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13x18 - Photographs and Memories

Posted: 08/29/21 17:21
by bunniefuu
Previously on E.R.:

Neela, I want you
to say hi to Mae Lee Park.

She's our new
surgical med student.

Hi, nice to meet you.

I so appreciate
you taking time.

Oh, it's my pleasure.

Look me in the eye and tell me
you're not getting married.

If you tell anyone,
I'll k*ll you.

The wedding is on.

What am I supposed to do?

"Hey, can I have
some of your DNA?

I want to find out
if I'm your father."

What if I'm not?

I'm going to send
Alex away.

Mom, I don't want
to stay here.

Mom, please.

Mom, I'll be
better, okay?


No, no, I'm not buying
that silly excuse.
MORRIS: 35, 22, 14. 62...

You've been cleaning the room
for three hours.

My patient needs
a tele bed right now.

You hear me?


Hey, what the hell
is wrong with the phones?

85-- they're working
on them today.

33, four, 15, 16, 23, 42...

Hey, Pratt, here's your
new medical student.

What new medical

Larry Weston.

Third year UIC.

Yeah, yeah, why wasn't
I told about this?

I'm telling you now.

Great, great.

Look, Barry, I...

That's, uh, Larry.

It's fine.
Yeah, I'm sorry
about that, man.

Look, I didn't know
you were coming,

and I'm getting off pretty soon,
so Morris, he's gonna...

don't look at me.

41, 21, 55...

You know what, there's
a Dr. Gates working today.

You find him and tell him
that Dr. Pratt said

that you're going to be
shadowing him all day.

Dr. Gates?
That's right.
You can't miss him.

Swarthy kind of guy, always
has his hands in his pockets.

Got it.

I always knew you
had a cruel streak.

Hey, Pratt,
can you sign off

on my thumb versus
table saw guy?


Anyone know who's
on surgical call?

MORRIS: 15-- I think
Neela is, why?

Hey, guys.
It's Sam's birthday.

No reason.

Drinks at Ike's later.

And everybody has
to sign her card.

Please, could you
find a bigger card?

Despite what
you've been told, Ray,

size does matter.

I'm going to get coffees.
Anybody want one?

No. No.
No, it's cool.

I'm good.

You okay, Frank?

Oh, my back's a little stiff.

It's fine.

24, 16, 69...

Morris, what are you doing?

Oh, it's a well-known
medical axiom.

If the ages of all
the patients in the ER

add up to 1,000,
you can go home.

So far I'm up to 781.

Is that for real?
I heard your shift is over

when you treat a pirate
and his parrot.

All right, look, look,

nobody's going anywhere
unless I say so.

And I say, Ray,
infected tummy tuck in Two.

Morris, we got a rig
pulling in any minute.

And you can go out and...
calculate that.

25, 29, 81...


I'm surrounded by knuckleheads.


Hey, Luka.

I really need this.

Long night last night?

Sam, can you give me a hand?

Yeah, sure.

Don't worry, your caffeine
fix will be waiting for you

at the admit desk.

Hey... Happy birthday.

Thanks, Luka.
Alfred Gower, 63.
Blocked G-tube.

Under hospice care for end-stage
esophageal cancer.

Why is he here?

It's a G-tube.
It's a comfort measure.

What the hell?

Been at it ever since
we picked him up.

Ma'am, you need to stop that.

Hey, I hear we're
going out for drinks

after for your birthday.

Oh, no, it's
not a big deal.

We don't have to.
You know what, lady,

you're gonna have
to knock it off.

I'm gonna rip that camera right
out of your hand.

It's okay, miss.
She's with me.

You know what, I really don't
care, you're in our way.

Come on, I'm authorized.

Come on, smile for the camera,
birthday girl.

Hey! Knock it off!

Can I help you with
something, Morris?

No, but I can help you
with one word.

Las Vegas.

Okay, two words.

It is the hot venue
for destination weddings.

What? How did you...?

No, no, no,
don't- don't worry.

I've been sworn
to secrecy.


Las Vegas.

It has glitz, glamour,
Celine Dion...

Abby and I are not exactly
the glitz and glamour type.

Well, there are plenty of
cultural things to do, too.

The Hoover Dam,
Liberace Museum...

Nudes on Ice,
page 48.

Morris, I'm not
talking about this.

And if I were you, I wouldn't
mention it to Abby either, okay?

