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01x28 - The Defection

Posted: 08/16/21 16:41
by bunniefuu

And the Masters of the Universe.

I am Adam, Prince of Eternia.

Defender of the

secrets of Castle Grayskull.

This is Cringer, my fearless friend.

Fabulous secret powers were revealed

to me the day I held aloft

my magic sword and said,

by the power of Grayskull.

I have the power!

Cringer became the

mighty Battle Cat, and I became

He-Man, the most

powerful man in the universe.

Only three others share this secret:

Our friends the Sorceress,

Man-at-Arms, and Orko.

Together we defend Castle Grayskull from,

the evil forces of Skeletor.

Wonderful, Orko, just wonderful.

I must say,
you're getting rather good, Orko.

And I can see there's been a

definite change for the better.

Yeah, you're even cleaning
up after yourself now.

And that's a real change.

What do you mean, change?

I'm the same as I've always

been. You just never appreciated

me, and besides, people

don't change.
The weather changes, not people.

Well, I don't know that I agree with that,

old buddy. People can change.

I hate to tell a prince he's
wrong, but Adam...

You couldn't be wronger!

People are what they are.

The good stay good,

and the evil are always evil,

and I'd like to see
somebody prove me wrong!

You're wrong,

absolutely wrong, Sibyline.

Not this time,
it's not too late for me to change.

I've had enough, Gorgon.

You've had me destroy
everything, that was good and

beautiful here on the Isle of Tears...

and I will do no more.

What's that? You'll do as...

I say and that's final.

I give the orders on this island.

No, no more spells,

no more floods, no more fiery monsters.

I was once a good sorceress,
and like a fool...

I let you turn me into an evil one.

You're still, a good sorceress.
Good and Evil.

Oh, to think I helped you,
overthrow King Danton.

You can always join him in the dungeon.

I'm not afraid of you anymore, Gorgon.

We'll see about that.

Your sorcery is better
spent on our enemies.

You are the enemy,

and I'll see no more of your evil reign.

Guards, guards!

Throw her in with Danton.

If you feel so sorry for the king,

I'll let you join him in the dungeon.

So, now the great Gorgon,

is even jailing his evil friends.

He's no friend, King Danton,

and I realize now, you were never my enemy.

A little late for that, Sibyline.

We're both his prisoner now.

Maybe, it's not too late.

I think, I have enough magic
to leave this dungeon...

But where could I go?

Who could I get to help us?

Well, if you really changed your
ways, Sibyline,

there's always King Randor and He-Man.

They'd help.
-Of course.

I will go to Eternia.

I must convince them that I want to

make up for what I've done in the past.

That may be difficult,

there is much to forgive.

I must try.

Oh, I wish I had enough
magic to set you free.

I've waited years for something like this,

I can wait a little longer.

Let's just hope, they believe you.

Now go. Quickly.

I'll return, Majesty,
to see you back on the throne.

See, I told ya people don't change.

Adam's right again.

Sorry I'm late. I guess I overslept.

I've received a message from
Sibyline the Sorceress, today.

Sibyline? What does she want?

She asked for our help against Gorgon.

She says she's changed.
- Changed?

Sibyline's been one of
Eternia's most evil creatures.

But if she's asking for our help,

how can we refuse her request?

Easy, we say no. Hey, she's bad. I've...

heard about her: She once turned a

whole army into little fish with feet...

Yech! It took the Sorceress of

Grayskull to turn them back.

Orko, we must listen to all

who ask for help. Anyone.

I have asked her to come here.

She is to be treated with all courtesy.

I have a bad feeling about her.

Don't worry little buddy,

you'd look good as a fish.

Heh, especially with feet.

Your Majesties,
I thank you both for seeing me.

You've shown great trust in opening your

doors to one who once opposed you.

Our goal is for a united
and peaceful universe.

We first must start with Eternia,

and you are welcome here.

I think I'd better keep an eye on her.

King Danton was loved by his people...

but Gorgon has made the people his

slaves and I've helped him.

I was wrong.

sl*very is a terrible thing.

It is, indeed.

But I have changed and things can change.

King Danton is still alive,

but he is Gorgon's prisoner.

Together, we could free him.

Then we will do that.

Looks like our work is cut out for us.

If she can be trusted...

and even if she can't.

I've asked you here, Evil-Lyn...

because there is no

sorceress more evil than you.

Thank you, Gorgon,

but, to your problem.

Who would have thought Sibyline

would go off to the other side?

Let's see what she's up to, shall we.

What could we possibly

do to make them think...

Sibyline is still evil?

That should be easy enough.

It appears that the little
one doesn't trust her.

We'll double that feeling with
a little flying dragon action.

Great, great, great.

I love flying dragons.

You saved our lives, Sibyline.

I am your humble servant.

...and she zapped the
dragon right into a cage.

I tell you. She knew it was coming.
She set this...

all up. Where could a dragon

come from around here?

I'll tell you. I just checked.

A dragon escaped from the royal zoo,

and if it hadn't been for...

Sibyline, there's no telling

what might have happened.

Well, little buddy, maybe you're wrong.

No, I'm right. I still think she did it.

Guess who's up to something now?

Sibyline, that's who.

I had better check the guards.

I think it's time to visit our Sorceress...

and time for me, to check on Sibyline.

Sibyline is a powerful sorceress...

and I'd rather have her as a friend,

than an enemy.

But, is she a friend?

She is Gorgon's enemy now...

and with her help, he can be defeated.

Then, she has our trust.

