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01x10 - Strange Bedfellows

Posted: 08/25/21 17:15
by bunniefuu
Previously on APB...

See that guy in the red flannel?

That's Andre Coates, leader
of the Green Street Kings.

End of the day, I
got a bottom line.

I can't let my people see me
taking and not giving it back.

Ha, ha!

Is this everything
from my body-cam?

It's pretty cool, right?

Goss, I just got a call that I need
you and Brandt to check out...

it's a hacker, goes
by the name "DV8."

I'm coming, Ada,

and I'm going to destroy you

and Gideon Reeves and
everyone in between.

I have to quit this job now.
I can't explain it.

Well, then I don't
accept your resignation.


1309, we just heard from
a couple of ambo drivers

in Garfield Park.

They're in the middle of treating
a female as*ault victim,

but according to them, the
beat-down is just beginning.

Copy, squad.

1309 responding.

You didn't see nothing?
That's what you said?

I found her like that.
It's the truth, man.

Bitch, I know you lying.


Police! Back off now!

Everybody move back now!
Let him go!


- What the hell's going on here?
- What's going on?

A girl got r*ped in my hood.

- And this guy?
- Lewis here found her.

Now he acting like he
ain't see nothing.

- How is she?
- She's unconscious.

Pulse is weak, but
she's breathing.

We're taking her
to Mercy Hospital.

Green Street take
care of its own.

Something like this
happens, I handle it.

So you get your boys to beat up
some guy 'cause he found her?

Malik, you beating
up on somebody?

Nah. We just talking.

See? I'm just trying to
get a little information.

Go home, Andre.

This is my investigation now.

We'll see about that.

In another day of v*olence
on the South Side,

Chicago police departments have
called in off-duty officers

for the second time this month.



So you don't return my calls?

Yeah, I've been busy.

Yeah? Doing what?

Choosing between sour
cream and barbecue?

Why don't you tell me
what is really going on,

so I can figure out how to fix
it, bring you back to the 13th.

Because you can't
fix everything.

Really? 'Cause I've actually fixed
an astonishing amount of things.

- Just ask NASA.
- Oh, my God.

Hey. Where'd we meet?

That cozy holding
cell in Cook County.

If I can protect
you from the FBI,

don't you think I can
handle whatever this is?

This is a personal thing, okay?

So I have to just deal
with it on my own.

No, you don't.

'Cause I'm here... God.

- I have to go.
- _

This conversation is not over.

Her name's Kayla Brawn.

She just started her senior
year at Garfield Park High.

She disappeared after the
neighborhood block party yesterday.

I went to that school.

Grew up two blocks from
where they found her.

Well, that means you
grew up three blocks

from where they found
the other victim.

This is not the first time
that this has happened.

A month ago, they
found a young woman,

beaten and r*ped,
in the same area.

Are you telling me we have a
serial r*pist in my district?

Look at the ligature marks.

It's the same as
the ones on Kayla.

Both markings came back

as a match for some kind of...

zip-tie around the
girls' wrists.

Unfortunately, serial
r*pist sounds about right.


Don't worry. Nothing
wrong's with your car.

It's just me.

Since you weren't
answering my phone calls,

I found a back door
into your sound system.


My name is DV8 now.

And your name is clearly narc.

Bet you're disappointed
you didn't get rid of me

in that impromptu police raid.

Taking a page out of
Mein Kampf, I see.

I was defending myself.

No, you're defending a
corrupt police state

run by that egomaniac
you work for.

Okay, well, thanks to you, I
don't work for him anymore,

so we can just be
done with this.

No. It's too late for that.

You know what happens
to people who fight

for the wrong side, Ada?

Open the door!

You picked your friends.

Now you've made your enemies.

Gideon, we got a problem.

Then I got solutions. Hit me.

You remember Andre? Runs
the Green Street Kings?

Chip on his shoulder and
dreads on his head. I do.

We had a little
run-in this morning,

when I went out on the
call for the r*pe case.

I thought he was just fronting,

showing the neighborhood
who's boss.

Turns out, he's doing a full-on
investigation of his own.

That's strange.

I must have missed Andre's
academy graduation,

'cause I'm pretty
sure he's not a cop.

Well, right now, we're
not getting anywhere

unless we're talking to Andre first.

