Blue Lagoon: The Awakening (2012)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.

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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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Blue Lagoon: The Awakening (2012)

Post by bunniefuu »



♪ Hey ♪




♪ Systematic, post-traumatic
Girl is on the fly ♪

♪ Breathe in, let it out
Taste your heart and spit it out ♪

♪ Face down in the dirt
Fall in love, she'll make it hurt ♪

♪ The way she's moving ♪

♪ Hey ♪

♪ Has got me running out of my head ♪

♪ The way she's grooving
Hey ♪

♪ Makes me wish that I was dead ♪

♪ Hawk eyes ♪

♪She knows she's in control ♪

♪ Of my mind ♪

♪ And she's got my soul ♪

It's : , you guys.

♪ Cut down, earth, mud
Drink it back and take the rush ♪

♪ Slap your face and knock you out
k*lling's what she's all about ♪

♪ Land mines, warning signs ♪

You're gonna be late.
I know.

♪ Cut, knife, feel the sting
Girl has got a hold on me ♪

♪ The way she's moving
Hey ♪♪


God, that guy's such an ass.

What? He almost just ran me over.

You shouldn't get out that side.

Go out that side.
Hey, honey, did you get the list?

I've already done it.

STACEY: Of course.

I hear it all day.

"Your sister was a great student.
Emma loved this book."

Stace, enough.

I have a showing at .
I'll be home around .

Dinner requests?
Anything's good. Bye, Mom.

Bye, sweetie. I love you.

She's the perfect girl
and I'm the bad sister.

No, you're not.
Have a great day, honey.


Breathe, Em. They're probably
gonna talk about stuff we know.

I'm only going
to get out of first period.

We can be a little late.
Not really.

Oh, my dog, you're going to explode
if you stay this tight.

Speaking of tight...

Hey, Emma.

"Hey, Emma"?
He fricking knows your name.

I guess.
Stephen Sullivan knows your name.

Can we go to class now, please?
Will you sleep with him? For me. Ha, ha.

All right, listen up, everybody.

The bus will be leaving
at a.m. sharp tomorrow,

so be on time. Otherwise...

Whoa. Sorry, prom queen.

CHRISTIANSEN: Find a seat. Let's go.

I expect it from Mr. McMullen,
but I'd hope better from you, Emma.

Sorry, Mr. Christiansen.
All right.

So tomorrow the bus will be leaving
at a.m. sharp, all right?

Be on time or the bus
will be leaving without you.

How'd Lonely Boy get on this trip?
Daddy probably bought his way on.

You know I can hear you, right?

For the first five days,

we'll be helping to renovate a school
with Project Humanity.

The last three days,
we'll be exploring the island

and going on cultural excursions,
and it should be a lot of fun.

So headline:
Stephen knows Emma's name.

Say what?
I'll trade you for your burger.

You can have it.
You sure?

Yeah, I just wanted the fries.
JUDE: Okay, so Emma and Stephen?

I kind of like that.

We have one week on the island
to work our magic

and get Emma here
laid by the quarterback.

Do I have a say in this?
No, not at all.

We're there to be helping people.
I'm trying to "help" you.

We have jobs to do.
I have looked at the itinerary.

You made the itinerary.
GIRLS: Ha, ha, ha.

The school has every day
and night planned.

So? We'll change the plans.
That's life, right?

Oh, and BT-dubs, l just found out

carnival in Trinidad
is when we're there.

Oh, my God.
I totally have to get a new bathing suit.


Emma's scoping Lonely Boy.
HELEN: He was in my middle school.

He used to be really nice.
LIZZIE: Yeah, used to be.

I heard he got kicked out
of the last school he was in.

I think he's kind of cute,

in a Rebel Without a Cause,
Holden Caulfield kind of way.

Let me make it simple.

Girls like our Em don't hook up
with freaks like what's-his-face,

especially when she's got
the quarterback on the hook.

You can hand me that.

BOY : Busted!
BOY : Loser.

COLLIER: To the principal's office.
DEAN: Well, then lead the way.

BOY : Oh, yeah.
BOY : Whoo.

BOY : Way to go, pal.
BOY : Well done.

Looks like someone's
not going on the trip.

Well, folks,
it looks like we're in for another...

Wow, how long you planning
on staying?

You can never be too prepared, Phil.

Thank you, guys, so much
for letting me go.

No worries, sweetie.

So I had to take a second mortgage out
and Mom has to sell an extra mansion.

Shh. Don't tell her that.


I love our kids so much.
Heh, heh, heh.

lf this is for an eight-day trip, what's
it gonna be like to send her to college?

I know.

I'm thinking we have to move
to Princeton with you.

PHIL: I support that idea. Yep.