We must give her the chance
to prove she has changed,

and that even, within evil...

Lies the possibility for good.

We'll give Sibyline her chance.

I've never seen such a storm.

Quick, it's a flood!

Help! Help!

Hold on, Orko. I'm on my way!

By the power of Grayskull!

I have the power!

Help! Help!

Stay afloat, Orko!

What were you doing down here?

I was following Sibyline...

but she disappeared just before the flood.

It's over, Orko. The storm is over.

I don't believe it.

The storm is gone as fast as it came...

as if by magic.

She did it, She caused it.

I'm a magician and I can feel magic.

Bad magic.

You have no proof, Orko.

But Your Majesty, you've seen

what happens since she got here.

It certainly seems like sorcery to me.

There's still no proof
and until there is some...

We must work for peace at all costs.

Your concern is real, Orko.

These events are indeed magical.

But not by my magic.

Who's then?
I don't know...

but my guess,

is it comes from
the Isle of Tears.

You must go with Sibyline
to the Isle of Tears...

and help break the rule
of the tyrant Gorgon.

Then return Danton to his throne.

Ah! just what everybody needs,

A magical island holiday.

Your plan is working perfectly, Evil-Lyn.

Haha, yes.
Not only will

we bring Sibyline to her knees...

but we'll get He-Man too.

And I'll make Sibyline

beg me for forgiveness.

I'm sorry I came along.

This place is creepy.

Follow me, this is the

entrance to my secret workshop.

I think your secret workshop

isn't a secret anymore.

It doesn't matter.

What does matter is freeing King Danton...

and ridding this island of Gorgon's rule.

This will take us to Danton's dungeon.

Bet this is a trap.
I can feel it

Oh hush, Orko.

Step softly.

The guards have sharp ears.

Don't have to worry about me.

I'm not even touching the ground.


King Danton should be nearby.

There's, his cell.

This sure feels funny.

Alright, ready yourselves.

He's in there
and unguarded too.

Ah Sibyline, I'd hope you'd come back.

You brought He-Man.

I never thought I'd see the

day when I'd be rescued.

That's why Sibyline brought us.

Now we'll remove Gorgon from the throne

and free the Isle of Tears.

And return King Danton,

to his rule of the kingdom.

That was a trick, I told you.

Welcome home, Sibyline.

You've played your part perfectly.

Just as you and I planned.

So, Orko was right.

Sibyline tricked us.

Wait. Let's hear Sibyline's side.

I have been honest with you.

I had not tricked you.

Gorgon is lying.

He wants you to think I'm still evil.

I know it's hard to believe...

but I want to right the wrongs I've done.

Gorgon, I have come back to

help replace you with the real king.

Replace me? Well then...

I'm afraid you'll have to spend

the rest of your days in the...

dungeon with your new friends.

Because I no longer need your aid.

Isn't that right, Evil-Lyn?

That's right, Sibyline.

Even He-Man can't break
through 2 ft of solid steel.


Oh, then that explains all the magic.

You must believe me, He-Man.

This has been their doing.

They wanted you to mistrust me.

They didn't think I
would get another chance.

I believe you.

They were wrong about our not giving

you a chance to change,

and they were wrong about something else.

2 ft of solid steel, you say?

Ladies first.

Guards! Guards!

Now don't go away.

I'll use my lasso line.

Good idea.

That about ties it up, Father.

Thanks, Sibyline.


Thank you, Orko.


Well, that should take care

of those guards for the time being.

And now, let's find Gorgon.

This way.

What now, Evil-Lyn? What now?

Do something.
They'll be here any second.

They'll never get
through that door.

My magic will keep them out.

But you've locked up my guards too.

You fool, I'm here.

We don't need any guards.

The others are at the front door.

I thought we'd use the back way.

Guards, guards!

I'll get Gorgon.

You'll have to hold your breath and swim

to catch me now, He-Man.

Quick, take it down.

Look what I caught.

Your magic is no match for mine, Sibyline.

Give up now and return to your
master, Gorgon.

Not to Gorgon and never to you.

Then you leave me no choice.

I was afraid of your magic

once, Evil-Lyn, but no longer.

I have the strength of
the truth behind me now.

We'll see about that.

Now, Sibyline, we shouldn't be fighting.

We've always been such good friends.

I'd rather be changed into a bug...

than call myself your friend.


if that's what you want...

They just don't make doors...

like they used to.

Evil-Lyn, do something!

I'm about to, but not for you.

Can't we talk this over?

With Gorgon now answering for his crimes...

the Isle of Tears sheds only tears of joy.

Thanks to He-Man and all of you.

Especially you, Sibyline.

I hereby, pardon your past misdeeds...

and welcome you to our new future.

I could never have accomplished

all of this without my new friends,

and I hope I can count on you,

Orko, among my new friends.

I'd like that.

You see, Orko?

All people are
capable of change.

And we must always be open and willing

to give them the chance to change.

'Course as I've always said,

people can change.

You what?

Hey, anyone want to see some magic?

Yeah, I think you better do your

disappearing act.

Sometimes I feel that I am not appreciated.

See ya later, folks.

See you later, little buddy.

As you saw in today's
story, people can change.

Right, Teela.

Sibyline had always been an evil sorceress.

But she was able to change
her ways for the better.

Maybe there's something about
yourself that you don't like,

a bad habit maybe.
It's easy to say, 'I can't change'.

But the truth is, you can change

almost any behavior if you really want to.

And the first step is
saying to yourself 'I can'.