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02x03 - Episode #2.3

Posted: 08/25/21 13:30
by bunniefuu
LOUISE: Where can I find a school
for him that's a bit more specialist?

The nearest one that's
got a space is in Manchester.

If you want to stay over with me,
the offer's there.

Might be worth trying
to get back together.

I'm seeing someone.

I'm not gonna get stuck here.

Another few weeks isn't gonna k*ll us,
is it?

Just seen Sophie's Mark have a meltdown
that'd make your hair curl.


Joe isn't Mark though.

Not yet, he's not, no.

-MAURICE: So Ralph knows?
-LOUISE: Not, that it's cancer, no.

Let me help. At least let me
drive you to the hospital.

No, no, no.

MALE VOICE: Good morning.

FEMALE VOICE: Good morning.

MALE VOICE: Did you sleep
all right, Joe?

Yeah, I slept all right.

Here's the kitchen, all in place.

Living room.

All still here.

Oh, look.

There's Kim and Kanye.

JOE: Where's baby Emily?


-Hi, Joe.
-There's baby Emily.

Hard to get to know,
but impossible to forget.

Don't be late for work, Ralph.


I might be late tonight,
so there's a cottage pie in the fridge.

You can microwave it. Eight minutes
and 750, I've written it down.

I know.

Don't let Maurice
boss you about too much?

Whoa, great view.

Tidier than normal.

Something tells me mum's
got time on her hands.

I can confirm I do all
my own house work.

He's lying. He's got a Peurto Rican
houseboy that does for him.

There's an image I'll have to
live with till my dying day.

Well, enjoy tonight.

-Why, what's happening?
-The gig.

Sophie and her boy?

You said you'd take them.

Oh, yeah, that.

Don't let them down.

Obviously, I won't.

Joe? Is he still there? Joe?

I'll see you tomorrow.
And then, listen.

When we come back on Friday,
because you've been so brilliant,

I'm gonna get you a great big present.
How about that?

The school said we weren't to bribe him.

What do you want, Joe?

Anything at all, anything you like.

A goat.

[GASPS] What kinda coat?

No, a goat, with horns.

Good luck with that.


Why are you not at the hospital?

It's mum's fifth chemo.

Hang on. You know?

You're not supposed to know.
When did she tell you?

I read the letter from the hospital.

I'm not thick.

Well your mum thinks you don't know.

She wants you there.

She told me not to go.

You don't understand women, do you?


Hey, you better be right about this.

Have you seen James this morning?

No, I heard the door go earlier.

He must have gone into town.

Oh, hey.

If you and him fancy a shift tonight,
I'll need you.

I've gotta take Sophie
and her lad to that


Try and look a bit cheerier about it,
will you?

No, you haven't seen Mark
when he goes of on one.

Just gonna have to do
a bit of dad dancing, aren't I?

Eh? Create diversion.





So, we'll do your IV steroids
and the anti-sickness first,

and you'll have some
tablets to take home.

You know you're allowed
to bring someone to be with you.

Yes, I can feel a space just here.

It doesn't feel tight enough.

All right. Let's have another go.

That better?

Well, no.

But at least it finally feels
like it's on right.

They always give me the awkward ones.

I don't know why.

All right.

Just had the worst ice cream
headache ever.

Worth it to try
and keep your hair, though.

Can you just confirm
your name and date of birth?

Louise Wilson, 04-04-1964.

What time are they firing you
out the cannon?

Go away.

It wasn't my idea to come here,
you know. It was Ralph's.


You told Ralph, you bastard,
you promised me!

I didn't tell Ralph.
He worked it out for himself.

He's been reading your hospital letters.

No, no chance. Ralph couldn't
keep a secret, not from me.

He could, 'cause he has.

Just go, Maurice, will you?

You won't know I'm here.

-I really didn't...
-Thought I wouldn't know you were here.

You like to keep busy, don't you?

It's kind of your way of coping

with the absence of love
or interest in your life.

All right, what?

Can you cover my pensioner's
keep fit class this lunchtime?

A dr*gs rep is trying
to bribe me with lunch and opium.

No, I'm doing my presentation today.

