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12x22 - 21 g*ns

Posted: 08/24/21 13:07
by bunniefuu
Previously on ER:

What's with the cross?

Oh, the chaplain
gave it to me.

You keeping up on
your Bible studies?

I wasn't faking it.

Yeah, I know.

Take it off me!

Get it off me!
Hey, hey, hey!

Weaver knew he had problems
before she hired him.

Now we're
paying for it.

Well, Luka,
it's your E.R.

Have you any idea why Michael
went back to Iraq?

The boy is his
father's son.

Soldier's got to go
where they tell him to.

Why don't you
explain why he's

not here with his wife?

The secretary of the Army

would like to express
his deepest regret.

that your husband,
Captain Michael Gallant

was k*lled in action
in Iraq on April 29th.

So we can't even

send anything, or...
Flowers, donations?

There's going to be
a memorial next week.

For today, Neela
and the Gallants,

they want to have a private
graveside ceremony, family only.

And you.

Yeah, that's right.

She needs somebody
to lean on right now.

Plus, Mike and I
were tight.

Well, let her know
we're all with her.

And tell her not to even think

about coming back to work
until she's ready.

All right. Look, I should
get out of here.

A car's picking me up.

I need to be up there
by 9:00.

Dr. Weaver, that was
Dr. Anspaugh's office.

He's waiting
for you upstairs.

Dr. Weaver?

This is Mary Warner.

She's an EMT trainee
from Mitchelson.


My program sent me over
to spend the day

taking vitals or whatever...
for credit.

Of course.
Somebody needs
to sign this

at the end of the shift
to say I was here

and did stuff.
What would you like
to do with her?

Uh, let her shadow,

see how different
nurses do the primary.

Yeah, that's what my
instructor suggested.

Well, patients come in
through the triage desk here.

Waiting's out there
and ambulance runs

come in just outside
those doors there.

Right, I got it.

How long have you wanted
to be an EMT?

Oh, not long,

Got tired of retail.

Christmas sucked.


This is Mary Warner.

She's studying to be an EMT.

I've got to irrigate
a full-body road rash

on an unfortunate Vespa driver.

I got the mother
of all meth mouths here.

So can you let Mary
observe you for a while?


I'll come get her
as soon as I'm free.



Yep. That's the magic of meth.

Corrosive substances
in the drug eat away

at the tooth enamel.

Plus, I have a feeling
Mike here hasn't been flossing.

Have you, Mike?

It's not really a priority.

Dude, you got
to floss every day.


So, uh, how's she doing?

I left her some messages,
but I haven't heard back.

Amazingly well, actually.

Yeah, she's tougher
than she looks, huh?

Hmm. Yeah.

I'll try
calling her again.

Ray, I, I think she
needs some space, man.

Yeah, but I just
thought that...

Look, she...

I just don't that
think you should...


Complicate it.

You Dr. Pratt?

Yeah, that's right.

Where's Neela?
Dr. Rasgotra has asked

that we go on to the
cemetery without her.

She said she's not
feeling up to it today.

( clattering )

( paper rustling )

( Kovac speaking Croatian )

( Kovac sighs )

( clattering )


Bob Vila, look out.

( sighs ):
It's not finished yet.

Looks pretty finished to me.

( chuckles )
( groans )

Well, either
I've been sleeping for days,

or you're working really fast.

How is the insomnia?

Ah, I kept thinking about
Gallant and Clemente.

( sighs )

It's a lot.

I, uh, I went
with yellow,

because we don't know is it
going to be blue or pink.

What's it going to be, huh?

Blue or pink? Hello?

Is it just me, or are
pandas kind of creepy?

They're terrifying.

Hey, steady.

( speaking Croatian )

Listen, I know
we don't say it,

because I guess it's
just how we are,

but I hope you know
how much I love... this.

All of this.

But since we are on the cusp

of this hugely
life-altering event,

and we haven't been as specific
as we could be about us,

um... about
our relationship...

You're right.
Let's get married.

Donald. I'm sorry
I'm late.

I didn't realize we were having
a pre-meeting,

so I went to your office...