Wouldn't you love that?

What are you talking about,
you don't wanna go?

Know what strings I had to pull
to get you on this trip?

For who, Dad, me or you?

I don't even wanna go
on this stupid trip.

I'm gonna be forced to hang
with people I never talk to anyway.

It's an opportunity, son.


It's a chance to do something
for someone other than yourself.

Can we go?
We're gonna be late.

I'd be stuck here, and you'd have
to look at my face all week.


Let's go, g*ng. All aboard!

Be careful.

Be safe.

Love you.
CHRISTIANSEN: Let's get a move.

Dean, be safe.

Will do, Father.

How you doing, Emma?
Crazy early, right? Heh, heh.


That was two sentences.
He's upping his game.

You are so getting laid.


Okay, everybody, listen up.
Project starts tomorrow.

We have a few hours today
to get settled in and hang by the pool.

Then we're all gonna go
have dinner.


What'd I tell you, Em?
Screw your schedule.

This is gonna be the best ever.


Hm. No locals. Damn. Oh, well.
Who's the lucky boy?

Don't worry, Em.
I'm not gonna steal
your quarterback.

All right, ladies. Let's do this.

One, two...


Yeah, ladies.


Ah! Don't splash me.




All right, man, good job.
Spread it out now.

Hey, hey, hey. Be careful up there.
DEAN: Whatever you say, boss.

He's gonna get freaking k*lled
and ruin it for all of us.

♪ Four, five, six ♪

You should get some lotion
on your shoulders.
You're gonna burn.

It's a hot, hot season
Whoa, oh, oh ♪♪

Day two
and first contact has been made?

Yes, please.

This is gonna be easier
than I thought. Heh, heh.

Looks like Mama's
getting some vac-action.


Game on, dudes.

With the 'rentals.

Okay, get off now.
Seriously, it's urgent.

Honey, are you all right?

Um-- Uh, yeah. Sorry, Ms. Collier
is calling lights out.

All right, go ahead.
We love you. Have fun.

Get a good night's sleep, babe.
Love you. Bye.

BARBARA: Bye, honey.
PHIL: Good night.

I'm downstairs buying toothpaste

because I ran out.
Can you believe they charge--?


Headline: Carnival party tonight
on some local dude's boat. I know.

And Stephen invited us,
and he singled you out, young Emma.

They're leaving right now,
but the boat leaves in a half-hour.

I don't know.
Shut it.

We are going. You are going,

even if l have to tie you up
and drag you to the boat.

Seriously, we'll be done
by midnight.

Two o'clock, the latest.





Thank you.

Want a taxi?

Whoo! Go.

Carnival, b*tches!

Hurry, we're gonna miss it.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

Don't leave.
Run for it.



♪ Shorty wanna move
Shorty wanna rock ♪

♪ Shorty wanna dance
Like it's never gonna stop ♪

♪ 'Cause tonight
We're gonna put it on blast ♪

This is so fun.

Hey, ladies, what's up?
Oh, no, that's okay.

♪ Shorty wanna rock ♪

♪ Shorty wanna dance
Like it's never gonna stop ♪♪

Okay, let's get a cocktail
and find your man.

Not my man and not drinking.

Em, you've gotta loosen up.
You know, switch it around.

Get out of your element just a little.
I like my element.


I'm gonna go find Helen.

Is that your new boyfriend?

What's it to you?

Monte Carlo.


Monte Carlo.

Prepare to be boarded.

Monte Carlo,
this is the Trinidad Police.

Heave to
and prepare to be boarded.

Move to the front of the boat.

Move to the bow of the boat.



Monte Carlo,
this is the Trinidad Police.

EMMA: Help!

This is the Trinidad Police.

DEAN: What the hell are you doing?
I fell.

Where's Emma?
I thought she was with you.

Climb up.

You all right?
Just great.

What are you doing?

I'm in enough trouble.
I can't get busted.

You crazy? We'll dodge the cops?

We'll be fine. We'll go to the hotel
when things cool down.

On this? I wanna get back
on the boat.

EMMA: They're getting too far away.
We'll hang back and follow them.

We'll be fine.

We won't be able
to see the boat.

How we gonna get out of here?
I'm working on it.

EMMA: You even know which way to go?
Be quiet. Let me think.

Damn it, no motor.
No motor? What now, genius?

DEAN: I don't know.
What do you mean, you don't know?

We're stuck out here.
This isn't some stupid little thing--

Hold on.

Please put your suitcases by the door
to be loaded into the awaiting cabs.

I'd like to thank those of you

who brought this unique opportunity
to an abrupt end.

Welcome, gentlemen.
Glad you could make it.

Too bad you're on your way home.

Ms. Collier, Emma's not here.


