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11x01 - One For the Road

Posted: 08/17/21 06:17
by bunniefuu
Previously on ER...

Who did you match?

University of Michigan-
Ann Arbor.

Are you withdrawing
from this residency program?

Your Honor...
I love my son.

You'll be notified
of my decision.

Alex and I have to leave.

I'm sorry.

I don't want to go!

We have to say good-bye
to our son.

( cries )

I can't get in
touch with my mom.

The phone ain't
working or something.

So, what, you need a ride?

Hey, jack-off!

Try paying attention
to the road!

What's your problem, man?
Get outta here.

Pay attention to this.

Oh, nice.

All right,
we're outta here.

See you, suckers!

PRATT ( laughing ):
Feel that hemi power, baby.

It's a beautiful thing!

Slow down!

Everybody happy now?

Okay, good.


( screaming )
Son of a bitch!

He's sh**ting at us!
Get down!

Come on. Hold on!

We got to get
out of here.

Hold on!

Where is he?

Let's go. Hold on.

We've got to get away from him!

( screams )

Get away from him!

There he is!
Watch out! Get down!

Damn it.

Get away from him!

Where is he?!

( screams )

Oh! My leg!

Are you hit?

I'm shot.

Don't worry.
Where is he?

( screams )
Watch it! Watch it!

( groaning ):
Oh, God...

Greg... Greg...

I think I broke a rib.

Somebody help me...

All right, man,
I'll be right there, man.

Don't worry.

Where are we?

We're in the river.

Can you get out
of that seat belt?
Uh-uh, no.
It hurts.

I can't move.

Come on,
we gotta get out.

Elgin, come on, man,

we gotta get out
of the car.

I can't feel my legs.

( groans )

Here, take my hand.

Come on, take it.
I'll pull you out.

I can't.

Come on, man, squeeze my hand.

Squeeze it.

I really can't.

( groaning ):
Oh, Greg,

I can't get this belt off.

The kid might have a
cervical cord injury.

I'm gonna call for... aah!

Oh, my leg!

Hello? Yes.
Please help us.

We're in a car that crashed
into the Chicago River

near, uh, uh...

It's wet.
I'm-I'm getting wet.

( groans )


Yeah, there's three of us
in here.

Critically injured.

Please hurry, we're sinking.

Why is there water?

I don't want to die, man.

All right, I'm coming, man.

( groans )

It's getting deeper.

I'll be
right there, Elgin.

Don't worry.

Okay... Come on,
duck under this.

( groans )

Oh. I can't.

Yes, you can.
Come on, baby.

You have to.
Come on.

Come on.

Come on.
( groans )

Yes. Get under there.

Good job. Good job.

Good job.




How come I can't move?

Looks like you hurt your neck.

We think it might be broken.

( startled yelling )

What's happening?

The weight of the engine
takes the front end down first.

Oh, God.
I'm coming, man.

Oh, God.

All right.

It's not fair.

Every intern gets a vacation

and I'm stuck with
the last overnight.

Maybe it's 'cause you
called in sick, like,
50 times.

I have Epstein-Barr, okay?

It's not my fault they
haven't found a cure.

Damn shame...

...that we have to listen to you
whine all night.

Who's the attending?

Schedule says "Lewis,"
but she's on maternity leave.

Maybe it'll be somebody cool
who'll let me out early.

Kovac or Carter.

Just as long as it is not...



15 minutes
into your shift,

and you haven't picked
up a single patient?

I was...
I was doing sign-outs.

From who,
Colonel Sanders? Go.

Where's Carter?

Finishing up a lac.

Left a couple hours ago.

In the middle of his shift?

Said he had to go.

Nice suit.
Job interview?

Ready: one, two, three-- up.

Okay, Elgin, try not
to move your head.

I-I'm cold.

Look, Elgin...

when we roll down
that window

we got to swim
out of here.

I don't think
I can swim.

I'll stay with you, all right?


Jing-Mei, you'll be fine.

Now, look, when I
open up this window,

you push out and I'll pull
Elgin out behind you.

