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04x10 - Hands and Knees

Posted: 08/22/21 10:36
by bunniefuu
I need to speak with you.

Away from the neighbors?


So, here we are.

Weeks later, man out of town.

Well, I know you, Red.
This is the tenderloin of your distress.

I'm late.

-I'm very late.


-I thought you should know.

He's been gone for seven weeks.
It can't be his.

-Are you sure?
-There hasn't been anyone else.

No, no, are you sure you're...

You know,
are you sure that's what's going on?

Have you had a rabbit test?

I can't go to my doctor.

Hey, look at me.

You're overreacting. One step at a time.

Let me take care of this.

I'm really sorry.

These things happen, right?

Will you stop being so upset?

Very well, then. I'll wait on your word.

Buck up. It's gonna be fine.

Get me an outside line.

-Francis residence.
-it's me. Has Sally left for camp yet?

-Can I speak with her?

You can try.

Sally, come in here!

Your father is on the phone.

Talk to him.

-I missed you this weekend.

And I have a big surprise for you.

Can you keep a secret?

Do you think your friends
are going to be jealous

when they find out
that you're going to see The Beatles

on Sunday at Shea Stadium?

-You heard me.

Hello? Sally?

What's going on?

I'm gonna need her Sunday.
We're going to see The Beatles.

Oh, my goodness. Sally, say thank you.

Thank you, Daddy.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.

You can't be mad at me if I wear earplugs.

I won't. I promise.

Okay, see you Sunday.

You have a guest in reception.

I'm on my way.


Lane, you're looking well.

This is unexpected.

Have you brought Nigel?

No, I haven't.

Good morning, Lane.
That's quite a reception.

John Gibbons, George Casey,
this is Robert Pryce, my father.


-Laura will show you inside.
-Pleasure to meet you.

I'm here to bring you home.

This was not the arrangement.

Rebecca doesn't want to see you
unless you're in London.

But Nigel does.

I'm here to bring you home.

I'll be at the Warwick until Friday.
That should be ample time.

Well, there's no reason to stay, then.

Well, I suppose we should at least
dine together.

Have you plans for this evening?

I do now.

I guess we're just a little confused about
what it is we're selling.

Senator Murphy would be appreciative

if voters were very aware of
the hundreds of millions of dollars

he's brought to California.

North American Aviation
is a friend of Anaheim.

Pork is only half of it.

The guidance and control systems
in the Minuteman II

have significant civilian potential.

United, TWA, American,
they're gonna want this.

So you never have to say
the word "b*mb," right?

That's good.

Gentlemen. Don't get up.

How would you feel about avoiding
the idea of defense altogether?

If you think that's best.

We'd prefer something
more comprehensive, though.

Defense, cutting-edge technology
and, of course, the Moon.

We've got a 60% bump
in our advertising budget to $4 million.

I assume this means television.

We're taking this very seriously.

And so are we.

We see this as the beginning of a new era

in the relationship
between North American Aviation,

and Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce.

There'll be fewer black bars
as the process moves forward.

-Gibby. George.

-Good to see you both again.

I should get on a plane
to the coast immediately.

Why? I thought we were talking about
Meet the Press.

I don't see Minuteman missiles
breaking up the Hillbillies.

I have to go anyway.

Give me those tickets
before you go anywhere.

Don't worry. They're coming.

I'm not worried. Not in the slightest.

My father has come to visit.

I wonder if you might
join us for dinner this evening.

I may have plans.

I'd consider it a personal favor.

So how long is your visit?

Too short.

So, Father,
how have you found your accommodations?

Adequate, sixth floor.

Father likes a view.

I was quite impressed with your office.

I think the view's better here.

Hello, gentlemen. I'm your bunny, Judy.
May I see your key, please?

Lane Pryce.

Are you the keyholder
or is this a borrowed key?

I am the keyholder.

May I take your cocktail order, Mr. Pryce?

Three whiskey sours would do.

She's asking what you want,
not how many you've had.

I'll have a nice bourbon.

Whiskey sour sounds good.

And, Judy,

could you see if
that lovely creature could drop by?

Of course.

So what's your line, Robert?

Carrington Surgical, but I retired.

Father was a salesman.

And, therefore, no stranger to
places such as these.

Hello. How are you gentlemen this evening?

Quite good, thank you.

Toni, I'd like to introduce you
to some special guests of mine.

