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03x06 - Episode 6

Posted: 08/29/21 09:29
by bunniefuu
[UHTRED] I am Uhtred, son of Uhtred.

Brida told me of my brother's m*rder.

Ragnar is dead!

He doesn't feast in Valhalla!

Instead, he lies under a pile of stones
at the lake near Loidis!

[UHTRED] He died because
I remain cursed by Skade.

[FINAN] Death comes to us all.

It is her.

[UHTRED] To help him cross the bridge
from Hel to Valhalla,

I must first be rid of her.

To fight Haesten's army,
you will need an army.

My father is to join the Mercians
at Aegelesburg.

[UHTRED] So, with Aethelflaed,
I journeyed to King Alfred,

to plead for help.

One thousand men
and I will give you Beamfleot.

I do not need Beamfleot.

[UHTRED] When Alfred denied me,

his son, the aetheling Edward,
promised soldiers.

Set a day for the attack
and I will be there.

You shall have the men.

[UHTRED] With that assurance,
I drew Haesten to the b*ttlefield...


...and into our trap, where we expected

the king and his men,
who lay in wait, to strike.

We wait.

- Lord, where is Alfred's army?

They're being slaughtered!

We hold our position.


We cannot just stand by
and watch them die!

- I gave him my word!
- Then what will you do, boy?

You can either bleat
or you can make a decision!

What will you do?

[UHTRED] Destiny is all!


Lord King, we cannot wait any longer!

Lord King!




Father! We cannot wait!

We cannot!

For Wessex!

And for the king!

For the king!



Edward! It's Edward and his army!


Stand! Every man is to stand!

Dagfinn! Every man is to stand!

[SKADE] It's Alfred.

He lives.

Stand! Every man is to stand!


She's why we're here, Lord! Take her!



- No!







It's Osferth.



He's alive, Lord.
Maybe next time we'll be lucky, eh?

- Did you see me fighting, Lord?
- I did.

It was a sight to behold.

I hope I k*lled no man. [GRUNTS]

You gave many a sore head.

I feel cold.

Because it's winter, you fool.

You were a warrior today, Osferth.

Am I to die, Lord?

I do not fear it.

I forbid it.

You dare die, baby monk,
and I'll k*ll you myself.

Right. I'll try not to, then.

We will return to Aethelflaed's estate.
You will recover there.

Yes, Lord.

What of Skade?

She's been taken by Haesten.

Then nothing has changed.
We remain cursed still.

I am cursed.

It touches us all, Lord.

It continues.


[STEAPA] Uhtred, Lord. As you ordered.

[ALFRED] Thank you, Steapa.

I assume your vengeance included
reclaiming the seer, Skade?

She is why you are here?

Instead, I reclaimed your fortress, Lord.

The victory was decisive.
You have my thanks.

I feared you would not join the battle.

I was tempted to wait a little longer.

I would've seen victory without you.

It would have been all you deserved.

It was Edward who ordered the attack.
It needed to be Edward.

You owe him your thanks.

He fought with courage.

If I were his father, I would be proud.

When I spoke with Skade,

she foretold I should not
live to see another summer.

Skade preys on men's fears, Lord.

Nevertheless, I know it to be true.

I know how my body weakens daily.

In a matter of months,
weeks even, I shall be gone,

and Edward shall be king.

He has proven himself.

He has proven that he has courage...

but also that he can be manipulated.

You used him to serve your own purpose.

No, Lord, he saw a way
to weaken an enemy.

The Danes' march was halted.
They will not attack this winter.

You do your son a disservice,
all to accuse me of manipulation!

For one reason or another, you have,
it seems, earned Edward's favor.

He kept his word.


All that I ask is that
you do not forget what he has done.

Oh, I will not forget.

Nor will I forget that his father has
taken from me everything that was mine.

You are free to go anywhere but Wessex,
Bebbanburg should you choose,

but those lands are as distant as ever.

As is England, Lord.

The Danes will never leave these shores.


I will go to
the Lady Aethelflaed's estate.

She remains in danger, I believe.

Lord King.


Fetch me Cnut. He needs to see this.

