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03x12 - The Grown Ups

Posted: 08/20/21 19:59
by bunniefuu
Mr. Campbell.
Mr. Campbell.

I got your hot cocoa.


I just got back from lunch,
and Mr. Pryce wants to see you.

- It's instant.
- It's from the diner.

I don't know how you can tell.

You can tell because
they use water instead of milk.

It's warmer outside. It's ridiculous.

The building will take care of it.
They always do.

Sorry about that.
This really is hitting the spot.

Come in.

Have a seat.

I believe I have
what is rather disappointing news.

It's been decided that Mr. Cosgrove

will be made senior vice president
in charge of account services,

and you will be made
head of account management.


This is not to ignore
that you've distinguished yourself

and been of great service to the company.

What is it based on?
Our billings are neck and neck.

In fact, I think I've done a lot with
what I was given in this arbitrary scheme.

It's become apparent

that you are excellent at making the clients
feel their needs are being met,

but Mr. Cosgrove has the rare gift
of making them feel

as if they haven't any needs.

- I see.
- I improved your title.

And you tell your clients
there'll be no need to be deprecating.

- Bert and Roger know about this?
- This is under my authority.

And I have to commend you
on taking it as well as you have.

- I hope this was a difficult decision.
- It was.

There you go.

- Where are you going?
- I don't feel well.

Why did you pick that place?

I don't know why a lunch counter
is any better than eating at your desk.

Well, you could've joined me for a drink.

I can drink at my desk if I want to,
and I'm not out $1.25.

I'm sorry I'm not as stimulating
a lunch companion as Doug.

- It's Duck, and I work most lunches.
- Well, I don't like his aftershave.

I can smell it on you, and I can smell it
in the bathroom in the morning.

What's wrong with him?

Nothing. I don't even know
why I'm weighing in on men right now.

I think it's good
that you're being picky, finally.

Well, there's nothing around
but married ones.

I mean, we can't all
throw caution to the wind.

But Duck's not married.

Then why are you with him?

- Well, this is me. You working late tonight?
- I don't know yet.

- Okay.
- Bye.

Wow. Van Cleef.
How very Jane Siegel-Sterling.

- They're blue and they're new.
- She's trying.

You always take her side.

I do not.

She started giving me advice.

"Don't go to bed angry.
Let them do what they want.

"Dress sexy. "

And all I kept thinking about was Daddy.
It's disgusting.

Doesn't she know that?
That she ruined my life?

Your father had a part in it.

You don't think I know that?

- Brooks is different than your father.
- I don't want to get married.

Everything's pointing to the fact
that I shouldn't, and everybody knows.

Brooks knows. His mother knows.
Do you know what she said to me?

She said in India, if the wedding
doesn't take place at the appointed hour,

they burn the bride.

Just because she went to India
doesn't mean she's not an idiot.

And Jane. If she's coming,

I'm not going.

She's coming, because your father's coming
and he paid for everything.

You're having the wedding.
The bride will not be burned.

Turn those earrings
into a tea service or something.

- Aren't you listening to me?
- I am,

and you're babbling like a little fool.
Go to your room.

- What?
- You heard me.

You want to act like a child,
I'll treat you like one.

Would somebody get that?

- Hello?
- Daddy?

Are you alone?

- Yes, what's wrong?
- Nothing's right.

My bridesmaids are supposed to give me
something blue and something new.

- Or Mommy. She should know that.
- Who?

I don't like her, Daddy, and I've told you
I don't want her to be there.

- Honey, put your mother on the phone.
- He wants to talk to you.

You have to keep Jane under control.

Well, first of all, tell the bride
that everything is copacetic.

We both agree that she's nuts
and she should shut up.

Your father said that he's sorry
and that Jane will stay out of your way

- and that we're both tired of the drama.
- He said all that?

I'm not playing chicken anymore.
If she wants to cancel the wedding,

I'll take the deposit out of her inheritance.

- He said the wedding's off.
- Fine.

You mean that?
You're not worried about India?

- Why are you doing this?
- Do you want to cancel it or not?


Then go eat something.
I'm not taking that dress in again.

Why did Jane get her
such an expensive gift?

I didn't even know they saw each other.

