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12x01 - Canon City

Posted: 08/24/21 12:43
by bunniefuu
Previously on ER.

Got a letter from your dad.

Steve was saying that he's got
some new job in Colorado.

Sam, you've got to tell
Alex the truth.


It's all going to be okay.

He's 12.

When was the last time
you saw him?

Around 8:30.

So four and a half
hours ago?

Friends, relatives, anyone
he might be with?

We've been calling and driving

There's nothing.

Any fights,
school problems?

We had an argument.

I went upstairs to take a shower
and get ready for bed.

And about an hour later,

Visa called for an authorization
on my card.

He went to the bus station
and tried to buy a ticket.

A ticket to where?


Why Colorado?

His dad is there.

What about
his home situation?

Is it stable?
dr*gs? v*olence?

Alex has a good home.

What about dad?
Did you tell him Alex maybe
on his way or call him?

He's not easy
to get a hold of.

Why's that?

He's in prison.

Alex doesn't know that

his dad's in jail.

He's been asking me if he can go
live with him.

I'm sorry, shouldn't we be
calling Amtrak or the airlines?

No. They won't board a minor
without parental consent.

You got a recent photo?

This happens
all the time.

Nine times out of ten, they're
back in 24 hours or less.

Alex doesn't have 24 hours.
He's diabetic.

He could be in a coma by this
time tomorrow,

if he doesn't get his insulin.


We've gotta go by Shelley's.

Union Station and the park...
Sam, the car...

He likes Navy Pier.
Maybe he went over there.

And then we'll circle back
to the school

and uh, the, the, the....
the arcade...

We should be at
home when he calls.

We'll check out Denny's
and McDonald's.

Open the door open...
Sam, he's not...

Please, open the door!

Sam, when he calls,

he'll call home.

They said
we should be there.

He knows how to monitor
his carbs, stay hydrated...

He's too smart.

He's stubborn and resourceful
and smart.

He's not coming back.

( sobbing )

Oh... the day shift.

( loud kiss )

There is a God.

Hard night?

Okay, everybody's here?

It's 8:02, time for rounds.

Curtain number one.

Ray, you're on.


You're an R-2 now.
R-2s run the board.

Uh, okay.

Well, uh, okay,
curtain one.

Foreign body
in the eye.

Sanding his boat
without any eye gear.

Shard of glass
under the lid.

Corneal abrasion?

Didn't get a chance
to check.

Jane, he's yours.

Fluorescein, slit lamp,
exam, and home.

In curtain three we have an
altered 19-year-old.

Drank a gallon of antifreeze.

Responding to fomepizole,
waiting on psych and ICU bed.

Great, moving on.

Whoa. This is a good teaching

Yeah. Take a minute and tell us
all about fomepizole.

Uh, well,
it's pretty new.

Yeah, what
does it do?

Lowers the ethylene glycol

Tell them how.

Increases renal excretion.

Anyone else?

Does it inhibit alcohol

I think it might prevent
formation of acidic metabolites.

Get it in early,
you'll avoid dialysis.

I'm gonna read about this and
make a hand-out for you.

No, R2's have to read
before rounds start.

How? I just got here.
Then get here early.

Teaching should
be spontaneous,
off the cuff.

Excuse me.
Is there somewhere

I can breast feed? Been here
three hours. Kid needs to eat.

Oh, yeah, yeah. There's a, uh,
family room down the hall.

Mom, I'm starving.

All the way
on your left.

How old is that kid?

He's got
to be six.

That is a little freaky.

Sam? Hey...

( gasps ):
It's okay.

Did they call?

No, just his picture on the TV.

How long was I asleep for?

About an hour.

All right, we got to start
calling everybody again.

You already called

They're going to
call us if some...

Hi, Debbie.



No, huh?

Okay, yeah, yeah,
of course.

As soon as I hear anything.

Hi, yes, this is Luka Kovac,

( phone ringing )


What is it?

Altered traffic collision.

GCS eight, systolic 100.
Let's bag her.

What's your plan, Ray?

All right, intubation, FAST exam
and a head CT.

Okay, I'll be in curtain two.

Dr. Lewis...

Call me if you need me.

I guess she trusts you.

Uh, yeah.

20 of etomidate,
100 of sux,

portable c-spine and chest
to follow.

Let's get that Sonosite ready.
Come here.

