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02x19 - Sun Show (2)

Posted: 08/18/21 08:25
by bunniefuu
Previously on Good luck Charlie The Duncans are going to Hawaii! What?! - I'm Teddy.

- Aloha, Teddy.

I'm kai.

We missed you yesterday at the time share presentation.

If you don't attend the one today, We'll be forced to charge you for your entire trip.

What are you doing? Putting a curse on you.

Swimming and jellyfish.

Things keep happening.

Please, God, if you let me live through this, I promise I'll do something good.

Charlie? Charlie? Charlie? Here, girl.

Come out, come out wherever you are, Before Teddy starts to cry.

- Hey, honey.

- Oh, dad.

- What's up? - Oh, nothing.

Just a quick plant inspection.

Yep, ficus.

Teddy, you okay? I'm fine.

So have you seen anyone around the hotel from the family, You know, kid-wise? You've already seen me, So I guess it'd have to be one of the others like P.J.

Or Gabe or Charlie.

Did you hit your head again? Did you hit yours? What's with all the questions? Hold on, hold on.

Here you go, sweetie.

- You need to wear one of these.

- Why? Because we don't want you to get lost.

Let's go.

Okay, come on, let's go this way.

today's all burnt toast ♪ running late, and dad jokes ♪ "has anybody seen my left shoe?" ♪ I close my eyes, take a bite ♪ grab a ride, laugh out loud ♪ there it is up on the roof ♪ I've been there, I've survived ♪ so just take my advice ♪ hang in there, baby ♪ things are crazy ♪ but I know your future's bright ♪ hang in there, baby ♪ there's no maybe ♪ everything turns out all right ♪ your life is up and down ♪ but trust me, it comes back around ♪ you're gonna love who you turn out to be ♪ hang in there, baby.

♪ Come on, P.J.

I need your list of fears.

Don't rush me.

That reminds me, Number 27, "being how do you spell "rushed"? Gimme that.

"things P.J.'s afraid of clowns, heights, falling," Spiders, unicorns, "Trolls, ogres.

" Okay, how about we start actually exist? T.

Good idea.

Where you gonna find an ogre in Hawaii? Okay, item number one.

You ready? Yeah, I think so.

Hiya, P.J.

How you doing? Fine.

Don't be afraid.

Allow me to introduce myself.

I'm not scary the clown.

You look a little sweaty.

Try my handkerchief.


Make it stop.

Make it stop! This is gonna take a while.

Thank you anyway.

Whoa, honey! What happened? Remember that curse I was telling you about? - That's what happened.

- What are you talking about? Come here.

I'll tell you what I'm talking about.

Okay, I was on the putting green with Charlie.

When I stepped on sacred ground and got cursed.

Then I danced on sacred ground.

And got the rest of the family cursed.

Still not hearing about the giant neck.

Okay, then I decided to go for a relaxing swim.

With jellyfish.

To cover the welts, I put on a lei, Only to discover that I'm allergic to the plumeria flower.

That's how I got a giant neck.

Wait a minute.

Wait a minute.

All of this is because of a curse? Yes, all of it.

Me getting stuck in the elevator, Teddy getting knocked out, The boys almost crashing in a helicopter accident.

You buying that shirt.

What? You don't like this? I lost the receipt.

I can't take it back.

The curse! Honey, come on.

There is no such thing as a curse.

Everything that has happened is just a coincidence.

All right, you know what you need? A size 43 turtleneck? Honey, what you need is a nice relaxing day.

At the spa.

Go pamper yourself.

Get a massage.

Get a steam.

Just get all this curse stuff put out of your head.

Okay, maybe you're right.

I'm overreacting.

Of course you are.

Bob, honey, be honest with me.

How bad do I look? Every time I look at you.

All I see is my beautiful wife.


That's nice.

Okay, I saw this on tv.

If you can walk across these coals, you won't be afraid of anything.

I don't know.

Come on, you can do it.

It's all about mind control.

Now take a moment to empty your mind completely.


- Already? - Let me check.

Yeah, done.

Okay, come on.

Take a deep breath and focus.

I'm just gonna go find the guy Whoo! I did it.



, the coals weren't lit.

Lit? Like fire lit? Yeah, you're supposed to walk across hot coals.

But that would hurt.

And you know I suffer from s.



- S.



? - Sensitive foot syndrome.

It's real, Gabe.

Why do you think I never played hopscotch? Excuse me, ma'am, have you seen Oh! Mom? What happened? Full body massage.

