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05x07 - Memory (The Heart)

Posted: 08/26/21 08:12
by bunniefuu
Previously on Switched At Birth...

We are getting married...


Toby: We're gonna get a chuppah
because Lily's Jewish.

I saw Emmett last night.

- How's he doing?
- A lot better.

He's taking a photography class

and he wants to take photos
of me giving him a tattoo.

Bay: You showed your tattoo to Travis?

As long as I'm with Travis,
you and I can't be friends.

Hey. Ally, right?

You know I had open heart surgery.

It was actually a heart transplant.

Two years ago, on April 14th.

The donor was a man who
died in a car accident.

You have Angelo's heart.

- For the 100th time, it's okay.
- I still feel awful.

What's up?

I lost the necklace that you gave her.

- The one with the heart.
- It's from Milan.

You will have to go to
Italy to get another one.

Mm, that's perfect. Next
summer, huh? All of us?

- What do you say? Huh? Huh? Huh?
- Angelo: Yeah.

Look what Angelo scored
for your apartment.

I raided the restaurant kitchen.

- My chef was not pleased.
- Bay: Awesome!

I mean, not that I know
how to use any of this,

but thankfully my roomie does.

Mm, mm! That is to die for.

A new dish on the menu.

- Bucatini All'Regina.
- Aww...

- (noisy kissing)
- All right, lovebirds. Hey!

Do you think that Carlton's awake yet?

- Oh, let's go see.
- Yes!

The baby!


Wow, you...

Hey, Grandpa!

Do you know Angelo's
offers senior discounts?

Oh, is that right? Oh, well,

you just wait, my friend,

'cause you're gonna
get there soon enough.

- I know.
- Hey, I'm making a list of venues

for the athletic department fundraiser,

and I wanted to put
Angelo's on the list.

I don't know, the manager
is a pretty tough negotiator.

Stop it!

- Just send me the dates.
- Will do.

Where is my adorable nephew?

- Uh, Lily's feeding him.
- Toby, I was thinking maybe you and I

could build him a swing set?

Oh, that'd be amazing.

- (Bay gasping)
- There he is!

- Hey!
- Hey!


Here he is.

(speaking French)

He's so beautiful.

You're so good with him.

I can't wait to be a grandpa.

Sweetheart, are... are you okay?

I just wish you were here.

(crickets chirping)

(theme music playing)

Are you alone?


(romantic music playing)

♪ I get so down that I ♪

♪ Wanna go to my
bed for a minute ♪

♪ Gonna take some
type of forgiveness ♪

♪ If you wanted,
you could let go ♪

♪ I get so high that I ♪

♪ Would have gone back
in time to be in it ♪

♪ Got my age stuck
in double digits ♪

♪ If I wanted, I could let go ♪

♪ You gotta help me out ♪

♪ You're gonna leave me out ♪

♪ You're gonna change that
90 seconds to a minute ♪

Like, seriously, the best sex ever.

Oh, my god!

How could you even ask me that?

Okay, you have got to figure this out.

(text alert chiming)

It's Daphne, she needs
to see me. Something's up.


Hey, Mom, have you
seen Carlton's elephant?

Oh, yeah. It's around here somewhere.

Um... hey, honey?

I have a call-in to Reverend Steve

to check dates for Carlton's baptism.

Oh, yeah?

Yeah, I was thinking sometime
in the next couple of weeks

if that's okay with you and Lily.


- Here it is.
- Thanks.

Uh, yeah, sounds good to me.
Let me run it by the wife.


Bay: What does she want?

To thank us, I guess.

She was born with a
congenital heart defect,

and she was pretty bad off.

She said a few more days
and she would have died, too.

Are you a little weirded out?

Yeah, of course.


She seems cool though.

Just try to have an open mind.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Bay, this is Ally. Ally, this is Bay.

Nice to meet you.

Uh, you too.

God, this is strange, isn't it?

It feels kind of like a blind date.

Yeah. A little.

Well, I just wanted
to thank you in person.

I know it must have been really hard

to donate your dad's organs, but

you literally saved me.

Uh, we wanted something good to...

come of his death.

We heard he helps 34
people with his organs.

That's incredible!

There's this massive group
of us who are still alive

because of Angelo Sorrento.

Science is pretty amazing.

I wanted to do the same thing,

but my mom's organs weren't healthy.

Did you say that your mom died?

