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02x04 - An Imperfect Science

Posted: 08/24/21 15:35
by bunniefuu
Gonna dance all night. Oh, my God.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Where you think you're going?

Oh, I know we're a little casual,

but it's the end of the night,
so we didn't think it...

- Sorry, doors are closed.
- Come on, we just wanna dance.

Yo, are you serious?

Give 'em a break, dude.

Listen, most folks that come here

just stand around taking selfies.

Let the sisters in.

Yeah, well, that sign says
I got the right

to turn away anybody I want.

You sure about that?

'Cause the Federal Civil Rights
Act states

"Privately owned places of
public accommodation

"cannot discriminate on the basis of

race, color, national origin,
or religion."


♪ ♪

Told you it'd be fun.

Now get over there.

- No.
- Boy.


♪ ♪

- [g*nsh*t]




- Run!
- Come on!






♪ ♪


Detective Stokes, what do we know?

sh**t burst in shortly after : a.m.

One dead, three wounded.

It was the end of the night.
Place was packed.

Shocking there weren't more victims.

Agent Chazal, good to see you
out in the field,

and yeah, you're right,
it could've been much worse.

The victim rushed the sh**t,
saved a lot of lives.

Caleb Jackson, -year-old
student at UVA.

Took three sh*ts to the abdomen.

We know anything about the sh**t?

White male, early s.

Checking security camera footage.

Those the witnesses?


That's a lot of ground to cover.

You know, Hate Crimes can handle it.

No, we got it.

Let us know if you need our help.

Will do.


♪ ♪

Hey, everything okay?

You know I've been doing a lot
of cases in this neighborhood.

Yeah, we crossed paths on a few of them.

People trust me.

They look to me for solutions.

Lately, I've been hearing a lot about

how the feds aren't as engaged
when we're the victims.

Look at all these agents.

Yeah, you're here... now.

Some of us are thinking that this
sh**ting could have been avoided.

There was an incident here
no more than a week ago.

What kind of incident?

Three guys from a white supremacist group

threatened to sh**t people
standing in line.

Which white supremacist group
are we talking about?

The First Order.

That doesn't sound like their style.

We've been told
that the feds were handling it.

I'm sure there's an explanation.

Yeah, you're probably right.

I might be out of line to say this...

Say what?

You wear it well.

The badge.


All right, listen up.
We got a mass sh**t in the wind.

One dead, three injured.
Name of the club is X .

It's in the Bushwick
neighborhood of Brooklyn.

Predominantly African-American.

Apparently the spot for
underground hip-hop and R&B.

So inquiring minds wanna know,
why this club?

Hey, Maggie just sent over
surveillance video

from the club.

Ian, got it?

Cueing it up now.

All right.

This the only angle?

Yeah, the only angle where
the gunman is fully visible.

The only thing this video
establishes is that it's a man.

We'll get a description from
someone who was there.



I stepped away for a minute
to cover the bartender.

Next thing you know, some white
dude comes in with a Glock.

Tried to get people out of the
way, but dude was on a mission.

He immediately opened fire?

Nah, he kinda advanced
his way through, you know?

What did he look like?

Was he tall, short?
Have any distinguishing marks?

White dude in a dark hoodie.

Did you get a good look at his face?

Yeah, absolutely.

I mean, it was dark,
but he looked right at me.

What did he look like?

White skin, brownish curls,
and dark eyes.

I'll never forget those eyes.

Steel blue, real Aryan-looking.

And his wrist glowed in the dark.

He had one of those bands
around his wrist.

Like an exercise tracker?

More like the ones that
promote cancer awareness.

Maybe it was one of those glow sticks.

I don't know.
Whatever it was, it was pink.

- A wristband?
- Yeah.

I can't say. I didn't really see him.

Where were you when he opened fire?

Over there.

I'm sorry.

It's just that I'm... I'm the one
who convinced Caleb to come.

You knew him?

He was an old friend from way back.

During the summers, he works
two jobs to pay for school.

And I just... I wanted him to
have a good time, you know?

I mean, convincing people to
come out and have fun

is literally what I do.

What do you mean? As a job?

