.

- We go now.
- No, we can't leave without them.

We can't stay. It's too dangerous.

Now, you can come willingly,

or you can come bound
to the back of my horse.

Make your choice.

- Paris...
- Maghra is alive.

Kofun, go to your mother.

I will wait here for Baba and Haniwa.

I'm not leaving you here alone.

[INHALES SHARPLY] I will not be alone.

Go to her.

Go now.


Lord Harlan. You may come in.

You knew me from my knock.

Or from your gait coming up the stairs.

Yes, I forgot. You're an Ayura.

And please, within these walls,
no boring formalities.

Call me Harlan.

Well, I assume you want
to call me Maghra.

It's what I called you
when we were children.

- Well, we're not children anymore.
- 'Course we are.

Just sadder, angrier ones as we age.


I come bearing a gift
for the child within.

A sound wand.

I haven't had one of these in years.


I recall you always enjoyed
playing with those.

- Yeah.

They were the only thing that
would quiet the noise in my head.


Thank you, Harlan.

It was the least I could do, Maghra.

After my sister took
your home, you mean?

Everything I do is in service
of the queen.

As I recall it,

everything you ever did was
always in service of yourself.

Well, it seems we both
have long memories.


Tell me...

were you in Kanzua when it was att*cked?

- No.
- No?

So... no witnesses then?

First you drop our titles, and
now you're flirting with treason?

Oh, you'd know about that.

You're the one who rose up
against your sister

and tried to take the
throne for yourself.

But then no one heard
from me for years,

so there may be a lesson in that.


Where were you, by the way?

You know, that is a very long story
for this very short visit.

Fair enough.

We'll find time for it
one of these days.

If you don't mind me saying,

you would have made an excellent queen.

[QUEEN KANE] Dear and
holy citizens of Pennsa,

may God Flame warm your hearts.

I stand humbly before you today
as a soul reborn through hardship.

Through sorrow. Through death.

Grateful, now more than ever,
for your faith,

your love...


- ... and the purpose you have bestowed me.
- I'm here.

What's going on?

- [QUEEN KANE] We...
- Consecration's scheduled in three days.

- We agreed.
- ... are...

- I've been making arrangements.
- ... chosen.

She woke up this morning
and decided something else.

She does that.

Our beloved capital city of Kanzua,
where my father ruled,

and his father, and his
grandfather before him,

is no more.


I bore witness to the cries of
my people as they drowned.

Children crying out for their mothers.
Men for their wives.

I was prepared to die with them,

but God had another plan for me.

I felt her flame burning inside of me,

warming me as she carried me
away from certain death

to reunite me with my sister.


Princess Maghra,
lost to us for all these years.

And it is the same god...

The only true god...

who brought us here today

to consecrate the city of Pennsa

as the new capital of the Payan kingdom.


My dear Payans,

know now that what you have
probably feared is true.

It was the Trivantian army
who m*rder*d our people...


... and destroyed Kanzua.


[QUEEN KANE] And now
I will tell you why.

Their spies informed them...

that I carry within me a child.

A child who will change everything.

As he or she will be born
with God's gift of vision.


I know it is hard to accept
something so contrary

to the doctrines of our forefathers.

But I have heard the voice of God...

and God joined her spirit to mine
and brought me back to life

so that I might unite all Payans

to defeat our enemy in the west,

once and for all.

Our victory has been foretold,
and it will be swift.

As we are chosen to safeguard
these blessed children as they come,

and they will come,
to usher in a new world.

A world in which those with
sight and those without

live together in harmony under my rule.

For we are Payan!

♪ We are Payan ♪


Have you ever been down
to the coal hub before?


They don't like visitors.

Stay close to the walls.
Keep away from the pits.

- Snell will be waiting for you.
- Snell.

Here, give him this.
He'll show you the right tunnel.

Now you move through as fast as you can.

If you breathe in that heat,
you'll burn to death from the inside.

Thanks, Yakis.

- You're probably going to die.
- Nah.






Hello, friend. You have
something for me?


Let's go.

[SNELL] This tunnel will put you
right under base three, all right?

But a man won't last more than
heartbeats in that heat.

So move fast, or you'll be cooked alive.

Good luck.





- What have you done?
- What we discussed.

We never discussed a baby. With Boots?

Don't judge. He was brought
to me for a reason.

You can't even know
your baby will be sighted.

Not until it's born.

You can't know. I can.

Honestly, Maghra,
I thought you'd be happy.

If not for me, for you.

Your children are no longer witches.

Well, that won't matter

when we're all slaughtered
by the Trivantians.

[CHUCKLES] You're being hysterical.

You agreed we would rule together.

I said I would rule with you by my side,

- and here you are.
- Oh, it doesn't matter where I stand

if you just continue to act
without consulting me.

And if I would have sought your counsel,
what would you have said?

I'd have said that waging w*r
with Trivantes is madness.

And that announcing
a sighted baby upon arrival

makes you and me
vulnerable to a revolution.

I'd have said that with one speech,

you've found two different
ways to get us k*lled.

And I would have given the
same speech all the same.

- Sibeth.
- Maghra.

There can only ever be
one queen, and she is me.

This is where a wise woman
would listen and learn,

instead of assuming
she knows how to run a kingdom

so that someday she might actually
have some counsel worth offering.

I am taking care of you... sister.

As I always did.








- [SNELL] Hello, friend.

Sorry, it looks like I sent
you up the wrong tunnel.

Smithy, are you sure this is Baba Voss?

I heard him and Yakis talking.

Well then,

we're just gonna wait right here
for the general's men

and collect our reward.


Something funny?

[SIGHS] Dead men thinking
they're getting paid.

- What the hell are you talking about?











You could get out now
before the soldiers get here.

- It's too late. [GRUNTS]


[SOLDIER] No one move.

- Baba Voss, you are to surrender at on...






[SOLDIER] Fan out!

Surround him!








[BOY] He's here!

One left turn!

[SOLDIER] To the left. Move out.


He's moving towards the square!


- Quiet, boy.
- Okay.

- [SOLDIER] Cover the streets and alleys!

He's in the alley going
towards the river.






♪ Stand upon ye Mother
directed by the God Flame ♪

- [TAPS]

♪ Protecting all ye children ♪


♪ And all together
ye sisters and ye daughters ♪

♪ Stand upon ye Mother ♪

♪ Directed by the God... ♪

I can hear you.

And I can smell you.
So you might as well come out.

Now who wants tea?




Greetings, brother.


- The mighty Baba Voss.

Slaughterer of Ganites by the dozens.
m*rder*r of his own father.

Chained like a common sl*ve.

All because he could not
bring himself to k*ll a boy.

- It's almost disappointing.

Please, brother.

My daughter...

Your daughter?

Your daughter? You mean... You mean
Jerlamarel's daughter, don't you?

Please. Just... Just let her go.

- "Please"?
- She has nothing to do...

- "Please". I just...
- ... with the both of us.

So strange hearing compassion
in your voice.

I remember a time when I prayed
for just a hint of compassion from you.

I'm... I'm sorry. I spent
my whole life regretting

- what I've done to you. I...
- Shut up! [ECHOES]

Don't worry.

We'll have plenty of time to catch up.




Just let her go.



