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13x09 - Scoop and Run

Posted: 08/29/21 17:13
by bunniefuu
Previously on ER:

Glass of wine
and a hot bath

at the end
of the day helps.

Hmm, it sounds
good to me.

...our water bill
'cause I need to...

Do you live with someone?

We love you.

I can't do this anymore.

There's a little girl.

Curtis Ames.

He was a patient of mine.

He followed my wife

and child to the park.

Help me protect my family.

My mom used to put it
in a trash bag.

Chicken broth
and a can of Crisco.

Grill it on the barbecue.
You'll never go back.

I read that brining
keeps the juices in.

Hey, did you remember to take
the giblets out of the marinade?

Take what out of what?

C-spine is clear.
Well, we should
at least try

to pull off the gravy.

All right, sir,
I'm gonna take this collar off.

Let us know if
anything hurts, okay?

Deep fried turkey
is a religious experience.

You'd rather cook it
in a trash bag?

Americans, so sentimental
about their holidays.

This from the guy
that celebrates

Croatian Independence,
Croatian State Day

and something called
Patriotic Gratitude Day.

Oh, no.

I have ten minutes
left in my shift

and the transport
pager goes off.
I'll go.

No, you can't.
You're an intern.

Maybe the dispatcher
just wants to say
"Happy Thanksgiving."

Yeah, right, I'm sure
that's what it is.

Jane? Jane!

You're supposed to
carry the transport
pager overnight, right?

Uh, yeah.
Well, it just went off,

and I was thinking
maybe you could
just take it?

Mmm... no.

Come on. Why not?

Five more minutes,
it would've been
your call anyway.

Sorry, Abby, it just
doesn't really work that way.

What way?
Well, if the pager
goes off

during your shift,
then you have to go.

Yeah, but I just want
to spend Thanksgiving
with my kid.

You know, it's like
that story with the guy

who's hunting dinosaurs
and he strays off the path

and steps on a butterfly
and then everything

in the future's
ever so slightly different.

It's bad karma to mess

with the universal
order of things.

Erase unicycle man.
He can go.


Take this run, I'll
owe you big time.

Ooh, I'd love to.

I can't. Pratt thinks I'm
losing too much ER time.

He banned me
from transports.

Well, I just like
having you near me, Ray.

Surprise, surprise-- you all get
me instead of Morris tonight.

He begged me to switch so he
could spend time with his kids.

That's why I'm here.
What's your excuse?

Henry went to Orlando
with his grandparents.

I figured I might
as well come in.

I love working
on Thanksgiving.

Everybody's at home eating

and watching football,
even the freaks.

Ah, the great American tradition
of sanctioned gluttony.

No, thanks.
I'm not trying to block the run,

I'm just asking does
a garden variety MI

really need a doc on board?

Miss Lulu Davis, age 12,

vomiting and abdominal pain
times two hours.

Hi, I'm Dr. Figler.

Hey, Lulu.
We'll take care of you.

I got this.
Oh, I got here first.

Yeah, but I'm good
with kids.

Are you saying that I'm not?
No, hold on.

Wait a minute.
H-H-Hold on a second.

Lulu, are you okay?


Sorry, Jane.
Karma sucks.

Uh, the book says
three hours at 450.

And don't forget to baste.

How often?

I don't know.

30 minutes?

I don't know. I'll probably
be home in time to mash
the potatoes.

Okay, what do I do
with the pumpkin?

Oh... I forgot
about the pie.

Dr. Kovac, you got a minute?

Uh, yeah, just a second.

I thought pumpkins were
only for Halloween.

You know what, screw
the pie. I never really
liked pumpkins anyway.

Are you sure you just don't
want to order Chinese?

But baste, remember to baste!

I went to see your guy,

Curtis Ames, yesterday.

He didn't know anything
about any kid's toy.

Did he admit to following
them to the park?

He didn't know
what I was talking about.

Look, the guy's had a pretty
tough time at things.

You know, he's barely
getting by.

Okay, I realize that,
but that's no excuse

for messing with my family.
If you want my opinion,

he's too busy trying
to feed and clothe himself

to mess with anyone, Doc.


You get airsick?


Maybe you should just tell
me about the patient.

88-year-old female,
anterior MI.

I can't tell you
how many docs think
they can handle this,

then freak out
at altitude.
I work in an ER.

