01x11 - Indian summer

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Mad Men". Aired: July 2007 to May 2015.*
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A drama about one of New York's most prestigious ad agencies at the beginning of the 1960s, focusing on one of the firm's most talented ad executives, Don.
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01x11 - Indian summer

Post by bunniefuu »

Listen, can you mail this for me today?

Sure, Whitman.

It's going to be at least cents.

Thank you.

Mama, Mrs. Winter is a busybody.

You're threatening me.

I'm glad he wants to see me,

but I... I don't want to see him.

I'm working a lot right now. I don't have a lot of time.

I have to go.

Were you listening to my phone call?

You mean your personal phone call?

Good morning, Mr. Draper.

Peggy, will you get me a glass of ice water?

Someone hasn't told the sun it's October.

- Miss Holloway.
- Mr. Draper,

it's the Clients' Luncheon.

Mr. Cooper said you were responsible

while Mr. Sterling is out.

Didn't you handle most of Mr. Sterling's catering questions?

Continue doing that.

How is he? Have you visited?

I have. He's less sickly.

I hope he knows how concerned we all are.

- Good morning, chief.
- Don.

Joan's been a bitch lately.

Anyone else notice that?

Oh, absolutely.

- I like it.
- Oh, do you?

This got kicked over from Ed Baltz at Compton.

We sent them Firestone last month
because of our conflict with Goodyear.

This is how they repaid the favor.

Look at that.

I think it's a modified Lionel transformer.

Well, I never thought I'd say this,
but what does the research say?

Weight loss is a hard thing to prove.

No, it isn't. It's "before" and "after" pictures

since the dawn of time.

Mr. Martin Buckwald, its inventor, he calls it the P.E.R.,

or Passive Exercise Regime.

So it needs a name.

The Electrocizer.

For a slimmer, better you.

That helps a little.

Regarding slimmer,

Buckwald has a fair amount of testimonials,

but unfortunately none you can take a picture of.

We tried to get our own testimonials.

Some of the fellas brought it home to their wives.


It's tricky. I, uh, gave it to Jennifer.

She took it the wrong way.

She told me to wear it.

Violet has it.

She says the scales are the same,

but she hasn't given up on it
like she does with diets after a week.

Mitch and some of the other guys...

We had eight belts.

Again, there's been no weight loss yet.

Who cares if it works?

They're offering us commission on media,

plus a bounty on every unit upside of last year's comps.

But fake weight loss claims?

Thank you.

What about her?

She's obviously losing some kind of battle.

You may have to let it out a little.

Maybe you should put her on your regimen

of sprinting out the door every day at to .

What I'm saying is she did a heck of a job on Belle Jolie.

Maybe lightning will strike twice.

I don't think Peggy's the answer.

I promised Buckwald we'd go with our big g*ns.

Our big g*ns have been silent.


Did you need more water?

This device is a new product.

I would like you to give us your thoughts on it.

Right now?


It's a weight loss belt, it says.

It, uh, stimulates the muscles, imitating calisthenics.

You'd be perfect for it.


Because you're a woman.

And we'd like your point of view.

I'm getting another account?

It's an assignment, not an account.

Go ahead, sweetheart. Take it for a spin.

Uh, am I allowed to change the name?


Thank you.

That'll be all.

I need . for the phone bill.

I told you I never use it.

But you do use the saltines
and the Velveeta and the liverwurst.

I never even got any.

I had some people over

while you were out drinking on Tuesday.

. . That's your half of the phone.

You should use it more.

I have work to do.

I don't know why you do that.

When I leave the office, I'm done.

Do you have to go home?


Good. I don't want you to.

I don't want to.

This is hard for me.

Mostly because I can't even imagine
how hard it must be for you.

I don't think about it.

I mean, I try not to.

Must be a powerful mind you have there,
because I can't control mine.

I keep thinking about us being together.

We are together.

I know, but...

I don't know if I understand how this works,

where it goes.

I'm worried it's a fantasy.

It's not.

I told you, I'm right where I'm supposed to be.

I just haven't figured out what to do yet.

I'm sorry. Would you like me to wait outside?

It's up to you.