All right?

All right, I got his neck.

All right, everybody
hold their breath, okay?

Deep breath.

( groans ):
Oh, damn it.

What's wrong?

Power windows.

I need to pee.

You're gonna like Louisville.

They have, uh,
the Kentucky Derby,

the Ohio River, hush puppies.

Can I go in the bushes?

Here we go.

Have you been?


Have you ever been there?

Hey, it doesn't look half bad.

Hey, look,
they even have a pool.

( gasping, grunting )

( groans )

( panting )

It-It's stuck.

We're sinking.

You have to wait for
the water pressure
to equalize.

Physics class.

When the water gets
high enough in the car,

you'll be able to
open the door easy.

( groaning )

You got to wait, man.

( groans )

You got to wait.

What was that?

Bottom of the river.

Now what?

Well, I guess we wait.

( soft groan )

( panting )

( bell dings )



WOMAN ( on TV ):
Going somewhere?

I was sleepwalking.


Can't you beat that?

Look at this, Ma.
I'm fully dressed.


I couldn't understand
a word of it.

( laughter on TV )

Sit down.


Uh, can I get a room, please?

Just the two of you?


How many nights?

Uh, just one.
Passing through.

You had a simple punishment...

You folks on vacation?


You better call the police.

She's kidnapping me.

Alex, cut it out.


I want you get to
ready to open the door

and push out
to the surface.

I'll pull out
Elgin after you.

Greg, I don't think I...

Just do it!
Just do it.

All right, Elgin...

I want you to take
a deep breath

and blow it out on
the way up, all right?


All right, go, Jing-Mei.
Go, baby, go!

( inhaling deeply )

( panting )

All right, big
man, you ready?

All right, take
a deep breath...

Deep breath.

( both inhale deeply )

( gasping, groaning )

Oh! Oh!


Hey! Hey!

Starboard side.

Two o'clock!

Oh, please, help me!

( groans )

Grab the ring, ma'am!


Is there anybody else
in the car?
Two more.

( groans )

( pained groan )

( groaning,
gasping loudly )

Over here!

Over here!

We got somebody down here!

Come on,
right here.

Oh, hey,
where's Elgin?

I couldn't get him out.

He got stuck on the door!

Hey, there's
somebody else.

( panting )

I got to go back down
there and get him.

Divers will get him. Sir!

He's paralyzed.
He can't move.

We don't need any more victims!
Get in the boat!

Get in the damn boat!

Gored by a deer antler.
Admitted to ortho.

You call Animal Control?

No, no-- he fell
when he was trying

to hang it
on his mantle.

And a woman got
her glaucoma drops

mixed up
with her Super-Glue.

Ouch. Nice of you

to grace us
with your presence, Luka.

Family emergency.
I'm back now.

I don't need you now.
Go home.

I still owe you
a couple of hours.

This is not a co-op.

Next time you decide
to leave

in the middle
of a shift,

don't bother
coming back.

Frank, call
nursing admin.

Tell them Sam won't
be working tomorrow.

Or any other day.

Family emergency.

He doesn't
even have a family.

Is that it?


You look nice.

You have another court date?


How'd that go?

She's lying.

I am not!

Good luck, huh?

She's a drug dealer.

Tiffany James--
foreign body
in the vag*na.

She tucked her stash up there
when we busted her.

No problem.
I can fish it out.

You'll do no such thing.

Are you having any pelvic
or abdominal pain?

I feel fine.

This is not
a medical emergency.

So I can leave?

Sit your ass
back down.

Doing a pelvic exam
without consent is as*ault.

This guy said he would.

Hey, Luka!

Something going on with Sam?

She left.

She left?
She left to go where?

I have no idea.

Did she take Alex?

Is she coming back?

I don't know, I...
I don't think so.

You okay?


Say goodbye to Kem
for me, will you?

Frank, they need X-ray in two.

Haven't you heard?

New interns don't
start till tomorrow.

It's my last nursing shift.

I'm finally getting
out of here.

