01x06 - Family Man

Episode transcripts for the TV show "FBI". Aired: September 2018 to present.*
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Drama about the inner workings of the New York office of the FBI,
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01x06 - Family Man

Post by bunniefuu »

- I am not a U.S. senator.

I am you.

And I am you, and I am you.

[cheers and applause]

- Oh, yeah, baby.

Oh, incredible.


You crushed it.

- He's right, he's right.

You were amazing.
- Yeah?

- Oh, yeah, it's like
you caught your second wind.

- Better late than never.

- Oh, we made up five points
in five days.

Hey, hey, hey.
- I think we might actually

win this thing.
- Okay, one request.

- Anything.
- When this whole circus

is over, no more Chris
riding in the car with us

all the way home.
all: I am you! I am you!

- I promise.

all: I am you!
I am you!

- The secret to America

is everyone thinks
they can get rich.

People just want
their fair shot.

So talking about leveling
the playing field--

Senator, it resonates.

- I always think politicians

playing man of the people
sounds like BS.

- Unless you left home at 17,

built a successful business
on your own,

and remember what that took.

- Uh-huh.
You should say that

next time you intro him.

- [laughing]

- Why is the gate open?

- No clue.

Oh, the stroller's out.

You know, Gracie must
have been fussing

and Elena just wanted
to get her inside.

- Gracie.

Daddy's home.

- Shh. You wake the baby,

my next speech'll
be your eulogy.


[ominous music]


- It's okay,
Elena just emailed.

- What?
What is it?

- "You're a liar.

$100 million
or your baby dies."

- No, that--no, that
can't be real.

- "No cops, no press."

- Gary, what is this?

- There's a video.

- [shouting]
Oh, God!


Oh, no, no, Gracie, my baby!

That's my baby!
No, no, no!

[tense music]

- Kay, pull up in front.

Let the gate close
before we get out.

- You know I worked
undercover, right?

- We have two hours
to get on top of this.

- Kidnappers gave them 24.

- 75% of abducted kids
who don't make it

are k*lled within
the first three hours.

That email came in an hour ago.

The baby was grabbed outside.

House wasn't breached.

We can skip an ERT scrub.

Let's set up inside.

- Any luck
with the ransom email?

- Sent from the nanny's phone.

Traced to Queens,
shut off right away.

No signal to track.

- What about the video?

- We're analyzing it.

- Senator Lynch, I'm
the special agent in charge,

Dana Mosier.

The Attorney General
has been briefed.

I'll keep him updated.

My ASAC, Jubal Valentine,

will coordinate the response
from here.

- Yeah, we got the NYPD
and New York State Police

setting up checkpoints,

and we have agents
going door to door

in your neighborhood.

- They said no cops.

So if they're watching, it's...

- Uh, no,
the agents are posing

as Neighborhood Patrol

looking into recent car thefts.

- Agents Bell and Zidan
will work the case

from your home, but

you have the full force

of the Bureau
looking for your daughter.

- Thank you.

- So in these cases,

how often does, um...

- Every one's different.

- Mm-hmm.

- Senator, can you show me

where the security cameras
are, please?

- Of course.

- Why don't you cancel
the senator's schedule

for the rest of the day?

- Just say
I'm not feeling well.

- All right,
but a few more questions.

If we say it's Mrs. Lynch...

- Just, uh, take care
of it, okay?

- Other than the nanny,

is there anyone else
who's involved

in your family's life?

- Well, I'm a public official.

But I like to keep
my private life private.

- So there's no one else
who's around regularly?

Knows your family,
your home?

- Just Chris.

My Chief of Staff.

He didn't do this.

- So who would?

- [giggling]

- We just bought Gracie
a big girl bed, so.

- Can you tell me
what happened?

- I don't know.

Uh, we got home.

And we went up to find Gracie
and she was gone.

- Do Elena and Gracie
have a schedule?

Walks the same time every day?

- It depends on Gracie's naps.

- So besides Elena,

no one else would have known
when they were leaving?

- I know this looks bad.

But I can't imagine
Elena would do this.

- How much do you know
about her?

- The nanny has
no criminal record.

No debt, no problems
with immigration.

She sends money home
to her family in Colombia.

- Our Bogota office into that?

- They're paying a visit now,
but still.

Why ask for 100 million

rather than, say, 1 million?

