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01x07 - Risky Business

Posted: 08/25/21 17:11
by bunniefuu
A maverick billionaire...

My name is Gideon Reeves.

I built an empire making
rockets, computers, robots...

Made over $100 billion.
Know how I did it?

I'm an engineer.

Touched by tragedy...

- The money!
- No!

My friend has been shot.

Where the hell are you people?!

Takes on the biggest
engineering challenge

of his career...

I want justice for
Elliot James Sully.

Give me the 13th
district to run.

A civilian can't take
over a police district.

They can, with a special
appointment from this committee.

To revolutionize a
police force...

Technology doesn't
solve cases, cops do.

You haven't met my technology.

- Aah!
- Wow...

and save a city.

You guys are my partners.

We're gonna change the world.

On behalf of Reeves Industries,

welcome to the nerdgasm
event of the year,

the Silicon Super Bowl for
the pasty and clever,

the Windy City Tech Summit!

Holograms! Right?

Who here loves a good hologram?

Ah, yes, that's what I thought.

So, as chief sponsor of
today's festivities,

that amazing-ness is what
Reeves is all about.

Making you see
things in a new way,

changing the world,

one awesome, mind-blowing
demonstration at a time!

Yes. All right.

Well, that's enough of me,

at least until my
keynote speech later,

which is gonna be great,
that I can tell you.

So, without further ado...

You know what? Actually, I
want to say one more thing.

So, there have been some
reports in the press lately

that have been less than
kind to me and my company.

One described me as a "flailing
CEO with cop fantasies."

I just want to say to all
the haters out there,

this company is
stronger than ever.

Just to prove it,

I want to bring up my
chairman of the board.

Uh-oh. Oh, she doesn't want to come up.

could you just give her a
little bit of love, please?


She has been a wonderful,

wonderful friend since my MIT
days, and a tireless supporter

of Reeves Industries...

The brilliant and beautiful...

- You smart-ass son of a...
- Lauren Fitch,

ladies and gentlemen! Yes!

You guys are great!

Let the nerding out begin!

Welcome to the Windy
City Tech Summit.

Yeah, nice try, Gideon.

What? I was just introducing
you to the convention.

Are you not my good friend? Hi.

Uh, are you not the
chairman of my board?

The chairwoman of...
chair human...

Whatever you are, you're
very good at what you do.

If you think kissing my ass
in public is gonna make up

for your falling revenue,
you are sorely mistaken.

Hmm? What? Sorry.

I got distracted when
you mentioned your ass.

All right, and flirting's
not gonna work either.

You are bleeding money with
this new little cop hobby.

Please. Relax.

We've done this dog and
pony show so many times,

we could wear a leash

and a saddle, which you would
look great in, actually.

- Stop.
- For next time.

Stop it.

This one is different.

- Yeah.
- Hey.

Wait. Gideon, don't you
want to go inside?

What? In there? No. God, no.
I'll be mobbed.

Autographs, unsolicited

All right, well, you
should be happy

that they still want you
to kiss their babies.

They might not love
you for much longer.

What? Come on.
What's not to love?

Gideon, trust me
when I tell you,

if this convention doesn't
go off without a hitch,

this very well
could be our last.

This is the first time in
your career where you've dug

yourself into a hole, and I don't
know if I can dig you out.

If you don't stop checking
those crime stats,

I'm gonna shove that phone
so far down your throat,

there's gonna be a new crime

for your little friends
to investigate.

Oh, all right. God,
murderous rage is...

It's very attractive on you.

- Come on.
- I'm gonna k*ll you.

While Mr. Reeves is
attending this conference,

we're gonna be running things

a little more rough and
ready around here.

Not to worry.

We'll still have the basics,

but nobody's gonna be inventing

any new robots, at least
not until he gets back.


eyes and ears open.
Let's get out there.


Need to talk to
you for a minute.

You should head down
to 77th and Freemont.

- What is it?
- Homicide.

