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12x08 - Two Ships

Posted: 08/24/21 12:52
by bunniefuu
Previously on E.R.:

Michael's coming
home today.

Well, hello, soldier.

Michael's unit
had a heavy patient flow.

He'll be unable to make it home
on leave as anticipated.

Hi, I'm Tony Gates.
Dr. Rasgotra.

You don't like my style?!

We were all here
a long time
before you.

We work together.
You're the new guy.

I'm her father.
I have a right to know!
Dad, please!

Stop it!
( groans )

You ever come near
my daughter again

and I'll k*ll ya.

Wasn't as cold
this morning.

I thought people from the Bronx
are tough.

We are.

Yeah, right.
Talk to me in February.

Hey, what's up?
What's up?

What we got?

Martin Trudeau, 60,
short of breath.

Oh-oh, looks like trouble.

You're telling me.

How's the rookie doing?

Ah, she could smile more.
She's fine.

All I wanted
was a little oxygen,

and these clowns keep poking me
for ten minutes.

Status: post-cardiac
transplant 2001.

Think those bastards
at the Mayo Clinic

give refunds of bad hearts?

Marty here's
on a lot of meds.

Neoral, Mycophenolate, lipitor,
benazepril, nicardipine,

isordil, furosemide,
potassium and aspirin.

Oh, we got freakin'
Rain Man here.

I'm taking her
to Vegas.
Lungs are wet.

40 of Lasix,
25 of sublingual captopril.

How's it going,
for real?

They don't have a coat that
fits, they woke us up at 5 am
and Gates is like a dog in heat.

Other than that...
there's nothing.

Look on the
bright side.
What bright side?

Pratt, your bloody diarrhea guy?
His butt is exploding again.

You could be
stuck here.

Yo, Mayday.

"Dr. Rasgotra"
will be fine.

I'm going to go restock, Mayday.

Nice jacket, roomie.
Or can I still call you that?

Long as you don't call
me "Mayday," you can call me

How was the ride-along?
That good, huh?

You need a fresh

Mm. Ah, ow!


Yeah, still a little tender.

All things considered,
you got off easy.

My ass-kicking was a breeze. All
I had to do was lay there.

It beats jail time.

Here, sit.

Heard from Gallant?

Not yet.
He got stuck.

He's still
coming home, right?

Not at the moment.

That's cool.
I mean, too bad.

But, uh, maybe
I can come home now?


It's actually quite nice
without you,

and that smell
hasn't been there

It's my place.

Got another run,

You can come back on the
following conditions:

No dirty dishes and no using the
couch as your clothes hamper.

Didn't I let you move in?

Okay, deal. I'm on graveyard.
I'll be back in the morning.

Oh, crap.
Admit, 2:00.

I thought you
got rid of her.
A little help, please?



Oh, hey, Neela.

Why you here?

Where is Ray?
He's off today.

Well, that's not true. He
pulls doubles Thursdays

so he can do Friday gigs.
I totally know his schedule.

He had a doctor's
eye specialist.

He hasn't returned
my calls or anything.
I've been so worried.

Come on.
We got a man
out there.

I'll tell him.
Could you give him this?

It's all our songs.
It's a make-up mix.

Hey, residency office
is looking for Abby.

She's on nights.

Lucky her.

Oh, she's on nights.

I know why you've got fluid in
your lungs, Mr. Trudeau.

I take long showers.

Is there anything
you want to tell me?

Like what?

Your... your cyclosporin level
was zero.

Yeah, so?!

So you stopped taking
your meds. Am I right?

Are you taking
your pills?


You're wasting a perfectly good
heart, not to mention my time.

You know how much the medicine
cost me a month, huh?

I take piles
of that medicine

at almost four large a month.

What about Medicare?

Oh, please,
you got to declare
poverty for that.

You have to give up your house
and your savings and your car!


Who's going to take
care of my wife?

How you supposed to take
care of her if you're dead?

She-She drives me back and forth
to the hospital.

I-I puke,
she cleans it up

and I can't make it up
the stairs alone.

I pass out.

Mr. Trudeau, are you refusing

to take your medication?

