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04x13 - Tomorrowland

Posted: 08/22/21 10:39
by bunniefuu

I still have to pack for a 7:00 a.m. flight,
thanks to you.

Will you at least put me out of my misery
before you go?

Stop it. American Cancer loved the letter,
and they're gonna love you.

And then you're gonna stop working,
take your Kids to California and have a ball.

I have this sick feeling
in the pit of my stomach.

Listen, maybe it's not all about work.

Maybe that sick feeling might go away

if you take your head out of the sand
about the past.

You know it's not that simple.

Of course it isn't,
and you don't have to do it alone.

But if you resolve some of that,

you might be more comfortable
with everything.

And then what happens?

And then you're stuck trying to be a person
like the rest of us.

I'll call you Tuesday when you get back.

I'm gonna miss you, you know.

-Any outgoing?

Just this.

Don't post it. it's for you.

It's been discussed among the partners
that you be promoted

to director of agency operations.

-My goodness.
-Now, it's a dreadful reality

that we've not signed any new business
in 10 weeks,

so I hope you'll understand
that this is a title only, for now.

Well, it's almost an honor.

What made you suddenly write that?

Well, most of it was in the letter, hopefully,

but I think, in my heart, it was an impulse,

because I knew what I needed to do
to move forward.

Well, it was a gesture
we hope will be useful.

We believe, obviously,
that lung cancer is avoidable

and can be thwarted
with the right campaign.

But how?

We know frightening medical facts
are useless.

-Half of us are smokers.
-I'm a smoker, too.

And you can forget about us.
I've worked $10 million campaigns

that can't even get people to change brands.

I can tell you from the inside
that the business

is really only about getting new smokers.

-Teenagers are a tough sell.
-Not to tobacco companies.

They play on a two-pronged attack,
promising adulthood and rebellion,

but teenagers are sentimental, as well.

Have you heard their music?

-I can tell you a little of what I have in mind.
-I have to say, it's very interesting.

Go on.

What I'm suggesting
is a series of commercials

that run during Bandstand and the like.

Show mothers and daughters
or fathers and sons,

and that cigarettes are between them.

And you show with a walk on the beach,
baking cookies, playing catch,

that the parents are not long for this world.

But they hate their parents.

They won't be thinking about their parents.
They'll be thinking about themselves.

That's what they do.

The truth is,

they're mourning for their childhood
more than they're anticipating their future,

because they don't know it yet,
but they don't want to die.

If it helps, I can guarantee you
that Lucky Strike will hate this.

-How'd it go?
-So, did you get Cancer?

Megan, can you get Mr. Cosgrove?

-We've got a meeting for another meeting.
-They were eating out of his hand.

And even better, the board was loaded
with fat cats, just like you said.

Don had a particularly empathic exchange
with the CEO of Dow Chemical.

Saran Wrap would be nice.

I'll take him out on the links,
let him beat me.

Roger, this is a philanthropic organization.

Don and I think it best
if we approach from the rear.

-Are we celebrating?
-Don got us to the top three.

-Ken, sit down.

Everett Marlowe at Dow
is a very charming fellow.

Your father-in-law to be is at Corning, right?
They must be quite acquainted.

-I think that's likely.
-Well, I was thinking,

wouldn't it be fun
to have a foursome this weekend

that includes your father-in-law,
yourself and Mr. Marlowe?

Doesn't that sound like fun?

-I don't know.
-Ken, there's no reason to be suddenly shy.

I'm sure if you impressed Everett
this morning,

that should be enough
to get him on the phone.

Well, I just looked him in the eye
and convinced him

I was some kind of idealistic businessman.
How is it gonna look if I call for a meeting?

Pretty bad, I guess.

But I'm not Pete.

-Sorry about that.
-No, you're obviously not.

Tom Vogel is our biggest client,
unless we sign Dow, which would be yours.

Look, I love Cynthia's dad,

and I know that every account I have
will eventually leave me.

-That's awfully pessimistic.
-Well, it's not worth the risk.

Cynthia's my life. My actual life.

Fine, if you want to tuck it
between your legs, I'll call him,

but I have to warn you,
I'm going to drop your name.

You do whatever you want.

Now, if you don't mind,
I'm going to go service the 30% of this firm

that are my clients.

Hello, Carla. Is Sally home?

-She is, but you shouldn't be here.
-Are they moving today?

Monday. That's the Salvation Army.

Mrs. Draper's car is gone.
I just wanted to say hi.

-I don't know.
-Fine. I just want to say bye.

She's upstairs. Don't be long.
Mrs. Francis just ran to the store.

Thank you.

