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01x13 - Partners in Crime

Posted: 08/24/21 15:16
by bunniefuu
Look, I'm sorry, sir. He's not here.

I have the appointment card.
It says right here.

Sir, I understand you had
a scheduled appointment...

- 8:00 on Tuesday.
- My manager isn't in yet.

Do you know when he'll be here?

Sorry, but you're welcome to wait.

That's why I made an
appointment in the first place.

- So I don't have to wait.
- I'm sorry.

Hey... Uhh!




Drop your weapons
and get on the ground now!



Hit the alarm, now!

(g*n CLICKS)


♪ ♪


- Did you talk to Jubal yet?
- No, I tried him a few times.

Look, I'm not against the concept.

Then why are you making
such a big deal about it?

I'm not making a big deal about it.

I'm simply expressing
my lack of enthusiasm.

- I forgot how exhausting

you are.

Is that your way of saying you miss me?

I need to grab this.
Hey, Maggie, what's up?

Hey, Jubal, we got
a bank robbery, one dead.

Right, okay, I'll touch base in five.

Let me guess, you have to go
light up the JOC?

- I'll let you go then.


We'll see you Saturday, right?

- Did you see their faces?
- No, they were wearing masks.

- What did they say to you?
- Nothing.

Not a word.

They just gave me this note.

"PS 59, 3rd grade.

All the cash in the safe, no alarms."

- PS 59?
- My son's school.

I should have triggered the alarm sooner.

That poor officer,
I just... I just didn't know.

It's okay, you did the right thing.

They were threatening your child.

- Here you go, sir.
- It's okay.

♪ ♪

I'm Special Agent Maggie Bell.
This is my partner, OA Zidan.

Deputy Inspector Richard Talmage.

NYPD Major Case Squad.

- We're very sorry.
- I appreciate it.

Name's Oliver West. Good man.

Wife, two kids.

Three other bystanders were also shot.

They're on their way to the hospital now,

but they appear to be in
stable condition, thank God.

Excuse me, can you
follow them to the hospital,

- see what they know?
- Yeah. Got it.

They pull the security footage yet?

Yeah, we'll get it over
to 26 Fed right away.

- Thank you.
- The teller said

the robber handed her this note.

- Ring any bells?
- Yeah, we had a few robberies

in the area about a year ago.

Same thing... silent criminals,
threatening notes.

- You make an arrest?
- No, we were circling

a robbery crew on the Lower East Side,

but we couldn't make the case.

Mind if we take a look at those files?


Hey, I, uh...

I know you guys are the lead
on bank robberies,

- but, uh...
- We understand.

This one's personal.

We'll keep you in the loop
every step of the way.


♪ ♪

Bank robbery played out
like a silent movie.

Robbers communicated with notes.

No words, no voices.

Good news is, NYPD has seen this before.

M.O. matches a string

of violent robberies from last year.

These are the lovely faces
of the various suspects.

Let's dig deep,
see if we can't find a nexus

- to this bank robbery, huh?
- Security footage?

Uh, yeah, it came in two minutes ago.

Cue it up for me, will you, Bill?

All right, here we go.

Perps walk in, they knock the guard out,

bang, a single shot in the air.
The shorter perp

gives the note to the teller.

Officer West identifies himself,

gets shot... returns fire.

- All right, pause.
- Witnesses heard her scream,

said it was definitely a woman.

Okay, I want you to start
calling all of the hospitals.

I need the name
of every female g*nsh*t victim

in the Tri-State area. All right, run it.


♪ ♪

Right there, stop.

Can you blow that up and run it again?

- Jubal.
- Yeah?

The taller perp takes the g*n
from the female perp,

doesn't even let her
take the shot herself.

So either he's a better shot...

Unlikely, given all the times he missed.

Or he's the boss.

Bad news is, Mr. Alpha didn't
get what he went there for...


Means he might strike again, soon.

Striations in the b*ll*ts
are a match to the ones found

at a home invasion back in 2014.

- Same g*n used in both crimes.
- You have a name?

Yeah, one of the guys in
the robbery crew got pinched.

Did three years. Matt Tolan.


Matthew Tolan was just
released from Rikers

three weeks ago.

- Didn't waste any time.
- We have a current address?


- Hey, whoa...
- Inside.

What the hell is going on here?

- FBI.
- We're looking for

your brother, Matthew Tolan.

You busted down my door
so you could look for Matt?

Where is he?

He's in the back.