Because if you are,
you're going to go
into heart failure

and you're gonna die.


All right, then.
Put him in Curtain Three.

We're done.

Sam, how many nurses
are you short?

Two, and the
registry's empty.

You'll manage. Here's
my hotel number.

My flight leaves at 4:20. I'll
keep my cell phone on.
What about Malik?

Funeral in Detroit.

Arson capital of the world.

Did you try Jarvik?

I called everybody.

Sam, do you want me
to stay?

Oh, go ahead.
We got it. Go.

I got
a flight to catch.

Yo, Rocky.

Hey, Inez.

Wanna pick up
a drunk samurai?
A samurai?

GYN has a bed, but can't take
the PID for two hours.

I'll call 'em.

Why's my UTI still here?
We're out of ICONS.

Yeah, could you, please?
I got it.

Like, before Christmas.

I said I got it.
Four more.

What'd she say?

The same thing
she said the
last six times.

that's your real name?




You, with hair
like ray of sun,

you are beautiful.



What are you doing?

Looking for my underwear.

You on tonight?


Why are you leaving?

Just thought... I should.

You should stay.

I probably shouldn't.

I have a lot of stuff
I need to... do and...

Oh, your bra.

Thank you.


Still like ketchup
on your eggs?


I'll make us some breakfast.

I think we probably slept
through breakfast.

And lunch.

I can't believe
he's doing this
to himself.

Can you stop it?

Really, what's the point,
if he's not going
to take the medication?

He's not such a pain in the ass,
you know.

He's just angry
because he's been so sick.

I wish you could
help him.

I'm not sure I can.

He's my life.

I'm not ready to let him go.

Take a cab.

Next time,
fake a seizure.

So how about some sushi?
You like sushi? I know a great
sushi place.

Does he ever stop?

Get a ring.
He's scared of husbands.

I told you
I have a boyfriend.

So what is he,
a lawyer,

a commodities trader,
a dentist?

He's a doctor.

In the Army.

Stateside, I hope.


CASH unit?

Tenth Combat Support.

You know, I was a medic
in Desert Storm,

101st Airborne.


Did you fly planes?

Nope, just jumped
out of them.

When's he coming home?
Soon, I hope.

To prove I'm a good guy,
you know what I'm going to do?

I'm gonna let you sit in front.

and I'm going
to buy you coffee.
With an empty wallet?

Paramedics and cops
drink for free.

So, technically,
you're not buying
me anything.

it's the thought
that counts.

Come on in.

( chuckles )

Sorry, sorry.
I won't do it again.

My foot slipped.

I promise.
Scout's honor.

What took you so long?

Buckle up.

What the hell's that?

Monoclonal antibodies
to stop the rejection.

Did I not make myself clear?
I don't want it.

Yeah? Well, you're
getting it anyway.

And you're gonna
take these, too.

I spoke to your
doctors at the Mayo.

They've agreed to
take you in transfer,

by helicopter.
I'm not going.

This is neoral--
if you take this now,

you'll have a detectable blood
level by the time you get there.

You are so wasting
your time, Doc.

Yeah, so look,
this is how it's gonna go.

You're gonna take these pills,
get on that chopper,

and you're gonna stay on
your meds for as long

as that donated
heart keeps beating.

Who the hell
do you think you are?

You see that woman
over there?

She loves you.

And... and I have
no idea why,

because personally, I find
you extremely annoying.

But if you think you're
helping her by k*lling
yourself, you're wrong.

You know,
you're a miserable guy.

But she seems
like a great lady,

and she wants
to keep you around.

So open wide, Marty.

( expl*si*n )

( shelves rattling,
glasses clinking )

Careful, it's hot.

( expl*si*n )

Jet crashed and the fifty seven

Are the trauma rooms clear?
And Sutures
and Curtain Two.

CCU can take Jenkins.

I'll get him up next.

If they walk, they go right
to the lobby, you hear me?

I've been waiting six hours with
a dislocated finger!

There's a lot of critical
My finger's critical!

Excuse me?
My finger's critical!

Let me see that.

( yells in pain )

Not anymore.