Twentysomething found
his roommate dead.

Apparently, the victim
was meeting with someone

about an online sale.

Is that all we got?

That and his laptop.

Great. What am I supposed
to do with a laptop?

I mean, without Gideon here,

the only technical support
I have is police I.T.,

and they still use fax machines.

Well, maybe you should take her.

Ada? To a crime scene?

Unless you got a better idea.

She is the computer
girl around here. Ada?


You're going out on a
m*rder with Murphy.

What? Why me?

I'm not even a cop.

I don't look like a cop,
I don't act like a cop,

I especially don't
dress like a cop.

Don't worry. Just
follow my lead.

So what am I supposed to do?

It's gonna be fine. Just watch.

I'll let you know if
we need anything.

Oh, try not to yak.

It's a first-time
m*rder scene thing.



So you discovered Josh's body

- when you got home?
- Yeah. I just got the new

Total Combat, was
psyched to play it,

and then I found him,

you know,

out of lives.

Okay, um, he was meeting
someone from the Internet?

- Do you know who?
- Sorry, I don't.

All right, just wait outside. We'll
finish your statement later.

Did you get anything?

No, it is password-protected,
so it's gonna take a while.

You can do something, right?
Like, hack it?

Oh, I mean, I could try
a brute force attack

or a cryptography approach.

The password's
Mookie22, capital "M."

That'll work.

You seem annoyingly cheerful.


You know, Gideon's at his
little conference thing,

and, you know, it
just feels good

to be back to basics, you know?

Yeah, just when you were
warming up to the new toys.

Some of 'em. But
the drone, though?

Uh-uh, no. Thing freaks me out.

You know, it's always there,
watching, hovering above us.

I'm always afraid it's
gonna take my head off.

Man, yesterday we wrestled
two drunk dudes with knives.

You seriously worried
about a drone?

The robots always turn on
the humans eventually.

Terminator, Westworld.

It's just a matter of time.

What is it?

Possible su1c1de.

I hate su1c1de calls.
Roll it to a beat car.

We're in a beat car.

And besides, you can't stand it

when other cops try to
put their crap on us.

I'm just saying that su1c1de
calls are the worst.

It's just... it's
depressing as hell.

Call came from a 19-year-old
student at Rockwell. Yeah.

Address is a dorm.

We're not punting this.

I haven't seen Evan
since yesterday.

What's going on?

We just need to check his room.


Evan Finley, Chicago Police.

You in there?

Open up!

Open it.


Good. It's nothing.

We dodged a b*llet.
Maybe he did, too.

You don't know that.

Well, hopefully,

he changed his mind and
went and got some pizza.

Speaking of, um, let's go get
some lunch or something.

We're not done here.

How much longer is
this gonna take?

Uh, maybe a bit because

there's not an icon
I can click on

that just says "m*rder motive."

I don't know how you spend your
life glued to a computer screen.

I mean, I'd go crazy.

Yeah, well, beats staring
at a severed trachea.

Uh, I got something.


Looks like an e-mail exchange

between the victim and the
guy he was selling to.

What were they selling?

Trying to figure that out.

Uh, looks like... the
cost was two grand, cash.

They set up a meeting
place yesterday.

Blah, blah.

Oh, no.

Ada, what?

They were selling

an all-access wristband
to Gideon's convention.

Nice meeting you.

We here at MilliScan are
excited to announce

that we've made millimeter
wave scanning 70% smaller.

Our small, easy-to-use
millimeter wave scanners...

I'm here to win.

And you liked it?

I loved it.

Yeah, you got really into it?

I'm bored.

Shut up.

I'm looking at boring
people with gray boxes.

With MilliScan...

Do you know what their market
cap is, their valuation?

I can't hear you. I'm asleep.

No more being
herded like cattle.

No need to arrive two hours
prior to your flight.

There is a lot of
money in airports.

There is a lot of foot
odor at security checks.


What? I launch spaceships.