- Of course you didn't.
- I forbid it.

- Can't wait to get her out of here.
- Everything okay?



Jane! Get in here, now.

- I didn't know you were home.
- I overdid it at lunch,

as did you, I heard.

I'm sorry, sweetheart.
I just wanted to make amends.

I got her a beautiful present.

Why the hell are you even talking to her?
You're screwing things up!

I'm tired of the awkwardness,
and I'm trying to be nice.

And I don't know
what kind of world you live in,

- but I am the good person here.
- You're not good,

because you didn't listen to me
and you really upset her.

Everything you do is for her.

I'm your wife.

And guess what?
I live here and I get to do what I want to do,

so stop trying to tell me
that you know better.

- You'd better not have locked that door.
- Go away!

Or what? You'll commit su1c1de?

- Peter, what are you doing home?
- I got fired.

What happened?

Lane told me Kenny is senior something
of something accounts and I'm not.

I'm account something.

I couldn't even hear him.
All I saw was his frog-like mouth flapping.

- So, did he ask you to leave?
- No.

I have to ask this,
but did you lose your temper?

No, I didn't.

That's good. That's very good.

Do you remember if he said anything
about how much they want you to stay?

- No.
- That's good, too. So it didn't come up.

Trudy, stop it with the Ellery Queen.

- I'm going to call Duck.
- No, you're not.

They would have fired you
if they wanted to fire you.

You need to wait and see how it goes.

He basically said I care too much
about my clients and they notice it.

How could that be bad?

Peter, you hold all the cards.

It's going to be fine.

I thought you'd left.

- I'm here.
- I see.

- Well, thank you.
- I've done it before.

Go back to bed.

- Do you want anything?
- No. I'll be in, in a bit.

- It's got to be 100 degrees in here.
- You ask the building for heat, you get heat.

Mr. Herman on line one.

- Hello? Can you give me a minute?
- No.

I'm right around the corner
at the Elys?e, room 531.

- I'm in the middle of something.
- Pee wee, sweetheart, it's been three weeks.

You can get room service. I think they have
a Monte Cristo sandwich. You love that.

I'm having lunch with Kurt and Smitty.

They're a couple of h*m*.
Tell them you have plans.

- It's kind of short notice.
- Come on, Creative, be creative.

I have to go to the printer.

- I know a nooner when I hear one.
- You're disgusting.

No, Bob did.


I was hoping to catch you
on your way to lunch.

Too late.

- I must say I'm surprised.
- Frankly, I was a little suspicious...

I found out yesterday that head of accounts
is going to Kenny and his haircut.

- I heard.
- This is the first time he's invited her here...

- Can you turn that off?
- Not really.

Did you ask him why he invited her?

He said something about not wanting her
to actually have to get involved.

- Were you consulted?
- After the fact.

- What does it mean?
- It's not good.

I know it's not good.
There's no future for me here.

- How did you do it? You made your job up.
- I didn't.

I looked at other agencies
and saw that they had TV departments

and wondered why we didn't.

Well, there's no such thing
in the accounts field.

- There's marketing.
- That's a research job.

- Is this official?
- Yes.

I'm afraid we can't hire Mr. Charcot.

Well, at least you had the guts
to send me a memo.

- He's far too expensive.
- Salvatore Romano is gone.

There is no one in charge
of the art department.

I haven't heard a complaint
from any of the clients.

- Jesus! It's hotter in here than in my office.
- That's because you're overexcited.

Do you want me to walk you through
a delivery schedule?

This is Walter Cronkite in our newsroom,

and there has been an attempt,
as perhaps you know now,

on the life of President Kennedy.

He was wounded in an automobile driving
from Dallas Airport into downtown Dallas

along with Governor Connally of Texas.

They've been taken
to Parkland Hospital there,

where their condition is as yet...

My God, how much
have you been smoking in here?

Sorry about that.

- I'm glad you ran over.
- Me too.

I don't understand. I can't run
my department without an art director.

- You want to call Saint John?
- Bert Cooper still has a say around here.

Hello. What?

If they wanted to fire you,
they would've fired you.

I'm gonna die at this desk, unnoticed.

Do you have any idea
what I've done for this company?