Guys, shut up. Please.

Craft struck the
passenger jet at low altitude

moments after takeoff...

What airline was Eve on?

...the pilot lost control,
eventually colliding

with the ascending jet...
So much for conspiracy
theory, huh?

Okay, that's it, folks.

Here we go.
We're about to get clobbered.

Exam Three--
I want six monitored beds.

Damn it!

Ray, I got two
words for you:

hard restraints.
We can't do that anymore.

Hey, settle down!
The warrior's path
is never easy.

Snow him with haldol.
Where's your

Battalion Chief needs
another doc.

field amputation.

Yeah, okay.
I could go.

No. It's not a good idea.
I could use
the experience.

It's not a teaching drill.

Have her home by 10:00. Could
you set this up
in the bay?

City Fire needs a physician.
With experience.

Somebody with experience
would be better here.

It's a tough call,
I've done my ride-alongs.

They're gonna need crikes,
central access, chest tubes.
And I'm good at that.

Only if supervised. I'm going.
We need to roll.
You got anybody?

Okay, okay, Pratt, it's
you-- but get your ass
back here in an hour.

Drug box, airway kit.

Triage tags.
Let me see these.

Green is nothing,
yellow is urgent,

red is critical,
black is dead.

Oh, man.

( people coughing )

Chief Bukata!

Triage on the north side!

All right,
stick with me.

One patient at a time.



Sir, can you hear me?

He's not breathing.
There's no pulse.

Black tag and move on.


Ma'am, can you
open your eyes?

Flail chest,
respiratory arrest.

Trauma One, then ICU.
Quickly, quickly.

Shouldn't the nurses be...
No, you decide who
stays and who goes.

Thanks for coming.

Where do you need us?

Hypotensive pelvis,
ETA two minutes.

We can triage
in the Waiting Room.

What, the Waiting Room?

It's warm, the light is good,
can do a better assessment.

You're not
serious, are you?

That's how
we do it.

This incident is like
Night of the Living Dead.

You let the walking woundeds
through the door, it's over
Triage stays right here.

Abby, this is your pelvis.
Come on.

The plane was going
to Cleveland.
I don't care about that.

Eve was going
to St. Louis.
I'll deal with it.

Who's in Two?

Altered stroke patient.
Let's park him
in the hallway.

Please, yes, I need
you right away. Great.

'Kay, sir, we're gonna
have to move you.

We're gonna have to move
you folks... ( gasps )

I am so sorry
about my dad.

You're not supposed
to be here, Zoe.

I know, but you're so cool
for not pressing charges.

It's not a good time.
You get
off at 8:00?

When I said we can't see each
other, I really meant...

Just 'cause my dad's a jerk
doesn't mean we can't keep it

I got my ass kicked
I don't wanna go to jail.

We could keep it a secret, like
Romeo and Juliet.
No, you need to leave right now.

No. You can't just walk away.
What, don't you have
some homework to do?

I am not a child!
Yes, you are.

I'm your girlfriend!
No, you're not!

Yes, I am!
unstable pelvis.

90 palp, after a liter--
and can you check
the dorsalis pedis?

But I love you, Ray!
Clogged ear wax.
I had to help clean her out.

Yeah, well, I... Oh!

What are the foot pulses?


Keep pressure while I wrap.

Saline's wide open.

What are you doing here?

Heard they needed help.

Fire's knocked down
at the fuselage.
Let's go, Pratt.

Woody Evans, 85, auto versus
pedestrian, blunt chest.

Okay, she's not critical,
move her to the yellow tarp.

How's your breathing?
It's been better.

Something fell and hit the car,
and the car came right at me.

'Kay, deep breath.

The driver okay?

We'll have to check on that.
95/60. Tachy 120.

Five liters by
nasal prong.
Got it.

You seen a dog around here?

Hold on, I'm gonna give you
some oxygen here, Woody.

I was walking my dog.
'Kay, big stick
in your arm.

Look over here,
look over here. Over here.
( groans )

A cocker spaniel.
You seen her?

Hold still.

Maybe he didn't get hit,
you know?

You'd have seen her
if she got hit.

