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01x11 - Pandora's Box

Posted: 08/25/21 17:16
by bunniefuu
- Previously on APB...

- Been a while.
- Danny...

I go by DV8 now.

I need some help.

- What are you gonna do for me?
- I'll owe you a favor.

You just have to
dial a phone number.

It turns out that that was a
lot more than just a favor.

That call I made?

It was to a cell phone
attached to a b*mb.

This is for you. I
call it a crowbar.

Just plug it into the
district servers,

it'll pry open an
encrypted backdoor.

- I'm not doing that.
- Yes, you are.

Somebody's got bad blood
with Danny Reghabi.

Do you want to help me
out, get him off my back?

Danny's an unstable young man.

Come on, all I need is
a little information.

Have you heard of a
hacker collective

by the name of CommandALT?

Danny's set up shop with them.

Get something they don't
want shared with the world.

Be careful.

What the hell was that?

Cut the power! Shut down!

Evidence of money
laundering and tax evasion.

Why don't I just k*ll you?

This information is
randomly set to auto-send.

- This isn't over.
- It better be.

Otherwise you'll be writing your
manifesto on a cell block wall.

Seven years ago, when
you hacked my company,

I knew you had a past.

- I'll see you on Monday.
- Okay.

Play one of the best new FPS sh**t,
search Steam for PROJECT WARLOCK

Hello, everyone.

Glad you all could make it.

I'd make introductions,

but I think probably best we
keep this a no-names type thing.

Now, then, if everybody's ready,
we've got a lot of work to do.


Before we get down to business,
we got to talk terms.



Word is, this isn't
just any job.

From what I hear, we're
going up against the cops.

So I'm thinking it's
time to renegotiate.


I heard the same thing.

Way I see it, that's
worth at least double.

We had an agreement.

Hey! Hey...

Anyone else feel like haggling?

Okay, then.

Let's get started.

- Okay.
- Here you go.

I just think that you
need to see this now.

Ada, I think people
are a little unclear

on how this is supposed to work.

So, at Reeves Aerospace, is
there sometimes an issue with,

say, a rivet in one of the planes?

But dealing with the individual rivets?
That's not my job.

I design the systems, right?

I'm fully aware of this, Gideon.

Well, you say that, yeah, but you
drag me up from the workshop

to examine an APB
call, aka a rivet.

All right, but it's
not just an APB call.

You're the target.

She's right, Gideon.

This came in ten minutes ago.

An online video was posted,

and we've been getting calls
from all over the city.

Play it for him.

Weaponized drones.

Warrantless surveillance.

Militarized cops.

This is not some distant
future you are looking at.

It is reality on the
streets of Chicago.

An unelected fascist technocrat,
accountable to no one,

has trampled rights and
declared w*r on this city.

His name is Gideon Reeves.

He's a guy with a
lot of secrets.

And today those
secrets come out.

Are you ready?

Because I've got some
big surprises waiting.

I am coming for you.

I don't know. I'm not
really feeling the terror.

You know, why not go evil clown?

That would be...

Guys, this is a kid
that's trolling us.

I don't know about that, Gideon.

This seems serious to me.

And it's not just the video,

there's all this chatter
on activist Web sites.

It seems they have something
really big planned for today.

I checked in with some
other district captains.

They're getting
the same reports.

Telling you, everyone's
gonna feel pretty silly

when we trace his I.P. address

and find him in his
mom's basement.

Yeah, I already tried that.

He's using a proxied
I.P., and it's bouncing.

He clearly knows
what he's doing.

Here's the thing, Gideon.

I talked it over with Murphy,

I think it's best if you're
not in the station today.

What? You're sending me home?

Are you...?

He's in a goofy mask.

He uses the word "technocrat,"

like some 1970s
sociology professor.

It's a joke.

Until we know for sure,

I'm erring on the
side of caution.

People are worried.

Mr. Reeves?

Mayor Salgado on line one
for you and the captain.

Oh, great. We go from
nutjob to whack job.

Mr. Mayor! Always a pleasure.

What can I do you for?

Yeah, well you can start
out by telling me

what the hell is going on here.

I've been getting
calls all morning

about some kind of
t*rror1st threat.

t*rror1st? No.

- That's a little bit much.
- That so?