So Pete's fed all the
information to the APB app.

But in this whole area,

only a couple people
have downloaded it.

I mean, I know some people
don't like technology,

but you know what everyone hates?

Seriously, that's a
well-documented fact.

No doubt. But walking around

with a crime-fighting
app on your phone

in an area that's
dominated by gangs?

It's not a great idea.

Hey, 1312,

how's it going out there?

Do death stares count as intel?

'Cause if that's the case,
I'm k*lling it out here.

How about you, 1305?

Oh, snap.

Not too good, squad.

We're getting iced
out left and right.

My ears are ringing
from all the doors

I've had slammed in my face.

Yeah. Everybody
we try to talk to

has already talked to
the Green Street Kings.

Hey, call me crazy,

but I think that baby
banger is following us.


We're just trying
to do our job here.

What you know, Andre knows.

Green Street's got this.

Every cop is running
into the same thing.

Not to mention that Andre's boys
put two people in the hospital

because he thought they were
holding out on information.

All right, well, we still
have electronic surveillance.

Right? We still got the drone.

Well, actually,
uh, about that...

Turns out that the drone is not
that popular in Garfield Park.

I've already had to dodge
half a dozen rocks,

and one kid even took a swing
at it with a baseball bat.

Whoa, whoa.

What was that?


That sounds like a
.45 caliber message

from the Green Street Kings.

Well... guess we're
gonna have to...

send them a message of our own.

Are you out of your minds?

There's no way I'm bringing a
drug dealer in on a r*pe case.

Well, the thing is, we have,

what we call in engineering, a
single point of failure here.

Which is why we're...
you know, failing.

Captain, you and I both know

that the Green Street
Kings run those streets.

We just need to talk to him.

Which you know damn well
only gives Andre more power.

Hell, he's already got
his thugs dealing

out of an abandoned
police station.

Every time we go to him,

we send the message that Andre's
the one in charge, not us.

Well, we don't want to pin
a badge on his chest.

It's just about a temporary
strategic partnership.

Cops and criminals.

Natural born enemies, right?

But when Steve Jobs almost
lost Apple in the '90s,

you know who rode to his rescue?

Bill Gates.

This is a Chicago neighborhood
we're talking about, Gideon,

not some fancy boardroom.

Look, I got no problem
dealing with criminals

when I think it can help
us solve a case faster.

Hell, I deal with
them every day!

But Andre.

Without Andre, we might
not have a case.

Look, I don't like this
idea any more than you do.

But right now, Andre's the
best play that we have.

We just want to have
a conversation.

No different than a billionaire
talking to a police captain.

Except for the
police captain part.


Have a conversation.

But I don't know what the
hell you'd even ask him for.

I think I have an idea.

Oh, y'all blazed
before y'all got here.

'Cause you must be high if
you think I'm helping you.

Certainly getting
a contact high.

Andre, we're just
asking for a favor.

I'm handling this.

Your boys knocked
some guy's teeth out.

You call that handling it?

Cops got your way of doing
business, I got mine.

Look, all we're asking is
that you convince your people

to send us videos and
pictures of a block party.

That way, I can
stitch them together

and maybe figure out
what happened to Kayla.

Ain't nobody stupid enough
to send videos to the cops.

Sorry, do I look
like a cop to you?

This is Dolce &
Gabbana, not, uh,

thank you very much.

I'm a CEO like you.

- Say what now?
- Oh, uh, you know, I'm...

My business is more Gold Coast

than Green Street, but
isn't protecting customers

part of the job?

If you work with us,
we get this guy.

If you don't, people might
start to turn on you.

My Kings would never
let that happen.

I hope you're right,
I hope you're right.

But you know, people
smell weakness, right?

That's when the vultures come.

Bottom line is:

rapists are bad for
your business.

And we all know what happens

when a CEO isn't
getting the job done.

He gets replaced by
somebody that can.

Now, with me, that's a
multimillion-dollar payout,

retirement in the Maldives.

In your world, I'm guessing
that, uh, "severance"

takes on a very
different meaning.

You know how many times I been
dragged down to the 13th?

Well, that was the old 13th.

You're looking at the new one.

One businessman to
another: don't blow this.