You mind if I intubate?

You might want to observe
one, first.

Why do you use Etomidate?

You need a sedative
with the paralytic.

I know, but isn't it
true that Ketamine causes

less respiratory

Uh, maybe.

Well, does it have a more
favorable hemodynamic profile?

I mean, if you're concerned
about intra-abdominal

then it seems like you would
definitely want to...

we use Etomidate because
it's a good drug.

Okay, let me
take a look.

Sat's up to 92.

All right. Now pull the handle
at 45 degrees

and never rock back
against the teeth.

Shouldn't you give a
dose of Pavulon?

Uh, sometimes we do.

Is sux okay in crush injuries?

Cricoid pressure.

What about

Look, this is never
going to happen.

Okay, the 8-0, it won't
pull through.

All right, we need
a smaller tube. Bag her.

Is sux okay in burn patients?

Look, more observation,
and less conversation.

We tube her and then
we chat.


Seven and a half.

Okay, thank you.

Sergeant Parker wont tell us
what this is about on the phone.

We haven't found your son yet.

12,000 fliers went out--

precincts, hospitals,
state police.

We notified the folks
in Colorado

and we're getting some play
on local television.

Please, have a seat.

We canvassed the airline ticket
counters, Union Station, buses,

nobody recognized
your son.

Hey, thanks for
coming back down.

Still nothing from Alex?

No, you know, I'm sorry,
I don't understand

why you couldn't
have over the phone.

Why did you want us
to come down here?

We got a report

of an unidentified diabetic
kid in a coma.

It matches your son's
general description.

Where is he?

In all likelihood,
it's not him.

We're waiting for them
to fax a photo,

but, uh,

they're still working on him
at the hospital.

Where is he?

Iowa, Davenport, Iowa.

It's 200 miles.
I'll drive.

They'll figure out if it's him
before we can get there.

If it's him, we'll be
that much closer.

If it's not, we'll be
that much further.

I can't just sit
waiting for a call
that they found Alex

in a ditch or
a Dumpster!

I can't, okay?
I can't.

Tell Dubenko the second hemocue
was 12.1.

Going to the O.R.?

Yeah, FAST was positive,
needs an ex-lap.

How did it go, Haleh?

It was a little rough.

Do you want to
give Dr. Barnett
some feedback?

There wasn't much teaching.

You seemed distracted by
questions from the interns.

Well, they wouldn't
shut up.

His frustration prevented the
team from working together.

There was a lot
of tension.

It could have caused a delay in
diagnosing the splenic lac.

Oh, please.

Thank you, Haleh.

Thank you. Thanks.
What was that about?

Improving your skills,
making you a better teacher,
a better leader.

And since when do nurses
evaluate the residents?

Haleh has been here
long. She knows.

I needed to treat this patient.

You also need to create a
positive learning climate.

Are you torturing all the R-2s
or is it just me?

Ray, resolving TIA.


We must have missed it.

Well, they said it's over a mile
from the Interstate...

We've only gone...
Ah, that's it.

Anybody here?

Excuse me?

There's a button.

Over there.

( bell ringing )

Hold your horses,

I'm coming.

You have a boy in DKA?

Security guard found him

down behind Penney's
at the mall.

Didn't have any ID.

His blood sugar was
764, PH 7.10,

GCS eight, ketones were
positive at 1 to 64.

He's on I.V. saline,
insulin and potassium.

He just started opening
his eyes on command.
You just missed Dr. Hahn.

He went home to get
his digital camera

so that we could send a picture
to the police in Chicago.

No, it wasn't him.

Right. Thanks.


No, not yet.

( screaming )

Damn it, Alex!

Erica's fine to stay
at the apartment

until we get back.

He's not coming home, Luka.

The keys?

Where we going?


No infiltrate.

Like I said,
fever without source.

Everything okay?

Well, he doesn't
have pneumonia.

All clear.

Rapid strep?

No clinical indication.


Mason, can you open up
your mouth for me?

I don't like that.

Come on.
You're a big boy.

I already did it.

Okay, real quick-- ah?


A little bigger.


Any rash?


He looks good.

Can you remove
his pajamas for me?

Dr. Babinski had him
in a gown.

I don't want to take off
my clothes again.

I'm sorry, but
it's important, okay?

You said we can go home.

I want to go home!

I want to go home now!

Mason, come on.

Two seconds.

