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03x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 08/29/21 09:20
by bunniefuu
[UHTRED] I am Uhtred, son of Uhtred.
Born a Saxon nobleman,

I was robbed of my ancestral lands
and raised as a Dane and as a pagan.

I am Uhtred of Bebbanburg
and I shall take what is mine.

But I became
King Alfred's greatest sword warrior,

defending his kingdom of Wessex
and his vision of one united England,

supported by my loyal band of cutthroats,
barbarians and a fallen priest.

I pray that, when battle comes,
I will not fail you.

[UHTRED] I have found happiness
with my wife, Gisela,

who has given me two children.

Alfred has married his own daughter
to the weak Aethelred,

who sees himself as king of Mercia.

But taken by the Danes,

she fell for one warrior, Erik,
and is coveted by Haesten.


[UHTRED] This Haesten
has seemingly allied himself to Alfred.

He can never be trusted.

Now that Alfred's health is failing,

these are dark and dangerous times
for all the peoples of this land.

Destiny is all.




[WARRIOR ] God save your king!




[ALFRED] Father Beocca.

If what we believe is true
and heaven awaits us...

Which it does, Lord, no doubt.

I fear that even if I were allowed
to pass through the gates,

it'd still feel like purgatory.

It will not. It cannot. It is heaven.

What has changed since I took the crown?

Danes still raid and slaughter continues

and will continue
until the day I die and beyond.

What has been my purpose?

Your purpose, Lord,
is that you are God's King.

Without you there would be no church,

no Wessex, no laws,

no burhs, no havens of safety...

no idea of an England.

What you have done

is laid the foundations
for a great and godly country.

Nothing has changed. No task is complete.

And after I am gone, what then?

What you have begun will continue.

It must.


Thank you, Beocca.

It must.

[SKADE] Guards!

Turn away now!

No man is to show me his face!

No man is to see me before Bloodhair!


You'll go and remind the camp

that Earl Sigurd
must be the first to see me.

Yes, lady.


Once he has my message,
they'll be free to gaze.

My lady, I swear, I did not look at you.

I must take your eyes.

Lady, no, be merciful.

And your tongue.

Bitch! I'll k*ll you!


No. No.


[SKADE] Turn away!

Only the women may look at me

until I have told my Lord
what I have seen.

Sigurd, my love, drink me
and make my vision real.

Let me give you
all the strength you'll need.

I see the death of a king.


Which king?

I see the death...

of Alfred.



It has been seen.

It has been seen!

The death of Alfred

and the glory of Odin's warriors
has been seen!

Our path will not be simple.

The gods will demand
that we earn our reward.

But I make you this promise...



From the smallest pig,

to the golden crown upon Alfred's head,

Wessex and everything it holds

shall belong to the
warriors of Bloodhair!








Uhtred, what is your opinion
of Edward's sword skill?


My opinion, Lord,
is that Steapa is wasting his time.

Would you care to explain?

I will, Lady.

Steapa, stop.

Stop this nonsense.

You should not be using swords.
Skills are taught with a staff.

- Thank you.
- I prefer the weight of a sword.

It is a sign of the atheling's bravery.

Let us watch, my dear.

What have you learned?

He learns by the day.

Mother, please.

Show me.


Lord, that grubby Dane, Haesten, is here.

Uhtred, you must test the boy.


Put the child on his arse.

It is not your place to speak.


Oh, bad luck, Edward.

Uhtred, we have a visitor.
An old friend of yours.

[UHTRED] Sacrifices were made
so you would live, boy.

From now on you practice only
with a staff. You learn from being hit.

There is warrior inside you.
We will find him.

[CHUCKLES] Thank you, Uhtred.

as the Lord Uhtred says, Prince Edward.

He has your safety and welfare in mind.

Bishop Erkenwald. Thank you.

- I trust your wife is well?
- She is.

[ERKENWALD] Pretty girl.
Her name escapes me.

She's called Gisela, Lord, a pagan.

She is once again with child.

A boy.

Your child shall be a boy.

Brother Godwin has a gift.


If you will excuse me, Lord.

Of course.

Edward, you are late for your lessons.



I hear there are ealdormen
who wish you dead.

You made a whore
of a young girl and left her pupped.

She is no whore.

Bad Edward.

She is no whore.

Say it again, I dare you.

Bad Edward.

His name is Sigurd.

His men call him Bloodhair.

[AELSWITH] I don't wish to know why.
Something depraved, I'm sure.

[UHTRED] I have a man watching
Bloodhair's camp,

but I'm curious...

He didn't ask you to join, Haesten?

He has.

I declined.

Like you, I have given my word.

