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03x08 - Episode 8

Posted: 08/29/21 09:30
by bunniefuu
[UHTRED] I am Uhtred, son of Uhtred.

My brother, Ragnar,
died not as a warrior,

but was m*rder*d in his bed.

He cannot enter the hall of the gods.

He will spend eternity
in the cold of Niflheim because of you.

You will wet the blade
with Ragnar's blood.

Only that way will he be free
to enter Valhalla.

Might his blood be in others?


[UHTRED] Skade has me tortured.
I cannot resist her.

Your path is the path I choose for you,
Uhtred Ragnarson.

Your spirit is mine to torment.

[UHTRED] And although
I have now taken her from Haesten,

her curse still holds me.

She has invaded my heart and my mind.

- She is poison to all men.

How do you k*ll a curse?

Without breaking the skin
or shedding one drop of blood.

And you've got to do the same to Skade.

[UHTRED] In Winchester, a political union
has been arranged for Edward.

But he has loved and abandoned another.

I am married to Ecgwynn.

Your wife will be dealt with.

- [STEAPA] You're Ecgwynn.
- I'm confiscating the children.

They shall belong to the church
and dedicate their lives to God.

[UHTRED] Edward has a jealous enemy,
Lord Sigebriht,

who wanted his secret wife, Ecgwynn,
for himself.

She is confined to a nunnery.

I would understand it entirely
if you could not serve Edward.

[UHTRED] Under his
Danish masters' orders,

Aethelwold has returned to Wessex.

I wish to speak to the king.

[UHTRED] But his treason is known
to the dying Alfred.

Aethelwold's failings
were born from my own.

My brother, who I loved,
who am I to take his son's life?

The punishment...

is blinding.


[UHTRED] Destiny is all.


Trust me.


I have seen the rebirth
of Uhtred Ragnarson.

I have seen men become
and then , ,

with more joining him by the day.

And I have seen Alfred fall at last
and Uhtred rise.

Taste me.

May I say what an honor it is has been

to ride alongside the Lady of Mercia.

Does it trouble you so much, Lord,
that your wife is respected?

If not respectable.

There'll be plenty of ale
and wine at this wedding.

I suggest you refrain.

You do not like me enjoying myself?

I do not like you drunk.

Perhaps this wedding
will be followed by a funeral.

A sobering enough thought.

May I ask, Father Beocca, how is he?

How is our king?

He is prepared for whatever may come.

Both Alfred and Edward
are in my prayers daily...


It must be a worrying time
for you, Father.

What becomes of the king's advisor
when the king is no more?

- I, too, am prepared.
- And to have no influence.

- Does not concern me.
- No protection.

I have God. He is all I need.

And you have a wife, Father.

Do not forget your wife...

of strong, Dane stock.

Why am I not surprised
to hear you thr*aten a woman?

Father Beocca, please,
forgive me my sins.

I shall leave you to your prayers.

If indeed that is what you are here for.

[AETHELWOLD] I shall watch out for you,
Father Beocca,

with my good eye.

I'd rather we meet at the alehouse.

Father Beocca is already imagining
a conspiracy.

Because he is afraid.

Like the whole of Wessex is afraid.

The king is dying
and a child is about to take his place.

What are your thoughts on the matter?

- The matter of Edward?
- Becoming king.

It is the purpose of the witan
to choose a king.

It is.

Yet Alfred would have us
refer to him as Edward Rex.


Men are saying that Uhtred
is in Edward's debt.

That Uhtred will reappear
and swear an oath to Edward...

Then we must instruct other men
to say otherwise!

I will pay them if needs must,

but we cannot allow
Edward's reputation to grow.


Are we of the same mind or not?

Are we prepared to act or not?

Does the challenge to Edward
begin here or not?

It does.

It does. Edward cannot succeed.

So, these are the facts of the matter.

Uhtred blames Alfred for his banishment

and for the loss of his land and wealth.

Alfred is near death. Uhtred will,
therefore, take his revenge upon Edward.

