02x03 - American Idol

Episode transcripts for the TV show "FBI". Aired: September 2018 to present.*
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Drama about the inner workings of the New York office of the FBI,
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02x03 - American Idol

Post by bunniefuu »

- Why is Congressman Winters
dragging his feet on this?

The bill's been sitting on
his desk for the last week.

I don't care
what dignitary's in town

or whose ass he's kissing.

My constituents want real
action on paid family leave.

Okay, so tell Winters
if he wants my support,

he's gonna have to start
praising this bill

up and down Capitol Hill.

Okay, great.
See you on Monday.

I leave D.C. for a week

and the whole place goes up
in flames.

Oh, damn.

I left my purse
in the green room.

- I'll take her.

- You sure I can't stay
and drive you home?

- You know the answer
to that question.

- You're not
some diva politician

who can't even drive herself.

I know.

- Then don't ask again.
Drive safely.

Say hi to Samantha
and the baby.

- Listen up, everyone,
a car b*mb just went off

at a fundraising event
for New York congresswoman

Valerie Caldwell.

Her bodyguard, Alex Peters,
died at the scene.

- How's Caldwell doing?
- She survived.

She's at St. Ann's
being treated for her injuries,

but let's assume for now
that it was Caldwell,

not Peters,
as the intended target.

- It should be said, although
I'm sure everyone is aware,

Caldwell is not just
a congresswoman anymore,

but according
to the most recent polls,

she is the frontrunner
to become the next president

of the United States.

- White House Press Secretary
is on the line.

She wants an update.

POTUS wants to put out
a statement ASAP.

- Got it.
- Okay.

- Caldwell came up
a prosecutor

in the Brooklyn DA's Office.

She is currently
in her third term

as representative
of the 4th District.

So was this attack
about her past, her home life,

or was it indeed
about her politics?

Who are Caldwell's enemies?

- Extreme-right political
groups, militia organizations.

- We'll check 'em out.

Then let's look
at the online chatter,

see if anyone's boasting
about this,

and let's dig into Caldwell's
social media accounts,

her texts, her emails,

to identity the digital haters
and harassers.

Expect a long
and vociferous list.

She is not just a politician,

she's a progressive,
female lefty from New York.

To be clear, if this was about
her political ambitions,

then this was an attack
on the United States

and our most fundamental
democratic principles.

So let's go ahead and find
the people responsible.

Go to work!

You guys head down
to the crime scene.

b*mb Squad's already there,
see what they know.

Maggie, OA,
as soon as Caldwell wakes up,

you guys head down
to the hospital.

- Yeah.

- Debris shows evidence
of Semtex,

high-tech batteries,
advanced circuitry.

Definitely not the work
of an amateur.

- What type of device
are we looking at?

- Not sure, but it
was detonated remotely

via RF signal.

Guessing the bomber had
to be within 40 to 50 yards

of the expl*sive device.

- Do you know where
it was planted?

- Under the driver's seat.

- Confirms Caldwell
was the intended target.

Let us know what the Lab says.

- Sir?

FBI Special Agent Chazal
and Scola.

- Bill Sullivan.

Head of Security
for Congresswoman Caldwell.

I hired Alex to be Caldwell's
bodyguard two months ago,

convinced his wife
it was a cushy gig.

Now I gotta tell her
he's not coming home.

- Anything unusual happen
at the event?

Any disturbances, arguments?

- No, it went off
without a hitch.

We had a pretty tight
security plan in place too.

Guards were posted at
the front and back entrances.

Obviously it wasn't
tight enough.

- Where were you when
the b*mb went off?

- Right over there,

a few steps away
from the Congresswoman.

Saw the whole damn thing.

- Was there anybody else
inside the garage?

- Wait, yeah.
There was.

I saw--I saw somebody right
before the b*mb went off.

I saw somebody run
into the stairwell.

- Okay, male, female?