I, um, I did the work on the weight loss belt,

like you asked.

That was fast.

You asked me to.

And what is your unique point of view?

I wrote it down.


It's one day. I don't know if I lost any weight.

Do you feel different?

I wrote it down.

Peggy, you're saying even less in here than you are now.

It's hard to put into words.

Then you have failed.

You definitely feel something

that I think some women... would like to feel.

Where is that here?

It vibrates.

And that coincides with how you wear it.

Oh. I see that here:

"A sensation."


It explains its success.

And it basically made me think

it was probably... unrelated to weight loss.

We now have a benefit.

And we just have to figure out how to put it into words.

Have another go at it.

I will work on that, Mr. Draper.

Peggy, just think about it deeply.

Then forget it,

and an idea will... jump up in your face.

Thank you.

Excuse me, ma'am.

I hate to bother you.

I'm from the Frederick Air Conditioning Company,

and I'd like to talk to you

about an opportunity to live in frozen comfort.

I'm not interested.

Could I trouble you for a glass of water?

It's a scorcher out here.


Of course.

Thank you.

Thank you.

You know, we have many units in all price ranges.


I'm married to a salesman.

And I'm sure my husband and I can brave another week

or however long this Indian summer's going to be.

Can I come back when he is here?

I mean, a unit here or in your living room...

We wouldn't even have to alter your window.

We could just cut a hole right above it.

You see this gap?

That's where your cool air, whatever there is of it,

is escaping.

From that little space?

Yes. And there's a science to how heat patterns work.

Now, what you need is a unit here downstairs

and one in your bedroom.

That's if you have the right construction.

That would be nice.

I could take down some numbers,

you know, measure everything.

Write up an estimate...

something you could discuss with your husband

when he comes home.

I guess that would be okay.

You know...

my husband...

I think he would rather go to Sears.

If that's what you want.

You should go.

I can just guess what this would cost
and put it on your door for your husband.

Please go.

Fernando, we are pleased to hear
that case sales have more than doubled.

We still believe that most of the credit goes to your rum.

Say hello from me.

Bert Cooper says it is a unique pleasure working with you.

I just finished trying to talk Lucky Strike off a ledge.

Junior or Senior?

Senior. He's coming for lunch tomorrow

to see if Roger is still involved.

And they're having this lunch bedside, I suppose?

I invited him here to see for himself.

He called my bluff.

Clear tomorrow.

I need you to, uh,

draw focus from our guest of honor.

...was number in his class at Columbia Law School.

He works with Morgenthau,

and having been captivated by him
at more than one cocktail party,

he is a charmer.

I can see he does something for you,

but I don't know if this is the right time.

Because you're getting so much younger every day?

Because I don't know if my heart would be in it.

Are you seeing that goy?

A little bit.

Well, I told you I wouldn't let that stop me.

What if he were, um...

You're mumbling.

What if he were married?

My goodness.


Nothing's happened.


But I have been thinking about it.

The two of us together.

It feels so natural. I feel so close to him.


He's married, but I don't think he's happy.


What does it matter? Nothing's going to happen.

All I know is what I see in the movies.

It's magical, and then they start talking
about him leaving his wife,

and then he doesn't.

I saw this one where the husband gets the woman pregnant

so he kills her.

You don't want to be that woman.

Go ahead.

Oh, please. Whatever it says
is going to seem related to this.

"You are your own worst enemy."

That's yours.

You look tired.

I am.

You're working too much.

No, it's just...


It's too hot in here anyway.

You know, we're losing a lot of our cool air
through the windows in the dining room?


Nothing. It's just something the salesman said.

What was he doing in the dining room?

What are you talking about?

You let a stranger in my house?

Don't raise your voice.

I damn well will raise my voice.

Do you have any idea what could have happened?

I could have bought an air conditioner.

It's hot.

Salesmen go into people's homes every day.

It's like when you turn on a television set

and then you turn it off, it...

Look, you didn't want to spend the money...

Good night, Betty.

I feel like I should make a speech.

Get back to work.

Welcome back. You look good.


One hour. That's all you get.

You be a good boy.

I shall be both dog and pony.

Come on.

He looks like death.

