01x05 - Doomsday

Episode transcripts for the TV show "FBI". Aired: September 2018 to present.*
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Drama about the inner workings of the New York office of the FBI,
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01x05 - Doomsday

Post by bunniefuu »

- Outer breach, intruders
have entered the plant.

- Alarms in all quadrants.

Cameras down at gate,

fuel pool two and three.

- Fire in switch room.

We lose power,
reactor meltdown.

- Gennys will kick in
before that happens.

- Where's the cavalry?

- FBI, HRT, and SWAT

are ten minutes out.

- Don't really think

we have 10 minutes, Todd.

[alarms beeping]

[indistinct shouting]

- They're now at the door.

- Fuel pool two breach.

- Check your void coefficient.
- Critical yet?

- Water's leaking fast.

- We lose that water,

goodbye New York.

- Shut it down.
Lock controls.

- We're right here, too.
We're red.

- Shut it down.

[yelling] Shut it down!


[overlapping screaming]


[suspenseful music]

- Ready, clear!
- Go, go, go!

- Get down!
- On the ground!

- Get down right now!

- Away from the terminal!

- Let me see your hands!
Back up, back up!

- Textbook insider scenario.

That's a breach.

Drill is over.

Mission objective?

- Destroy the fuel pool.

Highlight plant

- Well, mission accomplished.

Great job, everybody,
except you guys.

Better start reviewing

your insider threat scenarios

'cause that can't happen

in real life.

- Get cameras back online.

[alarm blaring]

[people murmuring]

- k*ll the alarms,
the drill is over.

intercom: This is not a drill,

This is not a drill.

Air seal failure.

Fuel pool two,
20,000 gallons gone

and counting.

- Seal the damn leak

and fill the pools.
I'm on my way.

[overlapping shouting]


You hear those alarms?

This is for real, guys.

What the hell are you doing?

- We got a body.
Head shot.

- What?

That's impossible.

We're not using live a*mo.

Go! I got this.

Coming through.

[somber music]

Oh, my God.
It's Cameron.

[alarm beeps]

- The body's hot.

- Call the FBI.

Right now.

[tense music]

- You know West Point's
15 miles away

from this rusty bucket?

Had to run evac drills
as a cadet.

- Your old nuclear
stomping ground?

- Yeah. I probably got
boron in my bones.

Shouldn't even be here

without a lead cup.

- Agents Bell and Zidan, FBI.

- Todd Winters, plant manager.

ArrowPoint ranks high

in nuclear safety
standards, sir.

We take it seriously

because we work here
and live nearby.

- Bryce Miller,
in-house inspector

for the Nuclear Regulatory

I'm the resident
federal oversight.

Todd is with
the energy company.

- I got a plant to run.

- Do you know
who the victim is?

- Cameron Porter.

She was an investigator

for the Inspector General's

- So her job was to make sure

nothing falls
through the cracks.

- She work onsite?

- No, she covers
several plants.

- Wait, wait!

I want to see her face.

- Don't get too close.

She's radioactive.

- How did that happen?

- There was a problem
last night

in the fuel pool.

- Fuel pool?

- It's where uranium
gets cooled.

- What kind of problem?

- Air seal failure.

Thankfully we repaired it

- Faulty equipment?

- No, we just checked
the valves.

They weren't due to be replaced
for a while.

- So you're saying sabotage?

- Officially, we're still

- And unofficially?

Did Cameron have a reason

to be near the fuel pool?

- Not that I'm aware of.

In fact, I don't even know
why she was here.

According to the IG's office,

there wasn't even
an open investigation

into this plant.

This plant is a catch-22
for everybody.

We power New York.

Unfortunately, we also have
the power to destroy it.

- Destroy how?

- Uncooled fuel rods
will melt down

to the ground water,
poisoning everything

for 60 miles
in every direction.

- But that's not gonna
happen, right?

- Not if I can help it.

- So the victim's body
was radioactive.

Sabotage happened in here
last night.

That's a coincidence?