You ready for it?

I had the doctor
up my Xanax.


Hey, what are
you doing here?

I thought you
were in Michigan.

You get kicked
out already?

County. Meet me on Two-Bravo.

You got time to grab
some coffee or something?

No, I have
to get some sleep.

I'm back on at 6:00.
What's going on?

Nothing, except
I may have just

thrown away
my medical career.

I don't care
what your captain says,

we do not do strip searches!

Come on, Doc,
give me a break.

The jail nurse
won't do pelvics.

That's your problem.
Not mine.

Yo, Dr. Weaver.

Multi-victim T.C.

How many criticals
can we take?

Start with three.
What is it?

Auto versus pole
and pedestrians

and another car
in the river.

Who's still on?

You and Morris.

Carter left and you
sent Kovac home.

Abby, can you stay?

No, I-I-I...


Somebody go
find Morris!

He's probably hiding
in the bathroom again

staring at Maxim.

How you doing?

( Chen moans )

Did they get Elgin out?

I'll be right
behind you, okay?

They need to get a
collar on you, Doc.

I'm fine.

How come they're
not bagging him?

Doc, you need a collar.

Is he alive?!

I don't know.

OFFICER ( over radio ):
Confirming recovery

of a third body.

Stand by.

Why aren't they doing CPR?

PB 49, any vitals on
that third victim?

( over radio ):
Not at this time.

I'm sorry.

Oh, you just left?

After I spoke
to the director.

Excuse me.
Where do we sign in?

He was at a birthday party.

Always has to be the joker.

What did you
put up there?


He was supposed to just
wear them on his clothes.

Triage nurse,
straight ahead.

You know, you were only
there a couple of hours.

You need to give it
more time than that.

Auto versus utility pole.

Decent vitals,
probable dislocated hip.

Give me something
for the pain, man!

Morris, reduce the hip!

Ten of MS, slow IV push.

Pedestrian with
multiple lacs

from jumping
out of the way.

I can take him.

Lily, put him in Three.

I can still suture.

You're no longer a student.

You're not covered to
practice medicine here.

You want to stay, you observe!

That's it!

Car flew into the river.
Probable broken ribs.

GSW to the left leg.


Oh, my God.

What happened?
Road rage.

A guy shot at us.

Is the abdomen okay?

Pleuritic chest pain.

Get me off this damn backboard!

Pratt was the driver.

All right,
you start with Pratt,

I'll stay with Jing-Mei.
Show me a C-spine!

This is so stupid! I'm fine!

Bad scalp lac.

And he's combative.

I'm not combative!

I'm just pissed off
that you tied me down!

Come on!
Get back in there!

Morris, move
him to sutures.

Got it!

Let's go,
we need the room!

Dr. Chen?

That's the guy.
That's the guy
that shot at us.

I want to sign out AMA.

You can't, Pratt.
You're a trauma patient

with a head injury.

One, two, three...

First day labs, C-spine,
chest and pelvis, and a head CT.

Would you stop it?
I don't need all of that.

CHEN ( gasping ):
It's getting harder
to breathe.

Pulse ox is 89.

Up her to five liters.

How's she doing?

Probable sternal fracture.

Don't wait for the X ray.

If there's decreased breath
sounds, put in a chest tube.

Open your mouth.

( screams )

Is her pain on the left
or the right side?

Keep your mouth open
so I can check your pharynx.

Thought you weren't
supposed to be doing anything.

You're a resident,
no one's gonna care if
I k*ll you-- Open.

I'm feeling dizzy.

BP's 90 palp.
She could
have tamponade.

Shut up, Pratt!

Hello? Can I get a doctor?

What? What is it? What?!

Flaccid paralysis
of both arms and legs.

Divers fished this dude
out of the river.

Is that Elgin?

Elgin Gibbs.
Is he alive?

Tubed him but
he has a pulse.

Elgin was with you?

Abby, check him out.

You're a doctor now?
No, my internship
starts tomorrow.

I just advanced your residency

start date 12 hours.