What about for your
bachelor party?

Did I mention the
brothels in Nevada?

They're legal!

What's legal?

Uh... cockfighting
in Louisiana.

Good to know.

(clears throat)

You all right?

I'm great.
I'm great.

And I'd love
to have this chat,

but I think I hear
Frank calling me.

Yep, there it is...

Frank, what's up?

Uh, hello.

I'm Doctor...


Uh, so you fainted
at the, uh...
Sun n' Go.

I was waiting
for a tanning bed when...

She passed out.
It was awful.

Did you have breakfast?

Diet soda and two saltines.

Well, that doesn't really
sound like breakfast.

We're gonna be tan and thin
for spring break

if it kills us.

Well, you're on your way.
Hey, Sam,

can I get two liters of saline
and a chem panel?

Mm-hmm, sure.

That's some color
you guys got there.

Thank you.
Thank you.

You know, tanning puts you
at serious risk for cancer.

Ever think about
a self-tanner

or spray-on tans?
Yeah, you don't want to
have skin like leather

when you're in your 40s.

We're still at an age
where we care how we look.



Uh... we're gonna
need to keep you here

while we wait
for your labs.


I cannot believe
we just got dissed

by those
walking raisins.

I hope it rains every
day on spring break.

Oh, happy birthday,
by the way.


Hey, Mr. Gower,
we got a new G-tube

in your size.

You can't unclog it?

Uh, they tried flushing
it, but it didn't work,

so doctor's gonna
have to replace it.

Let's forget about
the G-tube.

I'll buy us all a steak
and a bottle of Cabernet.

That's tempting, but
how about I get you

a pureed meal and
an Ensure chaser?

Somehow that doesn't
quite make it.

Uh... I didn't get a chance

My name is Diana Moore.

Hi. Sam Taggart.

about earlier...

Don't worry about it,
no problem.

Uh, no, I wanted to say that
even if you are authorized,

you can't get in the way
of us doing our job.

Oh. Um, okay,
won't happen again.

Don't blame Diana,
she's dedicated to her work.

What is that,
patient paparazzi?

Yeah, actually.

I'm documenting hospice patients
through their deaths.

But I keep mucking it up

by continuing to breathe.

It's all about you,
isn't it?

Look, I got to hang
around long enough

to convince her to run
away with me to Cabo.

And I'm holding out
for Maui.

Okay, Maui.

Okay then.

do you have someplace
I could stash my stuff

and maybe upload
some photos?

You know what, let me check.
I'll be back.

Hey, Frank.

Can I get a pureed meal
for trauma one?

You're asking me

Make it mashed potatoes
and turkey.

Somebody's getting bossy
in her old age.

I'm only 28.

Yeah, well, live it up
while you can.

You're about to hit
the big 3-0.

I'm not afraid
of turning 30.

Morris, I got the
G-tube for Mr. Gower.

Well, I think
you should be.

That's when gravity
takes over

and everything north
of the equator turns south.


He means you got
a very small window

before you go from
"Miss" to "Ma'am,"

skinny jeans
to relaxed fit,

blonde highlights to
little black chin hairs.

Oh, that's so wrong.
No, really...

Larry, I realize
you're a smart guy,

and I know Pratt
assigned you to me,

but I do my
best work alone.

But I really want
to learn.

Categorize the charts here.

You want it by patient
name, arrival time...?

Surprise me.
Hey, Frank,

you know anything about
Bluetooth technology?

What the hell
is a Bluetooth?

I'll take that as a "no."

It's my little thing
that's broken.

I can't dictate
my notes into it.

Get a secretary.

Oh. Hi.

Getting coffee.

Hey. Uh... tea.

Excuse me.



Um... sorry.


You busy?

How long you been
working on the project?

About a year.

I'm going to go.

Me, too.

And you don't find it
a tad morbid?

Well, yeah, I mean,
it's been known to stop

a few conversations at
cocktail parties, but...

I'm not really just documenting
the end of somebody's existence,

I'm telling the story
of people's lives

rich with history, engaged
in the struggle to survive.

But don't they ever
want to let go?



Could be beautiful, too.

You know?

Seen a lot of
dying in my life.

Just made me want to live more.

What do you mean a lot of dying?

Well, name a w*r or civil unrest
since 1984,

I've been there, covered it--

Somalia, Chechnya,
Tiananmen Square, Iraq.