About the better handling of patients
on the autism spectrum.

That's today day, is it?

Funny it wasn't mentioned on the news.

So you'll have to cancel your
pensioner's keep fit class.

There's no great loss,
although the star jumps are amusing.

These presentations of yours,

do you deliver them as yourself,
or do you warm up

for a bit in front of a live audience?

I'm no paediatrician, but
shouldn't that be the other way around?


Are you okay?
Is that Emily?

No, Emily's fine.

Emily has nothing but love in her life.

Emily is fine.


He walks out on me and tells me by text.

I think I am better than that.
A text.

People just find it hard to tell
each other the truth face-to-face.

You don't.

I know. Look where that got me.

When Eddie left,

the first thing I did
was buy a bread maker.

We've already got bread maker.

My point is it kept me busy.

You need to keep busy.


As much as you like.

And don't text him
in the middle of the night

with questions of
when he stopped loving you.

Don't think about what you should've
said and didn't say, but mainly,

keep busy.

And don't play any music
that you had together,

not for at least a year.


You sure, you're gonna be all right
with Emily today?

Yeah, I can cry when she does
and then nobody will hear me.

That's the spirit.


How's the cold cap?

Not good. I'm shivering all over.

What you wanna do is wear thermals.

It's only your head that
needs to be cold.

I... That's a good idea.
Thank you.

That's what Sandra did
after her third bout.

Right. Well, thank you.

If you feel dizzy or flush, just shout.

Yes, I will, thank you!

Can be a bastard, that Epirubicin.

They call it the red devil.

Hi, Maurice.

Oh hi, Jude.

I know Jude from before.

When the Epirubicin kicks in,

tell me straight away if you feel
any stinging or pain around the vein.

If I can get a word in edgeways, yes,

-I will.
-I'm all over it.

Don't worry on that score.

It can leak outside the vein,
so we gotta keep an eye on it.

No, we don't. I do.

Yeah, that's what I was driving at.

Because you won't be here.

-Get out, Maurice.

-How do you mean like?
-Go somewhere else.

Anywhere else.

Just get out. I'm not
putting up with you taking over.

-Fair enough.
-Thank you.

'Cause it make you irritable, the chemo.

Message understood.

It's not the chemo

that's making me irritable.

I'm on steroids. Don't think
I won't throw you out if I have to.

Hey, Ed, it's me.

Thought we might have lunch.

I'm a bit busy just now, so...

It's probably a no.

Busy doing what exactly?

In order to extract the words
from these sound wave forms,

we need to turn to deep neural networks,

where each layer of the network...

I am still allowed to
give you a lift I take it?

-Can you stop yourself talking?
-I'll give it a go.


Thank you, Maurice.

I'll come around later and see
how you are if you like.

No, you won't.

Now that Ralph knows,
he can sort me out.

At the risk of getting me head
bitten off,

Have you got the numbers for
the hospital in case you feel like shit.

I already feel like shit.

So I probably won't bother
to call them and tell them that.


Thank you, Maurice. Let's just...

Chalk this one up to experience
and not ever do it again, eh?

That's the steroids talking.

-So you know then?

Oh, not you too, Ralph.

For God sake.

I'm sorry, all right?

I'm sorry I should have told you.

Yeah, you should.

So, what do you want to ask me.
You can ask me.

Anything you like.

-Are you going to die?

I'm not going to die.

They caught the cancer early
and that's why I'm having the chemo.

It will make me ill, but in the end,
it'll make me better.

If you do die, am I still gonna
live here?

Yes, if that's what you like,
but I'm not going to die.

What about Maurice?

What about him?

He's all right.

But I don't want him to be my dad.

Don't worry, it's not going to happen.


I am not going to die.


Anything else?


I was riveted by your lecture today.

Can't wait to hear what happens next.

Ha ha. Nothing for me, by the way,
I'm going out tonight.

All right.


Um, in fact... I might
not be back tonight.

I mean I might be,
but I might not be.

I don't know, it depends.

All right.

-What's that supposed to mean?
-What, nothing. Nothing at all.

-I'll get it.

EDDIE: No, I'll go down.


-Uh, it's Holly.
-Oh, hi, Holly.

