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04x11 - Chinese Wall

Posted: 08/22/21 10:37
by bunniefuu
I have sand
in the weirdest places.

Jones beach?
Don't be so sure it's sand.

Hold up.

We got hitchers.

- Made it.
- ? see that.



Girls, on the hop.

You gotta get up.

All I want to say
is I did not plan this.

Nobody talk.
I'm really stoned.

I'm sorry.

You're like a pound or less.

I see you went in.

I like the water.

Can I quote you on that?

I'm learning.

- Oh my God.
You're a slob. - Shh!

We have to be quiet.
I have a roommate.

God, I love your shoulders.

You look like
you're in the Olympics.

You never stop talking.

It was like the movies.
One minute we're listening

To a lecture on rhododendrons,

The next, Patricia is driving

Like a speed racer
to the hospital.

And Trudy keeps apologizing
in the back seat.

We're saying,
"it's okay. Nobody cares.

You're having a baby!"

Campbell's on the back nine

With his father-in-law,
who's also a client.

Well, that's a nice way
to end a round.

Ken Cosgrove.
Don't get up.

John Flory.

This is my fiancée Cynthia,

Her parents,
ed and Lillian Baxter.

- Sorry to interrupt.
- ?t's a pleasure.

- Nice to meet you.
- Aren't you lucky?

I'm spending my Sunday
night with dodge.

Nice to see you, Ken.
And I'm sorry about, you know.

- My condolences.
- Oh, David Montgomery?

I was only there for about six months.
I didn't really know him.


Well, I should be on my way.

- ?t was nice meeting you all.
- Mmn.


Look, you're with your family.

- ? shouldn't have said anything.
- You didn't.

What's going on?

Lucky strike.

They're coming over to us.


Look, you didn't
hear it from me, okay?

You're winding me up.

No. American tobacco
came in last Monday,

Said they're moving
all the brands to us.

Well, that's not true.

Someone should tell
Lee garner Jr. That.


You okay, son?

Whenever ad men meet, all they
ever do is brag and brag.

It's hard not to get rattled.

Ed, Lillian,
you'll have to excuse me.

Sweetheart, I swear to
you I wouldn't do this

If it wasn't serious.

What a pleasant surprise!

There's nothing much
to celebrate yet.

They were going to send Trudy
home, but her mother protested.

I sent her for food
just to get rid of her.

Anyway, I suppose
your visit is premature.

- ? shouldn't use that word around here.
- Can I talk to you?

John Flory, some prick
over at b. B.D.O.,

Just told me that lucky
strike is going there.


You made me wait for you

While you worked.

I'm not waiting anymore.

I should get it.

Of course.
The kids.

- Hello?
- ?t's Pete.

Have you heard anything
about lucky strike leaving?

- No. - Ken heard from
somebody at b. B.D.O

- That Lucky's coming over.
- Bullshit. Call Roger.

I did. He's out.

Wake Cooper.
Meet me in the office.

- What happened?
- ?'m not sure.

I have to make a call.


- What's going on?
- Ken here

Heard that lucky strike
is leaving.

- That they've already left.
- What?

- Who told you what?
- John Flory.

He's an account executive at b. B.
D.O. That's where they're going.

- No. That's impossible.
- Call him.

I'm telling you
it's impossible.

Don't lose your temper.

Somebody call lane in London?

Yeah, I don't think
he'll go back to sleep.

Could I get a drink?

It's ringing.

Roger sterling.

From your agency?

Well, it's serious.

He's drunk.

You're damn right I heard.

Because you can consolidate
your business here.

Just because your father's
non compos mentis

Doesn't mean you have
to listen to the board.

It's bullshit! Lee!

30 years?

I have to hear it
on the street?

No review?

He hung up.

It's true?

Tomorrow morning we're getting on
the 6:00 A. M. To Raleigh-Durham.

I'll do it.

I've known him half my life.

I need a drink.

- What time is it?
- Midnight.

You want one?

Looks like you need both.

It looks like lucky strike
might have gone South.

Holy crap.

Obviously we'd like to avoid
that information getting out.

What happened?

they're consolidating

For a reduced commission
at b. B.D.O.