She never came home last night.

I didn't tell anyone because I thought
she was with someone, but--

Okay, well,
how do you know that she's not?

You know her. She wouldn't just bail.
She has a schedule to keep.

I tried her cell. She's not answering.

All right, well,
where did you see her last?


On the boat.


How far do you think we've drifted?
I don't know. Keep an eye out.

Can't be that far.
We've been out here for hours.

Was this
part of your brilliant plan?

I can't believe my phone got soaked.
Yeah, I can't believe that either.

Try your phone again.

I told you,
I'm not getting reception out here.

You want some more water?


I can't believe you brought water
to a party.

I didn't wanna get dehydrated.
That gives you a hangover.

I thought it was the tequila.

I still can't believe there's no motor.
That's the point of the dinghy, right?
For emergencies.

Why else have the damn dinghy?
Ha, ha, ha.

What? How is that funny?
"Dinghy's" funny.

It's a funny word. "Dinghy."

We're floating in the Caribbean.

You know that, right?

I also know freaking out isn't gonna
make us any less screwed, so...

So, what do we do?

For now, we float, I guess.


Want some gum?

Why, is my breath bad?


CHRISTIANSEN: Elizabeth Kover.

Samuel Leifer.


Dean? Dean McMullen?
Anyone seen Dean?


You should try that.
No, thanks.

You want me to get your back?

What's with all the Ziplocs?

You carry all your crap in baggies?

It keeps things from getting messy.

How's that working out for you?
Well, at least my phone is dry.

We should've followed the police boat
back to shore.

What, with single paddle? Sure.
I'm just saying.

First of all, I figured we'd be able
to row back in later.

Second, lest we forget, prom queen,
you decided to take a dip

in stormy waters.
I fell off the boat.

And my name is Emma.
Heh, heh.

Okay, Emma.

Oh, my God.

Island, there.

EMMA: Right there. Okay.
Oh, that's way too far.

We should sit here
until someone picks us up.

Are you kidding?

Fine, I'll paddle.
Okay, okay.

I'll paddle. Jeez.


She never made it back
to the hotel?

No. I thought maybe she was--
COP: Was she drinking?

LIZZIE: What's that have to do with it?
Was she with Dean?

What? No.
CHRISTIANSEN: He was on the boat?

Yeah, but she didn't meet anyone.
And she wasn't hooking up with Dean.

Ms. Collier, tell them--
Can anything be done to find them?

More than likely, they'll find you.

This type of thing isn't uncommon.
It's the youthful spirit of adventure.

No, this is my best friend
we're talking about. I know her.

She has no youthful spirit
of adventure.






You okay?



Yeah. Think so.

No coverage.
We'll have to find a phone.


Well, wait up.

Come on.

Who's that for?

I don't know.
sh**t the bad guys?

No, you finish it.
I could use a coffee.

Like a mocha ice blended
with an extra shot.

Oh, man.
How good would that be?



What was that?
I hate bugs.

Well, you've come
to the right place, then.

Let's just find a hotel.

We finish working
on the school today.

I'll bet everyone's probably
all worried about us.

You, maybe. I can promise you
nobody's worried about me.

Yeah, this is Jack.

I'm sorry, what?

Excuse me. Mrs. Robinson?

Jack McMullen. I'm Dean's father.
Nice to meet you.

What were they doing on the boat,
and who was watching them?

Now, Mrs. Rob--
Don't condescend to me.

Don't you dare condescend to me.
I trusted you with our daughter.

They can't find her.

It's okay, we'll find her.
When is the next flight?

There's a redeye tonight
that makes connections in Trinidad.

There's not an earlier flight?
That's the earliest.

I can help you
with arrangements--

You've done enough.
Thank you. Let's go.

EMMA: My feet are k*lling me.
I fricking hate hiking.

You wanna wear my Chucks?
It's okay.

Thanks, though.

Hey, look.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Stop.
What? They're berries.

White and yellow, k*ll a fellow.
Purple and blue, good for you.

You're a little bit weird.
You know that, right?

Been called worse.




Oh, my...


It's beautiful.

Come on. We gotta keep going.

Let's just find a hotel.

We may never get back here again.

Come on. Take a picture.
We're already in enough trouble.

You know they grade this trip.
I cannot mess with my GPA.

Hello? Do you know
how unique this is?

What's your number-one school?

Princeton. Why?

You know how many people
applying to Princeton have a . ?

A lot.

You know how many people
have been swimming in this?

Think of the essay
you could write.

Come on.

We gotta find a hotel.

So lame. Fine.

See, this is why I don't hang out
with people.

I can't wait until we get
to a real bathroom.

I can't wait for a coffee.


Where are we?