He's not quite ready yet.
Do you wanna come up?


I preferred the other one.

So, this is my sister, Alison.

And that's Joe.

I thought it must be you.

Oh, it's hardly gonna be
the other woman, is it?

It is Eddie
we're talking about after all.

Shall we go?

Not that Eddie isn't an attractive man
if he isn't, you know, the brother.

But not the kind of man to have lovers.


In his flat, answering the entry phone
to his girlfriend.

It doesn't sound like Eddie at all,
I agree.

Oh, he's had a long day at school.

JOE: I'm sure he has.

And he's on the spectrum,

clearly some of those behaviours
will become more pronounced

now that he's tired.

Shall we go?
I don't want to be late.

For what?

Oh, I see, you just want to leave.

You've probably set off already,
but if not, then call me.

Eddie is dating a woman
just like Nicola.

I know you won't believe it right now,
but it will get better.

-I promise.
-Why do people say that?

Well, because we've all had
our hearts broken, Love.

Not like this, you've not.

No, no, not like this.

Although Patricia Martin came close.

She turned up at our date and said,

"When I said yes on the phone,
I didn't know it was you."

Every time I take my clothes off
I'm reminded of him.

Probably a little more than your dad
needs to hear, that.

Or the tattoo.

All right, yeah.

Well, I know one thing.

I cannot go to this gig
with Sophie and Mark tonight.

-With you in this state.
-No, you should go. I'll be fine.

You mean I can't use my daughter's
heartbreak as an excuse

-to wriggle out of it?
-No, certainly not.

It's worth a try though, eh?

He finished with her by text?

-At least he told her.

Most lads just change
their Facebook status.

It's a brutal world.

Then there's the tattoo, of course.

In fairness, James is quite
a common name for that generation, so...

She will have some choice.

Good point.


All right.

They're best mates.

Hence the silence.

Have they been to a gig before?


[CHUCKLES] We all have.

I'm not just bringing it on him.

No. Sorry.




Great isn't it?

Yeah. Yeah.

Do you want a drink?

No, no, I've been waiting ages.

Sorry, three diet Cokes, a lager,
half an IPA, and some crisps.


-Mark, Mark.

I need your help carrying, mate.

Good pint, mate.


You've left my pint on the floor, mate.

Thanks for that.

Sorry, hey, hey. It's fine.
No harm done.

Sorry. Mark?

Are you all right?

Here, you take that. Thanks.

What was the worst thing
that could've happened?

The world's full of lads who spill
other men's pints, so.

Thanks for coming.

I know you got railroaded into it.

Oh, no, no. It's fine.


Hey, careful. What, what happens next?

What happens is we enjoy ourselves.

SINGER: This one's called Easy Peeler.



Thought you were out for the night.

Don't start.

-I'm not. I wasn't.

So what went wrong?

Nothing went wrong.

We've both got work in the morning.

Oh. So what was it then.

Little knee trembler at the bus stop.

I'm not indulging this.

Her words or yours?

We've been having this conversation
since I was 14 years of age.

When are you gonna stop?

When you stop taking the bait.

Is it not happening with Holly then?

I don't mean the sex

although that is a fairly strong
indicator that it's not happening.

I've just...

Forgotten what it's like to...

Click, you know?

Maybe that's not how it works any more.

We both have to be patient, or...

Maybe it's just a sign
she doesn't fancy you.


Just a little bit hung up on Nicola?



So why choose a woman just like her?



Is like Nicola? You're joking.
She's the complete opposite.

Do you not see it?

The tactless thing, the way she talks.

Eddie, you're dating your ex-wife.
No wonder you're not having sex.


♪ She's got me dancing
She's got me dancing

♪ She's got me dancing

It was the best night.

It was the best night, I mean
it was everything. It was messy,

it was mad, I mean, it was just...

It was just everybody
having the best night.

Together. Everybody.

And it was just that one great,
heaving mass of joy.

Yes, get it!

Get it?

Are you sure you didn't take
any dr*gs in the toilet back there?

Yeah, okay, fair enough.


-What is this?
-I don't know how that got in there.


Must be one of Joe's that.