♪ ♪

- Wake-up call, Matty.
- Oh... what the hell?

- What is this?
- You're coming with us.

Why? What did, uh, what did I do?

There was a bank robbery this morning,

so we have some questions to ask you.

Okay, fine, let's go.

I appreciate the energy, Matt,

but maybe you want to put some pants on?


I keep telling you,
I didn't rob that bank.

I'd love to take your word for it.

I was with my niece
at her school, PS 142.

- She had a violin concert.
- Can anyone verify that?

Plenty of people.
My sister, the teachers.

- I'm sure there's video, too.
- Oof, Uncle of the Year.


Ooh, that coffee's terrible.

Didn't realize you had
such refined tastes.

But then again, when you've
spent as much time

in prison as you have, I mean,
it makes perfect sense.

I'm not denying
that I made some mistakes.

I'm just saying your coffee sucks.

But you are denying that you
did the bank robbery, correct?

You're damn right.

Then how do you explain the g*n?

- What g*n?
- The one you used

in that home invasion robbery
three years ago.

It was used in
a bank robbery this morning.

- It wasn't my g*n.
- Whose was it?

There's a dead police officer, Matt.

You sure you want to get
all mixed up in this?


His name's Patrick Cross.

We, uh, we... we did
a few robberies together

back in the day,
but that was a long time ago.

- I was a different person then.
- Where's Cross now?

Don't know. Don't talk to him anymore.

- Why not?
- Because he's the one

who did that home invasion, not me.

♪ ♪

Okay, sit tight.
We're gonna run your alibi.

- Oh and... I'll get the barista

to make you a fresh pot of coffee.

And we'll have 'em use one
of those artisanal blends too.

Oh, that's hilarious. Thank you.

Yeah, well, I'm his father.

I think this warrants a conversation.

Does that make sense?

Okay, you know what? I can't
talk about this right now.

- Hey.
- Everything all right?

Oh, yeah, you know,
ex-wife, new boyfriend.

This whole inclusive modern family thing

is not as awesome
as everyone makes it out to be.

So did Tolan's alibi check out?

Yeah, airtight.

Five people saw him
at the school concert.

Okay, so Tolan is listening
to third graders play violin.

What else? Where are we
with this Patrick Cross guy?

Last known address isn't current

and the landlord hasn't
heard from him in months.

Any leads on the female suspect?

Not yet. We're still calling hospitals,

but so far no hits.

Let's expand that
to undertakers, funeral homes...

doctor of choice
for many smart criminals.

What else do we know?

ERT is running various
blood samples from the bank,

but it could take awhile.

Tell the lab to make it a priority.

- I need it back today.
- Okay.

Yeah, yeah. Guys, NYPD just got a report

of a bodega robbery downtown.

Two people in ski masks,
single shot in the air,

no talking, threatening note passed.

Looks like Bonnie and Clyde struck again.

Let's get up on every damn camera

within a ten-block radius of that bodega.


I've got guys going up and down the block

seeing if any other cameras
caught sight of 'em.


♪ ♪

Do you have the note?

"All the cash in the register.

No alarms or we'll k*ll you."

Threat's not as specific.

No, it's spur of the moment.

They're scrambling.

They didn't just take the cash either.

You okay?

It could have been worse.

Do you know what they stole?

Everything that
they could get their hands on.

Cash, gift cards, cell phones.

- Cell phones?
- Yes, the prepaid kind.

We're gonna need the serial numbers

- for every phone they took.
- Hey, one of my guys

found a witness who heard the female perp

call the male perp Pat.

All right, people, we're
looking for Patrick Cross.

34 years old, lifetime resident
of the Lower East Side.

As you can see,
hardly an ideal upbringing.

(SCOFFS) To say the least.

Saw his father m*rder his mother

and his two sisters when he was only ten.

(EXHALES) Trauma like that at that age

chemically alters the brain.

It skews emotional reactions
into adulthood.

- Hmm.
- After the murders,

his father went to prison
and Cross went into foster care.

Bounced around until he was about 16.

What happened at 16?

He moved in with Matt Tolan's family.

Before long, they were
committing armed robberies.

Files run pretty parallel
for the next 15 years.

Until Tolan went to prison
three years ago.

Haven't talked since.

Tolan blames Cross for the conviction.

Stolen burner is on.
I've got a rough location.

All right, Ian!

So it looks like our suspects
are in the Lower East Side.

They're heading west.

- Jubal!
- Yeah.

