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05x06 - Far Away Places

Posted: 08/24/21 16:09
by bunniefuu
Did you eat my pack of violet candy?


It's purple and silver.

Don gave it to me
before a presentation once.

- No.
- I need it.

- So you'll buy another one.
- That's not the same.

Don't be such a strict Catholic.

I'll buy one for you and I'll say a brucha.

How about tonight
we go see that stupid movie

about the guy being hunted in Africa?

- The Naked Prey.
- I don't know, Abe.

You're gonna resist the chance
to see Cornel Wilde naked?

I heard he wrestles a boa constrictor.
Sounds pretty dirty.

I can't think beyond my presentation.

There's always special circumstances.

That's not true.

I've been working on Heinz for months.

You know what you want?
You want to take me to work with you,

and stick me in a drawer
and open it whenever you get bored.

Fine. You don't want to
see each other anymore?


You always want
to push the button on the whole thing.

I come all the way up here to make love.

Half the time, you don't want to
and then you just do it to get it over with.

It's just hard when I come right from work.

I need a second when I walk in the door.

- You sound like my dad.
- Fine.

We'll go to the movies. I just can't promise
that my mind won't be elsewhere.

Your mind is always elsewhere.

Why are you doing this right now?

Most men wouldn't even
have this conversation. They'd just leave.

And why would they do that?

I'm your boyfriend, not a focus group.

Have a shitty day.

I don't know. Can't you make it till Friday?

Because today is not a good day.

This conversation went in a circle
and we're back where we started.

The answer is no.

Yeah, me, too.

I just had the same conversation.

No, I think they were different
because yours was private.

Sorry I'm late.

There's no place to pee in this city.

- She just got here.
- Then why are you giving me a hard time?

We had the funniest thing
outside our building.

A bunch of students with backpacks
asked us how to get to Broadway.

What's so funny about that, Jethro?

It's like the campaign.
We could have cast it right there and then.

- Megan, can I have a moment?
- Sure.

- She goes to casting now?
- I guess so.

She's kind of been my junior on this.

I was buying dinner
last night for this large-breasted girl

who calls herself Salome,
and she's looking at the menu,

ridiculing this Grandma Moses drawing
and she's balls-out funny.

But I ignore her because all I can think of

is I'll never be able to draw
as well as a photograph.

Oh, thank God.

I couldn't take one more omen of doom.

I'm sorry.
We're gonna have to miss the presentation.

We have to head upstate
for Howard Johnson's.

- Really?
- You're running the show.

How does me sitting there change anything?

Howard Johnson's, huh?

I love the colors, the atmosphere,

- the clams.
- She's never been to one.

I'm really sorry.

No, we have all your work, I guess.

I'll check in from the road. Get your stuff.

Break a leg.

- Well, that's a disaster.
- Don't listen to him.

That's a vote of confidence.

Give me one of those.

The fire is primal.

These kids, they all come there alone,

and gathered in a circle,
they suddenly feel included.

They're safe from whatever is out there
in the night, in the darkness.

It's the beans that brought them together
on that cool night at the end of the summer.

I wish someone was eating beans.

That guy is.

I did ask for college students.

I know that, Raymond.

And we want you to have
everything you asked for.

Well, stop writing down what I asked for
and try to figure out what I want.

Raymond, I saw you when she was talking.

- You were off somewhere.
- It's very sentimental.

I have that memory.

That's for me. That's not for kids.

Kids have memories.

And so do the homemakers
who make a home with Heinz.

Raymond, can you see
how passionate she is?

Photography will really capture the fun
on their faces. And the glow.

Did Don sign off on this?

Don loves this work.

Maybe Don doesn't understand
what you wanted either.

Let's not speak for Don.

I'm sorry.
I'm not a word person like you people.

Sure, you are.

And your words are always,
"I don't like it."

And I think you're right.
We don't understand you.

Because you do like it.

I think you just like fighting.

Peggy, you're being oversensitive.

Do you know how often people come in here
and look at work and feel something?

Almost never.

You have to run with this.

It's young and it's beautiful.

And no one else is gonna figure out
how to say that about beans.

Can you believe this girl?

I don't know. Can you?

Miss, you're lucky that I have a daughter
or I wouldn't be so understanding.

Raymond, they're frustrated,
but they're not through.

I'm frustrated, too.

- It's close, I guess.
- It's damn close.

Why don't just you and I
have dinner tonight?