I can see why you're
a big hit at parties.


Mm, yeah, well...

You know what, when their eyes
start to glaze over,

I trot out the stories of
the famous fashion photographer

I worked with in Paris
right out of high school.


Wow, I always wanted
to see Paris.


no responsibilities...

nothing to tie me down.

You know what I mean?

Oh, yeah, sure.

Then I went through,
like, this, like,

avant-garde stint for awhile
that didn't pay the rent,

so I tried
nature photography.

Think models
have attitude?

Try working with a moose.


It's an exciting life.

Grass isn't always greener.

You like photography?

Oh, no, please.

I'm lucky if I don't put
my finger over the lens

on the disposable camera.

I got to go.

Use the room for as
long as you want.

GATES: You have a headache,
sir, any neck pain?
TAGGART: Excuse me!

Coming through.
Hey, what do you guys got?

Uh, Derek Marchak, 32,
driver of a jackknifed truck

on the Dan Ryan.
My wife! Where's Mary?!

Good vitals, deep lacs,
abdominal pain.

We'll call her as soon
as we can, sir.

No, no, she's with me.
She always rides with me.

They were cutting her out
when we left.

It's gonna be awhile.
Truck was mangled pretty bad.

I got to go to her!
No, no, no.

I got go to her!

As soon as we find her,
we'll let you know.

Okay? I promise.

Corey Hales,
semi versus compact,

sheared the roof
right off the car.

Tachy to 132,
systolic 74, sat 94.

Was he conscious
on the scene?

Went apnic in
the rig, GCS 7.

Vincent Hales,
restrained driver.

Corey, Daddy's here.
Hang in there, buddy.

Why isn't he boarded
and collared?

Refused at the scene,
wanted to be with his boy.

Not acceptable.

He was walking and talking
with good vitals.

His son was crashing,
I wasn't about to argue.

He's gonna be okay, right?

Sats down to 83.
Okay, let's move it!

Lungs clear,
breath sounds are equal.

Let them know we moved
Mr. Gower.

Belly soft, stable pelvis.

I'll get his
arm for you.

CBC, trauma panel,
type and cross.

Got a flash.

What happened, man?

I don't know,
it was all so fast.

Okay, we need a tox screen,
an EtOH level as well.

Hey, Mayday.

I, uh, I got a page.
I'm Dr. Rasgotra from surgery.

Does anything hurt?
Not really.

My wife-- did they
bring in my wife?

Just relax, let us
work on this.
I'll find out for you.

MORRIS: Alert and oriented.
Vitals good, just need
surgery to sign off.

Lower extremities clear,
no step off's, no deformities.

Some nasty knee surgeries?

Medial meniscus, ACL, anything?

Both. Old w*r wounds.


Oh, yeah,
where'd you play?

Bunch of places--

Indiana, Ohio...

I was pretty good for awhile.

Can I get you to sign
this real quick?
What is it?

Consent to treatment.

We need you to sign

before we can do
any labs or tests.

Where it says
"patient signature."

He may have hit his head
harder than we thought.

All right, better get
a scan. Sam, call CT.

Good mechanism for ICH, right?

Yeah, car crashes
are a leading cause of TBI.

Phone's out.

Irrigation tray, four by fours
and sterile saline.

Do you see the cords or not?

SAT's only 81.

Stop and bag him up.
Does your phone work?

No, I got it, I'm in.

Are you in pain, Mr. Hales?

Someone take him
to Exam Three.

Get a C-collar on him and have
a resident check him out.

No, no,
I'm staying with my son.

Chuny, call
for a vent.
No, she needs access first.

His pressure's too low.
He's too clamped down.

We were driving back from Ohio.
Went to see my parents.

Okay, IO going in
to the left tibia.

Run a liter of NS
through the IO.
Let the kids miss school...

Place another one on
the we could side
Stay an extra day early.

I'll do a subclavian.

BP's 76/24.
What's that mean?

His pressure's too low.
He might be bleeding internally.

Hey, Sam, is
Neela next door?


Can you please ask her
to come in here?

I've got a s*ab wound
to the neck in triage.

I can't find anybody
in a white coat.
Pratt, you go.

Pulse is in the 140's.

LOCKHART: First unit's
almost in. Hanging
O-neg in the other IO.

Damn, I can't get a flash.

Heard you had a hypotensive kid
in here with no good access.

