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01x09 - Last Train To Europa

Posted: 08/25/21 17:14
by bunniefuu
Previously on APB...

I will upgrade the 13th with the
best technology money can buy

or I can build, 'cause, let's be
honest, that's the good stuff.

We are here to drum
up new business

and increase revenue, period.

Privatized policing.

This could be a
billion-dollar business.

APB Prime... a
revolutionary approach

to privatized policing.

Yeah, we're not
doing any of that.

You're just gonna have
to trust me on this one.

Gideon out.

- Been a while.
- Danny...

I go by DV8 now.

- I need some help.
- What are you gonna do for me?

I'll owe you a favor.

- A favor.
- I need you to shut someone down.

Bad guys. No one can know.

All the way down... you just
have to dial a phone number.

Yo, what gives?

We never do runs out this far.

It's a new deal.

Benoit's orders.

How come I wasn't told?

I don't know.

Maybe you were off in the
ladies' room or something.

Jesse, this better be good.

It's been, like, two
weeks since you called.

Charlie, listen to me.

I'm on a boat, and
the guy I'm with

just went down to the hold,
so I can't talk long.

But I'm telling you, I think
they're gonna k*ll me.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down.
Tell me where you are.

The boat I'm on is
called The Wild Goose.

We're supposed to be slinging
oxy for Benoit, but...

I think it's a hit on me.

Is Benoit there now?

You're not hearing me, Charlie.

I think that they know that
I'm working for the FBI.

Jesse, listen to me, okay?

I'm coming to help. Just
get someplace safe.

Jesse? Jesse.

Bon voyage, Jesse.




Hey, Mom, I have a question.

Finish your tostada, you're
gonna be late to school.

Busy day ahead?

Is there any other kind?

Be nice if you had some help.

The handsome, successful,
good-with-kids kind.

Really, Mom?

I'm not asking my
boss out, period.

What was your question?

What are the birds and the bees?

Where did you hear that?

Brian O'Hara. He says
his father told him.

Well, Brian O'Hara needs to keep

his family conversations
to himself.

It's not about animals, is it?

You should ask your father.

- Mami!
- ¿Qué? That's his department.

I would, but he's
always working.

I'll tell you what. I think
it's a great question.

And I promise that
I'll answer it later,

but please, for right now,
just go get ready for school.



Mami, por favor. I mean, really.


What are you doing here?

I-I should have called first.

And I'm sorry, but, Murphy,

I need your help.

What?! Damn it!

Got to be fast around here.

Better not be the jelly.

It's not the jelly.

Come on!

We're gonna bounce back.

What's that about?

I am the future of
Reeves Industries.

Nothing. Just Gideon
losing his company.

Why is it on every channel?

Why is it on every channel?!

The future of Reeves Industries
hangs in the balance

as founder and CEO
Gideon Reeves failed

to garner shareholder
support this past week.

- You believe this crap?
- Yeah, I mean,

- you want my honest answer, or...?
- No.

According to reliable
sources, a takeover bid

is reportedly being considered

by the company's
board of directors.


- I mean, it's a little...
- Ada!

Reports indicate that the
closed-door dealings

were organized by
none other than...

Reeves Industries' longtime
board chairperson...

Lauren Fitch.




that lying, two-faced...

excuse for a...

You've reached the voice
mail of Lauren Fitch.

Leave a message.

If you think for one second

I'm gonna sit back
while you try to

Winklevoss my Zuckerberg,
you are sorely mistaken.

Could you explain to me...

how, somewhere between the
boardroom and the bedroom,

you somehow forgot to mention

that you were arranging
to steal my company out

from underneath me?

- Gideon, I need you.
- I'm kind of in the middle of leaving

a nasty voice message, Murphy.

Lauren screwed him over.


Right. Um, this can't wait.

Ju... call me back, damn it!

Sorry. Just distracted by
watching my life's work

and $120 billion go up in smoke.

I know you have a lot
going on, but...

if there was ever a time
that I needed a favor,

this is it.

Oh, God.

All right, all right,
you got my attention.

But why are we outside?

It's a sensitive conversation.