Yeah, I've already dodged
three local news outlets

fishing around for a story here.

Now, if this thing
goes sideways,

guess who I'm putting in
front of the cameras.

I assure you, we can
handle the situation.

Yeah, well, I suggest you
do that quickly, then,

because if this thing blows up,

if anyone gets hurt,
it's your ass,

and your entire district.

Oh, there he goes.

I'm gonna have Murphy
take you home.

It's too risky having you
here at the station.

You're not serious.

You think that I'm scared of
some masked loser out there?

- This isn't the first time...
- This is not just about you.

If this threat is for real,

having you here puts
cops in danger.

Um, have you seen the
ops center out there?

Bunch of computers, big
map, drone controls?

All stuff that I put
in to fight crime.

Don't you think I could
do more good here?

Right now, what matters
is this: you're a target.

Sending you home with Murphy
is the safest thing for you

and for the station.

You made me the captain.

Don't argue when I make a call.

I want to be clear here.

We're not sure that
anything is gonna happen.

But we're treating this
as a credible threat.

We're putting every
resource on this.

- What about Gideon?
- He's at home,

with a protective detail,

for his own safety and for ours.

Now, we split the
district into sections.

Your assignments will
be sent to your cars.

Keep your eyes open wide
for anything unusual.

Let's get out there.


You all right?

Last time I saw a guy in a mask
sending out threat videos,

I was in a different uniform.

This isn't Ramadi, Brandt.

Exactly my point.

A guy steals a TV,
sells some dr*gs,

I don't like his career
choice but I get it.

But this?

Who does this?

It's not our job to
understand the guy.

Just bust him.
Come on, let's go.

Come on.

No one respects the
captain more than I do,

but if I have to hide in a hole

'cause of every badly
produced Internet video,

haven't the t*rrorists
already won?

I would hardly call this a hole.

You have this place out
here and a penthouse?

Yeah. And, like, six other places.
Or seven?

I don't know, I lost count.

No, the penthouse, that's
just a party place.

I got that after Tyson
spilled beer on a Da Vinci.

- Mike Tyson?
- Neil deGrasse.

Astronomers and alcohol.

Bad combination.

Hey, that guy in the video said
that you like to keep secrets.

Like he had something on you.

Best not to rely on guys playing
dress-up on the internet

for reliable intelligence.

I-I don't have any idea what
he's talking about, Murph.

Guy's crazy.

Hey, that's Havana.

Since when do you
like Cuban music?

I don't. But you do.

My smart home uses
facial recognition

to identify people I know.

And then it's programmed...

to customize art and
music to their tastes.

That's bananas.

Uh, actually, I'm pretty
sure those are plantains.

What does it play for you?

Home, please?

- ♪ Ground Control to Major Tom... ♪
- Huh?

Buzz Aldrin and "Space Oddity"?

I mean, what's better than that?

Uh, Gideon?

Gertrude, this is Murphy.
Don't worry.

She's with me.

♪ Take your protein pills
and put your helmet on... ♪

Uh-huh. There you go.

She gets jealous of new people.

- Really?
- No.

She's a machine.

But she does happen to be the
first robot that I ever built.

Did QC at my first
aerospace factory.

Replaced a whole department.

And how did that go over with
the department that got axed?

There were a few
picket lines, but, uh,

the polio vaccine k*lled
the leg brace industry,

and I don't see people demanding
more polio these days.

Says the guy who's hiding in his
house from angry protesters.

I know you are, but what am I?


Show me your security system.

♪ This is Ground
Control to Major Tom ♪

♪ You... ♪

Fallujah was no picnic.

You'd drive around for hours
without so much as a peep.

And then, boom, out of nowhere.

I don't know what's worse,

the waiting or when
something actually happens.

Well, might be just me,

but the waiting sounds a hell
of a lot better than "boom."

Is it you, Danny?

Please tell me you're
not behind this.


Any progress finding this guy?

No, he's using proxies,

randomized nodes to
bounce the signal.

Uh, when you're on the Internet,
you leave a digital footprint,

and this guy is just...

really good at erasing
his footprint.

Oh, awesome. We have
some incoming APB calls.

What is it?

A disturbance at 2621
Waring Boulevard.


That's a city services building.

