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05x06 - Four Ages in Life

Posted: 08/26/21 08:11
by bunniefuu
Previously on Switched at Birth...

Young Money, baby!

That's totally insulting.
You know that, right?

So, you're hunger striking?

I'm camping in front of the BSU

and refusing to eat.

All I can really offer is my support.

Regina: Luca and I are together.

Oh. Wow.

It's unreal!

What is he, like, 25?

I think we should take the summer,

- see what happens.
- m1ngo.

That was the president.

He wants to meet with us

to address the rest of our demands.

- Yes!
- Whoo!

Bay: I've done this
before dozens of times.

In another country. You're
not ready for a chair.

Bay: Rip off designs?

Some do, but not Noelle.

The first few days, I
just had chicken broth,

and then I had an apple last night,

and my taste buds practically exploded!

(both chuckle)

Hey, look at that.

It's gotta feel good.

It really does.

Did you hear Dean Peterson resigned?

They said he had an opportunity

in the private sector, but
we all know what that means.

Yeah, they're finally
taking us seriously.

There's a lot of work still to be done,

but things are starting to change.

(Iris sighs)

And then, some things never change.

(Australian accent) G'day, ladies.

Hey, m1ngo.

Iris, hey.

- Uh, how are you?
- I'm fine.

I... I hear you're eating again.

You want me to...

throw another shrimp
on the barby for ya?

I have to get to BSU.

I'll see you later.

You okay?

Yeah, of course.

It's only my favorite day
of the whole damn year.

- The Kangaroo Krawl?
- It's an all-day pub crawl.

We go to the best 12 bars,

drink two beers at each one

all in the name of school spirit.

Totally unsanctioned, of course.

Go Roos.

Last man standing is
crowned Kangaroo King.

Everybody has to buy him his
drinks for the rest of the year.

So, what do you say? You want in?

Oh, pfft, I wish I could,

but Professor Marillo hooked me up

with a volunteer job at
the Student Health Center

for extra credit, so I gotta work.

What, on a Saturday?

Oh, no, I'm excited.

I'm looking forward to
getting back in the trenches.

But, um, hey, we should
hang out next weekend.

Yeah, I'd love that, um...

but I'm actually, uh, going
to Georgetown to see Amy.


But, uh, best of luck with the new job.

Yeah. Thanks.

See ya.

Toby: I mean, I just figured

with all the millions
of anchors and dragons

that everybody copied off of each other.

No, it's, like, the number one

unwritten rule in the ink world.

Stealing someone else's tattoo

is a sure way to get your ass kicked.

Besides, Noelle represents herself
as being completely original.

She's all about non-conformity.

She never even duplicates her own work.

Well, then I'd say you've got a problem,

because these look awfully similar.

What am I gonna do?

Well, I guess it's like you said,

you gotta kick her ass.

Nurse Reed: Now, I need to
remind you, as a volunteer,

you are not allowed to touch patients.

Of course. I understand.

You're here to observe and
assist the physician on duty.

In this case, Dr. Jackson.

Sorry, did you say Dr. Jackson?

Mm-hmm. He runs a free clinic downtown

- and fills in for us on Saturdays.
- (door opens)

There he is.

Dr. Jackson: Daphne, Daphne!

Go to the drug lockup.

Get me a tetanus vial and syringe.

No oxycodone was prescribed yesterday,

nor the day before. Did you take it?

I will never do
anything like that again.

I can't tolerate stealing.

I have to let you go.

(theme music playing)

Are you seriously trying to
front like I ripped you off?

All I'm saying is that
they look pretty similar.

So what? You're my apprentice.

- What's yours is mine.
- What?

Says who? I've never even heard of that.

One of the many reasons you're
an apprentice and not an artist.

"Many reasons"? What reasons?

First of all, you're
not from around here,

and it shows.

Actually, half of my family
is from East Riverside.

Really? Well, I grew up
here, went to school here.

My first job was at Sam's Thrift Store

on Hamilton Avenue. Do you know it?

Didn't think so.

And sadly,

your rich girl vibe
is cramping my style.

You know what, if I am
good enough to steal from,

then I'm good enough
to have my own chair.

