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03x04 - Blackfire

Posted: 08/25/21 07:48
by bunniefuu
[nurse] There you go.



[orderly] This is from Red Hood!


Get off him!

This isn't over!

Red Hood wants you!

He'll get you!

[grunts] He'll get you!


[orderly] He'll get you!

[theme music playing]

Take a break.

You've been cleaning for hours.

Eat something.

Can't eat.

I failed.

Superman never would've failed.

Don't think like that. We...

we did the best we could.

Then why isn't Hank still alive?

Conner, I know this is hard.

How about stop the bullshit?

Just come out and say it.

If I wasn't a f*cked-up half breed,

none of this would've happened.

Don't say that word.

I'm talking about the Lex part of me.

It's like everyone was
waiting for him to take over.

So, you can all do your happy dance now

because Superboy definitely
did not save the day.

Don't do this to yourself.


Advice from a talking
green tiger. Thanks.

You're right.

You're not Superman.

[Dawn] Sorry.

I didn't mean to interrupt.

It's okay.


It's not your fault.

I pulled the trigger.

That's not on you.

But it was our job to save him.

It was our job to try.

And we did. [sniffles]

I want him back, too. [crying]

[d*ck] Paris?

[Dawn] For now.

I'll hole up in my family's place.

See what the world
looks like without Dove.

I liked how it looked before.

I worry about where your mind is going.

Jason has to be stopped.

How he's stopped matters.

Not with Hank dead.

Deathstroke damaged us all,

but none of us turned into a k*ller.

Speak for yourself.

I keep thinking about the time
I told you not to be Batman.

I knew what Gotham could do to a person.

Bruce was on to something
when he walked away from this.

Hank wanted to stop, too.

I know in my heart there's a way out.

There's something
more on the other side.

You could always come with me.

You know I hate flying.

Love you.

I love you, too.

Always. [inhales]


[Dawn] Okay.

[d*ck] Okay.

[cell phone ringing]



[Barbara] How are you holding up?

I'm at the hangar.

How is she?

She's on a plane.

Any leads?

Red Hood put out a hit on Jonathan Crane

in Arkham this morning.

- What?
- They tried to shank him.

Details are still sketchy,
but it looks to be retaliation.

Maybe 'cause he was helping you.

- And Crane?
- Just wounded.

We're moving him to a secure location.


He'll be safe there.

- He survived a Red Hood attack?
- Got lucky.

We're investigating who
Red Hood has on the inside.

- When are you moving him?
- Within the hour.

Just waiting on B.O.P.


I'm really sorry about Hank.

Maybe you should take a few days.

Take it easy. Process it all.

Good idea.

Take care.

Hey, what's up, Kory?

I made a pizza. You want some?

I should be getting paid an hourly rate

for how much house work I'm doing.

Not to mention the crisis counseling.

Where is Alfred when you need him?

Sorry. Bad joke.


Kory, stop! [grunts]

What the shit!


Gar, what happened?

Stay away from me.





[Sanchez] The Bureau of
Prisons is placing Crane

in a high-security facility.

I'd be careful he doesn't get out.

It took Batman to
bring him in last time.

Yeah, I heard he blew town.

We'll be okay.

Gotham PD can handle
anything thrown at it.

I admire the courage.

I got a good GI doc
if the ulcers kick in.

All this time, I thought that's what

- the bourbon was for.
- [Sanchez chuckles]

Spoken like Jim Gordon himself.

My father was a Scotch man.

We'll be in touch, Commissioner.

- [line trilling]
- Pick up.

[cell phone ringing]

Don't tell me.

You are at the airport and
you want me to pick you up,

and whisk you away to the
finest dining establishment

San Francisco has to offer.

I think I'm losing my mind.

Talk to me.

I didn't know who else to call.

- I'm scared.
- Hey.

It's okay. I'm here for you.

Just tell me what happened.

I had another dream.

I was sleepwalking, but I lost control.

I could have k*lled him.

Whoa. k*lled who?

It doesn't matter.

Do you hear me?

People in my life are getting hurt.

They're dying.

And now I'm hurting them, too.

I just feel so out of control.

I hear you.

And you did the right
thing, asking for help.

I feel so ashamed.

