01x04 - Crossfire

Episode transcripts for the TV show "FBI". Aired: September 2018 to present.*
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Drama about the inner workings of the New York office of the FBI,
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01x04 - Crossfire

Post by bunniefuu »

- Another motion to dismiss.

He's already spent more than
I make on ink cartridges

for his printer.

I'm gonna rule 11
the son of a bitch.

[cell phone buzzes]
Hold on, will you?

[cell phone beeps]

I know...

we've been over this 100 times.

I don't know why you keep
belaboring the point.

Honey, you know what?
I got to go.

[b*llet whizzes]

- [screams]
Oh, my God!

What just happened?
[b*llet whizzes]

[panicked screaming]

- sh*ts fired!
sh*ts fired!

I don't know
where they're coming from.

Call 911--

[b*llet whizzes]

- Get down behind the wall!
Go! Go!

[tense music]

- Right over here
by this gentleman.

[indistinct chatter]

- Got the building manager,

he's gonna come out
and give us a statement, guys.

Hold everybody back.

- ...personnel in the building.
All residents out.

- sh**t dropped three.

No telling yet how many injured
in the after party.

After first body fell,
people were looking to the sky.

After the second,
screaming started.

After the third,
all hell broke loose.

I mean, full blown cluster--

- Pandemonium.
- Pandemonium.

People trampled,
somebody got hit by a car.

- Three b*ll*ts, three kills.

- All headshots
on moving targets.

- Like fish in a barrel.

- Or our sh**t's damn good
at what he does.

- All the deceased exited
this building.

101 Park Ave.

We got an Arnold Calhoun,
a security guard.

We got a Shana Torres,
a secretary on Madison.

She had coffee with her sister
at the cart in the lobby.

Then we get Roland Poe,

an Assistant U.S. Attorney
to the Southern District.

- We know where he works.

- He's your ticket
to the dance.

- Hey.


We have at least one
through and through.

You guys start checking
for fragments here,

and can I borrow your pointer?

That's where our sh**t
posted up.

- Say he's better
than damn good.

Maybe a competitive sh**t
or a hunter?

Maybe military?

- I'm going door number three.
- Why?

- A hunter doesn't
go for the head.

I don't see any shell casings.
A competitive sh**t

would have left his brass
for someone else to clean up.

- Well, leaves military then.

- These buildings...

it's a fish bowl.

No way he would have
camped out here in the open.

He needs cover.



- Perfect perch.
Just wait on the prey.

- Yeah, but he didn't know
when Poe

or the others for that matter

were gonna exit the building.

Unless this is arbitrary

they would have been waiting
here for a while.

I don't see any coffee cups,
cigarette butts,

candy wrappers, nothing.

- Dude's a trained k*ller.

A sn*per can sit still
for hours,

pulse never rising above 40.

I'm guessing rangers or SEALS.

Clear view of
the building's entrance...

- Right.
- Unobstructed field of fire.

- Goes down a flight of stairs,

takes the elevator down
to the lobby,

then they disappear
in the chaos

right in the middle
of the street.

Yeah, but the only problem
with that

is that somebody would have

him walking through Midtown
with a sn*per's r*fle.

- Unless he used
a concealed sn*per r*fle.

Fits in a briefcase

or a backpack.

This guy had a plan.

- Roland Poe was a rising star
at the U.S. Attorney's office,

and he got there

by putting bad guys
with white collars behind bars.

So we're talking
tax and security fraud,

money laundering,
real estate fraud,

corporate big sh*ts,
scum bags mostly.

- We're looking
at every case Poe prosecuted,

prioritizing defendants
awaiting indictment.

- What?

- You really think someone's
gonna k*ll over tax returns?

- People have k*lled over less.
Guy put people behind bars.

- People have k*lled over less.

Sometimes they're
just angry or deranged,

but there's always a trigger.

- Well, we're also looking
at the other two victims.

Any red flags on their lives,

any connection
to Poe or each other.

- Well, sh**ting was
in a public space

so any connection
to the victims feels tenuous.