Yeah, some kind of
a terror threat.

Look what they have on.

Those masks are
just like the ones

we saw in the video.

I don't like the look of this.

1305, suspicious
persons gathering

at 2621 Waring Boulevard.

Possible expl*sives.

1305, Squad. Responding.

Sounds like the wait's over.

- Happy now?
- No.

No, I'm not.

Okay, uh, here's
my security room.

Front of the house,

south side,

north side,


Who's monitoring all this?

Oh, it's a*t*matic.

The data feeds are processed

by an artificial neural network.

The whole house is
wired, actually.

Lights, stereo, plumbing.

- Plumbing?
- What?

What, are you gonna flush the
toilet from across the house?

All right, you scoff.

The first transistor was made
years before the computer.

You make something
cool, a use shows up.

- Hey, are you expecting a delivery?
- No.

I mean, Elon Musk still sends
a bag of quarters every month

since I bad-mouthed PayPal,

but those came last Monday.

Gideon, this isn't funny.

This could be trouble.

Are you sure?

Guys in masks with
a*t*matic weapons

on your front porch?

I'm positive.

Yes, sir.

All right, folks, let's go.

- Come on, right this way.
- Let's go.

Let's go, clear the building.

Get across the street.

1305, Squad.

Be advised, we're
arriving at the scene.


six masked individuals were
seen entering the building

with backpacks.

Security's cleared
everybody out,

but we still don't know
what we're dealing with.

Approach from the north
entrance with extreme caution.

Oh, hey.


There's the boom
we talked about.

This is above our pay grade.

All right, you call it in, I'll
start talking to the witnesses.

1305, Squad. Are
you seeing this?

Yeah, copy that, 1305.

Wish we didn't, but we do.

I need the b*mb squad

to 2621 Waring Boulevard.

I need them fast.

Or this day's about to
get a whole lot worse.

1309, Squad.

We have three armed assailants
approaching Gideon's house.

We need backup now.

Come in, Squad!

Phone lines are down. Looks like

they're jamming radio signals.

- How strong is that door?
- It's reinforced,

but it's meant to resist,

you know, burglars,
not an as*ault force.

How do these guys
know you're here?

No idea, Murph.

Okay, go hide.

I'm gonna hold them off.

So, as exciting as you taking on
three guys with as*ault r*fles

in my living room sounds,

I have a room that
we can both hide in.

Gideon, we have
to hold them off.

I'll do the fighting,
you do the freaking.

You think that'll help?

You're gonna get
yourself k*lled, Murphy.

And me, too, for
whatever that's worth.

All right, we don't
have much time.

You got to trust me on this one.

We're hiding in here?

I joined Mensa before I
could drive a car, Murphy.

I'm smart enough to know we
can't hide under a desk.

What is that?

A secret lab.

"Secret" being the
operative word

at the moment.

b*mb squad's suiting
up, but listen, Cap?

This doesn't feel like your
garden-variety b*mb threat.

Safe to assume this is the
surprise we were promised.

1305, what about suspects?

My gut says they ditched
their clothes and masks,

blended in with what's
left of the crowd.

We're looking at a few
possibles right now.

Good chances they're just here

hanging with the lookie-loos.

Stand by, Squad.


Check the guy with the hoodie.

- Which one?
- He's over there, he's...

He was just right there.

Not anymore.

Damn it.

Squad, Goss and I are
gonna take a look around.

Copy that, 1305.

Keep us posted.

All right, so, we can stay down
here as long as we need to.

That door is reinforced.

Well, we can't just wait.

Whatever this is, is a
part of something bigger.

We need to contact the station.

All right, all right, all right.

I can message Ada, yeah.

Contact everybody that you can.

We need SWAT team down here,

we may even need a
heavy weapons truck.



What is it?

They took out the Internet.

Wireless, fiber-optic,
yeah, all down.

Okay, well, there has to be
something that we can use

down here with all this stuff.

Well, could I build
a radio tower

powerful enough to get
through the jamming?

Yeah, maybe in,
like, a few hours.

Gideon, I don't think
we have a few hours.

I thought you said
this was a secret lab.

As in, nobody knows about it.

Well, all evidence would suggest

that somebody else
knows my secret.

