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01x08 - This Land is Your Land

Posted: 08/24/21 14:46
by bunniefuu
- Father.
- Katya.

I got your message,
but I didn't...

I have a present for you.

I already have your book.

No, no, no, no, no.

I was coming
from a book signing.

No, I have something
much more excited.

Your Visa.

You can stay in New York
as long as you like.


Despite appearances, I still
have friends in high places.

My God.

I don't know what to say.

- Katya Beniov?
- Yes.

Follow me, please.

Thank you so much.

Thank you.

Go, go.

- Get off me. Help!
- Let's go!


- Let's go!
- Go! Go!

- Come on!
- Get in there!

- I got him.
- Let's move!

Look like you're on a date.

What's that?

Is that that thing where
people get together

for dinner and drinks,
get to know each other?

I think I've heard of that.

Don't forget you chose
this life.

Can I have a do-over?
Maybe a time machine?

No, you're stuck with me.

Hey. Agent Bell.
This is Agent Zidan.

Detective Gates.

Left the consulate
through what they call

the "diplomat's exit,"

but what we call the back door.

Walked right into an ambush.

Three federal agents on
protection detail, headshots.

No sign of the man
they were protecting.


Hey, can you remove the slugs,
get 'em to ballistics, please?

Will do.

Well, their weapons
are holstered.

This is Josh Park.
He's with DSS.

Terrible business.

Their charge was Victor Beniov,

Russian National.

Former chemist at Moscow.

Word is, he assisted Assad
in developing

chemical weapons in Syria.

He made it about face
and is currently an inspector

working for Uncle Sam.

Publicity for his book
put a target on his back.

State Department called DSS
to play bodyguard.

Sound like you were opposed.

Why wouldn't he be?

You saw what Assad did
in Damascus.

He gassed his own people.

If he had anything
to do with that...

Um, that's Beniov's daughter.

You want me to bring
her over, or...

No, we'll take it from here.

- Okay.
- Thank you.

Ms. Beniov. Thank you.

I'm Agent Bell.
This is Agent Zidan.

I don't understand.
Someone took him?


We're sorry.

But you people were supposed
to be protecting him.

Whoa. There are three good
men dead over there

doing a job
none of them wanted to.

Ms. Beniov, we're gonna do
everything that we can

to find your father.

Kay, if you can think
of anything...

I told him
not to write this book.

I told him he's better off
making amends

outside of the spotlight.

He wasn't dangerous.

He was a hero.

Making chemical weapons.

When my father saw his chance
to leave Moscow, he took it.

But only when he knew
he could get me out.

That was really brave of him.

You know, he dedicated his life

atoning for his role
in the att*cks on Damascus.

And his bookhis book
was supposed to shine a light

on who was really
behind those atrocities.


They're getting more brazen
with their enemies.

Poisonings in the U.K.,
m*rder*d journalists in Africa.

And Victor Beniov's book
must have put him

on the top of their hit list.

Except they didn't hit him.

No, they just lured him
to the consulate

with the promise of a Visa
for his daughter.

They're saying that
he conducted his business

and went out the back door.

Yeah, that is what
they're saying.

Of course, the cameras
were 86'd, so we have no proof.

If we go with abduction,

they could be trying to smuggle
him out through Canada.

Get him back to Moscow,
open him up,

see what secrets spill out.

What are you thinking?

Well, if they didn't k*ll him
to silence him,

maybe they want him
for more practical purposes.

Make more chemical weapons.

Using what leverage?

His daughter's here.
His wife's dead.

You know,
my dad worked at the embassy

in Moscow in the '80s.

I was there from
age 12 to age 14.

Believe me, if Russian bullies
wanna get you to do something,

they will find a way
to make it happen.

Okay, let's put a chokehold
on all exit points.

- Yeah.
- I want airports,

train terminals, bus stations,

the Canadian borders
all on elevated alert.

Yeah, let's send agents
to private air fields.

And I'll bring the NYPD
and State Police up to speed.

Get Beniov's photo in the hands

of every cop
from here to Kansas.

Ballistics from the crime scene
are in.

Where are Maggie and OA?
On their way.

- I can take it.
- Yeah, do that.

- Okay.
- Keep me posted on details.

Where are you headed?

You're not the only one
who spent time in Moscow.

The slugs from the bodies...

Are 9x39 millimeter
SP6 r*fle cartridges.


And what type of r*fle?


Highly specialized
as*ault r*fles

with built-in silencers.

Where are they manufactured?

A factory outside of Moscow.

Specially designed
for the Russian Spetsnaz.

Good work.

What's going on with you?


Daughter's worried
about her father

and you nearly bit her head off?