Hold on, sir.

Breathe in.
Hey, Riley!

We'll find the dog.
Take a deep breath.

Hey, Riley!

( Pratt groans )

Oh, man!

Anything for us?

Not in there.

This way, Doc.

Guy in back got lucky.

Coming through!

Up here.
Talk to me.

Baxter Yee, facial
trauma, projectile
to the right chest.

Can someone call
my fiancee?

Well, the airway's good.

Strong pulse.

Lila Frankfurt is her name.
Line's in.
Need to get him down.

Okay, we need some
Xeroform on this.
And she's...

she is waiting
for me. Oh...

Dr. Pratt!

Saw and a backboard!
Let's go!

Baxter, you're
one lucky guy.

Well, can you...
call her cell?

I have the number.

Crushing substernal chest pain,
ten out of ten.

Adrian, Dr. Pratt.
What about his arm?

I can't feel it.

Yeah, blood pressure's high.
So's my cholesterol.

You taking Viagra?

I look like I need Viagra?

All right, lift up
your tongue for me.

( saw buzzing )

Hey, we need help
with the extrication.

Stand by.

Now, just calm down, sir.

Don't worry, we're gonna
get you out of here.

That's better.

( speaks foreign language )

It means "thank you" in Hindi.

Had to learn a little in '44.
Army Air Force.

I flew supplies
over the hump to China.
( groans )

I've never been
to India.

Hey, she was asleep when the
window blew out.
What's her name?

Olive. The glass cut her.
( child wailing )

My son's
on the second floor.

His legs are cut
and he can't walk.

They'll evacuate
the apartment.

But my building's
not on fire!

It's a precaution.
I can get in and out real quick!

We'll get to him. Go!
Stay here.

( panting )

( loud crying )

Baxter Yee--
passenger on the commuter jet.

And he's still
got vitals?

Blunt face,
penetrating chest.

We've got a trauma room open.

down to 80.
All yours, Kovac.

I'm losing the pulse.

Okay, then prep
for a thoracotomy.
No, no, hold on.

Hold up!
( inhales )

Pressure's coming back.

The dressing converted it
to a tension pneumo.
Good call. Go to Trauma One.

No, I can't waste
a trauma room.
He fell, like, 2,000 feet.

He'll be just fine with the
chest tube. Exam Three. Go.

Hey. Hey,
where the hell is Pratt?

he'll be back
with the next run.

Pratt's out there?
Yeah, they needed a doc.

Well, you gave away
our senior resident?

Not now, 'kay?
I-I got a triage.

We need our doctors here,
not off playing in a field.

Okay, bag 'em.

That central line okay?

Hey, how's the chest pain?
Down to two out of ten.

Okay, four of MS.

Bukata! We need
some help, man.

As soon as we get these two
out of here.

How's my arm?
It's hard to say.

I guess I'm lucky-- could've
been my head under there.

You still live on Dearborn?

Huh? Yeah.

I came over here
to visit my girlfriend.

( panting ):
I made her bougatsa--

custard in phyllo dough.

Women love a man who can cook.

PVC's on the monitor.

All right, 100 of lidocaine.

So, what, you go
to chef school or something?

When I was a kid,

my mom wouldn't let us watch TV.

That's rough.

We could either cook...
or read a book.

And I never did like...

V tach!

( Pratt groaning )

Charge to 200.



Okay, clear.


Good pulse.

What the hell was that?!

Hey, we can't wait anymore.

Pressure's staying up?
But compare
the radials.

My son's still
in there!

my partner went to check.
He should
be out by now!

Someone will
find your son.

Go ahead, help her.
Pulse discrepancy.
You may have injured your aorta.


I need my stuff!

You're not going in!
My checkbook!
My jewelry!

What is this,
a police state?

( screaming )

You can't do this!
Get away from me!

Take her out of here.

Let me go!
Get her out of here.

Let me go!
You can't do this!

Come back!

Go ahead,
she needs you!

Ma'am! Stop!
You can't go in there!

Hey! Guys!

( explosions )

( screaming )

Keep moving.
We've got people inside.