- What are you doing?
- Christ!

- Somebody shot the president.
- Turn on the TV.

What? of the president's car was down.

They drew their pistols,
but the damage was done.

- Oh, my God. Unbelievable.
- The president was slumped over

in the backseat of the car, face down,

then Governor Connally,
after slumping to the left for a moment,

lay on the floor of the rear seats.

- Oh, my God.
- Dear God.

Is he dead?

What the hell is going on?

Every person listening at this moment
has flashed back to that day in April, 1945,

when Franklin Delano Roosevelt...

Excuse me, Chet, here is a flash
from the Associated Press, dateline Dallas.

Two priests
who were with President Kennedy

say he is dead of b*llet wounds.

There is no further confirmation,
but this is what we have on a flash basis...

- Is he okay?
- They just said he died.

Two priests in Dallas
who were with President Kennedy

say he is dead of b*llet wounds.

- Oh, lord.
- There is no further confirmation.

This is the only word we have indicating
the president may, in fact, have lost his life.

It has just moved
on the Associated Press wires from Dallas.

The two priests were called to the hospital
to administer the last rites...

- Oh, my goodness.
... of the Roman Catholic Church,

- and it is from them we get the word...
- I know.

...that the president has died,

that the b*llet wounds inflicted on him
as he rode in a motorcade

through downtown Dallas have been fatal.

We would remind you there is no official
confirmation of this from any source as yet.

Bill, just moments before
you brought the flash,

I had word from the hospital

that the vice president, Lyndon Johnson,
and his wife had just left the hospital,

been rushed away into a...

Did you give me a hickey?

- I don't think so.
- I told you I don't like that.

I get questions from my mother.

Listen, there was a news story
that was on right before you came in.

- It's been distracting me.
- You didn't seem distracted.

- I just want to see what's going on.
- What's going on?

Because it was only on October the 24th
that our ambassador to the United Nations,

Adlai Stevenson, was assaulted in Dallas
leaving a dinner meeting there.

From Dallas, Texas,
the flash, apparently official,

President Kennedy died at 1:00 p. m.
Central Standard Time,

2:00 Eastern Standard Time...

- Jesus.
- Oh, my God.

...some 38 minutes ago.
- What happened?

Vice President Lyndon Johnson
has left the hospital in Dallas.

- I've gotta call my kids.
- We do not know

to where he has proceeded.

Presumably, he will be taking
the oath of office shortly

and become
the 36th President of the United...

President Johnson is under heavy guard
and was whisked away from the hospital...

It's ruined.

- President Kennedy, we are now informed...
- It's all ruined.

It's gonna be ruined.

...five-year-old boy and myself

were by ourselves on the grass there
on Palmer Street,

- and I asked Joe to wave to him...
- Betts?

...and Joe waved and I waved,
and the man...

That's all right, sir. Go ahead and tell it.

As he was waving back, he was...
The shot rang out, and he slumped down...

- Where's your mother?
- She's not feeling well.

He was slumping down and the second
shot went off and just knocked him down.

- I can't stop crying.
- No, sir, I did not see the man who did it.

All I did was look in the man's face
when he was shot there...

Why are the kids watching this?

What am I supposed to do, Don?
Am I supposed to keep it from them?

...that it hit him and he went
all the way down in the car.

Take a pill and lie down.
I can handle the kids.

...fell on him in hopes
that there wasn't a maniac around.

I'm sorry, I can't help you more,
but I won't forget it.

- Turn this off. I'll make us some dinner.
- A Polaroid picture

taken by another witness,
Mary Moorman of Dallas,

showing the president
slumped over in the car.

Just as Mary started to take the picture,
the president came right even with us,

- two sh*ts... We looked at him...
- You two, look at me.

Two sh*ts rang out
and he grabbed his chest.

Everything's gonna be okay.

...on his face and fell across,
towards Jackie...

- We have a new president...
- And she...

...and we're all gonna be sad for a little bit.
... fell over on him

and said, "My God, he's shot!"

And then on Monday
there's gonna be a funeral.

Are we going to the funeral?

...more sh*ts rang out, but by that time
the motorcade had sped away.

What prompted you to take the picture
at that particular instance?