It's pretty hard
to freak me out.

You do okay
with heights, honey?

Loud noises?

Yeah, but mice make me jump
on a chair and say, "Eek."

Danny! Meet Dr. Lockhart!


Don't stand.

Don't disembark
till we tell you to.

Keep your headset and your
seatbelt on at all times.

If you need
to speak to us,

slide this switch this way
to activate the intercom.

Do not press that button.

That transmits
over the radio.

This baby is tight.

Excuse me?

First night out
after two months of upgrades.

Satellite phone, GPS,
new hoist.

All the cool toys.

I'm Jasper. This is Evan.


What'd you say your name was?



* Come fly with me *

* Let's float down to Peru *

* In llama land *

* There's a one-man band *

* And he'll toot
his flute for you *

* Come fly with me, Abby *

* Let's take off *

* In the blue *

* Once I get you... *

* *

Does it hurt when I press
or when I let go?

About the same.

I'm thirsty.

Too bad. You're NPO.

What's that?
"Nil per os."
Nothing by mouth.

Food or liquids may
exacerbate or complicate

an obstruction,
volvulus or inflammation.

Not to mention
increased aspiration risk
during intubation

should you be going
to the OR tonight.

Um... I'm sorry
I threw up on you.

Oh, I don't mind
the fact that I had

to take a shower to get
the chunks out of my hair.

I just honestly don't
know how I'm gonna

survive a whole shift
dressed like this.

Hey, Lulu, I'm gonna
order up a few tests

to see what's going
on in there, okay?

I mean, bunnies,

puppy dogs-- I'm like
breaking out in hives.

Jane, why don't you
let me take it from here.

Your parents are
on their way, right?

Uh, yeah, definitely.

I think it's hip.
I think it's fetishy.

I think you totally
pull it off.

Shut up, Gates.

Hey, Sam, I need a CBC
on the little girl in two.

And order up an extra
red top if you can

just in case
the blood bank needs it.

Got it.
Hey, Alex.

Don't ya have anything
better to do than hangout

with a bunch of losers
like us on Thanksgiving?

If he stayed at home,
he'd play video games all night,

so I figured I'd bring him
in here and make him

do a little
community service.

Hey... that's cool, man.

Yeah, handing out cookies
to sick people.

That's really cool.
Hey, it could be worse.

You could be one of
those sick people.

Four pages
in the last 20 minutes?

What's the crisis, Dr. Gates?
Oh, no crisis.

It's just an
incarcerated hernia,

a gluteal abscess,
road rash that needs
skin grafting,

an imbedded drill bit,

rule-out appy on
a 12-year-old girl.

You're making this up.
I wish I were.

You're sure it's
not just an excuse
to keep me down here?

Oh, please, I
would never dream

of wasting your
time like that.

But really...

must you look so hot
all the time?

I mean, even in
that ridiculous hat,

I can't concentrate.
I can't even talk.

You know, enough
of this harassment.

I have work to do.

Are you the team from County?

Watch it. Watch it.
Watch it.

Hi, I'm Dr. Lockhart.

Mom was fine, cooked
a 20-pound turkey.

She carved it and then
she just collapsed.

We thought she was
kidding around.

But then we couldn't
wake her up.

That must've been scary.
Get the history later.

You guys stay out here.
We need to examine your mother.

Excuse me,

I'm looking for a patient,
Elizabeth Timmons.

Thank heavens. This way.

You didn't say anything
about her being intubated.

They never tell
the whole story.

Tachy to 124, sat 92.

You got a BP?
Last one was

74/38 on dopa.

Great. What about an EKG?
Right here.

Dr. Russo,
thanks for coming.
Abby Lockhart.

This place gets really
backed up when we have
a patient like this.

Sat's 82.

She's tombstoning.
What about thrombolytics?

Already gave it,
no response.

Okay, okay. I'm sorry.
Can we have

a reality check here?

Does this family
know how sick she is?

They know she's having
a heart attack.

Do they know that
she's not breathing

and her blood pressure sucks
and she's probably not

perfusing her
brain enough?

I mean, we can't move her.

She's unstable.

The family wants
her out of here.

She won't make the trip.
You don't know that.

If she survives the helicopter,
she will probably

die before the family
makes it to County.

What's your point?


she's 88 years old.

She's not coming back from this.