-It's Glen. Are you decent?
-Come in.

You really shouldn't be here.

So, you're finally moving.

This weekend while we're in California
with my dad.

-Jeez, is that where you're moving?
-No, we're moving to Rye.

I'll be able to drive in a few years.

-I can come visit.


I can send you postcards.
I have your address.

It's not that big a deal.
I say goodbye to people all the time.

Okay. Are you going to Disneyland?

-Get me something.

-What are you doing here?
-I'm sorry. it's my fault.

Get out.

-What are you waiting for?
-Why do you hate me?

You don't think I know what you're doing?
You could be friends with anyone.

Just 'cause you're sad
doesn't mean everybody has to be.

I'm sorry. I didn't see the harm.
He wanted to say goodbye.

-Did you leave them alone?
-They're friends, that's all.

When did you decide
that you're her mother?

It was a mistake.
There's no need for that kind of talk.

You know what, Carla?

I've been thinking, and the distance is...

I need someone new nearby,
someone closer to the new house.

This should square us for the week.

Do you think I enjoy doing this?
After all these years? I won't have it, Carla.

Well, someone has
to look after those children.

Really? And where are your kids?

-Are they all doctors and lawyers?
-You'd best stop talking now.

-Where are you going?
-I'm going to say goodbye to the children.

Do you think that's a good idea right now?
It'll just upset them more.

Some other time.

The bungalow in San Pedro
netted you 10 grand in profit.

What's happening with the other house?

I have a listing appointment with the realtor
when I get back from California,

-but I have no idea what it's worth.
-it's Ossining,

but I say you'll more
than double your money,

which is not bad for 10 years.

What about the loss
for what I put into the company?

That's an investment. it's not a loss.
Don't be impatient.

Enjoy the harvest. Plant some seeds.
Maybe get a place of your own.

Don't you want to go home someday
and see a steak on the table?

So, Mary Sunshine,
what's the capital gains? 48%?

-Mrs. Francis is on the phone. It's urgent.
-You want me to go?

It's always urgent.

-I'm very sorry,

and I know this will disrupt your plans,
but I'm afraid I had to let Carla go today.

-What? What happened?
-Don, I have the children 99% of the time.

This is a decision that I get to make.

-Well, can't I just hire her back for the trip?
-No! I don't want her poisoning the well.

I told the kids she's sick.

So what the hell do I do, Betty,
with no help?

I have meetings, two flights,
diapers, for Christ's sake.

-Then don't take them! They're used to it.
-We're going!

Hey, Pumpernickel.
There's nobody out front.

-I already ate.
-Me too,

and I ran into someone I'd like you to meet.
This is Carolyn Jones, like Morticia.

Peggy Olson, advertising wunderkind

-Pleased to meet you.
-Do you mind?

Carolyn was at a photo sh**t
modeling pantyhose, of all things,

and she got fired and she has to make rent.

Joyce witnessed my nervous breakdown
at Howard Johnson's today.

Well, hello, ladies.

Peggy, I needed to talk to you
about my ABC meeting,

but if I'm interrupting...
Who is this lovely young thing?

Harry, this is my friend Joyce.
I thought you'd already met.

Harold Crane, head of media.

-Carolyn Jones.
-No kidding.

-She's looking for work.
-That's hard to believe.

As an actress, model?
What is your experience like?

Well, I've been modeling,
at least until this morning.

The Topaz people went nuts,
fired the people who hired me,

-and then me.
-But you didn't do anything wrong, did you?

No, she didn't.
Peggy, do you think you can help?

Maybe. I'm sorry.
You said Topaz fired everyone?

-They were very brusque.
-People lose their heads.

I'm sure it was a mistake, dear.

-We should be going, honey.
-Yes. Yes, of course.

Pleased to meet you.

We'll see what we can do, Carolyn Jones.

-Any luck?
-The hotel has a service,

but the girls who can take care
of Sally and Bobby

won't watch a two-year-old and vice versa,

so I've arranged for two girls
to cover the two mornings you're working.

I thought you might need someone
for Disneyland,

and maybe handle the Dodger game
on your own.

-Does that sound like a vacation?
-Maybe it'll be an adventure.

How much do you make a week?

-What if I were to double that?

I'll give you some nights free,
and you'll get to go to California.

Swimming pools, movie stars.

I don't really have
any professional experience.

You'll be great. Sally loved you,
and Bobby likes a pretty face,

and the baby... He's tough, but he's fun.

I've never been to California.

I have a college friend
who's been begging me to visit.

Perfect. Call her up, pick a night,
I'll foot the bill. What do you have to lose?