- You really think you're ready?
- I know I'm ready.


Congratulations, you've got one.

Wow. Thank you...

The rental fee is 300 bucks every week.

- Every week?
- Every Friday.

Anything you make
beyond that, I get 20%.

- Got it.
- And let's be clear,

if you can't score any clients
or don't make any money,

you still owe me 300 bucks a week.

Oh, and when it comes to clients,

don't even think about pinching mine.

So your name and date,

and make sure you list any allergies.

That's really important.

Miss Vasquez.

I'd forgotten you were
going to school here.

- Hi, Dr. Jackson.
- So, you're our student volunteer?

I know what you're gonna say,

that you don't want to work with me,

but I just want you to
know that I got my life...

Whoa, whoa, slow down.

You've got the wrong idea.

It's good to see you.

But you fired me.

Well, you didn't really
give me a choice about that.

Doesn't mean I liked it.

You were going through a hard time.

You just lost your father.

Angelo was it?

And now look at you.

You're pre-med.

I'm sure he'd be very proud.

- Thank you.
- So, let's move on.

Now, tell me what you know
about this Kangaroo Krawl.

It's a bunch of guys

trying to out-drink
each other all day long.

I have a feeling we're gonna be slammed.

I need you to bring your "A" game.

(sultry music playing)

- (doorknob rattles)
- Hey, honey.

Hey, hey.

- What do you want for lunch?
- (music stops)

I thought you went to the store.

I did, and I'm back.


- Did I interrupt something?
- Ha! No, no, no, no.

I just, you know, I...
just checkin' scores, yeah.

Huh. Okay, lunch.

Tuna salad or BLT?

Tuna salad! Great!

Tuna salad it is.

So given the current profit margin

and the fact that we can
amortize some of the costs

of running one location
by opening another,

all the numbers seem to
point in the same direction.


I love it.

Duplicate your profits,
duplicate your success.

It's a solid plan.

Good, because I've already made
an appointment with the bank

to talk about a small business loan.


I may be able to help you
get there a little faster.

Really? How?

Uh, I know a private investor

who might be interested
in getting involved.

- Are you serious?
- Yeah.

Yeah, he's been looking
for smart investments,

and I think your business
plan is exactly that.

Want me to get into it?

That would be amazing!

Thank you!


- You got it.
- (chuckles)

Wow. (clears throat)

That is delicious!

What'd you put in there?

Tuna and mayonnaise.

Same as always.

Well, it's just... fantastic.

It's better today.

(chewing loudly)

Okay, John, we're not doing this.

Not doing what?

We have been married for 25 years.

We should be able to have an
adult conversation about sex.

Honey, I'm not judging you.

It's important to have
an active fantasy life.

I'm a herotica novel author.

I literally wrote a book about it.


Maybe you interrupted
something private...

and if you insist on talking about it,

we can talk about it.




what kinds of things
were you looking at?

I take it back. I can't do this.

(sighs) I... I just want you to know...

You're reading way too much
into this, sweetie, okay?

We've both been really busy.

You got that new job...

What does that have to do with it?

You have to have noticed

we both have not had
much time for each other.

Of course I have.

I was just, you know, waiting it out.

Right! Summer's coming and, you know,

we'll get back into the swing of things.

John, it's April.

Can we please just not
talk about this right now?

I'm Dr. Jackson and
this is Daphne Vasquez,

our student volunteer.

Hi there.


I'm Ally.

I'm just a part-time
student. Is that okay?

Yeah, all students are covered.

Ouch. How'd that happen?

This guy came out of nowhere
covered in spikes and chains

like an extra from a Mad Max movie.

Yet another victim
of the Kangaroo Krawl.

And that's gonna need stitches.

Uh, and I don't see a temperature.

Why don't you go ahead and take it?

Uh, the nurse said I couldn't...

As long as I'm supervising, it's fine.

Don't worry, you're in good hands.

The patient's had open heart surgery

and is still on blood thinners,

so what do we do?

Um, we use an adhesive
after stitches to...

- prevent further bleeding.
- Mm-hmm. Very good.

I learned from the best.

- 98.6.
- Excellent.

We'll have you out of here in a second.

You know, this isn't the kind of thread

I like to use.