We've been walking for hours.

And we haven't seen
a single road, person.

We better get back to the boat.

Come on,
it's gonna be a long walk.

What if we have to spend
the night on this island?

I don't think we're going to find
a five-star hotel around here.

Do you know how to make a fire?
I do.



A cave?

I am not sleeping in a cave.

It's the safest place to be.
Dry if it rains, only one way in.

Protection from the elements.

Hey, can I use your phone?

Sure. There's no signal.

I'm not a cave person.
None of us are cave persons.

We haven't been cave people
for a long...


Go, go, go!


So that's a no on the cave.

Where's the boat?



I'm really tired.

Can we take a break soon?



You see something?


Use the flare g*n.
You need at least two flares.

l saw it in a book.

I think it was the one with the girl who
sails around the world with her cat.

You fire two flares,
one to get their attention

and the other
so they can locate you.

Who's "they"?

The people that are gonna
come get us, I guess.

Our families and the police
or whoever.

what are you doing?


What was that about?

Hey, can I borrow
some of that bug stuff?


You want a pillow?
Heh. Thanks.

Wait a sec.


Damn, you should be
on that Price Is Right show.

I knew it was in here.

I put it in there in case I got hungry
when we were building yesterday.


And I think you meant
Let's Make a Deal.




That show.
Heh, heh, heh.

Here's some more.

Flight from Detroit to Miami,
scheduled to depart at p.m.,

is now expected to depart
at : a.m. from Gate .

We're gonna get there.


Why do you call me "prom queen"?

Aren't you?

You seem like you should be.
Perfect girl, perfect world.

I can't tell if you're being
mean or nice.


What do you think is
out there? In the woods.

We're gonna be fine.
I know.

Still can't get a signal.


What are you doing?
You're gonna waste the battery.

Just playing some music.




Take my shirt.
Thank you.





They'll come for us. I know it.


What was that?





You're a morning person, huh?

What are you doing?

I'm trying to save us.
What are you doing?

I don't know. Might go for a swim.

Hey, where's your phone?
Battery's dead.

We need some more water.



The police have a boat
searching the area where
they picked up the kids.

As soon as they come back--
When will they be back?

Uh, I'm not sure.

They said they'd let us know when--
JACK: Any word?

I was just telling Barbara the police
have a boat searching the Caribbean.

They did say
that a dinghy was missing.

How long they been looking?
What about a helicopter?

As soon as the winds die down,
they're gonna send someone up.

Have they been searching land?
Have you contacted the embassy?

Is there a private team we can hire?

The police are doing everything
that they can

with the limited resources
that they have.

There is no private rescue team.

But they did say
they were very confident

they're going to find
Dean and Emma.

The first hours
is the most important.

But the chief said that kids do this.
If I hear one more time--

Are you kidding me?

It's been two days.
What are these people doing?

Except offering anecdotal crap
about other teenagers. Huh?

All right, look, I'm sorry.
Don't be sorry.

Help us find our children.



The hut's gonna be something
in case it rains.


You never know.

Ah! Ow!

You okay? Come here.

This may sting a little.
Does that hurt?

Here, keep the pressure on it.


So why Princeton?


Why do you wanna go to Princeton?
I don't know.

It's Ivy League.

It's just where we talked
about me going.

It's kind of weird, right?

It's always been
where I wanted to go.

Where I was supposed to go.

I don't think
I ever even questioned it.

Heh. Mm.


They're not gonna give up.

No, they'll come, for you.

Thanks, guys.

Prepare to board
in five minutes.

I'm sorry.

Did you find her?

Not yet, but we will.

Yeah, we're gonna
go back out tomorrow.

Sweetie, your mom and I are gonna
need to stay a few more days.

Is that okay?

Sure. Stay however long you need.


There we go.
That should hold
for a bit.




Okay, now it's good.

Celebration swim?

Come on.

Come on, it's like a million degrees.
We earned it.


Argh! I cannot eat
any more fruit!


Hey, prom queen!
Don't look.

I was just gonna ask if you
had any more sunscreen left.

I don't have any more
anything left. Look yourself.

The bottles are in the baggies
in the hut.

I looked for them, didn't see any.
They're there, but they're empty.

I'm sure there's aloe somewhere.
Now turn around and stop looking.

You know that every time you say that,
it reminds me I should be looking?

I'm serious.

You're the one
who asked me to stand guard.

There's something out there.
I can hear it at night.

This afternoon,
according to officials,

the investigation
has been downgraded

from a search-and-rescue
to a search-and-recovery effort

as hope of finding the pair alive
has faded.

I want you to call me every day.

Sometimes twice a day if you can.
I will, I promise.

I just hate the idea
of leaving you alone down here.