Gideon Reeves, this is
Special Agent Charlie Vaughn

with the FBI.

It's a pleasure to meet you.

Charlie here used to
work in the 13 district.

Feels like another life, but,
yeah, it's a special place.

It's good to see you
taking good care of it.

Well, I don't know
how much longer

I'm gonna be taking
care of anything.

But as long as I am,
how-how can I help you?

Well, I have this informant on
a case I've been working on.

Kid's name is Jesse.

Really been risking his
neck to help me out,

then yesterday he went missing.

Okay, what's the case?

Louis Benoit.

Refreshingly cosmopolitan
name for a criminal.

Is he a chef or
impressionist painter or...

Actually, one of the biggest
drug dealers in Chicago.

Pills mostly. Oxy.

He smuggles them from Canada
across Lake Michigan.

And we've been building a case
against this guy for a year.

Jesse's testimony was
gonna put him away,

but yesterday Jesse calls me
from one of Benoit's boats,

and he sounded scared.

I'm worried he's at the
bottom of the lake.

What makes you say that?

Local fisherman spotted a fire
on the water six miles out,

and the boat Jesse was on...

I go by his house, I check
his hangouts, nothing.

Well, I'm still fairly
new to policing,

but that-that sounds bad
for your informant.

That's why I need your help, Mr.

I need a way to process
a crime scene...

500 feet below the surface.

Now, Murphy tells me you're
doing amazing things here.

- Well...
- I figured you might have a way.

Agent Vaughn, I'm sorry.

I-I-I wish that I could
help, but it's...

kind of a bad time right now.

Jesse risked his neck for me.

He was trying to get out of the life.
He trusted me...

I owe him justice, at least.

Why District 13, Agent Vaughn?

Why not just go to the FBI?

You realize Lake Michigan
is ice-nine levels

of freezing this time of year?

Which is why the marine unit
won't send in the divers.

But we can't wait.

If I'm gonna get anything
out of this crime scene,

anything I can use
against Benoit,

I got to get it now.

Now, Murphy tells me you've got
better toys than the Bureau has,

and that you can
do the impossible.

And that is exactly
what I need right now.


Ada, I need you to get something
from Reeves Industries for me.

Wait for it, wait for it.


- What is that?
- That is awesome.

It is a deep-space submersible,

designed to explore Europa.

- What's Europa?
- That's one of Jupiter's moons.

It's covered in frozen lakes, and
NASA contracted us to build it,

in hopes of finding signs
of life beneath the ice.

And they are not that
happy that I borrowed it.

Well, I will bring it back.

It cost $50 million.

I'll make sure not
to scratch it.

Space submarines, NASA?

You weren't kidding
about this guy.

When he's in, he's-he's all in.

Agent Vaughn, I could use a hand
getting this baby in the water.

You got it. I'll be back.

Thank you.

Well, there are safety hooks
on each side of the sub.

They need to be turned
simultaneously in order to...

Charlie seems like a nice guy.

Yeah, he was always that
kind of cop that...

just never stopped caring.

Oh, well, you have
that in common, right?

I think I see it.

Anything else?

What, what? I'm just...

I'm just wondering if
there's something,

I don't know, special about
Special Agent Vaughn.

I'm not having
this conversation.

I knew it. I was right.


so, what, you guys date, or...

Charlie was the reason
my marriage broke up.


Well, that's another
kind of dating.

Scott and I weren't
in a good place.

Charlie and I were
friends, and we...

we made a mistake.

Only it made a bad
situation worse.

Right. You two still...

No. Any more questions, Geraldo?

- None whatsoever.
- Okay.

Okay. I'll just...


Hi, Ada. Did you miss me?

Yeah, um, I can't
really talk right now.

Don't worry, I'll be quick.

I'm calling in that
favor you owe me.

Okay, so what do you want?

We'll discuss it in person.

Meet me at the Clark
Street Bridge, noon.

Yeah, I can't, um...

I can't really meet you
right now, 'cause...

You can. And you will.

Otherwise, I'm telling
everyone exactly what you did

when you had a man k*lled.