- I don't know.
I didn't get a good look.

All I saw was a red shirt.

- Well, if you think
of anything else...

- You okay?

- Yeah, I'm fine.

- It's about Caldwell,
isn't it?

I saw her campaign button
on your desk last week.

- I'm a fan.
A big fan.

I just can't believe
somebody tried to k*ll her.

Actually, I can, sadly,
which is why I'm pissed.

You know, just when
this country

is--is about to move forward
and make progress,

something like this happens.

- People are scared of forward
and progressive ideas,

especially when they're
coming out of the mouth

of an intelligent,
charismatic woman

with a legitimate chance
of becoming president.

- You sound like
a Caldwell fan too.

- No, not really.

I'm not into politics
or politicians.

You know they just say stuff
people want to hear.

- Yeah, but Valerie
is different.

She genuinely wants
this country

to be better for everyone.

- Yeah, we'll see.
- I'm telling you, OA,

Valerie Caldwell is different.

- If you say so.

- Push tonight's dinner
with Skadden Arps,

and move the CNN interview
to tomorrow morning.

- Tomorrow?

Valerie, you need to stay
in bed a few days.

- Oh, come on.

I cannot run a campaign
out of a hospital bed.

Please just track down
my doctor

and find a way to get me
the hell out of here.

- Sorry to interrupt.

Uh, I'm Special Agent
Maggie Bell.

This is Special Agent
Omar Zidan.

- Nice to meet you.

- First off, I'm so sorry
this happened to you.

- I appreciate that, Maggie.
Thank you.

Should I call you Maggie or...

- Yeah, Maggie's fine.

Do you mind if we ask you
a few questions right now?

- No, of course not,

as long as you sneak me
out of here after.

- Well, ma'am,
until the case is closed,

it would be better
if you stayed somewhere secure,

like a hospital or maybe your
apartment here in New York.

- I'm sorry, Omar,
that's not gonna happen.

You see, Alex Peters
died protecting me.

If I cower in fear
in some two-bedroom condo

and lose this election,
he will have died in vain.

- Okay, then we're going to
provide you with more security,

and that's nonnegotiable.

- Then I agree.

- Can we talk about last night?

Did you see anyone unusual
at the event

or in the parking garage?

- No, no,
not that I can think of.

- Have you received
any threats?

Has anyone been harassing you?

- Yeah, half of America,

but there is one person
who has been particularly vile.

He goes by the handle

He calls me a new and colorful
expletive every day.

He's threatened to r*pe me,
to sh**t me.

It's been a little
over-the-top and ridiculous,

almost comical, but then
he posted this two days ago.

- Game over.

- Okay.

- "Instead of counting sheep,

"I fantasize ways to m*rder
Congresswoman Caldwell.

One that works best is hacking
her to death with a machete."

I mean, who posts stuff
like this?

- What, are you kidding me?

It's all anyone does
these days,

attack people
in the public eye.

Coaches, movie stars,

It's a bunch of idiots sitting
around in their underwear

eating cat food
posting about politics.

- "Cat food"?

- I've got an idea on that guy
you're looking for.

he hid his IP on his posts,

but he wasn't quite as savvy
when he posted from his phone.

- Okay, we got a name?

- Ted Jacobs.

No rap sheet,
lives in Forest Hills.

- Ted Jacobs, we want to talk.

- FBI, open up!

What do you think?

- Sounds like Ted is
making a break for it.

- OA.

- Stop!



- Who the hell are you?

- Sasha Harris, 33,
from Forest Hills.

She was married to a man
named Theodore Jacobs

for three years; divorce
was finalized five months ago.

Cable and internet
are still in his name,

which explains why Ted's name
popped up instead of hers.

Now Sasha has no priors,
no criminal history whatsoever,

and nothing
in her background suggests

any aptitude with IEDs either.

But we're about
to have her in the room,

so anyone who finds anything
useful gets a free popsicle.