Turns out the massage oil had plumeria in it.

Doctor says I'm gonna be fine.

Is it bad? No no, you've never looked more - What? - That's it.

Just more.

Listen, mom, there's something that I need to tell you.

- It's about Charlie.

- Yeah? She's Doing the hula.

Oh, that's adorable.

That's the greatest thing I've ever seen.

Hi, Charlie.

Welcome to the opportunity of a lifetime.

A chance to own a timeshare of paradise.

Before we begin, Mr.

Duncan, Quick question.

I lost the receipt.

I can't take it back.

It's not about your shirt.

Is Mrs.

Duncan on her way? Man, I hope not.

If both spouses aren't at the presentation, We're going to have to charge you for your entire trip.

Okay, then I will be right back with my lovely wife.

Or somebody else.

Quick favor.

I need you to pretend to be mom.

Dad, really bad time to get super weird.

I just found out that my wife has.

To be at the timeshare presentation.

Obviously, I can't take mom.


This is an emergency.

All right, fine, just give me a minute.

- Hey.

- Oh.

Ready for our date? Actually, I have one more slight delay.

I have to help my dad with something.

Teddy, I'm starting to think you don't wanna hang out with me.

No no no.

No, I totally do.

It's not gonna take long.

I'll just meet you on the beach in an hour? - I'll be there.

- Great.

- Really gotta go.

- Don't rush me.

I'm coming.

Wow, you are gonna be great as your mom.

Hey, what are we doing up here? You're gonna overcome your fear of heights.

By jumping off this cliff into the water below.

Whoa! Are you crazy? People do it all the time.

Yeah, but those people are professionals.

There's nothing to be afraid of.

He's right, P.


It's gonna be okay.

Just jump.

Stop! Are you crazy? Do you wanna get yourself k*lled? P.


, empty your mind.


I think he can hear us.

Come on, you can do it.

I don't think so, Gabe.

Maybe I should start with something smaller? P.





What are you doing here? You're supposed to be down there.

Luckily there was a little ledge, see? And some steps, see? So you jumped four feet? And what a rush! Yeah! Before we begin, let's get to know each other a little.

Why don't we start with the Duncans? - Of course.

- Why don't you stand up and introduce yourselves? - Bob.

- Ted Amy.


Tedamy? That's an interesting name.

Yeah, well, my parents were really messed up.

So, Bob and tedamy, How'd this happen? Uh He was my exterminator.

And he came over to my apartment.

With that giant t*nk of poison on his back.

And I just knew that bobby-boo was the one for me.

Just so you know, I don't wear the t*nk on my back.

No one cares about the details.

- I care.

- Do we have to do this here? Let's meet someone else, shall we? You guys.

Man, it feels good to conquer your fears.



, you didn't conquer anything.

You ran from a clown, Walked across slightly warm coals.

And jumped down four feet onto a ledge.

Which I did not know would be there.



, I made a promise that I would do something good.

And do you know who I made that promise to? The guy upstairs.

Bill from Seattle? He seems like a nice guy, but what does he care about More upstairs.

I promised God, P.


We gotta keep trying.


Well, I have a fear of bedspreads.

Oh, look, I overcame it.

Actually, that's a quilt.

Ooh, this is a quilt? Fine.

If you won't do it for yourself, Or me, do it for Charlie.

She looks up to you.

She does? Did you see that? Fine.

I'll give it one more shot.

Turns out there's plumeria in the shampoo.

Be honest, is it bad? No no, you look fine, mom.

Oh, that's good.

Remember, it's not about spending money.

It's about spending your vacation in paradise.

I really need to use the restroom.

We have a break coming up in 90 minutes.

I'm gonna make this simple.

I am going to pee now.

Is it going to be in a: That plant? B: That trashcan? Or c: The bathroom in the hallway? Please go with c.


You may leave.

Now let's talk about payment plans.

- Excuse me.

- Yes, tedamy.

How much longer are we gonna be here? Only five and a half more hours.

But I have a date with a really cute boy.

I thought you were married.

Well, I'm married, not dead.

Is there any way that I can leave sooner? Sure, sign that paper.

And you are free to go right now.




All right, the ball is now officially rolling.

All I did was go to the bathroom.

We have sold our first timeshare unit.

Congratulations, Bob and tedamy Duncan.

Should have picked the plant.

What did you say this was called again? Parasailing.

You're gonna go up in the air.

- And get a gentle peaceful - Up in the air? You didn't say anything about up in the air.