Well, that's the only chance I had.

For the nation and the world,

Mrs. Rockefeller and I
join with all New Yorkers

and every American in extending heartfelt...

...chapter of the Fair Play for Cuba,
a pro-Castro organization,

where he had been arrested
on disturbance of the peace charges.

He denied he was a communist,
said he was a Marxist,

and claimed there was quite a difference
between the two.

Police in Dallas have just announced...

- You should get ready. It's almost 2:00.
- Really, Don?

...has gunpowder traces on both hands,
indicating he'd recently used a r*fle,

the type of w*apon
that k*lled Mr. Kennedy yesterday.

As we told you a short time ago,
Oswald has refused...

He's 24 years old.

In Washington,
the body of the late president

lies in the East Room of the White House...

- Come on, Betts.
... as official Washington and members of...

Are you sure they haven't canceled it?
It said in The Times they were doing that.

I'm not gonna call Roger to find out.

If we go in and it's off,
we'll grab dinner or something.

...third-floor living quarters
of the White House...

- I can't sit in front of the TV all day.
- Fine.

...ailing Mr. Kennedy stricken by a stroke
two years ago...

Just stay here until Carla comes.

...greatly, increasingly failing health
for the last...

After the terrible news had reached us,

- 60,000 Berliners...
- Can you see bags?

- I don't understand this. Here we are.
... gathered with torches in their hands.

Lyndon Johnson, more of the same.

Nobody voted for him. It felt for a second
like everything was about to change.

You should get your coat and your scarf.
I know it's far, but I really feel like walking.

Why are we going?

Because it's your boss's
daughter's wedding.

It's business, Pete, and there's a system.
You always say that.

It's one thing to go to this wedding
and act like I don't hate them.

It's another thing to go and act
like the president hasn't been m*rder*d.

Maybe they'll cancel it,
but we have to show. the White House today and tomorrow.

Though it is known
that they have lost their best...

- Have you been drinking?
- The whole country's drinking,

and not to celebrate
some spoiled brat's wedding.

We are mourning together with his widow...

- They'll never cancel. You know why?
... with his children,

- his parents, brothers and sisters.
- Because they're happy.

You should've heard some of the things
people said yesterday.

Like what? What did they say?

"The man made a lot of enemies,"
things like that.

That's awful. I don't care
what your politics are, this is America.

You don't just sh**t the president.

Edwin Walker, who...

Chet Huntley was talking about Jackie
and those kids

and how she'd just lost that baby,

and Harry Crane
was looking at his paperwork,

calculating how many commercials
weren't going to be aired.

...this prepared statement
be handed to newsmen...

I'm not going.

You can go and say I'm sick,
if you think it's that important.

"... demonstrates the internal threat
that can never be underestimated. "

No, you're right.

"Our sympathy for the Kennedy family
is no less than it is

"for the millions of people
who have sustained equal losses

"in the fight for freedom. "
Then General Walker's statement went on...

I got a call from Leona, this girl
I used to work with at the phone company.

My friend Francine called me.
Don couldn't get through.

Well, the system
was completely overloaded.

It's annoying that people think
the operators were watching TV.

They were as frustrated as anyone.

The maitre d' has reorganized the seating.

If you are at an even-numbered table,
take these first six.

If you are at an odd-numbered table,
the left side of the room.

Maestro, do you mind? Thank you.

Look, everybody, grab your plate
and come on up to the front here.

Sit wherever you feel like,

and please feel free to have
the prime rib and the fillet of sole.

Help yourself.
I mean that. There are no waiters.

Three months after Roosevelt died,
we bombed Hiroshima.

That's how we got over it.

I say we hang Lee Oswald, and then we
take care of Texas. Hell, the whole South.

What did everyone think
of the sweetbreads?

You were right, Mommy. Okay?

- Problem solved.
- Hardly.

- They just told me the cake's not coming.
- Shit.

Of course.

I have to say, on some level,
Harry has a point.

I think he wanted attention.
He obviously didn't fit in.


You are so beautiful,
like Natalie Wood or something.

Daddy, I really wish
you could've gotten to see the ceremony.

It's okay. We understand.
We're honored you're here.