- Maybe someone in her life

got mixed up with the cartels.

Massive ask is their style.

- Spending two years
taking care of that baby

just to set this up?

- 99 times out of 100,

kids are taken
by someone they know.

And no one had better access.

- Look, I don't want
to be disrespectful.

- Just ask what
you have to ask.

- Is there anything
going on in your life

that could cause problems?

- Such as?

- Gambling, debts, affairs?

- We don't have those kinds
of issues.

- Are you sure you'd know?

- My life with Gary is good.

His career,

Gracie, it's all we wanted.

Oh, is that why you're...

you're talking
to us separately.

- We can cover more ground
that way.

Hopefully get closer
to a motive.

- But isn't the motive money?

- They want the money.

But they also called
your husband a liar.

That's personal.

Who would do that?

- I get called worse every day.

That's politics.

- Have you received
any threats?

- Sure.

Like every other senator.


they get checked out.

- Could this be from someone

in your life before politics?

Your business?

- Well, I sold
my construction company

when I decided to run
for office, so...

- Construction's
a rough industry.

- You mean corrupt?

- I'm not making judgments.

Just looking for answers.

Any bad blood with you
and former partners,

competitors, fired employees?

- From six years ago?

- You've moved on.

It does not mean
everyone else has.

- Agent Zidan, I...

I wish I could point
at an enemy.

But I don't know

who would do this.

- Yeah, okay.

Hey, get whatever
you can find on the senator.

- He would have been
well-vetted as a candidate.

But we can go back through
every form he filed,

to press coverage...

- Also, check with

the Public Integrity Section
at Justice.

See if they've got
any open investigations

into the senator.

- Can I go to Dana
if I get pushback?

- You can go to anyone
for any of this.

And pull in as many
other analysts as you need.

We're on a clock.

- What if we pay the money?

- FBI policy is not to advise

people whether or not
to pay ransom.

- But what do you think?

- If you do,
there's no guarantee

that they'll
return Gracie safely.

But if you don't...
- There's no way

we get her back.

- We just can't predict what

the kidnappers might do.

- We'll pay.

- Okay.

$100 million.

I'm assuming you'll have

to liquidate some assets.

- I can do it quickly.

I don't care how much it costs.

I just want Gracie back.

- I pulled down and cleaned up

the security footage.

It's ready.

- It's--it's better
if we watch it first.

- We've got this.

- [whimpering]

[dramatic music]

- The Lynches had the yard
covered from every angle.

The van blocks the exit

and the visual from the street.

The kid and the nanny

were grabbed fast.

These guys are not amateurs.

- Did we get anything
off the van?

- Plates were stolen.

Put out a BOLO on the van.

- Whoa, can you rewind
that back?

As soon as the gate was open
the van was in.

- The kidnappers
had to know exactly

when the baby
was going for a walk.

- Except that Gracie
doesn't have a set routine.

- Canvas didn't ID
anybody sitting

outside of the house
this morning.

- The timing was perfect.

Same with the ransom email.

It hit right when the Lynches

got into Gracie's room

and saw that she was missing.

- The kidnappers weren't
watching the house

from the outside;
they were watching it

from the inside.

So you can track
all the signals

going out of the house
with this?

- Even you could do that part.

The trick is accessing
the signal and reversing it

so we can see what
the kidnappers saw.

- POV looks like
it's from the wall

opposite the door.

- We have to assume
they're still watching.

- Okay, so how do we
get in there

without being seen?

- Can you knock
the feed offline?

- Your Wi-Fi ever go down?
- Mm-hmm.

- So does the Lynches'.

Camera jammer.

Don't move the camera.

I'll un-jam the signal
when you're done.

You're on.
Make it quick.

- 1:00 pm.
Three hours in.

- I know.

- You got a gut feeling here?

- No.

When I was a cop in Indiana,

I worked a kidnapping
with the Bureau.

It's actually how
I ended up here.

- What happened?

- Well, we found the kidnappers

in under six hours,

but the kid was already dead

before they even made
the ransom demand.

- The parents had no idea?

- None of us did.

Gut feelings don't matter here.

You can't speculate
about the outcome.

Just work as fast as you can.

- Maggie?

There's a camera
in the left eye.

Either of you recognize this?

- Uh, no.

But Gracie has so many toys
in that room.

- Could Elena have
brought that in?