This had a-an element
of spectacle to it.

- So you're saying they're
just trying to create a scene?

Cause a panic?

- Sure, to scare people.

Morning rush hour,
middle of a public square.

- Well, mission accomplished.

NYPD already closed
all access to parks,

public areas,

- k*lling from a distance
is an attempt

to demonstrate
or reassert power,

so our sn*per most likely
experienced a recent setback

or a personal loss.

- Are you looking into all of
the business in the building?

Anybody recently terminated?

- Anyone who made threats,
had anger management issues?

- Or generally disgruntled?
We're on it.

- Do you have the ballistics
report yet?

- Yeah, the coroner's rushing
the autopsy

to retrieve the b*ll*ts,
but Ballistics

is on the fragment ERT
recovered from the street.

- Okay.
- Yeah.

- Let's talk to Sammy.


Give us the good news.

- I prefer to give you
the bad news first.

- There's meds for that, Sammy.
- Very funny.

So the fragment ERT found
is too small to ID a caliber.

- So what's good after that?

- No caliber, no a*mo type.

Tough to zero in
on purchasers, sellers.

- So I used digital
reconstruction software

to build on the fragment,

allowing me
to cross reference it

with the National Integrated
Ballistics database.

- What are the indentations?
- Crimp marks--

- From a seating die

clamping the b*llet
inside a shell casing.

- Part of the process

of packing custom
loads of amm*nit*on.

- So the marksman
can adjust the weight and power

of their b*ll*ts.

- Your turn.

[computer beeps]

- 6.5 millimeter Grendel.

Similar to popular hunting
calibers like .308.

- But a 6.5 millimeter Grendel

is lighter, cheaper,
and has lower recoil.

- So a sn*per can sh**t faster,
longer, and buy more b*ll*ts.

- This isn't making me
feel better.

- Can a 6.5 Grendel
be chambered

with a concealable
sn*per r*fle?

- It can be chambered with
any number of w*apon platforms,

and it can be broken down,
carried and concealed

in something as small as
a tennis racket case.

- We're looking for stores
that sold 6.5 Grendel a*mo

within the last month.

- Looks AUSA Poe maybe have
been up to something sketchy.

His office said he had
a doctor's appointment

at the time he was shot,

only the calendar in his cell
had a meeting with an attorney.

- Who's office is
in 101 Park Ave?

- Unfortunately.

- Nothing sketchy about it.

Defense lawyers are famous

for spur of
the moment meetings.

- Mr. Parnow is
a divorce lawyer.

Gets better.

Poe charged two plane tickets

to Turks and Caicos.
Leaving this Sunday.

- Much needed vacation
with the wife?

- I was hoping,
but as far as I can tell,

Mrs. Poe's passport
expired last year.

State has no record
of renewal application.

- There are private services
that provide 24-hour renewal.

- Well, you're certainly
an optimist.

- Growing up Muslim in New York
after 9/11?

You kind of have to be.

- What do you think
military trained hitmen

go for these days?

- Sounds like an affair.

Talk to Mrs. Poe.

And were gonna need
the name of every

retired military marksmen

living in the tri-state area.

- How do you want
to handle this?

- What do you mean?

- Do you want to take the lead?

- Little widow-to-widow

- Could help her open up.

- She may be grieving,
but she's still a suspect.

- Yeah, this one's a tightrope.

- Yeah.

- Melanie and Michelle.

They're in my bedroom
with my sister.

I was on phone with him when...

- I'm so sorry, Mrs. Poe.

- I didn't how to tell them...
what words.

Rollie could have gone
to Wall Street, you know,

but he was a crusader.

- Sounds like you didn't really
care for his choice.

- I don't think I had
a good night's sleep

until he transferred
into financial crimes.

"Thank God," I thought.
At least no one will be...

sh**ting at him.

Silly me.

- Did he ever mention
any threats?

- Do you want to hear
about bad timing?

He actually decided
to leave that damn job.

- To do what?

- He was supposed
to interview at...

University of Texas, USC,
and a bunch of others.