Go. Now you're
an intern. What? You want

an engraved invitation?
Go, go, go!

Hey, and keep your eye on him.

Make sure he doesn't get up.

Both toes
are up-going.

30 per kilo of bolus.

Abby, what do we have?

High cervical cord injury.

Starting steroids.

Who's the resident
on the case?

That would be me.

Early bird catches the worm.

Fine cuts through
the C-spine.

Set up for
Gardner-Wells tongs.

Good alignment.

No fractures. You can
take him off the board.

About time.

How you doing, Greg?

I'm fine.

GCS is 15, abdomen is benign.

How's Elgin,
the spinal-cord-injury kid?

There's no blood
in the belly.

Four of morphine
and sew this up.

I'll get Morris to do it.

Morris?! No, screw that,
I'll do it myself.


100 of lido,
open the crash cart.

He could be accumulating blood
in the pericardium.

We need a stat echo--
run in a liter of saline.

How the hell
did this happen?

Some kind
of hit-and-run.

They caught the guy,
he's next door.

Any JVD or muffled
heart sounds?

Dr. Pratt...
Check for
pulsus paradoxus.

Back off, Pratt, or I'll check

your rectal tone
with my crutch.

Somebody has
to call my house.

My dad's nurse.

Her name's Marie...

Both lungs are up.

I was supposed
to take over at 9:00.

She needs to stay longer.

appears normal.

GSW to the left leg.
She barely has pedal pulses.

Did I transect the artery?

Order an angiogram.

We need to check
compartment pressure.

Okay, she's bradying down.

Amp of atropine.

Dr. Weaver,
Abby needs you now.

For Elgin?

Prep the entire leg,
open a cut-down tray.

Some guy named Eduardo
on line two.

Says he's
Sandy Lopez' brother.

Sounds upset.

Wait, wait, wait,
is Henry okay?

My son.

I don't know.
He didn't say.
Well, go find out.

Doc, we're getting
a judge to issue

a body cavity
search warrant.
Good for you.

How much longer
is it going to be?

He dropped
his pressure.

I ordered
two units of O neg.

Dr. Weaver, my
wife is in the car

and has some questions.
I'm kind of busy here.

Henry's fine,
but this Eduardo

still wants
to talk to you.

I think he has
decreased breath sounds

on the left.
I agree.

You don't work
here anymore.

He wants to meet with you
as soon as possible.

He says
it's important.

Take a message.
BP is only 80.

What's the hemocue?

11 point three.

Okay, good breath sounds.

It's spinal shock.

Dopamine at ten mikes.

You don't think
a chest tube?

No. Re-check the hemocue.

It needs time to equilibrate.

If it's not dropping,
he's not bleeding.

I'll be with Chen.

I should try and
call his mother.

What size suture you using?

Four-oh nylon.

Morris, I shave my melon, man.

Go with the five-oh,
minimize the scar.

Compartment pressure is 42.

I've lost the pulse.

Kerry, Abby's doing
a thoracotomy.


Who's getting a thoracotomy?

Aorta's clamped.
More suction.

Are you out of your mind?

He was coding.

I told you he didn't even need
a chest tube.

He had three liters of blood
in his chest.


You want the cell saver?

Mrs. Gibbs,
this is Neela Rasgotra

from County General Hospital.

Your son Elgin
was in a car accident tonight.

It's pretty serious.

When you get this message,

can you come to
the Emergency Room
and ask for me?

It was a machine.

Last one.

Beautifully averted
and well approximated.

You are definitely a lightweight
when it comes to morphine.

C.T.'s ready.

Okay. Greg, time to wake up.


Greg, come on.

Oh, crap, he's
got a blown pupil.

Intubation tray,
20 of etomidate,
100 of sux.

Should I get
Dr. Weaver?

Get the head down.

Soon as we tube him,

I want 80 of Mannitol.

I need suction
and an end tidal C02 detector.

Here we go.

Charge to 30 again.


How much O-neg
has he had?

Eight units.