You know what they say.

Once you pass the
mesosphere, you never...

All right, bottom line is,

these guys want a
partnership with Reeves.

They're practically
throwing cash at us.

And with your balance sheet
looking the way it does,

you better dance like a
stripper for that cash.

What are Ada

- and Murphy doing here?
- There he is.

No, Gideon, not today.

I'm sorry. You guys
can't be here.

We've got Reeves Industries'
business to take care of.

Yeah, so do we. There's
been a m*rder.

We're in Chicago. Of
course there was a m*rder.

Who the hell is she?

Murphy, Lauren. Lauren, Murphy.

Gideon's busy.

You're gonna have to
solve your own problems.

We need to talk to Gideon now.
It's important.

What's important

is your boss' undivided
attention right here.

Do you see my badge?
I'm not asking.

The company paid for that badge,
and the company's on the line.

Lauren, you have to stop talking

about profit margins for,
like, one second, okay?

The k*ller stole a
wristband for this event.

And to make matters worse,
I tracked his IP address.

It took me to this hate forum.

Read the last comment.

"I'm gonna k*ll Gideon Reeves"?

My day was going so well.

I think we're all taking
this a little too seriously.

I mean, you're not
really a celebrity

till someone threatens
to k*ll you.

That's not funny.

This wasn't just the one threat.

Whoever this guy
is, he's obsessed.

And he's smart enough to
hide his IP address from me.

- You couldn't track him at all?
- Nope.

Best I could do was bring in the
administrator of the hate board.

Murphy and...

Ada are gonna
interrogate him now.

What? I don't know
how to do that.

You're just gonna translate.
Come on.

Hey. How long is
this gonna take?

It's a m*rder investigation.

These things take a while.

Yeah, but we don't have a while.

Also, I've been looking around.

There's about $10 million
in Reeves tech installed,

which I never received
property requests for.

It's an investment.

It's a bottomless pit.

Can I get you a donut?


so you're an online
ticket broker?

Of sorts.

So do you know ReevesReaper26?


Sure looks like you know him.

Well, the traffic
on your forum shows

that you facilitated a sale
of a Windy City Tech Summit

all-access wristband

from a JoshMan5 to...

a ReevesReaper26.

- And?
- And we think

ReevesReaper26 k*lled
JoshMan5 this morning.

So AngryCop1 wants to know

how your little chat
room set up a m*rder.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait.

I thought we were here about
some online harassment.

You heard me.


So you have a simple choice to
make: you either get charged

with conspiracy or you
give us something

that we can actually use.

Like what? I don't even
know who ReevesReaper is.

You don't track your users,
tag 'em with an Evercookie?

No. It's a troll site.

Okay? People just
blowing off steam.

Trust me, I got no desire
to meet 'em in person.

Especially not that guy.

Why? What's his deal?

All I know is his posts, okay?

But dude's got some
serious demons.

Like psych ward-level stuff.

Talking about Gideon stealing

ideas straight from his brain.

That's all I got, okay?

It's not good enough.
Keep thinking.

Wait. Just wait.

The wristband the
guy was selling,

he posted a picture
to prove it was real.

I could download it for you.

Might have the code.

That's worth something, right?


Looks like you just found your
"get out of jail free" card

there, Carter.

Sir, we need to know
where your son is.

Hell if I know.

But this is exactly the kind

of thing His Majesty the
drama queen would pull.

Yeah, well, the hotline
counselor he spoke with

said it sounded serious.

I'm sure it did. Just
like the time before

and the two times before that.

Kid just wants attention.

When was the last
time you saw Evan?

Last night. He left here
screaming and crying.

You mind telling
us what happened?

I do mind.

This is family business.

This is your son.

And you can't tell
us anything about...

No, and I don't have to.

- I know my rights.
- Jackson Barrett.

- Damn it, Maura.
- Excuse me?

Jackson Barrett. He's
Evan's friend at school.

He might know where to find him.