Six law schools in two weeks.

- Teaching would have
given him more time

with you and the girls.

- It's all I ever wanted.

- Sounds like he worked
a lot of hours.

Nights and weekends?

- Does it matter?
- It might.

- Yeah he was at the office
all the time.

- You'd call him,
check up on him?

- I was married to a prosecutor
for 15 years.

I know what you're doing.

You're treating me like
a suspect.

Do you think I had
my husband k*lled?

- Nobody said that.

- I need you to tell me
what you think happened here.


What do you know?

Say something!

[cell phone rings]

- Sorry, excuse me.

- [exhales sharply]

- OA.

There's been another sh**ting.

- Excuse us.

[tense music]

- Step back.
Make a hole, please.

- Out of the street, everybody.
- Keep moving, please.

[indistinct chatter]

- From business to residential.

- Only it's worse.

- Six down.

- One headshot a piece.

Nine b*ll*ts.
Nine people.

This guy has super powers.

- Ten b*ll*ts.

He winged one guy,

and the guy fired back.

Walter Moss,
off-duty security guard.

- I'm Agent Bell.
This is Agent Zidan.

- Hello, Agent Bell.
I'm Walter.

- What happened here, Walter?

- I was walking back
from the doctor.

I hear g*nf*re.

Before I can do anything,

- Any idea where
the sh*ts came from?

- I saw a muzzle flash
from that roof.

It was all I could do
to pull my g*n,

pop off a couple rounds.

- Any chance you hit him?

- Couldn't say.

sh**ting sure stopped.

- There's no exit wound.

- Isn't one hole enough?

- One of our agents will
escort you to the hospital.

- Cops already took my g*n.

- Yeah, but we need
that b*llet.

- We pretty much got
a 360 degree picture.

- Origin?

- With all the b*ll*ts
in corpus

it's tough to triangulate,

but these new capture scanners

can do blood splatter
origin calculations.

So if we can find points
of impact,

we can calculate approximate
b*llet trajectories from there.

Two points of origin.

18 inches apart.

Looks like the sh**t adjusted
slightly for the last shot.

- He had key terrain,
a clear view.

Why would he adjust?

- Hey, OA.

Turns out our gunslinger
just gave us more

than the slug in his arm.

He said after the sh**ting

he saw a black SUV
peel out of here.

- There's over 10,000
black SUVs in the city alone.

- NYPD running stolen SUVs?

- Yes, back six months.

- We're trying to narrow
it down using

the video from the bridges

going into Staten island.

- Probably best not

to put this out to the press.

- It worked with the Tsarnaevs
in Boston.

- We could have mobs attacking
every black SUV in the city.

- People are panicked.

They're locking themselves in
their apartments

schools and businesses
are closing.

It's 16 million eyeballs.

We could get a good lead.

- Or a lot of false ones

which could lead
to another incident.

- So what do you want to do?

- What are we missing?

Criminal sn*pers
are usually looking

to retake control
in their lives.

Long range k*lling
from a commanding position

fulfills that need.

- I don't know.

It feels like this guy has
a more specific plan.

Where he staked out
his position,

when he's gonna strike,

there has to be some connection
between the victims.

- We haven't found it.

- What if it's...

what if it's not the people
but it's the locations?

Maybe the victim's
aren't even connected,

but the places are.

They have meaning to him.

- Work that angle.

Let's go with a limited release
on a black SUV.

NYPD only.

- I'll call the commissioner.

- And if it leaks,
deny it.

- Right.

- Not yet.

I got a call from Mrs. Poe.

She was not pleased.

- She was a legitimate
person of interest.

- And a widow of a m*rder*d
assistant U.S. attorney.

- Time was of the essence.

- She said you're
withholding information

about her late husband.

- We had to ask
some hard questions.

- Relevant to
the investigation?

- I don't know yet.

- Understood.

I'll leave it up to you.

- Thank you, ma'am.

- We flagged anyone
who had problems

at either
the corporate building

or the apartments
in Staten Island.