Should I put in a femoral?
Yeah, go ahead.

Hey, I saw him

after the accident.

18 gauge and cordis introducer.

He was driving the truck,
wasn't he?

He's the one
who caused this.

We don't know that, sir.

Hey, you!

I'm talking to you.

Look what you did
to my son!

Mr. Hales, you need
to calm down.

And you k*lled them!
Is that kid going
to be all right?

You k*lled my wife
and daughter!

KOVAC: If you don't
control yourself...
What he's saying, is it true?

Did I do that?
What am I supposed to do?

You k*lled my wife
and daughter!


Stole the film
off the processor.

How much in so far?

Almost three liters.

Pulse is 138,
BP 75/29.

It's okay, son.
You're doing great.

Fluid's not touching him.

That's because it's not getting
into his circulation.

S.I. joint disruption.
Pelvis fracture.

I'll get the T-pod.

All the fluid we're running
into his lower extremities

is pouring directly
into the fracture.

He needs access
above the break.

How do I get
this thing on?
I'll show you.

Mae Lee.

Dr. Dubenko sent me to observe.

You can do an IO up there?

It's a little trickier to get
the position right,

but, yeah, you can.

200 mikes per kilo
of factor 7-A.

I'm in. Running
the blood up here.

He should go upstairs for angio,
and then maybe the OR.

You mean an operation?

But he should be okay.

You hear that, buddy?

It's all good.

CT results.

We got word
on your wife.

She's being choppered in.
She'll be here soon.

Did they say
how she is?

Uh, no, but I'll get
an update.

Well, good news.

Your neck is fine
and your brain looks
normal and healthy.

Yeah, I bet.

If I wasn't so damn stupid,

my wife wouldn't be
coming here by chopper,

the kids wouldn't be hurt.

You need to be
observed overnight.

We'll keep you down here
till we find you a bed.

You should rest now,
Mr. Marchak. Okay?

So, birthday girl, you
been your sexy on now
that Alex is away

at the fancy
boarding school?

It's not fancy, Morris.

I sent my kid there
because he needs help.

More than I
can give him.

Of course. I'm sorry.

Yeah, but now I feel like
I might have made a mistake.

I've been e-mailing him, calling
him, but he's ignoring me.

No, no, no, you did
the right thing.

Alex needed help.

It might take him
some time to adjust,

but don't worry, everything's
going to turn out fine.

I hope so.

Hey, Frank, any updates on the
chopper with the trucker's wife?


Any calls for me?

Double negative.

Hey, Abby, awesome save
on that boy today.

Thank you, Hope.
You were a big help.

So, um, there's something
I'd like to talk to you about

if you have a minute?

I don't really right now,
but maybe later?

Sure, no problem.

Yeah, Alex Taggart.

Has he gotten any
of my messages?

Sam, my pancreatitis guy
needs orthostatics,

an NG tube,
and a repeat blood gas.
Yeah, sure.

And give the results to
Kovac, I'm out of here.

Will you just tell him
that his mother called again?

Thank you.

What's this?

Oh, no, Sam,
you don't have to...

"Ten don'ts before
you say 'I Do.'

"Taffeta or tulle,

it's up to you."

You getting married?

Me? No.

This is wedding research

that I've collected
over the years.

It weighs a ton.

How long you been
doing research?

Since I was ten.

Ten? What's
it doing here?

Well, someone I know

is getting married,

and I thought she might
like to borrow it

without getting angry
or hurting me.

I would have no idea
how to plan a wedding.

if and when that
ever happens to me.

Weddings are wonderful
and they're magical, and...


Oops. So sorry.

Well, I would be
honored... Sam,

to help you when
your day comes.


Wow, Tony, I can't believe
you let me do a paracentesis.

Well, Larry, my philosophy
is 90% of learning is doing.

I was wondering, though--
as an intern,

don't you
need supervision?

You know, let's just
keep that between
you and me, okay?

Nobody really needs
to know about it.

People like Kovac, Pratt.
Yeah, got it, got it.

Hey, Neela.

Why don't you go
check on the charts.

You know, double check
them, be thorough.

It'll be fun, okay?
Yeah, cool, cool.

Need help?

Thanks, but we're...

I've got it, Neela.

Lucien wants you
to stay down here.

Lucien does?

How are things?


Sarah spent the weekend
with her grandparents,
which is good--

to gave me time to think
about everything, you know?