My father Robert and my colleague Don.

I tried to get us booked in your section,
but it seems you're very popular.

Mr. Pryce.

I hope you gentlemen enjoy
your evening with us,

and let me know if there's anything I can do.

We will.

She's the finest waitress-

I'd be partial to anyone
who brings us our drinks.

Hello, may I help you?

-Is this the Francis home?
-It is.

I'm special Agent Norris
and this is special Agent Landingham

from the Department of Defense.
May we come in?

What is this regarding?

I promise there's no reason to be alarmed.

I... Well, I don't know what this is regarding,

but I'm sure you'd rather
speak with my husband,

and he's not home, obviously.

We need to speak with you.

Your ex-husband
Donald Draper has requested

security clearance regarding business with
the United States Government,

and it's our job to confirm his application.

It's a routine background check, so,
you see, there's no reason to be nervous.

No, of course.

Do you mind if I get my cigarettes?

Of course not.

So, Mrs. Francis, you were married to
Donald Draper for how long?

Eleven years.

And, in general, would you describe him
as a man of integrity?

We divorced. We obviously had differences.

No, of course.

Do you recall any of the magazines
or newspapers

Mr. Draper read when you were married?

Anything that struck you as radical
or subversive in nature?

No. He read, but mostly for work.

Did he belong to any clubs
or organizations?

New York Athletic Club.

Would you describe him as loyal?

Excuse me?

By that, we mean
anything that might have given you

doubts about Mr. Draper's
allegiance to the United States.

Any possible ties or sympathies to
the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

No, nothing like that.

So, do you have any reason to believe
Mr. Draper isn't who he says he is?

What was that? I'm sorry.

It's a standard question.
I know it sounds funny.


It's Mrs. Francis. Are you in?

I'll take it. And, Megan,
can you check on those tickets?

Of course.

-I just spent 40 minutes

-with two men from the government.

Couldn't you have at least
given me some warning?

Betts, I don't know
what you're talking about.

Well, you applied for
some security clearance,

and they need to know all about you
and I've been through hell, Don.

I'm sick to my stomach.

Hold on.

-What exactly happened?

Who were they?

Two men from the Defense Department,

and they asked me all kinds
of questions about you.

-About what?
-I don't remember everything.

Your military service, your politics,
your loyalty, your name.

And what did you say?

What do you think I said? Nothing.

Hello? Are you there?

I'm sorry. I...


I didn't know anything about this.

I don't know if
I should even be talking on the phone.

Of course you should.

There's no problem with any of that.

You know,
my husband works for the governor.

You should've told me they were coming.

You're right.
I'm sorry for inconveniencing you.

Okay. Well, goodbye, then.


Thank you.

Megan, have I been contacted by
the Department of Defense?

Yes, of course. There was a form.

-I filled it out, you signed it.

Two weeks ago. I have it.
Did you want to change something?

-I never looked at it.
-But you signed it.

Why didn't you tell me what it was?

It's standard information.
It's in your employment records.

Just your name, Social Security number,
marital status.

This is very serious, Megan.
I should have been consulted.

We have a contact number.

I'm sure you can change
anything you need to.

Oh, God, I'm so embarrassed.

You're right. You're absolutely right.

If you want to fire me,
I'd understand completely.

Is Mr. Campbell still at lunch?

-Let me know the minute he returns.


-How did you get in here?
-I paid someone.

Nigel didn't come. He's not coming.

I'm sorry, baby,
but you can't do what you're doing,

and you can't do what you did last night.

-You're gonna cost me my job.
-I know. I know.

I apologize.

You know that I love you,

my chocolate bunny.

Stop it.

I love you, too.

I just wanted Father to meet you.

Well, that was a silly way to do it.

And I don't know why
you're asking for trouble.

No. You're in my life.

I want him to know why I'm staying.

Why do you have to be so damn dashing?

I'll ring you.

What kind of man are you?

You've used this woman,
and you've ruined her.

Hold on a second...

A man of your age,
only slightly younger than myself,

that you could behave
with such selfishness, such irresponsibility.

We came here for your discretion,
not your judgment.

I know why you came here.

There's a good man, he's not in the city.

He has a practice in Morristown. It's $400.


I don't want it in my handwriting.

Shut the door.

Were you aware that
we applied for a security clearance

to the Department of Defense?

Did that go through already?