Excuse me.
I'll be right back.

One more time.


Come on, Mason.
One more time.

How's it going
in there?

Uh, just looking
for a fever source.

Babinski said
there wasn't one.

You know how
it is with interns.
You got to check up on them.

But not for 20 minutes.

Ray, the interns are doctors.
You have to trust their skills.

They were students
last week. They don't know
what they're doing.

You're micromanaging every case.
It's bad for patient flow.

Yeah, we were
caught up.

Now we've got six and
20 in the rack.

And that's my fault?

I liked you better when
you were the closer.

Still no service.

We're about 30 miles
from Omaha,

so we'll probably
get service soon.

Where in Colorado?


Where is Steve?

Uh, Canon City.

Where's that?

In the mountains somewhere,
I think.

I've never been.



I always wanted to go.

I heard it's beautiful.


What were you and Alex fighting

last night?

The usual.



( sighs )

I should have
just told him
the truth.

He knew
we were having trouble.

No, the truth
about his father.

So after the attending leaves
you high and dry in trauma,

you're going
to be critiqued
by a nurse.
That's weird.

Even if the patient's crashing,
make nice with the newbies,
or be dinged.

Ray, can I give another four
of morphine to McKenzie?

Do you think he needs it?

No, I just want him
to stop breathing.

Fine. You're responsible
for every little thing
the intern does.

But you question the history,
and they get all testy on you.

Sounds like you
had a great day.

You ready, Neela?
Tonight's all about you and me.

And me.
Teddy Marsh,
new intern.


My first shift--
an overnight, awesome.

This is Neela.
She's the R-2.
She's in charge.

You're mission:
clear that board by morning.

I'm screwed.

Antifreeze overdose
has been here all night
waiting on the ICU.

Step it up. The day shift
wants to get out of here.

Just remember,
fomepizole's an alcohol
dehydrogenase inhibitor

and you'll be fine.

Neela, you're running rounds,
so let's start.

It's about nine hours
to Denver.

Think we'll
make it by dawn.

You should sleep.
I'll drive.

No, I'm okay.
No, I'm awake.

Not sure I'll be
in the next four hours.

sh**t. My cell phone battery
is almost dead.

I should have
brought my charger.

( sighs )

Hey, Luka.

Thank you.

The calculated osmolality
is approximated

by multiplying the sodium
concentration by two

and adding glucose divided by 18
and the BUN over 2.8.

Anyone have the numbers handy?

That's okay, we'll make some up.

Let's say his measured osms
are 300...

What's this have
to do with a fractured rib?

Absolutely nothing.

I have a date.

Go, we could be
here all night.

Thank you.

...divided by 2.8.

20 minutes and we're only
on our second patient.

Neela, try
to stay focused

on the clinically relevant
teaching points.

This is clinically relevant.
There's an osmolar gap.

The interns need
to know meanings.

Not right now.

s*ab wound!
Need some help here.

Neela, take it with Marsh.

Pratt and Morris,
finish running the board.


My first trauma
as a doc. All right.

Single s*ab to the right
chest. Agonal resps,
sats 84 on 15 liters.

All right, trauma one,
let's go.

Now enter the thoracic cavity
through the intercostal.

Okay, I felt a pop.

Okay, insert finger.

Feel lung tissue, pass the tube
on a curved clamp.

Pretty cool.

My first night,
my first chest tube.

The key is to avoid
the neurovascular bundle

at the inferior margin
of the rib.

The tube won't pass.

All right, let me try.

I can't find the tract.

Sometimes you need to check
again with a finger.

There is no tract. Did you enter
the thoracic cavity?

I thought I did.

Did you feel lung tissue?

It was warm and soft.

Lung tissue expands and
contracts with ventilation.


Now we're into
the pleura.

I'm sorry.
I thought I was in.

I'll do better
next time.
How you doing?

Finishing up a chest tube.
Start a central line?

I've got a cue ball vs.
cheek to sew up.

A trauma patient
takes priority.

Pulse is 98,

BP is stable.
What's the big deal?
My guy needs

a three-layer closure
on a complex stellate
facial lac.

That could
take two hours.

Let Plastics do it. Someone
needs check the board.

I already told
the nurses

to send labs
and X rays on everyone.

You've got
everything under control.

Is that a vertical

No, it's horizontal!

What are you doing?

