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01x16 - Invisible

Posted: 08/24/21 15:19
by bunniefuu
And that's the thing,
hindsight's always 20/20.


You can't put yourself out
there like that.

You just... you can't.
It's too dangerous.

Dad, please.

Thank you.

An opinion is formed
in the first seven seconds

of meeting or seeing someone.

You really want a picture
of you making a duckface

in a bikini to be what
that opinion is based on?

First thing colleges do is check

an applicant's social media.


One dumb post can change
the course of your life

or your chances of getting
into Harvard.

You're right.
I'm sorry.

But it's getting late,
so I should probably go study

and take down
the duckface photo.

I think that's a fantastic idea.

Mm, mm-hmm.

Let me get the check.
I'll drive you home.

No, you're going
the opposite way.

I'll just... I'll get a cab.

No, I'll drive you.

Oh, you're being ridiculous.
I am almost 18.

When did that happen?

Okay, fine.

- I love you.
- I love you.

Text me, so I know
you got home okay.

Let's take your statement
outside, please.

I'm waiting for
some other agents to come in.

They'd like to speak with you
as well.

Just gotta hear it again.
Okay, I understand that.

What have we got?

Female, 17,
abducted about four hours ago.

This is Ms. Bates.
She saw the abduction.

Four hours ago?

That's on them, not me.

I called 911 the second
I saw the girl got grabbed.

It was 9:33 p.m.

It took 'em 40 minutes
before they responded.

PD says she's a frequent caller.

What did you see exactly?

Guy with a ski mask
and white tennis shoes

grabbed the girl before
she could scream.

Then what happened?

Grabbed my cell phone
so I could call the cops.

Did you see a car?

All I saw after I got off
the phone

was her purse laying there.

Okay, keep canvassing the area,

see if anyone else witnessed
what went down.

I'm on it.
Ma'am, come with me, please.

First 24 hours are
the most important.

We've already been
robbed of four.

She's just a kid.

Kidnapped victim is
Elizabeth Chase.

She's 17 years old,
a senior at the Wheeler School.

Her parents are going through
a divorce.

Social media indicates
she's a driven over-achiever,

not much personal posting,

mostly résumé,
college application stuff.

This girl's all about
her future.

Yeah, let's make sure
she still has one.

Anything from CCTV footage
near the restaurant?

No, and we came up dry

canvassing the neighborhood
for additional witnesses.


You said the parents
were split, not divorced?

Not yet, but according
to court documents,

it's an ugly situation.

Can you give me a financial
and professional snapshot

of both parents?

Father, Benjamin Chase,
own several of those

online print magazines.

You know, the kind that
specialize in

exploiting celebrity lives.

And the mom?

Social, soccer mom, old money,

combined net worth of
approximately $50 million.

Well, working class rich
by New York standards,

but certainly wealthy enough
for a ransom demand.

Unless, of course,
this was a sexual abduction.


We've been on scene
for about an hour,

place is filling up fast.

"Filling up"?

One of the family members
put the abduction

out on social media.


Sign of the times, I mean,

why make two dozen calls when
a single post suffices?

Well, there's
a big difference between

sharing a picture of your latte

and announcing
your daughter's abduction.

Well, apparently not
to these people.

Mrs. Chase,
I'm Special Agent Bell.

This is Special Agent Zidan.

We're gonna be taking point on
the search for your daughter.

Is there any news?

No, not yet, but we are doing
everything we can

to bring Elizabeth home.

We promise.

Someone said her purse
was found near the restaurant,

is that true?


Was her inhaler inside?

How bad is her asthma?

She uses it
three to four times a day.

She could die without it.

I know that this is
very difficult,

but we need to ask you
some questions.

Anything, whatever helps
bring my little girl home safe.

Has anybody made
any financial demands

or asked you of a favor,
you or your husband?

We're talking before
Elizabeth was taken.


Is there anybody that
you know that

might wanna harm your daughter?

Elizabeth gets along
with everyone.

She's a really sweet,
good person.

But my husband,
he has lots of enemies.

Why do you say that?

Because it's true.

His job, the content he creates,

it's all about
humiliating people.

Is he here?

No, at his office.

Don't get me wrong,
he loves Elizabeth very much,

and he's as freaked out as I am.

It's just hard for us to be
near each other right now.

Hello, I'm Benjamin Chase.
Close the door.