- Cameron didn't have
the knowledge

or the expertise
to release the air seals.

- Did she have a reason?

- To wipe out New York?

She didn't mention it.

- Cameron have any enemies
you're aware of?

- No one likes anybody
looking over their shoulder.

But as far as inspectors go,

she was always fair.

- I want to see
the security footage.

- That might be a problem.

- The feeds were cut
at the front gate,

backup generators,
fuel pools two and three.

- So the cameras malfunctioning

are part of the drill?

- Yes, to simulate
a coordinated

t*rror1st attack on the plant.

Well, some of them.

- What do you mean,
some of them?

- Well, the system's glitchy.

A few cameras were
already broken before.

Look, I know what
you're thinking.

The a*mo was locked in here.

I had the only key.

No one went anywhere near
that stuff.

- Good to know.

We were asking
about the cameras.

- I document everything
I'm supposed to.

They know about the cameras.

- It's your job to keep
this plant secure.

- This isn't the military.

Power plants are run
by private companies.

I got kids.

We live a mile from here.

I want to keep them safe.

But I got to put food
on the table.

I work with what they give me.

- Tell us about Cameron.

- Look, she was one
of the good ones.

Some inspectors will
write you up

to make themselves look good.

Not Cameron.

She really cared.

- Any idea what time

she got to the plant
last night?

- Let's see.

She signed in at the gate
at 10:00 pm.

- We get that you
have to work here.

You want to help Cameron,

tell us where to look.

- Garret Sebastian.

I saw her arguing with him
a few days back.

Guy's just a plumber,
so go figure.

- We didn't hear it from you.

- I had no beef with Cameron.

- You were seen arguing
with her.

- Was I heard?

'Cause nosy people,

they ought to stick around
for the whole show.

- Well, now she's gone.

So how 'bout you tell us
the whole show?

- It wasn't an argument.

It was a loud conversation.

- What were you loudly
conversing about?

- She thought I had
something to say.

- About what?

- I didn't.

- Hey.

Not answering questions

makes you look more guilty.

You get that, right?

- IG tip line, HR interviews,

that stuff's supposed to be

She had no right
coming at me like that

right out in the open.

- What did she ask you?

- I don't know.
I didn't let her get that far.

- Where were you last night?

During the drill?

- Do I need a lawyer?

- I don't know, do you?

- I was in the switch room
clearing a drain.

It took hours.

All I did last night
was my job.

You guys want to ask me
any more questions,

I want a lawyer.

- Press is chumming the waters

looking to connect Cameron
with the sabotage.

- I guess the air seals

the only leak at the plant.

- I'm combing through
the security footage

but there isn't much there.

- Yeah.

They had troubles
with the cameras.

- The company line is that

the place is up to code.

And they're lying

through their teeth.

- So what do we know
about Cameron?

- Uh, Kris was about to

bring us up to speed.

- Uh, 37-year-old workaholic.

Lived alone,
lot of Chinese takeout.

- Sound familiar?

- I prefer Mexican.

- Credit card records indicate

no hint of a social life.

Lot of forced vacations
at home.

Never left the country
until this past June

when she visited,
of all places, Cuba.

- We get reports
from the M.E. yet?

- Yeah, she was shot
with a .22

at close range.

- A*F is running
g*n registrations

on 1,000 employees

and subcontractors.

- Make sure that
Garret Sebastian's

on that list.

- Garret Sebastian?

Why, you like him for this?

- I don't know, but
something's off.

- Oh, ERT didn't find
any drag marks.

- So she was shot
in the woods.

- So how'd she wind up

radioactive and wet?

- We don't have a cellphone
yet either.

- We subpoenaed
her phone records.

Yesterday she made a couple
calls into the office

and then one to a burner

but, uh, it's shut off now.

- All right, so what are
we thinking here?

- Well, sabotage happened

in the fuel pool room.

Cameron was in the pool room

but she wasn't supposed
to be there.

- So she could have caught
the saboteur in the act.