Hey, watch it.
You have to keep a clear head.

Every day, I tried not
to think about what would happen

If this happened.

Aw, look at that plum.

- What's that?
- That face.

You're the most hirable man
on Madison Avenue.

I'm not at that point yet.


- Where's Trudy?
- Her mother's got her all worked up.

She made such a stink.
And that thing's at least another day away.

Can I see her?

Have you been drinking?

You need to calm down.

I was at a ballgame
when Trudy was born.

Go about your business.

Are you all right?

Could I speak
with you candidly?

I'd like to think

I'm more to you than
a typical father-in-law.

You are. That's the problem.
It's about business.

There's no business
in here, son.

We may have lost lucky strike.

I'm sure this agency
was a thrill,

But you've had your folly.

That's not right, Tom.

I haven't stayed at Vick chemical
for 28 years because I love it.

It's because I have a family.
Any minute here, you will too.

- This still can work.
- ?'m not rooting against you.

You've got my account,
for God's sake.

It's just...

You're a frequent topic
at c. G.C.

Apparently you were
a tough act to follow

- When we moved Clearasil over there.
- Ted Chaough?

- ? hate him.
- He's a good guy.

He's not interested in me.
He's just trying to hobble don.

There's no reward
in going down with the ship.

I have an agency.
I'm a partner.

I found him.

He was down at the candy
machines dozed off.

- Can I see her?
- No.

She finally went to sleep.

Why don't you just go back

To the candy machines
and we'll wait?

I'm sorry about that.

The air conditioning guy's
supposed to be there at 8:00.

I guess I'll see you then.

You don't want me to go?

I want you to do
whatever you usually do.

Hey, I don't usually
do anything.

- Really? - Can't you tell
by how badly I'm leaving?

I'm not letting you leave.

What about your air?

You're unbelievable.

I'm sorry.
I'm not usually like this.

- Hello?
- ? just walked out of there.

It's over.

- ? see.
- Since his father got sick,

The board took over.
There's no point in talking to them.

He said
we did good work.

Our clients need
to hear this from us.

I know, Bert.
Don't wait for me.

I'm standing by
Lee's receptionist.

I didn't want to have to pay
for the long-distance call.

Very well then.

Lane Pryce isn't coming back.

That's my guess.

I think they'd
do that in a memo.

I got $5 that says
Cooper's retiring.

No champagne?

I'd say he's got cancer.

It's in bigger print now.

Everyone? ?f we could have
your attention, please?

- Bert.
- Ahem.

"we have called this meeting
of our nearest and dearest"

To let you know
of a change in the agency.

After 30 years
of consummate service,

American tobacco has
reluctantly decided

To consolidate their business

"At batten, Barton,
Durstine & Osborn."

Damn it.

"so what does this mean to you?

Partner, creative director."

Pete Campbell and Ken Cosgrove

Will handle calls to clients.

Those are the only calls
we want made with this news.

Now we've had
a pretty good year.

We've gained more accounts

Than we've lost, a lot more,

Because our work is
thoughtful and effective...

Even lucky strike said so...

Which means that
nothing should change.

Nothing will change.

We're gonna push ourselves
shoulder to shoulder

And we're gonna overcome this
and succeed tenfold

And it will be exhilarating.


As don said,
nothing is going to change.

There's only a
small modification in policy.

out of the ordinary

Must be approved by myself,
Joan Harris or lane Pryce.

That said,

Inquiries as to paychecks
and advances...

- What's going on?
- That's the head of accounting.

What do you think's going on?

Any questions?


Okay. If you want
to talk to me individually,

I'll be in my office.

- What happened?
- We lost lucky strike.


But it sounds like
everything's under control.

I've got to go to a meeting.

Peggy, Freddy, Danny,
Stan... in my office.

We're in some trouble here.

Creative needs to be
on its toes.

Is it a "last hired,
last fired" sort of thing?

You're in this room.
That's all I can say.

Now myself
and the other partners

Will be out there beating the
bushes for new business,

But creative's job is to
hold on to what we have.

That means client's ideas should
seem better than they normally do.