I'm going to talk to her
about what Meg said

and the whole paternity
test thing.

Any idea how
she'll take it?

I don't know, I'm still having
a hard time with it myself.

I mean, if there's
anything I can do...

I don't want to put you
in an awkward position.

No, I know,
but if I can help...

I don't want you to feel
like you have to do anything
more than you want to do...

I know, but... I mean...

Actually, you know...

I just don't know how I fit in.

I understand.
I totally understand.

I'll keep you posted.



Unrestrained passenger.
Prolonged extraction.

Blunt trauma to chest.

Hypotensive, hypoxic
with respiratory distress.

Okay, Trauma Two.

Updated vitals?
BP 90 palp,

pulse 120,
89% sats.

The Expressway crash?
Is this Mary Marchak?
Yeah. Yeah.

She needs an airway.

Seven and a half ET tube

with a scope and a curved blade.

Paradoxical chest
movement on the left.

Pulse is thready.

Flail, chest.
20 etomidate, 120 SUX.

Pupils equal and reactive.

You're okay.

O2 sat 86%.


CBC, trauma panel, foley,

chest, pelvis
and C-spine films.

How long have you had that?
Didn't know you cared, Lockhart.

dr*gs are in.
I don't. Find my later
and I'll check it out.

Have fun, kids.

The Medi-van's right outside.

Oh, great, 'cause he's really
anxious to get home.

He's a fighter.

Well, doctor's gave him three
weeks, it's been three months.

He's also quite a character.
Hmm, yeah.

I just want to make sure he's
set up before I get my things.

I'll start packing
it up for you.
Thank you.

Thank you, Ms. Taggart.

It's been a pleasure.

Till we meet again.

Cordis introducer.

Spleen looks good.

Damn it!
Where's our blood?

Blood bank says ten more
minutes for cross match.

Fluid by the liver,
on the left...

You need me?

Yeah, not big enough
to cause tamponade.

Crit 32%.

Sterile 6's to me
and Mae Lee.

Second chest tube,
and 10 blade.

Neela, why don't
you give the first
one a chance to work.

There isn't time...
We don't have room.

Hey, hey, wait!

There are too many
people in here

and a full ER out there.

Abby, go clear the board.

Pratt's shift is over
and Kovac is at a meeting.

Someone needs
to push charts.

Sam, find me a cell saver
now, please!

Please... What's going on?

I can't see anything.
How's Mary?

The doctor's are doing
everything they can.

But is she going
to be okay?

Found one.

She has to be okay.

Please, please,
she's my whole life.

Mary? Honey, I'm
right here.

I found it.
You're going to be
okay. Just hold on.

Ray, set it up.
If this doesn't work,

we're going to have to think
about thoracotomy.

For blunt trauma?
Survival's one in 400.

That's because we don't usually
do it until after they arrest.

Make the incision in the
anterior axillary line.

BP 65.

She could have
a cardiac laceration.

The scan showed minimal
fluid in the pericardium.

Hold your hand on the clamp
so it doesn't go in too far.

I can find it with my finger,
but can't get the tube in.

Extend the incision.

Like this.

Let me show you.


Heart rate's dropping.

Hang another O-neg
and call the blood bank again.

Sat's 82.

Come on, Neela,
she's getting hard to bag.

Get the Thora-Seal, Morris.
She's going to bleed out.

She's getting blood.
Do the thoracotomy in the OR.

She's bradying down.

Morris, she'll die
before she gets there.

This is the only
time we have.

Okay, okay, you
made your case.
Thoracotomy tray.


Hey. How was
your meeting?

Oh, long, boring,

Sounds fun.

How would you feel
about eloping?


What brought that on?

Morris knows we're
getting married.

Oh, you know,
I bet Hope told him.

Hope knows?

She's got this bizarre
wedding ESP.

Morris suggested we should
get married in Vegas

with Celine Dion.

Well, we need to shut
them down before they
tell everybody.

How do you do that?

Beat them with
a bag of oranges?

I hear it doesn't
leave any marks.

Or we could just
talk to them.

That's... that's
much better.


(Wright coughing)

Hey, Lockhart.

Ready to play doctor?


Um, come on in here.

Unzip your flight suit.

Usually I get
dinner first...

Quiet, or I'll give you
a rectal just for
the hell of it.

Nice bedside manner.

Did you get
a flu shot?