Don't you think dying here
with her loved ones

is better than dying alone
in the ICU at County?

Listen, Doctor.
Our job is to scoop and run.

The longer we stay
and jaw about it,

the more unstable
this little lady's gonna get.

All right, you know what,
just give me five minutes.

I'm gonna make sure
they understand.

52 years,

rain or shine.

He drives me
around the lake

on a tandem bike
after Thanksgiving.

Ah, isn't that sweet.

You're blind,
Mr. Hunter.

Maybe you should
let her drive.

Oh, that wouldn't work at all.
I can't carry a tune.

He drives, I sing.
It's tradition.

Send him to radiology
and call me

when the films get back.
You got it.

Ray, help. I need
an order for sumatriptan.

I get one every Thanksgiving.

It's the stuffing.

Okay, 20 milligrams

Then why do
you eat it?

Because it's amazing.

Mom makes it with bacon
and almonds.

Lands me in the hospital
every Thanksgiving.

Hmm, but it's worth it.

I'll be right back
with your medicine.

Holidays weird me out.

The special foods,
the little rituals.

It's not my thing.

Yeah, when I
was a kid,

Thanksgiving was
just an excuse

to stay home all day
and watch TV.

I always figured when I grew up
and had kids of my own,

I'd do the whole family
thing, a big banquet,

but you know, here we are,
just me and Alex,

hanging out
in the hospital.

Didn't your parents demand
you come home for the holiday?

Nah, my mom's in Trinidad
with her new boyfriend

and my dad's
never even heard

of a home-cooked
meal, so...

Ah, well.

At least you got something hot
waiting for you at home.


Missing your cell phone


Yeah, how did you...

Hematology needed you, so
we called your cell phone

and you will never
guess who answered.

Surgical med student
Katey Alvaro.

Oh, well,
we were studying.


I mean, well,
she couldn't talk

'cause she was baking
you something.

A little treat.

Any chance you could
be wrong about this?

Well, y-yes,
but I just--

based on my
Well, which is it?

First, you tell us
that she won't survive the trip

and now you say that
you might be wrong.

Look, I know this is hard.
I'm sorry.

I just think it's important
that you take...
Time's up. Let's go.

All right, just wait.

Find the clerk,
sign the consent.

We'll be at County
in 45 minutes.

But she just said that
we should think...

It's your mom's only chance.


Uh, take her.

Come on.

She is going to die.

Yeah, and I'm doing my best to
facilitate a good death for her.

That's not your job.
Not your call.

Here's how it works.

The referring hospital

and the accepting hospital

and we're just
the deliverymen.

Sorry, delivery people.

You're denying
the responsibility

that comes with your job.

I'm not the one
who's in denial here.

Good death?

No such thing, babe.

If you think
you can make this

a good experience
for that family,

you're even more arrogant
than I thought.

Mom, if you can hear me,
we'll see you in Chicago.

Hey, in a few weeks,

you're gonna be a

Everyone stay back.

God bless you,
Dr. Lockhart.

Systolic's holding above 80.

Yeah, on 20 mikes
of dopamine.

Still counts.

All right, you know,
maybe you were right, maybe...

D-Don't say it.
Don't say it.

Nothing more painful than
listening to a lady eat crow.

I'm not eating crow.

Which reminds me,
I am starving.

Good idea.

Turkey, cranberry sauce.

Wife even baked the bread.

We got a patient here.

She's fine.

You know, I feel sorry
for your old man.

What's that supposed to mean?

It's just the turbulence.

I don't think so.

Charge the defibrillator now.

Febrile to 101,
vomiting and mild rebound.

How long has this
been going on, sweetie?

It started
during the salad.

Salad for Thanksgiving?

Your family's weird.

Tell me about it.

White count?


Are those chocolate chip?

Uh, no.

Could I have one anyway?

Um, yeah, sure.

You know, this
holiday is a lie.


Yeah, the only thing
the pilgrims shared

with the Indians
were measles.


I'm Lulu.

Thanks for the cookie.


Hey, you can't eat that,
honey, you're NPO.

Oh, yeah, nil per os.

It's Thanksgiving
and I can't even eat.

Alex, what did
I tell you

about asking the
doctors or nurses

before giving away
the cookies?

Labs are back.

Her white count's 14.
Let's get a CT.

I'll call the scanner.