I'm one of the hype girls.

We get influencers into the club.

You know, the Insta-stars,
the beautiful people.

They help raise the club's profile.

Uh, I was planning on working
at a club across town,

but the owner offered a bigger
cut of the tables here, so.

I'm sorry, just...

All I keep picturing
is Caleb just lying there.

I'm assuming we all got
much of the same thing?

Yeah, our suspect has blond, dark brown,

straight or curly hair

with blue or brown eyes
and a slight to medium build.

That is the problem with
cross-racial identification.

Descriptions from a different
race can be wildly inaccurate.

Yeah, well, it doesn't help
that the club was dark,

and the alcohol was flowing.

So where's that leave us?

We're getting the video surveillance

from outside, but
the angle's probably too wide

to give us anything worthwhile.

Witnesses did say that they
saw him with a pink wristband.

And we got the shell casings
that were recovered.

You know, there might be
something else too.

There was a hate crime incident
a week ago.

White supremacists threatened
a group of club-goers.

- Threatened them how?
- They pulled up in a van...

We asked them for help
and it didn't matter!

They knew black people
were being threatened.

And what'd they do? Not a damn thing.

This family deserves answers.

- Victim's parents?
- Gotta be.


We should go talk to them.


That's an interesting condolence card.

It's not a condolence card.

It's an insignia for the First Order.

The group that made the thr*at.

All right, NYPD, who is
supporting this investigation,

brought to our attention that
this club was recently targeted

by a hate group called the First Order.

You wanna fill us in?

Witnesses reported that three
white men in a black Jeep

with a First Order bumper
sticker shouted at a crowd

waiting outside the club, and I quote

"Get my g*n, it's time to do
some street cleaning."

- Who called it in?
- Club-goers.

The whole thing was caught
on video camera.

And this wasn't the first time
something like this had happened.

These guys have pulled off similar stunts

like this in the past,
but it's finally escalated.

What did they say when they
were brought in for questioning?

I mean, I'm assuming the car was traced

and the suspects were identified.

Agents never followed up.

How is that possible?

thr*at response made the call.

They've got a specific criteria.

Not our job to second guess.

I beg your pardon,
but if you had second guessed,

then maybe Caleb Jackson
might still be alive.

How 'bout we focus on what's
in front of us right now?

Our sh**t is still out there.

I think we can all agree
that's a problem.

Let's start by identifying
the First Order.

- Who are they?
- Yeah.

This guy is the face of the group.

Bruce Gulley, he's the founder.

He's a white nationalist who's
all about separating the races

for "the betterment of society."

He has a website, a podcast,

a chat room designed
to rile up the masses,

but no one has resorted to v*olence...

- Perhaps until now.
- Right.

Any physical evidence tying
Bruce Gulley to the sh**ting?

Ballistics could only confirm
that the shells were consistent

with a Glock .

And we're searching social
media for any cell phone images

that were taken by the
lookie-loos at the crime scene.

And we're scanning the calling
card for fingerprints.

Here we go.

- What, prints?
- Sort of.

Home printers, they embed hidden
metadata into documents now,

and I traced the
First Order's calling card

to an HP printer registered
to our pal, Bruce Gulley.

Get him in here.

- Maggie, OA.
- Yeah.


Yeah, I printed it. So what?

I printed hundreds of them.

I don't control where they wind up.

Well, this one wound up at the
scene of a nightclub sh**ting.

And that means I did it.

Lines up with your desire to rid Bushwick

of all blacks and Hispanics.

Seems a little thin to me.

Well, then you throw in
the threats you made

to the people outside the club,

and it seems a lot less circumstantial.

Your last statement, especially.

What statement?

"Get my g*n"?
"It's time to do some street cleaning."

Guy in a Jeep just like yours

yelled at a group of -year-olds.

I like saying provocative things.

I think it was a thr*at.

One that you decided
to make good on last night.

I didn't.

So then, where were you at : a.m.?

Home, in bed.

Anyone with you?

Girlfriend was out of town
and I'm a faithful guy, so no.

You're not helping yourself, Bruce.

Run a check on my phone or whatever.