Uh, Daphne, will you ask
the nurse practitioner

to come in and finish up?

Of course.

Ally's all stitched up.

- She's good to go.
- Great.

Well, let's get her back here
in a week and take them out.

Dr. Jackson, is everything okay?

- What do you mean?
- I just...

your hands.

Oh, that.

Um, I forgot to take my arthritis pills.

When you get to be my age,

your medicine cabinet
looks like a candy store.

Oh, no.


What happened?

Uh, you know, we were
leaving the Loosey Goosey

and somebody got out a rugby ball.


that looks like it could be dislocated.

Does it hurt a lot?

No, it's not that bad, actually.

How many beers have you've had?

In pints or schooners?

Okay, let's get you into an exam room.

Ooh, look at us,

back at the scene of the crime.

Remember? First date,

- where we lost the, you know...
- Oh, I remember.

- ... in the...
- Yeah, no, shh.

- m1ngo, just...
- All I'm saying is, this place

- should give me a punch card.
- I'm... I'm working.

So you're talking about a
cross-hatching detail like this.

Yes, exactly, but I'll come back
tomorrow with one of my boys.

I wanna see if they think it's dope.

Uh, can I be honest?

Uh, this is your tattoo.

It only matters if you think it's dope,

and I can see it in your eyes.

- You love it.
- (chuckles)

Yeah, you're right. Uh,
you... you have time right now?

Uh, yeah, I think I can fit you in.

- (chuckles)
- Kathryn: Hi, honey!

John: Hey, there she is!

We just got your text,
and we wanted to come by

and congratulate you in person.

First day with your own chair,

- that's a big deal!
- (shutter clicks)

- Your first day?
- No!

Well, yes. Just...

Can you guys hold on just one second?

Um, yes.

It is my first day here
at Bombshell Betty's,

but before this, I was an
established tattoo artist in China.

I've inked hundreds of people.

I... I just realized I...
I'm expecting a delivery

and I gotta sign for it. I'll come back.


Kathryn: Oh, hello!

- You must be Noelle.
- Mom, please don't.

Hi, I'm Kathryn Kennish. I'm Bay's mom.

Hey, John Kennish.
Got a great place here.

It's so nice to meet you.

Where do you guys live again?

- Mission Hills.
- Oh, wow.

I hear it's beautiful over there.

We like it. I love your
wallpaper. It's so cool.

Honey, our reservation's in 10 minutes.

We should probably go.

- Oh, it's our date night.
- Oh.

Um, okay, thanks for coming by, guys.

- See you later. Appreciate it.
- Bye, honey.

- John: Bye.
- Bay: Bye. Okay.

We're so proud of her.

(laughs dryly)

Now, which one of them
is from East Riverside?

(groans, chuckles)

Admit it, you miss these g*ns.

- (crack)
- (yelps, grunts)

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Good, good.


All right, you're gonna
be sore for a while.

- You think?
- I'm gonna give you a painkiller

and an anti-inflammatory,

but don't take them
until you've sobered up.

Now go home and take it
easy for the rest of the day.

Do you want some help
getting back to the dorm?

I'm not going back to the dorm.

It's down to me and the last five guys.

m1ngo, you could've
seriously hurt yourself.

It's crazy out there.

It's only gonna get worse.

Okay, spare me the lecture, Red.

You know, not all of us
want to work all the time.

College is supposed to be fun.

You're taking it too far.

Yeah, 'cause that's what I do, right?

That's who I am. I'm the party guy.

- What are you talking about?
- I'm gonna win this damn thing.

m1ngo, wait!

There you go.

- Hi.
- Hi.

So many choices.

Well, if you ask me,
they're all delicious,

but I'm biased.

Latte with soy.

Can I request a specific mug?

That's the whole idea.

I'll take the one with the surfboard.

Ah, my favorite in
the entire collection.

It's from a sleepy little
surfing town called Sayulita.

You can watch the fishermen

bring in their haul
at the end of the day,

sit right down on the beach,

and watch them peel your shrimp for you.

The most amazing paletas in the world.

You've been there?

Well, I'm from Nayarit.

Oh. (chuckles)

God, why did you let me go on like that?