(breathing deeply)

Good breath sounds.
A few crackles
at the base.

Any change in
exercise tolerance?

Yeah. I get a little
short of breath

about halfway through
a lap dance.

Thanks for the visual.

You know, I'm not much
for complaining, but, um...


Back in '01,
after the towers fell,

me and my buddies
jumped in my truck.

We drove straight through
to New York.

We worked the pile
for a couple weeks,

not that we found anyone alive.

You think that's
what caused this?

Well, we kept working,

breathing in
pulverized concrete, glass,

dust particles
laced with benzene,

dioxin, asbestos, lead...

Were you wearing
any protective gear?

According to the government
and the EPA, we didn't need any.

Yeah. Always reliable.

They got a name for it--
Trade Center Cough.

Some of the guys got it.

They're sick--
asthma, lymphoma, leukemia.

One of them
died in January.


Pulse ox is okay, but
it could be better.

If I have something,

or if I'm going get something,
I want to know.

I'll order a chest
X ray and some labs.

This is just between us.

Even my wife doesn't know.

And I don't want to be grounded
while they d*ck around

trying to prove
a scientific link.

Okay. I'm on
till 8:00.

Probably have your
results by then.


I owe you.

Okay, here's some light.

I see the pericardium.

Mayo scissors.

Give two units FFP.

2-O silk with pledget.

I feel a defect.

what's the story?

Blunt trauma, flail chest.

Hypotensive despite fluid
resuscitation and transfusion.

We hooked up the cell saver
to recycle the blood

while I put in
the second chest tube.

There was a small amount
of fluid in the...

Pericardium. And I thought
maybe there was a ventricular

laceration from
a fractured rib, so

we decided to
do a thoracotomy.

There was a defect
in the ventricle,

and now Neela's
holding pressure on it.
Excellent, Mae Lee.

Wait a minute. That is not ex...
I'll take it from here.

There's still a couple
of surgical consults

in the ER. Why don't
you go see to them?

I'll do the repair
with Mae Lee.

Yeah, well,
I've already...
I've got it, Neela.

I've got it.

Okay, visualize
the injury

to see if it's suitable
for repair here

or if we should temporize...


Ovarian cancer,
first time around.


But they say the third time
is the charm.

I'm sorry.

I'm pissed off and annoyed.

Are you in
treatment now?

Two more sessions.

Least, this time,
I didn't lose my hair.

You look great.

I feel fine.

I felt fine
when they first diagnosed me.

Who knew a few days bloating
was stage four?

Yeah. Unfortunately, there's
no real reliable screening tool.

Yet. Just need money
and research.

We're still the poor stepchild

of the breast cancer
publicity machine.

All those pink ribbons.

Do you know what
color is associated
with ovarian cancer?

Teal. I mean, what is that?

It's not blue, it's not green.

I'm guessing that your illness

has something to do
with your project.

My cancer was my wake-up call.

It made me more passionate
about living,

about doing the things
that make me happy.

Not worrying about
the stupid stuff.

Happy birthday.

What? No. What? No, no.
I can't... I can't take that.

Yes, yes, yes, you can.

Companies give me free stuff
all the time.


Thank you.

Use it. It's fun.


Point and sh**t.

Just remember
to move your finger.

Odd place for
a bee sting.

Ah know. Ah din't...

Best not
to talk, okay?

Half cc of one
percent lido and epi.

That should make her
tongue nice and numb.

All right?
And... got it.

You can suck on
some Popsicles

until the swelling
goes down.

And, next time
you go jogging,

make sure to keep
your mouth closed, okay?

You get all that?

I'll write it up right now,

and add it to the
rest of your charts.

Good. How's that going,
by the way?

All done. Except, well,
I didn't want to mention it,

but I found
several spelling errors.

Oh. Well, you know
that was just a test

to make sure you
were paying attention.

And you did very well.
Bravo, Larry. Bravo.

Gates, I'm not your
personal answering service.

Sorry. Gates. Uh... no,
there's no "Seymore Butts" here.

Hello, Sarah. Where are you?


Grandma and Grandpa
drop you off?

Yeah. They say hi.

Look what I got.

Wow! Fancy. Who's
going to pay for it?

Grandma and Grandpa
are paying for it.

And they say that
now they'll be able

to keep in touch
with me better,

and it's going to be really
good for emergencies

'cause I'll have it,
and then you'll be able to...