Please, stop the advertising.

Come on. Let's go to the room first.

Let's go,
or we're gonna go back to the parking lot

and spend the weekend locked in the car.

Art Garten, real name. At Topaz Pantyhose?
Called me back.

He was shocked and impressed
that I'd heard about them firing Dupre.

It gets better.
They already bought placement

for the campaign that just fell apart,

and we've been invited in Monday
to pick up the pieces.

-I just told you that.
-Monday's a holiday.

They're out of time. All we have to do
is not throw up on our shoes.

-Do you want help?
-She's not gonna be there.

Good work.

Okay, okay, here he is.

-That was great.
-it's how we got Gene to sleep.

Well, let's not wake him up.

They played in the pool for four hours
and bounced on the bed for another two.

I think everybody's gonna sleep very well.

I need you to come over at 7:00 tomorrow
to watch Gene.

I'll get these two breakfast on the road.


-Good night.
-Good night.

You said you didn't have any experience,
and you're like Maria von Trapp.

Professionally, but I have four nieces
and six nephews.

-So, how was your meeting?
-Pick me up and move me to my bed.

Well, hello, there.

Stephanie, this is Sally and Bobby.


Well, it's very nice to meet you.
How do you like California?

They love it.

The notary was supposed to be here
at 10:00, but she's late.

My mom put the papers in order,
so all you have to do is sign,

and then you can go to Marineland.

Who painted on the wall?

My friend Anna. She used to live here.
Stephanie is her niece.

Who's d*ck?

That's me.

That's my nickname sometimes.

Go out back and get us some lemons.

They're adorable.

Is this it?

My friend Charlie is gonna help me
move the piano back to my mom's,

and the rest of it goes to St. Vincent de Paul.

Four boxes. Good for her.

She wanted you to have something.

It's her engagement ring from Don.

-Don't you want it?
-She wanted you to have it.

You shouldn't play around with that.
Besides, I don't believe in it.

-So, are you going back to school?
-Not for the moment.

-What are you gonna do?
-I don't know.

That's the best part, right?
Got the rest of my life ahead of me.

So do you.

That's her.

Who's that?

-How was it?
-Most of it was fun.

-Daddy, are you coming in?
-I'm not wearing my bathing suit.

Come in. You have to come in.

-I'm gonna be a shark.
-Come on, Daddy.

You swim all the time in New York.

I'm really beat.

Should I throw some herring to you two?

Dumbo, Mad Tea Party.

-And Mr. Toad.
-Gene can't go on Mr. Toad.

I'll get it.

He can stay with Megan
while we go on the ride.

Then Megan can't go.

Hi, Sally.

This is my friend Camille.

Camille, this is Don and Gene
and Bobby and Sally.

Hello, everybody.

I just wanted to make sure
you didn't need anything else.

No, I think we're okay.

-Where are you going?
-The Whisky a Go Go.

-Good night, everybody.
-Good night. Have fun.

What about Tomorrowland?
I don't want to ride an elephant.

I want to fly a jet.


-I'm in here.

I'm sorry. Everyone was late

and then it took three of them
to light the pilot on the water heater.

Carla called looking for you.

-What did she want?
-You know what she wanted.

You fired her and didn't tell me?

Well, I'm sorry.
I didn't want her invoking your sympathies.

-Why did you fire her?
-Because I don't trust her judgment-

What did she say?

She said you wouldn't give her
a letter of recommendation.

How long did the woman work for you?
I know she doesn't steal. What did she do?

And don't tell me
it's just about the neighbor boy.

Sally is not allowed to see him.

-Carla said he's her friend.
-"Carla said." "Carla said"?

I don't understand what you're doing.

You didn't want to move because
you wanted the kids to have some stability,

and then you get rid of their nanny
since they were born?

I wanted a fresh start, okay?

-I'm entitled to that.
-There is no fresh start! Lives carry on!

Jesus, Henry,
just once could you take my side?

No one's ever on your side, Betty.

Just a minute.

Am I bothering you?

No, I was out on the balcony
enjoying the view.

I heard you come in and I wanted to go over
the plan for tomorrow for Disneyland.

Do you think I should be involved
in such high-level decisions?

I can't turn on the TV. They're asleep.

There's nothing on TV.
Come outside with me.

It's so beautiful here.

-Did you have fun with your friend?
-Not really. She's not really my friend.

We just lived together during college.
My father's a professor.

I think she liked him too much.

So, why did you see her?

I don't know.

She's an actress now.
She's in two episodes of Hogan's Heroes.

She told me I could never do it
because of my teeth.

She actually said that to me.

