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01x11 - The Friendship Business

Posted: 08/26/21 09:49
by bunniefuu
(bell rings)

♪ When I wake up in the morning and the alarm gives out a warning ♪

♪ I don't think I'll ever make it on time ♪

♪ By the time I grab my books and I give myself a look ♪

♪ I'm at the corner just in time to see the bus fly by ♪

♪ It's all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm saved by the bell ♪

♪ If the teacher pops a test I know I'm in a mess ♪

♪ And my dog ate all my homework last night ♪

♪ Ridin' low on my chair, she won't know that I'm there ♪

♪ If I can hand it in tomorrow it will be all right ♪

♪ It's all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm saved by the bell... ♪

♪ It's all right, 'cause I'm saved by the-- ♪

♪ It's all right, 'cause I'm saved by the-- ♪

♪ It's all right, 'cause I'm saved by the bell ♪

Our group project for Economics is to start a business.

We put our heads together this weekend, and all we got was a headache.

Hey g*ng, got any ideas for a business yet?

Nothing. Nada.

Zilch. The deadline is today.

We're gonna get an F for sure.

Here guys, these are for you.

Gee, thanks. These are nice.

I made these friendship bracelets in Fashion Club.

Did you make one for me?

For you, I'm making a friendship muzzle.

I'm speechless. That's the idea.

(bell rings)

Good morning, my future financial wizards.

All: Good morning.

Let's get started. Let's hear your new business ideas.


Mr. Tuttle, like, we're calling our company

"Surf and Fold."

You tie this piece of cardboard to your bike, pedal to the beach, and then-- show them, dude.

You open it up and ride the waves!

You have a comment, Mr. Slater?

If you surf on cardboard, it'll sink!


Don't let the skeptics, the cynics, and the critics talk you out of your dream!

Radical. Here's your $100 seed money.

And may success unfold before you!

(repeating) Motivated, motivated, motivated...

Okay, Mr. Poindexter, your group's next.


Now as we all know, this is a pocket protector.

It keeps your shirt clean from those yucky pen and pencil smudges.

But it gets dirty itself.

So we plan to revolutionize active wear with... a pocket protector protector!

Mr. Poindexter, do you really believe in this product?

Yes, we do. We do. When do we eat?

Then make it, promote it and sell it!

Here's your seed money. Plant it and make it grow.

(repeating) Motivated, motivated, motivated...

Okay, Miss Spano, what about your group?

Well, Mr. Tuttle, I'm afraid we couldn't agree on anything--

Until this morning.

Kelly, give me your hand. Zack, what are you doing?

Mr. Tuttle, there's nothing more important in life than your friends.

So what better gift from a friend to a friend than beautiful, handmade friendship bracelets!


The public is never wrong.

Ignore the pouters, the doubters, and the shouters.

Project approved!

Hey guys, we're in business! Slater: All right.

Lisa says she can make 19 bracelets in a day, but she isn't gonna have time to sleep.


If you want to be a success, you have to make sacrifices.

We're gonna need a lot more than 19 a day.

You think so?

You saw the reaction those bracelets got.

We could get rich.

Hey, we wouldn't have to go to school anymore.

We could buy the school.

Fame and fortune, the final frontier.

This is your host, Robin Screech, inviting you to another symphony of success on "Lifestyles of the Rich and Shameless."

We're standing in the building that bracelets bought.

A former school converted to a factory by -- who would have believed it -- former student Zack Morris, now the fifth richest man in America.

Fourth. I just bought Bill Cosby.

Mr. Morris, how many friendship bracelets do you produce here each year?

Well, let's just ask the factory foreman, Robin.

You rang, boss?

Yes. What was our volume last year, Slater?

Two billion bracelets, boss. Yeah.

Two billion!

How can you possibly produce so many handwoven articles in a single year?

Zack, I gotta get more sleep!

I know you do, Lisa.

For Christmas I'm giving you a nap.

Thank you.

Mr. Morris, President Bush called.

He wants a friendship bracelet for Gorbachev.

And Vice President Quayle broke his when he tried to put over his head.


That fetching young woman doing Zack's bidding is his childhood chum, Jessie Spano.

Beauty and brains, what a package.

And sir, your chauffeur is here.

Send him in, Miss Spano.

As you can see, Zack Morris has not forgotten the little people.

You're due at your yacht club in 15 minutes, sir.

The limo is waiting to take you to the helicopter.

Ahem. You know, Robin, this used to be my office.

Who cares?! You're not Rich and Shameless.

Well, Robin, I'd love to chat, but I've gotta go live my life of luxury.

Hello, darling.

Let's sail to Hawaii and buy it.


And there he goes, following that red carpet all the way to the top.

