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02x01 - Little Egypt

Posted: 08/24/21 15:32
by bunniefuu

There you are.

- Oh, thank you.
- Great.

Can I get you anything else?

No. All set.


Oh, I'm sorry.

What is the pink stuff
next to the hummus?

It's called lift. Pickled turnips.

It tastes better than it sounds...

and looks. Promise.

- Thank you.
- Enjoy.

To buying our first apartment.

I can't believe we did it.

It's sort of insane.

But in a good way.


Everyone, get out! Now!



♪ ♪


b*mb went off at : .

One dead. Five injured.

I had dinner on my th birthday here.

You grew up here?

Yeah. Five blocks north.

th and Steinway.


This place was the hub.

The center of the whole community.

What else do we know about the bombing?

Not much.

A witness said someone yelled,

"Everyone, get out! b*mb!"

And ERT is looking
for remnants of the IED.

Looks like NYPD's running point.

Hate Crimes is all over
the scene talking to witnesses.

Think you got some bad Intel, detective.

NYPD will be supporting us.

I just hung up with the mayor
and police commissioner.

SAC Isobel Castille.

Nice to meet you.

Let's dig in.

I'd love to have a suspect
in custody by end of the day.

All right, people, listen up.
We got one dead, five injured.

Name of the restaurant is Samra's,

located in the heart of Little Egypt,

Astoria, Queens.
Best baba ganoush in the city.

Question number one,
is this political or personal?

Is it about the owner or
someone else in the restaurant?

Or is someone trying to make a statement?

Ann, let's get the names
of all the active

white supremacy groups in the area.

Mary, pull up any interesting chatter,

anyone talking smack,

anyone puffing out
his or her digital chest.

Sara, you want to dig into
the owner of the restaurant,

his financials, his family life?

Let's go, people.

Let's hit the phones,
the screens, the wires.

We need answers fast.

Nails, razors, ball bearings.
I'm shocked it was so potent.

This is really just a crude,
unsophisticated, lethal mess.

If she's also
an Instagram model from Atlanta

with a turtle tattoo
at the nape of her neck,

then you literally just
described my ex-girlfriend.

Thanks for the Intel.

Stuart Scola. Your new partner.

Oh, great, you two have already met.

Stuart, what's up? Good to see you.

Yeah, good to see you, too.

Stuart and I crossed paths
on a case up in Boston,

- what, five years ago?
- Appreciate the call.

You know, been looking to get
back to New York for a while.

Glad it worked out.

Now this...

This is for you.

Oh, wow.

It's really official.


And celebration complete.

We need you in Astoria.

Boots on the ground of the crime scene.

- Yeah?
- Okay.

Hey, Kris.

You know, now that
you're an actual agent,

you should probably bring your g*n.


I don't know what this world
is coming to, Omar.

I've been in business years,
before you were even born,

and now, I don't even know what to say.

What about your personal life?

You have any issues
or problems that have come up?

No, my life is simple.

I go to work, go home, sleep,
then do it all over again.

Did you hear a man yell
something before the expl*si*n?

Yes, one of the waiters.

He screamed for everyone to get out.

He must've seen something.
His name is Joseph Nasser.



Mr. Samra, if you need
anything, anything...

Please. Call me.

I appreciate that, Omar.

We're all very proud of you.

Your father would be, too.

He always said you would be...

a big deal some day.


♪ ♪

Joseph, I'm Special Agent Maggie Bell.

This is Special Agent Zidan.

Uh, yeah, hi.

Can you tell us what you saw before

you yelled for everyone to get out?

I was headed for the kitchen,

and I saw this kid, about ,

out of the corner of my eye,
just looking around.

He dropped something on the floor,

and hurried out, and I looked

and saw a backpack on the floor.

And then I started
yelling for people to get out.

Why did you think it was a b*mb?

Just a feeling.

Did you get a good look at this kid?

White, around six feet tall.

And when he ran out,
he jumped into a pickup truck.

I think it was black.

If you think of anything else.

Hopefully one of these cameras has video

of that black pickup truck.

Yeah, let's hope.

Your building has several
security cameras facing south.

We'd love to review that video.

You got a search warrant?

We can certainly get one,

but we'd rather not waste all that time.

Right, 'cause the FBI
cares so much about Muslims.

Excuse me?

You spend half your time
hiding out in our communities,

trying to entrap us, turn us into

these evil t*rrorists you think
we really are.

Look, we're just trying to help here.


Help out by how,
by kicking down our doors?