Maybe take in a show?
Take your mind off things?

You can try.

I've got to admire you.

That was a completely suicidal move.

Women usually want to please.

Give me sketches of the talking beans.

I'll write new dialog.

- You're off the business.
- What'd he say?

He said you're off the business.

Everyone has somewhere to go today.

I'm going to the movies.

Very good.

One of them gave Sam a first-class scratch.

Not very good-tempered, are they?

Well, neither are you when you're hungry.

I don't suppose you've fed them.

No, I can't say I have.

You didn't pack any lion's milk
for me before I left.

You didn't ask me.

You're going to get in trouble.

Want some?

Sure. What the hell.

Come on.

- Hello.
- Hi.

But why don't they?

It's at least two days since they've eaten.

- They'll just die.
- Yes, I know.

It must be the formula.
We haven't hit on it yet.

We'll just have to try again.

Right, back to the drawing board.

- Formula...
- Thirteen.

Oh, George, I've just been thinking
about the cod-liver oil.

She's not gonna make it out there
on her own.

You've got to keep it down.


Aren't you worried?

It'll turn out all right.

That evening, we suffered
all the agony of parents

whose teenage daughter
is out on her first date.


Just watch the movie.

We returned the next day only to find Elsa

minus both the young lion and her food.

I told you a dozen sometimes
I was coming in.

And I said no, you're not coming in.

'Cause you don't want I should see you?

You see me at home, for Christ's sake.

You stare at me when I'm sleeping.

I don't want to see you anyway.

- I just want to use the photocopy.
- For what?

I'm building my case.


Who's this?

I'm Peggy Olson. I work with Ginsberg.

Well, I'm the original.

Okay. It's bedtime.

Miss Olson.

- What time is it?
- It's 8:30.

Mr. Draper's on the phone.

I'll take it in here. You can go.

Good night.

- Hello?
- Dawn didn't get any calls.

Did you get any calls?

- About what?
- Has anyone called you?

I don't think so.


Listen, it didn't go well.

- I've got to go.
- I take full responsibility.


Why didn't you tell me you had a family?

- Your father's nice.
- He's not my real father.

People don't understand.

- Are you adopted?
- Actually, I'm from Mars.

It's fine if you don't believe me,
but that's where I'm from.

I'm a full-blooded Martian.

Don't worry.
There's no plot to take over Earth.

We're just displaced.


I can tell you don't believe me.

That's okay. We're a big secret.

They even tried to hide it from me.

That man, my father,

told me a story
I was born in a concentration camp,

but, you know, that's impossible.

And I never met my mother
because she supposedly died there.

That's convenient.

Next thing I know, Morris there
finds me in a Swedish orphanage.

I was five. I remember it.

That's incredible.


And then I got this one communication.

A simple order.

"Stay where you are."

Are there others like you?

I don't know.

I haven't been able to find any.

- Hello?
- Hi. It's me.

You at work?

No, I'm home.

Come up here.

You need me, huh?

I always need you.

What happened?

This guy told me
the strangest thing at work today.


He said he was born
in a concentration camp.

But that's impossible, right?

It happened.

- Come up here.
- Okay.


I'm going to go in there
and sit down with the door closed.

And I want you to buzz me
when he comes in.

One buzz for Don,
two buzzes for Mr. and Mrs.

- Who died?
- Let's play hooky.

Should I close the door?

Remember when we used to represent
double-sided aluminum?

I remember twins and a hospital.

Not that part.

Bob Whozit's moved over
to Howard Johnson's

to help them with their new models.

So how about a completely debauched
and unnecessary fact-finding boondoggle

to the flagship in

Plattsburgh, New York?

Just an hour from scenic Lake Placid.

Are you kidding me?

Did you ever hear the one
about the farmer's daughter?

This is where it all takes place.

- No.
- Don, come on.

Alone, I'm an escapee
from some expensive mental institution.

But the two of us,
we're a couple of rich, handsome perverts.

- I love Howard Johnson's.
- We'll try and stop by.

I think Montreal is an hour away.

Look, the whole point of going
is to forget about her.

I mean, I'm supposed to have dinner
with Jane's snooty friends,

sit around talking about Frank Lloyd Rice.

I always say it that way. They hate it.

You know what?

- I'm gonna take Megan.
- Really?

You can bring Jane.

Megan gets along with everyone.

You're very funny. Forget it.