I'll be fine.
You've gotta go back.

Stacey needs one of us there,
especially now.

No, I know. You're right.

Well, it's official.
They called off
the rescue search.

See what this is?
They don't have the resources.

That's what it is.

--for the families
and the students back home

who have kept constant...

I'm not gonna stop, Phil.

I promise,
I'll bring her back home.

I know you will.

I know you will.

Jack, thank you for hiring this.

We'll keep covering these waters.

We still have two hours
of flying time.


I miss my mom and dad.

I even miss my little sister.

And my fish.

The smell of my sheets
when they first get out of the dryer.

I'll bet they're still looking for us.

They'd have to be, right?

You think they quit?
Would you?

I mean, you keep looking
for something, at some point,

you figure it's gone, right?

Why do you do this?
Watch the sunset every day?

Looking for something.

Nothing. It's stupid.

Zippo's dead.

We're gonna have to learn
to make our own fire now.


What is it?


Oh, my God.

How long do you think
he was there?

How long do you think
he pretended that he was
gonna make it home?

This guy is not us, Em.

He could've been
some local fisherman

or drug smuggler or anyone.

You've got people out there
who love you.

People looking for you.

And you know what else?
We got each other.

And that's something right there,
prom queen.

We're gonna be okay. You hear me?

Nothing bad's gonna happen to you.



Why are you crying?

That was...

That felt so good.

You make that sound
like a bad thing.

It's just...

for a while,
I forgot where we were.

I pictured us home...

worrying about what everybody
was gonna say.

I felt so normal. Heh.


Hey, where's my latte?


I'm going to the lagoon.

Dean, did you take
the big water bottle?







Why would you do that?
Do what?

Leave me there without saying
where you were going--

You were sleeping.
And I woke up and you were nowhere.

What are you doing?
He deserves to be buried.

Okay? At least have a funeral.

Dean, I don't understand. What--?

Talk to me. I'm here and--
You're here and what?

We had sex once.
We're stuck on an island.

We're not soul mates.

That's mean.

Yeah, I'm not a nice guy, Emma.
And now you know.

I don't believe that.

Whatever it is, I'll listen.
Please, just give me--



I'm so sorry, Em.
I didn't mean to...

It was an accident. I fell.

I don't know what I'd do
if something happened to you.


What are we doing?

We're not some happy couple
on an island vacation.

How are we gonna make it
day after day, just the two of us?

What if something goes wrong?
I mean, what if l broke my leg,

or one of us gets sick
or something like that?

Nobody knows what's out there, Em.

There's stuff that
we don't know how to deal with

and we just gotta figure it out.

I didn't go to my mom's funeral.

That's why I wanted to bury
that guy. Just flesh.

Ashes to ashes.

I thought maybe seeing him
dead in the ground and all that

would make things make sense.

Did it?

Not really.

I guess that's the point.

It doesn't always makes sense.

We need hydrotherapy.

And you kind of stink,



Step into my office and tell me
about your problems, Mr. McMullen.

I couldn't handle seeing...

Seeing all of it.

You know, the casket
and all the people pitying me.

Blaming me or--

Why would they blame you?

Because I k*lled her.

She was driving me home
from soccer practice.

We were driving down this
side road, and it was dark.

We used to play this game
when it was snowing

where she'd flick on the high beams,
on and off.

It'd look like we were going
into hyperspace

from a Star Wars movie
or something like that.

I reached over, trying to be funny,
trying to be like her.

Lost control of the car.

We were laughing,
and the next thing...

I was in the hospital for three days.

When I got out, she was gone.

You didn't k*ll her.


We should maybe think
about moving here.

Nice neighborhood, and I hear
the public schools are great.



♪ Throw away the paper ♪

♪Throw away the mail ♪

♪ Be bad if you wanna ♪

♪ Be prepared to fail ♪

♪ And all the expectations ♪

♪ Take you to the point
Of never believing ♪

♪ And you're tired of me ♪

♪ Still nobody knows it ♪

♪ Something I can't be ♪

♪ My love ♪

♪ And there's no one here
Who loves you like I do ♪

♪ Thank God this much is real ♪

♪ Thank God this much is real ♪

♪ And broken down ♪♪

A month after two students went
missing off the coast of Trinidad,

the search for Emmaline Robinson
and Dean McMullen

has been called off.

It's believed that the students
have been lost at sea.

I can't believe they're gonna
stop looking for her.

Even if it's just for her body
or something.

Wow, Helen,
that's kind of morbid.

Well, her mom's still there.
Maybe she'll find her.

I know we've been over this,

but if you'd look
at the new information

regarding weather patterns,
you'd see we've been looking
in the wrong place.

Mrs. Robinson,
I've seen this information.