Have a seat.

I wanted us to talk
prior to the session

with the medical
executive committee.

The fallout from

may be more significant
than I thought.

I've been
hearing things.

What kind of things?

This is a letter from
an attorney

representing Mr. Fred Fong,
a patient

Clemente saw
a few weeks back.

Yes, diabetic with
a gangrenous toe.

I reviewed the case.

Ended up needing an amputation.

A reasonable outcome for which
Vic was completely blameless.

The family sees an opportunity.

You know, can we, uh, talk
in private?

I'm sorry.

Hospital policy.

I need this


Dr. Clemente was cleared

by the Impaired Physicians'

He never once tested
positive for dr*gs.

I don't believe he ever

compromised patient care.

I'm not sure
that that matters.

The state board

posts a bad doctor list
on their Web site

and Clemente's on it.

Any idiot with a computer
can access that.

You know what, that doesn't
give them legal cause.

Well, let's let the lawyers
determine that, Kerry.

In the meantime,
the board feels let down.

They expect their chief
of staff to exercise

the utmost discretion
in hiring.

I needed an attending,

I hired the best doctor
I could find.

Even when you knew
his past history?

What happened in Newark,
last year...

I'm tired of hearing
about Newark.

That was a very... very...

complicated situation,
very unclear.

There were lots of
unsubstantiated allegations.

You should have kept
your eye on him.

You know, I'm not
down there, Donald.

I don't run the ER anymore.

Which leads me
to a second issue.

The board has concerns
about Dr. Kovac's ability

to manage the department.

You're not serious.

Are you satisfied with
the job he's doing?

He's doing the best he can
with what he has.

Keep him on 100%.
Six of pavulon.

Uh, I gave him


Dopamine to a systolic of 100.

Did you call
the ICU?

Ten minutes ago.

Okay, fine.

Let's find him a monitored bed
until we get a room.

I'll put him in Two.

Cold shoulder, huh?

Well, not exactly
the answer I was
hoping to hear.

Well, not exactly
the best proposal

I've ever heard.

How many have you heard?

Hey, hey, hey, okay.
So you don't...

you don't know what you want
this to be. How committed...

No, I just don't
want to get married

for the sake
of getting married.

I tried that once.

Don't we love each other?
It's not about that.

Of course we do.

Look, don't you think

we should stay together forever?

Well, I don't know
if anybody should... or can.

Paging Dr. Lockhart!

I just... Let me get through

one humongous life change
at a time, okay?

Luka, got a minute?


it's easier

if you lump them
all together.


How's the hip?

Good, thanks.
Better all the time.

Looks like you'll be short
an attending after all.

I have to attend an emergency
Med Exec Committee meeting.

Risk management is coming

to advise us
on the Clemente situation.

What situation?
He's gone.

You know, there's
potential litigation.

We're getting some heat
about it.

We are getting
some heat?

It's your department.

Kerry, he was your hire.

He was on staff even before
I moved up to this job.

Yeah, I know that, because
I'm the one who moved you up.

So what, I-I should
have fired him sooner?

The warning signs were there.

You had the authority.

Am I going
to lose my job over this?

Look, all I'm saying is,
if I weren't Chief of Staff,

I'm not so sure
you'd be Department Head,

so, let's just get through this.


( knocking )


You know, I'm not used
to getting stood up.

I'm not going, Greg.

It's gonna be
fine, I promise.

Going means saying good-bye,
and saying good-bye means...


It doesn't have to.

Can't help it.

Started already.

I-I can't remember his...
his hands.

His voice.

( sighs )

Can I come in?

I keep asking myself
why he went back.

It's like a hammer
in my head.

He did what he
wanted to do.

What he needed to do.

It's not a bad
way to go.

He was 29 years old, Greg.

He was blown up by a b*mb.

It's a tragedy,

and believe me, I'm
not saying it isn't,

but, Michael-- he...

he wanted to be a part of
something bigger than himself.

Two months ago, I would
have laughed at that,

but now...

Look, he put
himself out there,

and sometimes that
means taking risks,

and doing things that you could
never imagine yourself doing,

because you have
this crazy idea

that you just might be
able to make a difference.