Pancreatic cancer.

She never stopped fighting.

For either of us.

Do you have any other family?

It was just us.

Anyways, I vowed if I
ever got a new heart,

I would make the most of my life.

Never take anything for granted.

- You're healthy now.
- I feel amazing.

I'm doing things I never
thought I'd be able to do.

I literally went
skydiving a few months ago.

I'm mountain biking,

- salsa dancing...
- Wh... No way!

- Angelo loved salsa dancing.
- Seriously?

Well, it's not that coincidental.

It makes sense that someone
with a new, healthy heart

would have a more active lifestyle.

That's true.

- But...
- But?

I'm having all these
weird cravings I never had

before the surgery, like red wine.

And I like different types
of music, like classical,

which I never paid attention to before.

But tell me more about you guys!

Daphne's pre-med. What about you?

- Well, I'm a tattoo artist.
- No way!

I've been thinking about getting
one to cover my chest scar.

I just haven't landed
on the right one yet.

I work at Bombshell Betty's on Lynwood.

Come by. We'll figure it out.

That would be awesome.

Well, I gotta go.

But I am so glad we
got a chance to connect.

Next time, I'd love to meet Regina.


Uh, we should talk to her first.

Totally get it.

I will wait for the green light.

See you both soon, I hope?


You were right. She's awesome.


What do you mean? Like
dunking him in water?

No, there's no dunking.

It's just a few drops. It's symbolic.

Of turning him into a Christian?

Yeah, I guess.

I thought we agreed not
to raise him as anything.

We'll just do the fun
stuff, like holidays.

My mom brought it up.

I think it would mean a lot to her.

- I'm Jewish, Toby.
- I know.

But we had a blended wedding ceremony,

and that worked. So, Carlton
can be both religions,

- Jewish and Christian.
- You can't be both when you're baptized.


we'll put him in a little white suit,

we'll take some pictures,

then we all go out and have
a great meal. That's it.

Look, I can decorate a Christmas tree,

I can dye some Easter eggs, but

baptism is a bridge too far.

Well, what's that ceremony
where they chop off

the foreskin of the kid's Johnson?

A bris.

Yeah, that one. Um,

we didn't do that one.

And I just figured if

- religion was that important to you...
- No, of course my parents

bugged me about having a bris.

I just didn't want to
impose my religion on you.

Like I'm doing to you right now.

Hey, Mom?

- Yeah?
- So, I'm doing this project for school

on something called cellular memory...

- Yeah?
- It's the theory that every cell

contains a full set of genetic material.

So that means that

organ transplant patients
would inherit their donor's DNA.

Sounds like an interesting assignment.

Have you ever wondered

about any of the people
who got Angelo's organs?



So, you've never thought
about meeting any of them?

Absolutely not.

How come?

Because I... don't like
to think about that day.

That decision.

That whole time.

Last person I want to
dredge all that up with

is a complete stranger.

But those people have

a piece of him inside of them.

I'm not interested.


Hey, you!

- Rad place.
- Yeah, I lucked out.

Are those for me?

Uh, yeah.

I wasn't sure what you
were looking for, but, um...

Super cool.

I... I also didn't know
how long the scar was, so...

It's pretty gnarly.

Like, from here to here.

- You wanna see?
- Sure.

You wanna feel it?


That's your dad's heart.

That is so crazy.


Either of these are great.

Cool! Um...

the thing is, is I've heard that, uh,

scar tissue is tricky.

It's less porous, so it
holds the ink differently.

It may require repeat sessions.

I've got the time, but if it's
pricey, I may have to postpone.

I'm not exactly flush
with cash right now.

Oh, no, god. It's on the house.


Uh, I have a couple more ideas.

Why don't I just come by your
place later? Where do you live?

I'm actually kind of
inbetween places at the moment.

The landlord at my last apartment

- wouldn't stop hitting on me.
- What?

I had to thr*aten to call the cops

just to get my security deposit back.

That is awful.

Where are you staying now?

My car.

- Ally!
- It's fine!

I know all the good spots to park

so I don't get busted or bothered.

You could stay with me and Daphne.

No. No, no, no, no, no.

- That's really cool of you, but...
- I mean, we have so much extra space

and plus, we have a couch that is

way more comfortable than bucket seats.

And it would give us a chance to get
to know each other better. Please?

I would really, really like that.

Okay. (chuckles)


- Bay: No way!
- I swear to God.