Comms are up, and all
instruments are calibrated.

Cool. Let's get that R.O.V.
wet, Pete.

Anchors aweigh, Gideon.

She's a go.

We used historical current data

to create a model
with the lake floor

at a depth of 279 feet

and then generated a
surface area map,

giving us a search diameter
of 20 square miles.

Gideon, we've been
at this for hours

with nothing to show
for it but plankton.

Okay, let's keep an eye out.

Kind of hard.

Not much light 300 feet
below the surface.

How long has he been at this?

Too long.


The Wild Goose?

What happened to it?

Well, about to find out.

I don't see Jesse.

Can you check out the cabin?

No, there's too much
damage from the fire,

and the sub's too big to
fit through the doorway.

Great. Now what?

Please. This baby's
designed to bust through

62 miles of moon ice.

Watch this.

Leaving the stern...

and coming around to
the starboard side.


Big Bad Wolf's got
nothing on me.


Sorry, Agent Vaughn,

but it looks like your
informant is, uh,

done informing.


That's not Jesse.

What? Then who is that?

That's Pascal.

It's one of Benoit's hit men.

He's probably there to
take Jesse out and...

looks like he turned
the tables on him.

- So he could still be alive.
- For now.

If they're already sending
hit men after him,

he's not gonna be
around for much longer.

Listen, I appreciate the offer,

but you guys have done enough.

I've got to find Jesse.

- Could the FBI give you more resources?
- They can.

But any request I put in has
to be run up the flagpole,

and it is a long flagpole.

By the time that happens,

Jesse will either
be gone or dead.

So let us help you.

Look, Benoit dumps, what,

$6 million in pills a
year in this city?

That makes it our case, too.

Yeah, I don't know.

I mean, I'd have to
request paperwork

for a, a joint task force.

Yeah. Or, another option,
don't put in the paperwork.

This might be an FBI case.

It's also a crime
in our district.

There's no law
against two agencies

going after the same bad guy.

He's got a point.

Okay, but there is a risk.

If this goes wrong, and the FBI
brass hears how it went down...


You want to know how I built
a $120 billion company?

Now, I do apologize
when necessary,

but I don't ever ask permission.

I can fix your problem

and keep my mind off my own.

Come on, Special Agent.

Let's do this.

Look who's here.

You didn't leave me
much of a choice.

Well, I did some digging.

It turns out that that was a
lot more than just a favor

you asked me for
a few weeks ago.

That call I made?

It was to a cell phone
attached to a b*mb.

A man died in the expl*si*n.

- And he was gonna k*ll three people.
- Maybe.

But I'm pretty sure
the Chicago police

still kind of frown on m*rder.

So what do you want, Danny?

You've inspired me, Ada.

I want to stop the bad
guys, just like you.

And I want to start...
with Gideon Reeves.

Gideon's not a criminal.

He's really got you
brainwashed, hasn't he?

What are you talking about?

While you're worried about
losers stealing TV sets,

your boss is creating a police
state right in front of you.

- He's a fascist, Ada.
- Oh, my God.

He's using technology to
steal our civil liberties.

- That's not what it's like.
- That's exactly what it's like.

"One believes things...

"because one has been
conditioned to believe them."

Remember that?

It's from Brave New World, the book
you begged me to read in college.

Way before Gideon was
pulling your strings.

I'm reminding you of the
truth you used to know.

Here. This is for you.

- What is it?
- I call it a crowbar.

Just plug it into the
district servers,

it'll pry open an encrypted
backdoor for me to do my thing.

Your thing?

It's called checks and balances.

The wolf got himself put in
charge of protecting the sheep.

And with this, I watch the wolf.

- I'm not doing that.
- Oh, yes, you are.

And you've got 24 hours
to make it happen,

otherwise every cop
in this city...

will know about the
blood on your hands.

Danny, please. You can't undo
all of this that we're...

That's where you're wrong, Ada.

Like the book says,

"Ending is better than mending."

What you got?

I pulled up Jesse's
last known address,

all the stuff from Charlie's
confidential informant files,

and I got us this.

Look at you, data-mining like a
Reeves Industries professional.