- I heard the church was packed.
- Those weren't our guests.

Have a seat.

Just sit anywhere.

I'm so happy for you.

I would like some legal representation,

but these police officers
have not allowed me to have any.

I don't know what this is all about.

- Did you k*ll the president?
- No, sir, I didn't.

- People keep asking me that. Sir?
- Did you sh**t the president?

How would you know
that's what a monster looks like?

Naturally, if I work in that building, yes, sir.

Did you see The Times? He lived in Russia.

- I thought he just visited.
- Would you visit?

- I'm just a patsy.
- Did you sh**t the president?

- There you are. What are you doing here?
- They're about to interview Oswald.

Hey, somebody go buy a cake.

- Let's keep it quiet and we'll all get it!
- Hold it down.

Has the gentleman been identified?

Yes, sir, he's been identified
for k*lling the officer.

I need you out there.
I'm about to give my toast.

I've heard your toast a million times.
The president is dead.

And I'll tell you something else,
our table has no one at it.

I consolidated the tables.

- Would you keep an eye on her?
- Absolutely.

We better get back in there.

- We want to say this...
- Jane.

...that this investigation
has been carried on jointly by...

This toast is going to be much shorter
than it was supposed to be.

Obviously, we're all in a different mood.

Can someone please
get my wife out of the kitchen?

I have something very nice to say about her.
But while we're alone...

I want to say something nice
about my ex-wife.

Mona, you're a lioness.

And thank you for resisting
the urge to eat your cub.

This could've been an awful day,

but here we are, not watching TV,
but together watching the two of you.

To Margaret and Brooks Hargrove.

The adults,
we all wanted to be strong for you,

but your spirit, your love,
your hope is giving us strength.

And I promise you now,
if you can make it through a day like today,

marriage is a cakewalk.

To many years of happiness.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

We invite the father of the bride
and the bride to share the dance floor.

Sorry about that.

Now, if there are any other
fathers and daughters...

You know what?
Everyone, please join them.

- Do you want to dance?
- I don't know.

- Want me to teach him how to dance?
- He's a great dancer.

She's happy.

That's because she doesn't know
his net worth just dropped by half.

Stop it, Daddy.


Everything's gonna be fine.

How do you know that?

You'll see.

Why do you keep looking at that woman?

What are you talking about?

- Are you ready?
- Did Jennifer fall in?

- She'll be right out.
- See you Tuesday.

He was so handsome,
and now I'll never get to vote for him.


You want me to cut you out of that dress?

I'm making a phone call.

- Hello?
- So what's new?

- It's incredible, isn't it?
- Yes.

Margaret got married today.

That's right, I forgot. Poor thing.

Joanie, I wish you could've seen it.
Oh, my God, what a disaster.

I'm sorry.

She pulled through.
They pulled through. I pulled through.

I can't believe how quiet it is out there.

Not everywhere. Greg just called.
He's working the night shift at the ER.

People are still getting sick.

Car accidents are happening.
Babies are being born.

Well, I'm glad he's not home.
I had to talk to you.

Nobody else is saying
the right thing about this.

My God, you're really upset.

What's that about?

Because there's nothing funny about this.

Well, hang in there, red.

You too.

- Bye-bye.
- Goodbye.

Put him on a standby
of indeterminate length, will you?

Let me have it. I want it.

Being led out by Captain Fritz.

There is the prisoner. There is Lee Oswald.

He's been shot.

- Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
- What happened?

Lee Oswald has been shot.

They shot him. The police were walking him
through the building

- and some man ran up and shot him.
- What?

Detectives have their g*ns drawn.

- What is going on?
- Oswald has been shot.

There is no question about it.
Oswald has been shot.

- Please, leave me alone.
- Betts? in the basement
of Dallas police headquarters.

What happened?

- Do you know where he is at present?
- No, sir, I don't.

- Can you give us some indication...
- Nothing. Go upstairs.

The family, incidentally,
asked that there be no flowers,

but there have, nevertheless, been flowers.

People either didn't hear
or chose to ignore it,

and one room or two rooms
in the White House have had to be set aside

to hold them. The casket, incidentally,

will remain closed at all times
during all ceremonies...