I should have driven her home.

I don't know what the hell
I was thinking.

I try not to suffocate her.

She's always asking for
more independence,

more freedom...

Mr. Chase,
this isn't your fault.

I mean, she's 17, kids her age
ride the subway, take cabs.

Your wife mentioned that
you have some enemies.

Close that door.

I don't need everyone knowing
my damn business.

Yes, I have some enemies.
Who doesn't?

A lot of people, actually.

So we're interested in knowing
who yours are.

Well, that's gonna take me
a few hours to put together.

It's that long?

Yes, sadly.

We write a lot of articles,
post a lot of photos.

Most of them...
are unflattering.

Being kind and gentle doesn't
attract too many eyeballs.

So you do what you gotta do.

Well, since your list
is so long,

I suggest you start working
on it.

The faster, the better.

Your daughter's life might
depend on it.

Hey, any luck with that
list of possibles

the father gave us?

No, field agents have already
interviewed and ruled out most of them.

Hey, you're applying
to be an agent?


Don't get me wrong,
I love being an analyst,

but I wanna be out in
the field like Maggie and OA.

And I can't do that
without a badge, so...

All right.
All right.

Well, have you told Dana yet?

I mean, I sent her an email
about a possible

letter of recommendation,
but she's not responded.

You should just talk to her
about it in person.

What's the worst she can say?

That I'm not field agent

Well, you know, think
negatively about yourself,

everyone else will do the same.

You get that from
a self-help book?

Yeah... no, it was
a fortune cookie, actually.


Victim's father just got
a ransom demand.

Let's go, folks.

Maggie and OA are with
the dad now.

What do we have?

A text came from a burner.

There's no way to trace it
back to the owner in real time.

Sending a text using a burner
was a smart move on his part.

But asking us to make
a money drop in a place

he knows that we can
easily surveil isn't.

So something's not adding up.

Maybe the girl's dead already,

and this is meant to distract
us while he makes a run for it.

Take the thr*at seriously
and see where it takes us.

All right.

Package is in the trash can.

Okay, stay loose, everybody,
but keep in mind

there's a million dollars
of Bureau's flash money

in that backpack.

Well, hopefully this guy
is both greedy and stupid.

White male, mid-30s,
eye on the bag.

He's got the bag.

Suspect is eastbound,
heading towards the stairs.

Are you guys seeing this?

We are.

Remember, we have a tracker
sewn into the backpack.

Just stay loose,
let the technology do

the heavy lifting.

If there's a handoff,

the priority
is to stay with the bag.

Hopefully it'll lead us
back to Elizabeth.

I got him, on the right.

Looks like he's crossing FDR
towards the river.

He's looking in the backpack.

Hey, hey, hey!

Happy New Year, y'all!

Here, here, here.

Our suspect's playing
Santa Claus out here,

but he's handing out
all the cash to the homeless.

Move in and get that damn money.

Here, here.

- FBI.
- FBI.

Don't move.

Everybody put your hands
in the air.

- Hey, come on, hands up.
- Look, you're under arrest.

Get everything you can,
all of it.

How much money is in that bag?

Is that the kidnapper of
Benjamin Chase's daughter?

- How much was the ransom?
- How much is in the bag?

What the hell is this?

You thinking what I'm thinking?

We interpreted wrong.

Her father wouldn't do anything
to exploit

his daughter's kidnapping,

"It's hard to attract
eyeballs these days,

so you do what you gotta do."

These clowns work for
Benjamin Chase?

No, a competing site.

Who tipped 'em off?

No one, apparently they've
been tracking Chase

since word got out about
his daughter's kidnapping,

hoping to get a photo-op
like this.


I'm telling you the truth.

I don't know anything about
any missing girl.

Then how did you know about
the backpack?

Some guy,
I never met him before.

So, some guy you've never
seen before

just comes up to you and says
there's cash in a backpack

in the trash can?

Well, he didn't
say there was cash inside.

He just said to get it
and meet him.

Describe him.

Ugh, um...

Short, baseball cap,
white or not.

Maybe Puerto Rican,
I don't know.

Where were you supposed
to meet this guy?

On the corner of
Bowery and Grand,

but he wasn't around, so...

So you decided it was yours?

The guy didn't show, so why not?

Because it's stealing.

So, the kidnapper makes
a money demand,

has a homeless dude pick up
the backpack and the cash,

and then what?