Haesten looks a broken man.

[BLOODHAIR] He looks like shit.

He brings my woman.


- Lord Haesten, my friend.
- [HAESTEN] Cnut.


[HAESTEN] Point your cock
somewhere else, Bloodhair.

The woman is mine, make no mistake.

What has happened?

[SIGHS] I have lost everything,
bar what you see.

You've lost more than half your men.

- And my man, Dagfinn.
- How?

Alfred lives, that is how.
They came at night in their thousands.

- He lives?
- And Uhtred is with him.

Who says Alfred lives?

I say.

I saw him on horseback,
as strong as he has ever been.

That is a nonsense. It must be.

He lives!

And half my men do not!

If Uhtred is with Alfred,
then it is over before it has begun.

Nothing is over. Nothing is over!
We are strong still!

- How'd you come by Skade?
- Skade's not important.

Haesten spared Uhtred.

You will shut your mouth!

It's true.

We do not care.

He could've easily k*lled Uhtred
and the princess,

but instead, he desired me.

He thinks with his cock.

- You find that amusing?

I've missed her sharp tongue.

She is mine. I will lose nothing more!

We are meant to be one army.

Haesten, rest.

Then the three of us shall sit and decide
how we are to proceed.

A w*r council.

You mean four of us?

Aethelwold, another word from you
and I shall take your head.

Very well.

[SOFTLY] Not another word.



You have no appetite?

No appetite for celebration.

What is it you are holding?

Thor's hammer.


From Ragnar the Fearless.

I have told you?

Once or twice.

They will be together now...

father and son, in Valhalla.

That is what you believe, isn't it?

I must go to him.

My men will remain here.

Uhtred, I know what you have
sacrificed to come to my aid.

I know how much it has cost you.

It was my choice, Lady.

It is what I wanted to do.

I would like you
to have Mercia as your home,

to live here with your men.

I can identify land...

Thank you, Lady,
but say nothing more. Please.


Where are the prisoners being taken?

To the hall, to be fed upon my orders.

Come join us, Lady Aethelflaed...

Hold your tongue, Dagfinn,
or I will cut it out!

I do not like my enemies within my walls.

I will leave you to your peace.


How's Osferth?

Sleeping. As we should all be.

Just as soon as he's recovered,
we should attempt to recover Skade.

Once again.

So long as she is free, Lord,
you are cursed.

Skade is with the Danes.
We cannot reach her.

We will not chase her to our deaths.

Death will find us regardless.

- Do you have something to say, Sihtric?
- He does not.

Except that enough of us
have died already.

[FINAN] You are a warrior.
Death is a hazard.

I've decided to go to Ragnar.
I must help him find peace.

All you will find
at Ragnar's graveside is ghosts.

You will keep watch of Aethelflaed
and you will rest.

No man who serves Uhtred can rest,
not until Skade is reclaimed.

[FINAN] Sihtric, you are drunk and tired.

Yes, I am tired...

of marching north and then south,
being called a traitor,

of abandoning my wife!

For what?

- Then leave.
- [FINAN] You don't mean that.

If you are unhappy in my service, leave!

I have fought for you!

You fight because you enjoy it.

You'd dismiss me this easily?

Stay or go, I do not care.

He does not mean that. He does care.
Now, let us all sit.

Stay or go, Sihtric Kjartanson.
It is your choice.

Make it!

If you wish to make the square,
Uhtred of Bebbanburg, let us do it.

No, there'll be no squares made,
no fighting, just sleep!



Get the prisoners back
with the pigs, bound.


I will leave first light...

but I will return.

And if you are here still...

then I will k*ll you.



He has cursed us all!

She has cursed you all
and Uhtred allows it.

Shut your mouth.

Abandon him, boy. It's your only chance.

You're a Dane first and last.

- [SOLDIER] Quiet!


You abandoned your fortress
and your men abandoned you.


You fell into Alfred's trap.

I was told that Alfred was dead.

By your messenger.

The trap was Uhtred's.

Alfred brought his armies to Beamfleot

because that is what Uhtred asked of him.

Alfred will die soon enough,
but Uhtred we want dead.