Not exactly Bros, I know.

But I hope it meets
your exacting standards.

Well, it's all right.


Is he all right?

Sounds like he's playing the drums.

He is playing the drums.

-Yeah, really.

He's all right, isn't he?

I've no idea where he gets it.

His dad had no sense of rhythm
that I ever saw.

Does he still see his dad?

Yeah, of course,

Yeah, he wasn't a bastard or anything.

We just couldn't handle Mark together.

No, that's not fair.

I couldn't handle Mark
with anybody else.

Yeah, it's easier on your own
sometimes, innit?

Simpler anyway.

You can get as low as you like,

but it only ever matters to me and him.

Nobody judging, nobody advising,
nobody criticising.

Easier to be wrong when
you're on your own.

Mark E. Smith was actually
good looking back then.

Looked a bit like Johnny Cash.

Pasty sulphured version admittedly,
but you know what I mean.

There's an album cover
where he's on the...

If I give you a biscuit with your tea
will you promise to stop talking.





Ah, you know what?


Look at the arse on that.

Are you classically trained?

Don't interrupt an artist
when he is in the moment.

Here you go.

Yeah, you're good from the waist down,

but you hold your hands
like you're holding a tray.

Is that the sum total
of your moves then?


If you've got a roll of lino and a
ghetto blaster I can do a few backspins.

Don't tempt me.

Thanks for tonight.

Thank you... For the lift.

And for being head bouncer.

Is this where we kiss?


I think we both know that's not on.



Yeah, sorry, I...

That was stupid. I'm so sorry.

Look who I found lurking
at the bus stop.

Hello, Tom.

This is a lovely surprise.

-I know.
-Don't pretend you didn't call him, dad.

Thank you.

Well, I thought if anybody had
the wisdom you needed, it were Tom.

And with him being at art school
he's got bugger all else to do.

She's heartbroken, but then...

That's what she does best.

-You okay?

Just a bit knackered.

It's all that pogoing at your age.

He's been to a gig.


Sorry, nothing personal, Mr. Hughes.

Apart from your age.

Thank you.

And I think you can call me
Paul from now on.

Oh no, I don't think so.

Might wanna start tagging along
at the bus shelter.


Are we still here?

Yes, is that okay?

I'll get breakfast moving.


How is she, your mum?

She's not going to die.

Oh that's good.

I might go and see her later.

Good luck.

Thanks for the catch up.

I'll take her some flowers around,
shall I?

She doesn't like flowers.



What did I do to deserve that?

Uh, you don't have to question
everything to death.

All right, touchy.

It was nice.

Sorry, I...

I'm just a bit knackered after the gig.

Oh yeah, how was it?

Yeah, it was great.

Good, so you're glad
I pushed you into it.

Why, it's just music.

Thought about Joe a lot.


Who knows what Joe will be into
when he's Mark's age, eh?

Well, I imagined
he'll still be into music.

I wasn't saying that
he won't be, just that...

You know, we don't know.

Right, well that was last night.

See you tomorrow.



Where were you?

I was at home.

Where was I?

You were here.

You were home.

At our house, yes.

And now we're here.

Hey, that's a lot of stickers.

I'm a superstar.

I already knew that.

I'm looking for some sort of rub.

That you rub on...

Yourself. And...

Other people if they can't reach.

Like what?

Deep Heat? Is it a muscle injury?

No, it's not like that.

It's something I could rub into a woman.

To make her feel better.

If she's feeling a little bit
under the wet...


You know.

Oh right, I see.

Massage oil.

I wouldn't go that far.

Have you got anything?
You know...

Peppermint foot cream?

Sounds great. That sounds great.
That'll do.

I know you don't like flowers.

Er, I hate to be critical
of your massage action, Maurice,

but probably a bit more sensitive
and a bit less like

you're rubbing Fiery Jack
into a goalie's hamstring.

Right, I see. Uh...

Now you've gone to the other extreme.
Now you're basting.

Come here, give me the bottle.
I'll show you.

I still got me boots on.

No, not on your feet. Come here.



Like this.


Are you all right?

Well, to be honest I did feel

a bit of a bit of a stirring
in the glove compartment.