Just disappears before
he gets to the meeting spot?

Well, he's either a very
unsophisticated criminal,

or he's toying with us.

I'm going with the former.

I mean, everything about
this abduction has been

immature and reckless.

Either way, we need to find
that girl fast

and get her home safely.

I may have found something.

I've been scanning
subway CCTV footage

moments before our homeless
friend made his move,

and I found him talking to
someone that

matches the description
he gave OA.

Anyone know this guy?

Sir, we just need
a signature here.

- You have news?
- Yeah.

Greg, you're under arrest
for the kidnapping

of Elizabeth Chase.


- You son of a bitch!
- No, no, no... hey!

I'll k*ll you!
Let me go of me!

I'll k*ll you!

Where is she, Greg?

It's not a trick question, bro.
Where is Elizabeth?

I have no idea.

Bad call.

Your only sh*t at seeing
the light of day

is to come clean
and tell us what happened.

I... I swear I have nothing
to do with the kidnapping.

You're gonna have to do
better than that, man.

You're gonna have to tell us
the truth.

The truth is,
I hate Benjamin Chase.

No, I loathe him.
He's an awful man.

He's a selfish, controlling,
arrogant prick

who deserves to suffer.

now we're getting somewhere.

When I heard there was
no ransom demand,

I saw an opportunity.

So I sent one.

But after I paid the guy
at the subway to grab the cash,

I realized I was making
a huge mistake, so I bailed.

But I didn't kidnap Elizabeth.

I'm not a criminal.

Three days ago he made me
drop off a urine sample

at his doctor's office.

- Who?
- Benjamin Chase.

My boss.

Then when I get back, he told me

to cancel my plans for tomorrow,

because I need to take
his daughter

to some college fair.

He literally wants me to
chaperone her

to and from the event
like I'm a nanny,

and I am not a nanny.

I went to Vanderbilt,
graduated Magna Cum Laude.

I am not a nanny.

We understand that you are
overworked and undervalued,

but what you did is not okay.

You diverted our attention
from an investigation.

You swallowed up precious time
and resources

all because of what,
you're mad at your boss?

Is that seriously what
you are telling us right now?


What are you thinking?

I think this freaked out kid
needs to get a new job

and some sleep.

Saying you wanna release him?

I'm saying I don't think that
locking up Mr. Vanderbilt

is gonna help us find
Elizabeth Chase.

Kristen, please tell us
you have something.

I might.

When the case first dropped,
I notified

all local hospitals
and pharmacies to be

on the lookout for somebody
trying to purchase

an inhaler or nebulizer
without an prescription.

- Mm-hmm.
- Turns out, we just got a hit.

Two hours ago,
a kid just jumped a counter

at a local pharmacy
and ran off with an inhaler.

Do we have a lead on this kid?

Oh, the owner said
he was wearing a hoodie

the whole time, so he couldn't
get a good look at his face.

But he did flee west
after leaving the building.

Okay, stay on it.

Thanks, good job.

Accessed security cameras
from a bank

about a half a block west
of the pharmacy.

Hopefully we can get
a better look at him.

Good enough to run him
through facial rec?

It's a 1080P HD camera setup.

Okay, that's a good thing, then?

It means a 1920 by 1080
pixel resolution.

Maybe I need to rephrase
the question.

If the kid shows up on camera,
am I gonna be happy?

You'll be ecstatic.


Dana respond to your email yet?

- No.
- Did you talk to her yet?

- I...
- I got it.

Take a look at this.

A kid that young won't be in

the facial rec. Database,

No, but can I try something?


How did you do that?

Ah, well,
social media facial recognition

is almost as good
as the Bureau's.

So, it looks like this
kid's name is Charlie Jacobs.

He's a junior at Sherwood.
Elizabeth goes to Wheeler, no?

That doesn't mean they don't
know each other.

OA, we have a suspect.
His name is Charlie Jacobs.

There he is.

Charlie Jacobs?



Oh, my...

Hey, look at that dude!

Move, move!



There's nowhere else to go.

All we wanna do is talk to you.

Talk about what?

Elizabeth Chase, where is she?

She ruined everything.

- What are you... wait.
- Hey.

No, no, no, Charlie.
Come on, come back down.

Come over here.

You didn't do anything wrong.

Come on, come back down here.
Get off the ledge.

Just let us help you,
Charlie, please.