I'm supposed to be the one
people turn to for help.

Because you're a Titan.


Well, you're also human.

The grief you feel, the fear...

it's just part of being one.

That's just it. I'm not... human.

You know what, Dr. Cole,
I'm sorry I called you.


- Stay back.
- Gar, it's okay.

I'm so sorry.

Are you okay?

Am I okay? Yeah, I'm great.

Perfect. Seared medium
rare. What happened?

I had another one of those dreams.

Visions. Whatever they are,

they're coming more frequently now.

Hey, what kind of visions?

I don't know. It's like I'm me,

but I'm someone else, too,

watching me from the outside.

They're pulling me somewhere,
but I don't know where.

Rachel had visions, too, you know?

When she learned to embrace them,

then she could figure
out what they were about.

How am I supposed to do that?

They come out of nowhere.


Stop. You mean I'm
supposed to follow you?


It's a sensory deprivation t*nk.

d*ck said Batman used it for meditation.

It's supposed to help you block out

the outside world,
and get super focused.

Are you putting me in time-out?

Look, it's supposed to work.

It's made out of reinforced steel

and depleted promethium,

so it's basically indestructible.

So, you can use it
without hurting anyone.

Especially me.



How quaint.

Real government men.

You boys do taxes, too?

I need some help with my I- .

I'm sure they got TurboTax at Blackgate.

Blackgate? I though we
were going to a day spa.

- Get in there!
- Hey, easy.

You guys got that paperwork set to...

The f*ck?

Let's go.

[Crane] I'm an Alfa man myself.

Those Italians, those
lines, that flair...

the sprezzatura.

It's a term.

It means the art of making

something complicated look easy.

Like that trail of bodies
you left back there.

You didn't even break a sweat, did you?

Like an old pro.

See, now that is sprezzatura.

Look, I don't need to
worry about that piece

you nicked from the
B.O.P. back there, do I?

I mean, you wouldn't sh**t a bound

and defenseless man now, would you?



[birds chirping]

- [banging]
- [gasps]


[man] Let me out of here!

Who is "me"?




Oh, my God!

What the hell is going on?

I try to help you, and
this is the thanks I get?

You knock me out, throw me
in the back of a trunk, and...

drive me out to... where
the hell even is this?

- That was me?
- Yeah.

You went into a trance,

broke out of the isolation chamber,

and when I tried to stop you,
you punched me in the face.

That's bad.

- That's really bad.
- Yup.

And I'm through being nice
and taking care of all of you.

You, Conner, and everybody else sucks!

You suck!

Gar. [sniffles]

You drove out here asleep?

Where are we?

I don't know.

I just woke up and I was parked here.

What did you see this
time in your vision?


- Your sister.
- Mm.

The crazy one...

that k*lled your parents?


I don't know. It feels like
I'm supposed to be here.

Like she brought me here.

She brought you to
the middle of nowhere?

The car.

Move it.

Keep going.

That's good.

- [Kory] What is it?
- A hatch.

Whatever your psychic
GPS was leading you to...


it's down here.

My sister is down that hole?

Eh, she might be,
among many other things.

- Only one way to find out.
- Okay. Ha, yes.

Common Sense committee.

Let's talk this out.

The last time you saw your sister,

- she cooked your boyfriend. Right?
- Mm.

Either I find out
what's down that hatch,

or I keep sleepwalking and
punching you in the face.

Your choice.

This Grayson, he's one of yours?

Not exactly.

That's an answer?

He used to be Detroit PD.

Then he went to SF.

And he just moved back to town.

So he's a friend?

Yes. Grayson was using
Crane as a consultant

on this new Red Hood case.

He lost a colleague
to Red Hood last night.

I'm guessing this is
an emotional reaction.

He just wants to talk to Crane
and then he'll let him go.

So you're gonna talk him into
surrendering the prisoner?


Out of respect for your father,

and because you took on a
shitty job no one else would,

you have until midnight to fix this.

And then it's a B.O.P. matter.

We'll track him down.

More CCTV footage. This
time from the city limits.

Looks like Grayson's still
on the move with Crane.

[phone ringing]

- Hello?
- [Barbara] Where are you, d*ck?

Change of plans.