Thank you, ma'am.

Please, just tell us he's safe.

Geez, I thought you were
gonna clock that guy.

Probably 'cause I was.

We need to go back
to that school.

Hey, you heard 'em. The
kid's done this before.

We've coded three calls
since we've been on this.

We need to get back
on the street.

No, we need to find this kid.

One of those calls was
an armed robbery.

You telling me that
chasing this around is

- more important than that?
- You telling

me there were fatalities
in that robbery?


Then the possibility of
this kid k*lling himself

is a hell of a lot
more important.


so here's what we got.

According to the
convention's QR log,

this particular wristband was
scanned in at 12:22 p.m.

All right. That's good, right?

So he'll be on the security footage.
We got him.

No, we don't got him. Look.

- What's up with the camera?
- What is up is

our k*ller knows his stuff.

That's called an I.R. mask.

Surveillance cameras
don't like LED lights.

You wear enough of them, then
you turn into Casper there.

Then you ditch the whole
thing when you get inside

and you're untraceable.

Not bad.

I just mean the tech.

The k*ller psychopath part
is-is totally uncool.

Can't you track his wristband?

No. Not once he's inside.

Not unless he scans it again.

Gideon, there's a man
inside that wants you dead.

I think it's time

- to shut the show down.
- Whoa, whoa.

Slow down, Officer.
That is not an option.


And I can do whatever I need to
in the name of public safety.

Why don't you just find the guy?
Isn't that your job?

There's almost 3,000
people in there.

I don't have enough manpower
to scan every single wristband

- one at a time...
- Wait. Just...

don't k*ll each other, please.

Everybody just dial it down.

Pretty sure I can solve this.

Can I borrow you

for a second?

Um, have a seat right
there, please.

What are you doing?

So, to read a QR code,

you need a light source,

a computer...

and a camera.

Just put your wrist right here.


And that goes...

You could be nicer to Murphy.

Well, you know I've always had a
problem with authority figures.

Right. Except for the
ones you sleep with.

You sure you want to
lose that privilege?

Look, Murphy can help us.

So just lay off her, okay?

Come on.

There. There! Got it!



Okay. Okay.

What if I told you we could
scan the entire crowd?

- What?
- No way. That's too dangerous.

You have a k*ller
that's running around.

Uh-huh. And what do you
think he's gonna do

if we shut it down? Or
start searching people

one by one? Best case,

we lose him.

Worst case, he goes nuts.

He's got a good point.

Your call, Murphy.

What's your plan?

We're gonna use me
to find this guy.

The hologram me.

Look, the venue has
security cameras, right?

So all we have to do is turn
the hologram lasers around

to scan the crowd.

Then we combine the two with
some QR-reading software.

Bam. We mass-scan every
wristband in the place.

Okay, but that's never
been done before.

Oh, well, if you're
trying to stroke my ego,

then it's working.

Aren't people gonna notice

they're being zapped
by a giant laser?

Well, that's the best part...

Once I change the
light wavelength,

they're not even gonna be
able to see the lasers.

Murphy, please.

Just give me a chance.
I can do this.

I'll give you half an hour.

That seems reasonable.

Oliver, buddy, how long
you been working for me?

Uh, three years and seven
months, ever since

I read your autobiography and

- interviewed six times...
- Yes.

Right. So you ought to know that
I know what I'm talking about.

All I need is to reroute
the surveillance footage

into my laptop

so the QR reader can analyze it.

But, sir,

with all due respect,
I just don't see

how you're going to repurpose

- the hologram to...
- Mm-hmm. So, new plan.

You get out of my way, reread
that chapter in my book

about how impatient I am, and
then I'm gonna do this myself.

All right.


Uh, look, um, I think we
got off on the wrong foot.

I just want you to know
that it's nothing personal.

Yeah? So then what is it?

Well, it's just I've been
protecting Gideon for years.

I mean, mostly from himself.