For the next few weeks
the only words you know

- Are "yes, sir."
- Yes, sir.

That means, Stan, you babysit
that Samsonite sh**t every day.

Peggy, the Playtex presentation
is still set for tomorrow.

I'll bring in my notes.
I can prep you in 10 minutes.

No. You're still
gonna do it.

It'll look desperate
if I'm suddenly involved.

- So what about it then?
- Be successful.

I'm not worried.

Okay. Let's skip
the gossip out there.

Get to work.


You're not worried?

I don-t know.
You seem to have everything in hand.

Should I be worried?

We don't even know
how bad this is gonna be

Until lane shows up.

Every time something
good happens,

Something bad happens.
I knew I'd pay for it.

You're not paying for anything.

But I'm counting on you.

Close that, will you?

- Joan Harris.
- Joanie, I'm glad you're there.

I'm so sorry.

I feel so guilty.

It's not your fault.

I need to see you.

I need you to come down here.

I'm not flying to Raleigh.

- When do you get back?
- No, I'm here.

What are you talking about?

Mr. Cooper said
he spoke with you.

He did, but I didn't go.

Damn it, Roger.
Get on a plane.

You're very persuasive
in person.

There's no point.

It's been over for weeks.
Garner was supposed to give me a month.

The bastard
couldn't keep to it.

You knew about it?

I can't believe you.
We could've done something.

Don't yell at me.
You know what it's been like

Walking around with this?
I got a hole in my gut.

What am I supposed to do
with this information?

I'm sorry.

But I need you to know
why I need you to see you.

You should've told me.

Why didn't you tell me?

I kept meaning
to say something.

I thought I still had time.
I don't know.

I should go.
There's a lot of work to do.

Come after work.

I'm at the Statler.

I had to stay away
from midtown.

I'll have to see.

I think my setup is good,

But don always has these
little examples at the end

That explain to the client
how big the idea is.

They're always kind of poetic.

So get don to write it.
We can't lose this.

Since when do we have donuts?

Condemned man always gets
his choice of a last meal.

You know what Pete Campbell
just said to me?

He said if anybody sends
a resume out of here,

- They're gonna get ex*cuted.
- Fellas, we're on an account right now.

Playtex gloves
protect a woman's hands

So they're soft enough to touch

All the things
a woman wants to touch.

All the things?

The exciting things
she wants to feel

With her fingertips.

His lips.

The tuft of hair on his chest.

The small of his back.

I can't imagine don
saying that.

Excuse me.
I have a delivery for Peggy Olson.

- What? - Are you Peggy Olson?
It's c. O.D.

Let me get my purse.

Go ahead without me. I'm gonna
take care of this and then practice.

Am I wrong or is she
giving it off?

it's the last days of Rome.

I was in an agency
that went down.

The women
get sex-crazed.

The energy is very good.

They said they wanted
to revise the media plan,

But I think what they
really wanted was a budget

To see how much of their money
we haven't spent yet.

- Who are we talking about?
- Birds-eye.

Why are we worrying
about existing accounts?

If anything, they're going
to get more attention.

Because they're afraid
we won't be here.

I have news from London.

Pete, wake up.

Lane thinks our billings are probably
around $22 million without lucky,

But he has to look
at everything in person.

When's he coming?

As soon as he can.

David Montgomery's memorial
is tomorrow afternoon.

In case we need cheering up?

The man was senior
vice president of accounts

At the #4 agency.

There's gonna be a lot of
vulnerable clients in attendance.

- ? think Roger knew him.
- Sorry to interrupt.

- ?t's Al Weaver from glo-coat.
- What does he want?

- ? don't know.
- Do you want me on the call?

Didn't you talk
with him this morning?


- Al, how are you?
- Hello, don.

I'm glad I could reach you.
I just wanted to let you know

We appreciate everything
you've done for us,

But we've decided to take the
account in a different direction.

- All right, Al... - ? want you to
know it wasn't an easy decision.

- Now can I talk?
- Sure.

I don't think you understand
what's happened here.

And I'm not talking about
losing lucky strike.

- Lucky strike didn't enter into it.
- Really?

So that has nothing
to do with this?

