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03x17 - Anticipation

Posted: 08/26/21 07:57
by bunniefuu
MARIANA: So, um, you guys are hiring?

I don't mind taking a demotion

if it means that I can work
with people that I believe in.

Doesn't everyone deserve
a second chance?

I'm Angelica. Just started
here as a waiter.

I got you a rose.

If Jazmin is no longer your
child because she's trans,

then I guess you have
no children at all.

- Because I'm bisexual.
- I'll leave if I'm not welcome.

- Of course, you're welcome.
- I miss my son.

JAZMIN: Maybe you can learn
to love your daughter.

My parents actually just cut me off.

They didn't want me to have the baby.

I don't eat in front of my mother.

- You should be yourself.
- I was pounds.

I had to go into a hospital
to get fed with a tube.

Did you see the fight
between Tommy and Zack?

- I've watched the video.
- You act like I don't know.

I trusted you!

If this video gets in,

we lose all credibility
and probably the case.


What is it?

Is that from Jamie?

♪ Back in this cold world ♪

♪ Trapped in this city ♪

♪ I want it all ♪

Look, can we talk?

Do you get a q*eer vibe from her?

♪ We'll go right back in ♪

♪ Pulled by fear ♪

♪ Trip forward ♪

♪ Pulled by fear ♪

♪ We'll go right to the end ♪

♪ Back forward ♪

What if they never forgive me?

A wedding and a baby!

Oh, Dios mío, how blessed are we?

♪ Pa-pa-pa ♪
♪ Pa-pa-pa-pa-pa ♪

♪ Pa-pa-pa ♪
♪ Pa-pa-pa-pa-pa ♪

♪ And then we'll find
our peace of mind ♪

♪ You and me, Bel Ami ♪

♪ Pa-pa-pa, pa-paaa ♪

You don't have to pick
up lunch every day.

Oh, it's no problem, really.


How do you know Zelda Grant?

Oat milk girl?

Oh, uh, here, you just...
you have to pull this lever.


Thank you. I cannot function
without my : caffeine boost.

Ugh, I hear you.

Usually, I just press manual
for like seconds

or sing a chorus of "Love on Top"

and then, boom, it's done.

I'm Zelda, and I cannot
hit those key changes.

Mariana. Cute shoes, by the way.

I was gonna say the same to you!

Ooh, that stuff any good?

I'm obsessed.

With oat milk now. It is life-changing.

You know what else
would be life-changing?

- A meeting with Zelda.
- She's a brand influencer.

With like four million followers.

One of her clients is this all-natural
skin care line, Contend.

It would be perfect for Bulk Beauty.

We've just been sort of
afraid to approach her.

But since you know her.

Oh, I don't know her, know her.

But I'll see what I can do.

- Great!
- Awesome.

Jorge made empanadas.

Thought I'd grab you all some
before they disappeared.

Oh, thank you!

This is my friend Tanya.

I'm using her marketing
expertise for my campaign.

Hi, nice to meet you.

- You too!
- I'll let you guys do your thing.

- Okay. Thank you.
- See you later.

So do you get a q*eer vibe from her?

Do you get a q*eer vibe?

I don't know. I mean, she
asked me to go on a hike,

but I just kind of
wonder if it's a date.

What if it was? Would
you be open to that?

I mean, I've never dated a woman,

but I guess I wouldn't be closed to it

if the chemistry was there.

Is it?

I don't know, maybe.

So, um, the reason
I wanted to talk to you guys

is because, um...

I'm going to be a father.


We didn't even know
you had a girlfriend!

this bisexual thing was a phase.

I'm still bisexual

and she's not my girlfriend.

Why isn't she your girlfriend?

Because we don't feel
that way about each other.

[CHUCKLES] You felt
that way at least once.

Gael, you're bringing a
child into this world.

The honorable thing
to do is to marry her.

Dad, we're not in the s.

People raise kids without
being married all the time.

Not in this family, they don't.

Look, if you can't respect my choices,

then you don't have to be
a part of this baby's life.

Children need two parents.

And she'll have two parents.


You're having a girl?

A female child.

We don't want to gender the baby.

It wasn't my idea,

but I think it's very enlightened.

You're lucky you had your
kids in the dark ages.