You mean Chicago detective.

Well, if he's in the city,

sending his face out
on the APB app...

I was thinking that, too, but that
could be very dangerous for Jesse.

You saw that floating
corpse, right?

I think he wandered into dangerous
territory a while back.

I know. But as bad as it
is, it could get worse.

If we scare Jesse out of hiding,

then Benoit's guys can
get to him first.

Unless we get Benoit
off the street.

And so, the guy says,

"I worked in Chicago
for 20 years.

"I never had a
problem with crime."

And the lady goes,
"Well, what did you do?"

And the guy says,
"I was a hit man."

Mr. Benoit?

Have a seat.

What the hell do you want?

We've got a warrant
for your arrest.

Are you serious, coming in here?

I'm a legitimate businessman.

Can you stand, please?

You're embarrassing me.

I'm gonna sue your
whole damn department.

You may want to sue the
FBI while you're at it.

Oh, so you guys are Agent
Vaughn's b*tches, huh?

If I were you, I'd let the
lawyers do the talking.

Let's go.

Let's go.

Enjoy your lunch, fellas.

Anything, Ada?

Yeah, we got some tips after
we uploaded his photo.

A few of them place
him downtown.

What about these two, here?

They say he was seen driving
away from that area.

I mean, he can't be at
two places at one time.

Yeah, I was thinking about that.

It could just be noise,

- or it could be...
- What?

Yeah, you see? A tip that
says he's on the move

came from the same account.

Maybe Jesse's trying to
throw us off the trail.

So you think that's
Jesse's account?

I mean, it'd be a good bet.

And we get their GPS info for
emergency services, so...

You can get his location?

We can get his exact
location, to be exact.

That's redundant.
I don't know...

I'm gonna head that way.
Keep me posted.

This is Agent Vaughn.


- Get in the car, we found him.
- Okay.

Gideon, I'm coming in hot.

But you got to tell
me where I'm going.

Okay, okay. Hold onto
your paddle shifters.

Murphy, got him.

He's in Millennium Park.

- I'm on my way.
- Okay, hurry.

He's stopped now.

I don't know how much
longer he's gonna stay put.

Copy that.


What is this thing?


I was wondering where you were.

Yeah, I was doing a thing.

Well, I don't mean
to interrupt, but...

I got something for you.

Jelly doughnuts.

A whole dozen, just for you.

I felt bad.

Well, you didn't
have to do that.

No, no, I wanted to.

It's the least I could do.

You do a lot around here.

And I want you to know,
it's appreciated.

Thank you. That's really nice.

Yeah, well...


What's up, Ada?

Hey, Goss. I just got a call

that I need you and
Brandt to check out.

- What's that?
- It's a hacker.

Goes by the name "DV8."

I'm sending a picture to
your cruiser right now.

- What do we know about him?
- Not much.

Just got an anonymous tip

he's up to some
seriously bad stuff.

He lives across town
from your location.

It's a drive, but
I'll owe you one.

Sounds interesting.

All right, we'll check it out.
We're on it.

You people work fast.

I don't want to inflate his ego,
'cause I know he's listening,

but that's the wonders of
working with Gideon Reeves.

Flattery will get
you everywhere.

All right, he's moving again.
Go south, go south.

Uh-oh, Captain Conrad's
speaking in hushed tones

with a gray-haired man
in an expensive suit

and a murse over his shoulder.

That doesn't look good.

Is that guy selling
subscriptions, or...?

That was Benoit's
high-priced lawyer.

He wants his client out.

I told him we'd get on
the paperwork, but...

I can only type so slow.

So whatever you're doing,
better do it faster.

You hear that, Murphy?

Copy. Still looking.

You know, it's not exactly
easy to pick out one guy

in a sea of tourists,

especially when you're blinded by
the world's largest shiny object.

No eyes on him yet.

Well, if it's any consolation,
it is a pretty cool view.

Any luck?

Eh, nothing over there.

Be prepared; if he sees
us, he's gonna run.

- Doesn't he trust you?
- Well, he did.

But I promised him protection.

Given the circumstances, I
wouldn't trust me either.