All right. I'm sold.
I'm sold. I'm sold.

But we're going
set up some rules.

Of course we are.

Did you have a good time?

Yeah. Grandpa
let me ride ride Beauty.

She's the one that's
completely jet black

with a white spot
in the middle of her forehead.

Sounds like fun.

And they told me all
these stories about mom.

Like, when she was my age,

she took Grandpa's car
for a ride without asking.

Yeah? Well, don't
get any ideas.

Do you think maybe
you'd like

to spend a little
more time with them?


Maybe, I don't know,

you think you might
want to live with them?

Well, I don't know.
I mean, my school's here,

so I can't really do that.

And all my friends are here.

You're here, too.

I mean, why would
I want to do that?

Just asking.

Come on. Let's get my stuff,

get out of here.


Charge the internal paddles.

Okay. Tie the suture while
they prepare to defibrillate.

Tie the knot.

Mae Lee, tie the knot.


20 joules.

Clear. Clear!

Still no response.

Mae Lee, tie the knot!

Get out of my way.

Got it!

Could be hypocalcemic
from massive transfusion.

She's also hypoxic from
the pulmonary bleed. Clear!

Still no pulse.

She's in pump failure
from cardiac contusion.

Resume internal

Oh, come on.

V-fib again!

I don't think we're going

to get her out
of it this time.

No, she's coagulopathic.

I can't can't
stop the bleeding.

30 joules.

Okay, clear.

Stop, stop, stop.

Stop it! Stop it!
There's nothing more we can do.

Stop it. It's over. It's over.

Call it, Ray.

Okay. Time of death: 13:25.

Repair of a cardiac laceration

is way beyond
a fourth-year medical student.

I did the repair.
Mae Lee put in one stitch.

I was already there.

I was in a much better
position to assist you.

You're going to have
to learn to share
the sandbox, Neela.

Mae Lee's here
for four weeks.

You've got
four more years.

You'll get
another chance.

You know, this isn't
about the procedure.

Do you have
a problem with me?

Do I have
a problem with you?

Look, you're a very
talented surgeon, Neela,

but, yeah, maybe I've let
our personal friendship

get in the way
of our professional
relationship, yeah.

Well, how?
What do you mean?

I'm the chief, and you're
an intern. That's it.

Maybe I've sent off
mixed signals.

No, no. no.
It seems very clear.

You're angry with me,
but I don't understand why.

Is this about Manish?

I am not angry with you.

And this is not about Manish.

I just... I just think it's time

we reset our dynamic,
that's all.

Reset? Are you going to reset
that dead woman in there?

Reset her grieving husband?

No. You can't take it personally
when a surgery doesn't go well,

just as I can't make
surgical decisions based

Based on what?
on my personal

feelings towards you.

Look, we both know
that poor woman didn't die

because Mae Lee was in there,
and you weren't.

Her injuries were far too great.

Nothing on this earth
could have saved her.

Give it to me straight.

Your blood work
was normal.

Your chest X rays
were clear.

But there is some
evidence of sinusitis.

So here are your films
and your test results,

plus a prescription
for azithromycin

and Pulmicort--
that's an inhaler.

It should help.

So I'm okay for now?

Looks like it.

This is a good thing.

There's lots of other people
worked at Ground Zero,

and at the landfills.

I mean, how many of them
are walking time bombs?

No good deed goes unpunished,
I guess.

Maybe, next time,
we'll be smarter.

Maybe, now,
you'll tell your wife.

What? And give her more a*mo
to nag me about?

Night, Lockhart.

Good night.

Someone from Social
Work will be down

to help you
with arrangements.

Is there anyone
we can call?

No. It was just the two of us.

We liked it like that.

We never ran out
of things to say,

even on long stretches of road
that seemed to go on for days.

Must be nice
to spend

that much time with
the person you love.

Actually, she was
the brains behind everything.

Did all the paperwork,
paid the bills,

read the road maps.

I can't tell you how many times
she kept us from getting lost.

Today was going be different.



The rain makes her sleepy.

So I told her to take a nap.

I was sure I knew
what exit to take.

But the sign...

wasn't the sign.

I-I got confused.

I didn't want to wake her up.

I wanted to do it myself.

Do what?


I wanted to read
the damn exit sign.

Derek, you...

You don't know
how to read?

Mary was trying to teach me.