Ruptured the
proximal aorta.

FFP and platelets are here.

What about a side biting clamp?

There's nothing left to bite.

Are you done?

Stop compressions.

Pratt's herniating.


We need to close his chest.

His mother's coming.

I don't want her to have
to see him like this.

Keep the head
at 30 degrees

and his MAP in the 90's.

To a PCO two of 30.

Epidural bleed.

Mannitol's on board.
He was awake and alert.

Classic presentation
with a lucid interval.
It's a skull fracture.

Probably tore the middle
meningeal artery.

Abby, call the O.R., tell them

we need an ICP monitor.


Hey, you ready?

Sorry, I got stuck
with a sick kid.

I called the restaurant.

They can take us
at 9:30.

Let me throw on
a clean shirt--

I'll be ready to go.

Maybe we could just
stay home

and watch a movie.


How does Thai food sound?

The, uh... take-out menus

are in the kitchen
top drawer, yeah?

The good news is the pupil
went down with Mannitol.

The bad news is
Greg needs surgery

and he might have
long-term brain damage.

So it's wait and see?


So what happened in Michigan?

Can we maybe talk
about it tomorrow?


You should go home
and get some rest.

Go on, I can finish this.

I'll stay.

You start in
a few hours.

I think I started tonight.

Go. Really.

I'm okay.

You don't have privileges
here anymore, remember?

Don't think I'm going to be sued
for missing a suture

on a dead boy's chest.


I'll wait for his mother.

We'll talk tomorrow?

Hi... this is Sam.

Leave a message
after the beep. Bye.

Has he woken up yet?

Not as of 6:00 a.m.

With all the trauma,
the board's a mess.

PICU can take the baby up
after change of shift.

Two more messages from
that Eduardo guy.

He's persistent.

Where do you want
the fresh meat?

Right there.

Ray. Ray Barnett.

Luca Kovac.

Are you Dr. Weaver?

Yeah. Sorry, I've
been up all night.

You could've fooled me.

Howard Ritzke.

Orientation's in
the second floor

auditorium at 8:00 a.m.
with the new house staff.

And the elevator's
that way, right?

Thank you.

So, we come back here
at what time?

Whenever you're through.

Here's the labs
on the baby.

Out of here.

That explains it.

All right, I gotta go.
I've got an appointment.

Sorry, my alarm
didn't go off.

How are Pratt and Chen?

In surgical ICU.
They're both stable.


Did the other interns
go upstairs already?

They did,
but you've been excused.


I have a few pass-ons
for you from last night.

I don't have to go
to my orientation?

You have an I.D.

You know where
the bathrooms are.

All you need is a lab coat.

Welcome to County,
Dr. Lockhart.

Excuse me. You a doctor?

Yes, I am.

Sara's stool tested positive
for botulism toxin.


Will she get better?

It can take a month.

A month on
the breathing machine?

She needs oxygen
and tube feedings

until her muscles recover.

How could
she get botulism?

The spores can be present
in honey, corn syrup...

She doesn't get that stuff.

I cook and puree everything
for her myself, by hand.



Oh... Damn it, Jeffrey.

You don't give
honey to a baby.

How am I supposed
to know that?

It was in the book.
You never read the book?

Why don't we all just...

You gave me
four books.

I do the diapers, the bottles,
the cleaning, the shopping...

Excuse me, do you know anything
about a search warrant?

We're not doing it.

It was one book,
and I told you

which book...
Hey, it's not like I want
to be doing this!

I know you're
both upset, but...

The only reason
why I am working

is 'cause you lost
yet another job

because you can't control
your damn temper!

Good luck.

Look, I was up all night finding
a judge to get that warrant

Yeah, yeah. Where does it say
that we have to do the search?

Wait a minute.
You want me to go back
to get a court order

to compel you
to do the search?

If we start doing cavity
searches for the cops,

word's gonna get out

and people are gonna
be afraid to come here.

Who? Drug-dealing hookers?

Fine! I'll get the order!

You refuse that,
I'll arrest you.