How many other people

have been in your house

- We host a lot
of political events.

- Can you start making a list?

- I can do that.
- Yeah.

- Jubal, hey.

- We found the kidnapper's van

off the Henry Hudson,

ERT's en route.

[suspenseful music]

- We didn't touch anything,
waited for you guys.

- It's the nanny.

- The senator's baby
is still missing,

we haven't heard from
the kidnappers in five hours,

and now the prime suspect's
been m*rder*d, too.

- Are we thinking
the nanny helped

and outlived her usefulness?

- Haven't found anything
to suggest it.

More likely collateral damage.

- Soon as her name
gets out there,

it's just a matter of time

before the press
connects her to Lynch.

- We told the police
to hold off on the release,

say they're looking for
next of kin.

- Tell them the AG will take
a personal interest in this

if it's leaked.

- Coming from BAU,

I figured you'd have some
psychological trick

to make people do
what you want.

- Sometimes a simple threat
works better.

- Hey, any red flags
in the senator's past?

- Not that we found.

Public Integrity has no
open investigations.

And if we start pressing
his old associates

without explaining why,
it could look like

the Bureau messing around
in politics.

- Not a fire I'm anxious
to start.

So we have no leads?

- There is one.

I was digging around

in some old press coverage.

- Press coverage is
the "Times" or the "Journal."

- Just because it's gossip
doesn't mean it's not true.

- Okay.

- Uh, back when Lynch
was just a rich guy

being floated as
a potential candidate,

there was a blind item about
someone who sounded like him

being extorted by a hostess

at a restaurant where he liked
to hold court.

- An affair.

- Yeah, if you believe
that trash.

- We don't have to believe it.

We do have to ask about it.

Tell Maggie and OA
to tread lightly.

- Right.

- Who is this woman to you?

- That was...

years ago.

- I asked you about affairs.

You lied to me.

[tense music]

- Who was she?

- Nicole Sousa.

Young, beautiful.


It was a short-lived mistake.

- Have you seen her since?

- I hadn't seen her for years.

Until two weeks ago.

Then she showed up here.

- How long was Nicole
in the house?

- 20 minutes. Max.
And nothing happened.

- But she could have
placed the camera.

- No, I was with her
the whole time.

Well, I did, uh, step away
for a minute

to take a phone call,

an urgent one from Chris.

- Then why did she come?

- She said she was sick.

She needed money again.

Same old story.

- Did you give her any?

- No.

I didn't believe her.

- You think she lied
about being sick?

- I think she was drunk.

She was slurring.

I told her to leave.

- And how did she
react to that?

- She said I would pay.

But she didn't mean this.

- Then what did she mean?

- If you are more concerned

about protecting yourself--

- No, that's not
what this is.

- She threatened you.

And you didn't tell us.

- I love my wife.

- Your daughter's life
is on the line.

- I know.

- You need to tell us

- If I thought for a minute

that Nicole would do
something like this,

I would have told you.
- Mm-hmm.

- She is crazy,
but she is not a criminal.

[banging door]
- Open up!

- What's going on?

- Nicole Sousa?

- Get off of me!
Leave me alone!

- What's that?
Is that a baby?

- Anyone else in the apartment?
- No.

Put your g*ns down!

It's just my kid in there!

- Ma'am.
- No, it's my kid!

He's just a kid!
Leave him alone!

- Ma'am, please.

- Maggie?

Hey, buddy.

- He looks just like
the senator.

- Hi.

- Hi, sweetie.

Does Senator Lynch know?

- No.

Is that why you're here?

Gary sent you?

- He said you threatened him.

- I told him I'm sick.

And I need help.

- You have ALS.

Slurring, drop foot,

the IVs.

My grandfather had it.

- So you know how it turns out.

- How did you know Lynch
would pay?

- Because he's done it before,

when he broke it off
to run for office.

- Lynch gave you money?

- Can't get your hands dirty

when you want to be a senator.

His friend Finn
brought me the money.

Told me to shut the hell up.

- What else you know
about Finn?

- He was just a thug.

Like lots of the guys

Gary brought to the restaurant.

- Nicole's angry.

- Yeah, well,
you can't blame her.

I mean, she's raising a kid
alone while she's sick.

Meanwhile the rich father
is with his real family

living the dream life.

- Are you saying she's involved
in the kidnapping?