You graduated high school
and went to college?

They just passed me along.

Nobody cared as long as I
could read the defense

and get the ball
in the end zone.

Coaches said I was gonna
get drafted first round.

I wasn't prepared
for it not to work out.

I'm sorry.

I just wanted to make you proud.

I'm sorry.


Get... go that way.



I'll do the dishes
after I do my homework, okay?

This isn't about the dishes.

Could you come back in here
a sec?


I've been trying
to figure out a way

to tell you this,
and if I should tell you this.


The night that
your mom died...

she told me...

that I'm your father.

My dad's name was
Keith. He died.

I know, I know.

We all thought...
that your dad was Keith.

But, um...

there's a chance that
that might not be true.

But Mom didn't tell me.

Why wouldn't she tell me?

I don't know, sweetie.

She must have had her reasons.

So... are you
my dad or not?

Well, there's a simple
test we can take.

It's called a paternity
test, and, um...

if you want...

we can take it tonight.

Why are you doing this now?

Is this just because
I don't want to go

and live with Grandma
and Grandpa?

Sarah, I just, I...

You're just trying
to get rid of me.

I just, I want
what's best for you.

No, you're lying!

I know you're lying.

You're lying just like Mom!

She always lied.



I don't want you to be my dad,

and I'm not taking your test!

You know, Morris
might have something.

Maybe we should get
married someplace exotic.

Like where?

The beach...
or the mountains.

Why don't we
go to Croatia?


But no one from work
would be able to be there.

Do it! Do it!
I'm gonna do it.

(chatters excitedly)


Would that
be so bad?

Morris! Hope.

We need to talk to you.

Who? Us?

Look, listen.

Abby and I really appreciate

your interest in our engagement.

It's so exciting!
The wedding!


And while your planning
is very thoughtful...

it's borderline

Oh, we've been,
we just want to help.

Well, next time
just... don't help.

And don't blab.
To anybody.

Not us, just, no one.


I mean, if that's
what you want.

We do!
We do!

Hey, everybody!
Look who's here!


Look at everybody.

Let's have a toast, Sam.

To Sam!

Happy birthday
and many more.

Here, here!

To Sam!


B-10. You didn't actually

mean to put in...
"Get Down Tonight"?

I like KC
and the Sunshine Band.

Besides, it's a hell
of a lot better

than the choice that you made.

Oh. Hey. Hey, "Woman"
by Wolfmother.

That is destined
to be a classic.

On what planet?

Now... I now we're
pretending to be normal,

and I know we're pretending
that this isn't awkward,

but, uh...

it's kinda awkward,
isn't it?

Yeah. Kinda.

So, what do we...?

Just gonna say that
this never happened?

Well, I know...

we should talk
about this, but...

these days I just feel like
my head's gonna explode.

It's just a lot
of stuff going on.


I'm trying to figure it out.

I-I, I want
to figure it out.

It-it, it's just...

I just need some time.

Yeah, I've been there
once before.

Didn't turn out
so good for me.

Well, you won't
have to wait long.



Oh, yes. B-10!

Ah, somebody
make it stop!

Same, come and dance with us!

Ah... all right.

(phone ringing)

Oh. Wait a second, you guys.

Be right back.

Hello? Hey, wait.

I can barely hear you. Hold on!

No, no, no. Don't hang up.

Wait a sec. Wait a sec.



I'm so glad you called.

I was worried.


Yeah, it is my birthday.

Thank you.

You okay?

If the test says you're my dad,

can I stay with you?



You sure?

Is it gonna hurt?

No. No, we just...

take a little swab

on one cheek.

And we send
it to the lab

and then they send
us the results

in the mail.

That's it?


And until then?

Nothing changes.

Of course I'm coming up
this weekend.


Uh, well, maybe.
What if I brought you...?

Oh, you gotta go?

Okay, time's up. I got it.

I miss you, too.

Thanks for calling me, okay?

I love you, too, baby.




So you've already
got a law degree

and now you're going
to medical school.

Eh, corporate law
wasn't for me.

I wasn't helping anyone.

Besides, I need to be
where the action is.

What?! What is this?!

Come on, you jokers,
get out on the dance floor.

Come on.
No, sorry.

No chance.

Oh, come on, Frank. You
know you want to. Larry?

All right.

Times like these,

I see all these
young people together...

...makes me fear for
the future of mankind.