Get it.

- Any personal or professional
connections to Caldwell?

- Nothing obvious.

I'm hoping Maggie and OA
can get her to talk

and explain her hatred.

- Why am I here?

- We would like to talk about
Congresswoman Caldwell

and your barrage of videos
and posts about her.

- It's called satire.

- No, "Saturday Night Live"
is satire.

Memes showing presidential
candidates getting blown up,

not so much.

- Especially when that
exact presidential candidate

almost gets blown up.

- I had nothing
to do with that.

- But you were at Congresswoman
Caldwell's fundraiser, correct?

Working as a caterer?

- I needed some money,

so I picked up
a last minute catering gig.

- Hmm, at the event honoring
the woman you hate?

- Yeah, it sounds like a plan
to assassinate Caldwell.

- No, just needed some cash.

- We found this
at your apartment.

- So?

- A witness saw someone
in a red shirt

run out of the garage

before the expl*si*n.

- I'm not the only New Yorker
with a red shirt.

- No, you're not,

but you are the only
New Yorker with a red shirt

who was at the fundraiser

and also posts violent videos
about Caldwell.

- I was at the garage, but I
wasn't looking to k*ll her.

I just wanted
to get her on video.

Ambush her,

get her to say
something stupid

so I can post it
on my YouTube channel.

- So you took a job
handing out tuna rolls

just to confront Caldwell?

- Sure did.
- Why?

What were you gonna
confront her about?

- My brother,
Wayne Simmons.

She had him locked up
for ten years

for a crime he didn't commit.

She was the prosecutor
in Wayne's trial,

made up all kinds
of stories and theories

just to get a conviction.

But now that she's running
for president,

I've got to let the world know
how evil that woman really is.

- "Evil"?
Senator Caldwell?

- Damn right.

- Sasha, I know it hurts
to see your brother convicted

of a violent crime,

but it's up to the jury
to convict.

That's 12 unbiased people who
believed that Wayne was guilty.

- You her campaign manager
or something?

- I'm just reminding you

that Caldwell was
just the prosecutor.

All she did was present
the evidence.

It was the decision
of the jury to convict Wayne.

- Yeah,
based on Caldwell's lies.

That bitch made
her whole career

maxing out
innocent black men,

but now that she's running
for president,

she's suddenly all woke
and compassionate.

Trying to act like she's Martin
Luther King Jr. or something,

and all you use sucker ass
white people lap it up

and worship the ground
she walks on.

Can I go?

- No.

We have some tests to run.

Well, it's clear she hates
Valerie Caldwell.

- Yeah, but nothing
in her background

says she's a k*ller or knows
anything about expl*sives.

- So she just runs around
the city hating Caldwell

and posts crazy stuff
on social media?

- It's not crazy if she really
thinks that Caldwell

railroaded her brother.

- Okay, to believe that
Caldwell railroaded a kid

for no reason is ridiculous.

She's been leading the charge

to reduce mandatory minimums
for years.

She created the
Conviction Integrity Division

at the Brooklyn DA's office.

I mean, the whole point
of that unit

is to make sure
there's no wrongful conviction.

Valerie Caldwell is not someone
who's looking to max out

on innocent kids for no reason.

- Okay, fair enough,
but we need a second opinion.

- From who?
- Wayne Simmons.

- Hey, Wayne Simmons?

- Who are you?
- FBI.

We want to speak to you
about Congresswoman Caldwell.

- I've got nothing to say.

- That's odd.
- Yeah, why is that?

- 'Cause your sister can't stop
talking about her,

spends most of her time
harassing her.

- Got nothing to do with me.

- Well, if you ask me, it has
everything to do with you.

Your sister believes
that you were innocent,

that Caldwell buried you
for no reason.

- She's my sister.

I mean, but she's going
a little crazy lately

ever since Caldwell said she
was gonna run for president.

- Wait, so you don't share your
sister's hate for Caldwell?