Bring Crane back.

- I will.
- I'd get that in writing if I were you.

Is that him listening?

- Yo, Babs.
- Jesus, d*ck.

I need Crane back here

right now.

Gotta go.

Put out an APB on a black Maserati.

I wanna know where he's heading,

'cause it sure as shit isn't Blackgate.

I overheard the police
talking about what happened...

to that Hawk fellow.

Red Hood is a monster.

We've both got proof of that now.

But I can still help you.

You know, just let
me know what I can do.

You can shut up.

Enjoy the sprezzatura.

[Kory] Watch your back.

Blackfire probably knows we're here.

Feel free to watch mine, too.

[woman screaming]

- You all right?
- Yeah.

[shivering] Just keep moving.

What is it?

This doorway,

I've seen it in my dreams.

We're in the right place.

Oh, my God.

Oh, snap.

[chuckles] I knew I
was right. I knew it.

You just... you have these theories.

You talk to yourself in the mirror

to convince yourself

you're not cuckoo Cocoa Puffs crazy.

You know, because there's no one...

There's no really down here to talk to.

I mean, in a meaningful, connected way.

Oh, but then...
[laughing] just like magic,

here you are. [laughs]

[clears throat] Sorry, I...

I got lost there for a moment. Uh...

You two probably have
some questions. Yeah?

Let me go.

Not gonna happen.

[Crane straining]


Are you done now?

Ah, is this where you
carve up the victims?

Just keep walking.

It's not what you think it is.

Look, I had nothing to do with
what happened to your friend.

What's his name, Hawk?

You don't get to talk about him.

It was Red Hood who did
it. The kid's a monster.

Bullshit! You were the one
that made Jason into a monster.

The attack at Arkham was
a phony. It wasn't a hit.

It was just an excuse to get
your ass out of Blackgate.

Red Hood's your protege.

And I know he's coming here to save you.

You may be overestimating him.

[d*ck] He'll come. He knows this place.

Bruce took him here too.

It's where he trained us.

We'll see him coming a mile away.

So why would he walk into a trap?

Because he can't help himself.

Because you made him feel invincible.

You think I changed him?

Oh, buddy, no. I got news for you.

That kid came to me broken. Okay?

All I did was rebuild
him. And it was easy, too,

after what you did to him in SF.

And that Titans business,

what a twisted mind-f*ck.

I kind of wish I'd actually
thought of that myself.

- [d*ck] It's not true.
- Isn't it?

Isn't that what you do
to all the young people

that you fail? Abandon them.

Or k*ll them.

How is that little
witch girl, by the way?

Or the mute boy.



You must be so sorry
about all of that now.

Time to eat.

So why is my sister here?

[Kind] Well, 'cause we're a
Defense Department contractor

tasked with extraterrestrial
threat assessment

and executing containment
strategies as needed.

Containment strategies?

Well, Blackfire was a
hostile, so we shut her down.

The red infrared light, the cold air,

the metallic chromium inside
the holding area walls,

these are all methods of
tamping down Blackfire's energy.

I don't understand. Are her powers gone?

Well, mostly. But her
brain scan still showed

that she still possesses
extra-sensory perception.

So, it appears that she was able

to psychically communicate
her whereabouts to you,

the only other Tamaranean on Earth.

So, your organization
goes around imprisoning

and experimenting on aliens that
just happen to land on Earth?

Oh. No, no. Uh...

Are you gonna lock me up too?

[laughing] No, no, no,
no, no, no, of course not.

Uh, I'm a solitary remote op, you know,

with one inmate, so,

even if I want to...

I wouldn't do that.

Uh, I am a huge fan of yours, Starfire.

You're amazing.

And you too, Beast Boy.

- Thanks.
- I need to talk to my sister.

[Kind] Oh, okay, uh...

Coffee's almost ready.



You came.

- You must be happy.
- Do I look like I'm happy?

If you didn't come to laugh
at me, then why are you here?

You called me here.

I didn't think you could still hear me.

It's been a while since I heard
your voice so clearly in my head.

- Not since we were...
- Children.

Well, now that you're here,

if you have any shred
of mercy left in you,

you'll put me out of my misery.

You want me to k*ll you?