Or spying on our mosques?

You harass and belittle us
for no reason whatsoever.

I gotta disagree with you on
the no reason whatsoever thing.

I mean, let's face it.

There's a reason that our scrutiny

of this community has increased.

Oh, here we go again with this / talk.

Those men were t*rrorists.

They don't speak for real Muslims.

And anyone on this earth
with half a brain

knows that to be true.

See, what I'm saying is it happened.

And I know it happened, man.

Because my brother died that day.

He was having breakfast on the top floor,

selling muni bonds to some guy
from London named Howard Betts.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Look, sir, all we want to do

is nail the dude
who blew up that restaurant

and k*lled that young woman.

So we'd really love
to see that surveillance video.


Come with me.

Hey... I'm sorry about your brother.

Don't be.

Made it up.


So the black pickup that we
saw on the surveillance video

right here comes back
to this house four doors down.

Owner is Maureen Murphy.

She's , white.

She has one son, Justin.

He's and ' ".

That matches the description
the waiter gave us.


Okay, let's call for backup.



Let's hit it now.

♪ ♪

Okay. Let's hit it now.


Don't move!





Justin Murphy, you're under arrest.

For what?

For blowing up my favorite restaurant.

And for k*lling
an ER nurse named Victoria.



One dead, five injured.

So you are staring
at a life sentence or worse.

Worse? What's that mean?


Well, that ain't so bad.

Well, if it ain't so bad,
then why didn't you strap

that b*mb to your chest
and go out like a hero?

Because white folk
are too smart for that.

Only crazy Arabs do crap like that.

So you admit to the bombing?

I didn't admit to nothing...

except for hating bible-thumping Muslims.

If you're gonna hate someone,

you should probably know
who you're actually hating.

Muslims don't read the Bible, Justin.

You're right.

I'm not here to give you a tutorial.

I am here to give you your last chance.


♪ ♪


What's that?

That is the thing
that proves you're guilty.

It's a series of stupid hate-filled texts

about Muslims.

"Whites don't matter anymore.

"We gotta take back what is ours.

I can't wait to make Muslim
pigs pay for their sins."

There ain't no law about
saying things like that.

No, there isn't, but there are a few

against blowing up restaurants.

We have you on surveillance
tape leaving the restaurant

in your black pickup truck.

And we also have your prints
on the backpack

and the door of the restaurant.

We know it's you, Justin.


Then... what should I do?

Tell me everything you know.

Did you do this with anyone else?


Some guy named...

Bill. I don't know his last name.

I met him online in a chat room.

He said he'd give me a b*mb
and three grand

to blow up that Syrian restaurant.

We tracked Justin's emails
to an ISP address

belonging to an Elliot White.

He's , single, no kids.

I mean, obviously
he gave Justin a fake name.

Any priors?

No, and no digital footprint, either.

All right, find Maggie and OA.

Tell them we have
a suspect and an address.



♪ ♪

Hands over your head.

Get up.

Elliot White, you are under arrest.

♪ ♪

Suspect's name is Michael Moosa.

He's , CPA, divorced, no priors.

But he rents Elliot White's house?

Yes, I spoke to Mr. White,

and he said he rented the house
to Moosa seven months ago.

And Moosa is Muslim?

Based on what I saw
in his apartment, yeah.

So why would a Muslim b*mb a restaurant

frequented by Muslims?

Got some sort of vendetta
against the owner?

Doesn't look that way.

So far, we haven't been able to find

any direct or indirect connections.

So keep digging.
There's got to be a reason.

Hey, hold on.

I think I just found something.

You filed this police report
months ago.

Because three white punks
beat you to a pulp?

They put you in a coma.

I mean, it says here that
they mocked your ethnicity.

They mocked your religion.

Those animals tried to k*ll me.

For no reason.

They just kept kicking and punching me.

That sounds awful.

And I can't imagine
what that would've been like.

Or how much anger you might have.

But rather than let it go,

you att*cked your own people,

and then blamed it on some white idiot.


You wanted the world to know
how bad it really is...

for people like you and me.

So you raised a false flag.

The problem is someone died.

What you did was wrong.

So, Moosa, please...

Please tell me what happened.

I told Justin to detonate the b*mb

when the restaurant was closed.

I said : a.m., not : p.m.

I was trying to make
the police take notice

so they would reopen my case

and find the animals
who tried to k*ll me.

I didn't mean for anyone to die.

I swear.


♪ ♪

Time to ring the bell.