NYPD's got a reported car theft

about a block away from the bodega.

CCTV also caught two suspects
matching our description.

All right, we're looking
for a silver Saturn, 2009,

New York plates:
India, Tango, Alpha, 10, 15.

Splash that out to everyone
we have on the streets.

All units be advised:
We have a silver Saturn

weaving through traffic
near Delancey and Essex.

Delancey heading west.

He's headed for the Holland Tunnel.

Easy, Baby Driver. Where are you going?

Short cut. Get on the radio,

see if NYPD can shut down
Delancey at Forsyth now.

Better than shutting down the
Holland Tunnel at lunch hour.

Suspects turning left
onto Broome, heading west.


Maggie, hold tight.


- You good?
- I don't know if good's

the word, but let's do this.

♪ ♪

Let's go.

- (g*nshots)

Come on!

Don't sh**t.
There's too many pedestrians.

Get up! Get up! Open the door.

- Stay down!
- He's taken a hostage.


♪ ♪

- There's two suspects inside.

- One male, one female.
- How many hostages?

We've seen four so far,
but there might be more.

Anyone injured?

There were several sh*ts fired.

Didn't hit anyone.



No pressure, Ian, but you don't get eyes

inside that restaurant, you're fired.

Almost there.

Restaurant's technology
is actually pretty good.

Meaning the cameras are hard to hack?

Hard, but not impossible,

and for the record,
I'm impervious to pressure.

- Yes, and apparently sarcasm.


Yeah, yeah, it was actually.

She's throwing a birthday party
for my kid.

- He's turning 12.
- What's wrong with that?

Well, she's doing it
at her new boyfriend's house.

- I'm not really down with that.
- So you're not gonna go?

- Okay, we're in.
- All right, great work.

Your job is safe for now.

All right, people, we got eyes
inside the restaurant.

Looks like there are... five, six, seven.

Seven hostages all seated
near the windows in front.

Hey, the female suspect, she looks fine.

She's not even limping anymore.

She got lucky? Shallow wound?

Or she's really tough.

We get the blood results back yet?

Uh, lab ran everything
we got back from the bank

against the criminal database,
but no matches.

Good news is our perps
aren't masked anymore.

Hey, Ian, can you get tight
screenshots of their faces?

Well, we were right about one thing.

That's definitely Patrick Cross.

You recognize her?

No, but I'll run it through
facial recognition now.

Delta 2-1, tell me when
you're in position.

The windows in the back of
the building are small, but...

We have sn*pers in position

on the rooftop across the street.

If we can get simultaneous
sh*ts on both perps,

- we take 'em out.
- Dan, do our sn*pers

have eyes on Cross?

Affirmative, they're trying
to line up sh*ts now.

Okay, let me know when you have

both perps in the crosshairs.

We do this simultaneously
or we don't do it at all.

Am I clear?

Copy that.


♪ ♪

Come on...

That's right.

Just take a look outside, Patrick.


g*n six, do you have target lock?

Affirmative. Target locked.

Spotter, status update.

We have both suspects in crosshairs.

On your order, ma'am.

Maintain target lock.

Wait! I have something.

- What's going on?
- The girl with Cross?

It's Julia Parker. She's 18.

She went missing eight months ago.

- Are you sure?
- I'm positive.

Stand down. I repeat, stand down.

Stand down, stand down.

♪ ♪

Julia Parker.

18-year-old high school senior
from Richfield, Connecticut.

She went missing eight months ago

when she was on her way home
from soccer practice.

No ransom note. No phone call.

As far as I can tell,
there's no hard evidence

she was kidnapped at all.

- You saying she ran away?
- Unclear.

Connecticut field office
has been working the case

with local police.
No definitive conclusion yet,

so we have to consider the possibility

that Julia is complicit in all this.

We can take a look
through all the footage,

see if we can glean any insight
into her current state of mind.


But until we have evidence
to the contrary...

we treat her like a victim.

Copy that.

Hope NYPD feels the same.

What the hell is going on?

Why are the sn*pers standing down?

The female perp went missing
eight months ago,

so before we move we need to make sure

that she's not being held c*ptive

or if she's a willing collaborator.

She just took seven people
hostage at gunpoint.

Seems like a willing collaborator to me.

I get that.

We just need
a little more time here, okay?

We need to make sure we get this right.



This is outside the restaurant

right after the car chase

and before any hostages were taken.

- Aah!

Come on!