( man coughing loudly )

How long do those
batteries last?

This guy's
spitting up blood!

Hi, I'm Ab...

I'm Dr. Lockhart.

George Pisoni,

history of oral malignancy.

Cancer of the tonsil.

Been going like this all night.

CBC, PT/PTT, type and cross.


gelfoam and some Cetacaine.

Can you stop the bleeding?

I'm going to do
the best I can.

Open up.
Yankauer's ready.

( gurgling )

It's just a little
numbing spray.

Nice coat.

( sudden moan )

It's a mess in there.

Two operations,

lots of radiation.

This should help it clot.


Maybe you would be
more comfortable

holding that yourself.

Okay, you're bleeding

over... a large area,

so we may need to put
a breathing tube in your throat

to protect your airway.

( weakly ):

Hemocue is 8.5.

You might also need
a transfusion.

No, thanks.

I have an advance

Yeah, but if we don't stop this,
you're could bleed to death.

I guess...


today's the day.

( gurgling )


Alex, come on.

I could have been dead

and you wouldn't even
have noticed.

If we leave now,
we can make it

halfway to Florida
before dinner.

I don't want to go to Florida.

You can swim in the ocean.

So what?

All right, how about

my cousin Fran's
in Atlanta?

Her place smells.

Fine, where do you want to go?

Back to Chicago.

That isn't an option.

Come on, we don't
have time for this.

You want to stay here?

Really? Right here?

And I can't
change your mind?



We'll stay here.

We'll stay right here
in this pool

for the rest of our lives.

I found another
treatment option.

Will it cure my cancer?

Nebulized epinephrine.

It's like a vapor,
you inhale it,
and sometimes,

it constricts the blood vessels
and stops the bleeding.

How long
will it last?

It's, it's just temporary.

You're sure?

Yes. Yes.

I'm getting tired.

As your blood count drifts down,
you get sleepy.

Will it hurt?

If it does...

...we'll give you morphine.



Will you stay with me...

Will you stay with me


Abby, paramedics have
a new chest pain

and a febrile seizure.

I'll be here, George.

Make sure you get
everything you need.

Thank you, Haleh.

And I'll be back,
Mr. Pisoni, okay?

Greg? Greg,

yeah, you're intubated.

You had an epidural bleed.

Excuse me.

Can he get
a pen and paper?


welcome back.

"I have a shift at 8:00 a.m."

( laughs gently )

Well, you're late.

It's already noon.

Gellin's d-dimer is positive

and the spinal tap on Gomez
looks like viral meningitis.

The coat suits you.

Thank you.

Dr. Kovac, are you
expecting a collect call?


Area code 502?

Want to grab
some breakfast?

No, I'm too busy.
Do you live here now?

I slept
in the call room.

I gave up my apartment
a few days ago.

Have you been up
to see them?

Jing-Mei's okay,
but Greg hasn't woken up yet.

Well, it's only been
a couple hours.

Now, whatever happens,
stay calm,

be professional
and respectful.

We can always appeal

if we don't like
the court's decision.

Kerry, did you get
my messages?

I really don't think

there's anything else
for us to talk about, Eddie.

Mr. Lopez, I don't think
it's appropriate for you...

Just, please,
let me have a minute, okay?

We've all agreed to let
the court decide this matter.

You know, with you working
so much,

my parents are retired

so they're home
all the time for Henry...

Please, Mr. Lopez,

Dr. Weaver is well aware
of your family's concerns.

No, please.

Kerry, two minutes.
Please, two minutes.

Mr. and Mrs. Lopez,

you have now agreed that a full
order of legal and physical

custody will be granted
to Dr. Weaver, for Henry,

and that you will continue

in your current
role as caregiver

during Dr. Weaver's
working hours?

Yes, Your Honor.

With visitation rights
on holidays, as specified.


We just want to be a
part of Henry's life.

Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you.

Sounds better.
60 of Prednisone.

Films on Rowland.

Okay. Set me up for
a sugar-tong splint.

Repeat EKG on Harper.