I'll give Dawn the guy's name.

Dawn, I need you to get me out of everything
through the weekend.

It was a dumb idea.

- Megan, can I have a moment?
- Sure.

- You're not gonna say anything?
- What?

I said you look nice,
and I said I don't want to do this.

Well, what do you want to do?

Go home, open your vest and yell at the TV
for the next 20 years? Go ahead.

God! Okay, I'm sorry.
I don't know these people.

I do.

And it's not about them.

It's very important to me.
I don't know how many ways to say it.

I should have worn
something more comfortable.

You really do look great.

It's the study of the ways
that things are true or false.

Some things are possibly true.
Some are necessarily true.

Some used to be true. Some will be true.

Some are true on this planet,
but not necessarily others.

So there's no good and bad
because the truth is relative?

Even if the truth is
what you would call relative,

good and bad are not relative.

Your mistake is that you're assuming

that because something is true,
that it's good.

Professor's got you there.

I think the truth is good
because it's always real

on any planet.

I have patients who spend years
reasoning out their motivation for a mistake.

And when they find it out,
they think they've found the truth.

They probably have.

And then they go
and make the same mistake.

Like who?

Catherine has been the psychiatrist
to some celebrities.

So they never get better?

I didn't say that.
I just said that it's a myth

that tracing logic
all the way down to the truth

is a cure for neurosis or for anything else.

Is there a cure for neurosis?

Love works.

I say we postpone this conversation
until after we turn on.

- Shall we?
- Or after we turn in.

Jane, honey, you ready?

What do you think you're doing?

I took your college course.
I say it's time to hit the sack.

- No, we're gonna do this.
- Do what?

I told you,
we're going to take L.S.D. with them.

You were supposed to clear your schedule.

L.S.D.? Really?

You really are never listening, are you?

- How long does it last?
- Please.

I don't want to do this alone.

It'll be good for us.


Just copy what they're doing.

I think we are going to go.

- No.
- We had a lovely time.

No one has to stay.

AII I'll say is
that I have taken it now four times

and every experience
was more beautiful than the last.

And I'm not gonna take it.
I'll be here to guide you.

I'm excited.

I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little nervous.

This is an experience
of self-fulfilling prophecy.

You have to enter into it
with a spirit of optimism.

It's like a boat trip.
You don't cast off thinking about sinking.

And this boat is perfect.
And the water is calm.

No, you hold on to that.

Go ahead.

Just let it melt on your tongue.

You always say I never take you anywhere.

Well, Dr. Leary, I find your product boring.

Only awareness can make reality.

And only what's real can become a dream.

And only from a dream
can you wake to the light.


He's not making this up.

It's from The Tibetan Book of the Damned.

The "dead," my dear.
Bardo Thodol is a guide to dying.

Oh, my God!

Look at my arm.

I don't want to die.

Some party.

AII absence is death
if we let ourselves know it.

Weren't you the one who said
we were supposed to think positive?


I feel like that when Roger goes to work.

A mere change is incremental and shallow.

I'm sitting here listening
to these people have a conversation.

It has nothing to do with me.

It's incredible.

Don't look in the mirror.


Don't look in the mirror.

- Why didn't you tell me that?
- I did.

I already looked.

Look at me. Everything's okay.

You are okay.

Now go to your wife.


Because she wants to be alone
in the truth with you.

Just go already.

You're crying.

It's so...

It's perfect here.

Let's go home.

Why are you laughing?

Are you laughing at me?

What's wrong with me?

It's the World Series.

1919. The Black Sox.

Were you there?

No, but I'm there.

Look at the cars. Model T, Model T,
Model A, Model T.

I can't see it.

What time is it?

How could a few numbers
contain all of time?

I can feel your lips.

- I'm still here.
- I can see you.

- You're beautiful.
- You always say that.

It's all you ever say.

Now I know why your friends are so smart.

Catherine is not my friend. She's my doctor.

I knew that, but I didn't know it.

Sometimes I think
she knows me better than you do.

Do I want to know?

Probably not.

Because it's over?

She's just waiting for me to say it.

And what does she think of me?

She thinks I'm waiting for you to say it.

But instead, you wrote me
this poem tonight, didn't you?

I knew we were going somewhere,
and I didn't want it to be here.

Do you feel as relieved as I do?

AII I think about is having an affair.

I see them everywhere.

You never cheated on me?

There was a kiss.

I stopped it.