- Or she was responsible.

- No. Cameron had access

but she didn't have
the expertise

to sabotage it.

- So maybe whoever had
the expertise

got access from her.

- Why would she do that?

- Ideology, coercion, or con.

- She was single, vulnerable.

That makes her a good target.

- And once the deed was done,

no reason to leave a witness.

- So they shot her?

The sabotage wasn't even

- That's right, which means
they could try again.

At this plant or another.

Keep working.

- Looks like this woman lived
out of her car.

- Well, that makes sense.

She spent all her time
driving from plant to plant.

- So then where's her laptop?

Case files, notes?

- Maybe she left them at home.

You should get out more.

- You first.

- I mean, I date.

- I meant the door.

- The door's open.

[tense music]

- FBI.

[glass shatters]

Who are you?

- Uh, Valerie Borgia.

I work--worked with Cameron.

- What are you doing here?

- I--I was her best friend.

I was stocking the fridge
for her parents.

They're flying in.

- So you have a set of keys?

- She has...

Had mine.

- When was the last time
you talked to Cameron?

- Yesterday from the office.

- What'd she sound like?

- Normal.
A little distracted, maybe.

- She sound scared?

- No, nothing that tripped
any alarms.

- What did you guys talk about?

- Work stuff.

Cam had a report due

on one of her other sites.

I was checking in

to see how it was going.

I can't believe she's gone.

- What can you tell me
about her?

- [sighs] Cameron was so kind.


No way she did
what they're saying.

- Well, how can you be
so sure?

- Cameron devoted her life

to keeping nuclear power safe.

She was a dedicated

- It takes a lot

to uncover corruption
and fraud.

- And she didn't back down.

She didn't care about
blowbacks or repercussions.

- I knew someone like that.

It takes a lot of courage,


- I'm an investigator too.

I know you can't promise

you'll find who did this...

- No.

But I can promise you
that we'll do

everything we can

to find out the truth
for Cameron.

- I know you guys
have a job to do.

I'll get out of your way.

- Who did you know?

- What?

- You said you knew someone
like that,

takes a lot of courage?

- That's not a laptop.

- This is an ovulation kit.

Maybe she did have a life.

- Or she was just
freezing her eggs.

I mean, it's what somebody does

when the clock's running out.

My husband Jason
wanted to have kids.

I put it off.

There's...someone else
in this photo.

It's hidden by the frame.

- Why hide a photo

of what looks like
her boyfriend?

- He look familiar to you?

- Yeah.

Why do I recognize him?

- Ladies and gentlemen,

meet the impressive
Jake Fletcher.

Nuclear engineer and...

one of our Ten Most Wanted.

Charged with disclosing

top-secret government

Claimed crime of conscience.


- Fletcher, Jake, PhD,

was a resident inspector
at ArrowPoint.

Then three years ago
an internal investigation

was initiated
into co-worker claims

that he became paranoid
and abusive.

- The report confirmed that

he had created
a toxic environment.

He was fired
six months later.

- Fletcher claimed
he was set up

because he wouldn't stay quiet

about problems at the plant.

He then released
classified documents online.

- What was the information
he leaked?

- Reports detailing
plant weaknesses.

- Great, guy wants revenge
for getting fired,

betrays his country,
endangering the lives

of his fellow Americans.

- Some call him
a whistleblower.

- I would call him
a narcissistic traitor.

- Anyway, Fletcher
evaded capture

and he fled to Cuba,

where he's lived
for the last 2 1/2 years.

- Did Cameron and Fletcher
ever overlap at ArrowPoint?

- Indeed, for six months.


- Cameron's first investigation

was into Fletcher.

- Right.

- CIA has some fun facts

about Fletcher's activities
in Cuba.

Annie, you want to give us
a glimpse?

- Met with nuclear engineers

from some very unfriendly

Iran, North Korea, Pakistan.

- Yeah, so he's a traitor.

Working with our enemies
to exact revenge.

- The sabotage happened here.