Unlike you,
I've accepted the King's missionary.

[UHTRED] Your word means nothing.

[HAESTEN] Does the peace
among us not hold?

Do my wife and children
not wish to become Christian?

[AELSWITH] They do?

[HAESTEN] They do, Lady.
I've asked the priest to arrange it.

That is good news.

It is certainly news.

It should be an occasion, Lord.

[ALFRED] I will consider it

as soon as we are done
with Earl Sigurd, Bloodhair.

Will he attack or raid?

[UHTRED] He will raid
to assess your strength and readiness.

It is you who must attack.

Destroy his army
and send a message to all Northmen.



My Lord has eaten something
that does not agree?

Too much wine, Lord?


Uhtred, you are right.

Sigurd landing his ships on Wessex soil
is unacceptable.

- We will attack before the winter bites.
- Soonest, Lord.

Then we march.

Beocca, send word to Aethelred of Mercia.

This is a threat to both our lands.

Our allies must join
with the Wessex guard.

Yes, Lord.
I will draft the letter at once.

Inform him, we shall join him
at the Burh of Aescengum.

I will now, um...

take some air.

How is the Lady Aethelflaed these days
and the child?

Who does the girl resemble...

One more word against her,

I'll shove that food so far down
that you'll be sh1tting it out.

I have seen him do it. It's a miracle.

I am saying nothing
her husband Aethelred is not saying.

And I would say
you are in Aethelflaed's debt.

You have men and ships
not because you earned them,

but solely because
she did k*ll your lord, Sigefrid.

I remember what the bitch did.

I will never forget.

That is enough.

Tell her, I pray
our paths will meet once again.

[UHTRED] Haesten.

No more.

Bloodhair has a woman
you would like, Uhtred.


Her beauty blinds you like the sun,

yet she has all the
darkness of the night.

She's a seer.

She's of the devil, Father.

I'd say it was a pleasure
to see you, Uhtred...

but it never is.


May God forgive me,

but I'd like to remove that
man's head with a blunt ax.

The King's health, Beocca, it worsens.

From time to time, yes.

That is why the time you spend

with the aetheling, Edward,
is so important.

Alfred's work must continue,
and you can ensure that it does.

Tell the King I'll meet him
on the road to Aescengum or at the burh.

- Where are you going?
- To my wife.

Then on to see Bloodhair for myself.

You should seek the King's permission.

For once.


A good morning, Lord?

[UHTRED] Ready yourselves and the horses.
We leave before nightfall.

- For where?
- For battle.

And not before time.

I'm a warrior.

[BOY] I'll take this.

What's this, Gisela?

We have servants to prepare food.
You should be resting.

I have said this to her.

How can I rest
with this wild boy inside of me?

A priest has just told me the same,
that you are carrying a boy.

Of course it's a boy.
He will not keep still.

Thankfully, he will be the last.

You can't prevent that.

I know how to prevent it.

He will be the last.

You are marching?

Yes, I will join Finan
and then we are marching.

Thyra will be here.

And I have sent word home,
to Coccham, to Hild.

She'll be with you for the birth
should I not return in time.

But I promise, I will return.


And when you do,
you will be sleeping alone.

You would do that to me?

Oh, yes, I will do that to you...

for a time.

We move!


Good evening to you.

Though I'm pointing a sword
at your heart...

I am a friend.


With me.

Then you can tell me
all about your village.



[SHAKILY] Holy Father,
spare me from this ordeal.

Stop my heart from beating
and take me now.

I beg of all the saints in heaven
to strike me down.

Take my soul and hide. Spare me, Lord.

It is not death I fear,
it is the path. Lord, I beg you.

Stop my heart from beating
and take me now.

Please, please.

Where is the silver?

There is none.

Where is the silver?

I'm begging you to believe me.
I do not lie.

If you wish to be cooked alive,
then I will cook you alive.

[MONK] There is no silver! I swear!



[SKADE] The silver!


You will answer her.

[MONK] I have answered her, Lord.
There is no wealth here!


Put him into the fire.

No, please! Please, I beg you!

The silver!

Can any of you holy men answer for him?

God in heaven, help me!


[MONK] Help me!

You have no right, Lord.
He was mine to question and to k*ll.

You have no right!

This is a church,
and a church holds silver.


What's your name?

I am called Brother Hubert, Lord.

My Lord, I swear, we are a poor church.
We have food and ale,

but we have no more.

Brother Hubert...

if you speak the truth,
you'll take your own life.

You will do it now and save your friends.

But, Lord, my soul will be damned.

Take your life like a warrior!
And we'll ask for only food and ale.

Lord, I swear, there is no silver.

They're yours to do with as you please.