And I went to prom with him,

and I had that van for two years.

- That is awesome!
- Best decision I ever made.

(both laugh)

- Hey!
- Oh, you're home!

What's so funny?

Well, she was just telling
me this hilarious story

about this one time
this high school kid,

he tried to sell her his VW van.

But I was broke, so I offered
to go to prom with him instead.

- (laughing)
- And he agreed.

- Cool.
- I actually had a blast that night.

Oh! And, we just came up
with the most amazing idea.

Next summer, the three of us, Italy.

- O... okay.
- To meet Angelo's family!

I have this friend who can
hook us up with cheap flights.

- Anywhere we want to go.
- Sounds great.

I will text my friend.

Oh, hey, there's better
reception in the bedroom.


What are those?

Ah, Ally's inbetween
apartments right now, uh,

so I told her that
she could stay with us.

- Everything okay?
- Mm-hmm, definitely.

Actually, I talked to Regina,

and she's not ready to meet you yet.



It's just hard for her.

It's fine.

I can't really blame her.

Hey, at least the three of us

are getting to know each other, right?


- Ooh! More snacks!
- (chuckles)

Oh, thank you, honey.

So, uh,

since it's kind of a
foreign thing to her,

I don't think Lily's totally
down with the whole...

baptism thing.

He has to be baptized.

- Why?
- 'Cause that's what you do.

- Well, it's what Christians do.
- Isn't Carlton Christian?

I... don't know.

I mean,

typically, that's a
conversation you have

before you have kids
and get married, except

we obviously didn't have
that conversation, so...

Here's the thing. You were baptized.

Bay was baptized.

I missed out with
Daphne. I really just...

I wanna have that moment
with my first grandchild.

Yeah, I totally get it.

Look, as long as you're okay
with it, then I'll talk to her.

Don't worry. I'll take care of it.

It's gonna be fine.

You get such amazing light in here.

It's one of the things
I love most about it.

Hey, sweetie.

What are you doing here?

I... I was just getting a coffee.

I told you, she doesn't
want to meet you.

- What's going on?
- I wasn't gonna tell her. I swear.

Tell me what?

- It's... it's nothing.
- Don't lie to me.

Mom, this is Ally.

She has Angelo's heart.

I'm sorry, I just wanted to see you.

You need to go.


I am so sorry.

- How long have you known her?
- Just a few days.

I told her you didn't want to meet her.

- I don't know why she did that.
- It's not your fault.

I just hope from now on
she respects our wishes.

I'll talk to her.

Thank you.

(papers shuffling)



This is all happening way too fast.

I mean, for all we know, she
doesn't even have Angelo's heart.

- Daphne!
- What?

That's a horrible thing to say!

- Plus, I've seen her scar.
- Maybe it's someone else's

or some other surgery altogether,

and she read about us and
saw we were from Mission Hills

- and decided to play us.
- Where is all of this coming from?

She is a complete stranger,

- and now she is living with us.
- She has our dad's heart.

- And I like having her around.
- Why?

Because when I'm around her,

I feel connected to Angelo.

The question is, why don't you?

Regina: So I heard Carlton's
big day is coming up.

How do you feel about all that?

What? Baptism?

Everything. God, angels, Heaven, Hell.

I mean, I don't necessarily
see myself playing a harp

on a little white cloud, but...

I do believe you get
to see your loved ones.

I'm gonna see my mom.

You really think she's up there?

- Watching over you?
- Yeah. Actually, I do.

I even talk to her sometimes.


Yeah, I mean, don't you ever
think about your dad or Angelo?

I'd like to believe that
we go on after we die,

that there's life after this one, but...

I don't.

I think when we're done, we're done.


There's no reason to
feel guilty about that.

It's not guilt.

I just think...

you're lucky.

To get comfort from that.

The Internet has made it far
too easy to identify donors.

In fact, we've stopped
telling recipients

their age and sex for that very reason.

I'm not here to blame anyone.

I just want to make sure that Ally
actually got my father's heart.

I'm sorry.

I can't reveal the recipient's
identity without their consent.

Ally claims she has Angelo's heart.

Her identity's out there.

She approached my family.
Our identity's out there.

Now, I'm just trying to
confirm that she was, in fact,

the actual recipient.

- "Sorrento" with two 'R's?
- Yes.


Let's see...

Alexandra Morel.

Yeah, that's her.