And Fletcher's in Cuba;

he's not even in New York.

- Frank?

You want to give them

the bad news, or should I?

- Three days ago, Fletcher
crossed the Canadian border

into Vermont.

He was long gone
by the time we got there.

- Yeah, but how did the CIA

miss Fletcher leaving Cuba?

- Traitors don't usually
come home on their own.

- Well, it looks like
this one did.

- All right, so a m*rder*d
IG investigator

and her fugitive boyfriend

tried to sabotage
a nuclear power plant.

It didn't work.

- We got an APB out
on Jake Fletcher.

His photo's throughout
the tri-state area.

- He'll pop his head up.

- Hopefully before
it's too late.

All right, what do we know
about whistleblowers?

- Well, we know they
get att*cked from every side.

- Friends, even family
turn against them

from the fallout.

They feel persecuted.

- Persecuted?

He dumped state secrets

to the public.

- Sometimes the public
needs to know.

- Next comes paranoia,

then righteous rage.

They've convinced themselves

they have every right
to strike back.

- Well, for another attack,

Fletcher'll need help.

- Money, resources.

A place to hide.

- Okay, I want to be
really clear.

Everything within 60 miles
of that nuclear plant

is in the danger zone
for radiation exposure.

- Yeah.

- Uh, we get the case file

on Fletcher's misconduct
investigation yet?

- It's classified.

I can't access it online.

- I'll reach out to IG
and get clearance.

- I can help.

- So Fletcher felt he was doing
the right thing.

He got punished for it.

So what is his end game?

- Uh, well, it could
just be ego.

He sounded the alarm
on nuclear safety.

So catastrophe
proves him right.

- I'm telling you,
it's revenge.

And now he works
with the other side.

- Guys, found a friend
of Fletcher's.

Uh, Richard Cook.

A nuclear diver who works
at ArrowPoint.

- Okay, everybody focus here.

I want his LUDs,
complete digital footprint,

home thoroughly searched.
Let's go.

- Brace Cook hard.

Find out what he knows.

We need to get Fletcher
in here now.

- Just 'cause
I was friends with Jake

doesn't mean I helped him
cross the border.

- That's a little tough to deny

considering that you bought gas

on the way to Vermont.

And you took the back roads

and avoided all the tolls
and cameras.

- What's to deny?

I like nature.

- How does an ex-Navy diver

become friends with someone

who's on the FBI's
Ten Most Wanted list?

- Well, in some situations,

breaking the law
is the right thing to do.

- Who gets to decide that?

- He did. And he's paying
for it.

- No, he's running
around New York

planning a massive attack.

- You're wrong.

Jake could have taken
any cushy job

at Big Energy
like the rest of them.

But instead,

he's living out of a bag

trying to save the world.

- He's already k*lled
one person.

- Jake is no k*ller.

And he's not a criminal.

- So what are you saying?

He was framed?

- Well, they couldn't
control him.

So they had to get rid of him.

He lost his job, his freedom,

and his reputation.

- So he's a guy
with nothing left to lose.

- So what are you suggesting,

that he would commit
nuclear sabotage?

That goes against everything
he stands for.

We done?

- Where is he?

- I don't know.

I didn't even know
he was back.

- You were Fletcher's friend.

You're gonna help us
bring him in alive

or this is not gonna
end well for him.

Now we're done.

- Do you believe him?

- I don't know who to believe.

- Valerie Borgia's at 26 Fed

with the IG case file
against Jake Fletcher.

Hey, Valerie.

How you doing?

- I was packing up
Cameron's desk

when your boss asked
for Jake Fletcher's file.

But it's not about me, so, um,

how can I help?

- Why'd the Inspector General

open a case file
against Jake Fletcher?

- Several anonymous complaints

were posted on the IG website.

Fletcher was accused
of abusive behavior

and creating a chilled
work environment.

- Was Garret Sebastian
one of them?

- Tip line's supposed to be

People said that Fletcher
was increasingly erratic,

unstable, paranoid.