Nobody wants
to forget Michael.

We all want
to remember him,

and that's exactly
what today is all about.

( sighs )

( sighs )


Uh, efficient.


loyal friend.

Something sexier.


about my-my charm.

Like, "A man whose charm
with women

is matched only by his
sensitivity to his patients."

Yes! Action!
This is stupid.

Forget it.

Abs, this is it!
Abs? Don't call me Abs.

I am out of here today.

You're not gonna have Archie
Morris to kick around anymore.

You can't blame a guy

for wanting to carry around
some fond memories.

You're not going
to Kilimanjaro, Morris.

You're going to Ladokern

seven city blocks
from here.

Six and a half.

Besides which,
people don't make

memory videos unless
they're getting married.

I'm a sentimental guy.

And besides which, they
don't film them themselves

so the person is held
hostage to say nice things.

Really? You didn't seem
held hostage.

In fact, I expected
better material out of you.

Well, you were feeding
me lines, Fassbinder!

Oh, what was that, some kind
of nasty Croatian words?

Something about me and a goat?

This is, uh, Timmy Jankowski.

Overindulged at the buffet
of his school's spring pageant.

Let me guess-- fruit salad.

You must be the funny guy.

( Jerry chuckles )

School nurse brought him in,
parents are on the way.

Well, seeing
as this is my last day,

and seeing that I am
Chief Resident, I designate

Excuse me?

I'm out of here
in about ten hours.

I call no kids
for the duration.

I'm sick of getting
bit, kicked

and pissed on.

Guess you stopped
dating, too, huh?

71-year-old male found
slumped over in a parked car.


Put him in, uh, Curtain One.

I'll try
to be right back.

Take it easy,

Easy? I'm a freakin' strawberry.

Right there.

Your stomach hurts bad, huh?


Hmm. Well... Here.

( grunts )

Try, uh, try pinching yourself.

Here, let me do it.

Ow. That hurts.

But you're not thinking about
your stomach, now, are you?

When Mitch didn't show up
for the bus trip to Bloomington,

we knew something
was wrong.

They're all part

of the same
church group.


Mitch, can you wake up for me?

We prayed and prayed, and
then we started seeing things.

Everybody thought
he was dead,

but we found him.

Our visions

led us right to him.

Half a mile

from the church.
Can you
save him?

We're gonna do our best.

Oh, thank you.

And, uh...

( sighs )

You should be very,
very proud, Mr. and Mrs. Morris.

Okay, cut.
Mama Morris is dead.

So can we just take
that one more time?

Holly says they need
us in Exam Three.

You know-- that other nurse.

Haleh? I gotta go.

Hey! The old lady in Three's
still waiting on a rectal.

No, no, no, not on my last day.

No rectals, no geezers.

Are there any patients

you're actually
willing to examine?

Yeah. Hot chicks.

I got the vitals like you
asked on the medium-timer.


Mediastinal mass.


Had to pry her cell phone
off her ear to check her temp.

She thinks
I'm a bitch for taking

her phone away
but you know what?

This is a hospital.
We've got a job to do.

Did you write this?

BP: 28/17?

Did I do it wrong?

28/17 is practically dead,

not eating Jell-O or
chatting on your cell phone.

Sorry. I'm new to this.

Is that her?

She look
dead to you?

Not right now.

Okay. Well, before you
take any more vitals,

you need to know what's
normal and what's not,

and if you're not sure,
then get some help, okay?


Let's see what we got here.

Hey. What do you have?

Obtunded with bradycardia.

I need point five of atropine,
CBC, chem. 7, ABG, tox screen

and set up for
transcutaneous pacing.

Okay, got it.

No gag, I have to tube him.

What happened to your friend?

Eight-oh and a mac two.

He must have passed
out at the wheel.

Not from drinking.

He's not like that.

Atropine's in.

Have another dose ready
to go and I need some suction.

Is he taking
any medications?

Maybe something
for his pressure.


Right? Pressure.

I'm in.

Heart rate's down to 38.

Damn, his IV blew.