Uhtred Ragnarson,
which is how he now wishes to be known,

wants Wessex for the Danes.

That's the news our men shall repeat,
and repeat and repeat

until it becomes the absolute truth.

Uhtred cannot be allowed
to ally himself to Edward.

- Ever.
- I understand.

Right now, it's you and
I against the boy,

but only because Alfred lives.

The very instant he dies,
then fear and doubt will grow.

The people will not wish their fate

to be in the hands of
a smooth-faced child.

We must be ready.

We must be ready.

And we must be ruthless.

[FINAN] Is the idea we walk into Coccham
like we've never been away?

- Yes.
- Directly to the hall?

- Yes.
- And if another lord resides there?

- We ask him to leave, my friend.
- I can do that.

Are we to expect a wedding, Lord?

We did not risk our lives
for you to hump the bitch.

- Do you plan to k*ll her with your cock?
- I plan to see my children.

Lord... you will not remember me.

I remember. You're Edwin.
You're married to Mildwynn.

Lord, they have taken more
than half our winter's store.

Animals and grain.

They say it is to feed Alfred's army,
but we will certainly starve.

- Who did this?
- They're at the hall, Lord.

Alfred would not have ordered this!

[UHTRED] Stand aside.
I want no blood shed, no man k*lled.

He said stand aside! Now!

Thank you.
I should not need to raise my voice.


Uh, what is the meaning of this invasion?

This is my home.

We are here by right,
on the king's business.

You are stealing food
from the mouths of the poor.

An army needs to be fed.

As do priests, it seems.

You're lucky it's not your hand.

We want no disharmony here today.

[UHTRED] What is that?

Well, you know what it is.

Take it down.

Take it down
or I will make a gift of you to Skade.

I will not do as you ask.

I cannot.

Lord, see it as a piece of wood,
nothing more.

It is a holy cross.

Bishop Erkenwald, shut your holy mouth.

And take it down.

Or I... I can just take it down, Lord.

[UHTRED] You will do nothing.

I realize you are looking to
find a reason to k*ll me,

and I would prefer to do as you ask.

I'm not a fool,
but I cannot deny my faith.

The king will hear of it.
God would know of...

The king has told me many times
that this is a pagan's hall.

You will take it down.

[HILD] It is my cross, Lord.

My doing. I put it there.
And I would like it to remain there,

unless of course, your plan
is to once again be the Lord of Coccham.

I meant no insult.


Now, perhaps, we may eat.

You may take it.

When you leave, you will
take only half the grain

of what you have gathered.

I understand an army must be fed,
but my village will not starve.

The king will not approve.

The king is a ghost...

nothing more than that.

Lord, may we speak further, privately?

- Good to see you, Lord.
- And you, Abbess Hild.

- Should you be here?
- I came to see my children.

Do not react, do not revolt.

Your children are fine. They're not here.
They're at Winchester.

With Thyra?

Under the Crown's care. Good care.

- The Crown?
- They are well. I swear it.

They can't be in the care
of nuns and priests.

They're well and happy.
I have seen it. You have been absent.

If Alfred is not already dead,
I will k*ll him.

- He does this to damn me further?
- He does not.

Have they been made Christian? Baptized?

- It will do them no harm...
- He has no right!

He has done this to damn me
and to damn my wife!

Lord, you, too, should eat.


- You should eat now, my love.
- I said later.

As you wish.

She's your woman now?

- A man needs a woman.
- You replace Gisela with her?

Who I bed is no business of an abbess.

I am speaking as a friend.

It's good to see you're well.
Back to your usual self, in fact.

- Hild...

I have been absent.

I would like to see my children
at Winchester.

Can you help?

Yes, I can help you.
Of course I can help you.

But Bishop Erkenwald will tell
of your visit here in Wessex.

They'll be watching for you.

You look thin.

You should eat, my love.

- Finan.
- Lord?

Have the priests unload
half of what they've taken.

Send them back to Alfred.
You will ride with them.

- All the way to Winchester?
- I will follow and find you.