I'm going out.

- Where?
- For a drive.

Let me drive. I'll get the kids.
We'll all go somewhere. That's a good idea.

No. I need to clear my head.

...airports, four of them around town...

- I'm so glad you could see me.
- Where does your husband think you are?

I don't care. He's been lying to me for years.
I couldn't be in that house.

Then I saw you yesterday.
I didn't know you were going to be there.

I hoped you would be there.

Derby day, it seems like 100 years ago.

And then this morning,
seeing that man shot to death...

What is going on?

It will be okay. We've lost a lot of presidents
and we're still standing.

I wish I could believe you.
I can't believe anything right now.

Have you thought that
there are other ways to live?

Listen. I'm not in love
with the tragedy of this thing.

It's not Romeo and Juliet.
I want it to happen.

I have three children.

I'll know more when the primaries
start to shake out in spring,

- but I can leave the campaign right now.
- I don't want you to do that.

You don't have to answer me now,

but I want to marry you.

- I don't know what to say.
- You don't have to say anything.

I told you.

But if you search your heart,
you'll know that I can make you happy.

I should go.

I wish I could take you
to the movies right now,

that some theater was playing
your favorite movie.

Singin' in the Rain.

Well, just think about that.

This is made possible by special equipment,
and it will move at one-fourth speed.

So we would like to show you
the slow motion of the sh**ting

of Lee Harvey Oswald now.

They just stood there.

No security.
The most wanted man in America.

Why even have a trial?
Just throw him over to the mob.

Now you can see the two detectives,
one in a light suit, one in a dark,

bringing Oswald out.

The camera changes its lens
for a close-up of Oswald.

The shot has been fired. You cannot hear it
in this version of the tape.

Oswald falls.
The man with the hat moves in on him.

He's grabbed by the man in light.

- You're not going into work tomorrow?
- No, of course not.

- It's a national day of mourning.
- You're going to go in Tuesday.

There's another happy thought.

Those people don't care about you.
And honestly, what's the difference?

What are you saying?

You did everything they asked you to do,
but you don't owe them anything.

...minutes past 2:00 Eastern Standard Time,
we were advised

that Lee Harvey Oswald was dead.
Now Ruby is under arrest...

You should start gathering your clients.
They'll follow you wherever you go. the operator of two nightclubs
in Dallas...

The only other president buried there
is William Howard Taft,

though, of course, there are many
other heroes of perhaps lesser renown.

That is the Lee... Robert E. Lee Mansion.

Its name, Arlington, has been given
to the cemetery and, in fact, to the county.

- Francine has the kids.
- The president's brother, Robert Kennedy,

and the Secretary of Defense,
Robert McNamara...

- I don't know where to begin.
- What?

I want to scream at you
for ruining all of this.

But then you try to fix it
and there's no point.

There's no point, Don.

You're very upset. I understand.

I know it's painful, but it's going to pass.

- I don't love you.
- Betts, don't.

- You're distraught.
- That's true,

but I don't love you anymore.

- I know that.
- Stop it.

- I kissed you yesterday.
- Kennedy's remains...

I didn't feel a thing.

...the public allowed to pass through
and pay its respects.

There will be a little roped...

You'll feel better tomorrow. You'll see.

You can't even hear me right now.

You're right.

...on Monday it will be taken

to the St. Matthew's Cathedral, which is on
Rhode Island Avenue in Washington,

for the funeral.

This, I think, is the largest
Catholic cathedral in town.

It is, as you see, draped in black.

It's been open all day.
Great numbers of people have stopped...

- Morning.
- Morning, Daddy.

Good morning.

- Where are you going?
- I have to go to work. I'm sorry.

- It's cold outside.
- I'm fine.


What are you doing here?

I don't know. Aqua Net.

It doesn't sh**t till after Thanksgiving.

We'll be okay.

What do you have?

- What are you doing here?
- The bars are closed.

My roommate invited over half the building
so they could watch TV

and write condolence letters to Jackie.

Then I went to my sister's
and my mother was crying

and praying so hard.

There wasn't room
for anyone else to feel anything.

The funeral's already started.

I was going to watch in Cooper's office.
Is that okay?


Are you coming?