They interviewed Betty. G-men.

Why did you fill out the form?

Megan did.

And I signed it without looking,
because that's what I do.

What did Betty say?
You've been fine this long.

There's three lies in eight questions here.

If they talk to his family, he was an engineer.
My age is wrong.

Jesus. I didn't even think about it.

I remember you mentioned once.

Don't you have a friend there?

And what's he supposed to do?

Stop it. k*ll it.
At least find out how far it's gone.

Calm down. Let me think.

Look, this isn't your problem.
I just want some warning.

Why? What are you gonna do?

Whatever I have to.

You can run the agency without me.

Are you kidding me?

I'll look into it. Immediately. Okay?

I hate this.

Not that I would change anything,
but I hate that it happened.

You know, not the first part, but this.

I understand.

Don't you feel the same way?
I mean, what if this is a sign?

I haven't stopped thinking about you.

Maybe I'm in love with you.

So you want to keep it?

No, of course not, but it's just...

I mean, if there's going to be
something between us,

I don't want it to start this way.

Do you? With a scandal?

I see.

But I guess you could keep it.

I mean, when he comes home,
who's gonna know the difference?

Lots of Gls came home to a little surprise.
No one did the math.

It wouldn't be my child.
Let's make that clear.

I mean, if he comes home.


-Greg dying is not a solution to this.
-Okay, okay.

I'm desperate.

I'm just trying to think of
what's best for you.

I'm going to take care of it.

Well... Whatever you want.

I'll take care of it, obviously.


And I don't want you to come.

You sure? At least let me drive you.

We shouldn't be seen together.

I don't need you to come.

Look, I'm sorry I missed dinner.

It's fine, Henry. I know that you're working.

Don't say it like that.

I'm just tired. it's late.

I have to tell you something.

Two men came from the FBI today.


They interviewed me for 45 minutes
about Don.


Some kind of security clearance.


Well, that's what they do.

Is that what you're upset about?

Please don't make me feel silly.

I didn't know if
I was allowed to say anything.

You can always tell me.

And if everything goes as I hope,

one day you may be
talking to those people on my behalf.

I just wanted you to know they were here,

because I don't...

Well, I don't want any secrets.


I've got it.

Take the next one.

He's looking into it.

How many people does he have to talk to?

If you're asking
if he knows how to keep a secret,

he works for the Department of Defense.

But he talks to you?

It's going to be okay.
I was thinking about this,

and I know it'll be uncomfortable,
but if we have to, we can ride it out.

-Are you crazy?
-This many years later?

It must be past the statute of limitations.

It's desertion.

There's no statute of limitations.

I thought nobody cared about these things.

What am I supposed to do?

I don't know. You've been doing it for years.

I don't have to live
with your shit over my head.

You know, I signed this account
after you disappeared in California.

It's taken three years,
but I've grown it from cocktails to $4 million.

Get rid of it.

Good morning. Mr. Keller is here.
Would you like some coffee?

No, thank you.

I appreciate you seeing me
on such short notice.

Well, you said you couldn't
discuss it over the phone,

so I assume it's serious.


I'm interested in setting up
some kind of trust for my kids.

Well, starting from when?
Eighteen years old? Twenty-one years old?


And I want it to be the kind of account
their mother can access.

Don, why would she need anything?


if circumstances conspire,

she'll know why.

I don't like this. I don't like this at all.

An emergency meeting and... I'll be honest.
You seem very edgy.

-What's going on?

It just ran through my mind that
maybe I'm not prepared.

I know this has been hard on you,
the divorce, but don't go spinning.

Everybody has bad dreams
every once in a while.

The wound is still fresh. It'll heal in time.

Just tell me that you'll do that,
and I'll sleep better.

Okay, but I'll tell you,
I don't like hearing that tone in your voice.

Don't worry. I'm fine.

Now, please tell me
you're shtupping that girl out there.


Are you sure you don't want me to come in?

Are you all right?


I'm sure I will be in a minute.

She's 17 years old. What do I say to her?

I had her when I was 15, and I don't regret it,

but she seems so much younger.

She's very beautiful.

Thank you.

She is.

I'm sorry.

There's no one to talk to.

I understand.

Thank you for being so sweet.

How old is your daughter?

I'm sorry. I shouldn't pry.


Dr. Miller is here to see you.

Send her in.

I owe you a phone call, don't I?