- So, she does have Angelo's heart?
- Yes.

What is it?

I remember her case.

It presented the hospital with

a very complicated situation.

What do you mean?

I can't share the details,

but you might want to do some
digging into her background.

It's such a pleasure,
meeting you and Carlton.

- He's a wonderful child.
- Thank you.

So, Lily wasn't raised in our faith,

and so I'm helping her
navigate all of this.

Could you just tell her a
little bit about the ceremony?

Well, it's very simple.

We'll sprinkle a bit of holy
water over Carlton's head,

and speak the Rite of Baptism.

Can I just ask, what does
the ceremony mean exactly?

Well, infant baptism is a way of

removing the stain of
sin from a child's soul.

I... I don't understand. How
can a one-year-old have sinned?

We believe every child
is born with original sin

passed on to us through our parents.

Not a single one of us is blameless,

and, God forbid anything
should happen to Carlton,

that way, he would die in
the light of God's mercy.

So, Carlton has to be baptized
and saved from the fires of Hell

because of the terrible things
that Toby and I have done?

Kathryn, is that what you think?

I see it as more symbolic.

Right, Reverend?

It is that as well, and

a reminder that we are immersed

in the Father's love for
us through Jesus Christ.

"Father". Of course.

- All men.
- Kathryn: Don't worry, Lily.

Our church is very inclusive of women.

Um, now, I have some exciting news.

The bishop himself will be
at our church next Sunday.

He would be more than happy
to perform the ceremony.

Kathryn: Amazing! This is a really
big deal, Lily. What do you think?

Will next Sunday work?


It won't.

You see, I'm Jewish.

And I'm gonna be
raising my child Jewish.

Thank you for stopping by, Reverend.

It was very... illuminating.

If you have anything else in mind,

now is your chance.

I think it's cool.

All right.

- Can I ask you a question?
- Mm-hmm.

How'd the accident happen?


doctor said that he had
an aneurysm while driving.

He lost control of the car, and...

hit a tree.

- Where was it?
- Not far from here. Just, uh,

on Brixton Road.

It's past the power station.

I know that spot.

I used to see flowers there.

I can't even bring
myself to drive past it.

I go miles out of the
way just to avoid it.

- Hey!
- She's been lying to us.

You weren't born with
a congenital defect.

You ruined your heart
from cocaine abuse,

and your mom didn't die from cancer.

She's in prison.

- What are you talking about?
- She's been arrested, too.

- Twice, for DUls.
- First of all,

I was barely stoned.
I had, like, two bumps.

You're defending driving high?

The cop asked me out after he booked me.

He was just looking for
a reason to pull me over.

And my mom may be in jail,
but she's still dead to me.

Sounds to me like you didn't deserve

- to be on the transplant list.
- Who are you to judge me?

You don't know anything about me!

A Mission Hills girl
telling me what I did wrong?

You do not get a pass
because you had a hard life.

Daphne: I had a hard life, too.

Hold on a second.

Just tell us the truth, okay?

Did you lie about...


The connection that
you felt with Angelo...

were you making all of that up?

What do you want me to say?

I lost my biological dad

the day that I got switched

and then I lost him again
the day that he died.

And thanks to you,

I just lost him for a third time.

I said what you wanted to hear.


Hey, what happened?

I shouldn't have said anything

without talking it
through with you first.

By the way, I had no idea my mom
was gonna ambush you like that.

I knew it was coming
from a good place, but...

I just sat there growing
more and more uncomfortable.

But hearing that reverend
say "Christ" a million times,

I have never felt
more Jewish in my life.

And then I realized,

I don't want my child
to be nothing, or both.

I want him to have an identity.

A Jewish identity.

Jews are defined by being
other than, not Christian.

For me, you're either Jewish,

different from the rest of
the world and proud of it,

or you're not.

And I'm Jewish.



does this mean I have to be Jewish?

I would never put that on you.

I know I'm asking a lot,
to hope that you'll agree

to bring up our child
solely in my faith.

Is any of this...

Do you think...

why you're looking for
another connection with him...

Because he has Down syndrome?

I mean, are you looking for
more ties with him because...

- he's so different from us in other ways?
- I don't know.


I just know

that when I think of teaching
him about Shabbat

or imagine him getting married
under a chuppah someday...

I get happy.


I'm sorry you're disappointed with her.

Aren't you?