All right, you know,
we talked to your mom

on the phone earlier
and she gave us permission

to give you a very special
X ray on your tummy.

She didn't want
to talk to me?

No, but she said to make sure
we treat you like a VIP.

I'm sure she'll
be here soon.

That's okay.

Alex can wait with me.

Right, Alex?



Still v-fib.

Damn it.
She's 88 years old.

Yeah, I tried to make
that point an hour ago.

We're committed now.

Lido's in.
All right,
another mig of epi.

She's had five rounds
of meds.

Yeah, well,
let's make it six.

We never should have brought her
up here.

Darling, it's the job.

Oh, spare me the platitudes,

Go again. Go!



(breathing heavily)

If the scar shows
above my bikini,

I'm suing both your asses.

Need some help here!
we're in a hospital now.

Time to grow up.

Don't tell me what
to do, Grandma.

You bobble-headed little bitch!

Whoa, whoa, okay,
let's settle down.

All right,
what happened?
She pushed me

into the display.
I fell, she fell.

These three were fighting
over a bag

at Bovards'
midnight sale.

All right, come on. Let's go.

Midnight sale?
It's not even 8:00 yet.

The name's just tradition.

It starts at 4:00
in the afternoon now.

Bendi Brioche 80% off.

Normally $1,800.

They only did
a limited run.

Somehow during the scuffle,

Mandy fell
into the nativity display.

I was pushed.

Nativity display?
It's Thanksgiving.

Yeah, well, that's when the
Christmas decorations go up.

Impaled by a fiberglass
Star of Bethlehem.

Jane, call surgery.

With all that's happened,
I can't keep this now.

Oh, that's so sweet,

Give it back,
evil grandma whore.

Wow, this is really sad.



I was just calling to say

it's still probably
going to be a while.

Are you okay?


You there?

Don't worry. We're taking
good care of your girl.

Are you listening?

Who's that?

You guys are assholes.


Luka, I'll call you
when we land.

Hang up the phone.

You didn't say

Hang up the phone!

Sorry about that.

I accidentally mixed up
my channels.

What, are we in
fifth grade here?

Airmedic 6, dispatch.

Airmedic 6.

Airmedic 6,
we have a report of a vehicle

over the side of Highway 16
at Neosha Ravine.

Are you available?

Why aren't you
answering her?

We're about
to time out.

Pilots are only allowed to
fly for a max of 12 hours.

I've been up for almost 11.

Airmedic 6?

So you're just going
to ignore her?

Don't worry.
Another unit will get it.

Yeah, but we're not far
from Neosha.

Tell her where we are.

You don't have to look
to Daddy for permission.

Just do your job and
tell her where we are.

Dispatch, Airmedic 6.

We're at Highway 12
and county line.

Are we the closest unit?

Airmedic 6, that's affirmative.

Then put us on the call.

Airmedic 6,
you're assigned to the incident.

Who is this?

Abby Lockhart.

I'm the doctor on board
and we're responding.

Darling, it's the job.

No free air,
no fluid.

Looks like the star
missed the peritoneum.

The Thanksgiving sales,
the parades,

the blockbuster movies.

Those are all
just to prime you

for the bald-faced commercialism

of the holiday season.


Lidocaine, 1%.

Your wounds are superficial.

You got lucky.

Yeah, right. By the time
I get back to the sale,

all they'll have left
are bad colors and big sizes.

You were impaled while fighting
over an overpriced vessel

for credit cards
and lipstick.

Doesn't that sorta kinda
feel like a sign?

Wake up.



A gram of Ancef, 3-0 silk
and irrigation tray.

Jane, uh, stay
and assist the doctor.

(chuckles softly)

(shouting over engine):
We should be close!

She said "vehicle," not "bus."

Cheap trick.

How are we supposed
to get down there?

(panicked shouting
and screaming)

(woman screaming)

If you're taking that
long to find a pulse,

it's not worth looking.

Don't waste time
with resuscitations.

Help the people
you can help.

I know how to triage.
Thank you.

That bus is unstable.

Keep triaging until
the cavalry gets here.

Help-- my arm!

It won't stop.
All right.

I'm telling you,
it won't stop.

Okay, okay, okay,
let me see.

Let me see.

Okay. Okay.

Just sit down.

Sit down.

Keep pressure on this

and keep your
arm up, okay?

We're all gonna freeze
to death out here!