Being a prisoner on this
backwater planet is a dishonor.

- I would rather die than...
- Maybe you should.

As payment for all
the lives you've taken.

For Mother, and Father. For Faddei.

You k*lled Faddei.

And didn't you come to Earth
to k*ll a child, Starfire?

[Kory] Things were different then.

- I was different.
- That's right.

You used to believe in Tamaranean law,

all the things we learned
from Mother and Father.

But you turned your back on them.

I didn't k*ll them.

Things aren't always
what they seem, Koriand'r.

What the hell is that
even supposed to mean?

You haven't changed a bit.

You are just as broken
as you've ever been.

Just like when we were kids.

And I suppose that has
nothing to do with you?

[Kory] Of course not.

You made your choices.

- The Pit.
- [Kory scoffs]

- X'Hal's Mouth.
- It was a pit.

A prison for a child.

You remember.

"Girls, one of Father's
trophies is missing."

"Girls, someone left the stables open."

Mm-hmm. So what? We were
kids, we played pranks.

We were punished.

You always fought back, that's
why they were harder on you.

You brought it onto yourself.

You were never punished like I was.

Tamaran's favorite princess.

I didn't put you in the Pit.

You never stood up for me.

I am your sister.

You hurt people.

You deserve to be in here.

I knew you'd say that.

You pretend to be above it all.

But you love getting even.

Like with Faddei.

He broke your heart all
those years ago, didn't he?

I bet that so-called mercy
k*ll was easy for you.

No. No, no, no, no.

You need to do something

or she's going to blow up Blackfire.

Don't worry, don't worry. There's
security provisions in the cell,

they've reduced Starfire's
power to nearly zero.


Do it, please.

I hate you.

I know.

I'm gonna leave you in here,

let justice run its course.

Kind, open up.

- [loud beep]
- [Blackfire groans]

You're exactly what I
thought you always were.


A hypocrite.

I deserve the sister
who would fight for me.

Everything I ever did was
because I never had that.

I am who I am because of you...


[door opens]

[Crane] So what's your plan here?

I told you, wait for Red
Hood and take him out.

No, I mean, I mean, in Gotham.

You stepping into Daddy's shoes?

Now, don't get me
wrong, I mean, you know,

we all want to please our parents.

That's why I became a doctor.

You see how well that worked
out, right? [chuckles softly]

You actually think we're the same?

No, no, no.

What I'm saying is that we all get stuck

on this hamster wheel of...

[sighing] Trying to live up
to the expectations of others.

And we always think that
it's gonna turn out different,

but the outcome is
somehow always the same.

And is that what you told Jason?

No, I'm talking about you.

You come back here and you
wanna bathe Gotham in blood

as if that's somehow a better outcome

than anything that Batman ever did.

Bruce was a psychopath.

He was using fear to control everyone,

including his sons.

I mean, he did it to
Jason, and he did it to you.

And you and Jason,
you both use that fear.

You wield it like a w*apon,

but it hurts people, right?

It hurts people that you care about.

Like Hawk.

It's still Bruce's game, isn't it?

It always has been.

Is there something on your mind?

[chuckles softly]

"Fear is your friend."

- What's that?
- Bruce used to say it.

He said, "Fear reveals your weakness...

and it gives you the chance
to make it your strength."

[Crane] Hmm.

And him being the man that he is, he...

needed to make sure that
you were afraid, didn't he?

I was out here all alone once.

Bruce made me go out into the
forest by myself for the first time.

I had no idea what was out there.

[wolf howling]

[wolf growling]

You were just a boy,

and those were the
lessons that he taught you.

It's not your fault.

But you need to make sure

that this doesn't
happen to someone else.

That it stops with you.

Now you let Gotham take care of Gotham.

The water will find its level.

Stop trying to prove something here.


[automated voice speaking]
Motion detected.

Perimeter breached.

But the thing about that is

I've already proved myself.

That night when I was a kid...

- without Bruce.
- [door opens]

I shouldn't have been
afraid of the wolf.

The wolf should have been afraid of me.

Now, let's get you all fixed up.

Company's coming.

You know, I can't say how
much of a privilege it's been

to have you here, Starfire.