It'll show you I was home all night.

What about your buddies? Hmm?

Your website says you have
hundreds of members.

Did you rile up one of those idiots

and have them push your agenda?

If someone takes my words out of context

and resorts to v*olence, that's on them.

I want the names of all of your members.

I don't have to give you a damn thing.

I hate the guy, but we need
more than that to hold him.

If Gulley or one of his members was,

indeed, the sh**t,
we've got a real problem.

The club received multiple
threats, we didn't act,

and a young man d*ed.

At least that's how reporters
are gonna see it.

And frankly, they'll be right.


Scola's got a lead.

What do you got?

Lookie-loo recorded a video
outside the club.

Let's see.


♪ ♪

He got any affiliation
with the First Order?

We have profiles on a lot of these guys.

Names, photos. They're in our system.

- He is not.
- He could be a new recruit.

Why else would he leave the card?

Run it through facial rec.

Which you already have. And?

Nothing came up.

So release it to the public.

I mean, somebody out there
must know this punk.

Mm-mm, we release a photo, he might run.

But what other choice do we have?

You know what?

I might know someone that can help.

- Isobel, this is Hank Cafferty.
- Pleasure.

Hank is a former white supremacist.

Ah, let's go to my office.

We crossed paths
on a case a few years back.

Which is another way of
saying Jubal arrested me.

Now I work to get others out of the life.

So, look, we were hoping

you could take a look at this photo.

We believe this kid is
a First Order recruit.

- You ever seen him?
- He in trouble?

Looks that way.

Yeah, I've seen him a couple times

at a sporting goods store downtown.

It's popular with First Order
members, Neo-Nazis.

They got all the privileges
of middle-class family

but full of pent up anger.

Angry enough to k*ll?

I'd say no.

Not yet, anyway.

They empower each other.

I tried talking to this kid,
but I couldn't get through.

Like reinforced steel.

You have his name?

Ivan Childress, .

His parents divorced when he was six.

A stormy marriage led to
an even stormier divorce.

They shared custody, but their
arguments got so out of hand,

a judge ordered them to hand
off Ivan at a police precinct.

So the die was cast early on
for little Ivan.

He was thrown out of two private schools

for aggressive behavior.

He's currently being
homeschooled by his mom.

It seems to fit the profile
of these white nationalists.

Angry, disaffected.

Get a search warrant.

Yes, ma'am.



FBI, open up.

We have a warrant for Ivan Childress.

He isn't here.

Enter, team, let's go.

What the hell are you doing?

- Go!
- He isn't here!


Let's go lower right.

- Copy that.
- Federal agents!


- Upstairs clear.
- Let's go run the wall.

♪ ♪

He's running through the backyard.

No. Leave him alone.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used

- against you in a court of law.
- Ivan...

You have the right to an attorney.

Stop. I don't need an attorney.

I did it. I'm the sh**t.


♪ ♪

I didn't need any help.

So you alone just went to this club

and sh*t those people?

That's right. Me, alone.

All Bruce and those
other guys do is bitch

about how the blacks and the Mexicans

and all the others
are ruining this country.

I got tired of all the yapping.

I thought it was time to start doing.

Do we know if he was
in the car with Gulley

when they threatened the club?

Uh, not sure.

Let's find out. The mayor's
gonna wanna know how bad this is.

Did we ignore threats made
by the actual sh**t

at the actual location of the sh**ting?

So what did you do?


I walked in with my Glock,
and I started f*ring,

And then this dude rushed me.
Big, black guy.

He was going for my g*n,
so I blasted him.

How many times?


Then what?

He dropped,
so I got the hell out of there.

Have you ever sh*t anyone before?

No, but it's not that complicated.

Where's the g*n now?

We sent agents to your house,
they searched it,

no g*n.

Adrenaline was pumping,

so I tossed the g*n and my clothes,

which was not the smartest move,

but I didn't want the blood of
those people on me like that.


Where what?

Where did you toss
the g*n and the clothes?

In a dumpster about a block
or so from the club.

So you got away.

Why go back and leave a calling card?

It's important to spread the message.

Those guys wouldn't actually
believe that I did it.