- Just saying it's justifiable
why she'd be angry.

- But she never told Gary
about the boy.

You can't blame him for
something he didn't know about.

- Well, he's gonna find out
soon enough.

- What, are you gonna
tell him?

- No choice.
It's relevant to the case.

- What about the wife?

Ah, I love our job.

We're gonna talk to someone
who pays off mistresses

to see if he knows someone
corrupt enough

to kidnap a baby.

- Yeah. It's ironic.

- I would say
more like pathetic.

- [scoffs]

[indistinct chatter]
- Joe Finnegan?

- My assistant said
the FBI was here.

I couldn't believe it.

So what do I owe the pleasure,

'cause, trust me, I pay
all of my taxes.

- Tell us about Gary Lynch.

- More specifically,
tell us about Nicole Sousa.

- Who?

- The woman who was
extorting him.

- The one you paid off?

- Please. Join me in my office.

Gary had a fling.

She was harassing him.

He asked me to take care of it.

So I met her at a restaurant.

I slip her a little cash.

It's as simple as that.

- You and Nicole
still in touch?

- No. I haven't seen
or talked to her

since that day.

- Do you know about
any other women or men

who have tried to
blackmail Gary?

- Not that I know about.

But hey, I'm his friend,
not his priest.

- So there's no one
you can think of

that might want to hurt Gary?

- Why?

What is this about?

- We're not gonna
get into that.

We just need to know
who his enemies are.

- I don't know.

But hey, he was in construction

a long time,

and now he's in politics,

so I'm sure there's
a few people out there

that don't love him.

It's the cost
of doing business.

But as far as I'm concerned,

he is a stand-up guy.

I've known him
a long time, too.

We grew up two blocks apart.

He was always a scrapper.

And everybody knew that

he was gonna
make it big someday.

Hey, look...

If this is some political thing

and you're expecting me to say

something bad about Gary Lynch,

then you came
to the wrong place.

- What is it?

- A reporter from "The Ledger"
has been calling the Bureau

asking about the Gary Lynch
kidnapping case.

- The kidnappers said no press.

They break the story,
we're in trouble.

- I know, so we have to
make sure they don't run it.

Gretchen Madison?

- Can I help you?

- Special Agents
Bell and Zidan.

- FBI.

This must be serious.

- So we hear you're
investigating Senator Lynch.

- You don't seriously
think I'll let you

go on some fishing expedition.

- We're not fishing.
It's bigger than that.

You haven't run it yet.

- We're fact-checking.

Trying to avoid that pesky
"fake news" charge.

- We'd like you to hold it.

- Is the Bureau
getting pressure

to step on a story
about a U.S. senator?

Because I can write
about that too.

- That's not what this is.

And we can't get specific.

- But you expect me
to trust you.

- We're just asking you
to hold off

printing anything about Lynch
for one day.

- And help you protect him?

- It's not him
we're worried about.

- I'll think about it.

[phone buzzing]

- Jubal. Hey.

- Hey, the kidnappers
reached out again.

- Play the recording.

- [robotic voice]
Go to Gantry State Park.

Instructions are
near the playground

under the last lounge chair.

Southwest corner.

- Why didn't they give
the instructions on the call?

- Probably wanted
to put eyes on Lynch.

Make sure he didn't
get us involved.

- Car tech's
still on the line.

- Ian here.

I'm at the Lynch home

with the senator and his wife.

- Did you trace the call?

- Came from a burner,
switched off.

- Okay, can you strip
the modulation

off the recording?

- Unfortunately
it wasn't modulated.

- [robotic voice] The kidnapper
used a computer voice.

- So you can't trace
the phone or the voice.

- Looks like you're headed
to the park.

- We gotta go.

- We're ready.

We need you to keep your cool.

Follow their instructions.

We'll be looking and listening
to everything.

- Yeah, all right.

- This is how we get
your daughter back.

- Yes, thank you.

- Thought you were gonna
say something about the boy.

- Well, the goal
is to save their baby,

not their marriage.

- OA, everyone in place?

- We have the area blanketed.

Senator's headed
for the chairs now.

[ominous music]

[children laughing]

- Go to the other one!
- Okay, okay!

[indistinct chatter]

- First chair is negative.

- He's got something.

- Can they see
what he's looking at?

- Uh, Ian put a pinhole camera

on Lynch's lapel, so they
should be able to.