Come on, show some empathy.

My job is to find him.
I'll do my job.

- Don't ask for more.
- Hey.

He gassed people, Maggie.

At least 70 people d*ed
in Damascus,

in the most horrible way

I get that.

But you and I both know that

we don't get
to pick our parents.

So, whatever he did
or didn't do,

it's not her fault.

And she's scared.

That's enough.

You through?

- Maksim.
- Dana.

How's your lovely wife?

Too fat.

I tell her not to eat, but...

Before you start...

it wasn't us.

That's a quick denial.
I just sat down.

I tell you now
or I tell you later.

It doesn't matter
when I tell you.

It is what it is.

Russia did not do this.

You lured him
into your consulate

with promises
of a Visa for daughter.

He had an appointment time.
You knew exactly where he was.

Which was granted.

And he left
just as he entered...


The weapons were Spetsnaz.

And your missiles are in Yemen.

You always were so smug.

How do you like it here,
living in Manhattan?

Better than Kiev,

not as nice as Dubrovnik.

If Victor Beniov
makes it out of this country,

you and a dozen other
Russian officials

will be on the next flight
after him.

Threats don't suit you, Dana.

I don't make threats.

Steven Troy with A*F.

Russian as*ault r*fles
in New York

means one of two illegal arms
suppliers sold them.

It's not Golan Posner
for reasons

I can't get into right now.

Why not?

Because you'd ask questions
I don't want to answer.

Which leaves Kurt Shaw.

Low level climber
with big fish ambitions.

If there's a void,
this guy fills it.

Well, great. Let's bring him in.

Can't do that.

I have a man who spent
four years

working his way inside
with Shaw.

I don't wanna burn him.

Steven, buddy, this is why
you burn him, okay?

We have an abducted chemist.

That's a thr*at
to national security.

All right, well,
what do you need?

An introduction.

He owns a g*n range.

Opens for legit business
once a week.

The rest of the time he's
selling illegal weapons.

Got it.

One more thing.
He doesn't like women.


This is the chick
I was telling you about.

You got a name?

Yeah, Jane Doe.

How you two know each other?

Her brother and me
played ball at Oswego.

He reached out, I said I'd help.

I bet you did.

What are you looking for?

- r*fles.
- Plural?

That's right.

For what?

What the hell do you care?

You selling ARs in Pennsylvania?


So, just give me
your best price,

so I can unload to the rubes
in the sticks.

How many you want?

Whatever you got.

All right.

Those SR-Vikhrs?

- Show me your hands, Shaw.
- Don't move.

Put your hands up. Now.

Hey, Kurt.

How you doing?

So, I don't have a lot of time
for a back and forth,

so how about we put
all our cards on the table?


My lawyer, Mitch Wilpon.
Call him.

Got it.
I will do that right away.

But since I have you,
let me tell you

what you're looking at,

so you can, you know,
bring him up to speed

when he gets here.


Alcohol Tobacco Firearms...
The A*F...

they've been running
a four year sting on you.

They got you on 14 counts
of selling illegal weapons

with an eight to ten year
sentence on each charge,

So, that is...

um, well...

you're gonna die in prison.

Here is why you're lucky,
though, Kurt.

I don't care about the A*F.

They're out for blood.

They want your head
on a platter.

I don't give a damn.

I'll knock it down
to four counts right now

if you just give me
the name of the person

you sold those SR-Vikhrs to.

No catch.

I'm no lawyer, but I'm guessing
fighting four counts

is a hell of a lot easier
than fighting 14.

And all you have to do
is give up your customer.

But it's your choice.

So, let me know.

And this offer expires
in the 30 seconds

it'll take me
to refill my coffee cup.

I don't have his name.

But I have spy cameras
at the g*n range.

Footage from Shaw's camera
gave us a face.

And facial recognition
gives us...

Frederick Patton Kernick.

Did a two year stint
in Greenhaven

for as*ault with
a deadly w*apon when he was 19.

Roughed up
a United States Postal worker.

He was released at 21
and then disappeared.

No job record since '09.


Obituary in
the "Hudson Register Star"

in 2008 for the mom.

Dad, Mike Kernick,

was convicted of tax evasion,
resisting arrest,

and murdering a police officer.

Yeah, trial ended two weeks ago.

Well, there's your flashpoint.

Any brothers or sisters?

Two brothers, Samuel and Davis.

One sister, Elizabeth.

We draw blanks on the brothers
for anything past '09.

If mom was the glue
holding them together,

that fell apart after she d*ed.

They all checked out.

No addresses, no financials.

Apparently the dad
is one of these

sovereign nation types.