- I've moved on.

- So then you admit that
you were guilty?

That justice was served?

- Like I said, I moved on.

Any other questions?

- Yeah, you happen to know
anything about bombs?

- Yeah, they explode,
but that's it.

Look, guys, I had nothing to do
with the car bombing.


Yo, I lost ten years
of my life, bro.

Why would I do something stupid
and risk the next 50?

- Caldwell convicted him
of r*pe ten years ago.

Seems like a pretty
straightforward case.

Three witnesses put him
at the scene,

DNA's on the victim's body.

- Well, yeah,
but facts don't matter.

I mean,
not when family's involved.

Doesn't matter
how much evidence

is brought against him.

I mean, Sasha's gonna go
to her grave

thinking that big bro
was innocent.

- And, uh, hating the woman
who prosecuted him.

- So the question is,
did she hate her enough

to plant a b*mb in her car?

- Uh, apparently not.
I just spoke to ERT.

They tested her skin, clothes,
and apartment for b*mb residue.

All came back negative.

- So we're back to square one.
- Yup.

- Uh, not exactly.

Got the results back
from the b*mb lab.

It turns out the power source
used in the IED

was a lithium-sulfur battery.

- Is that unusual?
- More like unique.

The b*mb is an exact match
to the type of bombs

made by Daniel Harley.

- Who?
- Daniel Harley!

One of the best bombmakers
in the business.

First ballot hall of famer.

- Okay, dude.


Okay, just tell us where
we can find this jackass.

- My lawyer's on his way,
but I ain't worried.

I reckon I got
a pretty airtight alibi

for this bombing.

- Here's the thing, Daniel,
the b*mb has your signature.

- Oh, I am good, bro.

But I still can't blow up
a car from G block.

- Then who'd you teach?

Who else knows your techniques?

- I don't teach and tell.

- We connect this to you,
we're gonna come after you.

- I'm already doing life,

There ain't much more
you can do to me.

- I mean, we could ship you
out of state.

To the Colorado SuperMax,
for example.

You know, it makes this place
look like a Four Seasons.

- Try me.

- Over the years,
I have taught plenty of inmates

how to make a b*mb,
but I'm just the professor.

They pay me for my insights
and knowledge.

How they ultimately exploit
their unique education

is on them, not me.

- Well, any idea which one
of your students

is behind this then?

- Daniel, stop talking now.

Hi, Len Barker,
Daniel's attorney.

First question is, why are
you talking to my client

without me present?

- 'Cause he gave us
his consent.

- Oh, well, consider
said consent revoked.

He's done talking guys.

- We're not accusing him
of anything.

- I said he's done talking.

- Daniel Harley, your friendly
neighborhood b*mb maker.

Dig into his phone calls,

his visitation logs,
internet history.

Everybody and anybody
he's been talking to over

the past few months.

And talk to the guards,
see if they have any theories.

- I'll track down
video surveillance

from inside the prison.

- Right, that too.

Let me know.

- We've been digging through
more video.

We found this on CCTV
near the venue.

- What is it?

- Check this out.

- He's got a camera.


- Yeah, I thought
the same thing, but watch.

We sync'd up
the surveillance footage

of the expl*si*n with this.

- The guy speeds off
right when the blast occurs.

So if he was paparazzi,

wouldn't he rush in
for the money shot?

- You run his plates?
- Yeah, they're bogus.

- Okay, so let's start going
through surveillance cameras

at other Caldwell events,
outside her campaign office,

her apartment building.

Let's see if our mystery man
pops up anywhere else.

- Footage is from Caldwell's
previous 15 events.

Our mystery man is outside
ten of them taking photos.

- Hey, can you--can you zoom in
to his hand?

Holy hell.

- What is it?
- The tattoo.

That's the symbol
of the PLA,

the People's Liberation Army.

- You're saying the Chinese
military is involved?