What did you think the parachute was for? Parachute? I thought this was a very colorful cape.

How do I get out of this thing? Fine fine fine fine.

If you don't wanna do it, just signal the guy on the boat like this.

Hey, boat guy! Hey, boat guy! That was the go signal, wasn't it? Yep, you might wanna start running.

I'm kind of glad we weren't able to get together until now.

Because this could not be more perfect.

I know.

It's beautiful.

Kai, this is my brother P.J.P.J., kai.

Teddy, what did you do? I had a date on the one spot on the beach.

Where idiots fall out of the sky.

I'm talking about the timeshare.

We now own this room.

All I did was sign a piece of paper.

Which bought us a timeshare, Which we can't afford.

You are the worst wife I've ever had.

Well, I'm sorry.

Why don't you make P.


Your wife? Because I'm sure he'd do a much better job.

Quiet down, people.

Quiet! Why are you wearing a mop? Because my hair's coming out in clumps.

Wanna see? No no.

Mop's good.

Mop it up.

Hey, kids, there's something that I have to tell you.

I know this is gonna sound really crazy, but here goes.

We've been cursed.

- Cursed? - Yes.

By mano, a grumpy hawaiian man.

Who does not like it when you do the robot on sacred ground.

A curse? Come on.

Think about it.

Everything bad.

Started happening after I got us cursed.

- Like the helicopter.

- And mom's fatness.

- Me getting knocked out.

- And mom's baldness.

- The timeshare.

- And mom's grotesqueness.

Okay, got it.

Wait a second.

Back up.

What's this about a timeshare? Go on and tell her, bobby-boo.

- She bought it, not me.

- You bought a timeshare? Okay, the only reason we were at that stupid thing.

Was so dad wouldn't have to pay for the room.

Whoa, but let's not forget about the curse.

Okay, you not telling me about a timeshare has nothing to do with a curse.

Or does it? So that's it? We're cursed forever? No, we are not.

I got us into this mess, and now I'm gonna get us out of it.

I'm gonna find mano and have him reverse the curse.

What? I'll tell mano to reverse the curse.

Looks like you're going to the doctor again.

Plumeria tea.

Oh, nuts.

Hey, excuse me.

Are you mano? I am mano.

Yeah, listen, you put this curse on my family.

And I was just wondering if you could reverse it.


- There is no curse.

- There isn't? I just say that to keep the guests out of the plants.

I'm the gardener.

But what about all the bad stuff that's happened to us? Just got lucky I guess.

My family thinks the curse is real.

Tell them it's not.

I could do that.

Or we could have a little fun.

You say that with an evil look in your eye.

That gives me pleasure.

The curse removal ceremony now begins.

We are so lucky he does this.

You have no idea.

First, the family except for the youngest male, Must circle the mother hopping.

And chanting "big and gross.

Big and gross.

She's the one that's cursed the most.

" What should I do? That's the best part.

You do the robot.

I do a good robot.

big and gross, big and gross ♪ she's the one that's cursed the most ♪ big and gross, big and gross ♪ she's the one that's cursed the most ♪.

Looking good, guys.

Making memories here.

she's the one that's cursed the most ♪.

How come Gabe doesn't have to do this? I don't know.

Seems awfully chummy with that mano guy.

Guys, I think they're just messing with us.


Duncan, there you are.

We had a little accident with your timeshare contract.

And a tiki torch.

So if you don't mind, we need to get your wife's signature again.

It's working.

Keep going! big and gross, big and gross ♪ she's the one that's cursed the most.


All right, all right, all right.

I wanna make a toast.

I wanna make a toast.

To the love of my life, My very beautiful wife Amy.

Happy anniversary.

Thank you for making me the luckiest man on earth.

- I love you.

- I love you too.

- Cheers.

- Cheers.

Aw, isn't that sweet? Mom and dad finally got to have their romantic moment in Hawaii.

As for me, not so much, But that's okay because family vacations.

Are about spending time with family.

Teddy, wanna go for a walk? Here, wrap this up.

What am I supposed goodbye, Charlie.

Good luck, Charlie.


Hi, I'm P.



Tonight, we've had a lot of fun with the subject of s.


S Sensitive foot syndrome.

But sensitive foot syndrome is a serious problem.

That affects almost a dozen people across the globe.

Come, walk with me.

It is a particularly sensitive day.

Now you see what me and almost eleven other guys have to go through.


What're you doing? I'm inform people about S.F.S.P.

J there's no such thing.

It does exist.

Really? We're gonna live!