Yeah, I'm just not sure
what that's gonna sound like.

Hate crime perpetrated
against Muslims by a Muslim.

Too much nuance for a society

obsessed with treatable headlines.

Yeah, so I guess I'm gonna
have to dumb it down.

Make it more palatable.

Justin Murphy and Michael Moosa

were arrested today in connection

with a violent attack
on the Muslim community.

They have been charged with m*rder,

conspiracy to violate civil rights,

and violent crime in aid of racketeering.

Racially motivated crimes such as these

are antithetical to American values

and they will be investigated swiftly,

thoroughly, and without mercy.

Thank you.

Is that it?

I'm sorry. What the hell was that?

She didn't even mention
that he was Muslim

or he was behind the attack.

Well, sometimes when
the truth is too complicated,

it can be best to simplify it.

Bad guys blow up a Muslim restaurant,

FBI sweeps in,

makes the arrest within hours.

Clean and simple.
Win for the Bureau, win for the Muslims.

The people in that community should know

what really happened and why.


But then again,
maybe it's better they don't,

that they think the FBI
had their back this time.

So you agree with Isobel?

Yeah, I think she made the right move.

I mean, yeah, yeah, this is...


The waiter Joseph. He wants to talk.

He says it's important.


♪ ♪


What's going on?

You mind if we walk?

Yeah, sure.


Thanks for meeting me.

Appreciate it.

Of course, but you should know

that we already caught the guy
responsible for the bombing.

Yeah, I heard. That's great.

Okay, what's going on?

Your eyes are darting back and forth.

Your luscious Arabic accent
has disappeared.

Can we cut to the chase?

I have Intel on a possible terror attack.

Two guys I know from the neighborhood

are looking to get revenge
for the restaurant bombing.

And these guys from the neighborhood

just came up and told you

about a probable t*rror1st attack?

No, not exactly.

I'm FBI.

Sorry I didn't tell you before.

I didn't want to compromise my operation.


Joseph, if that is your real name...

It is.

So what's going on?

Are you working
with the Joint Task Force?

No, CTD is flying solo on this,

so that's why I needed you.

Need me for what?

To help close the deal with these kids.

What kind of commitment
are we talking about?

Just a few meetings.

I'll introduce you
as my cousin with connections

to Al-Qaeda in Kabul.

Things go as planned,
you'll be back at Fed

in a day or two.

- Okay.
- Okay.

♪ ♪

- Ma'am?
- Yes.

I spoke to Special Agent
Nasser from CTD...

and he wants me to help him...

I know. His supervisor just called.

I told him you'd be glad to assist.

Have Kristen dig
into the suspects' backgrounds,

and bring Maggie and Scola for backup.


If I may...

Why didn't you make it
more clear that a Muslim

was responsible
for the restaurant attack?

I just figured that if people
knew who was behind the attack,

that it might alleviate
some of this fear...

in the community.

I know that you went to West Point.

And that you were an Army Ranger.

What I didn't know till now,

of course, is that you're
a public relations expert.


♪ ♪

My bros.

You made it.

Good to see you, brother.

This is my cousin Omar,

the one I been telling you about.

So Joseph tells me you want to be

a part of something
exciting and important.

We are.

Being part of a family
always makes sense...

especially when that family

is trying to help save
the Muslim people from ruin.

What happened the other
day at my restaurant,

at the place I work...

is a wake-up call.

The whole world needs to know

that white Americans
cannot intimidate us,

that when they hit us,

we hit back even harder.

What's in it for us, man?

Honor. And pride.

Yeah, well, honor and pride
don't pay the bills.

He don't mean no disrespect, sir.

It's just that me and him, we're broke.

I live with my sister,

Rhami lives in someone's basement,

so, you know, we're just wondering

if there's any money to be made.

That's perfectly understandable.

Listen, after the bombing,

Omar will take you
to a town outside of Kabul.

He will find you a job.
He will find you a home.

He will find you a wife.

That sounds cool...

especially that wife part.

Oh, yeah, the women in Kabul,
they're beautiful.

And they like Americans?

Oh, they love Americans.

What about the cash, man?

That's not usually how we do this.

Yeah, well, we know another dude.

He's an imam in Brooklyn.

Said he'd give us grand for a bombing,

plus a house in Toronto
rent free for two years.

Okay, we need to jump on this imam thing.

And he's ready to roll.

Like, soon.

You know, it sounds to me
like your imam friend

is a cop or FBI.