Bugs. It's
difficult to see.

( sighs )

Where are we?

We passed Grand Island
about an hour ago.

We should get to a phone
and call Chicago.


What time is it?


I was dreaming about Alex.

He was two or three.

And I needed a bathing suit,

so I was looking through the
racks at some department store.

When I looked back,
Alex was gone.

He just vanished.

I guess you don't have
to be Freud

to figure that one out.

I lost my son at the ocean.

Daniella didn't want me
to take him,

but I insisted. I was mad that
she didn't trust me.

So, uh... we had a big fight
and she let us go.

What happened?

It was a very hot day,

so everyone had come
to the beach.

They have beaches
in Croatia?

Beautiful beaches,
miles of them.

Anyway, so, uh,
we found about
an inch of sand

that wasn't already
taken and, uh,

we went
down to the water.

He wanted to build
a sand castle,

so I went back up to pick up
his little shovel and bucket.

And when I came back
he was gone.

I looked everywhere.

Ran up and down
the beach,

the shops by the road,
into the water,

couldn't find him.

How long was he missing?

Two hours.

( sighs )

Where was he?

Some boy had a dog.

The police found
him wandering.

He knew his name
so they called our house

and Daniella answered.

When I got home, he was sitting
in a bathtub with his sister

having a wonderful time.

I went to the kitchen
and I cried by the sink

with the water running.


What was his name?


Alex is going
to be all right, Sam.

We're going to find
him and he's going
to be all right.

It's 3:00 a.m.

Shouldn't this be
slowing down by now?

You've got a
dark cloud, Neela.

Always have.

12 more out there
triaging as we speak.

Neurosurg's coming to see the
subdural, he'll need a unit bed.

I'm going to lay down
for a couple hours?

We've got three intubated
patients and a full board.

You are more than capable
of managing whatever comes in.

That's the fun of being
the big R-2. You get to be
queen of the night shift.

I don't wanna be the queen.
I wanna get the board cleared
before the day shift.

Give me a copy of your schedule?
Gonna avoid nights you're on.

You going to bed
leaving me with this mess?

You have him.
You busy?

Want to present
my guy in three.

Wake me only if it's
really, really important.

He's going to bed?

Yep, it's you and me
against the world.

Chuny had me correct
your fentanyl order.

It's "micrograms,"
not "milligrams."

Oh, God.

That could've led
to a serious mistake.

Caught in time.
No harm.

I am so sorry.
Thanks for fixing it.

It's okay.
Got to learn somehow.

What do you got?

with a deltoid abscess.
Never done an I and D,

thought you might
want to supervise.
Any other history?

Chronic I.V. drug use,
that's about it.


fluctuant lesion

on the lateral aspect
of the upper arm.

The remainder
of the exam was
entirely normal.

Hey, Doc, you ready to slice
open this bad boy?

This is Dr. Rasgotra,
she's my supervisor.

I just want to take
a quick listen.

It's so satisfying
when you guys cut it open

and all that pus
comes pouring out.

Ten blade,

saline, swabs,
packing gauze,

anything else?

Uh, Kingsley.

We'll be back
in a minute, okay?

Did you listen
to his heart?

Of course I did.

So when you said his exam
was entirely normal,

were you just forgetting
to mention his murmur?

He has a murmur?

Four over six at
the left sternal border.
Has a thrill, not subtle.

Wow, big miss.
I'll listen again.

You can't miss a murmur
in an I.V. drug user.
Could be endocarditis.

He needs an echo and antibiotics
before the I and D.

I heard you were smart,

but I had no idea you were
such an awesome teacher.

Thanks for saving my ass.

( screaming )

What was that?

I don't know.

( door beeping )

( panting )

Oh, God.

( panting )

Wait here.

What is it?

A deer, I think.

Is it dead?

No, I...
( motor revving )

I don't think so.

What do we do?

I don't know.

You folks need help?

I didn't, uh, I didn't...
I didn't see it.


Did a real number
to your car.

You both all right?


I got a r*fle
in the truck.


We got to keep going.

Sam, the car's wrecked.

The radiator is leaking.

( door beeping )

The windshield
is shattered.

You won't be
able to see.

Come on.

Come on! God!

( g*nsh*t )

( g*n cocks )

Our syphilis guy's
had over 50 partners

in the last 90 days.
Wants to know if they can
come here for treatment.