The biggest outside threat has
been patent attorneys and...

doctors' warnings about
his caffeine intake.

And now he has a
k*ller after him.

I really don't see
how that's my fault.

But I'm not pointing
the finger at you.

It's just this kind of
thing never happened

before Gideon took
on this new hobby.

This has nothing to do
with him working with us.

And policing is not a hobby.

Trust me,

the law enforcement division

will end up on the
Reeves Industry

Island of Misfit Toys,
along with geoscience

and biophysical chemistry and...

And you'll still be around?

I'm the money.

He may be a billionaire,

but it takes billions
more to build his empire.

Gideon's interests
will come and go,

but he needs me to
pay for his dreams.

We done yet?


Gideon, the clock is ticking,

and this looks
really complicated.

Trust me, it's gonna work.

It'd better. 'Cause I'm
about to pull the plug.

Don't look at me.

I'm just the genius.

Jackson Barrett?

Yeah. What's going on?

We're looking for Evan Finley.

You know where he is?


uh, not really. I don't...

Mind if we talk outside?

I told you,

I don't know where Evan is.

His parents seem to think you
might know how to find him.

Why's that?

I don't know.

His parents gave you my name?

Look, bro, your buddy Evan,
he may be in trouble.

He called a su1c1de hotline.

So if there's anything
you need to tell us...


All right.

Let's go.


We're not gonna talk
to your parents.

We'll keep your name
out of our report.

Just help us find Evan.

I didn't want my parents to know

about my first
girlfriend either.

I'm sorry.

It's just

I'm not...

you know...


Hey, that's nobody's
business but yours.

We're only concerned about Evan.


I haven't seen him
since yesterday.

I tried calling.

I got his voice mail.
Do you think he's...

Yeah, that's what we're
trying to figure out.

We have a secret Uber account.

For when we go out.

Maybe he used it?

Yeah, yeah, that's great.

That's really great.
Can we see it?


Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Let's go.

Okay, once we get
eyes on this guy,

- we take him down nice and easy.
- Shouldn't we have more backup?

- It's hard to catch him in this crowd.
- I don't want to spook him

with a lot of uniforms.
They're gonna cause a panic.

So how is our brainiac boss
gonna find one wristband

out of a room full
of wristbands?

If he says he can do it,

that's good enough for me.

Now let's spread
out and be ready.

All right, Gideon,

it's now or never.
All right, then.

Just have to change
the wavelength.

Where we at, Gideon?


Yes. It's showtime.

Gideon, what's
going on up there?

A technological miracle.

I'm scanning, like, a thousand
wristbands with lasers.

So cut me some slack.

Come on, come on. Where are you?

Yes. Okay, okay, all right.

Tracking him now, Murphy.

Uh, he is in the southwest hall.

Cobb, Reyes.

We're on our way.

Where is he?

Hang on, let me get
my bearings here.

Uh, southwest hall.

Just past the drone booth.
Orange hoodie.

I can't see what
you're seeing, Gideon.

You're gonna have
to help me out.

Hang on one sec.

Check your phone.

Your six o'clock.

Got it. Cobb,

Reyes, orange hoodie.

Chicago Police!

He's going for the stairs.

Hands up in the air.

Turn around slowly.

Please don't hurt me.

I'm sorry.

What can I tell you? We
got the wrong person.

You're sure she didn't do it?

I thought the whole
point of this thing

was we find the wristband,
we find the k*ller.

She's a 16-year-old girl, Cobb.

So what? I dated all kind
of chicks in high school

who would've happily
slit my throat.

Okay. Well, we have her
coming through surveillance

with a different wristband.

The all-access wristband
we're tracking...

She said she found from
across the bathrooms.

If she didn't do
it, why'd she run?

Because she has a stolen
wristband, Sherlock.

She thought that we
were busting her

for trying to score some swag

with upgraded access.

Okay, then why'd the bad guy

ditch it here?

Maybe because he was in there.

What the hell did
he want back here?