We're gonna get you

out of the cold
soon, okay?

How you gonna
get us out of here?

Please! Somebody!


Over here!

Stay like that.

Stay like...
Wait! Wait!

I don't know what to do!

Are more people coming?

What's the plan?
Do you have a plan?

Please, his foot is
pointing the wrong way.


Can you tell me

what your name is?

It's Matt.

Hi, Matt.

I'm Abby. I'm a doctor.

Hey, doc.
All right.

No, no, no, no,
don't move.

Don't move. Can you hold
his head like this?

Make sure he doesn't
move his neck.

I can't feel my leg!

Oh, God.


Can you move your feet at all?


Baby, no!

It's all right. I'm
gonna go find something

to splint your leg with, okay?



Somebody help!

Please! Help!

Mom, don't close your eyes.

Stay awake,
somebody's coming.

Mom? Mom!

All right, don't move.

I'm gonna come
back there.

Mom, she's here now!
It's gonna be okay!


Are you hurt, too?

No, it's just my mom. Please.

Hang on.
You got to get her out.


Mom, it's okay.

Oh, boy.

Oh, boy, okay.

Please get her out.


I'm Abby.

I'm a doctor.

Can you tell me your name?



Melanie, can you move at all?


She's stuck!


(continues grunting)


All right.

Okay. We're gonna get you
out of here, all right?

Come on. Let's go!

Are you ready?

One, two, three.

(groaning loudly)





Is that all my blood?

I don't know.

I don't know where
that blood's coming from.

Come on. Fix her!


(grunts, screams)


I can't.

I can't move you now.

I understand.


You should take Milo out.

No! I won't go!

Baby, go with the doctor.


Milo, there are people coming
with special equipment.

They're gonna help us.

And I'll wait
here with her!

Milo, I love you.

This is gonna help you
with the pain.

I need you to be

a brave boy now, okay?

(all gasping)

(Milo screams)

Please, just get him
off this bus!


Go with the doctor, baby.


You can be a good helper.

Go ahead.

Milo, come on.

(Milo screaming)

Please, just make
sure he's okay.


Let's go, now.
Come on.

Let's go.

Watch your head.

(Milo, Melanie sobbing)

See, I told you
it wouldn't hurt.

(cell phone ringing)

It's my mom.
She won't stop calling me.

You're lucky.

My foster mother
only keeps me

for the money
she gets from the state.

When I started
barfing at dinner,

she loaded me into the ambulance
and then went back to her ham.

So... she's not coming.

That boy is smitten.

Boys are easy.

You know, Meg and Sarah
are out of town tonight?

Liver looks good.

Which means I have the
place all to myself.

And why are you
telling me this?

'Cause Meg and I, it's over.

I thought you
weren't together.

We weren't.

But now we're not even
not together anymore.

Fat stranding

and a cecal phlegmon.

She needs the OR.

I'll call Crenshaw.

Sit down.

I have a very important
job for you, okay?

I don't want my mom
to be alone.

I want you to take
that flashlight,

and point it
wherever I'm working.

Someone's gonna
help her, right?

The fire department's
gonna be here soon.

And they'll get her
off the bus?



All right,
don't move, okay?

Just shine
that light at me.

* *

(helicopters whirring overhead)


Four dead, nine criticals,

14 minor injuries,
11 delayed.

The driver had
a passenger manifest,

and the numbers
all match up.

Good job.
Good job.

All the criticals
are off site.

Does this include
the woman on the bus?

No one's going back on that
bus until it's stabilized.

Well, how long is
that gonna take?

The anchors aren't holding,
it could be hours.

She can't make
it that long.

There's nothing
we can do about it!

We are not gonna
endanger our guys!

Calm down.

Hey, nobody's getting
back on that bus!

But she promised!
She said you guys would go back!

Oh, yeah, what else
you tell him?!

Why don't you just

back off, o...?




Get that...!


Come on.

No! No!

Milo, you...

Milo, you cannot get
on that bus right now!

You said they would get her.

I know.

You said they'd try.


You said
they'd try.
I know.

It's gonna be okay.


Come on, guys.

Give him to me.

Pass him down.


Hey! Hey!


Get away!





Can you hear me?

Milo, he can't...

Milo. He can't...

All right.

All right,
everything's gonna be okay.

No, it's...

Everything's gonna be all right.