Congratulations, mijito.

I'm thrilled to be a great grandfather.


Thank you, abuelo.

Do we at least get to meet
the mother of our grandchild?

You know, I trusted you.

- ZACK: No, no, no, I didn't touch her.
- You know, I, I trusted you.

I trusted you!

If the jury gets to see this video,
we're totally screwed,

and not because you had a real
fight with Zack the night he died,

but because you lied to us

and we were caught with our pants down.

I'm sorry. The police were
just jumping to conclusions.

I was afraid to tell the truth.

You know, I can work with the truth.

It's the lies that come back
to bite you in the ass.

- What was the argument about?
- Katie.

We were supposed to go
to a movie that night.

Then Zack texted about the
party and I wanted to go.

But Katie was mad and
when she got there,

she had too much to drink and
she started flirting with Zack

- to piss me off.
- Looks like it worked.

What else haven't you told us?


I can't defend you

if you aren't completely honest with me.

There's nothing else, I swear.

Can you keep the video out?

I honestly don't know.


What's this?

WOMAN: "Welcome to the FashionSpoke
Family, Ms. Davia Moss!

"FashionSpoke is a subscription-based
online personal stylist

where you can click and ship
your favorite designer brands."

"If you love any of the pieces,
it would be amazing

"if you could wear and share.

XO, your personal FashionSpoke stylist."

Wow, that would be perfect

for some "WandaVision"
cosplay I have planned.

Well, might be your lucky day.

There's no way this is going to fit me.



So close.


- Hi.
- Hey.

How'd it go with your parents?

Um, not terrible.

- They had their questions and opinions.

They want us to get married.

- Oh, okay!

I think your girlfriend
might have something

to say about that, though.

Yeah. I didn't tell them about Callie.

I figured one life-altering
info drop at a time.

That is understandable.


They do want to meet you though.

Okay, and how do you feel about that?

I feel like they're not great
at respecting boundaries.

I mean, you know Cuban families,

everyone's in everyone's business

and no one's pulling any punches.

At least they care.

Have you heard from your folks?

I sent them a copy of the ultrasound

and they didn't respond.

I'm sorry, that's just so screwed up.


I mean, maybe when the baby's
born, they'll come around, but...


My parent's love has always
been conditional, so...

maybe it's best they're not
in my baby's life... or mine.

Anyways, I completely understand

if you don't want me
to meet your parents.

No, no, no, I definitely do. I just...

Want me to respect your
boundaries with them.


If that's okay to ask.

No, of course it is!

They're your parents, not mine.
And my job is to have your back.

- Hey!
- Hey.

Ugh, seriously?

Someone used up all the oat milk
and then put the empty carton back?

Who does this?

♪ I'm makin' moves, yeah! ♪
♪ I'm makin' moves, yeah! ♪

♪ Makin' makin' moves ♪
♪ I'm makin' moves, yeah! ♪

♪ I'm makin' moves, yeah! ♪

Ugh! There is a certain place
in Hell for people like that.


Ugh, I'm such a wimp.
I can't do straight coffee.

Actually, I brought some oat milk
from home. I'm happy to share.

♪ Ow! I'm makin' moves, yeah! ♪
♪ I'm makin' moves, yeah! ♪

♪ Make, make, I'm makin' moves ♪

Hey, guys, this is Zelda.

She's coming by to borrow some oat milk.

So what's BB?

Uh, Bulk... Bulk Beauty.

It... It is, yeah. Uh, Bulk Beauty.

[STAMMERING] We're a clean beauty brand.

I mean, not a brand.

Bulk Beauty is an app

where you can find all of your
favorite sustainable beauty products

in a one-stop shop.

Our app tracks how quickly
you use each of your products

so it will automatically
reorder your refill

at a personalized speed
to minimize waste,

all from cruelty-free vegan,
zero waste brands,

and compostable and recycled packaging.

Such a sick idea.

What kind of brand partners
are you guys working with?

Uh, you know, we just
got the seed money,

but we're in conversations
with Ilia, Milk,

Glow Recipe, to name a few.

Are you familiar with Contend Skincare?

You know, we might've heard of them.

Well, I'm a brand influencer for them,

and I swear by their products.