I mean, it's not like I had the place
built by magic robot elves, okay?

If someone was
really determined,

and it appears that someone was,

then obviously they
could figure it out.

All right, how much time
do you think we have?

From the sound of that drill,
probably not very long.

Visitors... are you
expecting anybody?

Not big on socializing
at home, Murphy.

That's what the
penthouse is for.

Okay, so nobody's
here besides you?

I mean, a housekeeper
comes Thursday.

I don't know what you want.

I'm a billionaire, I
don't have roommates!

Yep. Take that.

Okay, okay, okay, here.

Uh, help me get this off.

Uh, why? What for?

I just realized there is
someone else in the house:



And about how long would you
say they were in the building?

I saw them come in,
word got around,

and we just started
clearing out.

I-I didn't stick around to
find out what happened.

Okay, well, was there
anybody unfamiliar to you

that left in that group?

Tons of people. It's
a big building.

Hey, I got multiple APB reports

on suspicious individuals
driving in the district.

More of them? Where?
Are they in one area?

Yeah, I'm bringing them up now.

Okay, so this is the
first batch of calls.

This is a minute later.

And then this is 30
seconds after that.

Those cars.

Am I crazy, or are they all...?

Headed straight
towards the station.

We're talking about anyone

who was actually involved.

- I can't say...
- 1305, multiple reports

of suspicious vehicles

inbound toward the station.

Request immediate assistance.

Thank you.

1305, Squad, what
are we looking at?

Sending you video from
multiple APB users now.

More men in red masks.

What the hell?

Any idea what they're doing?

Nope, just that they're headed
straight towards the station

and fast.

All right, well, in that case,
let's give them a warm welcome.

What is all that?

It's the guts of my smart home.

This connects us to everything.

House controls,
cameras, most of all...


What's a robot gonna do?
Beep at them?

No, she's gonna call
the station for us.

If we can get her outside
the range of their jamming,

might be able to get a message
to the district, right?

Do you really think
that could work?

Um, if I had to hazard a guess,

I would say we just
went from doomed...

to, like, ten percent
less doomed.

I'll take that.

Cool, so...

splice that wire for me.

Hey, tell me something,

you have dozens of
labs at your company.

Why do you need a secret one?

Special projects.

You know.

No, actually, I don't know.

What do you do here
that you can't...?

Okay, so why don't we save

the philosophical discussion
about research transparency

for later, and,

and for now focus on not dying?


All right, Gertie.

Time to save Daddy.


1305, you're on
course to intercept

suspect vehicle
at 54th and Lake.

- Keep your eyes open.
- Copy that, Squad.

Anything more on
a make or model?

You're looking for a
four-door red sedan,

that's all we know.

This ain't right. We're
missing something.

Yeah, we're missing a
red four-door sedan.


We got half our guys
on a b*mb call,

the other half are chasing guys
with masks across the district.

It's like they're waving
a red flag in one hand

and slipping us a
Mickey with the other.

There's another move coming.

I can feel it.

There. You see that?

A red sedan.

Son of a bitch.

That guy, he was
at the building!

1305, Squad, suspect identified.

White male, six foot tall,
heading north on Allen Street.

Chicago police, stop!

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Damn it, I said stop.

What the hell?

Squad, suspect just got
picked up by a second driver

in a silver SUV. Headed north.

That car come from?

I don't know, Squad,
out of nowhere.

If I didn't know better,

I'd say they got
somebody on a computer

looking out for them, too.

Okay, so we have
the dining room,

living room, den,

hallway leading
to the back door.

You have cameras in
all those rooms?

The smart home system
uses facial recognition

to customize lighting
and heating,

and a whole bunch of other stuff
for each person in the house.

Gideon, you live alone.

I don't like to adjust
thermostats, all right?

Right now, that's turning out
to be a very good thing.

Just got to get her
to the back door.

And then, once
she's in the yard,

we should be able to transmit.

Gideon, the guard.

He's coming up the hallway.

All right, she can
only go so fast.


What? What about it?

We need a distraction.

Okay, he's down the hallway.

- Go, go, go, go, go.
- Yes, yes, okay, okay.

Looking for a signal.

Looking for a signal... got it!

Tell them that we
need all units.

Okay, it's not that simple. I have
to connect to Pete's computer

with a service request.