Perhaps your embassy can--
I've been to the embassy twice.


Excuse me,
have you seen these two?


Sorry, folks,
no planes taking off today.

They say the storm
could last for days.


When my wife died...

I tried so hard to keep her here,
you know.

Keep her alive.

I almost lost everything I had.

Dean and I barely spoke.

I almost lost my partnership
at the firm.

I was so focused on what I'd lost,
I forgot what I had.


Maybe it's time to go home,

It's not like we haven't tried.

It's a tough call.


Whenever we were at the beach,

my mom used to talk
about the green flash.

My dad and I would watch
and watch.

I've never seen it.

It's supposed to be
right on the horizon line,

just the sun comes down.

I'm thinking maybe
it's just a thing...

people believe in to make them feel
like there's something out there,

you know? Beauty or whatever.

How long do you really think
we can survive here?

We're gonna be fine, okay?



♪ I've been sinking
Through the drain of love ♪

♪ Lift my eyes to skies of up above ♪

♪ I've been moving
'Cause my heart is true ♪

♪ Telling everyone l know about you ♪

♪ Tell your mama
That you won't be home ♪

♪ Let your daddy know
You're not alone ♪

♪All I wanna do is make you mine ♪

♪ I said I'd love you, honey, anytime ♪

♪ Don't believe the things
They say about me ♪

♪ And all the things you know
I'd never be ♪

♪ You're the only one I wanna do ♪

♪ Everything's new
And it's all 'cause of you ♪

♪ I've been sinking through
The drain of love ♪

♪ Lift my eyes to skies of up above ♪

♪ Listen to me
This is how l feel ♪


♪ You're the only one I wanna do ♪

♪ Everything's new ♪♪

Should we feel guilty?

For what?

Not being sad all the time.

They probably think we're dead.

But we're not dead.

So we gotta live a little, right?

I just feel like
we should be doing something,

like trying to find a way off or...

We tried.

We'll keep trying.

Have you been shaving?


You have, like, almost no beard.


Okay, first of all, bite me.


And second of all,
it'll get heavier,

I hope.

Was that okay?

I mean...

was I okay?

Emma, you are so much better
than okay.


If okay is around here somewhere,
you are way over the damn palm trees.

If okay is like a little tiny grain of sand,
you're the whole beach.

If okay is like a little drop of water,

you're like
the whole freaking Caribbean.

Ha, ha, ha.
Need me to go on?



You were never like this at school.

Like what?

I don't know, fun.

You're different too.
No, I'm not.

Yeah, you kind of are.

How so?

No posse, no books.

I used to watch you sometimes.

That's not creepy.
Heh, heh, heh.

You always seemed like
you had a plan.

Like you had something to do
or somewhere to go.

I guess now
you got nowhere to go, huh?

I can't believe I'm saying this,

but l kind of like where I am.

And for the record,
I watched you sometimes too.

Who was your first time?

Oh, we're playing that game?
Yeah, we are. Who?

I was a sophomore
and she was a junior.

No, she was in college
Do I know her?

I don't know.

I thought she could teach me
some stuff.

Was it fun?

All five minutes were a blast.


Okay, who was your first?

Mm-- Heh.

No, no, no.


I told you mine,
now you have to tell me yours.

Football player? Band geek?




I was your...?

Wow. Wow.

Is that a bad "wow"?

Just a "wow."


Was it okay?

I got sand in some weird places.
Heh, heh.

I'm glad it was me.

Me too.

So since this is all pretty new
to me,

maybe we should practice more.





Emma, did you hear that?

Plane! Get the flare g*n.
I'll catch up with you.

No, no, no.

Hey! Hey! Hey!


They were too high.

Did you fire both flares? I didn't see.
No, I couldn't find the g*n.

What do you mean?
It's in the same place
it's always been.

This is our chance, Dean.

I don't understand.
Where could it be?

Did you move it?

You're the only one
who's picked it up.

So you're saying
I lost it?

I'm not saying anybody lost it,
I'm just saying it's not there.

Someone's been taking our stuff.

The baggies and my lotions
and my sunscreen and toothpaste.

That stuff ran out a long time ago.
EMMA: Yeah, but I kept the bottles.

I use them for aloe
and for water and...

Where's the water bottle?
It's probably there somewhere.

I bet you were organizing things--
Oh, really, organizing?

That's what happened,
I organized too much.

Hang on.

Emma. Emma.
Get off me.

What are you doing?
I'm leaving.

I can't. I can't do this.
I cannot stay on this island

What are you gonna do,
swim back?





There's no one out there, is there?



We've seen one plane
since we've been here.

I'm never gonna see
my family again.

We'll be better off in there,

What's long-term, Dean?