- But we can't see it?

- We're not in range.
Won't transmit that far.

- Hey, what's it say?

- "Convert the ransom
to Bitcoin."

- Bitcoin is really hard
to trace.

- Oh, no.

- What?

- We've got a problem.

- Gretchen Madison just
made the kidnapping public.

Gretchen Madison

just made
the kidnapping public.

- She's put Gracie's life
on the line for a story?

- Yeah, I'm pretty sure
she doesn't care.

[phone ringing]

- Hello?

- What's going on?

- [robotic voice]
We said no press.

- We have the money.

I'm gonna pay you.

- Ian here.

I'm tracing the call now.

We'll have the location
in 15 seconds.

- [robotic voice]
Say good-bye, Daddy.

[baby crying]
- No!

Please don't do this!
[baby wailing]


- Almost there.
Just a few more seconds.

- Please don't do this!

[baby crying]


- That was Gracie.
- Yeah.

- That was her crying
on the phone.

- Are you sure?

- I know what my daughter
sounds like.

- The crying,
that was proof of life.

- They told her
to say good-bye.

- To scare you.

The story came out
and it scared them.

If they were gonna k*ll Gracie,

they would have
already done it.

They want the money.

If they still believe
they can get it,

they'll keep her alive.

You gotta hang in there.

[tense music]

Do we have a problem,
Agent Bell?

- You just gave them
false hope.

- Do you know that it's false?

- I know that the stats
aren't in her favor.

And the odds get worse
every hour.

And now that
the whole country knows,

if the kidnappers are smart,
they'll disappear.

And so will Gracie.

- If Gracie winds up dead,

it's not gonna hurt less
because her parents

were expecting it.

Right now we need the Lynches'

full cooperation and focus

and in order for them
to be able to do that,

they need hope.

And so do you.

So the two of you
spoke to the reporter

who broke the kidnapping story?

- We did.

But we didn't tell her

anything about Gracie.

- And the girlfriend?

- We didn't tell her either.

- So who knew about this
who would leak it?

- West Point. The Army.

The FBI.

I understand hierarchy

and why you have to
protect your boss.

- Uh...

I made the list of people

who came to the house.

I checked it with Mrs. Lynch.

I didn't hide anything.

- I'm not talking
about the list, Chris.

I'm talking about Nicole Sousa.

Can you have a seat?

That reporter called you

for a comment on the senator's
affair, right?

- You do know that
lying to an FBI agent

is a federal crime?

- Yeah.

I talked to her.

- You did what any
good staff guy would do

and covered the boss's ass.

It was smart.

You squashed the story
about the affair

by giving her the kidnapping.

Turned the scoop from being

one that would have been

into one that
generates sympathy.

- Look, I know it
seems cynical, but--

- Did you set
this whole thing up?

- What?

- That reporter called you,
told you about the affair,

you needed a distraction.

- [scoffs]

So I kidnapped Gracie?

- You just admitted
to having motive, and...

we know you had access.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

I swear to you, this wasn't me.

Okay, check my phone.

Give me a lie detector.

- Why don't you just answer
our question?

- This is crazy.

You think that I k*lled Elena?

And how would I even know

how to arrange a kidnapping?

- I'm sure you know
people who do.

- Really? Like who?

- Senator Lynch's old friends.

The ones you got rid of

when you cleaned him up to run.

- Oh, no, no, no.

I didn't do anything.

He cleaned himself up.

You have to believe me.

- No.
We don't.

- Then ask the senator.

- Are you buying this?

That he set this all up
just to win the election?

- You know what,
it's not impossible.

He's been jerking us
around all day

so let's ask the question.

- Let's flat-out accuse him
and see how he reacts.

Where's Mrs. Lynch?

- Resting in my office.

- What is it?

- We know you paid off Nicole.

And you had somebody
thr*aten her.

- I gave her money
because she was broke.

And I had a friend deliver it.

- Finn?

- Yes.

And maybe he went
a little overboard

trying to protect me,
but, you know,

we've been close friends
since we were kids.

- You had to get rid of
friends like him

to run for office.

Maybe he didn't
appreciate that.

- He would never turn on me.

Finn didn't take my daughter.

- Anyone else in your past
who could've?

- See, he already asked me
about my, uh,

"my past" in construction.

- Yeah, I also asked you
about affairs, too.