But not like I'd make a move... On you.

Things being how they are.

"Things", being me, being on a course

of chemotherapy for breast cancer.

Yes, probably not a good time
to make your move.

I wasn't going to make a move.

That's why I've come down this end.

With your feet.

I hope you're not suggesting
my feet aren't sexually arousing.

-No, let's just...
-I'm teasing you.

I'm very flattered

that even in this state,
you should be enamoured

Or at least a significant
part of you is.

Sorry, sorry.

It's the steroids.


Are you all right?

Did you hear James has done a runner?

He walked out on Rebecca.

First good news I've heard in a bit.

I agree with you, but

don't let Rebecca hear you say that.

I'm not gonna pretend.

Why not?

You spend your whole life pretending
you're a hard man, and look at you.

Pressing your head against a brick wall.

I was having a think. It helps me think.

It's what Joe says when he does it.

I don't believe him either.

It was about Louise, right?

What makes you say that?

You were right outside her house.

So you're seeing her again?

Is there something I should know?

-What has it got to do with you?
-Nothing, but...

If you're so upset you can't
even hide it in the street...

Why do you want me to say
I'm upset when I'm not?

Oh God, you know what, dad,
just forget it.

Forget it, I've just had Paul
being pissy at me, and now you.

Been staying away
for three nights with Joe,

driven back to be with my family.

Show a little bit of concern,
you throw it back in my face.

If you don't want people
to think you're upset then don't

go all existential in the street.

And move along so you're not
right outside your lover's house.

Or whatever she is. That way I won't be
sticking my nose in your business.

She's got cancer.

Louise has got cancer

and she's having chemo and she
doesn't want anyone to know about it.

There, are you happy now?

She's got cancer.

And I'm helping her out with it
and that's all there is to it.

That's it. Good girl.

Oh, it's for Joe.

A boy needs a bike.

Anyone would think you were looking
for something to do.

Just trying to make myself useful.

And there's nothing at home you
could be making yourself useful with?

What's this?

I found it.

It's a nice one, so I thought
I'd frame it for you.

If you really want a project,

I've just the job for you.


Biting point. It's just a case
of hitting that biting point.

-You'll get it in the end.

-It's okay, it's okay.

-You're doing very well.

You're a really good teacher.

You never lose it.
You never seem frightened.

Even when we were at that junction
and that lorry was coming.

Well, he had room to get past us.

Is it your faith?

Is it your faith that stops you
being frightened?

No, uh...

-It's not my faith.
-Well, you don't have to tell me.

I've got to spend the rest of my life

without my wife.

And it's my fault.

That's more frightening
than anything I can think of.

So you know, a few articulated lorries
bearing down on us,

speeding car nearly
sending us both to heaven,

mild whiplash.

That's nothing.

Nothing at all.

Well, just keep busy.

And then, cry as much as you like.

And don't text her
in the middle of the night

with questions about
when she stopped loving you.

And don't think about what you
should've said and didn't say.

But mainly, just keep busy.

Thanks, Rebecca.

And now...

Let's pull out when it's clear.

And if we survive,

I might just take your advice.


REBECCA: Thank you.

-Are you okay?

Vincent, thank you.

VINCENT: She's a good pupil.

And I have prayer.

How is Manchester? How's Eddie?

Yeah, good, weirdest thing though.

This new girlfriend of his
is just like you.


But except not as beautiful obviously.

Oh, so you met her?

Well, she came around, they went out.

But he came back early, so they're
clearly not sleeping together.

You met her. The new girlfriend,
he introduced you to her?

It was...

It was more of a coincidence.
He didn't mean to. He...

It's not serious. I can tell.

Right. Bye.


Eddie has a new relationship.

[SIGHS] Yeah, it seems so.

VINCENT: You're gonna be fine.

Just keep busy.

Cry as much as you like.

And don't text him
in the middle of the night

with questions about
when he stopped loving you.

And don't think about
what you should've said

and didn't say.

Yeah, that's good.

Did you think of that yourself?



Rebecca said it to me.

I'm sorry, I should've said
something of my own.

Have you got anything?

Other than the Bible stuff.