- You see that?

Right there. Their g*ns.

All the muzzle flashes came from him.

She never fired.

Okay, maybe she's just playing along

in fear for her life.

Keep going.


Okay, stop.

Right there.

Cross went inside the restaurant

and Julia could have easily escaped,

but she didn't.

- Okay.

Pull up the footage
from the two robberies.

Let's see how involved or uninvolved

- this young woman really is.
- Okay.

Has anyone notified her family yet?

Uh, Jubal's in the conference room

with Julia's father now.

So she's alive? You've seen her?

Yes, we've... we've seen her on video.

But, Dr. Parker, your daughter
was at the scene

of two armed robberies this morning.

- "Armed robberies"?
- Yes.

And right now she's with a man

and they've, uh... (SIGHS)

They've... they've what?

Taken seven people hostage
at a local restaurant.

Take a look.

(STAMMERING) Someone must have...

This man she's with
must have put her up to this.

It's... it's possible.

We're still trying
to figure out her exact role.

Her exact role is she was kidnapped.

It's... it's as simple as that.

Have you ever heard
the name "Patrick Cross"?

No, is... is that who this is?
Patrick Cross?

He... he's the one
that took my little girl?

He's the man that's with her.
We're just...

not sure if he kidnapped her.

What are you talking about?

Your daughter had a blog, right?

Current events, pop culture?

Yeah, it was for school.

Well, it seems this man, Patrick Cross,

began to follow her on her blog,

her social media accounts.


Some of that communication
was flirtatious.

Photos, texts sent back and forth.

She's a kid, for God sakes.

You're blaming her for...
for sending a few stupid texts?

This monster took my little girl from me

243 days ago,

and you're saying it's her fault?

Dr. Parker, I want nothing more

than to help you get your
little girl back, I promise.

But right now we need
to figure out the nature

of their relationship.

Look, I have kids, too.

We don't always know
what's going on with them.

Yeah, maybe you don't, but I do.

I'm a single father with one child.

I know Julia better
than anyone in this world.

♪ ♪

There's no way she ran off

with some middle-aged guy.

No way.


Well, we're doing everything we can.

I'm sorry I upset you.
I'm just doing my job.

Your job is to save her,
not criminalize her!

♪ ♪

Let's open a line of communication.

You take point.
If Cross did abduct Julia,

I'm guessing he has
some issues with women.

There's no point in triggering that now.


Who's this?

Agent Omar Zidan, FBI.

Patrick, you there?


Can you tell me if Julia's okay?

Her family's really worried.

I want an armored vehicle

and a clear path
out of the city in one hour

or everyone inside dies.

(SCREAMING, g*nshots)

Lily, what the hell just happened?

Son of a bitch just shot someone.

- No, his partner did.
- What?

Female captor just shot
one of the hostages.


Quick, play it back.


♪ ♪

Okay, guys, debate's over.

Your so-called victim
just shot a damn hostage.

Let's get those sn*pers back in position.

No, hold on a second. That guy rushed her

and caught her off-guard.
That looked like self-defense.

What are you, her lawyer?

I don't think she's trying
to hurt people,

and she could still be a victim.

She just shot a guy, for God's sake!

It's time to move.

Time to start saving the real victims.

Look, I don't want to get into a turf w*r

with the FBI, but if I need to, I will.

Excuse me?

We've got one dead cop

and seven New Yorkers held c*ptive.

That gives the NYPD authority
to take action.

- Richard...
- You've got ten minutes

to get on board,
or we're moving without you.

You move without my consent,
and I'll have your badge.

♪ ♪

Kristen, NYPD's looking to move in.

Maggie's got them at bay,
but she is on pretty thin ice.

You got anything to back up her theory

that Julia's a victim?

Uh, well, nothing clear-cut,

but there is something off
in the bank footage.

Okay, you see here?

Julia's walk, her stride, her mannerisms

is much different in this video
than that video.

And she appears much shorter in the bank

than she does in the bodega.

- Really?
- Yeah.

I mean, Patrick Cross is 5'10.
Julia Parker is 5'8.

But in this video, she looks shorter.

Like, four inches, not two.

Could just be the camera angle.

No, I don't think so.

You see, a standard ATM is 48 inches

from the bottom to the top button.

The bank tiles, we know, are 12x12,

so by that scale,
we can measure this girl...

and see that she is...

♪ ♪


Three inches shorter than Julia Parker.

So that's why Julia wasn't limping

in the bodega or the restaurant.