- Enough!

[tense music]

I grew up in Queens.

I made it building
low-rent housing.

I've never run away from that.

It made me who I am.
But now...

Now I'm a U.S. senator
and my daughter is missing

and you are treating me
like a suspect.

- We're doing everything
we can to get Gracie back.

- Not fast enough!

If you don't
figure this out soon,

they're gonna k*ll her!

- We'll give you a minute,

- I don't like him.

- Don't have to.
Just find his kid.

- It'd be easier
if he'd cooperate.

- He's scared.

Either he doesn't see
or doesn't want to see

who might do this to him.

- So if the victim won't help,
what do we do?

- Go back to the evidence.

- Forensics is still working

every pixel
of the ransom video.

No location evidence,

but they did
a manipulated magnify

on the g*n in the baby's lap,

found a partial serial number.

- One letter, three numbers.

- Which leaves 6,760
possible combinations.

- That's a lot of g*ns
to track.

- A*F's working now,

but we were hoping you could

help narrow the search.

- Look at Queens,
Lynch's hometown.

- You really think one of his
old friends is behind this.

- He has a lot of skeletons.

- And he hasn't been
very forthcoming.

- There's gotta be someone
who knew him back then

who can shed some light.

- We should go back at Nicole.

If there's anyone who can look

hard at his past, it's her.

- Yeah.

I know you said not
to speculate about Gracie.

- You can't help yourself.

- It's hard not to wonder

if she's still alive.

Do you think we'll hear
from the kidnappers again?

- I don't know.

Maybe Dana was right about

them just wanting the money.

- So you don't think
it's false hope?

- I definitely think
it's false hope.


The TV's on.
Maybe she's sleeping.

- So knock harder or I'll
just take down the door.

- [knocking]

Miss Sousa?

Special Agents Bell and Zidan.

- Move.

- Sorry to steal your moment.

Miss Sousa?

We're coming in.


[tense music]

- Oxycodone.

That's not for ALS.
Is she breathing?

- No pulse.

She's gone.

Where's Nathan?

- Nathan?


Come on, buddy, wake up.


Wake up.
- She crushed up pills

and put it in his pudding.

- He's still breathing.

- 341 West 50th.

We've got a five-year-old male,

Oxycodone poisoning.
Still breathing.

Ambulance is on its way.

- No time.

- You carry Narcan?

- [gasps]

- It's okay, it's okay.
It's okay.

You're okay.

You're okay.

- You're okay, Nathan.

- You're okay.

- Might be a little late now.

Found the owner of the g*n.

Nicole Sousa.

- All right,
so Nicole is angry.

She's desperate.

She decides
to kidnap Gracie,

but the plan goes sideways.

Walls start closing in.

She starts to panic,

then the guilt starts
crushing her.

So she pumps her body
full of pills,

but she doesn't want
Nathan to suffer

so she tries to take him
with her.

- But she failed.
He's gonna be okay.

- That all makes sense,

but if she was the kidnapper,

where the hell's Gracie?

- Nicole has to have a partner.

There's no way in her condition

she's running around parks,

leaving notes under benches.

asking for Bitcoins, no chance.

- Guys.

ERT has a hit on the prints

found in Nicole Sousa's

belonging to Joseph Finnegan.

- That's rich,

considering he said
he met her one time

seven years ago
at a restaurant.

- The proportion of amino acids

in relation to chlorides
in this print

suggest it was made
within the last 24 hours.

- Okay, let's go talk
to our senator,

see what he has to say
about this.

- What can you tell us
about Joseph Finnegan?

- What does Joe have to do
with this?

- We think he might have
taken Gracie.

- What?


- I've known Joe
my entire life.

- Well, we're pretty sure
he's involved.

- Why would Joseph Finnegan

call you a liar?

[tense music]

- I don't know.

- Think.

Did you promise him something?

- No.

No, the opposite.

A few months ago,

Joe asked me to help him

get the government contract

to build the new courthouse
in Kew Gardens.

- Did you say you would?

- I told him there was no way.

My campaign,

everything that I've done since

has all been about ending

these kinds of inside deals.

- So what did Joseph say
when you refused him?

- He made some joke about me

forgetting where I came from

and how I got here.

- So he helped you.

- In the beginning.

I had some issues
with the unions.

He, uh, straightened them out.

- Well, maybe he thinks

it's time to pay the piper.