And then I was mad at you,

that you didn't appreciate it

even though you didn't know about it.

A younger man?

No, Roger.

That's always been real.

And I won't even ask about you.

I just know for a fact
that you did not fall in love.

So what was wrong again?

You don't like me.

I did.

I really did.

- Is it morning?
- Yes.

I'm sorry I always say it,
but you are so beautiful.

Last night was beautiful.

It was, wasn't it?

Where are you going?

Out the door

and into the elevator, I suppose.

What about me?

You can take your time, obviously.

I figured I'd just check into a hotel
for a while.

I don't want to displace you.

What are you talking about?

I imagined all the screaming
and fighting and lawyers.

It's just so beautiful

how we were able to be there together

in the truth, like you wanted.

- Are you leaving me?
- No.

We're leaving each otherjust like you said.

- I didn't say that.
- You did.

You said so many amazing things.

- You were speaking German.
- I don't know German.

You were quoting your father.

It must have been Yiddish.

But I was on dr*gs.
I obviously didn't mean any of it.

So your psychiatrist didn't tell you

that you knew this was over,
but you were waiting for me to say it?

I did say that.

It's good that you did
because we both knew it.


I don't know.

It's going to be very expensive.

I know.

Dawn, I need you to get me out of everything
through the weekend.

It was a dumb idea.

- Megan, can I have a moment?
- Sure.

Listen, there's a Howard Johnson's upstate,
they want us to visit immediately.

I thought we'd go
and make a long weekend of it.

- What about Heinz?
- What about it?

It'll be fine. Remember California?

- Two hotel rooms.
- Of course.

- But we can go tomorrow.
- Come on.

Let's go right now. We can do this.

I don't know.

I'm the boss. I'm ordering you. Come on.

You know, it's like an hour and a half
from my parents.

They're coming to visit soon.

I know. You're right.

And we don't have to work much tonight.

Someone named Dale
is going to give us the royal treatment.

You like orange sherbet?

- I don't know.
- You've never had it?

- You are in for a treat.
- Sounds great.

Everything okay?

I'm just tired.

So take a nap. Relax.

When you wake up,
you will feel like you're on vacation.

You know what? Tell me more
about what we're going to be doing

in Howard Johnson's
so I can get some sleep.

Could you open your window?

I wonder how Heinz went.
Peggy seemed nervous.

Peggy knows what she's doing.

What are you worrying about that for?

I feel like I abandoned the team.

You feel bad because you got
to take off and they had to work?

I don't.

There has to be some advantage
to being my wife.

I'll check in with Peggy later.


They got an indoor pool.

Did you bring that suit from Acapulco?

I forgot. I was rushing.

We'll get you a new one after we check in.
I brought mine.

- Mr. Draper?
- It's Don.

Pleased to meet you.
This is my wife, Megan.

Dale Vanderwort.

A little more notice,
I would have rolled out the orange carpet.

I've got your room all set for you.

Actually, I'd like something to eat
and something to drink.

Sure, I'm going to bring you
a sampling of everything.

- Do you like clams?
- I like everything.

I got you something.

I got one for Bobby,
and I got a box of saltwater taffy for Sally.

What did you get for Gene?

Sally will share
and she'll make Bobby share.

I was the youngest, Don.
You can't forget about him.

Trust me, he won't know the difference.

Didn't make much of a dent.
Anything to your liking?

- We had a little of everything.
- Should I bring some desserts?

Yes, how about some pie?

No, you know what? Just three scoops
of orange sherbet and two spoons.

The colors are bright and cheerful.

The kids have candy.
Full bar for Mom and Dad.

Would you say it's a delightful destination?

It's not a destination.

It's on the way to someplace.

That's true. It's a long car drive.

Mom probably needs to use the restroom.

Kids get a look at the place,

force them to stay.

You like to work, but I can't like to work?

You should have told me
if it was so important to you.

- We didn't have to go.
- I never got the chance.

It was in front of everyone.
And it's embarrassing.

I ruined the whole damn thing
by pulling you off that crack team.

I am on the team.

- Here we go.
- She's never tried it.

- You're kidding.
- Try it.

Oh, no, sorry.

- It's not for everybody.
- It tastes like perfume to me.

That's why we make 28 flavors.

Can I get a scoop of chocolate?


I don't like it.

There's no chance
you're trying to embarrass me?

You're right. I'm sorry.

It's so delicious.