Don, it's a simple coincidence
that it happened now.

Okay, you're right.
It is bad timing.

How can you blame us
for wanting to move on?

Because that commercial,
that little cowboy kid,

Was the first successful
strategy you've been near

Since you sponsored fibber McGee and Molly.
We won the Clio!

- You won the Clio.
- With work we did for you!

With your direction!

Believe me,
we know how it looks,

But it's just business,
plain and simple.

I'm coming out there.
We're gonna talk about this in person.

I'm sorry, don.
The decision's been made.

I just thought
you should hear it from me.

You know we're gonna want
another shot at this soon.

As long as you're around.

We'll be here.
Don't worry.

Good luck, don.

I hope we can work
together again sometime.

- Okay.
- Goodbye.


What was that?


- Do you want ice?
- No, but I need a favor.

- Make sure I don't overdo it.
- Okay.

How do I... um,
it's hard to tell with you.

Stop me at three.
This is one.

The doctor says they never let
the labor go past two sunsets.

What exactly
is the problem?

Apparently Trudy's
pelvis is too small

And the baby's shoulders
can't get through.

- They should cut it out.
- They don't like to start there.

Go to the hospital.
There's nothing to do here.

- ?t's obviously what matters to you.
- What?

I don't know what the hell you
said to them this morning.

So, Joan, that puts us at what?
20 million and change?

Are you doubting my efforts?

All you had to do was tell
them everything was fine.

You think that call's
easy to make?

I think you're distracted.

Because of that, I think you
scared the shit out of'em.

Who the hell do you think
you're talking to?

Don't blow a gasket.

He called looking for me and my
secretary told him where I was.


That was something else.

There he is...
the man of the hour.

Ted. How considerate
of you to stop by.

I wish the baby
was here already,

But I'm sure everyone
feels that way.

Good news is always
worth waiting for.

Don't let
your vanity get the best of you.

There is nothing wrong
with being called grandma.

It's a rattle.
You can get it engraved.

Ogilvy sent me one
when my son was born.

Thank you.
What do you want, Ted?

No, this is about
what you want.

I mean, you're about
to have everything

The minute that baby comes.

You know your father-in-law
never stops talking about you?

He doesn't know the half of it.

You've brought in a little business
since you went out on your own...

Glo-coat, life cereal,

Sugarberry hams,
Vick chemical obviously,

Mountain dew, Fillmore
auto, birds-eye, ponds?

I didn't do all that by myself.

Pete, as far as I'm concerned,
you're what's missing from c. G.C.

Jim cutler's due to retire.

"Campbell, Gleason & Chaough"?

Has a nice ring to it.

Wouldn't you want
your name first?

I'm open to it if we're
having that discussion.

You'll have
a full voting third.

I'm not don.

It's not the wild West.

We just got Alfa romeo...
little Italian sports car.

I don't know if you've heard of it, but I
think you'll really enjoy driving one.

- ? don't drive.
- ?'ll teach you.

Tom, Jeannie,
my offer still stands.

If you want a hotel room, I can
get you one across the street.

I let you come over

Because you said you needed to talk.
We can talk.

- Joanie, I need you.
- Stop it,

Or we can talk on the phone.

Is that what you sleep in now?

What do you want?
I'm exhausted!

I waited for you at the hotel.

- Why didn't you come?
Are you mad at me? - No.

Roger, I can't do this anymore.

You always say that.

- Then you come back to me because
we belong together. - Don't do that.

I need you right now.

Because I'm a port in a storm?

No. Because I feel like
shit and you care about me.

I'm not a solution
to your problems.

I'm another problem.

Are you serious?

I can't do this anymore.

You'll change your mind.
You'll see.

I'm sorry.

I just can't do this anymore.

So what are you trying to say?


So that night we got mugged,

That was the last time?

Wish I'd known that.

God, I'd think this place
would be packed still.

It's 8:00.

There's only so much we can
pretend like we're doing.

- Are you okay?
- You want something?

I'd rather eat, but that's me.

I'm one over for the day.

See that?

I kissed you and it got quiet.

- How'd it go?
- ?t was...


Clients are running scared.