I mean, to think of the look
on their faces.

So you did it for them.

I did it for my countrymen.

My people.

We're taking the country back.

Show me your wrist.

Your other one.

Where's your bracelet?

I told you.

I dropped everything, all right?

Now just give me a damn
statement to sign or whatever.

We'll get the paperwork started now.

Nice work.

Just another angry kid looking
for a place to put his anger.

We should let the families
know before it hits the news.

No, we need to corroborate
his story first,

then we can charge him.

Why wait?

I mean, it'll ease a lot of fears

if people know charges are being filed.

They'll know we have
a suspect in custody.

That should be enough to suffice for now.

We should try to retrieve the
w*apon and the clothes he was wearing.

If he tossed them in the dumpster,
they could still be there.

Okay, w... hold on, though.

That didn't seem odd to any of you?

He just sh*t people
and he just acted like

he was recalling what he had for lunch.

Shows the depth of his hatred.

I'm not buying it.

The confession?

He did walk us through
the whole thing, Maggie.

I know what a k*ller sounds like.

Ivan sang the words, but he
doesn't know the music.

You heard the way he talked.

You don't think that kid has it
out for black people?

No doubt he's a r*cist.

But maybe he only confessed

so that he could impress
his First Order buddies.

He could've k*lled Caleb
Jackson for the same reason.

I mean, he basically said as much.

Listen, that's why
it is incumbent upon us

to find real evidence.

So, go out and get some.
Report back when you have it.

The trash was probably
picked up five hours ago.

It was last night.

How do we even know
this is the same garbage?

You think Ivan did it, don't you?

Yeah, it looks that way.

But we need to make sure, we
need to get more evidence,

and as long as we do that for
every suspect, then...

What, what?

- What do you mean?
- What?

What does that mean, "every suspect"?

Yeah, I don't mean you,
I just mean in general.

Yeah, my only goal is
to get the right guy.

You know, it has nothing to do
with Bureau politics,

with the prior threats,
color of the kid's skin.

I just... I wanna make sure
we do this right.

So do I.

So do you wanna search any
more dumpsters or are we good?


But there is someone else
I wanna talk to.


I heard a suspect confessed.

So what are they charging him
with, capital m*rder

or are they favoring hate crime charges?

No charges yet.

Uh, agents have questions
about Ivan's confession.


Yeah, they wanna gather more evidence,

corroborate his story.

I get it.

The Bureau wants to soft pedal this guy

because they don't want to
embarrass themselves

for screwing up.

Okay, we're not trying
to cover up anything.

Not you, personally.

But my team is?

If a black guy confessed
to sh**ting people

at an Alt-Right rally,

would agents be out
looking through trash cans

to prove he's innocent?

Hell no.

The suspect would
be halfway to death row.

This is the kind of story that

the people in the community
need to know about.

If you want to talk to a reporter,

I know someone at "The Ledger"
that you can speak with.

A reporter? And what would I tell them?

Tell them that the feds are
sitting on a confession

because they don't want
to embarrass themselves

for sitting on actionable threats

against an African-American nightclub.

I'd do it myself, but the story
will be so much bigger

and get so much more attention

if it came from the inside the FBI.

I can't sell out my people.

Who, agents?

Those are your people?

Things won't change
unless people in power,

people like you and me, make it happen.

Just think about it.

I never saw Ivan wearing
a hoodie of any kind.

Does he wear a bracelet?

No, not that I'm aware of.

Okay, did you spend time with
him the night of the sh**ting?

I was working.

What would you say his mood was like?

That morning or leading up to that.

He seemed a little distant, angry.

I wish I could give you
something else but...

No, it's my fault, all of this.

I didn't do a good job of shielding him

from all of my problems.

All the arguing...

I tried, but my ex-husband, he's...

Well, he's not a nice person.
Let's just leave it at that.

We were constantly arguing

and Ivan became
so full of rage about it all.

So when did he become involved
with white nationalists?

A few months ago.

I begged him to stay away from it, but...

Well, how did Ivan's father
feel about that?

He was horrified.

I mean, he's a son of a bitch
and all but he's not a r*cist.