- We were able to trace
the car to an office building

in Midtown Manhattan
using CCTV.

- Our mystery man parked
in the underground lot,

but the place has 30 floors.

We got no idea where he went.

- So we ran the name of every
male who entered the building

using a keycard under age 50

who was also
in the United States

on the same ten days
that the man in the car

was spotted
surveilling Caldwell.

Only man who checked
all those boxes, Ray Zhao.

- Well, the photo's a match.

What else do we know?

- Well, he's been in the U.S.
for five years,

working as a freelance writer,

but hasn't published
a single thing.

- Do we have an address?

- Car?
- Not registered to him,

and nothing else is either.

The guy is a ghost.

- So he's a spy.

- Question is,
how do we track him down?

I'm guessing walking up
to the front door

of the Chinese Consulate,

and asking for a list
of active spies in the U.S.

is out of the question.

- Thank you for meeting me
on such short notice.

- Wow, you remembered
how I liked my coffee.

- I have a good memory.

- It's been a while.
You're as beautiful as ever.

- I need a favor.
- Izzy...

- We think it's in connection
with a recent bombing.

- Caldwell?

Goes by the name Ray Zhao.

Chinese National, possible
affiliation with the PLA.

Any chance
he's on your watch list?

- Yeah, there's a man
on the list with that name.

- What can you tell me
about him?

- He's a former
Ground Force Lieutenant

in the U.S. on an O-1 Visa.

That's all I know.

- Wait, that's all you know

or that's all
you're willing to disclose?

- You know how this works.

- Chris, where can I find him?

I'll make a few calls.

- Thank you.

- I'll see you Tuesday.

- See me where Tuesday?

- At dinner.

- That's him.

- Got him.
- Go, go.

- What are you talking about?

China would never attempt
to influence

a presidential election

or attempt to assassinate
an elected official.

- Well done, Ray.
Your handlers would be proud.

I'm gonna try this again
though 'cause I feel like

something got lost
in translation.

Why the hell are you stalking
Valerie Caldwell?

- 'Cause it looks like
you've been watching her

for quite a while now.

- And just happened to be
outside the parking garage

when the b*mb went off.

- I had nothing to do
with that.

- So then why were you there?

- I was trying
to find information.

- On Caldwell?

Because she's pushing
for economic sanctions

against China?

- Let's just say
there are other candidates

we prefer to win
the election.

- Right, so you're
just trying to find

and leak all the dirt
you can find on her.

Is that right?
- Something like that.

But we certainly didn't plant
a b*mb in her car.

- Well, you've been doing

all this opposition research,

So that means you should know
more about Caldwell

than anyone else
in the entire world.

So why don't you tell us
who hates her the most?

Who wants her dead?

- Don't know.

- Well, I have a question
for you, Ray.

What are
the professional prospects

of a Chinese spy whose cover's
been blown by the FBI?

Oh, really the better question
is, what's the life expectancy

of a Chinese spy
whose cover's been blown--

- Okay.

I'll tell you what I know.

Caldwell's clean.
Really clean.

Only skeleton I found is
a guy named Simmons.

- Wait, Wayne Simmons?

- Yeah.

Caldwell sent emails
to her campaign manager.

They were vague
but she sounded concerned.

Very concerned.

Said Simmons was trying
to destroy her.

- We dug into Simmons' phone,
text, emails.

There's nothing connecting him
to Caldwell at all,

let alone trying
to destroy her.

- But we did find this.

- You mean the check
for 50,000?

- Deposited into his account
three weeks ago.

Says it's from
Help Them Rise, LLC.

- Its mission statement is

to help victims
of social injustice.

- Okay, there's nothing wrong
with that.

- Well, except for the fact

that the charity is
a total sham.

It's a Cayman Islands
shell corp.

No office,
no Board of Directors, no CEO.

- So maybe somebody
felt bad for Simmons

and they wanted
to help him out.

Seems unlikely,
but possible.