I need an IV and a liter
of NS in here!

His dad's in Milwaukee.

Would you...
please tell him...

Okay, Melanie.

Melanie, listen to me.

Help is on the way, all right?


Milo likes it...
if you break up his toast...

and scramble it
with his eggs.


He'll only let you
comb his hair...

if he's wearing
his Ronaldinho jersey.



Damn it!



Uh, uh, uh, uh.
No, no, no.

stay with me.

Melanie, come on.

Stay with me.

Melanie, tell me
some more about Milo.

What does Milo like?

He... he likes to sleep

with an inchworm named Charlie.

Okay, that's good.
What else?

Trying to get us
all k*lled?

I'm trying to keep her alive.

You are out
of your mind.
Well, what are you doing here?

Thought you might need this.

Hey, Katey, it's me.

Uh, I think you have
my cell phone.

Want to come by later
and pick it up, if that's okay.

Call me.

Marsupialized the abscess
on your sh**t,

sent the implanted chip
to pathology,

convinced Captain Kangaroo
to stop eating erasers,

and what's the deal
with the new nurse?

You mean Jane?


What about her?

Nothing. You know,
just wondering.

You like her.

Quiet, you silly infant.

What about radiology?

Alex loves
the fluoroscope.

I went there.
Nobody's seen him.

Okay, can you check MRI?

The tech there lets him
man the controls sometimes.

Sam, I got work to do.

Jasmine Chastek, 17,

fell down a couple steps,
positive LOC.

Hey, I'm Dr. Barnett.

What happened?

We were doing
hits of nitrous

from whipped cream cans
at Grandma's.

She went a little

passed out on the
basement stairs.

Okay, this should
clean up just fine.

Uh, I have to go find Alex.

Teenagers are such idiots.

Push harder!

It's stuck!

Come on!


Got to go!


(both grunt)

Can I have a cookie?

Uh, yeah, but
they really suck.
Oh, yeah.


Listen, your mom's
looking for you.

Ah, man, now
I'm in trouble.

No, she'll understand.

No, I mean, everything I do
makes her angry.

Sometimes you have to go
the extra mile for a girl.

You know.

She'll get it.
Trust me.

Lulu's in recovery.
She's doing fine.


Go get her.


We're getting a critical
victim in from a bus crash.

I've got to go meet
a helicopter on the roof.

All right.

Don't you need to be
in the ER or something?

No, my shift
ended hours ago.

Well, what are you
still doing here?

Waiting for you, dummy.

Tony, you know,
it's going to be a while.

I've got to get sign-out,
then I've got to take

the patient to CT...
All right, here's the deal.

You're going home
with me tonight.

Why is that the deal?

Because there's nobody
at my house.

It's Thanksgiving.

And I really, really want
to make you... dinner.

Okay, chocolate cherry.

Amazing, right?

Looks great to me.

Hey, Greg.

Hey, I'm Dr. Greg Pratt.

Oh, nice to meet you.
Courtney Brown.

Courtney is my producer
at Channel 5.

You know,

I think I might be able
to hang out for a while,

if I can get my neighbor
to let the dog out.

I'll give her a call.

Who is that?

I just told you
who she was.

Come on, now,
hook a brother up.

You know what, your
gaydar is terrible,

even for a straight man.


Oh, well, you...

You have excellent taste
in women, Dr. Weaver.

Of course I do.

Hey, uh...

Can I ask you
something personal?


All right.

How, um...

No, no.

When... did you know
you were gay?

Are you coming out
to me, Greg?

No, no, no, no.
I came home

and found my brother
with another guy.



He says he's
just experimenting,

that it's only a phase.

And what do you think?

I don't know.

Can a straight guy
go through a gay phase?

I think it's more likely
that he's gay.

Hey, and he's telling you

what he thinks
you want to hear.


Okay, but for today, right,

he's taking some
hot girl from school

to the family Thanksgiving.

Now, if he was gay,
why is he doing that?

I don't know your brother.

I mean, I-I don't know
what's going on in his head,

but I do know that
when I was that age, I brought

a lot of boys home
to meet my parents.

You did?

Hell, yeah.

I mean, I was 30
before I faced up to being gay,

but my life got a lot better
once I did.


Hey, Abby.

Your transport
go okay?

Um... yes.

Well, be grateful you got to
skip out on this freak show.