Are you certain
you will not use the carriage?

I'm certain. We ride to Aescengum.




[DANE] Lady, Bloodhair is heading on
to the next village in search of silver.

- Did you hear me? He's ready to leave.
- Then let him!

We will remain here until I've finished
my work with the priests.

Tell him we will follow.
But he is to leave my guard.



Good morning, Hubert.

I believe you now.

There is no silver.

So, what else can you give me?


[ALDHELM] We are ready to march.

Then you should march.

But with half of the guard, no more.

You will follow?

Yes, we are allies with Wessex.

There is talk of Danes
raiding on our northern border.

There are forever Danes there.

I shall remain here
for the good of Mercia.

We cannot neglect our own lands.

Lord, it makes sense
to remain close to Wessex.

Alfred will not live forever
and the aetheling, Edward, is a boy.

He seems to be doing his very best
at living forever.

He's constantly ill, but he will not die.

If you see him, tell him
I am busy with Vikings.

I'll inform my father that you'll join us
as soon as you are able, Lord.

Thank you, lady.

You are riding to battle?
Is that not forbidden?

I wish to see the King.

He is a king. He is not the King.

There are kings and kingdoms all over.

Aldhelm, are we ready?

- Lord, you are certain you will not ride?
- Go!

In God's name, go. Leave me in peace.

Yes, Lord.

Good luck at the northern border.
Return safely.

You should be leading your men.

I do not wish to hear the whining voice

of the so-called Lady of Mercia.

Which is why I prefer you
to spend time at your own estate.

Then I shall leave you in your peace.

How is your daughter?

Our daughter is well,

though I pray she does not inherit
her father's temperament.

Nor the morals of her mother.


You have diminished me.


We march into Wessex...

to the aid of Wessex,

but be in no doubt, what we fight for

is the freedom and the glory of Mercia.

And once again,
we will show the King Alfred

how a warrior should be.


We will show the bastard heathen
how a warrior should be!



She's in there, inside the church.
Am I still needed?

Go find your family.



Who are you? What do you want?

I would like you all to surrender.

Or I will smite you.

What did he say?


What is "smite"?

It's a word, isn't it?

A word from the Holy Book.

It means slay or k*ll.

I will k*ll you.



- You will smite all of us?
- Yeah, most.

Some might run away, hopefully.

I've got... I've got a sword.

A very sharp sword.

But I prefer your surrender.

- [GUARD] k*ll him.
- Now!



Haesten says she is of the devil.

Then it might be an idea
to bar the door and burn the place down.

- Why not?
- To Bloodhair, she will be priceless.

[UHTRED] You are Skade?

You! You will do nothing
except go to your lord.

You will tell him that
Uhtred of Bebbanburg has his witch.

I knew it was you.

There will be a ransom.

No. You will go to my lord

and you will tell him
that from this moment forth,

Uhtred of Bebbanburg is cursed.

The witch holds his heart in her hands

and she will squeeze it...

and break it.


It is you who are my
prisoner now, Uhtred.

Seize her.

I said seize her, Sihtric.
Now, bind her hands.

I have aligned myself
with the three spinners of fate

and seized your life.

- You belong to me.
- And her mouth.

Your path is the path I choose for you,
Uhtred Ragnarson.

And your spirit is mine to torment.

Cover her eyes.

We'll take her to Aescengum.

I think she may have got herself
inside his head.

He should k*ll her and be done with it.

That will not k*ll the curse.

There is no curse.

And if I say there is no Christian God,
does that make it so?

There is no curse, Sihtric.

I have seen women throw a curse
and the next day a man is dead.

Right, that is enough talking.

To speak of it makes it stronger.

[ALFRED] Uhtred, we're
discussing strategy

and I have decided we shall remain here,

within the burh, and wait.

[UHTRED] For what?

- [ALFRED] Bloodhair to attack.
- What makes you believe he will attack?

Is that not what Danes do, Uhtred?
They cannot help themselves.

Why should he not? I am here.

You are here, and so too is your guard.

Why throw men against the walls of a burh

when Winchester's riches are unprotected?

Would he do that?

He doesn't have a large army
to hold Winchester.

- What if Haesten joined him?
- You're saying we should've stayed home?

If you believe
the burh's advantage dismissed,

you must have an alternative.

- [UHTRED] I don't know you.
- I am Sigebriht, son of Sigelf.

It is my villages that the heathen burn.
My father built these walls.

He built them well, Sigebriht,
which is why Bloodhair will not attack.

- He will not want to lose men.
- Not even to k*ll a king?

He will wait

for us to starve or he will pass, Lord.
He will not attack.

But we must. That is still my advice.