Fired employees,
evicted tenants,

even parking tickets.

We have a master list
of 88 names.

No connection as of now.


- Please tell me someone
was fired on Park Ave

and evicted from
their Staten Island apartment.

- Better.

Four months ago g*n World
in Rockland County

sold half a dozen boxes
of 6.5 Grendel b*ll*ts.

- New York law requires
a*mo sellers to record buyers.

- And they did.

Buyer was one Cole Cooper,

40 years old,
former Ranger sharpsh**ter.

- Let me guess,
dishonorably discharged?

- Not quite.

Two medals of valor.

Gets better.

The address Mr. Cooper
gave to the g*n shop.

The Meadowview Apartments
in Staten Island

where the second sh**ting
took place.

[cell phone rings]

- Yeah?

Sammy from Ballistics.
We got to go.

- Thanks, Kristen.
- Yeah.

- These two b*ll*ts were taken

from the Staten Island

Slug on the left
was plucked out

of your buddy Walter's arm.

Slug on the right was removed

from the head of a deceased
victim during autopsy.

- Both 6.5 Grendel.

- Yes, but different lands
and grooves

which means they were fired
from different weapons.

- Why would a sn*per use
two r*fles?

- To eliminate reload time

or the first one
could have jammed.

- Close, but no cigar.

Walter passes.

First victim,
second victim,

third victim,
fourth victim,

and fifth and sixth victims

before Walter manages
to escape.

- Huh.

- What?

- There wasn't enough time
for Cole to change r*fles

between those sh*ts.

We've got two sh**t.

- This is
the last thing posted

to Cole Cooper's Facebook site,

almost three years ago.

- I know, I know.
Just a little, you know...

- Army ranger.

That's Cole.

- He's coming home.

- And she has no idea.

[indistinct chatter]

- Oh, my God, Emily, look.
- [gasps]


- All right,
so he's got a girl--

or at least he did.

- Haven't identified her yet.

Cole's social media
went dark after this.

- All right, well,
doesn't matter who ghosted who.

We have to find her.

- Think she may be involved?
- I don't know.

They were clearly intimate

She'll give us something.

- Teams of two,
whether it's marriage

or criminals
are usually made up

of submissive
and dominant personalities.

Cole was the pro,
so he took the headshots,

and the submissive
only took one shot

and that was what hit Walter
in the arm.

- Submissive is an amateur.

Why would Cole take them
under his wing?

- I don't know,
but now that the submissive

is directly involved,
the shared guilt

will deepen the bond with Cole

and the momentum
of these att*cks

is likely to increase.

- We'll find her.

[laughter and applause]

- [crying, laughing]

[all cheering]

[indistinct chatter]

- Agent Bell?
- That's me.

Agent Zidan.

- I knew he was trouble.
He was weird.

He never put his name
on the lease.

- What can you tell us
about Cole?

- He moved in with Emily
around two years ago.

Apartment 2B.

- Is that his wife?
- Girlfriend.

It was her apartment.

Her parents had to co-sign
the lease.

- Emily still live here?
- Poor girl died.

She went like that.

It's always the good ones.

- How did Cole handle that?

- After Emily died,
Cole was in bad shape.

He was trying to work,
keep it all together,

but I cut him a break
as long as I could.

- You evicted him?
- Had to.

- Emily's parents
were on the hook.

Took me six months of lawyers
to get him to vacate.

- Any of those lawyers work
at 101 Park Ave?

- Maybe more than one.
I'd have to check.

- Tome and Heidi Wagner?

- Yeah, they're good people.

This whole thing was
pretty rough on everybody.

- All right, thank you.
- All right, thanks.

[car approaching]

- Just posted the one vehicle?

- Two more combing
the perimeter

in case Cole comes back.

- The sh**ting
in Staten Island,

you believe that was Cole?

- It happened
outside the apartment

that he shared with Emily

before he was evicted.

- Wish it never
came to that.

We appreciate Cole.

The man dedicated his life

to what was left
of our dying daughter's.

- He never really recovered
from that.