Refused to pay his taxes

and when the authorities
showed up,

he told them they better
get off his land,

or he'd start sh**ting.

Which apparently he did.

The sister's the anomaly.

She's a social worker in Queens.

I'm getting a Ruby Ridge,
Waco feel here.

Or Oklahoma City.

And they kidnapped
a weapons chemist

to make whatever nasty statement

they're planning
a whole lot nastier.

How'd they get on to Beniov?

He had a public book signing

an hour before
the consulate visit.

They could have been on him

since the time
he left the bookstore.

I'll continue checking
the security footage

from the store,
see what street cams picked up

from the book signing
to the consulate.

All right,
we'll talk to the sister.


You scared me.

Are you Elizabeth Kernick?

Agent Bell. This is Agent Zidan.

We work with the FBI.

Can we come in
for a few minutes?


I'm sorry, what is this about?

We just have some questions
about your brothers.

Um, I-I-I really would be
happy to help,

but I'ml'm late for work.

Who else is in
the house, Elizabeth?

- What?
- Excuse me.

What? No one. II just...

Don't move.

He ditched the g*n
over the fence.

Glad to see you back
on the grid, Freddy.

I do not consent to unauthorized

handling of my body.
If you insist on detaining me,

you will be billed for my time.

I'm not subject to anything
beyond constitutional law

and the jurisdiction
of the sheriff in my county.

- Get up.
- No. No.

Let's go.

You know, I've heard
about morons like you,

but this is the first time
I'm meeting one.

The United States
in an illegitimate

government force.

This is a free country.
God is the only authority.

Okay, pal.

Walk or I'll handle your body
all the way back to the car.

When the United States
ratified the 14th amendment...

Okay, okay, enough. We get it.

Let's go have a talk
about the Kernick family.

We have you buying g*ns
from Kurt Shaw.

We can ties those g*ns

to the kidnapping
of Victor Beniov.

Pettifogger shysters
for filthy lucre.


Pettifogger shysters
for filthy lucre.

Freddy, you're not helping
your ca...

Pettifogger shysters
for filthy lucre.

Pettifogger shysters
for filthy lucre.

Pettifogger shysters for...


I just came in here
to let you know

that we have your sister.

I don't know anything.

I left years ago.

And yet we knocked on your door

and your brother
was in the house.

He stays with me sometimes.

I can't tell him no.
He's family.

I get it.

Where's Victor Beniov?


We believe that your
brothers kidnapped a scientist

who makes chemical weapons.


Here's the thing,
you harboring Freddy

or any of them, for that matter,

makes you an accessory.

So, anything that
they're planning,

also goes onto you.



II couldn't take it anymore.

All the fire and brimstone
about the government

and the land and the rights
of the people.

Then they took it up a notch
after Mom d*ed.

I hadl had to get out of there.

They're dangerous.

Where's "there?"


You just said
you had to get out of there.

Where's "there"?

You have to understand,

after Mom passed,

a piece of my dad
just... cracked.

And my brothers,
they worship him.

II can't...


you left because
they scared you, right?

I'm telling you,
I'm an agent of the FBI,

they scare me.

We are going to find them.

But if you tell us
where they are,

I will do everything
in my power to make sure

that they walk away unharmed.

You promise?

I promise I will try.

65 acres in Pine Hill, New York.

Paid for with cash.

Deed held in the name
of a limited partnership

called "ABC LP." Literally.

Records also indicate
two permits

for structures built
in the early '80s.

If they've added to them,
we don't know.

City cams proved our theory.

Same white van followed Beniov

all the way from the bookstore
to the consulate.

Based on their profiles

and their almost cult-like
hero worship of their father,

these men are willing to die

in a confrontation
with federal agents.

They think apocalyptically.

They are well-armed zealots,
and we have to conduct

this raid swiftly
and with precision.

Do I make myself clear?

Yes, ma'am.

Thanks. Mike Kernick.

I guess you know your
sentencing hearing

is coming up.

I just talked to the AUSA,

tells me he's asking
for the death penalty.

But if you help us
find your sons

and negotiate
a peaceful surrender,

he'll ask for life instead.

We know where they are.

And we know they wanna die
for you.

Is that really what you want?

Good talk.

Okay, okay.

I'm sorry.

- Yeah?
- You were right.

I can't let my personal
feelings affect

my enthusiasm for doing the job.

I gotta treat each case
the same.

It won't happen again.

Can you just go back to the part

where you said I was right?

And just say that
a couple more times.

Old man didn't say a word.

Apparently he hasn't talked
to anyone

since he was arrested,
including his public defender.

You guys ready?

Yeah, let's go.

All right, be careful.