Because the girl who got shot
in the bank isn't Julia.

Hey, Jubal.

The woman who got shot
at the bank, it's not Julia.

What? Who is it?

We ran the blood splatter from the bank

against the missing person's database.

Matched to a girl named Katharine James.

15 years old, abducted ten months ago

from her family's apartment
on the Upper West Side.

- Jubal.
- Yeah.

The wrists.

Yeah, we got visual evidence

that both these young women
have been restrained.

Significant abrasions
around their wrists.

So when they're not accompanying Cross

in the robberies,
they're being held c*ptive?


- Where's Katharine James now?
- Yeah, how do we find her?

No, Jubal, how do we save her?

She's been shot.

Bank was held up at 8:09 a.m.

Bodega robbery was reported at 9:27 a.m.,

so somewhere in between the two

Patrick Cross dropped off Katharine James

and picked up Julia Parker.

They showed up at both crimes
on foot 78 minutes apart.

He couldn't have covered
that much ground.

Dig up traffic reports, CCTV footage,

reported sightings,
any data you can find,

and build a radius of everywhere

Cross could have gone
between the two att*cks.

How much time do I have?

Maggie and OA are working to hold off

a very emotional NYPD.

Is that your way of saying "not much"?

That's my way of saying "five minutes."

Now there are two victims?

What the hell are you talking about?

The girl inside the bank is not the same

as the one inside
the bodega or this restaurant.

It's not a hunch, it's a fact.

Both girls have severe
abrasions on their wrists.

They're being restrained.

They're being held c*ptive.

I got it.

Cross is our only target.

So let's take his ass out
and call it a day.

Not until we find out
where the second victim is.

We take Cross out now,

there's a chance we never find Katharine.

Not to mention she got shot,
so she might be bleeding out.

I get it, but we got a man
inside the restaurant

who's bleeding out, too.

Okay, we gotta get Cross talking.

So maybe we do have to make a trade.

We have to give him something

in exchange for Katharine's whereabouts.

It's worth a try, but it's pretty obvious

he doesn't want to engage with us.

Well, we have to find someone
who he will engage with.

You'd better find them fast,

because this thing's
about ready to blow up.


♪ ♪

The hell is this guy doing?

He is making sure we can't send SWAT in.

We throw a flash-bang,
whole place goes up in flames.

Or he wants to set
the damn place on fire,

create a distraction so he can escape.


Ask me, it's better
to lose one life than seven.

No, we're gonna save them all.

We just need to get Cross talking.

Who does Patrick Cross love?

Who does he respect, who does he like?

Who does he listen to?

Does he have a priest,
a shaman, a friend?

It looks like he's a loner.

Well, there has to be someone.

Well, his mother
and his two sisters are dead.

He grew up in foster care,
and to the extent

that he has any cousins, aunts, uncles,

they're obviously not very close.

And he'd despise them
for not taking care of him

when he was young and needed a family.

No ex-girlfriends, ex-wives.

At least he has that going for him.

Did I say that out loud?


You sure about that?

No, but worth a shot.

Family's family.

Joseph Cross, Agent OA Zidan.

We spoke on the phone. You ready?

Yeah, just tell me
what you need me to say...

but I want that 2 grand
in my prisoner account

by the end of the day.





Patrick, it's Omar. FBI.

I don't want to talk to you.

That's fine, but I have someone
here that wants to say hello.


Patrick, hey. It's me, your father.

The FBI told me what's happening.

And what?

You came here to give me advice?

Was that a joke?

Look, I get it.

I got no right telling anyone what to do,

but I... I figured I might as well try.

They say no one's dead yet.

That means there's still a way out.

I mean, you do what they ask...

you could still have a life someday.

But you gotta call off

this hostage thing, now.

♪ ♪

Patty, you there?

♪ ♪

Ask him about Katharine James.

Tell him we'll give him a car or a plane

if he tells us where she is.

Hey, Patty.

Do you know anything
about a girl named, uh,

Katharine James?

♪ ♪

Hey, Patty, you still there?



Jubal, we scanned through
social media posts.

We went through anything geotagged
near the bank or the bodega.

And you found something?

Tourists caught our bank robbers

in the background of a photo
taken near the Tenement Museum

at 8:49 a.m.

So we pulled CCTV footage from the area

and followed them through the area...

to these two blocks.

And what happened there?

