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01x29 - Prince Adam No More

Posted: 08/16/21 16:41
by bunniefuu

And the Masters of the Universe.

I am Adam, Prince of Eternia.

Defender of the

secrets of Castle Grayskull.

This is Cringer, my fearless friend.

Fabulous secret powers were revealed

to me the day I held aloft

my magic sword and said,

by the power of Grayskull.

I have the power!

Cringer became the

mighty Battle Cat, and I became

He-Man, the most

powerful man in the universe.

Only three others share this secret:

Our friends the Sorceress,

Man-at-Arms, and Orko.

Together we defend Castle Grayskull from,

the evil forces of Skeletor.

Grr, please, Great Skeletor...

Give me one more chance.

I beg you. Don't...

Don't send me away from Snake Mountain.

Silence, you furry fool.

I've had it with your whining

and bumbling.

You're finished here, do you understand?
Cast out.


Say, what's Beast Man done, anyway?

Nothing. Skeletor's had one too

many defeats from He-Man and...

he's taking it out on poor old fuzz-face.

Just be grateful,

that's not you down there.

Your whip, Beast Man.

And finally,
your seat at the council table.

Go, and don't let me see your

mangy hide around here again.

Alright, I'll go...

but I'll be back.

Oh, you will, will you?

Yes! I'll show you all,

the true power of Beast Man.

You haven't seen the last...

of meee.

There, all the adjustments are done.

The Attak Trak's ready for the

king's royal tour of Eternia.

That's great.

When do we get started?

We, don't.
The king will be going

alone on this tour,
accompanied only...

by me and his mightiest,

most courageous warrior.


You, Prince Adam?
-Well, I'm hoping he picks me...

-as his guard.
-No fair.

I wanna go too.
I'm real helpful.

You can be a big help by
staying out of the way.

But I won't cause any trouble, I promise.



-Orko? -He's trapped inside.

Let me out!

Voice scan: Negative.

You are not recognized.

You are an intruder.

Which one is the turn off switch?

Oh, stop!

I think we need a little help.

By the power of Grayskull!

I have the power!

What's going on around here, Duncan?

We're having some trouble
with the Attack Trak, Sire,

but He-Man is taking care of it.


Attack Trak, this is He-Man.

Cease all functions immediately.

Voice scan: Positive.

He-Man: Confirmed.

All functions: Ceased.

Last stop.
Everybody out.

You said you wanted to help?


I saw how you rescued Orko.

That was very brave.

Thank you, Sire.

I'm just glad that
no one got hurt.

You do a great service to
Eternia, young man.

We are proud,
you are on our side.

Thank you, Your Majesty.

So you still think you'll
be the king's escort, eh?

Sure. Why not?

Well, sometimes,
he hasn't been too pleased with you.

You know, as Adam,
I may act like a goof now and then but...

well that's only to keep my secret...

I'd never really do anything,

to make my father ashamed of me.

Hmm, I hope he knows that.

Adam, Duncan, I called you in to

tell you that I have made the choice for...

My honor guard escort.

The young man I've selected has
won the admiration of myself...

and our people many times over.


Duncan, you've had great
success in summoning He-Man before.

Would you please contact him now?
-Of course, Your Majesty.

But father I...

Well, I thought you and I
might make this trip together.

Really, Adam?

But you've never shown any
interest in state affairs.

Sorry, son.
I'm afraid on this trip...

I'll need someone,

a bit more experienced and reliable.

I see.

You seem troubled, Adam.

How can I help?

For a long time,
I've had the power of He-Man but...

to keep that power a
secret, I've had to pretend...

you know,
to be careless and irresponsible.

More than anything,
I want to give up that disguise...

and make my father proud of me.

I understand your sorrow, Adam.

But you must also recognize...

the responsibility your power brings.

If Skeletor or any of He-Man's

other enemies learned your secret...

they would not rest, until they had

destroyed you or the ones you love.

I can't endanger my family...

but I can make my father respect

me without telling him my secret.

You must do what you think is right, Adam.
But be careful.

So, after all those years of service...

Skeletor, just throws me out.

Why, that skull-faced creep.

Where does he come off pushing me around?

I'm still Beast Man, right?

The master of all the animals.


You there, Bush Tail!

Bring me down that fruit
and make it snappy!

Oh let's face it, without the power

of Snake Mountain behind me...

I'm nothing.

What's that?

I still think He-Man would've been

a better choice for this trip.

But father, I'm going to be king one day.

I'll have to learn how to run the kingdom.

Just remember, Adam.

We're on an important journey.

We'll have no time for

your antics on this trip.

I know, father.
You can count on me.

It's the king,

and with no guards here.

Why, if I could capture him,

Skeletor would gladly take me back.

C'mon, you beasts!