Okay, look, the me that cares
about you really hopes

they catch this guy. But the me

that cares about
Reeves Industries

really needs you to sign
off on a few deals.


- Just buy them all.
- We can't.

All right. Sell them all.

Hey, are there security cams?


Not in that area.

It's a privacy thing.

It's a bunch of
exhibitors with equipment

they don't want photographed.

Seriously, Gideon, I need you
to take a look at these...

Lauren, we're hunting
a k*ller right now!


No, the police are
hunting a k*ller.

You are watching a screen.

Okay, you've never
watched Bones?

Guys, there should be a
security guard there.

Hey, over here.

There's the guard. He's down.

He's got a pulse.

Squad, we need an ambulance.

Copy that.

Maybe the k*ller needed
backstage access.

Or firepower.

His g*n's missing.

You sure this is the place?

I don't see anything.

The Uber driver
dropped him off here.

Yeah, so where the hell is he?

Think I found him.

Oh, man.


Get away from me!

Hey, easy, buddy.

- You don't want to do that.
- I said get back.

Look, you don't know me.

But I've spent the whole
day getting to know you.

Met your mom.

Your boyfriend Jackson.

They both love you very much.

You meet my dad, too?

Yeah. We did.

Well, send him a picture
when I jump, okay?

He'll probably tell you it's the
only thing I ever did right.

Call his dad. I'll
keep him talking.

Don't you think that's the last
person he wants to talk to?

No, that's who he needs
to talk to most.

What am I supposed to say?

Whatever it takes.

Hey, Evan.

Just calm down, okay?
Talk to me.

Mr. Finley, this is Officer
Brandt, Chicago Police.

You don't want to do this.

Just tell me what's going
through your mind.

Let us help you.

Let me help you.

I've been in your
position before.

I am not going to
argue with you, sir.

Your son is one step away
from taking a swan dive.

This is not a stunt.
He means it.

Come on, you don't really think

there's any chance at all

- that he's gonna...
- Listen to me.

I served overseas.

Four years.

A lot of guys over there with me

didn't do so well
when they got back.

I've lost many
people to su1c1de.

I know what it looks like
when they're serious.

And your son is exactly that.

You got a problem
with who he loves,

you man up and you deal with it.

You hear what I'm saying to you?

Right now we got
to save his life.

All right, I'll talk to him.

Hey, Evan.

I'm gonna bring you
the phone now, okay?

Your dad wants to talk to you.

No, I'm done talking to him!

- Okay.
- I said get back!

Okay. Just take it easy.

All right, Mr. Finley, the
phone call's not gonna work.

New plan.

You got a computer
with a camera on it?

Uh, yeah, I...

Good, I'm gonna call
you right back.

Hey, Pete, it's Brandt.
You copy?

This is Pete. Go ahead.

Need your help.

You are totally overreacting.

You can't keep me
locked in here.

You're staying here until I
shut this convention down.

Oh, over my dead body.

Don't tempt me.

- Please...
- I'm sorry. This guy is dangerous.

We have no idea
what he's planning.

He has a g*n, for God's sakes.

A g*n.

Yeah, it's a w*apon.

It's yea long and goes bang.

- Murphy...
- Just listen.

Remember the strategic
partnership with MilliScan?

The boring gray boxes? Yeah.
I cannot believe

- you want to talk business right now.
- This is the perfect time

to talk business.

Those boring gray
boxes find g*ns.

Wow, you're good.

- It's pretty slick.
- Mm-hmm.

Right? So we just need to
find a place to mount it

and we can scan the
crowd for weapons.

Well, we're gonna have
to get it up high.


The rafters.

He loves this part.

Believe me, I know.

So are you seriously telling me

this can scan the whole
crowd for a g*n?

Yeah, it's a portable version

of the full body
scanners at airports.

So everyone is gonna
jam in to here

for my keynote speech.

There's pretty much no chance
a guy obsessed with me

is gonna miss that. And
that's when we get him.