I know. His hair and his skin are the same color.

Not really.

That's the spot... exactly where it happened.

I can still feel it.

Miss Holloway, we brought you here
because of your discretion.

Can you help us with this? His color?

Hey, honey.

Well, you know, we don't need Miami Beach,

but, uh, just do what you can do.

Can I kiss you?

I don't know if I could handle it.

We should have done this for Nixon before the debates.

Oh, the arrogance of that campaign.

It's infuriating.

Being the incumbent is even harder.

You can't just sit on your ass and look presidential.

You probably shouldn't get so upset.

It's not good for you.

I missed you.

You know that, right?

I missed you, too.

Oh, Joannie, Joannie, look at that mouth.

You're not doing my lips.

My rouge is too dark,

but I have this light lipstick.

You'll draw freckles on me, too, like Raggedy Andy?

Look, I want to tell you something

because you're very dear to me,

and I hope you understand it comes from the bottom

of my... damaged, damaged heart.

You are the finest piece of ass I ever had,

and I don't care who knows it.

I am so glad I got to roam those hillsides.

Stop it.

I mean it.

I've had a lot of time

to think about the things I've done and been sorry about,

and being with you is not one of them.

Oh, Red.

That's not what I wanted.

You look better.

I should have come over.

That's a silly idea.

Damn it.

Soon the milk stains are going to meet the sweat stains.

Should we get out of here and let her sleep?

I'd love to, but the door's noisier than our talking.

She's actually a good sleeper, thank God,

even with the heat rash.

Poor thing.

And it actually gets hotter at night.

Did you think about buying an air conditioner

from that pushy young man yesterday?

Is that what he was selling?

He looked like one of Carlton's squash buddies.

Made me sorry I answered the door.

He was very pushy.

He came in and started measuring things.

Don was not happy about that.

Don was there?


Carlton would break my arm.

It was foolish letting him in.

Why would you tell him?

It just came up.

I wasn't thinking.

What did he do?

What do you think?

He lost his temper.

He's very protective.

Just as you requested, a little of our local color:

Pastrami, cole slaw, sour pickles.

I like it.

It's Yankee barbecue.


They're all ours.

Here they are now.

- Roger.
- Hello, Lee.

- Hello, Don.
- Lee.

Jimmy, Preston, how do you do?

It's wonderful to see you.

Well, from what I hear,

you boys had all but given me up for dead.

I don't think it's wrong

for us to express our concern for your well-being.

Well, I know how much you love your delicatessen.

But I know there's also something else

you want to discuss.

You're worried about losing the lawsuit?

There were no damages.

But we lost.

But there were no damages.

Blame is one thing, malice is another.

I worked my way inside and out of the FTC.

Bought a lot of dinners in Washington.

You can't fight them.

That's what lawyers are for.

Lawyers? I've seen a girl fight harder on her first date

than these DC shuttlecocks.

Listen, I'm a stockholder,

so I called Chester Conrad in the Surgeon General's office,

and he assured me it would be at least three years

before they could compile a report.

But legislation is in progress.

We hear another year or two beyond that.

They speculate they're going to put
warning signs on the packages.

There's still plenty of time
before we have to worry about that,

during which we wait to see if share drops off

before we run for the hills looking for a new campaign.

Is that true?

Well, it must be. He just said it.

Well, I've been spending a lot of time with my wife.

I'm glad we came by.

I missed you all.

You New Yorkers.

To New Yorkers.

May they always...

Oh, Jesus. Not again.

Are you okay?

Just give him some air. Give him some air.

Give him air.

- I'm okay.
- Don't talk.

This was stupid. I'll get the elevator.

No, they're holding the elevator.

I'm very sorry.

Mona, sweetheart, this was a mistake.

I tried to talk him out of it, but you people.

Mrs. Sterling, I had no idea.

I used to think you couldn't put a value on a human life,

but I never asked Bert Cooper, did I?


Go to hell, Bert.

I don't need to tell you that Don
has everything under control.

I don't know.

Without Sterling...

I may have a family business,

but I'm not an autocrat.

I have a board,

and my son wants to be the executive of an aluminum company.

Ah, still, your board
should give credit where credit is due.