This is the best call
that you could make

for you and your neighborhood.

I'll reach out to my people.


Professor Malkova.

I wondered when I
might be seeing you.

Fancy a game?

With you? Always.

Heard about your troubles.

Sounds like somebody's
got bad blood

with Danny Reghabi.

Yeah, I hear he goes by DV8 now.

Yeah, I know.

But once a student,
always a student.

Word is he's very angry
with you, my dear.

Tried to turn me into
road k*ll this morning.

Any chance you want to help
me out, get him off my back?

Danny's an unstable young man
with extreme political views.

Not someone I want mad at me.

Not even for your
favorite student?

We're not back in a
complexity theory class, Ada.

This is the real world,
and it's dangerous.

I know.

He did try to k*ll
me this morning.

Come on, all I need is
a little information.

I'm regretting this
already, but...

have you heard of a
hacker collective

by the name of CommandALT?

- Yeah.
- I hear Danny's set up shop with them.

CommandALT works out of the....

old Peoria meatpacking plant.

Get something they don't
want shared with the world.

You might be able to
use it to get Danny

to keep his hands to himself.

Really think that's gonna work?

It might.

Or, knowing Danny, it might not.

Either way, be careful.

- Okay.
- Aren't you gonna finish the game?

I already did.


Andre came through.

Dameon here has all the
footage from the block party,

- so hopefully Kayla's somewhere in it.
- Perfect.

What do we got, flash
drive, e-mail?

Whoa, whoa.

All right, that works, too.

Andre ain't want to leave
nothing to chance.

So he wanted to make
sure you had everything.

What, what? That's called a
strategic partnership in action.

Uh, Gideon, it's...

it's gonna take a week to go
through all these phones.

Maybe if Ada was here, I...

Run a DPI compression protocol.

Should make uploading faster.

That's a great idea, actually,

but it's still gonna
take forever.

Well, call in some Reeves
techs to help him.

Help who?


You want a job at
Reeves Industries?

Thousand-dollar sign-on bonus

if you can start, uh, now.

Do I got to wear
one of those ties?


Hell yeah.


Would that go...?

Pete, show him the ropes.

Still don't get it.

What's the point of
being out on the street

if all you get is the
silent treatment?

People see Andre running
his investigation,

they need to see us doing ours.

Yeah, but we're supposed
to be catching a r*pist.

How is buddying up to a bunch of
bangers gonna get us anywhere?

I'll tell you, when
I was in Iraq...

Oh, here we go.

No, listen. No,
when I was in Iraq,

it was all about
hearts and minds.

You know, when you
first touch down,

all you can think about is
how everybody hates you.

But, you know, you stick
around long enough,

let people warm up to you,

- they come around.
- Oh.

So that's why Iraq is
such a beacon of peace

in the world today.

Look, over there.

That's what I'm talking about.

Couple of days ago, those guys
would have been running from us.

But now that they know
we're not leaving...

So you won over their hearts?
That's what you're saying?


Maybe I did.


Aw, Brandt, looks
like your buddies

wrote you a love letter.

Do I even want to know
how you convinced Andre

to send in this footage?

Gideon kicked him in the ego.

I don't think Andre's
backing down.

You realize this
means more people

winding up in the
hospital, right?

We really didn't have a choice.

Murphy, this is basic
detective work.

You never give up
something for nothing.

If there was anything
suspicious in those videos,

don't you think someone
would have said so by now?

Why trust the fallibility
of human detection skills?

The camera sees things

that people don't even
realize they're seeing.

So one of my drones..

Managed to avoid the
bats and the b*ll*ts

long enough to...

give us a 360
panorama of the park

where the block party was held.

And then the videos and the
pictures that Andre gave us

were geo-located and
time-synced against it.

I'll be damned.

So what do we do now?

We watch for Kayla's movements,

see exactly when and
where she went missing,

and if we can, see who took her.

And then it's good-bye,
block party;

hello, cell block.

You guys hate when I say
that kind of stuff, right?

- Yes.
- Cool.

Frame 60, scrub
forward ten seconds.

Find the edges.

Gideon, are you sure
you're gonna find her?

Our r*pe victim was at
the party 45 minutes.

We've already seen
half an hour of video.

There's a chance she
might not be here.