Until next time, this is Robin Screech, hoping you all have milkshake wishes and cheeseburger dreams!

Okay, Preppie. We're here.

Hi, guys. Thanks for coming over.

This is so exciting! The hottest idea in school, and we're all in it together!

That's right. Yeah.

If we're gonna make any money, we're gonna have to mass produce these babies.

My friends in the Fashion Club say they can make 60 a day.

80 if we pay them. 60's fine.

Now, did anybody come up with a name for our company?

Yeah, I did. We're selling friendship bracelets, and we're all friends right?

What about "Friendship Forever"?

I love it. It's so... friendly!


Now, the next order of business is picking a vice president.

Well, you came up with the bracelet idea, Zack.

So I really think it should be you.

Me? What, are you kidding? I'm president.

Says who?

Yesterday we all agreed Jessie would be the president!

Remember, Zack?

Yeah, but that was when we didn't have anything.

Now we have a million dollar idea.

I don't want Jessie to blow it.

Why would I blow it?

Because you've got to be ruthless, cunning and tough to be president.

Not a sensitive marshmallow like you.

Oh yeah? Yeah.

You cried when Kermit and Miss Piggy broke up.

Well, if that's the way you feel, I'll just start my own company!

Yeah, you and who else?

Me else. Me else, too.

You're being unfair.

What does fair have to do with it?

We're talking about business here.

Coming, Lisa? How can I?

The man recognizes my genius.

And I can't leave my best pal and my best gal.

Please, go with them.

Fine, you start your own company and we'll see who outsells who.

You bet we will, bubba.

There you go. Thanks.

All right, take yours. Thank you.

There you go. All right.

Well, well, well, if it isn't the three marketeers.

I don't see a booth for your product.

But if you beg me, I might take you back.

I wouldn't beg you to spit if my eyebrows were on fire.

Mr. Morris, how are our friends at Friendship Forever?

Friendly, sir. So far our net profit is $120!

Magnificent, Mr. Morris.

Miss Spano, I hear you spawned a separate company.

Yes, Mr. Tuttle. And we'd like to present a video that will introduce our new product to the class.

Slater, if you please?

This ought to be good for a laugh.

I was never good at making friends.

Never could get a date for the dance.

And I tried everything.

I tried everything I could think of.

And then I discovered "Buddy Bands."

And now for only 3.95, my dance card is full.

(dance music playing)

Buddy Bands. Buddy Bands.

Buddy Bands. Hey, they work.


You're right, Zack. What a joke!

Mr. Tuttle, I object!

That's the same product we're selling.

No, it's not.

Yours is a stupid wristband and ours is a clever headband.

There's room for similar products in the marketplace, Mr. Morris.

Look at Pepsi and Coke, Avis and Hertz.

Bologna and whipped cream.

He's got a point, Zack.

Project approved, Miss Spano.

And I commend the three of you on a superlative piece of promotion.

Thank you, Mr. Tuttle. Thank you.

It's gonna play in selected classrooms throughout the week.

(bell rings)

And Buddy Bands are on sale as of right now!

How's Friendship Forever going?

Downhill. We had the market cornered and now we're losing out to a competitor.

Really? The same thing happened to me when they opened a restaurant down the street.

But I got my customers back by offering them a premium.

Buy two eggs... get the third one free. Zack: All right.

Buy three eggs and...

get a chicken.

You know, a premium's not a bad idea.

Yeah, but what can we offer with a friendship bracelet?

A free friend with every purchase?

Here's your friendship bracelet and here's your friend for an hour.

Okay, Peggy. It's 5:00.

We're not done yet, friend.

Screech, what's the matter with you?

For the first time in my life, I'm the most popular kid in school... and it's k*lling me!

Zack, you can't ask him to make anymore friends.

Look at him.

You know, you're right, Lisa.

Starting tomorrow, you're the new premium.


Well, hey, there's lots of guys who'd like you for a friend, just don't let it interfere with your work.

That's it, Zack.

I'm outta here and I'm taking the Fashion Club with me.

Screech, would you like to rejoin the human race?

You always said I wasn't a member.

I'll sneak you in.

Hey, Screech, where are you going? You're my friend.

Sorry, Zack. Being your friend is too exhausting.


We should have walked out on Zack when you did.

Our company's different.

I may be President, but everyone has equal say.

Right. We're like one big happy family.

The girls in Fashion Club can't believe you're gonna pay them.

Zack thought "salary" was some kind of vegetable.

There's our former boss now.

Look, he's pretending to close down his business.

Clever move.

Guys, I don't think he's pretending.

Hey, Preppie, what's the problem?

Labor shortage? Production slowdown?

Don't tell me Bayside's brilliant business mind turned out to be an airhead!