Yeah, Fletcher was trying
to sound the alarm internally

about plant safety.

- What exactly did Fletcher say

was going on at the plant?

- He claimed that
they failed to replace

a crucial water valve.

And that's when he leaked
classified documents

to the public.

- You don't leak
classified information.

- Cameron was pissed.

We both were.

- Then why did she
visit him in Cuba?

- What?

- Cameron didn't tell you

that she and Fletcher

were having a relationship?

- No, mm-mm.
I can't believe that.

She was my best friend.

Why would she keep that
from me?

- Thank you.
- Thanks.

- This whole nuclear world,

everyone's got a secret.

- "Chilled work environment."

That's why these tip lines
are anonymous.

- It's supposed to
protect whistleblowers

from retribution.

- Whistleblowers or traitors?

Someone that betrays
our country

and leaks classified intel
to our enemies?

- I think you're having trouble

separating the two.

- Maybe.

Six months deep undercover
will do that.

Special Forces,

one leak, you never see
your family again.

- Got a court order to get
Cameron's text messages.

She received this the night
she was k*lled.

- "Meet me at the plant.
I'll do what you want."

- Came from Garret Sebastian's
IP address.

- Huh.

Somehow all the leaks

go back to the plumber.

- Thank you.
- Yeah.

- Already tried.

Well, just tell him
that I want to talk to him.

It's only gonna take
one second.

Well, I don't care.

Just want to tell you
I know that he's--

[locker clangs]

Oh, hey, hey, hey, hey.

- He'll call you back.
- That was my lawyer!

- When you get your call,

tell him you're under arrest
for lying to the FBI.

- About what?

- Innocent people
don't ask that question.

They just deny it.

- We know that you
lured Cameron to the plant

the night she was k*lled.

- What the hell are you
talking about?

- And usually they deny it
better than that.

We have her texts.

Get ahead of this.

We find that g*n, you're done.

- I don't own a g*n.

- What did you argue
with her about?

- Jake Fletcher.
- What about him?

- She thought that I had
something to say about him.

But I didn't.
It doesn't matter.

- You're right, it doesn't.

You're going to jail.

- No, no, I'm being set up.

- Did you sabotage
the nuclear power plant?

- Yes.

But I didn't k*ll Cameron.

I didn't know that was
gonna happen.

I was only supposed to get her
to the plant.

- For who?

- Not without my lawyer.

I want a deal.

- ASUA's waiting upstairs.

This had better not be a game,
Mr. Sebastian.

- Oh, it's a game.

Here's how we play.

They give me immunity,
I talk,

everyone wins.

- Well, it's gonna be
a short game.

Through the detector, please.

[alarms blare]

- On the ground!
- Hey, hey! Stop right there!

- Hey, what's going on?

- Down, down, down!

- What is going on?!

- Down!
On the ground!

- What are you guys doing?

- On the ground!

And don't move.

Maggie, stay down.

- It's the dirty b*mb alert,

- Don't move!

- Our radiation exposure

is pretty limited, OA.

- 2016.

Breakers tripped, cut power
to the reactor.

Water pumps failed,
backup generators died.

They called it
a near-miss meltdown.

- You know way more
than you should

about a nuclear power plant.

- I was at a reunion
at West Point

15 miles away from here.

Everything within 50 miles

is a peak injury zone.

Does that sound like something

that I should ignore?

- How we doing?

- Waiting for you
to tell us, Doc.

- You're fine.

Alarm was triggered
by Garret Sebastian

sweating radionuclides.

We admitted him to the ICU

for acute radiation sickness.

- He didn't look sick.

- He probably thought
he had the flu.

Symptoms first present
as nausea, fever, chills.

- Sebastian works
at the power plant.

Wouldn't he know
if he was exposed

to too much radiation?

- If he knew he'd been exposed
at the plant.

But I don't think he did.

- What do you mean?

- He ingested it.

A significant amount
of strontium-90

and cesium-137

sometime in the last 12 hours.

- So he was poisoned.