Between 30 phones,

one of them definitely
caught something.


That pink dot.

That's Kayla's jacket.

Sample chroma in frame 55.

Isolate target color.

All right, so now that we know
what we're looking for...

Play speed standard, smooth
interpolation, no blur.

No, that's not it.


Stop. There. At the
end of the park.

Frame 75, revert
color isolation,

play speed standard.

Frame 75, enlarge three times.

Come on, girl, I
just want to talk.

I said I got to go.

Who's that?

It's time-marked 3:36.

If she left the party
a minute later,

then he's the last person she
talked to before she left.

Well, that's not very
much to go on, so, uh,

let me try to get a
different camera view.

Play speed, minus one.

Stop. Frame 93.

Play speed standard, audio up.

Hey, Los...

Stop. Isolate frame 93.
Crop edges.

- What are you doing now?
- Pulling an image,

so I can run it through
facial recognition.

Do you see that on his neck?

Frame 93, enlarge three times.

That's a tat for an
arena football team

called the Vipers.

Really? How do you know that?

Well, while you were
in advanced calculus,

I was in the playground
throwing long bombs.

- Do you mind?
- Sure.

So "Los" is probably
short for Carlos, right?

And this guy definitely
looks like a running back.

All right, I'm just pulling
up the team's roster

from the past few years.

There he is.

Wells. Carlos Wells.

Looks like he didn't keep his
aggression on the field.

Carlos spent a couple years in
IDOC for aggravated battery.


home run!

Or that's the...

It's a touchdown, it's
a touchdown, isn't it?


What the hell was that?

Chill, it's just a glitch.

Come on. Come on,
come on, come on.

Cut the power! Shut down, now!


Any signs of Carlos Wells yet?

We checked his house.

Baby mama said he was
out getting liquored up

at some bar on Halsted.

Yeah, that's not a bad idea,

considering he'll be
drinking prison hooch

the rest of his life.

Did you just say "hooch"?

Yeah. Sorry.

Are you sure Carlos is our guy?

Hope so. He was the last
person seen with Kayla.

Come on, bar's right up here.


Hey, yo. There he is.

I got Carlos. You
get our shadow.

Yo, what's your problem?

It ain't against the
law to hang out.

You got a mom?

A sister?

You know that's who we
trying to protect, right?

Yeah? Since when?

Seriously, kid?

We're the good guys.
You think about that.

Police! Don't move!

Hey, get off me!

- I didn't do anything.
- You're under arrest.

I swear on my mama, I
didn't touch that girl.

Do you see that?

That's your hand on Kayla's arm.

You were the last person
to be seen with her.

Why is that?

Before you answer,
remember this:

I'm the captain.

This is my neighborhood.

If you lie to us,
you deal with me.

But I don't know
anything about it.

- So why did you run?
- I got spooked.

Andre put the word out: anyone
who touched Kayla's dead.

- So you admit it?
- No, man, it's not like that.

But Andre, he don't care.
He'd k*ll me just in case.

You think that Andre's got kids
following the cops for fun?

He's watching to see who
you've been talking to.

If he reports back to Andre I
was talking to y'all, I'm dead.

All right, Carlos, let's
go over this again.

Now, you hit on Kayla.

You were the last person
to be seen with her.

Then you just run from
the cops just in case.

Come on, you can do
better than that.

It's the truth!

B-But the...

I wasn't the last
guy to make a move.

She also talked to some
dude in a brown car.

Okay? You should
talk to that guy.

We've already watched every
single second of this.

I don't remember
seeing a brown sedan.

Something tells me Carlos
is yanking our chain

just to save his own skin.


Zilch, yeah.

I'm not seeing... Whoa,
hold, hold, hold.

Playback frame 62.

Speed standard.

Blow up five.

Enhance three times.


Well, Carlos might be a creep,

but apparently he's not a liar.

So Carlos said that Kayla was
talking to someone in that car.

But without plates, it's gonna
be hard to identify who owns it.

Well, how can the guy drive
around with no plates?

Probably sticks to
the neighborhood.

Nobody asks questions there.

I'm guessing '76, maybe '77.

Maybe that'll narrow it down.

All right, well, so, run
any matching registrations

in the area.


You good?

I mean, honestly, Ada's system

is designed for Ada. I'm...