You're not in trouble.
You didn't do anything wrong.

We just wanna talk.

You don't wanna do this, man.

I just...

I just wanted to be famous.

I didn't think he would jump.

If I did, I would have...

Yeah, me neither.

"Elizabeth ruined everything."
What does that mean?

I don't know, but he must
have wanted to keep her alive.

If not, why steal from
the pharmacy?

Could I have some gloves,

Thank you.

There's no inhaler.

There's no cash...

and his dad's credit card.

Okay, let's see where that
was last used.

What do we know about
Charlie Jacobs?

How is he connected to
our victim, Elizabeth Chase?

Were they friends?
Were they classmates?

As far as I can tell, neither.

There's gotta be a nexus,
so let's find it.

Unlike the Rolling Stones song,

time is not on our side,
people, so let's move.

What else do you got on
young Mr. Jacobs?

I called the head of school at Sherwood...

Word is Charlie was more of
a troubled loner type;

Didn't like his school,
his teacher, his classmates.

- What about social media?
- Confirms that assessment.

All his posts are pretty much
rants against

the privileged private school

Look at this.

"Saw some rich whore
in Yeezy's in Montclair

"making out with jock BF.

Felt urge to slaughter."

So, Charlie was opinionated.

He probably thought
all that hate would bring him

some measure of attention
and approval.

Well, if that was his jam,
it didn't work.

No followers, hardly any likes.


What about this
kid's cell phone?

He wiped all his text messages,

but we are working on
recovering them.

Another thing of notice,
he did not have

the stolen inhaler on him.

Which means
he dropped it somewhere

before you went to see him.

- Right.
- Kristen, focus on that.

The Judge just John Hancocked the
search warrant for Charlie's house.

Great, let's get Maggie
and OA over there right away.


My son might have been
a little different,

but he wouldn't harm anyone.

We're not saying that he did.

Do you know who this girl is?

I've never seen her before.


He has 600 milligrams
of Lithium.

It's prescribed for depression.

Based on the prescription dates
and how full these are,

I don't think Charlie was
following doctor's orders.

This kid was clearly in
a dark place.

- Guys.
- Ian.

We need to know everything
that's on that laptop,

every internet search,
message exchange...

On it.

He's got some basic
security protocols in place,

but it shouldn't be too hard
to cr*ck.

Well, how long?

Let's see.


Uploading the data to the jocks
as we speak.

Remind me to never let you
near my laptop.

We are troubled on every side,

but not distressed.

We are perplexed,
but not in despair.

Persecuted, but not forsaken.
Cast down, but not destroyed.

In other words,
how we doing, g*ng?

We got a girl to find.
Let's get some leads going.

Let's go, let's go.

I did an analysis of
Charlie's timeline today.


So according to
his school records,

he attended his first period,

but he went missing for
second and third,

returned to school for fourth,
and stayed at the school

until Maggie and OA
made contact,

which gives us about two hours
that are unaccounted for.

During which time he grabbed
the inhaler at the pharmacy.

And according to that
debit card found in his pocket,

he bought a full t*nk of gas

about five minutes after
he ran from the pharmacy.

So I drew a circumference
of the maximum distance

he could have traveled in

the time period that
we're talking about.


Still a needle in a haystack.

True, but I also had
soil samples analyzed

from the tire tread on
Charlie's car.

They show a certain combination
of elements

only found in parts of
upstate New York.

So soil samples, coupled with

the calculations
based on gas used,

indicate that we should be
looking for Elizabeth

in the Pound Ridge area.

Hey, great work.

The haystack is getting smaller.

But we haven't found the needle,

so let's keep working.


Do you own any property
in the Pound Ridge area?

My father has a hunting cabin
up there,

but we barely ever use it.

What about your father?
Is he there now?

No, he d*ed a few months ago.

Federal agents!

- FBI!
- FBI!

All right, in here.

We got to flow this way.

Maggie, I got something.

Blood and a lot of it.

It's better than a body.


Fan out!


Elizabeth, federal agents!

All right, throw me
some light this way.

Hey, got something.

On the tree line.

All right.

I need extra beam over here.


She's alive.

We need a medic here right now.

If you're up for it, Elizabeth,
can you tell us what happened?


I, uh, I had dinner
with my father last night.

After we finished,
I looked for a cab.