I tried to get Ivan help.

We went to therapist
after therapist, but...


Thank you for your time.

Is this Ivan?

Father-son hunting trip.

Ivan's dad insisted on taking him.

How old is he there?

Hmm, about ten.

Ivan loved the crisp mornings,
the fresh air, the quiet.

Blood and dead animals
scared him to death.

The ex and I felt like hell about it.

Has he ever shown aggression
towards animals or pets?

My son makes a home for every
stray cat in the neighborhood.

Did he ever try hunting again?

That's why the thought

of Ivan sh**ting people is so disturbing.

It makes no sense.

Hey, we didn't find any evidence

to support or refute Ivan's story.

But we're gonna keep looking.

I'm with Maggie now, guys.

After talking to his mom and
learning how spooked he gets

at the idea of hunting,

I just don't see this kid
becoming a k*ller.

Ivan knew details that had
never been reported.

He knew the type of g*n,
the number of sh*ts.

Yeah, but he was also milling
around the crime scene.

I mean, everything he told us,
he really could have overheard

from witnesses.

Maybe we should show them what we found.

Yes, um.

So while you two were out
with the mother,

Scola and I did some digging of our own.

A counterfeiting ring turned
over a list of fake IDs

used to purchase g*ns from
sellers in Brooklyn.

The ring was busted last month.

Dustin Burroughs from Bronxville

is one of the names on the list,

and agents found this in Ivan's bedroom.

Dustin Burroughs.

So Ivan had a fake ID.

Okay, so this Dustin Burroughs guy

actually buy a g*n?

No, not that we know of.

So you wanna charge Ivan
with m*rder based on a fake ID?

No, I wanna charge him

based on the fact
that he actually confessed.

Plenty of suspects have been
convicted on that alone.

Yeah, look, I know
this doesn't make much sense,

but I'm telling you his tone
and mannerisms were off.

Not all K*llers emote.

Regardless, guys, we need more.

Well, we can hold Ivan for hours,

so let's get it right.
Do what you gotta do.

Okay, Maggie, what's next?

We already searched the dumpsters

and we talked to Ivan's mom.

Ian, the pink wristbands, got anything?

Three different venues
issued them on Saturday.

I can show you the algorithm I used.

We don't have time for that. Thanks.

Right, here's the list.

Fundraiser for pregnant teens,

the NICU at a hospital in Queens,

and a Brooklyn nightclub
called Club Nero.

Club Nero was handing out pink
wristbands on Saturday night?

Yep, with a wristband you got access

to every floor in the club.

Okay, I'm all for confirming

that Ivan was wearing a wristband,

but that club had to have
handed out hundreds of them.

I know, it's not much.

But if it's a clue,
we gotta track this down.

[SIGHS] Okay.

A white dude showed up
wearing sneakers and a hoodie

the other night.

But that ain't him.

Well, what'd he look like?

He was older. Good looking dude.

Not as fresh faced as that kid.

His clothes weren't kosher, like at all.

I let him in because it was early.

I figured he'd run up a tab at the bar.

And did he?

Yeah, sat here for hours.

Are these security cameras on?

Should be.

We need the video from Saturday night.

Still no charges?

How long they gonna drag this out?

[WHISPERING] It's time
to call that reporter.

You know it's the right move.

Our friend unhappy
about the delay in charges?

Just wants to do right
by the people in Bushwick.

You know, the victims.

So do the rest of us.

Oh, he's got inside your head, huh?

Just do what you think is right.

Not what Damon thinks.

You were promoted to special
agent because you're smart,

'cause you've demonstrated that
you can make the right decision

when the pressure is on.

Just remember that. Okay?


♪ ♪

Exact same clothes as the sh**t.


Hey, Maggie just sent over a
still of the suspect from Club Nero.


- Pull it up.
- Yeah.

What's going on?

Maggie and OA got a photo of the sh**t.


Maggie was right.

Ivan's not our k*ller.

First priority, we identify
our mystery man in that photo.

I'm running it through
facial recognition.

I'll help.

It'll go faster with two people.

Let us know if you find a match.