(chuckles) Can you blame me?

A pretty woman telling me how
much she likes my home state?

A Sayulita.

A Sayulita.

You're early.

- You're never early.
- (chuckles)

There's always a first.

You two know each other?

Regina, this is Manuel.

My father.


Why didn't you tell me you
were meeting your dad here?

This wasn't the plan.

I was gonna tell you
everything beforehand,

but he got here first.

You could've texted me!

I'm sorry.

Okay? I... I told him
about the Cracked Mug

as a possible investment.

- He wanted to see it right away.
- Wait,

your dad is the investor?

We really should've
talked about this first.

I... I don't even know
how he feels about us.

Well, the thing is, I haven't...

exactly told him we're dating.

- Why not?
- I didn't want it to cloud his judgment

about your business plan.

- Well, he's gonna find out eventually.
- No, of course he will,

but first I want him to
form an unbiased opinion,

and once he's done that,
I'll tell him all about us.

I... I really don't
feel good about this.

I need you to trust me.

Look, you asked me to keep our
relationship a secret from your family

until you felt the time was right.

Now I'm asking for the same in return.

All right.

Bay: I'm... so sorry,
Noelle's booked then.


You know, we have another artist

who just started working here, if y...

You want Noelle.

I get it.

Thanks. Bye.

Uh, hi. Can I help you?

Yeah, I'm looking to get a tattoo.


Great. Well, do you want to
check out some of our portfolios,

get some inspiration?

No, I... I know what I want.


- It's nice.
- My dad had the same one.

Growing up, he always
told me stories about it.

He died in Iraq.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

I've been thinking about
this for a long time,

and I want it in the
same place he had it.

Uh... okay.

Y... I need to see some I.D.

You have to be 18.

I'm 18. I got I.D.

Says here you're 250 pounds.

I lost a lot of weight.

Look, I... I'll pay cash.

Whatever you charge.


Okay, let's set you up.

All the couches and tables

are from local East
Riverside manufacturers.

Dad, I actually gotta run.

Um, Regina can answer your questions.

- Is that cool?
- Go. I'll call you later.

- Bye, Regina.
- Bye, Luca.

Thank you for everything.

The vibe in here is very comfortable.

People must stay all day.

Isn't that bad for profits?

Well, long-term loyalty is
better than short-term profits.

I mean, that's what I've found.

I understand why Luca sees so
much potential in this place.

Thank you.

I'm gonna take your
proposal home with me

and have a closer look at the numbers.

Please. That would be great.


I hope I'm not being too forward, but...

I'd love to take you to dinner.


- Uh...
- Oh.


I'm sorry, I overstepped.

I'm a little rusty at this.

I haven't dated much since my wife died.

No, I'm sorry, um...

Gosh. This is...

I'm actually dating your son.


I'm sorry. Um, we
should've told you earlier.

I just think Luca wanted to get
your unbiased opinion of the place.


And even if I was single,

I don't think it would be appropriate

to mix business with pleasure.

I don't understand.

Well, you're thinking of investing
in my business, aren't you?

My son hasn't been
honest with either of us.

I'm not the investor.

Luca is.

Change the dressing in three hours.

More ointment and then re-cover, okay?

Yeah. Thanks.

Hey, anything blow up while I was away?

- What's up?
- That's 300.

My week already paid in full.

(doorknob rattles)

Hey, Dr. J.

Uh, this prescription you
wrote for Greg Shamingo,

isn't Ketalar an anesthetic?

- I didn't give him Ketalar.
- I gave him ketorolac.

Um, good catch.

I'll write your friend
a new prescription.

m1ngo could have ended
up in the hospital.

It's a common mistake.

Now come on, we've got
a ton of patients to see.

But Dr. J, if something's
affecting your abilities...

Then what?

Then... y... you need to...

I don't know, talk to someone.

Okay, now you're out of line.

See, I made one mistake.
It's not the end of the world.

And you of all people
should understand that.

Sounds to me like Dr. J
should be thanking you.

Yeah. I mean, it's a good thing

that you were there
to catch his mistake.

He's right. What if it happens again

and someone really does gets hurt?

He could've told everyone

about what I did at the clinic.