And then, once we get a connection,
then I can send a message.


Gideon, he's coming back.

- Come on!
- Almost there, almost there.


- Send the message.
- Trying, trying.

Oh, no.

Oh, no, no, no.

Oh, Gertrude.

Did it transmit?

I don't know, Murphy,
I don't know.

Gideon, did anything
get through?

We need to know if we
reached the station.

We got a connection, but the
transmitter got smashed

before the message went out.

Gideon, this is our
only hope here.

Please, can you try again?

I did, I just... I can get
a signal to Gertrude,

but she can't
transmit a message.

I think that, um,

we should consider negotiating.

Negotiate? Are you serious?

There's three guys
with AR-15s out there,

versus you with a p*stol and...

I guess, me with a hammer?

I just... I don't love our odds.

We still have to fight, Gideon.

Do you really think
that those guys

are gonna let us
go as witnesses?

Unless, um...

we offer them something
that they want, and then...

What do you mean,
something that they want?

I think I know why they're here.

There's something that I
didn't tell you about the lab.

What's our situation
at this point?

We keep getting reports,

but the same thing is happening
all over the district:

individuals in masks
driving around in cars,

just creating a general panic,

but whenever one of our units
gets close to one of the cars,

it gets abandoned.

Well, if there are cars, there are
plate numbers, registrations?

Yeah, I already tried
that, they're all clean.

- So we got nothing?
- Nope.

What about the
source of the video?

The guy in the mask?

Yeah, nothing yet.

Still working on it.

- Yeah, uh, keep me posted.
- Sure.

- Hey, Ada?
- Yes.

Any idea why I'd be getting

a diagnostic request
from the GR unit

at Gideon's house right now?

You mean his annoying
little robot?

No, it's the least
of our worries.

Yeah, but I was
reconfiguring the servers

to help with the
search and I got this.


Wait, when did you get that?

Like, a minute ago. Why?

Oh, my God.

You have to understand that the
stuff that I work on down here,

it's-it's highly experimental.

What I need to
understand right now

is what men with
AR-15s want in here.

All right, yes, okay,
right, I know.

- It's...
- What, a computer?

It's what's inside the computer.
It's, it's...

it's a surveillance system.

Um, it invades other systems,

collects data,

- compiles it...
- What, like a virus?

Kind of.

Except... it can
pull information

from other sources, too.

Video cameras,
banking, social media.

So, you're, you're
stealing data?

To identify criminal patterns.

It's basically the same
thing that the NSA does.

Only, you know,
better and faster.

And completely illegal.

This is what the guy in the
mask was talking about?

Maybe. Probably. Yeah.

I don't... how would I know?
It's supposed to be secret!

Yeah, so I've heard.

Show me.

Okay, so with the Internet
down, it's not actually op...

Show me what you have.

They just made it through
the second lock;

we don't really
have time for this.

But the whole idea is to
put in a criminal's name

and then run a deep scan
to see what comes up.

Are these District 13 cops?

Yes. It's not how it looks.

I didn't want to use
regular citizens,

so I just... I wrote the code

using our cops,
'cause I thought that

that would be safer...
all right, all right.

Gideon, those are
my personal photos.

And that's my address.

Oh, I know, I know, I know.

You have to understand,

this was a secret project

for extreme cases,
for emergencies.

The guy in the mask
might be crazy,

but he's not wrong.

The whole point of rights

is to protect people
when it's hard,

not when it's easy!

We're supposed to
be the good guys.

This? This is wrong!

Yeah, Murphy, I'm, I'm, I'm
painfully aware of that now.

There is no way that we're
letting these bastards

get their hands on this.
Do you understand me?


My sidearm's not gonna last long
against three as*ault r*fles.

We need a w*apon.

This is not a weapons lab.

The only thing that
we have down here...

Is what?

What do we have down here?

I mean, there's one thing.

But, uh...

you're not gonna like it.

- Go.
- Yeah.

What the hell is this thing?

It's the backup
power for the lab.

It's a 50 kilowatt
lithium ion battery.

Okay, there are men with
AR-15s that are coming in.

What good is a battery gonna do?

I mean, I hesitate
to call it "good,"

but if we put enough charge
into it, it will explode

in a shower of
thousand-degree metal,

which would torch everything
in here to cinders.