Maggie just sent over
the surveillance video.

Pulling it up right now.

Let's find him, too, the bartender.

Maybe he knows something.

Maggie and OA are talking
to him right now.

I remember that guy.

I didn't get a name or
anything, but I do remember him.

He kinda had an intense vibe.

Is he like a mafioso or
in the import-export biz maybe?

Those guys always seem shady.

Look, why don't we ask you the questions?

Right, my bad.

Did he say why he came in?

I figured it was for
the Oliver Samuel Reserve.

What, the whiskey?

- You know it?
- Yeah.

I don't drink.


- Ah, I did it again, didn't I?
- Yeah.

Uh, we don't keep the real
expensive stuff on the shelf.

Only people in the know order the stuff.

Would you say he was familiar
with this place, then?

No, he knew we carried it

because he used to drive
the trucks that deliver it

to bars and liquor stores
around Brooklyn.


Yeah, I recognize him.

Name's Jim.

Jim Housley Dietz.

Does he work here?

Used to, but I fired him the other day.

Personally, I like the kid.

Hard worker, smart, charismatic.

Well, then, why'd you let him go?

The other day, he went off on
an Afro-American store owner.

I think you mean African-American.


Did he physically thr*aten him?

No, just called him all kinda names.

r*cist stuff.

Did Jim have a problem with

Not that I ever knew.

But there was no way I could
keep him on after that.

How'd he take that?

Like any man would. Not well.

He started making excuses.

Said something about
breaking up with his girl.

The last time I checked,

heartbreak don't make you a r*cist.

All right, we need you
to get Jim's home address.



FBI, we have a warrant
for Jim Housley Dietz.

FBI, we have a warrant!



Run the walls!

♪ ♪

All clear.

♪ ♪

Check this out.

Nine millimeter.

Consistent with a Glock .

Well, let's make sure we bag those.

Hey, left his computer on.
Check this out.

That's the hype girl
from the club, Patrice.

Didn't she mention
that she was supposed to work

at another nightclub
the night of the sh**ting?

That could've been Club Nero.

So maybe that's why Jim went there first.

So that means that Jim's goal

wasn't some r*cist mass sh**ting.

He had one target.


Is Patrice's phone still off?

We still can't track it.

What about her parents?

We tried texting them but
their phones must be off too.

Not one of her , -plus friends
or followers know where she is?

Well, everyone we spoke to claims

that Patrice never told
them where she was going.

Get each of them in here. Now.

Is Patrice here?

Are you here to talk to her
about the sh**ting?

Is she here?

No, I'm her roommate. Jasmine.

We've been trying to contact her.

She left this morning.

Left to go where?

She didn't say.

Caleb's death, the sh**ting,
hit her hard.

She said she needed to go off
the grid for a while

to clear her head.

So she shut off all her devices

and packed a suitcase and split.

Do you have any idea where she went?

I told her she probably
shouldn't be alone.

But she insisted.

Okay, well, someone has to know
where she went. Parents or friends?

I can get you her mom and dad's number,

but they're flying back from
South Africa right now.

They cut their vacation short
when they heard what happened.

Okay, do you know a guy named
Jim Housley Dietz?

Yeah, he and Patrice had a thing,

but he started acting kinda creepy.

What do you mean?

Patrice isn't
the "in a relationship" type.

And he got freakily possessive.

When she pulled back,
he went neo-n*zi on her.

Which is strange,
because hello, she's a sister.

So she ghosted him.

Blocked his number, his email.

How long ago was this?

Uh, a few weeks ago, I think.

Does Jim have something to do
with the sh**ting?

Because he showed up here today.


A couple hours ago, maybe.

He said that he heard the news
about the sh**ting

and wanted to check in on Patrice.

And Patrice has no idea
that he came here?

No, Jim was, like,
ancient history to her.

But you have no idea where she is?

I try not to get too involved
with Patrice's affairs.

Oh, my God, if Jim sh*t
those people at the club.

Jasmine, it's gonna be okay.

We're gonna have undercover
agents outside of your door.

Here's my card.

If Patrice or Jim contact you,
let us know immediately.

All right, everyone, listen up.