- Would appear so, but...

that's your domain.

- Hey, uh...

We need to talk to him.

- Sorry, he won't be talking
to anyone.

Except God.

- The ERT found a thermos

that was contaminated
with radioactive waste

inside Sebastian's house.

- Death by caffeine, sugar,
and isotopes.

- Right, to keep him
from talking.

So who was it?

- Well, we know
it wasn't Cameron.

- And Sebastian wouldn't have
k*lled himself,

not like that.

- Fletcher had motive
to k*ll Sebastian.

- Fletcher doesn't have access
to nuclear waste.

- Unless he still has
someone inside.

- Like his Navy diver buddy.

- Radiation poisoning?

That's an awful way to die.

- Who has access
to radioactive waste?

- Maybe a quarter
of our employees.

It gets cleaned
from the filters.

HEPA, reactor water,
fuel pools.

We take extreme
safety precautions.

- Can it be removed
from the plant

without tripping alarms?

- The stuff that could k*ll you

is carted or stored off site.

No one goes near it
that doesn't need to.

- Well, someone did.

- Richard Cook have access
to the waste?

- Of course.
All our divers do.

- When's the last time
Cook made a dive?

- Yesterday.

This is weird.

He's over his millirem limit.

- English.

- His level of exposure
to radiation.

He doesn't have the dive time

for his levels to be this high.

- Handling radioactive waste

would raise your
millirem level?

Let's put eyes on him.

- Cancel all of Cook's access
into the plant.

Right away.


He's just
dropping off supplies?

- He could be leaving it
for Fletcher.

- Had eyes on the boat
for an hour.

It was swept.
There's not a soul onboard.

- Arresting Cook
might spook Fletcher

if he's around.

- I'm going in,
I'm gonna check it again.

[ominous music]

- Bar Harbor, two o'clock.

There's movement on that boat.

- It's Fletcher.

[music intensifies]

- [panting]

- All right.



Capturing a Ten Most Wanted

is a big win for the FBI

and this team.

- Sure is.

But I think we should
withhold it

from the press for the moment.

- What? Why?

- Because right now all we have
is circumstantial.

There's no physical evidence

that puts Fletcher at the plant

or ties him to either m*rder.

- So you want a confession.

- If we can get it.

- I'm not sure Fletcher's
our k*ller.

I'm not sure that he

sabotaged the plant either.

- Do you agree with Maggie?

- Well, if he's not,

there's still an active threat

to the plant.

- Maybe Fletcher knows
who it is.

- We'll keep his capture quiet

until you talk to him.

- Okay.

- Oh, uh, NSA released

some more photos
of Cameron and Fletcher

in Cuba.

Might be something to use

in the interrogation.

- All right, thank you.

- Mostly tourist pictures.
Nothing special.

- Except the traditional
wedding bouquet.

- No.

Seriously, come on.

- Have you ever been in love?

- You gotta be kidding me.

- Look, take a look
at their faces.

And their eye contact,
their hands.

- He conned her.

He married her.

He promised her the moon.

She's lonely, his lie worked.

And she gave him access
to the plant.

- No.

I think she believed him.

And I think

that he really loved her.

- Okay, maybe
I'm missing something,

but I had your back
out there with Dana.

And honestly, I'm not seeing
what you are.

- Uh, trace found
no radioactive isotopes

on Fletcher's skin or clothes.

- So he didn't
poison Sebastian?

- It doesn't seem likely.

- You think he knows who did?

- Maybe.

The question is whether or not
he'll tell us.

- All right.

You think he loved Cameron.

Why don't you use that?

- I have nothing to say to you.

- [sighs] Well...

I only have one question.

It's not about the plant.

It's personal.

Why did you marry Cameron?

She's gone.

She's dead.

You're going to prison.

Nothing's gonna change that.

You have nothing to lose,

so you might as well
be honest with me.

- It's none
of your damn business.

- She died alone.


In the dirt

with a b*llet in her head.

That doesn't bother you?

Why did you marry Cameron?