We all like Don Draper,

but if I was you, I'd find some way to show him

that you all do, too.

He's a dead man, you know, even if he survives.

What are you talking about?

Most clients will put up with one coronary from a partner.

Cost of doing business. Two?

Are we going down?

I wrote, prepared, and sent out my resume this afternoon,

at company expense.

Look, it doesn't take a genius
to see what's going to happen.

They'll bump Draper up to partner.

Everyone will fall in line.


It would have happened a long time ago

if they weren't so greedy.

They're already paying him his weight in gold.

Half the accounts at this agency came for Draper.

Frank Birmingham brings in a lot of accounts.

Come on. You sit in that conference room.

Frank Birmingham brings them in,

and while they're dozing off,

Don goes through their wallets.

What about Mitch Sullivan in Media?

He's fat, bald, and charmless.

You think Draper likes me?

He rides me pretty hard sometimes.

It's hard to tell with him.

He likes you.

I work at it.

I work at it, too.

I can tell you do.

You never know when he's doing it.

There's not a man in this room

who's not holding Don Draper on their shoulders

so that he can reach partner.

He's not going to fire you.

Who said anything about that?

No one. It's just...

You don't think he deserves it, do you?

Campbell, don't you know anything about business,

cleaning out the old guys?

It's good for us. It opens up spots.

My ma, she wouldn't shut up about you.

I told her I remembered you.

Isn't that nice?

You smoke.

All the time.

It's practically mandatory in our office.

Thank you.

Brandy Alexander for La Donna, and a Rheingold.

What, you don't like it? I'll send it back.

Well, my friend Joan always orders them for me.

They're usually sweeter.

She's a scream.

She lives in the city.

There's a bar in Manhattan where the glasses are chilled.

What's in that?

I don't know.

So you drive a truck.


But I bought my own route.

Wise potato chips.



I have an area that's just mine.

The route was expensive,
but the hard part was learning that truck.

Special license.

We have a potato chip account:


You get free ones? I do.

I don't know. I don't like potato chips.

You live out here, right?

Prospect Park. I have my own apartment.

Well, I share it with my roommate Marjorie.

She's a character.

My sister's a secretary for Bulova in Flushing.

I just got a new account the other day.

I already wrote copy for Belle Jolie lipsticks.

It's going to be in a bunch of magazines.

Which ones?

I don't think you read them.

They're about high fashion.

Advertising doesn't work on me.

It's just a lot of people screaming at you
from the walls and the TV.

If advertising is good, people never think it works.

How do they know it does?

Did they ever prove that?

Why are you insulting what I do?

"So you drive a truck."

You do.

I'm my own boss, you know?

You get off the train every day at Grand Central,

and they spray you with gold?

Let me tell you, you can act like you're from Manhattan,

but you don't look like those girls.

Hey, hold on.

That wasn't nice.

I feel sorry for you.

I said I'm sorry.

Those people? In Manhattan?

They are better than us,

because they want things they haven't seen.

The Danny Thomas Show

was brought to you tonight by Post cereals.

All fine products of General Foods.

Post cereals.

And now...

I'll be up. I want to check on Roger.



Hello. It's Don Draper.

What can I do for you?

I don't know what you do for anybody.

Mr. Draper, you sound hostile.

After hundreds of dollars,

all you've managed to do is make her more unhappy.

I understand this is frustrating for you.

This has nothing to do with me. It's her.

You took a woman with a bad case of nerves,

and you made her weaker, not stronger.

I'm afraid to leave her alone.

All I can say is that it's a process,
and time is part of it.

If you'd like to expedite things,

we can put her in psychoanalysis.

What are you doing now?

Psychoanalytic psychotherapy.

Psychoanalysis would mean a minimum
of three sessions a week and optimally five.

Thank you.

I'll think about that.

Over there.

There's no chair.

I really wish I could have come in and prepared first.

Sorry. This is the way it works.

Of course.

I only have one and a carbon.

That's all I had time to do. You'll have to share.

Come on. Just give it to one of the girls.

Ready when you are.

Women lose weight so they'll feel good about themselves:

Healthier, more attractive.

Rejuvenate has a Latin root

which literally means "the return of youth."