I'm more of a hardware than
a software kind of guy,

Well, we do know somebody

who might know who
that car belongs to.

You want to go back to Andre.

He knows what everybody drives.

I mean, he could I.D.
that car in five seconds.

That's what we have
databases for.

Except they're not
getting us anywhere.

I know, I know,

you're not president
of the Andre fan club.

Because I know how
this ends, Gideon.

A few years back,
I worked a case,

eight-year-old kid k*lled in
crossfire on Andre's block.

Andre said he'd help
us catch the sh**t,

said he wanted to get
justice for the little boy.

You know what we got?

Three suspects with b*ll*ts
through their heads.

Andre went vigilante.

Innocent people died.

Now, that might be Andre's
version of justice,

but it sure as hell isn't mine.

You're right.

You're right.

Andre is a bad guy.

But so was Joseph Stalin.

And if we hadn't found a
way to work with him,

we'd all be speaking German.

Do what you got to do.

Just remember what this
man is capable of.

- Hello.
- Oh, my God!

Think you're clever?

Stealing my clients'
information like that?

Well, I had to get your
attention somehow.

Okay. I thought that, uh, we
would do this over coffee,

but since you're already here...

That's evidence of money
laundering and tax evasion.

I just thought the feds
might want to hear

what you've been up to.

Best case scenario,

you make a deal, you
get put in WITSEC,

and you spend the rest of
your life bussing tables

at a greasy spoon
in Springfield.

Worst case scenario,

your clients find out
that you turned snitch,

and you end up at the
bottom of Lake Michigan.

I'm fighting against a
totalitarian state here.

Why don't I just k*ll you?

Call it collateral damage
for the greater good.

You could do that.

But this information is
randomly set to auto-send.

Unless I stop it.

It'd be a huge
gamble on your part.

There is one other option.

I could not send
the information,

and you could never,

ever come near me again.

How do I know that
your police friends

aren't gonna be paying
me another visit?

Because whether you
like it or not,

I have the power to stop it.

Back off me.

Back off the 13th.

It's really that simple.


But just know...

this isn't over.

It better be.

Otherwise you'll be writing your
manifesto on a cell block wall.

Call off the dogs, Andre.

We have a suspect.

- Give me a name.
- I don't have one.

But we do have a car, and
that's where you come in.

Send me what you got.

My boys will go handle that.

Uh, thing is, it'll be
pretty hard to press charges

on a guy who's not, you
know, alive anymore.

Oh, that's just the
law of the streets.

Come on, Andre.

Let's just take a ride. Be done
with this once and for all.

Fine. But my crew's
still out tonight.

Where we going?

Okay, okay.


see that car?

That's the one we
pulled from the videos.

- You recognize it?
- Yeah.

That's Kevin Dodson's whip.

Live off of, uh, 61st.


Then that's where we're going.

Yo, homey, Five-0.

Yo, I'm out.

Yo, Dodson.

I don't want no trouble, Andre.

Heard you rolled up on
Kayla at the block party.

- Right before she got r*ped.
- What?

Uh, this is your car
at the block party.

I checked the traffic
cams in the area.

It didn't leave till
after the attack.

- Do you want to explain?
- I wasn't at no block party.

I ain't been driving
that car neither.

My probation officer
took my car.

He said he thought I was
using it for drug runs.

I told him I wasn't,
but he took it anyway.

You think I'm stupid?

I ain't never heard of no P.O.
taking a car.

You see a car around
here anywhere?

I've been taking the bus.

What's your P.O.'s name?

Vince Yardley, over
at Cook County.

He the one took my car.

I ain't seen it since.

Probation officer.

How about that?

All this time, you been
coming at my people,

thinking one of
them is the r*pist.

Turns out, it's one of yours.

Let me get this straight.

You're saying a Chicago
probation officer

is the one who att*cked
those two girls.

That is a serious accusation,

especially just off the word
of some ex-con off the street.

Well, I checked the
pod-cams, just in case,

and it looks like the probation
officer really took the car.

Dodson was on a bus
headed crosstown

when Kayla was att*cked.

District 21, this
is Captain Wolf.

Joe, Ned Conrad at the 13th.