Yes, you do.

Are you all right? What happened?

I've been snowed under. I should've called.
I should've called today. I have to cancel.

You look sick.

-You have a fever.
-Yeah, I haven't been feeling well.

-Let me take you home.
-I'll be fine.

Come on, get your coat.

This pretty young thing,
she didn't know which way to turn

with my father on one end of the hall
and my uncle on the other.

Should've tried that move at Gettysburg.

My grandpa fought in the Civil w*r.

Really? Where did he surrender?

He never surrendered.

That man could turn
going to the shitter into a parade.

-What are you doing?
-I'm getting this.

Why would you do that?

Sometimes a fella's gotta pick up the check.

Since when?

You know that I like you, Roger.
Hell, you're a genuine character.

I'm sorry. That's the long and the short of it.

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

It's over.

I'm sorry.

Are you kidding me?

Are you trying to k*ll me? Is that your plan?

If you want to put us through our paces,

we will shake heaven and earth for you.
You know that.

Just tell me it's for show beforehand,
because, I swear, you're going to k*ll me.

Roger, it wasn't my decision.

Since Daddy's incapacitation,

the board has been more aggressive,

and that's never been my bailiwick.
You know that.

But they want to consolidate everything.
One agency, one rate,

all the ad work, all the brands.

So fine, let's.... You know what?

Get Draper in a room with them.
Where do they want to go?

Where do you think? BBDO.

You think you'll get the kind of attention
you get at Sterling Cooper?

Well, you're not Sterling Cooper anymore.

That's right.
We're better, and We're devoted to you.

Oh, hell. I don't want you to think
this is for cause. There's no reason.

There's nothing you can do.
Nothing you could do.

It's just the way it is.

Wait. This is not happening.

You don't just end business with people
after 25... 30 years!

We're family.

I invited you to my daughter's wedding.

I don't know
why you didn't get the invitation.

You should fire your secretary
is what you should do,

not fire your agency!

We're dead. You know that.

The question is when?

We're gonna call for the files on Monday.

No, you can't do that. I'm begging you.

You can't do that.
You've gotta give me some time.

I told you, Roger. It's done.

You're not gonna win these fellas over.

-Give me 30 days.
-What's that gonna do?

After all the lies I've told for you,
you owe me that!

I don't owe you squat.

You inherited this account.

Thirty days.

Keep it under your hat.

Give me a chance to get our affairs in order.

I'm begging you.

Okay. I can do that.

Thank you.

No hard feelings.

-Excuse me.

I'm really sorry.
We're looking for the Vernons.

I don't know them.

-Is this 110 Waverly?

What'd I tell you? Sorry about that.

-Are you all right?

I'm gonna get you a glass of water.
Sit down.

Are you all right?

I think I'm having a heart attack.

Are you in pain? Is it in your chest?

No, but I can't breathe.

Stop it. Please, don't touch me.

If there's no pain,
you're not having a heart attack.

You're not a real doctor.

My father has a heart condition.
I've been through this, okay?

You should go.

I'm not going anywhere.
I'm not leaving you like this.

-Good evening.
-Good evening, Father. Do come in.

Father, come with me.
I'd like you to meet someone.

Properly this time.

Toni Charles, this is my father Robert Pryce.

-How do you do?
-A pleasure to meet you again.

How are you Ending the city?
Are you enjoying yourself?

I am.

Very well, then. What do you say
we all head to dinner and get acquainted?

As delightful as that sounds,
I'm afraid I'm traveling tomorrow.

I'm terribly sorry.

Well, that's too bad.

But please, go on ahead.
I don't want to ruin your evening.

Well, of course.

Toni, why don't you run along ahead,
and I'll join you in a bit?

Don't want to lose our reservation.

Well, it was a pleasure to meet you.
Lane said so many nice things about you.


I'll be right along, darling.

Come along. Out with it.

I see your face.

Are you more distraught that
I found someone I love,

or that she's a n*gro?

You're coming home, Lane.

I'm afraid I've moved on!

Put your home in order.

Either there, or here.

You will not live in between.

What was that?


What was that?

Yes, sir.

Darling, what's wrong?

I can't tell you.

Peter, look at me.

Is there something I should know?

Trudy, no. it's nothing to do with you.
Come here.

You should talk to me. You'll feel better.

How is it that
some people just walk through life,

dragging their lies with them,
destroying everything they touch?