- Because she was
the love of my life.

And because she was
the only one who believed me.

- That why you risked
coming back into this country?

- We wanted a family.

Cameron saw her doctor.

He said in vitro
was the only way.

- You had to be here.

- What was Cameron doing
at the plant that night?

- She was driving back
from one of the sites

when she got a text
from Garret Sebastian.

He said he was ready
to go public.

Clear my name.

- What'd you tell her?

- I thought it was crap.

Sebastian's a coward.

Was jerking her around again.

- What did she say?

- She agreed.

I fell asleep with the TV on.

When I woke up, she was on it.

News said she'd been m*rder*d
at the plant.

I thought I was...

still asleep.


I didn't believe it

until I saw that our bed
hadn't been slept in.

I'm never gonna hear
her voice again.

- Okay.

Now I have a question.

You claim to have leaked
classified nuclear documents

in the interest of the public.

- It's the truth.

- Why would you offer
to share what you know

with our enemies?

- Foreign nuclear
safety officials

who experienced the same
pattern of corruption

that I did at ArrowPoint.

- That a fact?

- Yeah, it's a fact.

It's also a fact

that a fire at ArrowPoint

could devastate New York.

Two major fires
in the last five years

barely avoided a meltdown.

A valve remains open
when it should be closed,

draining water
from the reactor.

What do you want me to do?

- Your job.

- I tried. Over and over.

It did nothing.

- Why didn't they just
replace the valve at the plant?

- It's expensive.

The plant's 50 years old.

Yearly revenue of 13 billion.

Corporate bosses aren't
going to spend money

on an aging plant
that's closing in two years.

I started to hope

when Cameron came to Cuba.

She said she'd been
digging around

and that she realized that
the IG investigation

was a sham.

And that she believed
I was telling the truth.

But any hope we had
of me clearing my name

we soon figured out was bust.

is hopelessly corrupt.

- Did Cameron share
any of her suspicions

about the plant
with anyone else?

- Valerie Borgia.

She's the only one Cameron told

I was back in the country.

- 9/11, t*rrorists planned
to crash a plane

into the ArrowPoint domes.

That would have meant
20 million lives

instead of 3,500.

- Okay, but they didn't.

- Yeah, only because
they didn't realize

how vulnerable the plant
really is.

- So now they do.
But so do we.

- Maggie, he broke the law.

- And that makes him
a criminal.

I'm not arguing
the legality of that.

I'm arguing the morality.

He risked everything
to reveal information

that he thought
would save lives.

It doesn't matter if it did.

It matters that he tried.

My husband was
an investigative reporter

for the Journal.

When he worked a story

he would go days
without sleep.

I mean, the hours were brutal.

But he would do whatever
he had to do

to meet a deadline
or get to the truth.

- Sounds familiar.

- Jason was working this big
Wall Street exposé.

And he got so much pushback.

But he wouldn't...

- He wouldn't back down.

- Never.

One night,

I was working
Organized Crime unit.


And I had to cancel
dinner plans.

Uh, he called me
and I couldn't pick up.

That was at 2:56 am.

At 3:01...

At 3:01 a car plowed
through a red light

and k*lled him.

So I know

how she felt about him.

And I know how he felt

about her being gone.

- Maggie--
- Can you please just spare me

the transference speech of,

"It's only been a year"

and "Give myself
time to grieve."

- Sure.

- Thank you.

- [sighs] I'm not buying it,

- Cameron was my friend.

- Mm. A confidante?

- Of course.

- You knew that she was

in a relationship with Fletcher

and you also knew

that he was
back in the country.

- You withheld that information

from the FBI.

That alone is a felony.

- Are you serious?

- You can be charged with
aiding and abetting

a known fugitive.

- Fletcher was on
the Ten Most Wanted list.

- They'll be so happy to make
an example out of you.

- Stop.

What do you want to know?

- You knew that Cameron
was going to the plant

and you knew
she was being set up.

- I knew Sebastian
texted her to come.