We lost
the pulse.
Start compressions.

He needs to be paced.

You know CPR, right?

Uh, yeah, a little.

Good. Go.

So how did you audition
for this role?

I didn't.

I wanted to be
the bad bunny.

You know, I wanted

to be the Cowardly
Lion once,

but I had to play
a Munchkin.

They cast you
as a Munchkin?

It was before
my growth spurt.

Okay, no tenderness,
guarding or rebound.

Do you think you could
eat a Popsicle, maybe

help settle
things down?

I'll get you one.

Let me guess-- strawberry?

Oh, and here comes our trusty
paramedic, Brian Dumar,

wheeling in another
needy patient.

28-year-old blunt head trauma,
altered LOC, vitals stable.


Rabid dog,
I'll send you to hell!

Nasty fight
in detention.

Sparring partner's
right behind me.

All right, Trauma Two.
Ray'll be right there.


No prisoners, man.
I called it. Last day.

I'll send you all to hell!

You kiss your cellmate
with that mouth?

I'm right here,
you dumb bastard!

...opened up a
recent surgical scar.

Come and get it!
Shut it, Curtis.

BP: 124/78, pulse: 98.

Does your belly hurt?
Hey, put me with him.

I'll save you some trouble.

Hey, Steve, right?
Nice to see you.

Recovering from
an appendectomy.

Must have ripped
open his stitches.

Oh, yuck.

Yeah, that's, uh,
that's not good.

Dr. Ray Barnett will
be right with you.

How long do I have
to keep this up?

Epi infusion, 10
mikes per minute.

( shouting )
He's very healthy,
Mitch is. Even virile.

Okay, tell me.

Bradycardic arrest.

No response to atro.

No capture with pacing.

What are you doing?


You can't possibly hope
to perfuse the brain that way.

Fuse the what?

Okay step back.

Step back.

Who is she?

Who are you?

That's Mary.
She's an EMT trainee.

She's shadowing
the nurses today.

Then you should be showing her
the right way to do things.

Okay, Mary, I'm Dr. Kovac.
I'm the attending physician here

and the ER chief,

so let me
train you a bit.

100 times a minute,
and you should

really compress the chest.

There'll be a military honor,
as requested.

I didn't
request that.

Colonel and Mrs. Gallant
requested it, ma'am.

Sounds like something
he might want.

After the ceremony,
we'll, uh, head out

to the reception
in Lincoln Park.

"Canapés will be served."

It'll be ready
in a half an hour.

Sedation's wearing off.
He's trying to self-extubate.

Okay. Give him
a few minutes,

then you can pull
it, send him up.

Hey, Luka, can
I get a minute?
Yeah, sure.

His heart's
beating well now.

He looks good.

You hear, Mitch?

You're okay.

Probably took too many
pills by accident.

Well, he gets
confused sometimes.

Can we go now?

Take him home?

No, probably not
for a couple of days.

Something the matter?

Well, there's something
bad here. I can feel it.

Yeah. I feel that every day.

Is everything all right
with your baby?

It's fine.

Are you a
believer, dear?

You must be
very brave, then.

I could never
have brought a child

into this world
if I didn't have faith.

In a higher power.

In a higher power.


I'm sorry about in there.

You're a senior nurse.

I expect you to know
what's going on around you.

I want you to be exact
about the meds.

I know. It's...

just that that girl is
kind of dragging me down.

I'm sure you'll
whip her into shape.

My bad, I guess.

He sure is a Gloomy Gus.

He needs to lighten up
a bit, doesn't he?

It's his department.

Hey, Sam.

You got a minute?

I may have
to tube this guy.

I need you to draw up
induction meds.

Steve's here?

Yeah, he got in a little
jail yard altercation,

but he's okay.

Belly's benign. Looks like
it's superficial dehiscence.

Does he need anything?

Look, I'll get somebody else
to redress the wounds, okay?

Uh, I'll get you a CPR
dummy, okay, after this,

and you can practice
compressions in the lounge.

I think I've had enough CPR
for one day.

GCS is 11 and
resps are shallow.