- And what of Skade?
- She stays with me.

I will find you in Winchester.
I must be there. Unseen.

And if Alfred decides to take me hostage?

He will have you watched, nothing more.

You need only drink ale and find a woman.

I can do that.

We all need a good woman!

Father Beocca!

Father, there is talk
that your friend, Uhtred,

has sworn revenge against Alfred.

- Revenge? For what?
- Being outcast.

And should Alfred die,
they say he will k*ll Edward.

That is nonsense. Who is saying this?

It does not sound like a nonsense to me,
Father, nor to the men here.

Uhtred fought shoulder to shoulder
with Edward. You were there, Lord.

I was, so why is Uhtred not here?

Why does he remain outlawed?

Why is Uhtred being punished
for k*lling Danes?

He is not being punished
for k*lling Danes.

He threatened the king's life.

And continues to threat
the life of the king?

Uhtred of Bebbanburg would never dare
to harm Alfred nor Edward.

But what of Uhtred Ragnarson, Father?

Ealdormen are arriving from across
the land for the celebrations.

You shouldn't be talking
out of your arse.

So from now on, Lord, buttocks clenched.

Supper's in the pot.

There's a pile of dirt. Soil.


Outside the door.

You're thinking of something
more than a pile of dirt.

God forgive me, but I wish
Alfred would close his eyes and die.

The longer he lingers,
the more anxious people grow.

Then he should end it himself.

He should take a sword to his heart.

He's the king.

It is what a sword-Dane would do.

Alfred is holding on to life only because

he worries what'll happen once he's gone.

What will happen is fate.
We all die, Beocca.

It is how we live that matters.

If the Danes do come to Wessex,
people will see you only as a Dane.

I worry I will not be
able to protect you.

The gods will decide what happens.


That is what I said.


[UHTRED] My men are free men still.

They'll go with you to Winchester,
ensure your safe return.

I have a guard.
And Wessex is not a land of banditry.

Priests and ealdormen aside,

you should never refuse
the offer of a sword, Bishop Erkenwald.

Is it your intention
to remain at Coccham?

It's not. My Lord's intention
is to rule at Winchester.

Is that right?

My business is my own.

- And your children?
- Are Christian now.

I will ensure they're cared for.

If it pleases you.

I will bring my wife to Mercia, Lord.
Meet you there.

What is happening? Why is she not dead?

She has beauty and power, Osferth,

over men who believe
in their own reputation.

[OSFERTH] She's evil.
He has promised her death.

Pray for him. He'll need it.

You and I can be everything together.

- I want you to believe in me, Uhtred.
- I do.

[SKADE] Like I believe in you,
the warrior above all men.

You're a king.

Then you are my queen.

[SKADE] I am yours and you are mine.

To love. To guide.

To own.

I own you.



I thought you would need a fire, Lord.
Something warm to eat.


You saw?

I did.

I am not proud of what I've done.

But it was necessary, Lord.

She was of the devil
and you are free of her now.

Why are you here?

I could not leave, Lord.

You feared I could not rid myself
of the curse?

I did.

I stayed here for the Lady Gisela, Lord.

This is her hall
and there was no kinder, gentler lady.

You clearly did not know the Lady Gisela.

The, uh, marriage arrangements,
Father Beocca...

What progress?

Are all but complete.
The guests have begun arriving

and the alehouses of Winchester
have been brewing day and night.

It will be the shortest of ceremonies,
Lord, as you have requested.

- Are you comfortable, Lord?
- I am not, but it will do.

The Danes, they are encamped still?

They do not move.
They have not moved from the River Ouse.

We continue to watch.

The defeat of Haesten and Bloodhair
have weakened them, Lord.


What of him, Lord?

He is here not just for forgiveness.
He too must be watched.

He should be dead.

Although this move from the inn
to the palace is long overdue,

it comes
at a very inconvenient time of day.

Were you due
to hump an alehouse whore, Lord?

Aelflaed, continue to the palace.

I was due to eat, nothing else.

Yes, Lord.