- Look. Joe came to me,
I said no.

I told him I'd help
with something else

that was more above-board.

- And did you?

- Has he been to your house

- Um, last month.

Gracie's second birthday party.

Joe brought
his granddaughter.

- House is all clear.

- Told you.

- Where is Gracie?

- Like I said, I don't know

what you're talking about.

- Come on, Joseph.

You don't want to do this.

She's two years old.

You need to end this

before someone else gets hurt.

- Where's the baby, Joseph?

- You're making a mistake.

- We have his prints
at Nicole's apartment.

He has to be the partner.

- Yeah, but was she
really his partner?

- What do you mean?

- Well, if you...

why would you k*ll yourself
before the payout?

If you're gonna
kidnap somebody,

wouldn't you play it out?

See if you could even
pull it off first?

Okay, maybe Finn knew

that she was asking for money.

Maybe she actually
reached out to him

to speak to the senator.

He steals her g*n,
he puts it in the video.

And just figured that we'd
jump on it sooner or later.

- Well, here's what we do know
about Finnegan.

He's broke.

His house, his business,
his credit cards.

All upside down.

And his son, Sean,

died in prison ten days ago.

- I told you.
I got nothing to do with this.

- Wrong.

You stole Nicole's g*n.

You deflected attention

and you set her up.

A single mother

dying of ALS.

Real classy move, Finn.

Where is Gracie?

The prosecutor's not going
to be very kind to you

if anything happens to her.

Tell me where she is.

- No.

I am not talking.

- OA.

You won't talk to us, fine.

Tell your old friend
to his face

that you don't care
if his little girl dies.

[tense music]

- Joe.

For God's sake, just...

tell us what's going on here.

I thought we were friends.

All I've ever tried to do
is help you.

- Really.

You tried to help me?

You got a pair of balls, Gary.

- What are you talking about?

- My son was struggling.

He got pinched on a drug charge

and I reached out to you.

But you wouldn't take my call.

You had some idiot named Chris

call me, and he said you didn't
want to get involved.

You were worried
about the elections.

And a few months later

my child took his life
in that cell.

I was loyal to you.

I made you a rich man.

And when I asked for one favor,

one favor,

you wouldn't take my call!
- Joe!

I can't just...

tell a judge

to give your son a free pass.

- That's crap.
And you know it.

- Joe.

I'm truly sorry about your son.

He was my friend.

But I'm begging you.

We're talking
about my daughter.


She didn't have anything
to do with this.

I'm begging you, please.

Please. Just tell me
where my daughter is.

Is she okay?

Where is she?

Where is she?

[suspenseful music]

- FBI! Let me see your hands!

- Run!

- Let me see your hands!
- Get down on the ground!

- Get down!

Get down!

- Hands, show me your hands!


- Where is she?

[indistinct chatter]

[soft music]

- Gracie!
- [crying, laughing]


Hi, honey.

- I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry, baby.

- Gracie looked okay.
- Yeah, she sure did.

- Yeah, meanwhile,
the nanny's dead,

Nicole's dead,

but the Lynches seem to be
hanging in there.

- Well, you'd be surprised what
love makes you put up with.

- I...guess I owe you
an apology.

- For what?

- Gracie was fine.

The Lynches hung in there.

It wasn't false hope.

- I could've just
as easily been wrong.

- I did the same thing once.

I was wrong.

- In Indiana.
- You know about that?

- You expressed
some strong feelings earlier.

Figured there was
something behind it.

I checked it out.

- I told the kid's parents
that we would find their son.

It would all be okay.

It wasn't.

- You were able to give them
a few hours of hope.

That's all.

- Yeah.

- Maggie...

That last kidnapping case
you worked in Indiana

didn't end so well.

This one did.

- He's so silly, isn't he?
Do you see his tongue?

- [babbling]
- I do, too.

- Good night.

- Oh, Agent Bell.

Thank you.

- Yeah, you're welcome.

It was the whole team.

But I'm so grateful
we found her.

- The boy--
my husband's son, Nathan.

What happens to him?

- Well, he'll be put
in protective custody

until Social Services
finds him a place to live.

- Can I adopt him?

- [chuckles]

Yeah, I'm sure there's ways.
- Yeah? Oh, well...

[indistinct chatter]

[dramatic music]

[wolf howling]
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