Sometimes if you hit
your head bad enough,

you can stop breathing.

So then you do
mouth to mouth?

No, we put a tube
in his trachea

and breathe for him
with a vent.

This is Veck, it knocks him out
so we can do the intubation.



Pulse ox
is up to 99.

Let's lay off the tube for now.
He's doing okay.

Doc, how long I got to wait
on Miss Congeniality here?

He needs to be admitted
for observation.

Jerk off.

Come on, Hendrix,
we're missing lunch.

Gumbo Thursday.

As long as they're here,

they're our patients,
not your prisoners.

Sorry, but they're
always our prisoners.

It's been awhile
since I seen that.



( horn blows "Taps" )


Ready... aim...

( sh*ts fired )

Ready... aim...

( sh*ts fired )

Ready... aim...

( sh*ts fired )

Neela, it is too

dangerous over there.

Oh, it's too dangerous for me,

but it's okay for you?

What a load of crap.

Neela, I am
a soldier, remember?

And you're also a husband,
remember that?

Seems kind of silly now,
but out in the bay

this morning,
I was, uh...

I was thinking about
asking you out.

I was thinking of saying yes.


You'd better come back,

you know that,
don't you?

Yeah, I will.

You ready?

Bye, Michael.

( engine starts )

How am I doing?

Your CT's normal,

but it looks you'll
be spending the night.

Lucky me.

Yeah, well, you've got
a standard issue jumpsuit,

an armed guard and
a major head injury.

What, you're not the luckiest
guy in the world?


Could be worse, could be dead.

No arguing that,
dead would be bad.

Hey, you know, it's the other
guy who started it.

Is that so?


I've made
some mistakes in my day,

but that guy's a wrong number.

I'd stay away
from him.

Thanks for the advice.

I'm gonna go check on
the guy in sutures.

Does he get a bandage on that?

Just a little Neosporin.


And, uh, we're gonna
need some urine.

I'll check his vitals.

You said every 30 minutes,
it's been 35.

I'm not peeing
in front of everyone.

Use the screen.


I'm getting to be like
a regular.

Leave the nurse alone.

It's all right.
We know each other.

What is that?

It's called
a moist-to-dry dressing.

We soak gauze in saline,

then we pack it
in the wound.

How'd you do this?

Jerk tried to shiv me.

Bible group got
out of hand, huh?

He was trying
to snag my smokes, man.

Yeah, these dudes will
beef it up over anything.

I thought you were trying
to turn things around.

I am, Sammy.

I really am.

Then you got to stay
out of trouble.

Hey, B.P.'s 125 over...

Nice and easy, dumbass.

Pull the blinds, now.

Are you out of your mind?

Pull the blinds, bitch!






What is this macho?

Thank you.
Thank you, Sveta.

That's good.

Dude, I slayed him!

No, no, he's still
moving. Look.

But I cut off his head.

Well, I got to
the oblivion gate

long before
you did anyway, so...

Don't cheat, Jerry.

I'm gonna move your
old guy to another room.

The cops are coming
to interview him.
What for?

There was a missing
persons report.

I got to follow it up.

Who did the initial workup
on migraine guy?

Sam and Mary.

These vitals are
completely wrong.

Where's Sam?

In with prisoner
number one.


Yeah, Steve and
another guy came in.

I guess they had some
sort of jail fight.

Steve is here again?

Here's how this is gonna go--

you're gonna walk us out of here

like old Steve's
going back to lockup.
This is it, Steve,

you cross this line, there's
no stepping back from it.

They got me, Sam,
on all kinds of stuff.

You are such an idiot.

I ain't getting
out any time soon.

Then that is what you deserve!

Hey, hey, kids, can we
move this thing along?

Now if there's anything
you haven't anticipated,

this is the time
to mention it.

( door rattles )

Hey, open up.
( knocks )

Um, just a second.

Come on.

What's going on?

Sit down.
Come here.

Sit down, now.
Babe, tape him up.


No! No! Don't sh**t!

Shut up!
Shut up!


What was that?

That crap you were
going to give Rafe.

You gave him veck?

Get me the ambu mask.