Listen, um, I'm following
up on a suspect

assigned to one of your
guys, Vince Yardley?

You mind grabbing him for me?

Sorry, Ned, he's not around.

I just tried calling, phone's
going to voice mail.

The last I checked, he
was doing home visits

in your neck of the woods.

So Yardley's in Garfield Park.

- Looks like it.
- Thanks.

He's down here.

That son of a bitch is down here

in my neighborhood right now.

All right, I want everyone
going in quiet and dark.

We want to catch this
guy, not spook him.

Copy that, squad, but we got
a lot of ground to cover.

Even in stealth mode,

there's a good chance he
might hear us coming.

Yeah, I've been
thinking about that.


the best way to find Yardley...

is to hear him
before he hears us.

What are you talking about?

Well, all the
District 13 cruisers

are outfitted with microphones

that have a frequency
response range

sharp enough to hear a
fly two blocks over.

So, we know what
Yardley's driving.

We got the make, the
model and the year.

Whoa. Is that our garage?

Yeah. Yeah. Found a sedan

just like the one our suspect
stole at a used lot in Aurora.

Smells like wet dog, but
it only cost me 700 bucks.

Bobby, give it a little
bit of juice, please?

So we extract the sound,

create an audio file.


We have a sound signature.

Not bad. So, guys, I'm sending

the sound signature from
our suspect's vehicle

to your cruisers right now.

I need everybody to boost
the on-board mics.

Hey, boss, you know
how much I love,

uh, randomly pressing
your buttons, but, uh,

how's does this work exactly?

It's actually a pretty simple
acoustic identification method.

The computer selects sounds
and sorts them by frequency.

Hang on, are we listening
to the whole neighborhood?

Yeah. Until we find
the sound we need.

We're also mapping the sources.

Oh, yes. Oh, my...

Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa.

We should see where
this one goes.

Um, try the Internet.

After your shift.

Gideon, I'm getting
plenty of sounds,

but none that's helping
us find Yardley.

All right. Give it a sec.

Sound needs to hit the mics
at just the right angle.

1309, squad, I think
I got something.

Stop struggling and shut up.

Gideon, where's that
sound coming from?

We gonna have some fun.

Info's coming through
on your dash.

You're gonna love it.

We're gonna have
so much fun, baby.

- I don't see the car.
- Got to be somewhere.

Engine sounds are coming
through loud and clear.

Hold on.

Police! Come out
with your hands up!

Don't move!


Are you okay?

He grabbed me. I-I
couldn't get away.

You're safe now.

He went toward Dearborn!

Can you track the car
while it's moving?

Yep. Uh, just give me a
second to triangulate.

There. Yardley's the
one on the left.

Goss and Brandt are
in the other one.

Yardley is on Morgan.

Take the next left.

Whoa, whoa!

What happened? How
did we lose him?

We're not picking up
the engine sounds.

Maybe the mics got
wind damaged or...

Maybe he cut the engine.

I think I know what happened.

Damn it, where the
hell did he go?

1305, squad be advised,
suspect fled on foot.

You got a direction? Any
idea where he went?

Sorry, squad, he's gone.

All right, uh, we could send
more patrol down there,

but we're talking about
all of Garfield Park.

Yardley could be anywhere.

By the time we get
more cars down there,

he'll be gone.

We need to find him another way.

I don't know what that
is, unless you got

some secret cops lying around
that I don't know about.

I'm not talking about more cops.

I'm gonna talk to Andre.


Look who just walked up in here.

Captain Conrad, the damn
defender of the universe.

Been a while.

Last time we met, you
was trying to put me

in Stateville for 25 to life.

The past is the past.

Right now, there's a serial
r*pist in your neighborhood.

He's on foot, so he
can't have gone far.

Let me guess. You want my help.

You know what, since you
came all the way down here,

how about we talk about you
reopening that spot on Aberdeen

you and your cops shut down?

This ain't no negotiation.

You say you care about
the people in your hood.

Then show it.

I'm listening.

Vince Yardley, that
probation officer

who we suspect r*ped
those two girls...

he's in Garfield Park.

Now, I know you got
boys on the street.

I need you to get the
word out to find Yardley.

Like that, uh, APB
thing y'all got?

You want that, uh,
that Andre PB.