Oh, Bolus 5000 of heparin.

And we can't get
an I.V. on Grant.

Okay, I'll do
a central line.

Have you met
the new interns?

No. It's about time.

Put 'em to work.

Actually, Luka wanted you
to see a few more patients

with them first.

Why can't
he take them around?

He left a couple hours ago.




How about here?

It's okay.

( sighs )

Is there a prayer?

I don't know.

We should say something.

We miss you...

...and you'll always be
in our hearts.

"Il y a un
temps pour

"un temps pour toute

"chose sous les cieux.

"Un temps pour etre

"ne et un temps
pour mourir.

"Un temps pour rire

"et un temps pour pleurer.

Un temps pour danser et
un temps pour s'affliger."

I want you to stay.

I can't. I can't.

( moans )


I want us
to be together.

I want to marry you.

Think I could get
something to eat?

I'll order you a tray.

Been here almost 18 hours.

I'm aware of that.

You've held up a bed,
woken up two judges

in the middle of the
night, and now the head

of the Public
Health Department

is coming here
to do your exam.



He's driving all the way in here
from Lake Forest just for you.

And he's really
happy about it, too.

He says he hasn't
actually done a pelvic
in about ten years,

but he's willing to
"give it a shot."

So, you can either wait here
for another hour

for the old guy to get here

and give you what, I'm sure,

will be a remarkably painless
and gentle exam

or you can
let me do it

right now.

Hey. Signed, sealed, delivered.

She's all yours.

You did the exam?

No, it was more like

I need you to sign
a death certificate.

On who?

Tonsil guy
finally bled out.




About an hour ago.

Well, why didn't you
come and find me?

He was a DNR.
You were busy.

But you were you with him?


He was comfortable?


Is now a good time?

If you're too busy, I'll just
come back after your shift.

No, it's fine.

Abby, where's the Marcaine?

Drug lockup.
Middle cabinet.

Right. And the drug...?

Behind you.

Thank you.

Who's that?

It's one of the
other new interns.

Okay, what happened?

I told my residency director

I didn't want
to do an internship.

In Michigan.


What?! What did he say?

He told me
to think about it.

You're lucky
he didn't fire you.

It would've made
life simpler.

Diarrhea boy's
at it again.

Okay. You know,
you can't get a license

without doing an internship.


So you can't
practice medicine.


That's crazy.
It's one more year.

I don't want to do it.

Oh! Eight years
of school.

You're so close to
the finish line.

What are you going to do,
just throw away your future?

I'm not sure
it's the future I want.

I'm coming!

Let's get something
to eat later.

What are you
doing, Sam?

What I do.

You knew that.

I don't stay in one place
that long.

How long
can you keep doing that?

Long as I have to.

Can't keep running away.

Sure, I can.

This isn't just about Steve.

I'm sorry.

Sometimes there's a little
collateral damage.

I have to do this
for Alex.

From what I can tell,
it's not working for him.

Well, he's ten.

He doesn't know
what's working for him.

Is this the life
you want for him?

For yourself?

I don't know
what else to do.

Go to your car
and follow me back to Chicago.

You don't have
to do this alone.

I'm here.

You can trust me.

It's not something
I'm good at.

Why not give it a try?

It can't be any worse
than this.

( laughs )

Can it?

Come on.
We should get going.

I don't want
to miss my flight.

( sighs )

When are you
coming back?

I'm not sure.

Well, my schedule's

I can come and visit
in a few weeks.

Can we talk about
it when I get back?


I'll just need a bit
of time, you know?

Just... I've
got to rest.

Get back
into work.

You didn't answer
my question.

( sniffles )

It's okay.

I love you.

You don't have
to answer me now.

I'm just not ready.

Well, will you think about it?

Will you
promise me that?

( crying )

I just don't know
what to think about anything.

It just all
happened so fast,

and felt so right, didn't it?

( crying )

Well, it is right.

Just give me
a bit more time, okay?

( passionate sigh )

I love you, too.

I love you so much.