He could've ended my medical
career right then and there,

and now, I might be the one ending his.

Maybe not.

You know, when I decided
to be a stay-at-home dad,

I thought that I was
saying goodbye to music.

But, you know, Carlton and I,

we go into the studio

and we just jam, and...

he totally loves it.

And I know it's not exactly
the same thing, but...

But you're still playing your music.

You're still doing what you love.


Announcer on TV: 67 seconds

- to make up two points.
- Gotta make that.

Have three guys that can
sh**t the basketball...

It's go time! Can they...

Hey! What are you
doing? I'm watching that.

I've got something
better for you to look at.


You don't think I was
gonna let our date night end

with you falling asleep on the couch?

Ooh. Well, you know, I...

Wow. (chuckles)

Hey, sweetie, look, you know,
wait, we gotta be careful.

The kids could walk in.

Nope, nobody's here.

I made sure that we have
the house to ourselves

for the next two hours.

Listen, sweetie, I really want
to watch this game. It's... mm!

It's Big Ten Pac-12.

Record it.

But it's not the same as live.

- Are you kidding me?
- What?

Now I know why you felt

the need to do your independent study.

Oh, no, no. Wait a second!

- No, that's not it!
- I'm throwing myself at you,

and you would rather watch TV.

O... okay, look, Kathryn, I...

lately, I've...

I... I've been having
a little trouble...

with my equipment.


- Oh.
- When you walked in on me,

I was just looking at
things, thinking that maybe

I could jump-start
the engine. That's it.

- Honey, I'm sorry.
- No, please. Don't do that, please.

No pity. I have a plan.

I am gonna start eating more salads,

I wanna start swimming again,

I wanna get the blood pumping.

And you're gonna see Dr. Hughes, right?

- Um...
- What?

Sweetie, he's a doctor. Okay?

He'll just want to give me pills.

- This can work itself out.
- Let me get this straight,

you're having performance issues,

which you were all too happy
to blame on my new job...

which is not okay, by the way...

and you won't do what
you need to do to fix it

because you're gonna have
to talk to another man

about your sexual problems?

I told you, I am handling this.

Newsflash, John, you're getting older.

We both are.

I crank the air conditioning
down to 65 degrees every night

because I'm having hot flashes.

It's called menopause.

And unlike you, I can say things.

Out loud.

We're both changing,

but I'm the one standing
here in a nightgown.

You decide what's more important:

your fragile male ego or our marriage.

Luca: When my mom died,

I inherited her
family's ranch in Mexico.

I sold it off last year.

And my dad advises me
on my business moves,

so I wanted his opinion.

(sighs) Why didn't you ever tell me?

Well, from my experience, it could
change the way some people see me.

- I understand.
- Well, just to be clear,

it's not never-work-again money.

Just enough for a few investments,

which is why I'm
taking business classes.

And very smart.

I know you'll make your mother
and her family very proud.

Well, I happen to think we
will make them very proud.

- Luca...
- Look, I'm ready to do this.

Let's go into business together.

(chuckles) Thank you.


a lot to think about.

I just need some time
to think it through.

Of course.

I'm just excited.

You know, the potential
here is off the charts.

I mean, just think where we
could be in a few short years.


Noelle: Bay?

You the one who tattooed
my 15-year-old kid?

I am so sorry.

Your son, who by the
way said you were dead,

he also said that he was 18.

I... I checked his I.D.

You know how easy it
is to get a fake I.D.?

Actually, yes, I do.

Sir, it's her first day.

Good for her.

I spent my entire life

trying to keep him from
joining a street g*ng!

Everyone in the neighborhood
knows and respects that.

Then you go and tattoo a
g*ng sign right on his arm?

A g*ng sign?

I wanna know what
you're gonna do about it.

If a rival g*ng sees this,

he could end up dead!

She can fix it.

Right. I can.

Come on. Sit.

Okay, just hold still.


So you can just tattoo that?


You will never know
the g*ng sign was there.

Do it.


(sighs) Okay.

So Dr. Hughes is going to be in Aruba

for the next three weeks?

Ugh. Yeah, okay.

I... I'll call back. Thank you.

- Coach K.
- Hey.