If people have been gossiping,
they are wrong.

As I hope they are wrong about Edward
having a whore and children.

[EDWARD] Lord, good morning.

Whilst you are speaking with the king,

I was hoping I could spend a few moments
with Lady Aelflaed.

With respect, I do not think
that would be appropriate.

I have heard talk
that you have bastard children.

Is this true?

I thought we had agreed to
leave all alehouse gossip

at the alehouse, Lord.

Lord, perhaps you could direct
the Lady Aelflaed to her room.

[EDWARD] Of course.

Do not dwell... Lord.

The guards may leave us.

You will leave us.

Yes, you! Outside!

There's nothing
beneath their helmets but straw.

- Aethelhelm.
- Lord King.

May I say you appear
a little better this morning.

Thank you.

[AELSWITH] The king has much to do today.
We shall keep it brief.

He has called you here to discuss
the strength of Edward and Aelflaed.

"Strength," Lady?

Of the Crown, once Edward is king.

Assuming the witan's approval.
Is that guaranteed?

If the present king
may be allowed to speak?


A scoundrel, an outlaw.

- A warrior.
- [AETHELHELM] A heathen, surely?

Christian by birth and baptism.

- That is true?
- [BEOCCA] It is true.

- He is an outlaw.
- If the king may speak.

Uhtred is also a man of his word.

Should Edward, once king,
decide to take him into his service,

that would be no bad thing.

Lord, this is the man who held a knife
to your throat, so I am told.

He did.

And for as long as I live,
he will remain an outlaw.

However, once I am dead,
and should he become Edward's oath man,

I am advising you
that his word will be kept.

I hear you, Lord.

[ALFRED] Good.

Perhaps you would like to get on

with the business of your morning, Lord?

One point of clarification.

Uhtred is an outlaw
or he is not an outlaw?

- He is very much an outlaw.
- He is.

If he were found today on Wessex soil,
he would be ex*cuted.

But Edward may take
a different view once king.

[AELSWITH] Or he may not.

Above all else,
Uhtred does what pleases Uhtred.

- None of us should forget that fact.
- Make no mistake.

Edward will need the guidance
of a warrior.

- The king is tired.
- The king is not a child.


I shall go about my business.

Lord, Lady, thank you
for your confidence.

If you value the outlaw so highly,
then why do you not pardon him?

Beocca, would you leave us?

Yes, Lord.

It is my body that is weak, not my mind.

I know that, Lord. I understand.

Then why do you question me?
Why doubt me?

I don't doubt you. I would not...

Edward will need a sword,
a warrior at his side.

He has Steapa, who is God-fearing.

He will need Uhtred.

He will need a man who knows
how to fight and when to fight,

because the fighting will continue.

Until the Danes learn of the benefits
of peace, it will continue.

You may leave me, my dear.

As you wish.

I do not pardon Uhtred, firstly,
because he would not accept

and, secondly,
it must be Edward's decision.

And it will be your responsibility

to guide him towards
the correct decision.

Meanwhile, we are agreed.

Should he set foot in Wessex,
he will be ex*cuted.


[SIHTRIC] Finan, look.

Should you investigate?

Any spare coins, Lord? Any spare food?
God would bless you, I'm sure.

- Are you traveling to Winchester?
- We are, Lord. For the wedding.

We shall see you there.

And a good day to you, Lord.

Miserable bastard.

Lord God, give me strength and guidance
to do your work.

If it is right and proper
to rely upon a heathen,

albeit for v*olence, then I beg you...

show me a sign.

Help me.


I want my son to remain untarnished
by heathen ways.

I wish him to be God's king.


Lord. Should you be walking unaided?

While I can, I will.


I wish to sit in peace.

Of course.




Do you not recognize me, Steapa?
Why have the gates not opened?

Bishop Erkenwald, you have guests.

They rode with us from Coccham.

Where Uhtred remains.
He'll be going directly to Mercia.

Steapa, he had hoped
to visit his children there.

- This is true, Lord?
- [HILD] You do not believe me?