Feels good having saved
a young girl's life.

I just wish she was more deserving.

After I died,

you went through some rough time.

You did some things
you were not proud of.


- It's true.
- Remember how angry you were at me

for leaving you and
Regina when you were three?

Everyone deserves a second chance.

I'm grateful I got one with you.

(kettle whistling)

(kettle whistling trails off)


(car engine idling and stopping)

(car door opening and closing)

Bay: Ally.

What are you doing here?

I wanted to see it.

And we both ended up
here at the same time?

I've been here a while.

It's just a regular old tree.

You'd never know that someone died here.

And someone was reborn.

I really do have his heart.

I don't like to think about him.

He's dead and I'm alive.


I wanted this, like,
mystical connection to you.

I just wanted to feel him again.

It wasn't fair to put that on you.

I started to want that, too.

Look, your sister was right.

I did use. I do have a record.

I just...

I just thought announcing that

wouldn't have been what
you guys wanted to hear.

- If you had changed, or you were at least trying...
- I am trying.

I don't use any more.

And I really have been living in my car

because my landlord was stalking me.

I would have loved to go
to Italy with you guys.

I wasn't lying about everything.

And I am really sorry for making
you lose him all over again.


I still want to do the tattoo.


maybe not the feather.

Something to honor him.

I'd like that.

(wind softly blowing)

Angelo's tree.

I love it.

- Um... can you just hold on one second?
- Yeah.

What's going on?

You're sure?

I love you.

Love you too.

♪ And if it gets hard,
don't lose that light ♪

♪ Even if it gets hard ♪

♪ Don't lose that light ♪

- ♪ Don't lose that light ♪
- Uh,

- is it cool if he...
- Takes pictures? Yeah.

- Sure. Why not?
- Great.


Okay. Ready?

I'm so proud of you.


I told you, I am not interested.

- She has Angelo's DNA.
- That doesn't mean anything.

He gave her a second chance at life.

- I think that's worth celebrating.
- Then let her family celebrate.

I lost my husband

and I don't really want to think
about that every time I see her.

She doesn't have any family.

She's going through a hard time.

What if I see her and
I don't feel anything?

Oh, Mom...

Honestly, I don't know
what I believe either.

But maybe we should give
her a second chance, too.

John: Jewish?

- Wow.
- Yeah.

It's just religion means more
to her than it does to me.

- That's not true. You're very spiritual.
- Mom, come on.

- I haven't been to church in years.
- That's not your fault.

I should have done a better job

making sure it was a
bigger part of your life.

You exposed it to me plenty.

Organized religion is just not for me.

- Okay, but can't we just raise him both ways?
- Mom,

this is my family now.

I have to put them first.


- Hi.
- Hi.

Are you mad at me?

- No, sweetie...
- I'm sure this isn't easy for you.

- I know it wouldn't be for me.
- It's just

that my faith has given me such comfort.

When my father died, when

- Angelo passed...
- I know,

and I respect that.

And for me, it's all that,

plus it's cultural.

We have our own history.
Our own language.

Our own food. Our own sense of humor.

And everyone who's
Jewish is bonded by that,

and I want my son to be in
that little circle with me.

Can you understand that?

Yes. I can.

- So sorry I pushed...
- No, no, you meant well.

I... I have a question.

Can we still celebrate
Christmas and Easter?

At your house, we can.

At our house, we're going
to be celebrating Hanukkah,


What's the other big one?


That one.

I'm going to be taking
some classes very soon.

And so will I.

Thank you.

Hey, Mom.

This is Ally.


Ally, this is Regina.

I am so sorry for the
way I went about this.

For all the pain you've been through.

I promise I will try to live
my life to be worthy of him.

Your necklace.

What is that?

It's a prism.

I like to be surrounded by light.

This is the key...

to the house that Angelo
and I were building.

Our first apartment
together had terrible light.

We spent half the time in darkness.

He gave me this.

And he said we would never
live in the dark again.

You never told us that.

I know.

Would it be okay if I hugged you?

♪ The hands we have are
made for holding on ♪

♪ Holding on ♪

♪ Holding on ♪

♪ The plans we've laid
are made for letting go ♪

- ♪ Letting go ♪
- (crying) I feel him.

I feel his heart.

♪ Fight on, fight on ♪

♪ Fight on, fight on ♪

It's nice to meet you, Ally.

♪ Fight on, fight on ♪