Dr. Rasgotra, do you read me?

Are you there?

( coughing ):

Somebody help us!

Can anybody
hear me?!

I've got guys inside
the building who can help.

Hold on. Tony!

She's impaled.

I have a mid-shaft
femur fracture.

Get out of
the building
now, Neela!

Doc, talk to me.

Hold on!

My son! He's in 207!

Neela, go!
Help him!

Get out!

My son! Help him!

Leave the building now!

Please help him!
Hold my hand.
Hold my hand.

Help him!

Doc, acknowledge.

Paramedic Gates and a woman
are trapped inside the basement!

Where are you, Doc?

( over walkie-talkie ):
There's a kid upstairs.
I'm going to get him.

No, find a door.
Get to a window.
Give me that.

Neela, it's Greg. Turn around.

I'm almost there.

Get your ass out now!

( panting and coughing )

Hello! Hello!

I'm in here.

( grunting )

I'm over here!

I'm over here.

I'm over here.


Cover your mouth
with this.

( grunting )

Doc, come in.

Acknowledge, Doc.

Dr. Rasgotra, do you read me?
Are you there?

Neela, respond. Neela!

Dr. Rasgotra...

Somebody in trouble?
A friend
from work.

The guys are all over
the building. They'll get her.

This all works out,
I'm baking you two a cake.

I'm more of a low carb guy. All
right, fellas, let's do this.

You can't just eat to live.

Come on.
You gotta live to...

( yelling )

No radial pulse.
No ulna.

( grunts )
Adrian, can you feel this?


V tach again.

Charge to 200.


No change.
All right, 300.

Amp of epi.


Still tach.

Damn it. 360. Intubation kit.

Starting compressions.

( over walkie-talkie ):
Second floor.

We've got a female body,
no vitals.

( over walkie-talkie ):
Keep looking.

( groaning )

Get up!

Get up!

Who's next for the O.R.?

Avulsed ear in Two, tib fib
in Four, then him.

Haleh, thank you so much
for coming in.

Glad to help. Is Eve here?
but it's okay.

We're out of cefotetan and D.T.
All right,
I'll call the pharmacy.

And I'll get to work.

Is that blood?

You cracked a bone in there.

Minimal chest tube output.

Who called my fiancée?

In a minute, you can
call her yourself.

We were to meet with
the caterers and the DJ.

Vaseline gauze.

Tomorrow it's flowers
and the pastor.

She'll be worried.


Sam called. Good thing, too.

Been home for two weeks and my
husband was driving me crazy.

Glad you're back.

Call for a portable chest.

( gagging )

Sats are dropping.



He's not breathing.

Knocked out the alveolar
ridge-- fracture

teeth nine, ten
and 11.

Must have aspirated
the fragment.

Try a finger sweep.

Another 50 of lidocaine.
Got it.

They ID the body in there?

Woman in her 80s.
Still looking.

( crying ):
Where's my mom?

Where is she?

Find anybody else inside?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa. He's awake.

Holding compressions.

Still v-tach.

No pulse.
What the hell?

Adrian. Adrian.

Can you hear me?

Your heart stopped beating.
We're doing CPR. Keep going.

The compressions are getting
oxygen to his brain.

We're gonna get you
to the hospital, all right?

( grunting )

( coughing )

You had no business
going in there.
I'm sorry.

You put yourself in danger,
you put my men in danger.

Can we talk about
this later?
We will.

Woody, you found your dog.

Probably blew out
his aorta.

I was just talking to him.

Over here, Doc!

Large bore IV, O2 15 liters.

Take Mom and the kids together.

( coughing ):

( labored breathing ):
Thank you.


Pressure's borderline.

( wheezing )

What's he got?

Distal neuro-circ is intact.

You can stop being
the med student.

As soon as you stop
being the firefighter.

( groans )

Tongue is too

Okay, bag him a few times.

I can prep his neck.

Take another look,
I'll retract.


I'll get
the crash cart.

There it is.

Got it.

( gasping )

See something
new every day.

All right,
settle down.
Settle down.

Settle down.

15 liters by mask.

Nice work.

You did great.