I don't even want to be an actress.

I love your teeth.

I took elocution lessons
when I moved to New York.

The teacher said I had the mouth of a singer.

-Are you sure we should do this?
-I've been thinking about you so much.

Were you thinking about this
when I asked you to come?

It was the first thought
that went through my head.

I was gonna miss you so much, anyway.

-You don't know anything about me.
-But I do.

I know that you have a good heart,

and I know that you're always trying
to be better.

We all try. We don't always make it.

I've done a lot of things.

I know who you are now.

-It's getting light outside.
-I should get back before the sun comes up.

They're little roosters.

You should go.
I don't want to confuse them.

I want to know if I can knock on this door
again tomorrow night,

or if this is just what it is,
like that night in the office.

-I need to know. I don't know why.
-Because you're afraid?

You shouldn't be.

Disneyland fireworks are at 9:00.

How about dinner tomorrow night
at 11:00 right here?

We're gonna be together all day.

This is Art. Art, Ken Cosgrove and Patricia...

-What was it?
-Peggy Olson.

Sit. I'd offer you coffee,
but everybody's gone for the holiday.

The perils of being in charge.

So, you can tell we don't have a lot of time.

I mean, not just today.
We're in kind of a bind.

We're no worse than we were before,

-and I hated those people.
-Do you have the old work?

Somewhere. Look, it was a gorgeous girl.

High heels, jewelry, pulling up
this Cinderella gown to show the Topaz,

but she wasn't Cinderella,
and where the hell was she going?

We want something that'll stand out.
I don't care if it's a cartoon.

I don't care if it's Abe Beame wearing them.

We're a tiny company.
We need to make a stink.

Well, I've worn them,

but what qualities, in your mind,
do they have that make them unique?

You're wearing them right now?

Yes. Because I can wear Topaz Pantyhose
with anything.

I'm wearing them at work right now,

and I'll change everything but my hose
before I go out tonight.

One pair. That's all you need with Topaz.

If we only sold each girl one pair,
we'd be out of business.

"Topaz. The only pair of pantyhose
you'll ever need.

“Bad for business. Good for you."

That's very funny,

'cause it says our product's so good,
we're not even interested in ourselves.

-Okay, that's one. What else you got?
-Well, I'd have to think more,

but it might be great
to show a bunch of different outfits.

One for formal, one for business,
one a little sporty,

and something like
"Single pair, singular comfort."

-it's got the word "single" in it.
-That's two.

Daddy, tell Sally
that snakes used to have legs.

-I don't know if that's true.
-You know, it's true in the Bible.

We learned that they used to be fish,

and he doesn't know
because he has baby science.

They found a skeleton.

Where? You don't know.
You're a short stuff.

Okay, Thally.

-Shut up!

Don't be upset. it's just a milkshake.

Can you grab a straw or some napkins?
This is my last dress.

I'm sorry. Is it late?

I wanted to let you sleep.

-How long have you been up?
-A few hours.

What's wrong?

I couldn't sleep.

I just kept thinking about you.

I'm right here.

I don't know what it is about you,

but I feel like myself when I'm with you,

but the way I always wanted to feel.

Because I'm in love with you, Megan,
and I think I have been for a while.


Oh, my goodness.

Open it.

It's beautiful.

When I saw you sleeping there, I thought...

I couldn't imagine
not seeing you there every morning.

Will you marry me?

I don't know what to say. This is all so fast.

Did you ever think of the number of things
that had to happen

for me to get to know you?

But everything happened,

and it got me here. What does that mean?

I can't believe this.

Yes ! Yes !

You have a ring? How long
have you been thinking about this?

It's been in my family...

Not my family, really.

It belonged to someone
very important to me.

I don't believe this. I have to call my mother.

I had this feeling,
and I called her from California

-because I wanted it to go away.
-I saw it on the bill.

Sorry. I have to call her.
Do you want me to call her from work?

No, call her.

-What about work? What do we do?
-We tell everybody.


Do you want me to leave you alone?

-Do you want me to talk to her?
-Do you speak French?

-What the hell's going on?
-I don't know. He wouldn't say.

Look at you, brown as a berry.

-How was the coast?
-Wonderful. Joan, could you shut the door?

I have an announcement to make,

and it shouldn't change anything here,
except for me, and maybe for Joan,

but Miss Calvet and I are getting married.

-Who the hell's that?


Congratulations, Don.
I wish you the best of luck.

Megan out there?

Yeah, I know it's a surprise,
but she makes me very happy,

and, well,
it's something we both want very much.

Well, let's get her in here.


-How exciting for you.
-I know. I can't believe it.