[ERKENWALD] It is true
that Uhtred Ragnarson remains at Coccham.

That is all I know to be true.

[HILD] Uhtred wants to go to Mercia.

I am to ask the king
to have his children follow.

Now open the gates and let us rest.

Hey, big man.

We're guilty of being hungry and
tired, my friend. That is all.

Open the gates.


[MUSICIAN] Hold! Hold the gates.

Hold! Hold.

We've traveled from Cent, Lord,

to bring smiles and laughter
to the streets of Winchester.

- Let them pass.
- Thank you, Lord.

Is that Aethelwold the sword-Dane I see?

Looks like you've mislaid an eye.

I see you perfectly, Finan.
Though I do not see your master.

Uhtred. Where is he?

Standing at your blind side, perhaps.

[AETHELWOLD] If his men are here,
Uhtred will not be far.

I fear he's here for the revenge
we've spoken of.

Then we must inform the king, perhaps.

If we are to be successful
in usurping the usurper, Edward,

Uhtred must be put to the sword.

I would like the grain and the animals

taken to the palace stores immediately.

Your men have been telling me
there's to be a wedding, Lord?

Edward is to marry, yes. A sweet girl.

I, uh... I do enjoy a wedding.

Ale flows and kisses
are a little easier to come by.

I might stay a short while.

You are welcome, Finan, I'm sure,
as are your people.

Finan, I'm away to find my wife.

Um, she'll be underneath some man.

And you'll recognize her
by the size of her big... feet.

- I still love her.

- Finan!
- What the... Osferth, you're here?

So, we are inside the
walls of Winchester.

Where will he go? To Father Beocca?

Yes. He'll find us. Be sure of it.

And he is free of his curse.

- She's dead?
- Very.

Then we're all free of the curse,
baby monk.

She was of the devil, wasn't she?

No, more than that.
She was the devil in disguise.

- It is what he would do.
- Hmm.

- Ale and women.
- And prayer.

- Absolutely. But in that order.


If you object to me being here,
then say it.

Let me see your face.

- [UHTRED] Thyra.


[UHTRED] Inside. Inside.

Uhtred. Uhtred, it is so good to see you,

to know that you are alive still.

I am.

Alive and well, at last.

But why are you here? They will k*ll you.

I came to see my children and you.

They will k*ll you.
We would have come to you in Mercia.

And I came to help
Ragnar, to save Ragnar.

He is dead. Beocca has told me...

- Yes, yes...
- He is dead.

He is dead. He is dead.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.


But he is trapped in Niflheim.

- He did not die a warrior's death.

That privilege was stolen from him.

Thyra, only your blood can save him now.

A cupful, not all of it.



Why do you come to the door
armed with a knife?

Who objects to you being here?

There are people who
feel I do not belong.

They see only a Dane.

But you're Beocca's wife.

It's because they are afraid.

You are gone, Alfred is sickly
and warriors are gathering.

Does Beocca know... of the knife?

Beocca, he has work to do.

[FINAN] However,
there is one slight problem.

- Osferth is a virgin.
- [OSFERTH] No, it's not true.

[FINAN] It's true!

- You need to do it sometime!

[FINAN] Are you surprised
to see me, Father?

Where is he?

He was last seen with a witch at Coccham,

and I don't mean the Abbess Hild.

Do you have a message for him?

He knows that his children are safe?

[FINAN] He knows they were taken.
He was not best pleased.

Is he here? You know
I will not summon the guards. Is he here?

He is.

Now you can tell me why Aethelwold

is walking the streets of Winchester
a free man.

Because rightly or wrongly,
he has been forgiven,

as I believe Uhtred will be forgiven.
Tell him to find me.

Um, I think he may well
be sitting at your table, Father.

Uhtred is here. I know it.
Are any of your men sober?

Some. They are with the horses.

We should pay a visit, you and I,
to Father Beocca's house.




- [BEOCCA] Thyra? Thyra, it's me, Beocca.
- One moment.

You're bleeding.
Oh, good heavens, what have you done?