I mean, or are you gonna pass that off
as your own as well?

Since you were 11 years old,
you have been clever than me.

I can't understand you half the time.

The other half,
I'm not really listening.

But one thing I do know.

And maybe the only thing I do know

is when you are hurt.

And I'm sorry for all the times
I've hurt you.

And I'm sorry I didn't
say anything at the time.

I'm sorry you are hurting now,
and you are.

And I'm not helping.


It's hard for a parent
when you can't stop your child's pain.

Even a parent as bad as me
finds that hard.

Well, I know when I'm beaten.

Now, I need to finish this bike.

It's great you're doing that bike, dad.

For Joe... It's great.


-Sophie the waitress?

Sophie your employee?

All right, don't make it sound
dodgier than it is.

Sophie, our friend, yeah.

And something happened?

Something nearly happened.

By which you mean what... Exactly?

By which I mean nothing happened at all.

We looked at each other and it just felt
that the next thing we would do...

You know... Was kiss.

You must know that feeling,
you know when you both know.

Well, I'm working mainly on memory,
but yeah.

That sort of thing is coming back to me.

I just wanna know
why you're telling me?

Because I think you're the man
to ask about honesty.


So don't tell Alison. Nothing happened.

Why worry her with that?

I'd wanna know if...
If she'd done the same thing.

Said with all the confidence of a man
this has never happened to.

Believe me, from one who knows,

you do not want your partner
telling you they, "Had a moment".

A moment when nothing happened.

There are three things she can think
if you tell her this.

Something did happen and you're
playing it down.

Something's going to happen,
and you're preparing the ground.

You wanted something to happen.

You will notice that
none of these things

are likely to lead to
what we might call

a happy ending.


-Nothing happened.

And as the saying goes...

Nothing will come of nothing.

Who said that?

King Leer.

How did it work for him?

He ended up a hill crying and shouting
at the wind and rain.

Did he bump into Maurice
while he were up there?


I mean it.

Forget it ever happened.

Don't open up stuff that
doesn't need opening.

I don't need another story, do I?


Take it you're not here
about ukulele lessons.


I was just wondering how you were.

Wonder why you'd be wondering that.

I worry about him and I worry about you.

But mainly him.

I don't blame you.

Funny thing is I worry about him
more than I worry about me too.

Yeah, he's more complicated
than he looks.

-That isn't difficult.
-I could help.

If you needed anything or anyone...

I do have some experience.

I know.

I just want to do this on my own.

All right?


Think I'd be the same.

So why are you here?

Because I care about dad.

So I care about you.

Maurice tells me Joe settled in
well at his new school.

-Leaves you at a bit of a loose end, eh?


I was just the same when Ralph
didn't feel like a daily fight.

I started the choir.

I went hospital visiting,

I enrolled on courses,
I did unsuitable yoga,

I even started busking.

But I am not going to be
your care bear, Alison.

I'm all cared out.

I can't be where you put your
mad and considerable energy.

I'm sorry, I'm not trying to mean...

Well, I am trying to be mean if that's
what it takes to get you to back off.

I think you're gonna be good for my dad.

I really do.


You stay in the car.
I'm not gonna be long.


Good lad.

[WHISPERING] Come here.

I don't know what was going on

the other night.

With me.

And maybe with you.

But I...

[CLEARS THROAT] I just wanted to say

You know how I'm fixed.

I don't just... I just...

-Just what?

I wanted to know if you thought there
was a moment there too. That's all.

Because I've been turning this over
in my head,

and I'm wondering if it was... Me.

Paul nothing happened.

And like you say you're fixed up.

Did I imagine it? Maybe I imagined it.

Gary, can you just...

Can you just give me a minute?

I've only got one guy working,
and he's not exactly on the payroll.

Just give me a minute, Gary, all right?

Nothing happened.

It was late.

And you know... [SIGHS]

Mark woke up at four o'clock
this morning.

And as soon as I got him in the taxi,
I had to start doing work

for his school transition appeal,
then I got the bus here,

And I've been cleaning
the toilets ever since.

So it's great for you that
you've got time to indulge this

poetic, romantic, whatever it is.

But I haven't. I've got real life.