I'm used to having
my ideas rejected, not me.

How do you do it?

My job is to present facts.

If they're unhappy with the
agency, it's not my problem.

Who's unhappy?

Come on.
Clients are always unhappy.

Like who?

- Are you kidding?
- No.

I'm drowning here.

You know I can't do that.

If a client is unhappy,
they're unhappy.

There's nothing against telling
them to have dinner with me.

If you don't want to, tell me who they are.
I'll call'em out of the blue.

I can't do that.

Sure you can.
Who'll know?

The standard of ethics this
business is low enough.

God knows I've done
some things I'm not proud of,

But those other
agencies pay me.

What about protecting
the clients?

So I'm gonna k*ll my
business to save yours?

It's not your business.
It's Atherton's. This is different.

- This is everything to me.
- ? don't believe this.

You want a shoulder
to cry on, fine.

You want to throw me to the wolves so
you can save your neck, forget it.

- ? would do it for you.
- ? would never ask.

I would never use you like that

Because I know the difference

Between what we have
and this stupid office.

Cosgrove says Playtex just left the hotel.

Thank you.

God, I'm so nervous.

You need to relax.

I can't do this drunk.

I know a technique

That can really take
the nerves away.

I learned it from a yogi.

- Show me.
- Close your eyes.

Take a deep breath.

Fill your lungs
until you can't anymore.

Stick out your stomach.

Now release it in a cool
stream right in my face.

What are you doing?

You said you wanted
to relax, so...

- Let's relax.
- Stan, no.

Oh, come on. You're so horny I
can smell it on your breath.

Stan, knock it off.

Hey, I saw you with
the delivery boy yesterday.

He's my boyfriend.

Oh, come on, baby.
It's the end of the world.

Why do you keep
making me reject you?

I was trying to do you a favor.

Well, thank you.
I'm not anxious anymore.

- Should I get the door? - No.
It didn't get any worse.

What exactly did he say?

He said they were terrified
about the British

Banning cigarette ads from TV
and they need to cut costs.

Maybe it's a good time
to get out of this business.

That's crap.
Sales were up 10%.

You do what you can do.

David Montgomery's memorial
is in 40 minutes

- At the River club.
- David Montgomery died?

Well, there's
your silver lining.

Who the hell
wants to go to that?

We're trying to get
new accounts.

- Remember how to do that?
- You wanna dogpile on me?

Saving that account
was impossible.

Because you ignored it!

One damn account
and you ignored it.

You don't know what you're talking about.
Pete, explain it to him.

You squeezed me
off of it, Roger.

You wanted it all to yourself.

He would have never
let this happen.

But you do what you can
do which is nothing.

Hey. You're the one who dragged
me into your amateur hour.

I was perfectly happy
where I was.

Why did I do it?
Out of friendship.

But now that the account's gone,
I guess that went with it.

Get out of here, all of you.
Go Chase a hearse.

Sorry to interrupt.

Mr. Campbell,
your father-in-law called.

Your wife and your daughter
are resting comfortably.

Just now?

Yes, it happened.
You've got a baby girl.

- Congratulations.
- Good job.

Thank you, Megan.

- Okay, we should get going.
- Let me get my coat.

Where does draper get off?

Lee garner Jr.
Never took you seriously

Because you never
took yourself seriously.

- Are you ready?
- Mmm.

No hard feelings?

None at all.

Everything good?


And so I think
about that night...

Staring out the window
of that Detroit hotel room,

Knowing we were
going home with Buick

And saying to David,

"is this the best thing
we're ever going to do?"

Lynn, it was
your fifth birthday.

The next day when we
were in the airport,

He showed me this pendant he'd
bought the day before downtown.

As he closed the box, he said,

"Crosby, that's the best
thing I'll ever do."

I know it's hard,

But Dave loved you more
than anything, sweetheart.

That's Stu
Carlsbad from Ralston Purina.

He's always ripe.

We have dog food experience.

I've got him.

I don't know
how prepared I am,

But Dave was always
a fan of winging it.

Beth, his beautiful wife.

You were there
before he made partner

And then you gave him to us,

But you know
you and Lynnie

Were always
on his mind.