- Well, that
or someone paid him off.

- I like that theory better,
but why?

What's the quid pro quo here?

And more importantly,
is this 50k check

somehow connected
to the bombing?

- Hey, I've got something.

- This video was taken
three days before the expl*si*n

outside of the restaurant
where Wayne works.

- That's Len Barker.

The bombmaker's lawyer.

- Doing what?
- I don't know.

Passing bombmaking secrets
onto Simmons

so he can get revenge
on the heartless prosecutor

that destroyed his life?

- Sounds credible to me.
Bring him in.

- I already told you guys

I had nothing to do
with that bombing.

- We know what
you already told us.

We would like the truth now.

- What the hell are
you talking about?

- This.

- So?
- Do you know that guy?

- A--a little bit.

- His name is Len Barker.
He's a lawyer.

He worked with Caldwell
at the DA's office.

They worked together on
r*pe cases including yours.

- Ring any bells?
- Yeah.

I know who the hell he is.
- Mm-hmm.

- He also worked with
a man named Daniel Harley.

- Who?

- Uh, he makes bombs.
Like, really good ones.

- Yeah, like the kind of b*mb

that blew up Caldwell's car
and bodyguard.

- Here we go again.

I told you I had nothing
to do with that.

I've never blown up
anything in my life.

- Okay, then why are you
talking to Len Barker?

The very person who put you
in person for ten years?

- Hey, this nutjob
came looking for me.

He wanted me to go public
with my case,

tell the world I was innocent.

That Valerie Caldwell
was this evil person.

I told him to leave me
the hell alone.

I wanted nothing to do
with that.

- You're an interesting man,

Most people would be jumping
at the chance to bad-mouth

the person that put them
in prison, but not you, huh?

You're too good for that.
- Look, I moved on.

I just want to start
a new life.

- Right, of course.
Of course.

$50,000 head start, huh?

- I don't have anything
to say about that.

- People don't just hand out
$50,000 checks, Wayne.

Who gave you that?

- I ain't got nothing to say.

- Did somebody pay you
to blow up Caldwell's car?

- Barker give you that money?

- Barker ain't give me
a damn thing.

That lunatic was ranting
and raving

about how much
he hated Caldwell.

- Did he say why?

Listen, Wayne,

you're gonna want to be
honest with us right now.

It's really gonna help you out
down the road.

The last time I was honest
with the police

I ended up doing ten years
in Greenville.

I want a lawyer now.

- Of course,
I remember Len Barker.

We worked together
for five years.


- Well, we have him on video
speaking with Wayne Simmons.

Do you have any idea
why they'd be meeting up?

- No.

That's sort of odd.

Len and I did try the
Wayne Simmons case together.

He did an amazing job.

But he wasa really intelligent

and very gifted attorney.

- "Was"?

- Yes, was.


Something happened with Len

and he just started
acting strangely.

Rumor was that
he was struggling

with dr*gs and alcohol.

- So is that why he was fired?

- No, not specifically.

I mean, my decision
was based purely on his work.

For some reason, Len just
went from being a superstar

to being a liability.

He started missing deadlines,
not showing up to court.

So I had no choice
but to let him go.

And of course
when it was all over,

he--he blamed me.

He told me that
I ruined his career.

- When was the last time
you two spoke?

- Oh, I mean, years.

Eight or nine.
Maybe more.

- No emails or text messages,

- No.
None that I'm aware of.

And if this is everything,
I'm sorry, I do need to prep

for my fundraiser today.

I am talking to 200 enlightened
Wall Street executives

at the Roosevelt.

- No, sorry.

I haven't seen Len
in a few days.

- And when was the last time
you two talked?

- Yesterday
for about a second.

He was distracted,
said he'd call me later, but...

- It's important
that we find him.

- Uh, did you check
his house in Brooklyn?

- We did.
He wasn't there.

- You don't think that Len...