Look, Em, at some point,
we're gonna have to say this is it.

This is our life, you know?
It's you and me.


You hear that?

It's nothing. It's just the wind.

I'm gonna find whatever it is
and make it stop.

Dean, no.













♪ What else could the ocean be ♪

♪ What else is the sea
But a hundred million drops of water ♪

♪ What else but a memory ♪

♪ Of faded memories ♪

♪ Was everything
That came before you ♪

♪ And I don't know where we'll go ♪

♪ Or where we're gonna be ♪

♪ I don't know much at all ♪

♪ But when I think of you ♪

♪ I do ♪

♪ Roll the dice again to see
The roads we're gonna tread ♪

♪ And go whichever way you want to ♪

♪ What else could I ever be ♪

♪ The man who lost his head
And let his cold, cold heart adore you ♪

♪ And I don't know where we'll go ♪

♪ Or where we're gonna be ♪

♪ I don't know much at all ♪

♪ But when I think of you ♪

♪ I do ♪

♪ l won't fight it anymore ♪

♪ As we wash up on the shore ♪

♪ l still love you ♪

♪ I do ♪


♪ What else could the ocean be ♪


♪ But a hundred million drops of water ♪♪

You see that? You saw it. You saw it.
I saw it. I saw it.

You saw it. We saw it.
Oh, my God, we saw it.



Think it was the fish?
It smelled a little weird.

You think maybe you're pregnant?

No, I'm not.

It's not that I don't want kids,
it's just...

You know...
I know.


You want kids?


Me too.

I'd give anything
for some toothpaste right now.

And some chicken soup
and a sad movie.

Come here, lie down.
I'll make you feel better.


Do you ever think about
what everybody else is doing?


Who's everybody else?

Friends, family,

people out in the world.

We're everybody else now,
prom queen.

Ow. What--?

What was that?
What the--?


Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Okay there, buddy. Stop, stop.
Okay, put it down.

Put the g*n down
and step away from the vehicle.

Come on, monkey, drop the g*n.


No, no, no. Stop, stop, stop.
Put it down!

Como on, little guy.
I'll trade you, banana for the g*n.

He didn't even
take his banana.

You know what?

What the hell?
What'd you do that for?

I don't wanna hope anymore.
You're acting crazy. Why did--?

I'm crazy? No, see,
crazy is thinking that we can survive

for more than a year
on this island.

That's crazy.

We're gonna make a life here, Em.
It's gonna be better, I promise.

No noise. I mean,
what's so good out there anyway?

Life, Dean.
Life is what's so good out there.

Our families, our--

You're crazy if you think

that I would actually choose
to live like this.

This is not living, this is surviving.

Any luck?


I never said thank you.

For what?
For saving me.

For being there. Here.





Where is it?

Here, hold this.

Load and sh**t,

Pull the trigger, prom queen.

EMMA: Over here!

Hey! Hey! Hey!
Hey! Hey! We're here!


♪ Leave me as you find me ♪

Family and friends
eagerly await the appearance

of the two students lost at sea
for more than three months.

Emmaline Robinson
and Dean McMullen

were rescued yesterday
by a helicopter pilot

on a sightseeing tour
just off the coast of Venezuela.

Hey, get down.
I don't think so.

REPORTER : There's Emma.

Hey, Emma!

♪ l still believe in you ♪

REPORTER : Over here!

♪ I still believe ♪


Hey, Emma!

♪ Rolling time may fate me ♪

♪ Turning gold into gray ♪


♪ Don't let me miss my cue
For letting go ♪

♪ And moving forward ♪

♪ You can leave me
As you find me here ♪

♪ I will believe ♪

♪ Leave me as you find me ♪♪



I never thought I'd see you again.



What are you doing here?

I wanted to check on you,
first night back and all.

I was just looking at Facebook
and stuff.

Weird being back, huh?


They said we don't have to
go back to school right away.

Yeah, I know.

I think I'm gonna go next week,
though, get back into it.

Of course you are.
What does that mean?

Nothing, just...

I guess summer's over, huh?

You're talking in code.

My dad told me about your party.

Mom's throwing it,
a homecoming thing.

Are you gonna come?
Lots of kids from school will be there.

It'll be fun.
Yeah, fun.

You should probably go.

My mom and dad
have been checking
on me like every minutes.


Come to the party, okay?

First of all,
thank you so much for coming.

It's a special day for us.

I can't imagine the courage it took
to survive those days.

I really can't.
But I'm so grateful that you did.

To my girl and to Dean.

Where is Dean?
JACK: Behind you.

I cannot thank you enough.

You kids really are
an inspiration to us all.

I mean that. To Emma and to Dean.