Why do you say that?

Because when a deal
is too good to be true, it is.

Is that good or bad?

Brothers, he's lying to you.

Nah, I've known this imam for a while.

All right, he's legit.

Has lots of money, too.


It's your call.

But either way, we go live this week.

And let me tell you...

I just finished making the car b*mb.

It is amazing.

It could take out
a -story apartment building.

Like that.

That's pretty cool.

So say yes.

Be part of our family.


We're in.

That's fantastic.

You did good.
You made the right decision.

I'll call you guys tomorrow
with more details.

All right, let's go.

You did good.

♪ ♪

What was that?

I thought you said
these kids were gung ho.

I said they're open
to participate, which means,

from a legal perspective,
they're predisposed.

Are you sure about that?

The test is pretty straight-forward.

Is it the defendant an unwary innocent

or an unwary criminal
who readily availed himself

of the opportunity
to perpetrate the crime?

To me, they're t*rrorists.


If those kids are t*rrorists,

it is because you radicalized them.

You are pushing these kids too hard.

You don't like the way I do business,

you call the Director.

These are his rules.

What do you got?

Twenty-three imams in Brooklyn.

Four are on the FBI watch list.

Okay, let's run these names
by Homeland Security.

See what they know.

I just feel like this could be...

What do you mean you're not sure?

I just feel like the whole thing...

Nah, nah, listen to me.

Grow some balls, Karim.

Grow some balls.

Don't mess this up.



How's it going?

Yeah, it's good.

I was just walking to my car.

I saw you from the corner of my eye.

You need a ride?

No, no, I'm gonna take the bus.


do you mind...

it's cool if I borrow a dollar?



This is too much.

Keep it.

I really appreciate it.

So you and your friend...

you sure you want to do this?


♪ ♪


- Hey.
- What's going on?

Sorry, I tried to call,
but your phone was...

Oh, yeah, it was a boxing class.


Is this about the new case?


I know this has been a hard one.

I've been listening.

Joseph's toying with these guys...

Especially Karim.

I mean, all he cares about are
these beautiful women in Kabul.

For God's sake...

the kid has no clue.

At all.

He's just a dumb, lonely boy

with no parents, no education.

This is not okay.

None of this is okay.

I mean, like it or not,
Joseph is following

the Bureau's guidelines and protocols.

So maybe it's best just to hang in there.

Stick to the plan.

Even if it means
putting two kids in prison?

And for life?


I know that you identify more
with Karim and Rhami.

I know where you're coming from.

No, you don't.

I'm sorry, Maggie,

but you don't know where I'm coming from.

And you have never been hated...

for no reason.

♪ ♪

After / ...

people were so cruel.

So vicious.

They said things
that you could never believe.

And I was just a kid,
so I started to blame myself.

I started to hate myself.

It made me stronger.

It made me love and respect
my faith even more.

We're good people, Maggie.

Muslims are good people,
loving and caring.

And I just don't understand...

why we are still fighting...

for people to...

for Americans...

to understand that, to believe that.

And rolling up two dumb kids
who aren't really t*rrorists...

is just going to add to that fear

and add to that hate...

and it's not okay.

Yeah, but, OA...

you don't know if they're good or bad.

You don't know if Karim
is on the road as a young OA...

to a really good place...

or if he is a cold-blooded k*ller

about to slaughter hundreds of civilians.

You're right.

I just don't know, Maggie.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Hi, my name is Omar.
You must be Karim's sister.

He's not here.


We were supposed to meet up.

He left minutes ago with Rhami

and some other guy named Yasir.

I think he's an imam.

Do you know where they went?

Maggie, we have a problem.

Grab some coffee, people.

We have three suspects in the wind

looking to commit an act of terror.

Rhami Maroun and Karim Khan,

both years old,
both from Astoria, Queens.

Rhami has three priors...

dr*gs, larceny, and as*ault,
all misdemeanors.

Karim's jacket is clean.

Now, word is they're working with an imam

from Brooklyn named Yasir Moussad.

Yasir is on
Homeland Security's watch list.

He's considered a credible threat.

Homeland Security, Jim,
you're getting us everything

you guys have on Yasir Moussad ASAP.

The rest of you,
focus on possible targets.

Are there any concerts,
conferences, protests?

Let's get to work.


What the hell? What are you doing?

What's going on?

What are you doing? I didn't do anything!

- Where's your brother?
- I don't know, I swear.


He doesn't tell me where he goes.

He's an idiot. He just follows people.