I am about to tell you something

that cannot leave this room.


Your friend Patrice was
the intended target

of Saturday's sh**ting.

That's why it is imperative
that we speak with her.

So, whoever knows where she is,
spill it now.

- Hey.
- We found Patrice.

She's at a friend's
vacation home in Northport.

Just sent you the address.

And the suspect's cell phone
just hit off a tower

near the Long Island Expressway.

Do you think he figured out
where Patrice is?

It's possible; this house is
Patrice's safe space.

There's a good chance he knows about it.

On our way.



♪ ♪

There's no cars in the driveway.

Yeah, but Jim can't be far behind.


♪ ♪


I'm Agent Bell.
This is Special Agent Zidan.

We met before.

We need you to come with us now.

We have reason to believe
you may be in danger.

No, I'm... I'm fine.

We believe that your ex-boyfriend, Jim,

was the sh**t at X .

And he was there looking for you.

You were the intended target.

Uh, no, no.
Jim... Jim would never hurt me.

He's a good guy.

Look, we have evidence
suggesting otherwise.

But if we can just get you
to a safer location,

then we can get into this in more detail.

No, I'm okay. I'll stay here.

I swear, I feel perfectly safe
here, really.

I don't need to go.

You don't have to worry.
I promise, really, I...

Okay, come on.



It's okay.

Okay, go hide behind the car. Don't move.

♪ ♪

[WHISPERING] OA, where are you?


- [g*nsh*t]





This is Special Agent Maggie Bell.

Roll an ambo to Saratoga Drive.

We got a suspect down,
two sh*ts to the chest.

He's dead.

You okay?


It just knocked the wind outta me.


I got your back.

- It's over?
- Yep.

Maggie and OA are on the way
back with Patrice now.

We dodged a b*llet.

If that sh**t had been
a First Order member...

I know.

But he wasn't.
He was just a jilted boyfriend.

Well, I want to find out why
thr*at Response dismissed

the threats at the club.

You know why.

They did a baseline check
and, given the intel available,

there was nothing left to be done.

You know that for a fact?

No, but I did my time in
that squad, making those calls.

And I know that,
when you're triaging threats,

you can follow the policy
guidelines to the letter

and still get it wrong.

Well, maybe those guidelines
need adjusting.

Well, that's possible,

but I'm not sure
it's something you can fix.

I think it's just the nature
of thr*at response.

It's an imperfect science.

You just hope
that nobody dies because of it.

Well, maybe perfection is impossible,

but I at least want
to review what happened.

It's not our area.

Well, maybe we need to make it our area.

We have to do something
because, next time,

we might not be so lucky.


♪ ♪

- Congratulations.
- Hey, thank you, you too.

Hey, can I ask you, um,

why you were so sure Ivan didn't do it?

See you.

A feeling, I guess.

I mean, it had nothing to do
with the politics

or the race,
if that's what you're saying.

Look, Maggie, I know what kind of agent

and what kind of person you are,

and I know that
you would never consciously

act out of prejudice.

But I also know good people,
well-intentioned people,

can sometimes have blind spots

when it comes to stuff like this.

So I have to ask.


Okay, um,

look, if you feel like something is wrong

or if you see that I'm missing something,

please, I want you to tell me that.

That's important to me.

Because I...

Because I wanna be standing with you,

helping you sound the alarm.


I am still wondering why you were so sure

Ivan wasn't the guy.

I mean, what did you see
that the rest of us didn't?

A middle-aged man crippled
with guilt and shame.

My father.

He was a cop for years,

and he was really good at his job.

But when he was first starting
out, he had this case.

He got a m*rder confession from
a young kid, years old.

And three days later that kid
k*lled himself in a lockup.

Turns out he was innocent.

So I've got my dad in my ear
all the time, talking about

how important it is to be
careful with confessions.

You know, make sure they know
the music, not just the words.

That makes sense.

- Congrats.
- Thank you.

Glad you got a good result.

But let's face it, you got lucky,

especially your girl, Maggie.

Mm-mm, no. I don't think she got lucky.

What was it then?

I think she's just good.

♪ ♪