They're really starting to turn
to the clean beauty space.

I think they'd be stoked about
what you guys are doing.

Can I make an intro?

Sure. That would be great.

Okay, I'll set it up. And
thank you for the top off.

♪ Can't nobody do it
like me, do it like me ♪

♪ Do it like, do it like me ♪

Oh, my God!

Oh, my God!

- Landing Contend would be major.
- I know!

I'm already stalking their
social for deck inspo.

But we've got to play it
cool, not too thirsty.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's
get to work on this pitch.

Oh, thanks, Mariana.

Oh, yeah, thanks!

Of course.

Um, if you need any help
with the Contend pitch...

Um, I think we got it.

But we do need that
code for the analytics.

Right. On it.

♪ But I'm the only one
that can move it like, uh ♪

♪ Go on, get it now ♪

That's crazy.

- _

- _



Well, I tried to find every precedent

I could to get the video dismissed,

but I don't see how we sway the judge

when it's clear that Tommy lied.

I know you're invested in
Tommy being innocent,

but you are going to have to
fight just as hard for him,

even if you think he might be guilty.

No, I know that.
That's why I'm still here.

Sit down.

Most of the people you represent
as a defense attorney

are going to be guilty of something.

So what if Tommy did k*ll Zack?

Don't the parents deserve
some sort of justice?

Hey, that is not our concern.

How could that not be our concern?

Because our job is to make sure
that nobody goes to prison

without due process.

I admire that you want to believe
in the people you care about,

but everyone is going to
disappoint you at some point.

Good people do bad things sometimes.

It doesn't make them irredeemable.

And hopefully if this
video does get in...

we will make the jury see

that just because Tommy
lied about the fight,

it doesn't make him a m*rder*r.

Well, I probably got the
girls our first brand today,

and they barely thanked me.

I feel like they'll never give
me a seat at the table.

[SCOFFS] I mean, literally,
there's only three chairs.

You've got to be patient.

What if they never forgive me?

Look, you're a good person
who made some mistakes.

Just be patient. Redeem
yourself. They'll see that.

- Thank you.
- Yeah.

- How was your day?
- Uh, not great.


What's this?

MARIANA: I don't know.
It was in the mailbox.

What is it?

It's a copy of an arrest
record for Cristian Matthews,

the witness that blindsided us
with the video of the fight.

It's for the sale of dr*gs

and it looks like the
record's been expunged.

Oh, snap. They fit!

What? Oh.

Right. I guess I dropped a size.

DENNIS: So, trying out
some new menu items,

and I'm thinking all-day
breakfast for the food truck.

Tell me what you think.

Oh, sorry. I already ate.

I'll try it.

Though I have to warn you,
I had my adenoids out

so I can only taste sour,
bitter, and pungent.

Not exactly going for pungent eggs.

Thank you.


So do you not want me to try them?

♪ I don't want to forget ♪

[LAUGHING] I told you
to wear hiking boots!

Wow, I really didn't peg you
as an "I told you so" person.

And I didn't peg you as someone
lacking common sense.

I have climbed mountains
in these Chucks.

Metaphorical ones, but still.

Sorry, it's about my campaign.

Well I should warn you...

reception gets pretty spotty up here.

Which is one of the reasons I thought

it might be good for you.


So you had an ulterior motive?

I'm just saying, we're in the
middle of all this beauty.

Why would you want to be on your phone?

It's hard to unplug.

It just seems like there's always
a crisis or something to be done

- or someone who needs help.
- Mm-hmm. Yeah, I get it.

Does it always have to be you, though?

Aren't there other people on call?

It might also be a control
thing. Just a little.

- Ah!

What would happen if you
turned your phone off?

- For just a couple hours.

I don't know. Let's see.


- Come on.
- Whoo!

All right,

after taking the matter of the
video under consideration,

I'm ready to rule.

Uh, Your Honor, if I may.

New information has come to light

and we believe the
prosecution cut a deal

with Cristian Matthews to
keep the video a secret

until he was on the stand.


Who sent it to you?

Well, it had to have been
someone at the DA's office.

I mean, they're the only
ones that would have access

to an arrest record that was expunged.

What if it was Jamie?

Or someone who knew about the
deal who knew it wasn't right.