And then out of nowhere

I felt this shock or jolt,

um, and then someone grabbed me

and threw me in a car.

Do you know a Charlie Jacobs?

No, I don't think so.

We think he was the one
that abducted you.

Did he as*ault you in any way?

Physically, sexually...

No, no, he never touched me.

So these cuts and scrapes...

When I heard them leave,
I broke a glass.

I needed something sharp
to cut through the rope.

I'm sorry, "them"?

Yeah, there were two of them.

And you didn't see
either one of them?

No, I had a hood over my head
the whole time,

but I could hear them talking.

It was sort of muffled,

but I knew there were
two of them.

Okay, did they say anything
that might be helpful,

use each other's names?

Names, no.

But I heard them talking about
k*lling people,

kids, students.

Ian cracked the code on
Charlie's computer

and Elizabeth was right.

Charlie Jacobs
and suspect number two were

planning a mass sh**ting event.

We get the name of
the other kid?

No, we just have
a gamer handle, Lazarus.

Do we know the target location?

Wheeler High gymnasium,
there's a game tomorrow night

between Wheeler and Sherwood.

Or there was.
I just canceled it.

Guys, Lazarus just popped up
on Charlie's DMs.


It's a direct message
to Charlie asking, "What's up"?

Our second suspect must not
know he's dead.

Because of Charlie's age,
his name wasn't released.

Try to engage him,
lure him to the country house.

Tell him that Elizabeth's sick
and you're worried.

If I can keep him on
long enough,

I can do a reverse ping
on his IP.


Charlie's dad's just made
the local news.

Okay, tell him if he doesn't
come fast, you're gonna leave.

We don't have much time.


Thirty more seconds
and I would have had

an exact location pinned.

So, you got nothing?

No, we have something.
It's just not exact.

Best I can do is narrow it
to a three-block area

over by Church and Broadway
in Lower Manhattan.

- She needs her rest.
- Benjamin.

Whatever it is, it can wait.

I'm sorry, it really can't.

No, Dad, just let them
talk to me.

We just need a minute.

How are you feeling, Elizabeth?


We're trying to find
the second person,

so I just thought I'd come by
and ask you again

if you remember hearing
any names, places...

No, I'm sorry.

Does the name Lazarus
mean anything to you?

Do you know anybody
who lives in that area?

I... yeah.

Yeah, I tutor someone over here.

He lives on Church Street.

His name is Sam.

Wait, is he the other kid?

We don't know.

Do you consider yourself
friends with Sam?

Yesterday he asked me out.

I said no,
'cause I have a boyfriend.

I'm gonna watch him
in a basketball game tomorrow.

He's on the team.

The one tomorrow night
between Wheeler and Sherwood?


How did Sam react when
you said no?

He joked that I'd be sorry,

because he was gonna be
really famous one day.

We're about three minutes
away from Sam's house.

Good, the subject's
full name is Samuel Musk.

He's 17 years old.
He's a senior at Wheeler.

And like Charlie,
his social media profiles

indicate significant
social isolation

and a lot of anger.

Ian, you have anything to add?

Based on their texting,
it looks like Charlie and Sam

made contact about
three months ago.

Which one was the alpha
of the two?

Definitely Sam.
He's the one who chose

the basketball game
as the target.

Right, because he found out
Elizabeth's boyfriend was

one of the players.

So he had Charlie follow her
to the restaurant

and told him to put her
somewhere safe

until after the sh**ting.

All because he liked her
and wanted to impress her.

Yeah, Charlie wasn't happy
about it, either.

He really didn't care if
Elizabeth d*ed or not.

Like a good beta, Charlie
did what Sam told him to do.

We're almost at the house.
Anything else we should know?

Yeah, Sam just posted on
social media,

says he's gonna be famous today.

Got it.

And another thing to know,

his father has
several handguns registered

in his name, so be careful.

Maggie, OA,
I know this kid is young,

but he is extremely dangerous.

If deadly force is necessary,

do not hesitate
to take the sh*t.



Show me your hands!
Show me your hands!

What the hell's going on?


Run the wall.

- He good?
- Good.

Where's Sam?

Um, he left a few minutes ago,

said some kid he knew
just d*ed, committed su1c1de.

Was Sam on foot?

No, he's on his scooter.

Is someone gonna tell me
what's going on?

The room's clear.

Is the scooter registered
to his name?


Put out an APB to
local law enforcement.