Probable MI
with refractory v fib.

Trauma One.

And an ischemic right arm.

Be right in.

Inez, she needs to get
to the Suture Room.

Nah, she doesn't need
the Suture Room.

It's a complicated lac.

Nope, not that complicated.

What, you've never seen
The Zipper before?

Any chest pain?

( groans ):
My belly.

Probably just
broke a rib.

It's his liver. Scoop and run.
Soon as we get
another rig.

We don't have an ambulance?
We just sent 30 patients in.

Heart rate's up to 140.

I'm in pain.

Elevate my legs. Shock position.

I need to stick your belly.


Maybe you should numb up my...
( yells )

( groans ):

It's positive.

Splenic lac?

More likely hepatic.

Oh, I was hoping for spleen.

Do we have lap pads?
Just burn dressings.

Ten of them.

Push etomidate.
What are you doing?

Tony, I need to sedate you,
open up your belly

and pack off your liver.

You can't
be serious.

Do I have your permission?
Will you go out with me?

I need to do this.

If you didn't have a boyfriend.
Yes or no?

I'm all yours.

Okay, bag him
through this.

From the subxiphoid

through the symphysis pubis.


Still v fib.

When's the last time
you saw her?

I told you, we were
a block apart.
Resuming compressions.

on board?
Five minutes ago.

You should have
kept an eye on her.

Pronestyl drip?

What, you could
have done better?

I wouldn't have let her go inI
wouldn't have left her there.


You're doing okay, Adrian.

Hey, take a break.

I got it.
Greg. Go.

Adrian, we're doing
what we can, okay?


All you do is point, okay?

Okay, we're using all
the medication we can
to fix your heart.

Sometimes it takes a while.

Anything else?

You want your family?

We called them.
They're on their way.

15-foot fall!
I packed off the liver!

Whoa, whoa, in the field?

Damn, girl.

He was about to arrest.

Pressure's up at 100 systolic.

Was he awake
when you opened him up?
I had etomidate.

It's always the quiet ones,
isn't it? Always the quiet ones.

I'll take him up to the O.R. You
let Dubenko finish.

You got big huevos, Neela.
They look good on you!

I had no idea what else to do.
Need to put
you on a pulse ox.

Yeah, you sound terrific.
No, I'm okay.

Singed nasal hairs-- that
indicates substantial
smoke inhalation.

I just need to
wash off a bit?

I would
hate for you to
stop breathing.

I'd hate that, too.
Neela, come on.

Can I at least pee first?
I'll get you a bedpan.

( coughing )

94 on room air.
That's not great.

And there are some
expiratory wheezes.

Those will pass.
Or get worse.

I'm a little bit
worried here.

( breathing heavily )


I'm sorry.

I was just...

Today was so... terrifying.

And amazing.

There was no labs,
no X rays, no rapid infusers

or cutdown trays-- just me.

Maybe it's
the adrenaline, but...

I feel high.

I need to go back out.

Sounds like I should call
for a psych consult.

( inhales deeply )

There are still patients
out there.

Yes, and they're
being handled.

Excuse me, Abby.

Dubenko called
from the O.R.

Alice Watson died
on the table.

Okay, thanks.

Patient of yours?

Impaled abdomen.

From the crash?

Where are her kids?

Exam Two.

( breathing heavily )

( groaning )

You need to be monitored.


Hey, Abby.

How's he doing?

Um, lung is up
after two chest tubes.

We're going up to ICU.

So I stopped breathing?

Uh, it was more like
holding your breath.

But I could've died?

Theoretically, yeah.

I think you were
in more danger on the plane.

Oh, I cheated death twice today.

You're lucky.

I guess I should
feel bad,

or guilty or something.

But truth is, I feel...

( voice breaking ):

I have a second chance.

I'm calling off the wedding.

Oh, uh, you might want
to sleep on that.

No, I have been sleeping
my whole life.

I never do what I want to do,
I never say how I really feel.

I'm not in love with her.

Maybe you two should
talk about that.

Screw that!

Screw it.

No more messing with could've,
should've, would've.

Carpe diem!

All right, well...
good luck with that.