It's so good.

Stop it.

What's wrong with you?

I'm sorry.
Maybe you could make up a little schedule

so I'll know when I'm working
and when I'm your wife.

It gets so confusing.

I know, I'm terrible.
Making you eat ice cream.

Why don't you call your mother

and hurl a string of complaints at her
in French like you always do?

- I'm always talking about you.
- The woman speaks English.

Why don't you call your mother?


Do not walk away from me.

- Get in the car.
- No, I am talking to you.

Okay, don't get in the car.

Go ahead.

You care more what some
truck stop waitress thinks than what I say.

"Get in the car. Eat ice cream.

"Leave work. Take off your dress."

Yes, Master.

Don't you dare pull away!
I'm talking to you.

Excuse me. Was my wife just in here?

- She was.
- Where'd she go?

- I don't know.
- To the hotel?

She was talking to those fellas over there.

They all left.

They went towards the parking lot together.

I thought she was looking for you.

You're really checking the place out.

I've got your room key.

Do you want help with your bags?

No. Did you give my wife a key?

No. Do you want another key?

No. No.

I have some bad news.

- What?
- We closed the pool.

Some kid had an accident.

I swear it doesn't happen a lot.

- You took care of me, sir.
- No, can I get some dimes?

Dale will let you use the phone.

That's okay. Pay phone's fine.

It's none of my business,

but couples fight in here all the time.

There's no reason to think the worst.

She probably got a ride home
with those kids.

- Hello?
- Dawn didn't get any calls.

Did you get any calls?

- About what?
- Has anyone called you?

I don't think so.

- Okay.
- Listen, it didn't go well.

- I've got to go.
- I take full responsibility.

- Hello?
- Marie.

Hello, it's Don.

Hello. Is everything all right?

I just wanted to call

to say hello

and wanted to know
if Megan had called you.

Has Megan called me tonight? No.


Don, are you still there?

Well, I wanted to buy her some jewelry,

and I remembered that
she had an allergic reaction to metal,

but I don't remember if it's silver or gold.

Twenty-four karat gold is fine
and so is sterling silver.

Well, good.

What a fine husband you are.
It is only gold alloy...

Listen, Marie, if she does call,

don't ruin the surprise, okay?

- Of course. Of course not.
- Thank you.

Okay. Au revoir.

Nice talking to you, Don.

Are you okay?

I'm sorry to do that to you, sir,

but they don't let patrons
sleep in the restaurant.

No, no, of course not.

What time is it?

It's 1:45.

Well, my wife, she...

She's missing. She took off from here.

- When was this?
- I don't know.

Almost seven hours ago.

Well, I'll be back and forth
here all morning.

I'll keep an eye out.

The Whitestone Bridge
to the Hutchinson River Parkway to 95.

You cold?

It's like I'm in shock.

Where are we?

Where are we going?

To your new house.

I don't want to go there.

I don't want vacation to end.

Me either.

When can we go back?

If you go to sleep,
when you wake up, I'll tell you.

I thought you hated that song.

You keep telling her to stop singing it.

And now it's stuck in my head.


- Megan!
- Go away.

- Open the door.
- No.

Open the damn door.

I don't want to see you.

Open the door or I'm gonna kick it in.

Leave me alone!

- Get out.
- I said I was sorry.

- I don't care.
- Where the hell were you?

I stopped every 20 miles
and called the apartment.

Why didn't you answer the g*dd*mn phone?

Because you're a pig! You left me there!

Where the hell were you?
I thought you were dead.

Six and a half hours on a bus.

And then try getting a cab
at Port Authority at 5:00 in the morning.

Try getting anything but an offer.

I thought you were dead.

How could you do that to me?

I don't know.

It was a fight.

It's over.


Every time we fight,
it just diminishes us a little bit.

I have to go to work.

I thought I lost you.

Mr. Draper. I didn't expect you back.

- How was your trip?
- Great.

Would you like some coffee?

What's this?

Mr. Cooper dropped those off this morning.

- Bert Cooper?
- Yes.

He's in the conference room.
Would you like me to get him?

What the hell is this?

A client left here unhappy yesterday

because you have a little girl
running everything.

My department is fine.

We just need more bodies,
but Lane won't let us.

You've been on love leave.

It's amazing
things are going as well as they are

with as little as you are doing.

That's none of your business.

This is my business.

I have an announcement to make.

It's going to be a beautiful day.