Gideon, he's not here.

GPS says he is.

I'm looking at him right now.

I don't know what to tell you.

Murphy, he is right
on top of you.

No, we're on top of him.


Jesse! Jesse.

Stop, we're trying to help you.

Agent Vaughn did
say he might run.

Yeah, I can see that.

C-come on, come on.

You think she ever gets tired?

I once saw that woman
chase a suspect

94 floors down the
Hancock Tower,

without breaking a damn sweat.

This poor kid doesn't
stand a chance.

Hey, watch where you're going!

- Get off of me!
- Oh!

What did I tell you?
She got him.

- Stop fighting.
- Get off of me!

We're trying to save your life.

Hail Murphy, full of badass.

Jesse, you know I can help you.

I heard that before.

Right before Benoit
tried to whack me.

I don't know who to trust.

Why don't you just tell us
what happened on the boat?

I got a call.

We were on a run, but
something was weird.

Pascal, he wasn't himself.

That's when I called you guys.

- You k*lled him.
- I-I didn't have a choice.

He fired at me a couple times.
He hit a fuel line.

By the time I managed to wrestle
the g*n out of his hands,

the whole boat was in flames.

They don't call it a life
raft for nothing, you know.

Look, I'm really sorry, man,
but without your testimony,

Benoit's gonna walk.

You'll be looking over your
shoulder for the rest of your life.

Better than no life at all.

- Jesse...
- Yeah.

Look, man, you don't know me.

I know you tackle
like d*ck Butkus.

I've known Charlie
for a long time.

I've trusted him with my life
more than once, and look,

I'm still here.

Trusting him?

That's your only play.

You can't be sure of that.

I can be sure of this,

if we can find you,
so can Benoit.

She's a better talker than you.

Believe me, I know.

You better protect my ass.

I got a FBI safe house
just outside the city.

That right?

They got cable?

Come on, I'll follow you there.

So now she's taking him
to an FBI safe house.

I knew she would.

Yeah, well, you know everything
that goes on around here, right?

I keep my eyes and ears open.

Right. So what's the story
with Murphy and this guy?

No, you won't hear it from me.

Cops don't talk.

I do have a question
for you, though.

I watch the news, and I'm aware of
what's going on with your company.

I have to ask,

is District 13 gonna lose you?


Billionaires don't talk, either.

But you might want
to take cover.



Hello, Lauren.

Or should I call you Judas?

You got some nerve coming here.

You just stole a $50 million
submersible from my company.

Your company?

Your little takeover bid
still has a long way to go.

Till the lawyers sign the
papers, that's my company.

Don't get too comfortable.

The board is voting
to suspend you.

Oh, God.

I'll talk to them.

Oh, they heard enough at
the shareholders' meeting.

"Gideon out"?


I was trying to send a message.

Okay, well, now they're
sending you a message.

For the past few months you
have neglected everyone

and everything at
Reeves Industries

so that you can play cops and
robots here at District 13.

We have all had enough.

So when I really need
you to have my back,

you stick a knife in it?

If you remain at the helm,

your company will fail.

Those billions of dollars
that you love to spend?

They go away, Gideon.

You think that this
is about the money?

It's always been
about the money.

Maybe once, a long time ago,

it was about something
a lot more.

Now I know better.

Chicago Police!


Bedroom's empty.

You're not gonna need that.

You don't know that,
DV8's a cyber t*rror1st.

Translation: he's a nerd
armed with nachos and soda.

They tend to avoid bathing

and cry when the cuffs
are slapped on.

This will be a walk in the park.

Well, I guess he deviated.

Or he's watching us right now.



This ain't nachos and soda.
What the...?

It's a burn switch.

- He's torching the gear!
- Should we grab it?

No! We call the fire department

and get the hell out of here!

Squad. 1309,

escorting Agent
Vaughn and witness

to the FBI safe house.

Copy that, 1309.

Hurry back, I'm not
paying for special time

with Special Agent Vaughn.

All right, Gideon.

1309, out.


- Hey, Charlie.
- Yeah, Murph?

How's the passenger?