Besides, I'm pretty sure
I'm... I'm gay.

Getting tired?


Dr. Pratt, this is
Adrian's girlfriend,

his brother
and his uncle.

I explained

I'm sorry. We gave
him every kind of
medication possible.

Nothing's working
right now.

He's awake. You can talk
to him, if you want.

You hang on.

Everyone's coming.

Pratt, check it out.

Well, I guess
she's okay, then.


Ah, it's alive.

They shut down the Dan Ryan.
It took two hours to get here.

Where do you
need me?
How about Peoria?

Uh, how did we do?

Still here.

No ICU boarders?

Hmm, and we're
reopen for Trauma?

Hey, call housekeeping
for T-One, pharmacy's
here to re-stock.

Excuse me.

Could someone please
remove these?

Go for it.

Sir, why are you restrained?

I have no idea.

Hey, Sam.

More Sianis
family members.

I'll be right there.

Sam, what is
Haleh doing here?

Uh, Exam Two's going

up to Four-West.
I can help Pratt

with the trauma.
Did you bring her back?

Yeah. Listen, Haleh is one
of the best nurses in town.

We're getting our asses handed
to us. I did whatever
I thought I could.

Good move.

( coughing )

You need a chest X ray.
I told you I'm fine.

Tell the kids I'll check
on them in the morning.
Oh, Neela! Come on.

Please? I've been on
for 16 hours.

What if your lungs get worse?
I'll call 911.

Just stay at the hospital.
Sleep in the call room.

I need to be
at home tonight
That's not be safe.

If I start to die, you'll
be the first one I'll call.

I'll come
and stay at your place.

It's not necessary.

Okay, is there anything,
anything I can say
to get you to stay?


I slept with Luka.

Yeah, nice try.

I can bag.

So how's this gonna go
if you stop?

There'll be a lack of
oxygen to the brain.

He'll pass out like
going to sleep.

Is he gonna
be in pain?

He's had a sedative,
he'll be comfortable.

And you've done everything?

Yes, we have.

What, you want us to stop?

Are you ready?


( woman crying )

( wailing ):

( moaning sobs )

9:42 p.m.

WOMAN ( sobbing ):

I'm sorry.


( sighs )

He was a lucky guy.

He's dead.

A lot of people loved him.

They all got a chance
to say good-bye.

( sighs heavily )

All right, you gotta stop
calling me.

No, 'cause-'cause we're done.
We've been done.

No... no... no, 'cause you,
you're not listening to me.

You're not... Let me,
let me say it to you

really nice and slow
for the last time.

I... don't... love you.

Go back to your husband.

Hey, Dr. Kovac.

You know, you and I
should have
a little sit-down.

Yeah, probably.

No, I think
like definitely.

Look, we're both captains
on this team here, right?

And if we break down, the whole
machine breaks down we can't
have that, on days like today.

I agree.

Well, 'cause, see, I thought
I was the incident commander.

You know what,
let's talk
tomorrow, okay?

Yeah, tomorrow's great.

I'll be here all day,

8:00 to 8:00.



Rough night.

Yeah, I'm glad
it's over.

Yeah, me, too.

Ah, did Baxter
get upstairs okay?

Oh, he's fine. Not so sure
about his fiancée, though.

( soft chuckle )

Hey, I was thinking...
I was thinking of...

No, you go ahead.

Go ahead.


( chuckling ):

No, I was just
thinking about, uh...

uh... I was thinking...
about what happened last night.

It was nice.



Wasn't it?

No... yeah, of course.


I don't know.

I don't know.
What do we do now?

Not sure. Um...

For a long time, even when
we weren't connecting a lot,

you... you've been one
person I can count on.

I feel like that, too.

That means a lot to me,
that friendship.

Me, too.


Maybe we should just
leave it at that, then.

( inhales deeply )

I don't know.
I don't want to lose that,
you know,

but if that's what
you, um... that's what...
what's the best...

So what we're just saying
is that we'll just
stay friends, then?

Need a lift?

No. I have, um, some stuff
I need to finish inside.


Good night.

See you.

( coughing )

( car horns honking )