All right, people, let's go.
It's time to strike.

How we looking over here?
Tango, full wrap.

- Let's go.
- Copy that.

Stay sharp. Prepare for contact.

Continue spacing.

Keep a line.


All right, close in.

I'm still not seeing any

hostile heat signatures
in the woods.

Approaching perimeter.

How we looking, Bravo?


- What's this?
- Hold your line.

Hold your line.

Hold, hold. Await command.

Stop the van. Stop the van now.

Show me your hands. Open it up.

Show me your hands.

Out of the van, now.

What are you doing here?

We got a call saying
there's gonna be a raid today.


They're blown. They're blown.

Execute. Execute.

Execute. They know we're here.

- We got contact, 1200!
- Dan.

Okay, okay.

Okay, it looks like
a through and through.

You're gonna be okay.

J, they're trying to flank us!

They're on the left!
I have one agent wounded.

I need a medic
to my position now.

OA, where are you?

You two with me.

Just keep pressure on it.

Okay, Dan, I need you
to move over.

There you go. Move your legs.

All right, stay there.
Stay there. Stay there.

Be quiet. Be quiet. Please.

Okay, okay.

We're allowed
to defend our property!

Come on. Come on.

Stay down. Stay down.

Maggie, I'm on your six.

Come on!

- You okay?
- Yeah.

Come on, he's been sh*t.
We gotta go.

Come on, man. Up.

Are they one comms?


Hey, you guys all right?

- Yeah.
- Cool.

So they knew
we were coming somehow.

They tipped off the press.
They wanted to put on a show.

- Did a hell of a job, too.
- Yeah.

- Any sign of Beniov?
- No, nothing.

- Sheriff?
- Clay Curlee.

What can you tell us
about the Kernicks?

Well, I'm familiar.

I grew up with Mike, the father.

Was trouble, got married,
made more trouble.

It's in the blood.

He was always railing
against the government,

shouting from a bull horn,

bunch of "School curriculum"
this and "immigrants" that.

He came after me personally
when I arrested his son.

- Freddy?
- That's right.

Second or third from the bottom.

I get confused.

After the dad got collared,
I figured the lot of 'em

met up and moved out
of the county.

Guess they dug in.

So, who tipped 'em off?

Be honest with you,
I got deputies,

other officials around here
been here their whole lives.

I'd love to tell ya it didn't
come from one of my own, but...

I just don't know.

That's the one I hit.

The oldest one, Samuel.

We have Freddy and Beth
in custody.

That leaves him and Davis.
That doesn't account

for the three other sh**t
they had with them.

Most likely Tuck Bennet
and his two boys.

We need profiles.

Two "N's", one "T."

- Great.
- On it.

Fixed-wing's overhead now, sir.

Great, Gary. Can you give me CA

and TIM detection
on this screen?

I wanna know what's in there.

That's hydrogen cyanide

inside building two.

Hey Dana, we're looking at

an unknown number of armed men
in building one

and active chemical agents
in building two.

- Benoiv?
- Nothing, still negative.

Where's our crisis negotiator?

Negotiator, how long?

- 20 minutes out.
- Still 20 minutes.

We should use Maggie.

She broke the sister,
collared the brother.

She knows this family is tight.
She can use that.

Give it to her.



Dana, we're gonna have
Agent Bell

handle the negotiation.

Okay, I trust your judgment.


All right.

We need to know how many,
where they are,

and if Beniov is still alive.

Got it.

What was that?

You have a way
of cutting through emotion

and getting people
to do what you want.

So you're saying
I'm manipulative.

Your words.

Samuel Kernick,
my name is Maggie Bell.

I work with the FBI.

We all wanna have
a peaceful resolution to this,

So tell us what we can do
to make that happen.

The Stile of this confederacy

shall be "The United States
of America."

Each stated retains
its sovereignty,

freedom, and independence,

and every power, jurisdiction,
and right which is not...

Is not by this confederation
expressly delegated

to the United States,
in Congress assembled.

Samuel, are you wounded?

We can help you.

We literally have
four ambulances

that are less than 100 yards
from your driveway.

You don't have to die here.

The Stile of this confederacy...

We have your sister
and brother in custody.

Freddy and Elizabeth.

Right now they're praying
together and hoping

for a peaceful resolution.


What would the FBI know
about peaceful?

I want peace.

I know Freddy and Elizabeth
want peace.

How about a compromise?

You give us Victor Beniov,

we'll walk away right now.

We'll get off your land.
No more arrests.

You can do what you want.

No, no, no, no.

Jubal, there's kids.

Repeat that.

There are kids in the house.

II don't know.