ALL: To Emma and to Dean.
JACK: Hear, hear. Whoo!



BARBARA: Thank you for coming.
JACK: Thanks so much for having us.

How come you're not over there
with everybody else?

I'm not really an everybody-else
kind of guy.

Emma is. Always has been.

She's really good at that.
People really like her.

Yeah, I can see that.

Did you see any sharks?

It took her like two seconds
to become even more popular

than before you guys went away.
Yeah, I can see that too.



[MOUTHING] Come on.
GIRL: Like the memoirs. You know what?

I can't come. Sorry.

They're calling it "the miracle at sea."

After more than days
on a desert island,

two high school juniors,
Emmaline Robinson

and Dean McMullen,
have safely returned to their school,

to their family, to their friends,
to their lives

that they thought
they might never see again.


Welcome back.

Excuse us.

♪ Maybe I needed out ♪

♪ Maybe l missed a step ♪

♪ Maybe I had my chance ♪


♪ But I still needed you ♪

♪ Come to me now ♪

♪ It's time to break down
In the morning ♪

♪ We will wake up ♪

I told him I'd think about it.

Oh, my God, Em,
you're my hero.
You told Stephen?

You are so the b*mb.

♪ When you're fading
You start to fade out for your love ♪

so I'm gonna wear...

Hey, McMullen.

♪ For your love ♪

Come on.

♪ For your love ♪

♪ Maybe I had my doubt ♪

♪ Maybe I needed out ♪

♪ Maybe l missed a step ♪

♪ Maybe I had my chance ♪

♪ Babe, l couldn't cry on cue ♪


♪But I still needed you ♪

♪ This is love now ♪

♪ Crazy love now ♪♪



Mom wanted me to tell you
it was dinnertime.

And I was gonna feed the fish.

Yeah, go ahead. You can feed them.

What's with the dresses?

I don't know.

It's all feeling like...

It's all feeling like someone else.

You know, when you were gone,
Mom knew I was there for once.

I didn't have to yell
or get in trouble or anything.

At school,
all the teachers were nice to me.

Even if it was just for pity,
I didn't care.

And now you're the girl
who survived on the island,

going to prom with
the F'ing quarterback, for crap's sake.

And I'm back to just being me.

Stacey, you're amazing

and cool and funny

and all of these things
that I can never be.

And just so you know,
I'm not going to prom with Stephen.

Well, who are you gonna go with?


You wanna be my date?


I missed you, Emma.
I missed you too.

I missed you so much.


I saw it, Mom.

I saw the green flash.

It was beautiful.


And I just wanted to say I'm sorry
for not being there at your funeral.


And thanks for watching over us.

♪ Who wants to party now?
Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Who wants to party? ♪

What do you think?
It's amazing.

There's a cute hipster boy
looking right at you, sis.

He's looking at you, Em.
Don't think so.


♪ Who wants to party now?
Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Who wants to party? ♪

♪Take a little time off ♪

♪ Oh, who wants to party? ♪

♪ Say, "Yeah, yeah, yeah" ♪♪

In front.

Three down. Oh, what a save.

Cleared but not out.

Another shot blocked.

You staying in tonight?

--the goalie and clears the center
down the ice.

We're just hanging on now, with...

You wanna borrow my tux?



Emma, you look amazing.

Stephen's gotta be going crazy.
Heh, heh, heh.

He's kind of gross anyway,

in a smoking-hot kind of way.
Heh, heh, heh.

Come on, walk with me.

You know,
I knew this was always in you.

It just took being stuck in the middle
of the ocean to find it, but...

Let's get you a broody boy.

Oh, my dog.

Damn, he looks good.

Go. Be romantic.

♪ I'll stay if you stay ♪

♪ We'll run into the sun ♪

♪ Forget about everyone ♪

I've been trying to come up
with the perfect thing to say.

I mean, I--
I didn't even know if l could get in.

Plans are overrated.

♪ Let's take
Take the world tonight ♪

Oh. Um, I got you something.

♪ Everything's all right
I can feel it in my bones with you ♪

Thank you.
Wanna dance, prom queen?

I'm not the prom queen.
I never was.

Never wanted to be. I...

I'm just a girl.

Heh, heh. Wanna dance, girl?

It's kind of pouring. Heh, heh.

We've been through worse.

♪ Let's take
Take the world tonight ♪

♪ 'Cause you're here
And everything's all right ♪

♪ l can feel it in my bones with you ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ I feel the fire in your hands
If you'd say it's more than just a plan ♪

♪ Shine brighter than anything
I've ever known ♪

♪ Let's take
Take the world tonight ♪

♪ 'Cause you're here
And everything's all right ♪

♪ l can feel it in my bones with you ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪♪

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