- Like I said,
we just want to talk to him.

- Gabriella, we need your help.

Please tell us what you know.

- Why does he hate Caldwell
so much?

- She ruined his life.

- Because she fired him?
- It's more than that.

Way more than that.

I've known Len for years.

I've worked with him
at the DA's office,

we dated for a while,

then I came over here
to help him out.

He's a good man.

Valerie Caldwell ruined him.
- How?

- She forced him
to bury evidence.

- What are you talking about?

- After one of the trials,

Len stumbled on some evidence

that might've exonerated
a man he'd just convicted.

- Are talking about
Wayne Simmons?

- Yeah, that's the guy.

Len found
some surveillance footage

that could've helped
confirm Simmons' alibi.

- Why didn't he just
turn it over to Caldwell?

- He did,
but Caldwell didn't care.

Thought it would
muddy the waters.

So she destroyed the video

and told Len to keep
his mouth shut,

and that was the beginning
of the end.

Len started drinking,
doing dr*gs,

and Caldwell started
laying her record,

telling people he was crazy,

A few months later,
she got rid of him.

- FBI, Len Barker.


- Clear.

Maggie, check this out.

Looks like we found our guy.

- Now we have
to actually find him.

Jubal, yeah, we're
at Barker's house right now.

Look, he's got live a*mo here,

and a lot of hatred
for Caldwell.

I mean, we've got
press clippings,

photos all over the wall.

He's our guy.

- Copy that.
Len Barker, pull him up.

What kind of car?
- Gray Ford Explorer.

- All right, hey,
put a BOLO out right away.

- No, no, I think he's on foot
or on the subway.

We saw his car parked
out front when we came in.

- Okay, good.

Run Barker's credit cards,
his subway passes.

Maggie, I just found this.

It's a receipt from
the car rental agency.

- Okay, scratch that.

We've got a red Buick
that he rented this morning.

License plate is 7BCW529.

- All right, got it.
All right, listen up.

We're now looking
for a red Buick.

License plate 7BCW529.

Get in through LoJack.

- Sir, we need a warrant.

- No, we don't.
Not for this.

Do it now.

- Okay, I am in.

His car is now heading west
on 45th street.

- 45th and what?
- Park.

- He's heading to
the Roosevelt

for the Caldwell fundraiser.

Call Maggie and OA.

Tell them to get over there
right away.

We need to circulate
Barker's photo

to anyone and everyone
involved in this event.

NYPD, hotel security, managers,
doormen, bellmen.

Len Barker does not set foot
in that hotel.

- I just checked in
with a bellhop.

- Event started 35 minutes ago.

- Jubal, we're at the Roosevelt
Hotel, going inside now.

- Good, SWAT and b*mb Squad are
pulling up right behind you.

We'll coordinate with
Caldwell's security team.

- Federal agents.
Stand back please.

- Back, back, stay back.
- Stand aside.

- Excuse me, ma'am.

- Len Barker!

He's in the service hallway
headed towards the kitchen.

- Copy that.




Hey, stop!

- Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.

Thank you.
Thanks for being here.

Thank you.

Thank you for being here.
Thank you.

- We're ready
for change, Valerie.

- Get her down.
Get her down now.

Everybody get down!

Everybody get down!

- Move, move!
- Get down!

- FBI!
- Federal agents, drop the g*n!

- Move in, move in!
- Drop the g*n, Len.

- You should be here
to arrest Caldwell, not me!

- Put down the g*n now.

- She buried a 17-year-old kid.

She knew he was innocent!

How can we let somebody
like that be president?

- Look around you, huh?

Do not do anything stupid.

- I tried to get the story out.

I did, but she turned
everybody against me!

I can prove it.
I have proof!

- It's over.
Drop the g*n!

- I went to the DA's office
for her!

The great Valerie Caldwell!

She destroyed everything
I cared about,

and she didn't even blink!

- Hey, I said drop it!