If Winchester is vulnerable, Lord...

This woman that you have taken,
why is she here?

She has value.

And Sigurd will want her back.
I refuse to call him Bloodhair.

- He will.
- [AETHELWOLD] She is what to him?

A wife?

A lover?

She's a... a seer...



The simple mind of a Dane
believes in signs, Edward.

If a bird flew from their camp to ours,
they would see it as a sign and follow.

They would march into battle

all because a seer
caught sight of a bird.

Yes, Lord, it can happen that way.

Then it follows that without his seer,
there can be no signs.

- Sigurd is blind. There can be no battle.
- You are both right and wrong.

We wait, Uhtred.


I wish to look at her.


Father, you do not need
to trouble yourself.

No, Lord?

[UHTRED] Unlock the door.

[SIHTRIC] What are they doing?

Alfred said he'd like to hump the witch.

No word of a lie.



Uhtred, you will leave us.

Is that wise, Lord?

She is secured by chains
and I will not venture too close.

You will leave.


You left him alone?

It's his wish.

You believe that Bloodhair
will go directly to Winchester?

Our families are there unprotected.

That is why we cannot wait
for an attack that will not come.

Uhtred, you must...

make him see the danger...

for those we love.

You reek of death, Lord.

I do. Sadly, I do.

Why sadly?

You have a rich life and reputation.

There is more to be done.
I must see that it is done.

Ask your question.

How long...

before I am taken? Do you know?

Is that something that you can see?


You will not see another summer.

But your name will live on.

You will be remembered

as the first, the last
and only king of all Saxons.

I do enjoy the summertime.

[WHISPERS] Sigurd, my Lord,
Bloodhair, my lover,

hear me, free me, avenge me.

Come for me, die for me,
want me, desire me.

Sigurd, free me!

Bloodhair, come to me!

Die for me, avenge me!

Free me!

There's a king in this camp!

Come to me! Desire me!

If she insists upon calling,
we should make use of her.

[SKADE] Free me!


Come for me, avenge me,
free me, I demand it!


- When can we bind her mouth?
- [SKADE] Die for me, desire me!

- Let her sing.
- [SKADE] There is a king in this town!

That is not singing.

[SKADE] Bloodhair!

- [SIGEBRIHT] Lord Uhtred.
- [SKADE] Come for me!

Are you allowing that woman
to wail all night?

- [SKADE] Free me!
- For a little while longer, yes.

[SKADE] Bloodhair!

There's a king for you to k*ll!

- [GUARD] Shut her up!
- [SKADE] Come for me, avenge me, free me!

I demand it!

Die for me! Desire me!

[SIGHS] Here is a bit
of loose talk for you.

[SKADE] Bloodhair!

Sigebriht there, son of whoever,

would like to rip the innards
from young Edward's belly.

- Would you like to know why?
- [SKADE] Bloodhair!


- No.
- I'll tell you.

Edward, the non-bastard son of Alfred,

has whelped twins on the girl
whom Sigebriht did love.

And does Sigebriht still love this girl?

[SKADE] Die for me, desire me! Bloodhair!

Can someone not just cut her throat?

Why are you telling me this?
It's of no concern to me.

They will make it your concern, Uhtred.

They will find a way
and Edward shall become your charge.

You're a kingmaker, my friend.

And Alfred knows it.

[SKADE] I am undecided.

I could take the place of your woman,
Uhtred Ragnarson.

Together we could rule
from north to south.

Hear it.

Hear it.

You men there,
take her down and return her to the cell.

Let her rest.

[SKADE] Good night, Lord.

Why have you not k*lled me?

What is it you want?

I'm worth more than just silver.

Put the food into your mouth and chew.

If it is me that you want...

then have me.

I will not object.

I have no need of a whore.

You will soon have need of a woman.

You have not k*lled me, Lord,
because that will leave you cursed still.

Until the end and beyond,

our paths are entwined

and our fate is shared.


He is here.



Lord, it is Bloodhair! He has hostages!

Every man to the walls!
Every sword and spear must be ready!



Osferth, prepare to open the gates.
Finan, with me.

- [BEOCCA] What is it?
- [ALFRED] Who is it?

- Bloodhair, Lord, with hostages.
- He wishes to negotiate?

[UHTRED] Possibly.


[BLOODHAIR] Uhtred Ragnarson.

What depravity is this?

[BLOODHAIR] Alfred of Wessex,
you have my woman.

Return her now or your people will die.

Lord, I know each of those wretches.

Does he wish to negotiate or not?

If it is your woman that you want,
then let us negotiate!

We don't wish to see
the death of another innocent!