As long as they wait
until sunrise. Pen G, 2.4
million units, IM.

Neela! Your COPD'er isn't
looking so good.

Sats dropped to 87 on room air.

( pants ):
I can hardly catch my breath.

He was fine when I saw him,
wasn't even wheezing.

You can't wheeze
if you're not moving air.

We're gonna give you
some medicine to help.

Albuterol, five migs
with 500 of atrovent.

Sure that's a good idea?
His theophylline's 53,
and he's throwing PVC's.


You didn't bother mentioning
a toxic theophylline level?

I didn't know.
I hadn't checked.

I didn't think we'd
have the level back
until tomorrow.

My breathing's been bad.

I took some extra pills.

100 of lidocaine and move him
to trauma. And hold off
on the Albuterol

until we stabilize
his arrhythmia.

You got it.

We'll be right back,
Mr. Canberra.

You were great in there.
You really took control.

Teddy, listen.

I'm sorry about the
theophylline thing.

I'll have to thank
Chuny for...
Just listen, okay?

You want to know a secret?

You don't have to be that smart
to be a good doctor.

You just have to be thorough,
systematic and meticulous.

I'm trying.

Not hard enough. You've missed
glaring physical findings,

overlooked critical labs,

and I've been correcting
your med orders all night.

It's my first shift.

I realize that,

but you're responsible
for real people here,

and I can't watch
your every move.

I know that.

And I want to thank you.

And your attitude...

It's just so...

contrite and appreciative.

It's just weird.


I guess I just don't get it.


I'm going to get some coffee.
Need anything?

Teddy, wait!

We'll do a head-to-toe
H and P together.

It might help identify where
some of your deficiencies are.


They're gonna send a truck
to tow the car in.

Did you call Chicago?

The guy inside
gets off at 7:00.

Offered us a ride back
to North Platte.

From there we can
catch a bus to Denver,
or maybe rent a car.

North Platte's an hour east?

What are you doing?

( sighs )



( truck approaching )


What are you doing?
What does it look
like I'm doing?

You're going
to hitchhike?

He's been off his insulin
for two days, Luka!

He's out there dying.


How'd it go?
Not well.

Will you take a look
at this board?

Not even 8:00,
and the day sucks.
Good morning,

Neela, you should
have called me.

Hate leaving a mess
for the day shift.

Most of them are waiting
down here for beds.

This is ridiculous. Antifreeze
overdose has been here

since yesterday morning.

Case in point.

What have you been doing?

Taking a bubble bath
and eating bonbons.

Lewis is going to make
you run the board.
I know.

Just remember
that fomepizole's

an alcohol dehydrogenase

( snaps ):
Hey, come on, come on.
Present this thing already.


Let's get the night shift home.

You are...?
Lana Clemons,
new intern.

You've met Dr. Sackowitz.

Pratt's the senior and
Dr. Lewis is our attending.

Neela, where's your intern?

Sent him home a bit early.

Okay, day shift, let's go.
Curtain number one.

22-year-old with

What is that?
Spina bifida?

Excellent. The most common
congenital neurologic deficit,

compatible with life.
How does it happen?

Neural tube doesn't
close in utero.

Most likely due
to an interaction of genetic

and environmental factors.

Ladies, remember
to take your folate.

Okay, on to why
the patient is here.

Rule out shunt obstruction--
common ER complaint--

what's your approach?
Shunt series?

Before that?
Tap the reservoir.


before you do anything?

Take a history.

Classic symptoms

of shunt obstruction:

headache, nausea,

vomiting, lethargy.

I'm like a bad trailer park
version of myself.

What are you
doing here, Luka?

Sam, I care about Alex.

But you can't
replace his father.

I know that.

Just not ready for this to be
all there is in my life.

I can't bring
your kids back.

I have a child
of my own,

and if it's a choice
between you and Alex,

I am always going
to choose Alex.

I'm not asking you to choose.

Of course you are.

I don't want
what happened to my family

to be the end of my story.

I was a good father.
I can be a good father again.

What if it's not what I want?


Why don't you want
to have children with me?

It's not about you.

I don't want to have
any more kids.

I'm done.

I want my life back.

Oh, they can stop the run, but
the secondary's kind of suspect,

champ or no champ.

I tell you what,
they make the playoffs again,

Colts'll eat them up.
My brother and I

got tickets in
a couple of weeks.