Yeah, he's out.

Probably hasn't slept
in a few days.

You know, I know what it's
like losing an informant.

You hadn't come to us for
help, he would've been dead.

He's lucky to have you.

Eh, it's more like he's lucky

you had an outer space
submarine on hand.

And I got to say
that your new boss

seems like one hell
of a guy to work for.

Thank God we're on a
private comm channel,

and he didn't hear that.

Huh. Well, in that case,

want to hear a joke?

No, you tell terrible jokes.

A grasshopper walks into a bar.

I said no.

Bartender says, "You're
a grasshopper,

"we make a drink
named after you."

Grasshopper says, "You
make a drink named Phil?"

That's terrible,
please, no more.

We've got company.

Look alive.

No, I think we're good.

They're just passing.

And we're almost there anyway.

1309. 10-1, sh*ts fired!

- Murphy?
- 1309. sh*ts fired!

Murphy, what's going on?

We're under attack!
It's Benoit's men!

Jesse's hit!

Jesse's hit!

We've got to get
'em some backup.

Ada, you heard the nice captain.

I need all units to... what...

what's Murphy's location?

She's 30 minutes
outside of the city.

What's she doing all
the way out there?

I don't care. Call
the local cops.

Get everyone there now!


- Yeah!
- Behind you!

I'll cover you. Go!

Go, go, go, go, go.

I called for backup.
We just need to wait.

- How is he?
- Yeah, he's bleeding, but he's fine.

Go, Vaughn, go!

God Almighty, they're
under heavy fire.

Help me get them out of it, Ada.

Okay, local PD says
they're sending people,

but they're gonna be a while.

- What do you need?
- Pete.

I need you to get a drone
to Murphy in Melrose Park.

How long?

Hmm, top speed, at
least 20 minutes.

They'll be dead in ten.

I'm gonna make it, right?

It's a clean shot, through and through.
You're gonna be fine.

We got to get Jesse
to a hospital

or he's gonna bleed out.

Okay, they got us outgunned

and our a*mo's not
gonna last forever.

If they charge us, we're dead.

- Gideon will come for us.
- Yeah?

And what if he doesn't?

They're not gonna let us
walk out of here alive.


There's something I need
to say to you about us.

Charlie, this is not
the time for that.

Might be all the time we have,

and I need you to hear it.

Theresa, there's not
a day goes by...

that I don't think about you,

wondering if things
could be different,

if we could try again.

Charlie, what happened between
us was a long time ago.

I'm not apologizing for it
and you shouldn't either.

But it should stay in the past.

Damn it.

I should've grabbed the
shotgun from the car.

Doesn't matter now unless it
can drive itself in here.

Oh, my God, that's it.

Hey, hang on. I have an idea.

Wait a minute. Have you been
listening the whole time?

- What is it?
- Pete, did you install...

the collision avoidance
systems in all the cruisers?

- Yeah, I finished them last week.
- Uh-huh.

And did you use a single channel
remote to activate the brakes?

No. Multi, in case we
need to make an upgrade.

Uh-huh, well, we're
gonna make an upgrade.

Get down to the motor pool.

I'm gonna connect to
Murphy's cruiser.

What are you gonna do?

I'm gonna engineer
a getaway car.

I don't think this is
gonna work, Gideon.

Okay, okay, I don't need
Pessimistic Pete right now.

I need Positive Pete, okay?

I'm gonna hack the sensors
on Murphy's cruiser.

- I just don't know which ones.
- You want me to activate

each of the sensors in
the guidance system?

Yes, yes, yes.


brakes, power steering.

- You sure about this?
- No, I'm not sure! Just do it.

I am doing it.

30 seconds.

I'm gonna activate the
accelerator first, you ready?

Yes, give me one sec.

There's the accelerator.

Good, now give me steering.

Left turn first.

- Yes.
- Right turn.

All right, it works.

Now, let's go pick
up some friends.

Hey, G-man, Federal
Agent Vaughn,

we don't care about you.

Just send over Carrot Top and
we'll let your girlfriend go.

- Nice shot.
- I'm out.

That's all I got.