My gut feeling is that he wants
to take you down publicly.

Probably during your speech.

Do you really want to risk
your life for a few bucks?

Not just money at stake, Murphy.

It's my company. It's
everything I've built.

It's the 13th district, too.

I'm gonna wear a
bulletproof vest.

It's still a risk.


A risk that you take every day.

Evan, I want you to think
about your future.

For when you graduate
from college

and you-you're living
your own life.

No, it'll never be my own life.


It will, I promise you it will.

You just got to
stay strong, buddy.

I can't anymore.

I'm done talking.

Hey, Pete,

what's the ETA?

It's getting
desperate over here.

I'm almost there.

Just got to warn you, this
is not my finest work.

It's a little duct tapey.

What the...?

What is that?


What do you want?

Please, God, let this work.

Evan, I just want to
tell you I'm here, son.

And I'm-I'm sorry.

You said you wanted me gone.

You said that...

I said a lot of stupid things.

I just... Look,

why don't you just
get down off there,

and we'll... What
he's trying to say

is he loves you.


I love you.

We both do.

That's it. Hold it steady, Pete.


I'm trying. Just a
little emotional here.

Please just come home.

Come on, kid.

Nice work.

Okay, Cobb, you're gonna
take quadrant one.

York, Wolfe, you're taking two.

Reyes, Cotin, you're
taking three.

I'm gonna be in four.

There's, like, a thousand people
in there, all staring at Gideon.

How the hell are we supposed

to find the one guy
that wants him dead?

You're just gonna have
to trust the tech.

Where have we heard that before?

This guy's not gonna stay
still for very long.

The moment Ada spots
him, we take him down.


Damn it.

New invention idea:
universal screws.

Ah. Yes.

Okay, and...


Hey, it's working.

Well, we had to give up 12%
ownership of MilliScan

to get these so quickly.

It damn well better work.

What time do the doors open?

Already did. It's do or die.

Bad choice of words.


Oh, all right.

A little bit tight.


Wait a second. Is this yours?

We didn't have enough
time to get a new one.

- I'm not taking your...
- Gideon,

you're the one that's on the
business end of the g*n.

If you hear a shot,
you drop, okay?

Just stay low,
protect your head,

and try to get behind something.

Try not to pee myself.

I don't want you to do this.

I know you don't.

But I've been doing the
math on this, Murph.

According to my calculations,

there are three solid
arguments for why I should.

One... Lauren is right.

This convention is very
important to Reeves Industries.

And now, for better or worse,

what happens to Reeves happens
to the 13th district.

Two... no matter how crazy
this k*ller might be,

he's undeniably smart.

We have to catch him before
he hurts other people.

So, what, it takes a
genius to catch a genius?

It takes a genius to
know the only shot

we have at catching this lunatic
involves the both of us,

which brings me to
my third argument...

It's probably the most valid.

I know I can go out there 'cause
I have you to protect me.

Of course I have your back.

But what about that
billion-dollar brain of yours?

This thing?

That's hard as a rock.

And now, ladies and gentlemen,

the moment you've all
been waiting for...

The host of the Windy
City Tech Summit...

Mr. Gideon Reeves!

Yes! Ha-ha!

Hello, Gideonites!

Is that a thing? Can
we make that a thing?


Can't you get a-a wider
view of the crowd?

No, it's a ten-by-ten range.
I had to do a grid search.

I was going to give
a speech about...

how driverless cars will take
over the world, yada, yada.

I think I'm gonna shake
things up a bit.

Is that okay with you guys?

- Yeah!
- All right.

- How we doing, Ada?
- I'm getting a lot of hits,

but it's mostly just

random metal stuff
in people's pockets.

Come on, Ada. You
got to go faster.

If we go any faster, we
might miss something.

'Cause what I
really want to talk

about is risk.

So when we first went into
space, was it awesome?

Yes. Was it important to science?

But what was it above all?