Including us?

Um, probably, yeah.

I did say that you
weren't gonna like it.

There are three levels of
casing on those locks, Murphy.

They just reached the third.

So, what exactly
am I looking for?

Just look for anything
that doesn't belong.

When you see it, you'll know.

God, Gideon!

Answer the phone.

Wait, when was the last time
you guys upgraded the servers?

Well, I mean, these are
Gideon's personal servers.

I just can't get a hold of him.

Phone, text, radio, nothing.

He usually has a Reeves
tech team do any upgrades.

They were just here, in fact.


Two days ago. Right at 1:00 p.m.

I know, because they
interrupted my lunch.



- I think I found something.
- Yeah, me, too.

You mean to tell me
six guys in masks

walked into a building
with backpacks

full of modeling clay
wired to clock radios?

That makes no sense.

Hey, I need to talk to you.

Yeah, uh, keep me posted.

- Conrad!
- Excuse me? What the hell?

I need to get a car
to Gideon's now!

Ada, I got APB calls
coming in district-wide,

fake bombs planted in backpacks.

I just can't deal
with this right now.

Okay, listen, what's
happening in the 13th...

it's just a distraction.

What they're really
after is Gideon.

- And you know this because...?
- Because...

Listen, I have been
trying to get Gideon

on his phone all day, it's dead.

I've been trying
Murphy on her radio,

still nothing.

We have been run all over
the city chasing shadows

at the exact same time
that we can't get in touch

with Gideon and Murphy.

Oh, my God.

Who's in the area?

Attention, all available units,

we need someone at 516
Pandora Lane immediately.

There's a situation at Gideon's.

1306. Copy that, Squad,
we're five minutes out.

Negative, Squad, we got this.

It's not a race.

The hell it isn't.
1305 responding.

Punch it.

How b*mb-proof are these?
Not very.

But I don't need to do a
metallurgical analysis to tell you

those steel tables are a
lot harder than we are.

All right, all right, all right.

So, once I disable
the safety circuits,

this thing will start
to overcharge.

And after it hits a certain
threshold, I can blow it,

but if they get in before that,

you're gonna have to hold
'em off for a while.

A while? How long is a while?

I don't know, I don't know.
About, like, a minute?

Two? I don't know, I... I've
never done this before.

- They stopped drilling.
- Mm-hmm. Listen.

They're tapping
through the locks.

Get ready. They're coming in.

- Is this thing ready?
- Um...

It is now.

First there was the b*mb scare,
then a bunch of bozos in cars.

- What you think is going on?
- I don't know exactly,

but I don't like it.


you're gonna have to hold 'em...

at the entrance till that
thing's primed to blow.

Yes, I know.

I got it.

I know that...

you're not happy with me.

Why would you say that?

'Cause we're gonna
get blown to pieces

because of your dumb-ass move?

I don't like to lose.

All right?

I lost Sully.

Just trying to make sure that
we don't ever lose again.

Losing is a part of
the job, Gideon.

Sometimes we lose.

But it's not a win if we trample
over people's rights to get it.

Apology accepted.

Turn up here.

k*ll the lights and sirens.

That van look weird to you?

Everything looks
weird to me today.

I don't see anybody.

Gideon! Murphy!

Listen, listen.

They stopped.


What the hell?

What? What is it?

Oh, my God, Murphy.

Brandt and Goss are here.

Yeah, and they're walking
right into an ambush.

Anybody home?

Brandt and Goss are gonna get
mowed down if they come in.

We have to do something.

Send them a signal.

How? They-they can't hear us.

The lights.

Can you control them from here?

Yeah, yeah, I can do that.

Anybody home?

All right. Let's go around back.

- It's not working.
- Oh, I can see that, I can see that.

Hang on. I'm gonna
try something else.

Gideon, there is a b*mb
heating up in here.

What are you gonna do?

I'm trying to send a
signal to Gertrude.

The robot? I thought you
said she was broken.

She is. She can't transmit,

but she can still receive.

Might be able to get
a message to them.

I just, I just, I just, I
don't know what to say.

What do you mean?

That there's three men
with g*ns in the house.

I have nine characters.

Her screen is for
error messages,

not ambush warnings.