It's been a real
madhouse around here.

Just got lucky, I guess.

Hey, Lockhart.

Hurry up and sign this
before I get called out again.


And thanks.

You're pretty tough for a girl.

Go to hell.


* *


I was afraid you weren't
going to show up.

Sorry, Crenshaw made me
do an I&D on my way out.

Come on in.

Hope you're hungry.

Couldn't do the turkey
thing so I made tacos.

Homemade salsa,
I got these tortillas

from the Salvadorian
market on Fulton.

You ever been there?

Uh, don't think so.

Some wine.

You okay?

Uh, yeah.

Some more wine.

Want to take
your jacket off?

Uh, yeah.
All right.

Are you sure you're cool?

'Cause if you don't like
Mexican food,

just say the word
and you know.

No, I'm fine. Really.

It's just I haven't been

in a situation like this
for a long time.

I know.
It just feels a bit weird
standing here

knowing we're about to do
what we're about to do.

What? Have dinner?

Tony, I-I want
to be here, I do.

I mean, I've thought
about it a lot.

Not creepy-a-lot,

but it's definitely
been on my mind

and I wouldn't want
you to be worried

that I don't really want...

I'm not worried.

We can take it
as slow as you want.


What's slow?

Hey, stranger.


Well, thank you.

And what are
you doing here?


Surgeons are such
bastards making

med students come in
on Thanksgiving.

That is really,
really low.

No, actually, it's
the bastards in the ER

who scheduled me
for this.

I started an ER rotation.


Now, see, you said you
were never going to...

Yeah, radiology fell through
at the last minute.

I got reassigned.

Don't freak out.
I'm not stalking you.

look, I can't
evaluate you.
We'll work it out.

And I can't have these
people thinking that...

We'll work it out.

Hey, Abby.

What took so long?
You were out all night.

Well, you know, sometimes
these things can take hours.

You sure you weren't
just having sundaes

with the team?

Last run I did we burned off

the whole shift
at the Plush Horse.

Good for you, Ray.

Well, well, well,
look who's back.

She got to soar over Chicago

while we dealt with maggots
and colostomy bags.

I guess I must have done
something good in a past life.

Yeah, well, you look wiped.

Transports can do that to you
if you're not used to it.

So you want me
to get you a coffee?

No, thanks. Right now

I really just want to go home.

No, stay.
We just got here.

I missed you guys.

I know we had no water
or toilet paper...

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Meg, Sarah, this is Neela.

How many times
do I have to tell you, Tony?

When you leave the glass
directly on the wood,

it leaves a stain.

You hungry?
Yeah, I'm starving.

All right,
let me get my stuff,

and then, uh, we can pick up
something at the chicken place.



Sam, Alex,
Happy Thanksgiving.

There's some food over
there, help yourselves.

Wow, thanks, Luka.

Tofurkey anyone?

Uh... no.

I'll try it.

Are you really a vegan?

Surgeons just shouldn't
be carnivores.

It's a known fact.

What the hell is that?

Looks like milk Jell-O.

Mmm, no, coconut flan
and it is k*ller.

Oh, hey, Dr. Weaver,

do you remember me?
Katey Alvaro.
Oh, hi, Katey.

How are you?
I'm good.

Um, I started my ER rotation
about an hour ago.

Oh, yeah, well, I hope Ray's
giving you the lay of the land.

Oh, yeah, he is.

All right, how do you stay
so skinny and eat so much?

Uh, look who's talking,
little skinny mini.

Well, it seems like
good genes to me.

You want to come over

and watch some football

with me and
Kerry tomorrow?

Damn, you're lucky.

I can't believe
you made all this.

Well, maybe
I cheated a little.

If anything happens to me

you'll remember that
Joe likes strawberries

but raspberries give
him hives, right?

What are you talking about?

And-and if you put the ceiling
fan on in the bathroom,

he doesn't cry
when he's in tube.
I know that.

And it's absolutely mandatory
that he be exposed

to everything Stevie Wonder
recorded in the '70s.

Dr. Lockhart,

that trauma you choppered in
did well in the OR.

Oh, great. That's great.

Yeah, it required over 12 units

but, uh, she's holding her own
in recovery.


Are you okay?

How did the transport go?


Hey, I have my kid here.

It's Thanksgiving.
I'll tell you tomorrow.