- Your attorney,
did he work at Park Avenue?

- Oh, God.

Was that the other building
that got shot up?

- What happened to Cole
after your daughter passed?

- He took it so hard.

I know they had tried
to start a family,

but...it just wasn't to be.

- Have you stayed in touch?

- At first, we spoke every day.

- He came to dinner
a few times.

- And then he stopped
answering his phone.

- And then the phone went dead.

- He was so depressed.

- A w*r hero

and he was selling candy
and cigarettes

at a gas station
in West Babylon.

- You said "was," Mr. Wagner.

- He missed days
when Emily got sick.

They fired him.

[cell phone rings]

[cell phone clicks]

Jubal, hey.

- Do you remember
which gas station?

- It was a Solexo
on Sunrise Highway.

- OA.

- Thank you.
Excuse us.

[tense music]

- A cop out on Long Island

just pulled behind
a black SUV.

The driver matches
Cole's description.

- He could be headed
to his next location.

- sh*ts were just fired.

[tense music]

- We got a bunch
of reporters calling in.

We gotta make sure we keep...
- Whoa. Whoa.

- Special Agents Bell
and Zidan.

How's your man?

- Routine traffic stop.
Caught a b*llet to the throat.

Died on his way
to the hospital.

- I'm sorry.

- sh**t got away
in a black SUV?

- Yeah, and I assure you
he will not get far.

- Dash cam catch
anything useful?

- Yeah, caught a glimpse of
the guy who was riding shotgun.

It's queued up.

He was a buddy, you know.

He had a wife and two kids.

I can't watch that again.

- Dispatch, Baker Nine.
Need to run a plate.

New York tag, George, Adam,
Paul, 4, 5, 6, Queen.

- Copy, Baker Nine.

- Second sh**t's a kid.

- Approaching now.
Request backup, my location.

Get your hands up.

Show me your hands!


- k*lled a cop,
ditched the kid.

Cole's unraveling.

- We got to find that kid.

- Ground units
are on their way.

Aviation's coming
on station now.

[indistinct chatter]

[indistinct radio chatter]

- Suspect's SUV was found
abandoned on Bishop Road

and Sheffield Avenue
in West Babylon, Long Island.

Let's put it up!

[suspenseful music]

- Can Kristen frame
the search area?

- I estimated the distance
the boy could cover on foot

since the time
of the sh**ting.

Adolescent male
at max foot speed

could get as far
as this radius.

- Do the same for Cole
from the abandoned car.

Let's coordinate
with Suffolk County PD

and State police,
saturate those zones.

So the dominant
just abandoned the submissive.

- I don't know,

but I do know that
both personality traits

will be enhanced.

The boy will become
more passive

and Cole will become
more violent.

- Damn.

I was hoping he was

abandoning his master plan.

- [sighs]
On the contrary,

he's more likely
to accelerate it.

[cell phone rings]

- This is Special Agent Bell.

Thanks, lieutenant.
Yeah, we'll find it.

Suffolk PD just got a 911 call.

Homeowner reporting someone
hiding in their RV

on the property.

Left at the corner.

How sure are we?

- Owner said he saw
the curtain move.

No response to the bull horn.

- Reaper 3-1, requesting
thermal scan of RV

and driveway
at target residence.

[drone buzzing]

New York 1, execute,
execute, execute.

- Flash bang.

[smoke grenade pops]

- FBI.
- FBI!

- Contact left.

- Hands!
Let me see your hands!


- Clear!

Suspect is in custody!

- Yes.

[dramatic music]

- Kofi Seifu.

Snuck into the U.S.
from Somalia with his father,

who was detained by DHS.

Father was eventually deported.

- Kofi spent a year at a Health
and Human Services shelter,

then went to foster care,
public schools,

where he experienced emotional

and physical trauma
in his first placement.

Bounced around
at a couple of others.

- And then he went
off the grid?

- Somehow hooked up with Cole.

- Someone from child services
just arrived.

See what you can get.

[knocks on door]

- The kid's lost.