-Who are you talking about?
-I loathe it.

No one ever knows.

Except the honest people
who have to pick up the pieces.

I don't know what you're talking about,

and I want to.

No, you don't.

And I don't want you to.

You can tell me anything.

What was that?

Just a kick. He's turning over. Feel.

Just remember, everything's good here.

No, we don't go to East Hampton anymore.
We go to Southampton.

It's a rental, but it's a beaut.

So listen, it's been wonderful catching up,

but I have to admit
I'm calling for Larry, actually.



God, I'm so sorry to hear that.

When did that happen?

I mean,

when did he go?

I mean, what happened?

Louise, I'm so sorry.

I obviously didn't know.
I must've been out of town.

Do you want something to help you sleep?
I might have a Valium.

Why didn't you tell me that two hours ago?

I don't know. I just thought of it.
I never take them.

Thank you for staying.

I don't know what happened.

I think you do.

Those men,

who did you think they were?

I'm so tired.

Please, tell me what's wrong.

It's me.

I'm tired of running.

Running from what?

In Korea, I was wounded,

but this other man was k*lled,
and they mixed us up.

I wanted them to.

And I

just kept living

as him.

Oh, my goodness.


But, now, I think that's over.

What happened?

North American Aviation
told the government

they need to know who I am.

What are you gonna do?

There's nothing to do.

Well, can't you get a lawyer?

You were a kid.

Turn yourself in,
have someone plead for clemency.

It's not that simple.

There are things you can do.

I shouldn't have told you,

but I'm just so damn tired of all of it.


I'm glad you told me.

I don't want to talk at the office,
and I don't want to talk over the phone.

Come in.

I spoke to Russ,

and you haven't been flagged.

And if we end things with NAA,
the investigation will stop where it is.

Thank God.

So I walk away from $4 million,

and I just keep this to myself, because why?

Because you can't live in the open?

You don't know any other way.

I come here unannounced and
there's another thing I don't want to know.

Tell NAA we want Martin Marietta or Hughes.

And what do I tell the partners?

I called your house a hundred times
last night.

I'm fine. Everything went fine.

Should you even be here?
Should you be on your feet?


Oh, God. I wish I could hold you right now.

It's okay. I feel good.

I feel awful.

We avoided a tragedy.

What? Yeah.

We have a partners meeting.

Christ. Really?

Come on. Life goes on.

You're so beautiful.


Let me call to order
a meeting of the partners. In attendance...

Get on with it.

I don't know how to explain it,
but I have some serious news.

North American Aviation is moving on.

What happened?

There was a misunderstanding.
Some names were left off of a document.

A General was insulted.
I apologized, but the damage was done.

Well, that's just great.

What General?

Unfortunately, this is irreparable.

How can that be?

Because I didn't pay enough attention.

That's your only damn job.

I swear, when I think
what we're trying to do here,

when all you had to do
is hold their hands and jerk 'em off.

Is that so hard to do, Campbell?

We have to come in here and
have this catastrophe dropped into our lap

because you don't know
what the hell you're doing,

-because you f*cked up!


That's the business we're in,
accounts come in, accounts go out.

Roger, I think you should apologize.

I'm sorry.

I have an announcement.

I'm going to be taking a leave of absence.
Two weeks, perhaps a month,

to return to London and tend to my family.

I shall be reachable by telex and telephone.

And I can say with full confidence
that the company is in a state of stability,

even with this morning's news.

And all matters financial
may be referred to Mrs. Harris.

Very well, then.

I'm sorry.

Is there more business?

Shall we go down
the current status of accounts?

Lucky Strike?

Vick Chemical?

Send her in.

How are you?

I didn't expect you to stop by.

Stop it. I've been worried.

I'm fine. Everything's fine.

Let's get something to eat.

I think I'd better be on my own tonight.

Why don't we see each other tomorrow?


We'll figure out what to do. I promise.

We'll see.

Mn Draper?

-Saturday night?

Very good, then. You can
call me with the details. Good night.

Good night.

I Know I messed so many things up and I...

Well, I got Mr. Crane to get these sent over.

It's The Beatles tickets.
I thought you'd want them right away.

Yes. Thank you.

You see? Everything worked out.

Yes. Thank you.

I hope it's okay, but it's almost 8:00.
Do you need me?

No. You can go.

Thank you.