- I know you played soccer,

but that was one hell
of a tackle.

So you think Barker's telling
the truth about Caldwell?

- I don't know.

We should look into it.

- I can't thank you enough.
You guys have been amazing.

And it's--it's just so sad
to see someone that

you admired so much
just fall apart

in such a tragic way.

- Hmm, I can imagine.

- So I trust that
this is all resolved?

- It is.

- Good to hear.

And I hope I can count on
your support.

I really need people like you
to jump on board.

And who knows, in 12 months
I might be in a position

to name the new female director
of the FBI.

- I'm intrigued.

But we still have one order
of business to discuss.

- What's this?

- Notes from
Len Barker's case files

describing in vivid detail
what happened to Wayne Simmons,

and the evidence
that you destroyed.

I mean, please...

This is the ravings
of a madman.

- If that's the case,

why did you write a check
to Wayne Simmons for $50,000?

- We traced the charity
to a PAC.

It's funded by one
of your biggest donors.

- I'm aware of the check.

- So you admit to paying off
Wayne Simmons?

What, because he's innocent?

- I am buying his silence.
Nothing more.

And Wayne Simmons
is far from innocent.

I mean,
he r*ped that young woman,

regardless of what
lunatic Barker believed

or what he wrote
in his little journal.

- Okay, Valerie,
I-I'm gonna be honest with you.

I have looked up to you
for years,

and I believed in you
as a person and a leader,

but I don't understand
why you buried that video.

- I chose not to disclose
the evidence that Len gave me

because I didn't think
it was relevant.

- Not relevant?
A video confirming his alibi?

- No, it didn't confirm
a damn thing.

It was a stupid video that
would've confused the judge

and force him
to declare a mistrial.

We would've had to try
that case all over again.

- That wasn't your decision
to make.

- As a leader,
sometimes we do things that,

in a vacuum,
may appear selfish.

But in the larger context,

they're actually quite brave
and prudent.

And if I would have
disclosed that video,

and a judge would
have released Simmons,

every case that I ever tried
would've come under review.

Horrible, violent men
would've been set free,

and I couldn't let that happen.

- That's not right.
- What, excuse me?

- Wayne Simmons was a teenager,

and you had evidence
suggesting he was innocent.

- No, that piece of crap had
a rap sheet longer than my leg.

Okay, he was being investigated

on three other violent
sexual assaults.

So don't you stand there

and tell me that
Wayne Simmons was an angel.

- I'm going to be submitting
those notes to the DA

as part of my investigation.

I thought you believed in me,

- I did too.

And it's Agent Bell.

- The man who k*lled my friend
and bodyguard, Alex Peters,

and also tried to k*ll me
is Len Barker.

He's a confused and tormented
former colleague of mine.

And despite
his horrific actions,

I have enormous empathy
for Len.

At his core,
he's a decent man

suffering from a very serious
mental illness.

I would also like to thank
the heroic efforts of the FBI.

Without their relentless
pursuit of justice,

more innocent lives
would have been lost.

It's only been a few hours,

and Caldwell's already spinning
the story in her favor.

- Like I said,
she's a hell of a politician.

- Touché.

- What did the DA's office say
about Simmons' case?

- Uh, they're gonna
look into it, but...

- But not really.
- Yeah, something like that.

- Well, I'm proud of you.

- For what?

- For having the guts
to bury your hero.

- Yeah.

- Did I ever tell you about
Ricky Escalante?

- No, who's that?

- He played short stop
for the Brooklyn Cyclones

when I was a kid.

It's a New York Mets
minor league team,

and I was his biggest fan.

And one night
I see him leaving his game,

and I work up all
of my courage,

and tell him what
he means to me,

and tell him how
I want to be just like him.

And he looks me in the eye,

and said, "That's the stupidest
thing I've ever heard."

- And just walked away.

- Well, it's what they say,
you know?

Never meet your heroes.
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