This thing?

That was vecuronium.
You gave him vecuronium.

You were gonna
give it to Rafe.

You said it would
knock him out.

It paralyzes muscles.
He's not breathing.

Let's go, Sam.

No, he'll be paralyzed
for the next half hour.


His diaphragm
isn't working, okay?

He's gonna asphyxiate.

Not our problem.

Look, if you leave him here,

in the next five minutes,
he'll be dead.

He needs
to be intubated, please.

You want
a m*rder wrap?

We're not K*llers, man.

Let me fix him up.

I swear, I promise you--

let me fix him up, I will walk
you right out of here.

Mary, go get the van.

Shut up.

It's my call.

We'll be right out.



Is the sonosite
in there?

The ultrasound machine?

Oh, I don't think so.

Something going on?

They're about to do
an intubation.

Who is? Kovac?

No. No, he went over
to that place

where they do
the head thingy.

The head thingy? CT?

The what?

CT, yeah.

Oh, Exam Three.

That's where I saw it.


Sitting Bull,

facing terrible odds
against Custer,

turned to his warriors and said,

"This is a good day to die."

That's how a soldier
has to think.

That's the kind
of boy I raised.

Michael would want you
to have these.

To me, all they mean
is that he's dead.

This is a hard time
for all of us.

How dare you.

How dare you stand there
and say that?

"A good day to die"?

I was explaining
the mindset of a warrior.

You could've kept him here.

You could've saved him.

Come on,
let's sit down.
But instead

you made him want to go back.

For what?

Because there was something
noble in it?

Why did you do that?

When it would have been just
as easy to convince him to stay

for a much better reason--

because we loved him.

Because we loved him.

Come on, let's go
for a walk, okay?

I can't see anything.

Stick the damn thing in
and let's go.

It doesn't work like that!

Luka, I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

He can hear you?

He's paralyzed, but he can hear
and feel everything.

Come on.
Come on.

She's waiting
for us out there.

Come on, Sammy,
we got to go.

Steve, why did you
do this to me?

It was his idea, I swear.

Okay, are we going

or am I leaving you here?

One more try, okay?

Grab her, man
and let's go!
Yeah, yeah.

Put your hand...

put your hand right here
on his Adam's apple.

Yes, push on that.

Through the cords.

Okay, okay.

Squeeze this bag.

Squeeze it just like
that, okay?

I swear to God,
right now. Right now!

Come on.

Thank God.

Thank God.
I'm so sorry.


He still needs help

Too bad for him.

Hey, Sam.
Hey, Morris.

I'll help you in a second.
Just let me get Steve off.
Hold it.

You have a missing
person, an old guy.

Mitch Keely?
We need to talk to him.

He was moved out of Three.

Do you know where he is?

Uh, no,
I'm not sure.

You might want
to check in Sutures.

Sutures? Didn't, didn't you
just come from there?

Oh... yeah.

Okay, you know what?

Ask at the front desk.
They'll help you.

All right. Thanks.

So, back to the joint, huh?

Yeah, I'm a quick healer.

Where's your fight club buddy?

They took him up to the ward
for observation.


Well, nice to see you again.

Watch your back.

Let's go another way.

This way's fastest.
That's what you said.

But there's cops now.

Well, if we'd split
right away,

we'd be on
the Dan Ryan by now.

Hey, Steve,
we can just
turn around.

We're 30 seconds
from freedom.

We are not pussing out now.

And no more smoke signals
from you.

Got it?

Hey, Sam.

You got to fill out
the discharge.

Admin says we got
to be really tight

about prisoner

Uh, check in Sutures.

I think I might
have left it in there.

Okay, Abigail?

Something's wrong.

Something's wrong.

Hey, Sheriff, hold up.

Hey. Hey, bring it
back here a minute.

( g*nf*re )

( groans )

( g*nf*re continues )

Get in!

What the hell happened?!

Get in!

Steve, just go!

Stop! Just go!

Think about Alex!

Steve, go.

I already did!


Get back!


Damn it!

MORRIS ( muffled ):
The ER is closed.