- And hungry.

Checking surveillance video
of the convenience store,

he was trying to lift this
when the first shot rang out.

Let's go with the carrot.

- Thought you might be hungry.

- When's the last time you ate?

I'll bet you haven't slept.

We're trying to help you, Kofi.

- Hell,
I haven't eaten anything.

Cole didn't feed you?

- Of course he did.

We're like brothers.
- That's good.

Because we want to help him.

- No, you don't.

- We know you only fired
one shot.

You didn't k*ll anyone.

- Cole is a good person.

He saved me.

- How did he save you?

- I was living
behind a church.

He brought me food,

talked to me.

- How often?

- He came every day.

Came and brought
his girlfriend.

- You from Mogadishu?

- Berberba.

- "Except those who repent..."

"And make amends

"and openly declare
the truth,

"to them I turn,

for I am oft-returning,"

Most Merciful."
Allahu akbar.

You know what means,
don't you, Kofi?

It's from the Koran.

I'm sure your father made
you study it.

Declare the truth, Kofi.

Where was Cole staying?


And make amends.

- That's all garbage!

What did Allah ever do for me?

[lock buzzes,
door opens]

- I need to see you two.

I was wrong about the carrot.

- And I don't think
the stick's gonna work either.

- The idolization,
the protectiveness,

the unwillingness to see faults
tells me one thing.

Kofi loves Cole.

- Loves.

- This comes more
from my being a mom

than my BAU training.

Adolescent emotions
are powerful.

They're confusing.

Kofi, whatever he thinks
of love

it could be paternal,

sexual, platonic,
or all of the above.

- So what are you suggesting?

- Don't try to untangle it.
Just leverage it.

[lock buzzes,
door creaks]

- Kofi,
we need your help here.

But more than us,

Cole needs it.

That lady is our boss,

and she's worried

because Cole shot a cop.

And right now there are a lot

of angry law enforcement
officers who are out there

who might not care
about bringing Cole in alive.

- Do you know where Cole is?

- No.

- Do you know how
to contact him--

- No.

Cole didn't want
to sh**t that cop.

- Who did he want to sh**t?

- Kofi.

If you help us,
I promise to keep Cole safe.

- Listen, Kofi...

I know you lost
your father once.

And you didn't get
to say goodbye.

Please, don't let
that happen here.

- [sniffles]


He thought
that God would help him.

- Help him k*ll people?
- Save Emily.

He prayed and prayed.
So did I.

But she died anyway.

He said that both
our Gods were frauds.

- The church.

[indistinct chatter]

- Saint Xavier church
in Queens.

Close to the hospital
where Cole's girlfriend died.

[indistinct shouting]

- Kofi said Cole thought God
would help him.

He'd leave her bedside,
go to church to pray.

- And then Emily died anyway.

- He thinks the church
failed him.

- Kristen,
what time's the early service?

- 8:00 a.m.

- So less than 90 minutes.

- We need to secure
this area immediately.

Clear the streets.

- Streets around the church
are being shut down now

and we're pushing emergency
text alerts across Queens.

- Okay.

- The crisis negotiators,
they're waiting for you.

- Are they up to speed?

- Big picture,
you're gonna have

to guide them through
the nuances.

And remember, Cole placed
his ultimate faith in God

and feels betrayed.

He's gonna take
that out on someone.

- Yeah, got it.

[suspenseful music]

- Coroner and County
has been notified.

- Any chance Cole
just goes to ground?

- We've had every cop
and agent in the region

tracking him all night
and there's no sign.

- Odds are better now.

His face is plastered

It's a matter of time
before someone spots him.

- This is Sierra One.
I've got a glare

off the bell tower
of the church.

- It could be the bell.

- Or the scope of a r*fle.

- Sierra Two,
I've got movement.

Somebody's up there.

- That's gonna be a tough place
to dig him out of.

- Time to shine.

- Cole Cooper,
my name is Adam Gantry.

I'm a crisis negotiator
for the FBI.

We want a peaceful resolution
to the situation.