Well, that's me told.

What do you want me to say

that if it wasn't for Alison I'd
have thrown myself at you?

No, no, that's not what I meant.


So we're good?

We're sorted?


Go home, and play some Nick Cave
or something.

We're good.


Oh shit.

Ah, hello, young man.

Hello, old man.


Are you all right?

Yeah. Yeah.

MAURICE: I borrowed it.

Well, rented it.

I know the guy that
runs that petting farm.

That goat rental business must be
sweeping the nation by now.

They boy wanted a goat. I delivered.

There you go, son.


A goodbye present, Joe.

A boy needs a bike.

-MAURICE: But you said a goat.
-You off?


I thought Paul said he wanted a goat.


ALISON: Oh, let me see.

He's taken a lot of photos of food.

Except this. One of the staff.

Oh even that is the dinner lady.


And this?

That is Eddie's new girlfriend.


He must have been stood
on the chair to take that.

Unless Eddie's girlfriend is
very, very small.

-Guilty as charged.
-All right.

We don't do this much any more, do we?

You and me talking crap.

-It's nice, isn't it?
-Yeah. Yeah, it is.

So why you still looking worried?

Because I've got something to tell you.

All right.

I will teach you to ride a bike, Joe.

I can ride the bike.

Well, you can fall off the bike.
That isn't the same as riding it.

I like riding the bike, don't I?

Where's James?

REBECCA: He's gone.

JOE: Did he die?

No, he didn't die.

Not yet. I'll have to find him first.

LOUISE: This is my cancer, Maurice.

Not yours, not Alison's.

And I am the one who has to handle it.

I didn't know she was planning
on coming around. I promise you.

Your talent for missing the point,

never ceases to surprise me.

-I had to tell someone.
-No, you didn't.

You didn't have to tell anyone.

You didn't have to do this with me.

In fact, I distinctly remember
telling you not to do this with me.

But you said, you could handle it.

Because you're big and strong and
on some kind of rescue mission.

I'll hold me hands up. It's more
confusing than I thought.

But rescue mission?

I'm not sure I'm wearing that one,
thank you very much.

If there's one thing I know about you,
it's that you don't need rescuing.

Yes. Well...

It's not me you're trying
to rescue though, is it?


It's Sandra you're
trying to rescue, Maurice.

Well now, you have lost me.

Sandra died.

That was her.

And I'm sorry.

But I'm not Sandra.

This is my illness... Mine.

I won't be Sandra.

I am not here to help you
get your own back on God.

-Think I better go.
-Yes, I think you better had.


So, nothing happened?

Absolutely not.

But it felt like it might.

And that's what I wanted to tell you.

For both of you or just you?

Uh, I don't know.

But like I say...

'Cause I didn't act on it.



So why are you telling me?

Because something felt wrong.

And it confused me, and...

I wanted you to know about it.

Why? Why didn't you just stay confused?

Because you're my best mate...

In the world.

And because the one thing
that we always have is

that we're honest with each other.

You told me that you were with a liar...

Before me.

-And you told me...

Don't make Stuart your alibi here.

-Well, I would wanna know.
-Why? Nothing happened.

What are you telling me?

Something could've happened?



What does it mean?

That something might have happened,
what does it mean?

That for a moment, just for a moment,

I felt more at home
with Sophie than I do with you.


You tell me. What does that mean?

You were there, I wasn't.

Is that all you've got to say?


I'm thinking about it. I don't...

What I don't get is
why you would tell me it.

Any of it.

'Cause I think we need
to think about us.

With the change, the change with Joe...

It's taking it's toll on you and on me.

And I think we need to think...
We need to do something about that.

Sounds to me like you already have.

Are you seriously telling me
there isn't a problem?

I've noticed it, so you can bet
Joe's noticed it.

Do you wanna do something about it?

Joe, would you like to
ride a bike without stabilisers?

Thought you were
in a hurry to get away.

Let's just be spontaneous.

This is actually not that spontaneous.

I do care, if that's what
you're worried about.

I care enough about you not to want
to disrupt your family life.

MAURICE: I am trying
to save Sandra again.

Helping you brings it all back.


But what do we do now?