Does anybody have anything?

Got something.

Hand-written note. Central Park.

♪ ♪

Jubal, it's me.

Got it. All right, y'all, let's pivot.

We have Intel that Central Park
might be the target.

Problem is it's a pretty big park.

. miles long, half a mile wide,

so let's go to work.

Start pulling live feeds
within a five-block radius,

and let's find out what events
are taking place

in or near the park today, tomorrow...

I just got a visual
on one of the kids, Karim.

He's on th and Central Park West.

Headed south.

All right, I'll get Maggie
and OA in the loop.

♪ ♪

We have agents flooding the
zone between th and th.

No eyes on them yet.

I see him. Over there.


♪ ♪


What are you doing, Karim?

What the hell are you doing?

I got scared, so I ran.

Okay. Where's the b*mb?

I-I don't know.

When do they plan on detonating it?

: . Rhami has a phone.
He's gonna dial a number.

Where are they, Karim?

Near the concession stands.

What are they wearing?

Yasir has a baseball cap. It's black.

Rhami... I don't know. I'm sorry.

We have Karim in custody.

Suspects two and three are on
foot by the concession stands.

Guy's we have nine minutes.
Come on, let's go.

Maggie, I got 'em.

We have suspect two and three

at the th Street running path.

Both Middle Eastern.

One suspect is wearing
a blue jacket and a black hat.

Hey, Rhami.

Don't run. Don't run!

Drop what's in your hand.

I said drop what's in your hand.

Rhami, look around.

There are agents ready
to put a b*llet in your head,

so please do yourself a favor,

and drop what's in your hand.


Look, it's just me and you, bro.

Forget about all this.
Forget about everybody.

Just look at me.

Please, Rhami.


Where's the b*mb? Where is it?

I'm not talking!

He made the call.
The timer's been triggered.

Clear the field.
Get the kids off the field.



Everybody, you need to clear out.

- Now!
- Okay, people, move out.


Okay, people, move out.

Now, move out, come on.

♪ ♪

[b*mb BEEPING]

I got it.

I need a multi-tool.



We're good. We're good.


Nice work.

They have no idea
how close they just came.

♪ ♪

So I did some research
on you, Agent Scola.

- Oh, yeah?
- Mm-hmm.

Princeton, seven years at Goldman Sachs,

five years at the Boston Field Office,

a younger sister named Alexandra...

and an older brother named Doug...

who died on / .

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...

I just figured it was a little
early in our partnership

to get all...


I get it.

Come in.


I have to set the record straight.

About what?

Earlier today,
I went to Karim's apartment.

I heard.

Have you ever been to Omaha, Agent Zidan?

No, ma'am.

We have a field office there.

It's a place where
well-intentioned agents

who act like social workers go to die.

Ma'am, with all due respect...

We pushed that kid too hard.

Turned him into something that he's not.

And I felt like I had to do something,

so I went Karim's
apartment to tip him off.


You went to his apartment
because you were concerned

the operation with the imam
from Brooklyn was a go

and that your friend Karim

was on the verge of being activated.

As it turns out, you were right.

I care about results, not process,

as long as we get the right results.

♪ ♪

What I'm saying to you is you got lucky,

real lucky.

You hit on and caught a ,

but if I were you,

I wouldn't do something so stupid again.

Odds are it's not gonna work out so well.

How was that?

Better than I thought, I think.

So you're not fired?

No. Not yet, at least.


Look, I should've taken your advice.

Actually, I shouldn't have given you any.

You wanted someone to vent to,
and I should've just listened.

You know, let you feel

all the things you were feeling.

Thank you.

We are pleased to announce
the FBI has apprehended

three known and dangerous t*rrorists,

and were able to thwart a coordinated

and sophisticated attack
on the people of New York City.

Yasir Moussad,
Rhami Maroun, and Karim Khan...

were prepared to detonate a b*mb

in Central Park near a baseball field

where young boys and girls were playing,

and parents and friends were watching.

Thanks to the heroism
of the New York Field Office,

hundreds of innocent lives were saved.

The United States government

will never stop fighting
the w*r on terrorism.

We will continue to use and deploy

all of the vast resources at our disposal

to ensure that Americans remain safe.

We plan on doing everything
in our power to ensure

these violent t*rrorists

spend the rest of their lives in prison.

I just wanted to see if you were okay.


I'm good.

I'll try and help.


I was excited to go to Toronto.

I've never been on an airplane before.

♪ ♪