- What?
- Just type it.

What? Uh, 3...

What the hell is that?

I don't know.

Be careful.

There's something on the screen.

What's it say?


I'm guessing it's some
kind of error message.

That's not an error message.

That's a standard,
military salute report.

"Three", three targets.

"A-M-B", ambush.

"A-R", AR-15s.

What the hell does
"D-E-N" stand for?

Well, it's a house.

Got to have a den.

Let's go.

Do you think they
understood that?

When Brandt and I were
rookies together,

all he would talk about was
his time in the Rangers.

Made me learn all their codes
while we were driving.

He better understand it.

Goss, the door's been forced.

1305, Squad.

Looks like we had ourselves
a burglary here.

But, uh, seems all clear now.

Yeah, these guys look
like they're long gone.

We're headed home now.

- On the ground!
- Get on the ground now!

Don't move! Stay on the ground!

Where's the third?
Where's the third?

They need our help.

Well, they're about to get it.

Murphy, get down.

Goss. Goss! You all right?

Oh, yeah. What was that?


You guys sure know how
to make an entrance.

Yeah, you, too.


might be time to look
for a new place.

That's good, let's go.

You finally got your boom.

Now are you happy?

Yeah. Yeah, I am.

I am going to request
special commendations

for the both of us.

Bravery in the line of duty.

You're gonna give
yourself a medal?

Yeah. I don't know, maybe
just a little one.

And Gertrude here
gets a Purple Heart.

Don't you, girl?

Good girl.

Hey, um...

I meant what I said down there.

I nearly got us k*lled.

That's just a chain reaction.

There's gonna be more of those.

What? We rigged it to explode.
It's exploding.

But your house? The lab?

Well, probably for the best.

As you so eloquently put it,

I had no business having a
secret lab in the first place.

And now I don't.

Well, easily a million
dollars in damage,

and I'm pretty sure
that secret labs

are not covered by
insurance, which is why,

as Murphy could
tell you firsthand,

I do not like throwing
parties at my house.

So, please, tell me
you have something

we can move on, Captain.

I would love to know where
to send that cleaning bill.

Well, the terror att*cks
themselves amount to nothing,

just smoke and
mirrors to divert us

from the real attack
at your house.

The gunmen are in holding.

I want to talk to them.

You'll get your chance.

What we need to know
is who's behind this.

Who has the reach and financing

to launch an attack
on this level?

Well, here's the plan, Captain.

I want every resource put
into finding who this is,

every drone, microchip,

every warm body we can
squeeze into a uniform.

That won't be necessary.

He terrorized the
entire district, Ada.

He nearly k*lled me and Murphy.

Yeah, it won't be necessary

because I already
know who it is.

It-it's a hacker
named Danny Reghabi.

He goes by the handle DV8

and he's connected
to a black-hat group

that deals with organized
crime and money laundering

and information selling.

Uh, you got all of that

- from tracing a video?
- No.

I know him personally.


Yeah, Danny and I
used to be friends

a really long time ago,

and then he got into
black-hat hacking

and we went our separate ways,

but since I've been at the 13th,

he's done some favors for me.

- Favor?
- Yeah, he helped me

with a domestic abuse
case a few months ago.

And the guy who blew himself up

while he was trying to
rob that armored truck

on Grand Street...

Oh, my God.

That wasn't an accident.

Danny found out

what was going on
here at the 13th

and he demanded that I
help him shut it down.


How could you not tell me this?

Because I thought
that I'd handled it.

I got guys that he worked
with to call him off.

But I checked on those
guys earlier, and...

they're dead.

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

And I... I'll quit, I'll resign.



Is that a joke?

We're way past that.

- Murphy.
- You're looking at jail time.

Hold on, hold on. Murphy.

Something's happening.

What the hell?

This is live.

He's hacked past our firewalls.

Hello again, Gideon.

Hope today was as fun for
you as it was for me.

How did you like
watching your district

chase its bushy little tail?

Too bad about your lab.


The world doesn't get to learn
about your nasty, little secret.

But no worries.

We are going to start
waking up this city

to your little
fascist nightmare,

even if it kills them.

Mask off.

Gloves off.

Game on.

Come and get me.

Okay, everybody.

New plan.