- I've said all I will say.
- [WOMAN] I beg you, not the young.

Spare the young!


[WOMAN] I beg you, Lord,
not the young, please.

Spare the young, Lord.
They can serve you. Please, Lord.


Osferth, the gates. Steapa, be ready.

- They are k*lling women, Lord.
- The gates!

Earl Sigurd!

k*ll one more hostage

and I shall let every man here
see her nakedness

and then I shall spill her guts.
Just one more!

Do it, Lord.
I'll see you in the next life.

k*ll them all! Attack!


- [SKADE] k*ll them! Attack!
- She is an angry woman.

[UHTRED] What's your answer?

I have a mind to k*ll her. She tires me.

He cannot do it. He's cursed.

k*ll them all!

You will not harm her again!


The price has risen.

You will spare the hostages,

free them
and send them across to the burh.

What I'll do is feed you your own cock.
Release her.

You have until sunset
to free the hostages.

Or each man in this fortress
will take his turn.

Until sunset!

I believe negotiations are over, Lord.

You will not see Valhalla,
Uhtred Ragnarson, I swear it!

- [SKADE] Bloodhair!
- Uhtred Ragnarson!

- [SKADE] k*ll them!
- [BLOODHAIR] Uhtred Ragnarson!

Do not harm one hair from her head.
She's mine!

Lord, we need to change our plan.

We cannot wait for him to attack
because he will not.

Her value is even greater
than I first thought.

He will wait for as long as it takes.

Aethelred and the Mercians will be close.

They will be seen.

We must stop them on the road.

I can send Finan to do just that,
and then we must join them.

We must choose the place of battle,

but we must act quickly,
while his blood burns.

Join Aethelred where?

I am thinking Fearnham. There's a hill.

I know it. It gives us an advantage.

How do we join Aethelred here,

and how do we ensure
Earl Sigurd will follow?

Finan will find the Mercians
and we will ensure Bloodhair follows.

You and I, Lord, will draw him.

And if Aethelred cannot be found?

[UHTRED] We fight alone.

But we must act quickly.
It must be today.

I'm ready, Lords.

It won't take me long
to find the Mercians.

To Fearnham. Go.


[SAXON GUARD] Open the gates!


The gates.

We go and we do not stop.

They cannot overtake us!
They must not overtake us!

For the freedom of Wessex!


They're escaping.

Lord! Lord, they are running!

Lord, the Saxon army
is fleeing the fortress.

- Who did you see?
- I saw them all.

I saw the Lady Skade.
I saw Uhtred Ragnarson.

The whole army.

Every man and every sword with me.
It's time!


[SAXON GUARD] Close the gates!




They're giving chase.

They're giving chase.

[ALFRED] We wait...

long enough for them not to see
they are being followed.

And we pray.


[DRIVER] Lord, the cart is stuck.

Release the horse from its harness
and ride.

Sihtric, your ax.

They've been after silver,
so let's give them some.

Keep going! Ride!

[STEAPA] We must not be seen!

We track them.

And then we k*ll the bastards!


[BLOODHAIR] May be a trap.

[OSFERTH] Is this the place?

- Is this Fearnham?
- It is.

Maybe Finan didn't make the journey.

Do we wait for the Danes to catch us?

It's silver, Lord.

They must have been too afraid
to fix the cart.

Wrap it in cloth. Keep it safe.
Let's move on.

I want every Saxon dead by nightfall.

[DANE] Move on!

Your man is here. I know it.


[UHTRED] It is Finan.

And the Mercians.

We are an army!

- Glory shall be ours!




Shield wall!

[UHTRED] Ready!

They have the hill.
We have the numbers and will of the gods!

Odin's warriors!


[UHTRED] We stand our ground!
They will come onto us,

and we will take their heads
from their shoulders!

No Saxon leaves this field alive!


Hold firm!

We do not break! We stand our ground!

For Mercia!


Fight for your women and your children!


Hold the line!

- Get me up, man!
- [UHTRED] Close the gap!



Who sounds the horn?

Who sounds the horn?

[UHTRED] It is Alfred.

It is Alfred and the men of Wessex!

- Steapa!
- Shield wall!

Hold the line!

[STEAPA] Advance!


[UHTRED] Advance!

[DANE] We're trapped!


[DANE] Lord, do we fight?

Bloodhair, you do not yield.

Do not yield.

[UHTRED] Give them no ground!

Give them nothing but your sword!

[ALDHELM] They are running scared!

They are beaten!




she's gone.

She's given you a son.

But she's gone.


- I must go to her.
- Uhtred, no!

- No, I must go to her!
- Uhtred, she's gone!

She's in the ground.

It was days ago.

She's gone.