We're sitting ducks now.

Gideon, how far out are you?

Close, very close.

It's not close enough.

All right, all set.

Okay, got everything?

Almost everything.

What does that mean?

It means you're not gonna
be able to back up.

There's no reverse.

Well, this should be fun.


Think that was their last round.

- You good to take them out?
- Yeah.



Yeah, Dukes of Hazzard, man.

- Gideon, is that you?
- Yep. Kind of.

Get him in the car.

- There's no driver.
- Yes, there is.

All right, come on.

In, in, in.

You got it, you got
it, you got it.

Thanks for the ride, Gideon.

Don't mention it.

Get that kid to the hospital.

We're on it, but you got
to give me the wheel.

All right, fine.

Gideon... out.

And that's what they call
the birds and the bees.

Do you have any questions?

I think I'm gonna be sick.

I know. I know it's
a lot to take in,

but it's important.

You're growing up.

I want you to know that...

- you can always ask me anything.
- Okay.

I'm here for you.

- Go get ready for practice.
- Okay.

- Hey, you.
- Hey.

- How's Jesse?
- Jesse's good.

The hospital has cable, so...

There you go.

I just wanted to come
by and let you know

they're charging Benoit today.

Yeah, he's going away
for a very long time.

- Thanks to you.
- And you...

and your space sub thingy.

It was nice working
with you again.

Actually, that's why I'm here.

Talked to the brass,
told them about you,

and let's just say there's
an FBI application

with your name on
it if you want.

- Charlie.
- Better pay. Better hours.


I don't know how much
time District 13 has left

with Gideon in charge,

but he's done a lot
for us, a lot for me.

I'm gonna see it
through with him.

Okay. He's a good guy.

And something tells me
he's not going anywhere.

- Mr. Benoit.
- Mr. Benoit.

Mr. Benoit, what do you
have to say to the charges?

How long have you been smuggling dr*gs?
Mr. Benoit.

- Mr. Benoit, Mr. Benoit.
- Mr. Benoit.

Mr. Benoit, do you think
this is a government setup?

Mr. Reeves. Mr. Reeves,
how does it feel

- to win your company back?
- Pretty good.

- Is it true there's no takeover bid?
- Well...

What's your relationship
with Lauren Fitch?

That's not any of your business.

Tell us about your new
deal with the FBI.


You guys ever hear of
Lennon and McCartney?

Yes. Hall and Oates?

England Dan and John Ford Coley?

All those guys were
okay on their own,

but together they
were unstoppable.

That is exactly what Reeves
Industries' partnership

with the FBI is gonna be.

I know everyone's excited about
what the FBI licensing our tech

means for our stock price.

I can't say that
I'm not pleased.

It's k*lled any talk of a
takeover of my company.

But this is also good
for something else...


Watch out, bad guys,

because the feds
have some new toys.

They're actually hand-me-down
toys from the, from the 13th,

but it's, that-that's
the whole point

of this experiment, all right?

Listen, guys, I've got to go
help my cops catch some crooks.

I will talk to you later.

No, no, no more questions.

Thank you.


You think you're so clever.

Okay, just listen
to me because I...

No, no, Ada, I am done
listening to you.

We had a deal.

I'm coming, Ada, and I'm going
to destroy you, Gideon Reeves,

and everything that stands
between me and him.

Gideon. It was
always your company.

I was only trying to
help you keep it.

But now that you've found
someone new to save your ass...

I guess my work here
is finally done.

Cheers. Lauren.

Wow. That's my favorite.

- Hey.
- Um, we have to talk.


You hear?

We won. The board voted.

Yeah, I know.

So, why do you look like someone

poured battery acid
in your cereal?

Because I have to
tell you something

and I think you're
not gonna like it.

Okay, what-what is it?

I have to quit this job now.

What are you talking about?

I can't explain it. So...

Well, then I don't
accept your resignation.

Not a resignation.

I'm walking out that door
and you can't stop me.

Hey, hey, hey.

If you're in trouble, whatever
the reason, I can fix it.

- Just tell me what it is.
- No, you can't.

- You really can't.
- I... Ada?