Well, if it was just anyone,
why would they send it to you?

They could have sent it to the office.

It had to be Jamie.

And in exchange for keeping the
existence of this video a secret,

they offered to expunge
the record of his arrest

for the sale of dr*gs.

- ROTHMAN: This is a baseless accusation...
- KATHLEEN: No, this kind of back alley dealing

- is the very definition...

... of an unfair surprise.

I had no prior knowledge of that video.

Then why don't you take the
stand and swear to that, Marc?

- Okay, this is ridiculous.
- Order, please. Counselors.

That's a very serious charge, Miss Gale.

I'm going to need more than
your word on the matter.

Do you have any proof?

The information came
anonymously, Your Honor.

We'd be happy to make the interview
notes available for Cristian.

Okay, Your Honor, any
lawyer worth his salt

would know not to make a written
record of that kind of deal.

Your Honor, if I may address the court.

What are you doing?


So... are you like
seeing someone or... ?

Not at the moment.

What about you?

Oh, uh, I'm dating that guy from
the bar the other night, Dyonte.

- He's cute.
- Yeah, he is.

It's kind of new.

He's my first relationship
since I came out as poly.

For someone as busy as you are,

how do you juggle more
than one relationship?

Oh, I'm not at the moment.

And Tanya, who you met,
is Dyonte's primary partner.

So, I guess it's complicated

and this is way too much
information right now.

It's okay. I'm curious about you.

And why is that?

I don't know.

I guess I find you intriguing.

Well, the feeling is mutual.



Hey! I missed you at lunch today.

Yeah, sorry, I had a bunch
of errands to run.

Got it.

Oh, well, I... just checking in.


Hey, maybe we should try that
new Mexican place tomorrow.

Uh, you know, I actually have
a doctor's appointment, so.

Oh, okay, well, I'll just
see you at school.

Yeah. Thanks for calling. Bye.


Coffee in the afternoon?

I have a ton of papers
to grade tonight, so.




If you just lost pounds,
you could get any man you want.

Mwah! Mmm.

DENNIS: You okay?

Yeah. I'm fine.

I can make your favorite.
Tuna melt, you hungry?

Um, no, thank you.
I, uh, had a big lunch.


DAVIA: [CRYING] You think I don't
wish that she could just see me?

Not how I look or what I eat?

She's the most insecure,
self-loathing person I've ever known.

And she's projected that
on me my whole life.


The defense's accusation of
deal-making borderlines on slander.

It is a desperate low blow.

If Miss Gale and her team had
properly done their due diligence,

they would have discovered
the video themselves.

It's not the prosecution's
job to do that for them.

If Miss Gale can offer any proof
besides anonymous allegations,

you have no choice but to
allow the video into evidence.

KATHLEEN: There is only one
way to settle this, Your Honor.

We invite Cristian
Matthews back into court

and ask him if he made a deal or not.


Your Honor, the prosecution
doesn't want to delay

these proceedings any longer.

The video is duplicative

of the witness testimony
about the fight.

And in the interest of expediency,

we agree to withdraw the video
and just get on with the trial.

- JUDGE: Very well, Mr. Rothman.
- [QUIETLY]: Yes!

But let me be clear.

I will not indulge any dirty
tricks in this proceeding.

Consider yourself warned.

♪ I know you don't know
what you want yet ♪

♪ But that's alright ♪

♪ I get it, you're dizzy ♪

♪ And nervous, but that's the ride ♪

- _
- ♪ If it feels right, if it feels right ♪

♪ This is real life, this is real life ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

Dinner will be done very soon.

La ropa vieja always takes
longer than I remember.

Do you need help, Mami? I can help you.

No, mija, siéntate.

I'm so glad you brought Spencer.

So nice to finally meet you.

Thank you. I feel the same.

And thank you for the
rum. It's excellent.

I'm glad you like it.

So your family's from Argentina?

Yeah, I'm third generation,

so we didn't really keep
up with many traditions.

How are your parents
feeling about... everything?

Um, they're not supportive.

I'm sure they're just concerned,

you know, about your situation.

They're not supportive of
me having the baby at all.


I'm so sorry.

So, Spencer, what do
you do for a living?

Oh, I own an engineering business.