And rest assured that
your sister will stay here

until she is no longer a
threat to Tamaran, or to Earth.

But you said her powers are gone.

Yeah, they are.

Uh, if she were ever released, I mean,

there's just no guarantee that her
powers won't be somehow restored.

So you intend to keep
her here until she dies?

Yeah, absolutely.

But that could be
hundreds of years from now.

Yes, well, we've constructed her cell

to make sure she stays contained

with or without our oversight.

She's gonna be here even
after you guys are gone?

Yes, Blackfire will remain here,

and the world will be safe from her.

Okay. Heat sensor data came through.

Crane was abducted here at Arkham.

Then the traffic camera
clocked the Maserati here,

miles up the
highway two hours later

At first it looked like he was
headed towards Haddon's Mark,

but then, this detour

away from Blackgate.

And we picked up a heat marker here.

But there is nothing
around there for miles.

I need a helicopter.

[Gar] So this is
best-case scenario, right?

Blackfire behind bars
for the rest of her life?

Just like the Pit.


[sighing] f*ck. I
don't think so. Come on.

[Kind] Oh, did you forget something?

Yeah. Blackfire.

- [alarm beeps]
- [Kind] What are you doing?

She's coming with me.

[Kind] What? You cannot take her.

She is our sole detainee.

Put a vacancy sign out
front. On your feet, let's go.

- [Blackfire] What are you doing?
- [Kory] The right thing.

Don't make me regret it.

I'm sorry, but I just... Please.

You can't leave. [sighs]

Starfire, this is an egregious violation

of a number of statutes,
both federal and local.

- Get out of our way.
- [Kind] I can't.

Blackfire belongs to the US Government.

Get out of my way...

or I'm gonna burn your d*ck off.

There's a strong chance that your
fire bolts aren't at full power yet.

Do you want to find out?

Now understand that
if you leave with her,

then that's final sale.

The government has neither the means

nor the appetite to
pursue a lethal alien.

She's your problem now.

[Kory] What else is new?

Get in.

Where are you taking me?

Are you serious? You'd
rather stay down there?

- I don't trust you.
- Goes both ways, sister.

Look, either stay here or come with us.

But we got to go.

We're gonna have company soon.



Your vehicle is filthy.

- [Kory sighs]
- Oh, boy.

["Oh Bondage! Up Yours!" playing]

[Red Hood] There you are, d*ck Grayson.

Let's get this over with.

[Red Hood groans and screams]

[Red Hood] Wow. Classic moves.

You even fight me like Bats, huh?

[Crane groans]

[both grunting]

You told Crane everything.


This ends here.

[Red Hood] What did you
think was gonna happen

after what you did to me?

After what you let happen?

This isn't on me. You
made your own choices.

[Red Hood] Like you made yours?

Come on, dude.

You're just like the old man.

A copy.

Everything you do or ever
did is because of him.

But not for long.

[officer] Gotham PD! Drop your w*apon!

[Vee] Six-billion-dollar budget,

and we still can't get a clear signal.

[Barbara] There. Nine o'clock.

Do you have a shot on Red Hood?

[officer] Affirmative!

Permission to engage?


Commissioner Gordon?


[both groan]

Did you hit the target?

[officer] I can't tell.

[d*ck groans]



♪ Bind me, tie me
Chain me to the wall ♪

♪ I wanna be a sl*ve
To you all ♪

♪ Oh, bondage, up yours ♪

♪ Oh, bondage, no more ♪

♪ Oh, bondage, up yours ♪

♪ Oh, bondage, no more ♪

♪ Chain-store, chain-smoke
I consume you all ♪

♪ Chain-g*ng, chain-mail
I don't think at all ♪

♪ Oh, bondage, up yours ♪

♪ Oh, bondage, no more ♪

♪ Oh, bondage, up yours ♪

♪ Oh, bondage, no more ♪

♪ Bind me, tie me
Chain me to the wall ♪

♪ I wanna be a sl*ve
To you all ♪

♪ Oh, bondage, up yours ♪

♪ Oh, bondage, no more ♪

♪ Oh, bondage, up yours ♪

♪ Oh, bondage, no more ♪

♪ Oh, bondage, up yours ♪

♪ Oh, bondage, no more ♪