Call it what you want,

but we got to work
together on this, Andre.

I'll send you what my cops get.

Have your boys do the same.

You asking or you telling?



Andre says he checked
everything south of Garfield,

and no one's seen Yardley yet.

Let him know we have units
posted two blocks north.

There he is.

Uh, guys? I think
Andre found him.

Three corner boys just
took off down LaSalle.

Get in there, now!

On our way, Murph.

- Pete, we need to launch the drone.
- I'm all over it.

We got him now.

There's only one way
out this building.

Come on!

Where'd they go?

It could be any one
of these buildings.

Okay, then, Cobb with me.
We'll take the north side.

Brandt, Goss, you
take the south.

It's this way.

Time to get a better
vantage point of our own.

What do you say, Pete?

Yep, I'm all over it.

You thought you
could run from me?

- No, man, no!
- Huh?

- Huh, Yardley?
- Please! Andre!

Murphy, they're on the roof.

- Please, man.
- Yardley, since we're already up here,

- let's see if you can fly.
- No! Andre, Andre, Andre...

Let him go, Andre!

Please. Please, man.

Tell your cops back off.

I got this.

No, we've got this.

This isn't just about you.

If you drop him,

there's no coming back from it.

Coming back from what?

All I know is

my Kings will gonna your
cops back down them stairs.

And then clumsy over
here gonna trip.

- You got to help me.
- Damn it.

He doesn't want any witnesses.

We still have the drone.

He already shot one
out of the air.

Okay. Hold on, hold on.

Hey, Andre, listen to me.

If you're behind bars,

who's gonna take over
that neighborhood?

Who's gonna take
care of your people?

You let him go,

you and your boys
walk away from this,

no questions asked.

Look around.


It's what Gideon said.

It's a new 13th.

Like I said, clumsy.


On behalf of the 13th District,

I'd would like to thank
you all for coming.

Ah, okay.

Who here likes cops?

Just kidding, don't answer.
Don't answer, please.

Let's face it, things
are not good right now,

this neighborhood and the cops.

We are not vibing.

We actually need
to come together.

And I am here

to make that first
expensive step.

Now, I know what
you're thinking.

Community center,
linoleum floors,

depressing folding chairs.

Not here, no. Won't
be any of that.

Think bigger. New computers.

Maybe some virtu...

I don't want to give it away.

All right, twist my arm.

Three words: basketball
coach Scottie Pippen!

That's four words.
Expensive, yes.

Guess what, you're worth it.
That's right.

Thank you. Thank you.

Uh... so a place like this

deserves to be called
something special,

and that's why I'm naming it...

after the person that
brought us all together.

Welcome to Kayla's Place.


Look at that. Lasers.



Thanks. Cool.

What do you think, too
after-school special?

Just enough.

Kayla's mom's here.

She says it's gonna
be a long road,

but she's expected to
have a full recovery.

Well, that's the best
news I've heard all day.

Somebody's not too happy

about your new addition
to the neighborhood.

I guess a new community center
is not good for drug sales.

That's precisely why I didn't
consult him on the plans.

Careful, Gideon.

We might need Andre's
help again one day.

No, let him sulk for a while.

People need to know
that we're here,

we're part of this neighborhood.

And he can be damn sure

we're not going
anywhere anytime soon.

- Miss me?
- Yeah, actually, I did.

Come in.


So, I know that you, uh,

wanted to know
what was going on.

Got into a little
bit of trouble.

Yeah. Those new locks
kind of tipped it off.

Mm-hmm. This crazy thing
came back from my past,

and I just had to deal with it.

Okay. So do I want to know or...

- No.
- Yeah.

Okay. Is it over?

I think so.

Uh, look, I know that I
probably can't come back

after bailing on you like that,

and you probably aren't gonna

trust me anymore...

Yeah. Probably shouldn't.

Here's the thing, though.

Seven years ago, when
you hacked my company,

I knew you had a past.

This doesn't change that, right?

Not great at, uh...

displays of emotional
things, but, you know,

I already lost a best
friend this year.

Can't lose another one, so...

I'll see you on Monday.


- Oh, for God's sakes.
- I'm sorry.

Ah, just come here.

See? This is the
part I'm bad at.

It's gonna be okay.

Everything's gonna be okay.