We design AC and heating
ducts for corporate buildings.

It's, it's really not that interesting.

Sounds interesting to me.


Why did you spam my Instagram
with likes on ancient photos?

I saw your new post and
it reminded me of the day

that we did that photo sh**t.

Okay, Dennis, look,
I know what you're doing.

I've lost some weight. So what?

I just want to make
sure that you're not...

I'm not relapsing

and I'm not even trying to lose weight.

I've just been under a lot
of stress lately with school

and with you up and leaving for weeks

and then suddenly coming back.
It's been a lot to deal with.

So I haven't been that
hungry lately. I'm fine.

It's not like I'm wasting away.

I'm sorry that I've caused
you so much stress.

Okay, well, then don't comment
on my appearance

like you're implying that there's
something wrong with me.

I don't need any help,
especially not from you.


Thank you for asking
me to hike with you.

I really needed this.

You're welcome. I'm glad you came.

So, um, what are you doing later?

Do you want to come to my place for tea

or I could maybe make
us something to eat?

Sure. That sounds nice.

♪ It's undeniable ♪

♪ It's undeniable, whoo! ♪

So your boss backed down pretty quick.

Still think you're on the right side?

I still think your client did it,

especially after seeing that video.

You know, I thought for a minute

that you'd had a crisis of conscience.

What do you mean?

Well you have your own tells.

- JAMIE: Oh, yeah?
- Mm-hmm.

Like, whenever you're
unsure about something,

like right now, you kind of
squint and lift up your chin.



Well, what is the verdict?

Do you think Jamie was the one

who slipped the arrest record to you?

I did and then I didn't,
and now I'm not sure.

That's interesting.

He's still one of those people
you want to believe in.

Guess that means you
still care about him.

This is Rowena, brand manager

- for Contend Beauty Products.
- Hi, I'm Claire.

- Gina.
- Rachel.


Thank you for meeting with us.

Thank you. Zelda told me
about your Bulk Beauty app,

and it sounds like an
exciting proposition.

Why don't we all have a seat?

Mariana, aren't you joining us?

Um, I'm not a partner.

So I'm fine right here.

Why don't we start with our deck.

[CHUCKLES] You got drunk
at the Hollywood Bowl

and barfed on my jacket,
so you owe me $

for the dry cleaning.

- What?
- Cough up.

- What's going on?
- Malika!

Hi! Kiara?

The police came and arrested my mom.

My grandma is out of town.
I tried calling you.

- What?
- KELLY: Look, three live children!

Never let it be said

that I am not an appropriate babysitter.

I'm sorry, my phone was off.

I didn't know where to go.

It's okay. You came to the right place.

Okay, well, I'm going to
figure this all out, okay?

We're gonna get your mom
out. It's going to be fine.

You all can stay here with me tonight.

I'm hungry.

Okay, how about we order a pizza?

ALL: Pizza! Pizza! Pizza! Pizza!

I'm so sorry.

No, no, I'm sorry for making
you turn your phone off.

- It's fine, it's fine.
- Can I help?

No, it's okay. I'm going to call Dyonte.

The kids already know him.

Yeah, no problem.


- I'll see you at work. Okay.
- Okay.

How do you think things
are going with Isabella?


Better than I thought.

- But I do feel a little guilty.
- Why?

I asked her to respect my boundaries

with Mami and Papi,

and she's definitely keeping
them at arm's length.

But I wonder if that's even fair.

What do you mean?

Her parents cut her off

and I can see that she needs
some parental support.

How can I deny her that?

And the truth is,

she's going to form her
own relationship with them,

whether I like it or not.

She's going to be the mother
of their first grandchild.


But, I don't know, be careful.

You know our parents.

You give them an inch
and they'll take a mile.

Maybe they won't with her.

She can hold her own.

Speaking of holding his own...

how serious are things with Spencer?




- Hey.

Is everything okay?


Can we talk?

- Oh, hey.
- Hey!

We're so excited about
closing the Contend deal,

so thank you for hooking
it up with Rowena.

You're the one who introduced
me to Bulk Beauty, so thank you.

By the way, I heard about
another female-led start-up

doing something really similar to BB,

and I hear they're looking
for a project leader.