True story.

We'd been in London
for three months

Trying to nail down
British petroleum.

Never happened.

But once a week he would
drag me to Portobello road

Looking for thimbles
for your collection, Lynn.

Silver thimbles.

And he was an expert.

It's because Playtex
is strong enough

To protect a woman's hands.

Through her fingertips, she
can dry the tears of a child

Or feel the warmth
of her husband's skin.

Playtex protects
a woman's touch.

It's very romantic.
I have to admit

When you first brought it up, I didn't
think that was possible for latex gloves.

These images are
about the moments

After the housework
is over.

They're about
the meaningful life

A woman leads
when work is done.

Well, I feel pretty
good about this.

Peggy, our pleasure.

We're thrilled to get this
in the first try.

Well, I'm gonna let you
get back to the hotel

And then steaks and a show.

That went well.

You have lipstick
all over your teeth.


- Why are you still here?
- ? didn't know if I should leave or not.

- How was the funeral?
- We'll see.

Get me the campaign briefs
on Ken's accounts

And then you can go.

And send Peggy in.

Miss Olson's gone r the night,

- But if you need help...
- Did you do that?

I thought in the end you
wouldn't want to throw it away.

You're wrong.

That commercial was great

And nothing they do
can change that.

I'll take those.

Thank you.
You can go.

You sure you don't
want some help?

This is a little complicated.

That's okay. I'd really like
to learn what goes on here.


Well, first of all,
I think it would help me

From making mistakes with
your work the way I have.

And secondly,

I think I'd like eventually
to do what you do

Or what miss Olson does.

- ? didn't know that.
- Unless you'd rather be alone.

I don't want to be in the way.

I don't mind.

This is a strategy statement

Signed by Fillmore auto parts.

Copywriters stray from
these midstream sometimes

If they have a better idea,

But we can't take
that chance now.

Wouldn't clients
want a better idea?

What'd you like
about the commercial?

You're putting me
on the spot. Um...

I know it's a floor wax, but I
really remember that feeling

Of being a little kid

And feeling like I was being punished
when my mother cleaned the house.

- Where are you from?
- Montreal.

We didn't have glo-coat.

- Why'd you move here?
- Well, first of all, it's New York.

For an artist, it's mecca.

You're an artist?

I wouldn't say I'm an artist.

I'm an artistic person.
I majored in literature

And I've dabbled
in writing and painting

And a little bit of acting.

What are you laughing about?

Because I just realized

I know everything about you.

I mean, you're in
my head all day,

Even when I go home.
And you don't know anything about me.

Well, you haven't
been here that long.

And you don't know
how long I will be,

So why get to know me?

I can see that's what
everybody must think.

You judge people on their work.

I'm the same way.

Everything else is sentimental.

- You want one?
- How many is that?


I know you're angry, but
I hope you're not afraid

Because you will
get through this.

You don't know that.

Why do you care what I think?

Megan, I don't think
this is a good idea.

This has nothing
to do with work.

I can't make
any mistakes right now.

Let's be clear.

I'm not gonna run out of
here crying tomorrow.

I just want you right now.

Where are you going?

I'm exhausted.

How was your day?


I know how to make it better.

I'm really tired.

Sit down.

What'd you buy?


Look at it.

Sign it.

"to my loving wife."

I'm so proud of you.

You should go first.
Actually, I should go first.

Do you want to grab a bite?

I want you to go home

And I want you to sleep.

And I don't want you
drinking any more tonight.

Wait. Did you want
to go first?

Good night, Mr. Draper.

Didn't expect to see you here.

I was gonna call,

But I didn't want
to do this over the phone.

So you were gonna write it
on an envelope.

Can I come inside?

I got you a meeting with Heinz.

It's vinegar, sauces and beans.

They're at Ketchum Macleod
and they're restless.

- Faye.
- ? thought about what you said,

I thought about you...

And I thought about... whatever.
You are my life right now.

You didn't have to do this.

I wanted to.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Do you wanna stay?

I'll probably
fall asleep on you.

Just sit with me.

welcome to my world

won't you come on in?

miracles, I guess

still happen now and then

step into my heart