I didn't know she would
end up...

You don't understand.

She wouldn't quit.

It was like she'd been
brainwashed by Fletcher.

- Brainwashed?

- To believe that the plant
needed to shut down.

No way that could happen.

- No?

You're an inspector.

So was it unsafe?

- No.

And we tried to get her
to understand that.

- Who's we?

- Everyone.

The plant shuts down,

the company loses money.

Everyone's out of a job.

Everyone knows that.

- Who told Sebastian

to have Cameron come

by the plant that night?

- The plant is safe.

- That's not what we asked.

Who, Valerie?

- Inspector Miller.

I had to tell him
about Fletcher.

He's like a mentor
to all of us.

We're all on the same team.

- No you're not.

You betrayed Cameron.

- I swear.

I didn't know
that he would do that.

- Well, it doesn't matter.

The second you text Miller

to say that Fletcher
was back in the country,

you k*lled your best friend.

- All right, so Miller
is investigating

a nuclear rod re-rack
in the fuel pool.

You guys are gonna have to
go in and get him.

- There's no way
he's gonna talk to us.

- We have no physical evidence.

We're not gonna get this guy

without a confession.

- So let's surprise him.

- An ambush.

Someone he least suspects.

- So we need someone
who's fearless.

With nothing left to lose.

- We know just
the right person.

- Do it.

- Thought they would
cure cancer

before these cameras
came back on.

- Glad I could be of service.

How many we got?

- Every angle of the pool
is covered.

- Folks, we got
a five-hour window.

So let's move
like we have a purpose.

- Why is it glowing?

- Isotopes clump together
under water.

Moving faster
than the speed of light.

- Great.

Just get Miller talking

and get the hell out,
you hear me?

- Loud and clear.

Okay. You are
on his home turf here.

He feels safe, comfortable,

- He's not expecting you.

Or that you're wired.

- [sighs]

- 2743,
transfer canister...

Particles are in motion.

- Be careful.

It'd be tragic if you fell.

- Wow.

You look good, man.

Cuba agrees with you.

I'm surprised to see you.

- No, you're not.

- How'd you get in here?

- You knew I'd find a way.

Just like I knew you'd land

the cushy K street
lobbying job.

I didn't know you were
a m*rder*r.

- My job is to protect
this plant

and these people.

- Your job

is to protect the people

from what could go wrong.

Why did she have to die?

- Collateral damage.

- Collateral damage
is an accident.

You planned this.

You knew I was back

and Cameron was digging.

So you got that lowlife
Sebastian to lure her here

and you did it
the night of the drill

so no one could hear
the g*nsh*t.

Dousing her with fuel pool
water was a nice touch.

So that everyone can think
Cam did the sabotage.

- I'm surprised you
put it together.

- Wait.

- The one thing
I can't figure out...

How did you get Sebastian
to do your bidding?

- He was terrified of me.

- Until he wasn't.

So you poisoned him.

So what now?

You want to k*ll me too?

We all know now.

- What have you done?
What have you done?

- We're blown.

Go, go, go.

Take him down.

- Go!
- Behind me.

[both grunting]

[suspenseful music]

[alarms blaring]
- Hang on, Fletcher.

- [straining]

Hang on, Fletcher.

- Move, move, move, move.

- OA!

- I got him, get Miller!

- Get down, get down!

Go, move!

Get down! Move!

Put the g*n down or die.

[alarms blaring]

Right here, right now.

[tense music]

- Agent Bell.

- Can I have a minute?

- Thank you for catching
Cameron's k*ller.

You remind me of her.

- Oh, yeah?

How's that?

- If she believed
in something, or...


she'd never let it go.

Never give up.

- Not a bad thing.

- Never.

What do I do now without her?

- You do what you were
put here to do.

Keep everyone safe.

[solemn music]

- You just be
the pain in the ass

I know you can be.

- That I can do.

- Hey, babe.

Getting tired. Heading home.

Can't wait to see you.

I love you.


[wolf howling]
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