If you're interested,
I could put in a word.

Oh, um, well, I just started with BB.

I get that.

But to be honest, I don't
think the girls appreciate

what an asset you are.

And life's too short

to sit around while your
talents are being wasted.

Well, um, thanks.

I'll think about it
and I'll let you know.

Thank you for coming over.

Of course.

So I wanted to tell you

that I didn't actually
run any errands today.


The real reason I bailed on lunch

is because...

I have an eating disorder.

And I thought I was
past all of this, but...

I recently lost some weight

and, um, have been getting
some positive comments

on my body again...

the kind that I used to get
when I was underweight

and that... that triggered
some old behaviors

like isolating myself
and lying about eating.

I even scrolled through some old photos

from when I was sick
and for a minute, ha...

I really missed that body.

And I started to think it wasn't
as bad as everyone thought,

and I can... I can be
sick and still be happy.

Then I remembered how
lonely and painful it felt.

I don't want that life again.

- I, uh...
- No, you don't...

You don't have to do or say anything.

I just... I wanted...
I wanted to tell you

to hold myself accountable.

Because I trust you.

Thank you for sharing that with me.

And I want to say I completely
regret my choice...

- of a feel-better gift.
- No, it's okay!

- Oh, no.
- You didn't know. It's cute.

You're cute.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

You're cute, too.


- ADRIANA: Thanks for cleaning up.
- JAZMIN: Of course.

It's the least we could do
after that delicious dinner.

ISABELLA: Yes, thank you.

It was a real treat having
a home-cooked meal.

Well, there are plenty more
where that came from.

Do you live alone?


She's living in my loft right now.

And I'm crashing with a friend.

It's just temporary,
just until I get a job

and then I'll get my own place.

I don't think it's a good idea,

you being pregnant and living alone.

And what about after the baby's born?

Are you going to be up all night
doing feedings with no help?

We'll figure something out.

- Mm-hmm.
- And you shouldn't be alone.

Lots of single moms do it, though.

But you're not single.

What he means is you have us.

And I would love to be the night nurse.

Mom, I'm going to be helping her out.

How, if you're not even living together?

I'm not saying I would
be there every night.

I could come a couple of times a week

just until the baby's sleeping
through the night.

If that's something that Isabella wants,

that's up to her.

And it's okay, I want you to
have all the support you need.

- If you're comfortable with it.
- Thank you.

I'm sure I'll welcome
all the help I can get.


And I would really love to
throw you a baby shower.


Mami! Let's not overwhelm her.

Pero, mija, we're just excited.

This family's having a baby!


this family is also having
a wedding because...

we're engaged.

- What!

A wedding and a baby. ¡Oh, Dios mío!

How blessed are we?


ARIANA: Oh, it's beautiful!

Of course, that is, Mr. Martinez...

if we have your blessing.

Of course, you have my blessing.

- Congratulations.
- Thank you!


And your baby, you can
count on some cousins

because we want to start a family too.

♪ We talk of life and our many dreams ♪


♪ As we're walking in the winter
in the middle of the road ♪

♪ The stage you see ♪

♪ All I ever wanted in my dreams ♪

♪ And dreams ♪

DAVIA: When I first
received these clothes,

I was excited to discover
that I fit into a smaller size

and I got caught up in the
positive comments I was getting,

which triggered some
old, unhealthy thinking.


♪ And who we'll be ♪

- _
- ♪ And I will be with you, my love ♪


DAVIA: But being body positive
is not about what size you wear.

It is about accepting that
all bodies are different

and loving yours unconditionally.

So I'm respectfully
returning these clothes

and returning to a healthy
and positive mindset.

♪ As we're walking in the summer
in the middle of the road ♪

And it all went surprisingly well.

I mean, this is what
I've been wishing for

for so long that my parents
would accept Jazmin

and we can be a family again.

Maybe this baby is what we needed
to get everyone back together.

I'm really happy for you.


Come here.


Uh, Mom. What are you doing here?

I came to drop something
off for Isabella.

- She's not here.
- I can see that.

Um... Mom, this is Callie.

♪ I need it, check mine ♪

♪ I complete it, I know
I'm the boss of it ♪

My girlfriend.

♪ Imma put some sauce on it ♪