They got cousins spread out
all over the place.

The tree of liberty
must be refreshed

with the blood of the patriots.

Jubal, are you hearing this?

Let the little children
come to me,

so they might be washed
in the blood of the lamb.

Case agent moving in
on the cabin.

Let's move.


Go. Out the back!

Get down!

Let me see your hands!
Don't move!

Where are the kids?


There's no sign of Beniov.

Four suspects in custody.
All clear inside.

Wait, where's Davis?


The middle brother.

Building two.

You two, stay with him.

Okay, come on.

- Are you guys okay?
- Yeah.

Clear the rest of the cabin.

You're gonna be okay.

On three. One, two.

They hadthey had pictures
of my daughter.

I mean, they had pictures,
you understand me?

- My daughter. Please.
- Okay.

One second. One second.

Davis Kernick is in the wind.

This is the most recent photo
we have, right there.

- Jubal.
- Yeah.

You're gonna wanna hear this.

Fill me in.

They had photos of Katya.

They were going got hurt her.

Okay, what did you do?

He has a Hydrogen Cyanide

I tried to sabotage the gas,

but he was testing it
on farm animals.

When did you last see him?

Over an hour ago.

He said he was going to the city

for Judgment Day.

- Hey.
- Yeah?

Got something.

Kristen, they retrieved this
from building one.

It's some sort of printer.

For printing fake IDs.

A New York state drivers'
license for a Bryan Archer.

Okay, here we go.
We need every meta data point

on every Bryan Archer
in New York City.

It's spelled B-R-Y-A-N.

Let's go.
You two, get to the city.

- We'll be in touch.
- Okay.

- Maggie.
- Yeah.

We just got a credit card hit
on a Bryan Archer

spelled the same way.

- Where?
- In Foley Square.

Go, go, go.
We'll send it to you.

26 Fed.

IRS, City Hall, EPA,
NYPD Headquarters.

He's gotta be going
for one of those buildings.

Kristen, there's no sign of him.

We have a Bryan Archer
listed as a bailiff

at the Thurgood Marshall
Federal Courthouse.

Heyhey, he said something
about Judgment Day?


I think he's headed
for the courthouse

where his father
was just convicted.

Everything out
of your pockets, please.

Don't let anybody else in.

- Hey!
- Please.


Don't. Just...

Go, go.

Stay back.

Go. Get out.


Don't do this.

You release that gas,

you k*ll yourself, too.

This court is
an illegitimate fraud

foisted on the citizens
of this land.

And this judge...

This judge thinks his words
have legitimacy?

No. No.

An eye for an eye,
and a tooth for a tooth.

Davis. Davis, listen to me.

You wanna make a statement?

You want the whole world to know

you're a sovereign citizen?


I get that.

But don't take your father
with you.


Your father is in the building.

- You're lying.
- I'm not.

His sentencing
was moved up to today.

He's being held right above you.

His sentencing is tomorrow.

No, Davis.

It was moved to today.

- I don't care.
- You do, Davis.

You do care.

I can see it.

He's the reason
you're doing this.

Because you respect and love
and admire him.

You press that button,

you're doing the court's work
for them.

You're gonna execute
your father.

That's all
that they'll remember.

You're gonna destroy his legacy.

Get him away, okay?

Get him away from here. We will.

We absolutely will...

the second you put that down.

Put it down, Davis.

It's okay, man.

Give me your left hand.
Get them out of here.

Stand up. Stand up.

Justjust stay here. Thank you.

Don't move.

- Stay in your seats, please.
- Got it.

It's okay.
We've got it under control.




Shh, shh, shh.

I'm so thankful...

- I'm starting to worry.
- Why's that?

That lie you told
about the father

being in the building.

I almost believed it.

Aww, I'd never lie to you.

You look really nice today.

Keep it up.

I really like that sweater
that you're wearing.

Get lost.

That leather jacket's awesome.

Maybe I get one.

We show up, same jackets. Yeah?

- I'm gonna get one.
- I'll quit.

I'm getting one.

And the city that never sleeps

is the city that never knew
how close it came.

Well, if we wanted credit
for all the work we do,

we would have gone
into politics.

Bah. I like to hear myself talk,

but not that much.

What's next for you, Jubal?

Um, well, you know,

I just show up
where they tell me, ma'am.

I know you applied
for my position.

Well, they made
the right choice, so...

- Have a good night.
- Yeah.



May I ask what
you're doing here?

I didn't like the way
you spoke to me at lunch.

We were moving quickly.

We had an imminent thr*at,
so if I...

spoke too forcefully,
I apologize.

I just want you to know, Dana,

you watch us,

we are watching you, too.