OFFICER ( muffled ):
Emergency! Emergency!

( muffled ):
We got sh*ts fired
by and at police!

( muffled ):
I got officers down
at County General.

If you got someone
hurt by you

of if you're hurt,
give us a sign.

Outside is clear.
We can move people out.

Vehicle seen heading north

from the hospital
on Franklin.

Are you okay, honey?

I think so.

Is this okay?

Please! Need a doc here!

Hey, buddy.

Do you know what day it is?

Axilla, too.

Can we get a gurney
in here, please?!

Airway's okay.
Pulse is thready.

Page Surgery.
You'll be fine, all right?

Hey, find Kovac. Jerry's hurt.

It's hard, hard to breathe.
( gasps )

He saved me.

I almost got shot.

Zadro, get a gurney.

Wow, getting shot sucks.



Is that better?

( chuckles ):
Thanks, kid.

All right, set up
for a chest tube.

O2, 100% non-rebreather.

Radial pulse is strong.

You're good, Jerry.

Jerry, man, what'd you do?

I'm a, I'm a big target.

Tell Frank

I can't cover for him
on Friday, okay?

( all grunting )

( gasps )

This is on you, man!

Shut up!
Shut up!

Just keep driving!
Where to?

Just put some distance
between us.

We'll figure it
out later.

Yeah, yeah, we need
to figure this out.

Just shut the hell up!

You probably k*lled
someone back there, Steve.

One of my friends.

I thought you said
you were turning
yourself around.

I've been praying, Sam.

I asked God
to make me a better man.

And it took a while, but he
finally started talking back.

It's not God.

( coughs )

He said that losing you
is where I went wrong.

Everything would be right
in my garden

if only I could
get my family back.

Did He tell you
to do it with g*ns?

Curtis, Steve Curtis.

He's down to 80 systolic.

Any other one? I don't know.
There's probably a chart.

Where's Sam?
Have you talked to her?

We haven't located
your nurse yet.

We're still looking.

I'll be right back.

A lot of pressure
here, pal.

Ah! Oh, man,
I'm not liking that!

You had to go
and get shot, huh?

I was three hours
away from a clean getaway.

I can't, uh, I can't find it.

Keep looking.

They taking him up
to surgery?

He arrested twice
after the thoracotomy.

They're not optimistic.

Uh, I can't do this.

He's a big man,
go supraclavicular.


Ray, sew
this in for me.

The junction of the subclavian
and the IJ is a bigger target.

Are you okay, Abby?

Yeah, I'm just, um...

I'm all dizzy. I hit my head.

Here, I'll prime
the rapid infuser.

It entered the
clavisternomastoid angle,

and bingo, we're in.

Ladokern Pharmaceuticals is
going to be lucky to have you.

Ray, did Luka take your cup
up to the OR?

I haven't seen him.

I thought he was with you.

( grunts )

( grunts )

( grunts )

( cell phone rings )

Is this something
I never get over?


This is something that
you find a place to put

and let him
make you stronger.

Then you go on
living your life

because that's
all you can do.

And that's the way
he would have wanted it.

( cell phone rings )

( sighs )

I think there's something
going on at the hospital.

Dropped his pressure again.

How you doing, Jerry?
Come on, big guy.

Time for you to say something
intended to be funny.

He's got to be
bleeding in the belly.

No, I looked.
The belly's clear.

Well, we're missing
something, all right?

Unit's three and four going up.

He needs a second chest tube.

The first one's
in a good position.

He had less than
500 cc's out.

There's more in there.

I don't see a hemothorax.
I was upstairs.

They wouldn't let us down.
What the hell happened?

The OK Corral.
Oh, my God!

Any, any free fluid?

He may need a CT.
It's not the belly, Ray.

Dr. Weaver,
look at the film.

The right hemithorax

is still slightly opaque--
that's blood.

You don't see an air-fluid
level because he's lying flat.

The first chest tube should
have drained it, though.

Not if it's kinked
or clotted.


Oh, okay, over a liter
in the chest.

Where's another thoraseal?

Next door, I think.

All right.
Be right back.

( gasping )

( panting )