Incredibly dangerous.

Check the northwest corner
closest to the exit.

- She's right in the middle of...
- Just do it.

It's the best place
for the sh**t.

The best line of sight,

and the best escape route.

Okay. Does this woman have
any idea what she's doing?

Actually, yeah, she really does.

Pioneered the hot-air balloon.

What a badass.

He decides to cross the
English Channel by himself

in a bag filled with air

heated by an open fire.

It's the first time
anyone had tried that.

Damn it, where is he?!

You know what happened?

The balloon deflated
mid-flight, and

he fell to his death.

Now, I don't tell you that
story to bum you out.

That guy with his
hand on his pocket.

'Cause you know what? De
Rozier changed the world.

- g*n! g*n!
- Murphy,

you were right! Northwest
corner, blue sweater.

He's moving towards the front!

He took that risk for all
of us here in this room.

'Cause without hot air balloons,

you don't get rockets.

You don't get self-driving cars.

Any of it.

Got him. Chicago Police!

Drop the w*apon!

It's all right, everyone.
Calm down.

Stay calm. The situation's
under control.

It's okay.

I'm fine.

I'm fine.


Doing all right?

We good down there?

Ladies and gentlemen,
let's hear it

for the fine men and women
of Chicago's 13th district

for saving my life!

That was a good call today.

Using the drone.

Yeah, well, I guess
it's got its uses.

Until it becomes sentient
and tries to k*ll us.

You want to talk about anything?

No. You know me.

I'm not really a big talker.

But, um...

you know, now that
you mention it...

I guess I never knew that you...

could go so damn
long without eating.

Can we please get some food?

Yeah, man.

Let's get some food.

So, Morgan was a chick, then?


How are your ribs?

Oh, they're fine.

I was looking for an excuse
to skip the gym, anyway.

Well, that's the spirit.

Oh, so I looked up the sh**t.

- Yeah?
- Ted Griffin.

I never met him, but
he actually worked

at Reeves for a short time.

Sounds like a smart guy,

but HR had to let him go after
he failed a psych evaluation.

Apparently, he had

"obsessive thoughts and
delusions of grandeur

in regard to Mr. Reeves."

He swore he could hear me
whispering in his ear.

Well, at least we know

you're not the only one
obsessed with you.

- You got lucky today.
- Mm.

I mean, five inches north...

Yeah, or 14 inches south, it
would have been a disaster.

But it wasn't.

And I have you to
thank for that.

I have a question.

What happened to the
geoscience division at Reeves?


Lauren told me about it, and
a few other divisions, too.

Said you started them, lost
interest and walked away.

And you're worried that
I'm gonna do that here?

It's crossed my mind.


Well, you know, all my life,

I've, uh, chased the most
interesting problem,

the hardest thing to solve,

and some of 'em turn
out to be too easy

or not worth solving
in the first place.

But believe me,
Murphy, this, uh...

this is the hardest one ever.

I'm not going anywhere.

No matter what Lauren says.

Who is she to you?

We were classmates at MIT.

I went into tech and she
went into tech finance.

My first rocket... she...

Gideon, who is she to you?

Oh, that.

That's complicated.

Oh, God.


You are on fire.

What has gotten into you?

Ooh, is it 'cause I almost died?

Mm, maybe a little.

Did you see the press
on that conference?

You know what? I've been
a little bit distracted.

It was incredible.

I mean, people finally saw
your technology in action.

Oh, so, you've changed your
assessment of the 13th district?

Yeah. Absolutely.

If anything, I think
you're thinking too small.

You, of all people, should
know better than that.

I'm serious.

I mean, people saw you get
shot in Reeves body armor

and protected by
Reeves police, and...

Uh, technically, they're
not my police, but...

My point is, it's something
that people will pay for.

Excuse me?

We could own
privatized policing.

I mean, this is not some
small Chicago experiment.

I mean, this could go global.

This could be a
billion-dollar business.

You're a genius.