He should have died at Dunholm,
but Ragnar was weak.

If we are to make Wessex ours,
we must rid it of its talisman.

Uhtred of Bebbanburg must die.

The days are short.

We've been weakened,
and Ragnar's death is an omen.

Wessex must wait.

Aethelwold, you will
return to Winchester.

I cannot.

I will not.

For what reason?

Your long-promised Saxon
army It's time to deliver us

Once Alfred is dead, yes.

Aethelred is ripe for betrayal,
as are many men of Wessex,

but as a corpse, I can do nothing.

Alfred would k*ll me.

- You'll ask for forgiveness.
- I would be ignored.

Then you will beg!

You will deliver me a Saxon army,

and if Uhtred has joined
Alfred at Winchester,

you will k*ll him.

I will k*ll him, how?

As you k*lled Ragnar.

Lord... [CHUCKLES]

[HAESTEN] He wouldn't have the balls.

Lord Cnut, you must learn
to hold your tongue.

This fool k*lled Ragnar?

Cnut is joking with you.

While he slept.

He was not sleeping.

It was either he died or I died.

I am no fool.

This fact goes no further
than this table.

Are you part of this?

I'm no longer concerned by his death.

You wish to lead?

Ragnar should never have allowed
Uhtred to live.

He should never have allowed him
to leave with your woman.

Who is now my woman.

Who will take Ragnar's men?

Ragnar's men belong to Brida.

They merely await her return.

Aethelwold, you will leave tomorrow.

So, I am journeying to Wessex
to become a corpse,

and from my grave,

I am to raise an army and k*ll the
greatest warrior in the land.



Ale, Lord?


And thank you for reminding me
I am a lord, Offa...

my faithful servant.

You and I are to make a journey.

I shall return to Winchester,

whereas, you will travel
from peasant to lord.

I do not understand.

Of course you don't. You're stupid.

As I have been stupid.


complete this next task,

and your reward will be land and title,
Ealdorman Offa.


I will get you out of here,
but you will take me to your camp.

You're no longer sworn to Uhtred, boy?

Uhtred is cursed and has lost his mind.

I am at the mercy of gods
and this is their will.

Are you with me or not?


[BRIDA] I knew you would come.

He calls to me in my dreams.

From Niflheim.

Asking me to help him cross
from Hel into Valhalla.

If there is one thing I could do,
it would be that.

You're here for forgiveness.

You abandoned him three times over.

That was through fate, not choice.


What are you doing? We will freeze!

Niflheim is much colder
than you will ever be.

If Ragnar suffers, then so shall we.

There will be no comfort for you here.

I'm going to sleep.

Wrapped in fur?

Give me your strength...

your heart and your wisdom.

Give me your love, brother.



[SOFTLY] You shall always have mine.


You look very clean today,
apart from this mark here.

Mother, please.

- She teases you.
- Stop.

Lord, I do not mean to disturb.

There was a matter
I thought we might discuss.

Speak your mind, Edward.
The king appreciates honesty.

I do not regret what was done,

giving my word to Uhtred,

honoring my word and the battle
that followed, the victory...

but I acknowledge
I went beyond what is my right.

I went against you, even.

I shall accept any punishment
you think necessary.

Without my permission,
you swore my men to a traitor.

You led my armies
into a battle I did not sanction.

Your actions were not worthy
of an aetheling.

They were worthy of a king.

Wessex shall soon be yours.

For now, it is strong,
but England remains fragile.

Its future will not only be secured
with battles and with men,

but with unions.

We should like you to meet
the Lady Aelflaed.

It is time.

It is a match that will strengthen Wessex
and the crown.

Your crown.

I will do my utmost, Lord...

for Wessex and for my king.


[UHTRED] Do you know them?

[BRIDA] They look like Danes.

- Yes, but do you know them?
- No.

[UHTRED] We should leave.
We can eat later.

And go where?

To a sh*thole village
on the road to Legaceaster.

I do not know how we can help
Ragnar escape Niflheim,

but I will not return
to my own life until I've tried.

What is at this village?

A seer.