No, I'm... I'm fine.

You're bleeding. That should be wrapped.
Let me find something.

Beocca, do not say a word, please.
Uhtred is here for good reason.

"For good reason"? What reason?

What is happening here?
What are you doing here?

- [THYRA] Beocca.
- I'm talking to him.

I am giving Uhtred my blood
to save Ragnar.

It is true.

It is paganism, is what it is.

It is heathen, pagan,
unchristian nonsense.

- You don't understand.
- I won't have it!

- [UHTRED] Beocca!
- No, no.

- Thyra, please.
- No, you will not interfere.

It is wrong.

If there's a chance for Ragnar
to find Valhalla,

then I must offer that chance.

I do not dismiss your god.

Because my god is God!

Ragnar is my blood.

You will not dismiss
what my people believe.

- Am I not your people?
- You are my husband.

Which is why you must understand.

[UHTRED] Beocca, we're almost done.

- You will say nothing.
- We are almost done.

Very well. Continue bleeding into a bowl.

I will wait outside.
I do not care to witness this.

You are certain of this?

He is here, trust me.

And Beocca, what do we do with him?

He is protecting an outlaw.
Alfred can decide.


As I'm allowing you to practice

your misguided pagan
rituals in my home...

I would ask a favor in return.


I would like you to speak with Alfred,
if I can arrange it safely.

What makes you think he'd speak with me?

Because death is near
and there are things unsaid.

[PYRLIG] If it is not the disgraced,
yet forgiven Lord Aethelwold,

sword drawn.

You have stopped, I see,
outside this house.

[AETHELWOLD] You should
show some respect.

- When you've earned it.
- There's an outlaw walking free.

An outlaw? Who?

- It is not your place to ask.
- You're no one to tell me of my place.

[PYRLIG] Father Beocca! Father Beocca!

What is this?

I believe you have angry visitors.

Surround the house. Do it now.

- Surround the house? Whatever for?
- They're looking for an outlaw.

I would like to look inside, Father.
I mean you no harm.

It is for Alfred and Edward.

What do you expect to find,
beside my wife?

- Step aside, Father.
- I will not.

We will not.

You're clearly hiding something.

- With which eye are you looking, boy?

- Father, I swear, we mean no harm.
- This is my home.

My home! And no man shall enter
without my permission.

A problem we can help resolve here?

It is a minor disagreement, that is all,
involving a minor ealdorman.

Send for Steapa and the king's guard.

Tell him we have all but captured
Uhtred Ragnarson.

- Lord.
- You believe Uhtred is inside my house?

- I do.
- You are ever the fool.

[THYRA] Beocca?

Stay inside, my dear.

Beocca, I have been listening.

If these men wish to
look inside our home,

then we should allow it.

We have nothing to hide, nothing at all.

Please, come inside, Aethelwold.

[FINAN] Come on.

[BEOCCA] Are you satisfied?

I asked, are you satisfied?

You have my sincere apologies,
Father, Lady.

He was here. I can smell him.


Will we see you at the wedding, Lords?

Where in God's name is he?


[ALFRED] I will leave the wedding feast

not because I am tired or unwell,

but because there is work to do.

[BEOCCA] Yes, Lord.

I will not stay long after the songs.

Is that wrong?

No, Lord.

Father Beocca,
something is troubling you. Say it.

- Leave us.
- [MAN] Yes, Lord.

[BEOCCA] Lord...

today is about hope and stability,

which is what Wessex needs.

But the fear must be halted, despatched.

- "Fear"?
- Yes, Lord.

It exists in every man and woman.

My own wife has dug out a hiding hole.

In fear of her life.

She has been threatened by who?

By people who themselves are afraid
of life without their king.

And Edward alone is not the answer.

You know this yourself, Lord.

Which is why you hope and pray, perhaps,
that Uhtred will return.

If that is the case, Lord,
then your prayers have been answered.

He is here.

You can have him found and ex*cuted...

or you can speak with him.

You should wait here.
The king will be with you soon enough.