He's to be detained on sight.

You own firearms.
Where do you keep them?

For our safety and yours,

when it's unlocked,
please step away.

Sam doesn't have
the combination,

so there's no need to worry.

Looks like you're wrong
about that.

I'm not making excuses,

but he lost his mother
to cancer last year.

He has issues, severe ADHD.

I'm trying my best to help him,

but since my wife passed
it's been hard.

You need to call your son
right now.

Don't tell him we're here.
Just ask him to come home.

Sam, hey, it's me.

If you get this message,
please call me right away.

It's really, really important.

I love you, buddy.

Please don't do
something stupid.

I'd help you if I could.

Please, he's just a kid.
Don't hurt him.

What happens from this point on

is up to him, not us.

According to Sam's dad,
the kid's in possession of

a modified SOG AR-15,
three handguns,

and enough a*mo to k*ll
dozens of people.

Kris, we need you to work
your magic.

Where's this kid heading?

He turned off his phone
after his last post,

and he's on a scooter,
so there's no GPS to tap into.

But wait, um, let me see if

I can tap into
the traffic cam database.

Wait, I got him.


Yeah, he blew through
two red lights

in the last ten minutes.

Looks like he's still in
Lower Manhattan.

Okay, crime fighters,
check it out.

Sam must have not take
those g*ns for fun.

We need a target befitting
a young, disturbed mind.

The basketball game was
his first idea.

What is his second?

Let's go, let's go!

He was blowing lights
at regular intervals

for the past ten minutes,
but now nothing.

The last cross was
Eastbound and 57th Street.

Okay, we're about
three blocks behind him.

I synced traffic cams
in that area

to alert us to his plate.

We were getting reports
every 15 seconds or so,

but no longer.

Yeah, it means he's arrived
at his intended destination.

I want snapshots of
possible targets

in that area near 57th Street.

Okay, accounting for Sam's
need for fame

and the target demographic
he seems to despise,

I have a dozen possibilities.

That's about ten too many.

We don't have the time
or resources to cover them all.

This kid's about notoriety,
think movie theaters,

restaurants, malls...

Focus on venues that
are populated with

successful, athletic,
high-achieving students.

Wait, didn't
Benjamin's assistant say

something about a college fair
taking place today?

Where's it taking place?

945 Third Avenue.

It's two blocks away from
our last sighting,

and it starts in ten minutes.

Go, go, go!

There he is, the door.

- Stop!
- He's got a g*n!

Look out, look out!
He's got a g*n, he's got a g*n!

Drop the w*apon now.

It's over, Sam.

Drop your w*apon
and put your hands

where we can see them.

No, I'm not gonna let you
take this away from me.

Sam, you don't drop your w*apon,

we're gonna sh**t you.

Sam, put the g*n down.


I don't need to do anything.

I make the rules.
This is my day.

Yeah, you're right,
this is your day.

Look around.

Everybody's watching,
you're already famous.

Drop the w*apon so you can
walk away.


Hank, hurry!

Get him out of here right away.


Hey, it's okay.
It's okay.

Hold on, OA.
Hold on.

You're okay,
it didn't go through.

You're okay.
You're okay.

It's still gonna leave a mark.

You're gonna be fine.
Luckily, no ribs were broken.

Thank you.

What you did was stupid.

You know that, right?


An innocent bystander
could have been k*lled.

- I know...
- No, OA.

You could have been k*lled.

I know.

I just acted on instinct.

Your instinct was reckless.

And it scared me.
Don't do that again.

Your son is on the second floor.

He's under psych detention.

I know, uh...

I heard what you did,
and I, uh...

I wanted to thank you.

You saved Sam's life...

And I'm so grateful.


The girl's safe,
the suspect is in custody,

I have no other comment
than that.

And the less publicity
this gets, the better.


The FBI Press Liaison
wanting the official statement.

What's up?
You need something?

Well, this is probably
a bad time...

No, no, no, it's fine.
What is it?

I sent you an email
about my Academy application...

Yes, I saw that.

I've been meaning to
talk to you about that.

Oh, I see.

You start June 1st.

Wait, I'm sorry.

I spoke to my friend
at Quantico yesterday,

and I told him you would make
a fantastic agent.

So he looked at
your application and agreed.


I may not say much,
but I see everything,

and I definitely see you.

Thank you.
Thank you so much.