Do you remember Storri?

- Storri is a piece of shit.
- He is, but he was Ubba's seer...

a Sword Dane's seer.

If any man will know
how to reach a lost warrior, it is him.

They have gone.

We can be at the village in two days.


One more arrow and I will take your eyes!

I know who sent you!

You do?

Tell Cnut I will return when I'm ready!

Cnut will want the Dane-Slayer dead.

He's with me!

He has my protection!

His head will be worth its weight
in silver.

I have a very small head.

Come out!

Uhtred is mine to k*ll... when I'm ready.

Now go, while you still have your balls.

Cnut will hear that
you are protecting him.

Tell Cnut I will return,
and when I do, he will have my men.

He will know what that means.

Now, go.


You do not change, woman.

I spared you for Ragnar.

I am told that Uhtred has ridden north
to Ragnar's grave.

Alone or with his men?


His men remain with Aethelflaed.

I see.

He is a man in great need
of the guidance of God.

Lord, I could place Uhtred
in the waters a thousand times

and he would not find God,
only fish. [CHUCKLES]

My son will need him.

It pains me greatly to say it,
but it is true.

Edward will need Uhtred.

But he is an outlaw. He must remain
an outlaw until I am gone.

That is your wish, Lord?

That is what I wish,
but I can say it only to you.

It cannot become a command.

My wife is sure to oppose any bond
between Edward and Uhtred.

But Edward must make his own decision...

with your counsel, Father Beocca.

Yes, Lord.

You plan to give your men to Cnut?

They're my men.

Will you become Cnut's woman?

It's none of your business.

Will you?

I must survive.

Men won't follow a woman for long.
They're too stupid.

But Cnut?

He's a weasel.

Well, what do you suggest?

That I give my men to you,
we attack Bebbanburg?

Because that's something
you'll never do because you're a Saxon.

He's a weasel.

You deserve better than Cnut
is what I'm saying.

It's your turn to shit.

I do not need to shit.

Then let's go and find this turd, Storri.

This is the second time
we have gone in search of Storri.

The last time, you dispatched him
with a stick up his arse.

I remember.

Never forgotten.

We were so young then.

We were Danes then.

Race you over the hill?

- Why?
- Why not?


Afraid of losing?




I think of Gisela every morning
I wake and every night before I sleep.

I understand.

I should despise Ragnar for whoring...

but I can't.

You loved him.

More than he knew.

The thought of him in Hel
is not one I can bear.


I swear I will not leave your side

until we have found a way to help him.

Or until you have k*lled me.

[SNIFFLES] Then we must
find a way quickly

because I'm sure to k*ll you soon.

I can't forgive you, Uhtred...

for failing him.

- One time.
- Three times.


I made one mistake.
I gave one year's service to Alfred.

You gave your life.

I swore an oath to Alfred
for a second time

because I had no choice.

A man always has a choice.

After the Battle of Ethandun,
when Ragnar became Alfred's hostage,

he was sent north by Alfred
to free me from my slavers.

I was there.

Ragnar saved me...

and then we rode to save Gisela...

whereupon I k*lled a priest.


And because Ragnar did not prevent it...


I was in Ragnar's charge,
Alfred did blame Ragnar.

He was going to have him
put on trial and then k*lled.

The options given to me
were to swear a second oath to Alfred,

or my brother's life.

You didn't tell Ragnar.

From Ragnar...

and from me.

I have always loved you.


Not as a wife.


No longer as a wife.


But you will always be half my life.

And all of your madness,
is what you said.


It's true.

This is it?

This is where we find Storri?

- I see him.
- Huh?

The gods are with us.


And this is from your wife?


What is it?

It's bad.

The ale?

Your wife, she will bear many children...

but none shall be born living.

I'm sorry, the gods can be cruel.

There must be something you can do.

I suggest you find a new wife.


I despise him.

We need him.




Come no closer.

I have skill!

Storri, you have chickens,
a goat and a bad smell.

That is all.

Uhtred Ragnarson.

And you, I know you, too.

Oh, I remember.

All we want is your knowledge.

In exchange for your life.

She shamed me.