Hey, I know when I'm licked.

I'll take a Buddy Band, please.

Well, all right! He's outta there!

Now we've got a lock on the friendship market.

Slater, you and I are gonna buy enough fabric to make 300 more Buddy Bands.

Let's make it 500. Jessie: Great!

Lisa, you're gonna get the Fashion Club to crank them out tonight!

Wait a minute. You want to risk all our profits?

Hey, there's no risk now. We eliminated our competition.

Wait a minute. I thought you said everyone had equal say.

What about my opinion?

Lisa, there just isn't time for your opinion!

I want 500 more Buddy Bands by tomorrow morning.

Get your Buddy Bands! Your forehead's naked without one!

Mr. Belding, I've been looking all over for you.

I should have known you were here buffing those biceps.

You'd be surprised how many whistles this arm gets when I signal for a left turn.

Huh? Huh? (laughs)

Now, sir...

I'd like you to have this Buddy Band as a gift from me.

I thought you were pushing friendship bracelets.

Those are out, sir. These are in now.

I jumped on the Buddy Bandwagon.

You want to give me a Buddy Band?


Look, sir, I know we've had our differences, but having you wear my Buddy Band would mean so much to me.

Zack, this is historic.

We're relating!

Not as principal and student, not as detentioner and detentionee, but as Zack and Richie.

We're having a moment here, brother.

Boy, these things really do work.

Here you go. Thanks for shopping Buddy Bands.

Who would've ever guessed Buddy Bands would be such a hit?

Hey, fellow Buddy Bander. Looking good.

I see you and Mr. Belding have the same taste in headgear.

Personally, I wouldn't be caught dead wearing anything the principal would wear.

I want my money back. Why? Is something wrong?

We'll be glad to refund your money if your Buddy Band's defective.

Belding's wearing one.

You can't get more defective than that.

Here we go, 500 more Buddy Bands.

This should last for at least an hour.

Was it something I said?

It's all my fault! It's all my fault!

Why is it your fault?

Because I was afraid to blame greedy Miss Jessie.

She's bigger than I am.

Well, he's right, you know.

You and Slater wanted to crush Zack so much you got greedy.

Come on, give me a break. You are greedy.

Face it, you guys went overboard.

Let me tell you something-- Let me tell you something.

(all shouting) All right, hold it!

They're right, Jessie.

We tried to beat Zack and we wound up beating ourselves.

Look who's here.

Why aren't you sitting with them?

'Cause they don't like me very much right now.

I put them out of business. Why?

'Cause they put me out of business.

That's too bad. Can I get you anything?

I don't feel like having anything right now.

How about four friends with a Screech on the side?

Do you have our check, Max?

No, but I think I've got something better.

All: Whoa! Slater: All right, thanks, Max.

Why don't you thank him?

Poor Zack. He looks so alone.

Are you guys thinking what I'm thinking?

Yeah, let's get more fries.

Screech, I'm talking about Zack.

Zack, let's be friends again.


You mean you all forgive me?

What does this tell you?

Do you forgive us?


I've missed you so much.

My, how you've grown.

I missed you all, too. Come on, sit down.

I bet Mr. Tuttle will give us all F's tomorrow because our products failed.

Hey, our products didn't fail. We did.

But who says we have to fail tomorrow?

What are you driving at, Preppie?

This baby was a good idea, and so was this baby.

Now, if we put them together maybe something new can be born.

Sorry, I have to go home.

But why?

My mom wants to be the one to tell me how babies are born.

Next, Mr. Poindexter's company: a final net profit of $270.

Boy: Whoa! Boy #2: All right.

How many pocket protector protectors did you sell?

Well, actually, none.

We used a $100 to buy out Surf and Fold, and we made a bundle selling their surfboards as car visors.

Ingenious, inventive, and just plain smart!

I'm giving your project an A, and put one on my dashboard.

Next, it seems Friendship Forever and Buddy Bands merged and came up with a new product.

Yes, sir, we took friendship one step further and invented...

Love Cuffs!

You see, it's a new way for guys and girls to say how they feel about each other.

Why do I always get stuck with him?

It's destiny, darling.

We sold just enough to break even, and then gave our inventory to Nerds R Us.

That's us.

We feel that friendship is just a fad, so we're going to market the Buddy Bands as bookstraps.

You gave away your inventory?

The goal of this project was to run a successful business.

We'd rather be friends. I see...

So we're ready for whatever grade you wanna give us.

But please don't make it too low. I hyperventilate.

Miss Spano, raise that chin.

If you learned that it was a mistake for a company to be cold, calculating, and cutthroat, if you learned that it's better to be happy, helpful and humane, why then you've learned the best business lesson of all!

You all get an A!

(instrumental theme music plays)