The Rejuvenator gives you the flush and glow

not only that you might have after hours of exercise

but certainly as a young girl.

Isn't it nice to feel that way whenever you want?

Combined with a sensible diet,

The Rejuvenator.

You'll love the way it makes you feel.

Look, I'm not going to wait to see how Don lands on this.

I'm going to tell you it's good.

Nice end run around the weight loss.

I think it's good, too. But what does it do?

From what I understand,

it provides the pleasure of a man without the man.

We've been replaced?

That's why Mitch's wife didn't want to take it off.

Oh, I'd love to see her in that.

Oof, she's already so hot to trot.

th of July, that gingham halter

with the knot at the bottom?

She was falling out of it.

Jayne Mansfield.

Mitch's wife is very attractive.

Oh, I... I don't know her.

First of all, no Latin.

You sound like a valedictorian.

And the name still isn't right.

Lastly, you still might need to give us
a hint at what it does.

I could be more explicit.

I was thinking of calling it stimulating.

I think you need, like, a code word,

uh, like... I don't know.

Like refreshing.

I'll think about that.

Oh, my God. Freddie, doesn't your wife have one?

What's your point, Ken?

My point is, didn't you say she loved it?

That's funny.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Freddie, Sal, you know what to do here.

I'll get arrested just doing the layouts.


that wasn't so bad.

Looks like everybody liked it.

I can tell.

Uh, Freddie's wife does not look like Mitch's,

you know.

Good work, Pegs.

Come in.

Mr. Draper, I don't want to seem ungrateful,

but I think I could serve Sterling Cooper
and you better as a copywriter

if I had my own desk.

You have a desk.

But now I have radio spots.

Peggy, the conversation of a raise
is not inappropriate at this moment,

but do not be timid.

You presented like a man. Now act like one.

I want $ . a week more.

Jesus, what do you make?

$ a week.

Well, that's a % kick.

Don, a word.

Cooper and Draper just went into Sterling's office.

Tell me when they come out of there, will you?

Sure. I'll just sit here and watch the door.

That's all I'll do.

Who the hell do you think you're talking to?

Is he dead?

No. Quite the opposite.

They let him go home to convalesce.


I want to make you a partner.

As a symbolic gesture,
I think telling me that in here is in bad taste.

That's the way it works. Roger knows that.

I'm not adding your name to the masthead.

I'm restoring faith to our clients.

I accept.

I'll start you at %

and see how both you and Roger do.

Of course you'll remain creative director,

and to fill the position of head of account services,

you are the only member of the blue ribbon committee.

Do I hire from inside or outside?

I just made you partner. Do I have to do everything?

No contract.

Of course you'd say that.

Beware the nonconformist.

I'm going to introduce you to Miss Ayn Rand.

I think she'll salivate.

Is he dead?


So when's he coming back?

You know, I think this office is too big for me.

I might need it if I'm going to lure in Marty Brennen

as head of account services.

Then it's true. Congratulations.

- Thank you.
- I mean it.

You know I admire your work.

I believe you.

I hope you do.

And I don't think it can be denied
that we make a very good team.

You know what?

I do like this office.

I think Roger would want me to have it.

That way he'll always know he can have it back.

I hope you're aware that I'd love
to throw my hat in the ring.

I am now.

Peggy, we have both had very good days.

You may leave your post.

It's : .

I'm sorry. That's the best I can do at this point.

I have work to do.

You can have your raise.

And I'll talk to Miss Holloway
about getting somebody on your desk

while you attend to your assignment.

Can I tell her?


In the meantime, go with your friends.


Good night, Mr. Draper.

Good night.

Mr. Draper?

Good night.

Back away from the set.

Come on. You'll burn your eyes out.

Hi, Daddy.

Uh, I would have made you dinner,

but I called the office, and no one answered.

Should I fix something?

No. I was supposed to have a meeting with a client,

but it got cancelled.

I got made partner.

Oh, my God. Don, that's wonderful.

Don, you were right about letting people in the house.

I'm so sorry.

I don't want to talk about that.

The heat's supposed to break tomorrow.

It'll probably be snowing in two weeks.
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