- You catch the end of that Illini game?
- No.

Their star forward snapped
his Achilles tendon.

Ooh, that is rough.

You know, that's a long recovery period.

Treated a guy in my unit for that.

Took him a year and a half
to get full movement back.

- See ya.
- Yeah, that's right,

you were a medic. Luca?

Hey, hey, listen, I was wondering

if I could get your
advice about something.

- Sure thing.
- Lately...

things have not been
going so smoothly...

down below.

In baseball terms, I've
been in kind of a slump.


Imagine stepping up to the plate,

and instead of a nice, solid
piece of wood in your hands,

you're swinging a garden hose.

Got it.

- Thank God.
- (chuckles)

Well, first of all, it
happens all the time.

I mean, not to me, but to lots of guys.

A few of the college guys I know

swear by this herbal supplement.

- Really?
- Yeah! I mean,

when you binge drink as much as they do,

sometimes you need a little
boost to get things going.

- Yeah, yeah.
- I'll text you the name of it.

Thank you so much. That's great.

No problem.

And Luca?

- We take this to our graves.
- (snorts)


What can I do for you?

What's this?

Professor Marillo's email.

She has a lot of sway in
the science department.

And why do I need it?

Sooner or later, you're gonna
hang up your stethoscope,

but it doesn't have to mean
that you're done with medicine.

They're just handing out teaching
positions now, is that it?

I happen to know the
administration is serious

about diversifying the faculty,

and we have adjunct
professors all the time

that don't have half as
much experience as you do.

It's a nice thought, but I'm 75.

You don't start a new career at my age.

"No one's gonna hand you a ladder.

"You want it bad enough,
you gotta build your own."

Did I say that?

Yeah, you did.

Look, I wouldn't be pre-med right now

if it weren't for you.

There are a lot of students here

who need that kind of inspiration.

I guess sometimes you
push a little too hard

when you just want to get back to being

the person you used to be.

Regina: I have to say

I'm shocked he's got money.

Is it possible you're overthinking it?

A young man wants to
invest in your cafe.

I think you should consider it.

But is it weird that he didn't tell me?

If there's one thing I know about men,

it's they all think they
have a good reason to lie.

- (knock on door)
- Oh, hold on.

- Manuel? Hi, come on in.
- Hi.

I'm sorry to just show up.
Luca gave me your address.

I wanted to get these back to you.

Oh, um, Manuel, this is Kathryn.

Kathryn, this is Manuel, Luca's father.

- Hi.
- Hi.

You didn't have to come all this way.

- I was hoping to speak with you.
- Oh.

I think I'll turn in.

- Nice to meet you, Manuel.
- Likewise.

Um, I imagine that you have questions.

Actually, I think
investing in the Cracked Mug

is a smart business decision.

Thank you.

But as a father,

I have very serious concerns
about your relationship.

Well, I'm afraid that's up to Luca.

Luca is my only child.

I want him to have
everything he wants in life...

including a family.

But Luca doesn't want kids.

I'm sure he says that now,
probably believes it too, but...

what happens in five or 10 years

when he changes his mind?

Luca's an adult,

and as an adult, he can
make his own decisions.

That's true.

But I think deep down, you
know I'm right about this.

(door opens)

(door closes)

(students cheering)


(cheering continues)

What are you doing here?

Someone said they saw you
coming up here with your bike.


It's down to me and the
guy who won last year.

Whoever does the craziest stunt wins.

They call this run The Body Bag.

Come on, put your bike down.

You've had way too much to drink.

Are you kidding me? I'm
about to win this thing.

You're about to k*ll yourself.

You don't understand.

You'd rather have
people think you're crazy

than think you're r*cist.

Look, I know you're upset
about the Lil Wayne thing,

but this is not the way to get past it.

I'm a little dizzy.

You need to sit down.

Come on.

(students booing)

People hate me.

Not true.

Guys that have known me for three years

cross to the other side of the quad

just so they don't have to talk to me.

And then Iris... I mean, she moved
out of the dorm because of me.

I think an apology might help.

I was trying to.

You asked if she wanted
another shrimp on the barby.

I... I know, I know,
I... I just got nervous.