You shamed me, with a branch!

I shat blood for days!

Storri! We will pay.

We will not!

We mean you no harm and we will pay.

She is to come nowhere near my arse.
You understand?


You swear it!

She will come nowhere near your arse.

[STORRI EXHALES] I liked Young Ragnar
and his father, the Fearless.


For him to be lost
in the cold of Niflheim,

no true warrior deserves such a fate.

Then you will help us?

I would like to.

But that would mean
walking with the gods,

asking for a solution,
perhaps time and time again.

And each time would require payment.

We're not here to be robbed.


You're here to save Young Ragnar.


You will give us the answer tonight.
Or you will die tonight.

Is she allowed to speak to me like that?

Help us and you will be paid,
but it must be tonight.

Well, then,
you should allow me to prepare.

You're in luck, though.

I have everything I need and Young Ragnar
will share in that good luck.

We need to k*ll a chicken.

But not the small one. She has a name.

What is she called?

- I wouldn't be surprised if he humps it.


[BRIDA] Uhtred?

[UHTRED] He's gone. He's gone!

I swear I did not mean to run.

Just habit.

My curse,

I'm assuming it worked.

It did.

It cost me a family and my husband.

I... I can make amends.

I can help you reach Ragnar.

- I liked him.

Please, don't k*ll me.

Don't let her k*ll me.

I can see she'd like to.

- He says he can help us.
- I heard.

You might think I'm afraid of death.
I'm not.

I think there are times
I would even welcome it.

Almost finished.

What is it you are using?

Don't you need mushrooms
to walk with the gods?

Oh, yes, mushrooms are vital.

This is a mixture for something else.


This is to help me... shit.

You are playing with us.




Perhaps I am.

And perhaps this was poison
to help me end my life.



I am playing with you.

But it does help me shit.

You will tell us how to help Ragnar

or I swear I will cut you cock to throat.

I know exactly how to help him.

- Then say it!
- And nothing more.

Very well.


The Goddess Hel...

will surrender your brother's soul,

but only in return for another.

You must k*ll the man who k*lled Ragnar.

The man who denied him.

You will wet the blade
with the blood of Ragnar,

and with that blade only must you k*ll
the man who sent him to Hel.

Only that way will he be free to enter
the feast halls of Valhalla.


Ragnar is dead.

His blood is black. It's dust, almost.

Might his blood be in others?


Who's Thyra?

Ragnar's sister. Blood sister.

Then, you have it.

Now, pay me well and leave me in peace.

Thank you.

I have one more thing to ask.

I will pay.


How do you k*ll a curse?

I knew it.

I saw the darkness on your shoulder.

It's yours.

[STORRI] Do you have something for me,


[UHTRED] Brida, no!

Yes! Trust me!
Don't touch him! Don't touch him!

Trust me! Don't do anything!






[STUTTERING] I just did what one
has to do to break a curse.

You have to k*ll the sorcerer
without breaking the skin

and without shedding one drop of blood.

You've got to do the same to Skade.

If you can't, you can
make her your woman.

He cursed you when?

A long time ago.
We were young. [CHUCKLES]

He threw a curse,

I stuck a branch up his arse.
It was that day.

I've been a barren bitch ever since.

You have lifted your own curse.

Yes. For what it's worth.

Why not sooner?

Because I was a warrior first.

Because I'm a fool.

You are no fool.

But you are the bravest warrior.

I knew how to k*ll a curse
since before you arrived at Dunholm.

I chose not to tell you...

because I knew you wouldn't stay.

So, I wanted to see you suffer.

I did love you, Uhtred,
but that has passed.

I do not believe you.

We are one, you and I.

From the moment I took your hand

on the steps of the
great hall of Eoferwic,

we were bound as one.

You may dislike me,

hate me if you wish, despise me at times.


But love is immortal.

It goes on.

I will find Skade
and I must k*ll this curse.

Then I will go to Thyra.

I will discover who k*lled Ragnar.

We send him on his way to Valhalla?

At some point,
I'll see you on the b*ttlefield.

I won't hesitate to k*ll you.

That does not mean you do not love me.