Well, we hit a dead zone,

but they'd been walking
at about 3.6 miles an hour,

and at that rate they should have

hit choke points at these three cameras

at one of these times.

What? They disappeared?

No, they turned up...

here, approximately four minutes later

than they should have
and walking at the same speed.

- So either they got lost...
- Or they stopped off

somewhere between those two cameras.

Exactly. Katharine James

is somewhere in these two blocks.

I just don't know where.

But we have someone who might.

I'm sorry,
I haven't seen that kid in 25 years.

- I know. You did what you could.
- Hey, Joseph!

Excuse me.

We think that your son
may have been staying

somewhere in this area.

Anything look familiar?

We lived in an apartment
on that block a long time ago.

Years before I...

♪ ♪

What was the exact address?

♪ ♪

Both bedrooms clear!

Right, clear!

- Stairs.
- Stack on me.

- Breacher over here.
- Sir.

Upstairs clear!

Go, go, go, go!


♪ ♪


Can you tell me your name?


You're safe now, Katharine.

I've got you.

- Get a paramedic in here.
- Yes, sir.

Let me get those cuffs off you.

You're gonna be okay now.

No, no way Julia is a part of this.

She's not a criminal.

She hates Patrick just like me.

Why didn't she escape? We have video.

There are moments she could have run.

Plus, she has a g*n.
Why not just sh**t the animal?

Because she was protecting me.

He ties us up. He blindfolds us.

We never knew where we were.

If Julia shot Patrick,

she would never find me.

He told us every day,

"You run, the other one dies."

Whatever Julia has done,
she did it to protect me.

We're family.

We had a pact.

We always go back for the other.

No matter what.


♪ ♪

Did Julia make that for you?


She has one, too.

We call them "sister bracelets."



That's okay, you don't need
to talk to me.

But I'm gonna talk to you, so listen up.

The hostage inside the restaurant,

he is going to die
if we do not get him some help.

You don't want that, trust me.

He dies, it's game over.
Nothing we can do.

No car, no money, no plane.

I'm not letting anyone out.

You don't have to,

but we're gonna send somebody in.


Okay, send him in.

♪ ♪

(SNIFFS) Okay.

Go ahead.

You help the guy who got shot, that's it.

You talk to anyone else, you die.

♪ ♪


Okay, let's see.

- You're gonna be okay.

I'm just gonna clean the wound

and put some compression on it.

♪ ♪


Okay, this is gonna help with the pain.

♪ ♪

Are you done?


No, I think he has a fever,

and I'm concerned that
he might have an infection.

♪ ♪

Look, can... can I just get
some water from the bar?


Be quick.

And keep your mouth shut.

Julia, over here.


I don't want you talking anymore.

You understand me?



♪ ♪

Oh, my God. Look, he's burning up.

Can... can you just

get your partner to help me get some ice?

No, no. He looks good.

It's time for you to get out of here.

No, he's not okay.

His temperature is way too high.
I just need some ice.

I'll get him to cool off
and then I'll go.



Okay, you need to take this.


Look down, now!

Face forward!

♪ ♪

She's alive? She's okay?

She's safe.

What are you...

Who's alive?

- What the hell is going on?
- I just was...

- I said no talking!
- Okay, I just was saying

that he... he was gonna be okay.

- What did you tell her?
- Nothing.

You a cop?




♪ ♪


He's gone.

♪ ♪

It's okay.

Give me the g*n.

You're okay.

You're safe now.



- It's okay.

It's okay.



It's okay.



- Are you okay?
- I'm okay.



Are you okay?


♪ ♪

They were held c*ptive
together for eight months.

What can I possibly say to her?

Doesn't matter what you say.

Just matters that you're here.

You're okay.



It's okay. It's okay.

- Oh, honey...
- Mom!

(WHISPERS) I'm so sorry.

I love you, Dad.


♪ ♪

Okay, thank you.

Hey. Just got off the phone

with the hospital.
Julia's in stable condition.

No injuries, no physical trauma.

No physical trauma?

No. Katharine, too.

So then Cross didn't...

Both girls were examined very closely.

No sign of sexual or physical abuse.


- Hey, Dana.
- Yeah.

So Cross abducts these two young girls,

doesn't beat them, doesn't r*pe them.

What is he looking for?

Family. We all need one.


♪ ♪


- Jubal.
- Allan.

- Hey, man.
- Hey.

I'm glad you could make it.

You kidding me? It's my kid's birthday.

- Come on in.
- Thanks.

♪ ♪