( chuckles )

Should be able to beat up
on those jokers.

What's this idiot doing?

You want to ticket him?

Hang on, I'll be right back.

What do you got?

Alex Taggart?

Hey, Alex?
Are you Alex Taggart?

( gasping )

I'm Samantha Taggart.

Dr. Collins.

How is he?

He was lethargic when
they brought him in here.

Glucose was 375.

That's not too critical.

After a little insulin and
saline, he's doing much better.

( sniffles )

Can you give us
a minute, please?

Damn it, Alex.

I'm okay. I drank
lots of water.

You were lucky.

I know how to
monitor my sugar.

You're 12 years old
and diabetic.

What the hell
are you thinking?

I couldn't find him.



I looked in
the phone books.

I called information,
a bunch of different
rafting companies.

He's not here.

Come here.

How we doing?

We're losing the battle
and we're knee-deep in triage.

Well, I'm going
as fast as I can.

Yeah, more than I can say
for your interns.

Well, say no more.

Dr. Sackowitz.
scalp lac.

After copious

I'm using a 4-0
nylon interrupted.

The wound's edges
are evert...

Cosmetic repair is not
an issue with the scalp.

I've never used
a skin stapler.

You'll will next time.
Just point and sh**t.

grab another
two patients.
Dr. Lockhart,

there's a guy with
abdominal pain in
a lot of distress.

I sent off a CBC, Chem 20, uh,

I ordered an abdominal series
and a surgical consult.

George, how are you feeling?

I can't get comfortable.

Okay, tell me...

does it feel worse
when I do this?
( shrieks )

( groans )

All right,
you have a kidney stone.

How'd you know that?
I... just do.

Four plus blood.

30 I.V. toradol,
and ten of MS.

Get a CT urogram and cancel
all the other orders.
Got it.

Ten minutes,
you'll be feeling no pain.
Thank you.

Should I wait and see
if the analgesics take effect?

No, you should pick up
another chart.

Are you sure?

'Cause you
don't have to.

I'm sorry, Alex.

I wish that this
wasn't your life.

I can't tell you
how much I wish that.

It's okay, Mom.

I want to go.



How about here?


Three cc's, one
percent lidocaine.


You have a knot
in your muscle,

which this shot
should help.

( gasps ):

All right...
I'll be right back.


Uh, right lower quadrant
tenderness, low-grade fever,

no white count,
anorexia or rebound.

Can you stand up for me?

Is it appendicitis?

I'll tell you
in a minute.


Can you do this?

Let's see.

Can you do
it again?

( laughs )

Okay, excellent.
It's not an appy.

Clear liquids,
recheck in the a.m.

How's your headache?
Completely gone.

Thank you, Doctor.

I'm about to clear
the rack.
Oh, yeah?

If I saw all the patients
myself, we wouldn't get behind.

Bet you're feeling
pretty good about that.

I can't believe it took me
so long to figure it out.
You haven't.


You didn't show Sackowitz
how to staple.

You didn't teach Clemons about
your approach to kidney stones.

You did a trigger point,
a jump test, and
ignored your interns.

They were moving
slow you told me
to step it up.

But your job isn't to just
move the meat, Abby,
you're a resident now.

Um, the lady in exam three
spiked to 104.

Guess I better go.

Nice job on the board, Abby.

What's the matter
with her?
She's a new R2.

It's gonna be
a long year.
She'll catch on.

But she's not supervising,
she's not teaching,

and she's doing
everything herself.

You know, that reminds me
of someone I used to know.

How is he?

Full of crap,
like always.

I meant Alex.

He's okay.

He wants to spend
some time alone
with his dad, so...

It's only ten more minutes
of visiting hours.

So... I figure Steve
can't screw him up that
bad in ten minutes.

God knows, I'm
sure he'll try.

Alex is a good kid,
he'll figure it out.

Damn it, that bastard.

He couldn't care
less about us.

But that little boy
loves him anyway.

What the hell is
right about that?

Thank you.

For what?


( sighs )

Now what?

Home, I guess.
I don't...

Luka, you cannot
possibly want this
for your life.

Want what?

This. This mess.

Isn't that something
I get to decide for myself?


If it were just me...


I better go in
and check on him.

Steve's in prison.

You don't have
to run anymore.

I'm not running.

I just don't want what you want.

( sighs )