Congratulations, dear.

You don't say "congratulations"
to the bride. You say "best wishes."

Congratulations, Don.

Let's have a toast.
Megan, could you get us some ice?

I'm teasing. See, Don?
This is the way to behave.

-So, when are you getting married?
-I don't know. We haven't discussed it.


-Art Garten just called.
-No. What did he say?

He said he liked ideas two and four,
and we've got a week.

-Shall we go rub it in?
-After you.

You did it.

-We've got some great news.
-Are you two getting married?

-What's going on?
-They're getting married.


-Thank you.
-it's incredible.

-I know. It just happened.
-That's incredible. You must be so happy.

I'll get it.

-We have some news, too. Peg.
-Yes! We signed an account.

Topaz Pantyhose.
It's a quarter of a million dollars.

-How'd you do that?
-Peggy found out about them,

and then we met over the holiday.

That's great news! We broke the streak!
What a great day! Good work, both of you!

So anyway,
I guess we should tell everybody.

-Topaz needs work this week.

I hope you have all the happiness
that Peggy and I had signing this account.

I'll be there in a minute.


It's been going on a while,
but I appreciate your concern.

Well, then I'm happy for you. Both of you.

She's very beautiful.

You know, she reminds me of you.
She's got the same spark.

I know she admires you
just as much as I do.

It was Dr. Miller again.

It's not gonna get any easier
the longer you wait.

Whatever could be on your mind?

-Can you believe it?
-It happens all the time.

They're all just between marriages.
You know that.

He'll probably make her a copywriter.

He's not going to want to be married
to his secretary.

Really? Is that what he meant?

"She admires you"? Jesus.

That's the way it works for some.

You know, I just saved this company.

I signed the first new business
since Lucky Strike left,

but it's not as important
as getting married. Again.

Well, I was just made
director of agency operations.

A title. No money, of course.

And if they poured champagne, it must've
been while I was pushing the mail cart.

A pretty face comes along,
and everything goes out the window.

Well, I learned a long time ago
to not get all my satisfaction from this job.

That's bullshit.

-Faye Miller.
-Hi, it's me.

I was starting to worry
you were ill or something.

-I need to talk to you.
-Well, I was gonna come by at lunch anyway.

No, you shouldn't do that.
Why don't we meet somewhere?

What is going on?

Something happened, and I'd like
to talk to you about it face to face.

-Meet me for coffee.

You know what?

I'm not gonna have some conversation
and have to sit through coffee afterwards.

Just get to it.



met somebody.

-And we're engaged.
-Are you kidding me?

I know, I know. it's a surprise.
It was for me too.


Who is she?

What's the difference? I fell in love.

I didn't mean for this to happen.
You've been very important to me.

So you're not gonna put an ad
in the New York Times

saying you never liked me?

-Well, I hope you're very happy,

and I hope she knows
you only like the beginnings of things.

I'm sorry.

-I don't know what else to say.

I saw the light go off.

It's fine. It's done.

I love you, you know.

And he's smiling like a fool,

like he's the first man
that ever married his secretary.

She's 25. As if that's news.

So, when are you gonna
tell them your news?

They'll know soon enough.

Are you showing at all?
The picture I have of you doesn't change.

-I'll take a new one and I'll send it to you.
-You know all I want to know.

Yes, honey, they're bigger.

Why are you torturing me? I just woke up
and it's already 90 degrees here.

Listen, I've gotta go.

-Not yet.

-Not yet!
-You listen to the doctor.

You have to eat.
Don't worry about your figure.

I'll whip you and the baby into shape
when I get back.


I'll call you Thursday night, your time.

-Okay. I love you.
-I love you, too.


-Mrs. Truxton?
-No, it's me.

-What are you doing here?
-it's Tuesday at 7:00.

I thought I told you
I had a listing appointment

with the real estate agent.

I didn't realize that was today.
I forgot about the cabinets in the guest bath.

-So you weren't that thorough?
-I guess not.

-Do you like the new house?
-I do. it's got a lot of character.

I'll probably have to tear out the kitchen.

Remember this place?

I do.

-it's different. That's for certain.
-isn't that what you wanted?

I don't know, Don.

Things aren't perfect.

So you'll move again.

So much change. it's made everything


I have to tell you something.

I met someone.

I'm engaged.


-Bethany Van Nuys?
-No. Someone at work.

I'm very happy for you.

It's okay, Betty.

I don't know why I'm surprised.

Is she your secretary?
I know she watched the kids in California.


So, I will see you the weekend after next.

-What is that, the 23rd?
-I think so.



Thank you.