We have work to do.

What's the first stop, Duncan?

The city of Drisdos,
lies on the other side of this forest.

We should be there in a few hours.

What's that?

Shadow Beasts!

They shorted out our generator.

We're defenseless and losing power.

Stay down, father.
I'll handle this.

Adam, wait! Come back!

This freeze ray will slow them down.

Well, lookie here.

It's the cowardly Prince Adam.

Let us go, Beast Man,
or you'll pay for this.

Sorry, Prince.

It's you who's going to pay...

if you ever want to see

your father a free man.

Bring all the gold from the palace

to Snake Mountain tonight.

Do as I say...

or the king will never

leave Skeletor's Dungeon.

Let me go!

And just so you don't try to follow us.

We'll be long gone before that wears off.

Right this way...

Your Majesty.

You furry devil.

You'll never get away with this.

Who's going to stop me?

That weakling son, of yours?

When he shows up tonight
I'll get him...

and all your gold too.

Monster, if you touch one
hair on that boy's head.

Yeah, come on.

You've got a date with Skeletor.


Hold it right there!

Put that down, you fool.
It's me.

What are you doing back here?

I've brought Skeletor, a little gift.

King Randor?!

Well done, Beast Man.

Skeletor is sure to take you back now.

Where is the old skull face anyway?

On a destruction mission out in space.

He took the others with him.

I got stuck with guard duty.

Well, What do you say,

we lock up our guest...

and celebrate my return?


Are you alright?

I'm fine, but the King...

I know,
He's Beast Man's prisoner.

Why didn't you turn to He-Man, lad?

I wanted to show my

father that I could be a hero too.

but I failed.

Look, son...

You were given He-Man's power

for a reason: to help others.

No one ever said you could use

that power to make yourself happy.

I know that now,

and I know what I have to do.

By the power of Grayskull!

I have the power!

You stay here and get the
Attack Trak rolling again.

I think this is one mission,

He-Man should tackle himself.

To Beast Man!

The craftiest of Skeletor's warriors.

Next to myself, that is.

I'm surprised you came...

back, considering the
way you were treated...

No, are you kidding?

Old bone-head couldn't make

a move without yours truly.

Did you hear something?

No, that's your imagination.

Quit worrying.

King Randor? Are you in there?

I guess not.


Down here.

He-Man, praise the Sorceress.

Shh... quiet, Your Highness,

with any luck I'll have you out of here

and back to safety before

the others know you're gone.

Then again...

The prisoner alarm!
The king...

is escaping.

[click] Skeletor's

Hover Robots will bring him back.

Surrender, intruders.
There is no escape.

You better let me handle this, Sire.

What? And miss a good scrap?!

I never told Adam or Man-At-Arms...

but I used to be quite a rowdy in my youth.

Wouldn't Adam be surprised
if he could see me now?

Yes, he would.

I haven't fought like
that since I was a boy.

Nice to know,
I still have the ol' left hook.

Beast Man didn't hurt my son, did he?

No, he's fine.

I love that boy, you know?

I'm hard on him sometimes...

but I hope he knows how much I care.

It's hard for a father to say,
'' I love you '', to his son.

it's hard for Adam to say that too.

This way, Sire.

You'll go nowhere, fool.

You're not spoiling my victory, He-Man.


Naughty, naughty.

It's not nice to sneak up on people.

I guess we showed them.

Let's go, Your Highness.

Adam will be happy to see you.

Well, Beastman, you've done it again.

Skeletor won't be happy
when he hears about this.


Do you think I care what
that bone-faced creep thinks?

That arrogant loudmouth!

If I ever see his ugly face again,

it will be too soon.

You furry flea-bitten fool.

I'll cover my throne with your hide.

Sk... Skeletor, I...

I... I can explain everything...

And so you will,

once you clean up this mess.

You too Mer-Man. Get busy.

Well, I hope you're happy fool, now we're..

both in trouble.

Oh, I don't know,

it's kind of nice to be home.

I see the Attack Trak's
no worse for wear...

after our little meeting
with the shadow beasts.

And you're no worse for wear,

after your encounter with Beast Man.

Thanks to He-Man.

You can learn a lot from him, Adam.

I, think I already have.

Now, what does that mean?

Nothing, father...
do I look like the kind who'd

argue with someone with a
good, left hook.

No, I guess not.


I wonder... N-No.
It couldn't be.

Today's story was about love,

A very special kind.

It was about the love a
parent has for a child.

And I bet that's the
strongest love there is.

Because, for one thing,
there's just about nothing that can

change it, no matter what.

Maybe, like Adam's father,

your parents find it a little
difficult to say "I love you".

Even so, you can be sure they do.

Besides, let me ask you something:

when was the last time you said

"I love you" to them?