I wish I could take it all back.

But to Iris and to everybody else,

I'll always just be that r*cist guy

who dressed up like Lil Wayne.

I don't see you that way.

You're a great guy, m1ngo.


So great that when you went to China,

you didn't call me for 10 months.

I thought we weren't talking.


It doesn't mean I didn't miss you.


I thought about you every single day.

You have a girlfriend.

Maybe I shouldn't.

But you do.

Daphne, you get me.

Like no one ever has.

Are you gonna break up with her?

Then we can't do this.

No charge for the extra work.

And here's your money back.

That was crazy.

Some quick thinking on your part.

- Nice save.
- Thanks.

But seriously, never again.

One, you should've known
that was a g*ng symbol,

something you learn if you grow up here.

And two, that kid was clearly underage,

no matter what his I.D. said.

Yeah, it was a pretty bad fake.

You knew?

That guy was pissed!

- I mean, he could've had my...
- The pressure got to me.

I needed a client, I
had to get your money.

But I... I crossed a line,

and I'm really, really sorry.

I get it.

You do?


You're in a jam, you needed a way out.

It happens.

Same deal when I borrowed your phoenix.

- But... you said...
- Yeah, look,

it was a crazy, busy day.

The customer wanted
something fresh, and...

I was spent.

I do the five-hour trek back from
Marion every Tuesday before work,

but this time, I was
just... more beat than usual.

What's in Marion?

My nieces.

My deadbeat little
brother's never met them,

but their mum's got her hands full,

so I try to give her a
little break when I can.

That is really cool of you.


Anyway, I'm sorry about your phoenix.

I'm not proud of it, but...

Tuesdays can be tough.

It's okay.



But I still need that
300 bucks by Friday.


- Kathryn: Morning.
- John: Hey, sweetie.

You drank all the coffee?

I didn't make coffee.

This is tea.

Since when do you drink tea?

It's an herbal supplement.

Tastes like it came
out of a rain gutter,

but it's supposed to help
with the... (clicks tongue)

you know.

Luca told me about it.

You talked to Luca about it?

- Mm-hmm.
- You told our daughter's

other mother's 25-year-old boy-toy

about our sexual problems?

He's not gonna tell Regina.

- Right?
- He might.

Oh, then I would have to k*ll him.

Oh, my God, John, you might have to.


Honestly, thank you.

- Well...
- That couldn't have been easy.



remember when you were in the pros,

I used to come visit you on the road,

and we'd hole up in those luxury hotels

with the thousand-thread count sheets?

- Oh, yeah.
- Mm-hmm.

We were unstoppable back then.


Yeah, it was frustrating.

I still feel like I am
that 25-year-old kid...

and then I get in front
of a mirror. (chuckles)


I still see that 25-year-old kid.

- Mm.
- Mm.

Oh, my goodness,

we should go see if this tea is working.


Yeah, 'cause I think it is.

I'll go get the nightgown.


- Hi.
- Hi.

I just found out there's a pizza place

two blocks from campus
that's closing down.

- Okay.
- The square footage is right.

It could be perfect
for another Cracked Mug.


Come. Let's sit.

I was up all night thinking.

Every time I've gone into business,

I did it with someone else's help.

But this time around,

I think I need to do it by myself.


Look, your support and enthusiasm

mean the world to me.

If anything, you pushed me
to actually make this happen.


this time, I need to do it on my own.

Well, I can't say I'm not disappointed.

But, um...

know I'm in your corner
every step of the way.



Um, Ally, right?

Is everything okay?
Did you pop a stitch?

No. Um...

Can I talk to you?


(sighs) The thing is...

I know who you are.

I looked you up a while ago.

(sighs) I couldn't believe
we went to the same school,

but I didn't know you
worked at the clinic.

Probably should've said
something yesterday,

but I didn't know how.

I don't understand.

You know I had open heart surgery.

It was actually a heart transplant.

♪ Stone walls on a heavy ground ♪

Two years ago...

on April 14th.

The donor was a man who
died in a car accident.

♪ But our hearts remain ♪

Oh, my God.

♪ The loudest sound ♪


You have Angelo's heart.

♪ How do we get over this time? ♪