And we're willing to listen
to anything you have to say

in order to bring that about.


Are you there, Cole?

- I don't think he wants
to talk.

- Not to us.

- You thinking Kofi?
We can't risk that.

- Our best bet is to keep
this area locked down

until he gives or puts a b*llet
in his own head.

- Those are two bad options.

- We are looking
for line of sight.

Got my team in position.

[indistinct radio chatter]

- I have an idea.

- We lost audio.
What happened?

- They must have hung up,
but we still have drone feed.

- What--what are they doing?
We need contact!

- Hang on,
she's got an instinct here.

Let's trust her with it.

- Cole!

My name is Maggie.

I do work for the FBI.

But I wanted you to know
that we have Kofi in custody.

I think I know why you
abandoned him at the store.

Even though you might not care
about your life right now,

you didn't want him to die.

- Doesn't matter.

You'll put him away forever.

- He's not even a legal adult.

In fact, your testimony
could help exonerate him.

- I don't believe you!

- I know you value his life,

You could help give him one.

But not if you die
up on this roof right now.

- I pray things work out better
for Kofi.

- He's reloading.

Should we engage?

- We promised Kofi
we would keep Cole safe.

- No, we didn't.

You did.

- Okay, fine.

It's getting too dangerous.

- Just--just give me a second.

I just...


[soft dramatic music]

I know that Kofi prayed
with you

every day to save Emily.

- Don't you talk about her.

Do not talk about Emily!

- Okay. Okay,
I'm just saying...

that I understand what
you've been through.

It's not fair.

It's not fair...

to lose the one person

that gives you purpose

and meaning in your life.

- Life...

It don't mean
a damn thing anymore.

- But it can.

- We got a civilian
on the street.

- What?

[suspenseful music]

- Did we not clear the street?

- [quietly]

Oh, God.

[indistinct chatter]

Call Dana.

- 2-6 Fed, this is Alpha 1.

- I'm watching the feed.

- How do you want to proceed?

- You're on the scene.

Maggie, you make the call.

- [quietly]
Oh, God.

- Take him out.


[soft dramatic music]

- He's gone.

[somber music]

- You okay?

- No.

[indistinct chatter]

- How we doing?

- Just doing a final read
on this report,

then it's headed your way.

- Well, take your time.
Get it right.

Savor the win.

Drinks on me.

- I'm in.

- You coming?

- Uh, maybe next time.

- Good work, Maggie.

- It was all of us.

- Empathy's a powerful thing.

And painful.

You profiled Cole.
You did it well.

- Not well enough.

- You made the right call.

I knew you had it in you.

Good night.

- Good night.

- Done.

- Really?

- No.

- I guess I should
thank you

for catching
my husband's k*ller.

[somber music]

Feel like I should have some
sense of satisfaction, but...

- Cold comfort.

I know.

- Just before it happened,
we were...


Our last words, I just...

I need more closure.

- I figured
that's why you called.

- How could you possibly think

I would have
my husband m*rder*d?


Tell me what do you know
about him that I don't.

And if I'm ever gonna
move past this, I need to know.

Am I wrong?

- No.

You're not wrong.

- Then why did you come
after me like that?

- We got a tip that
a prosecutor was gambling big.

Blew his family's savings.

Initially, we thought it
could have been your husband,

but it wasn't.

We were moving fast.

Just a part of the job.


You are going
to get through this.

I know it doesn't feel
like it right now.

- [sighs]

- You will.

- I hated it.

I hated everything about it.

Dad made me pray
five times a day.

Other kids were playing ball.
I was in a mosque.

I swore once I left the house

I'd give the whole thing up

- What happened?

- Dad died.

And you only get one of those,

so I figured it would be
something worth revisiting.

- Why are you telling me
all of this?

- Cole's gone, Kofi.

- Cole?
- He's dead.

- [breathes shakily]


So what's gonna happen to me?

- Well, Kofi,
I'm gonna be right there

with you in court
for the sentencing hearing.

I promise.

- Why are you doing this?

- God only knows.

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