01x01 - The Cosmic Comet

Episode transcripts for the TV show "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe". Aired: September 5, 1983 - 1985.*
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The most powerful man in the universe, He-Man, holds up his sword to Skeletor saving the planet from evil forces.
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01x01 - The Cosmic Comet

Post by bunniefuu »

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

I am Adam,
Prince of Eternia

and defender of the secrets
of Castle Grayskull.

This is Cringer,
my fearless friend.

Fabulous secret powers
were revealed to me

the day I held aloft
my magic sword and said,

"By the power of Grayskull!"

♪ ♪

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

I have the power!

♪ ♪


[He-Man] Cringer became
the mighty Battle Cat,

and I became He-Man,

the most powerful man
in the universe.

♪ ♪

Only three others
share this secret:

our friends the Sorceress,
Man-At-Arms, and Orko.

Together we defend
Castle Grayskull

from the evil forces
of Skeletor.


[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[lightning crackling]

The stars are in the right
position, Beast Man.


Ah, the Cosmic Comet.

Now is the time to finally open
the gates of Grayskull.


[electricity cackling]


Well, well, look who's here.

Ah, He-Man.

Right you are, Fur Face.

Fur Face is it?






We'll be back, He-Man!

Make sure you wash up first.

Well, they won't be bothering us
for a while.

I'm afraid that's not true.

This att*ck was only a test.

[Man-At-Arms] Of what?

The power of the Cosmic Comet.

Skeletor plans to use it
against Eternia.

Well, we'll just
have to stop him.

It will take more than just
courage, He-Man.

Zagraz will explain it to you.

Who is Zagraz?

He's the wizard
of Zagraz Mountain.

More than a wizard.

He's Keeper of the Comets.

You must seek him out.

And hurry!



[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

What is this mission, Duncan?

With your majesty's permission,

I'd like to keep it a secret
for the moment.

But I...I can say that it's vital
to Eternia's safety.


Well, Adam, it looks like
you're finally

taking a bit of serious

[He-Man] Thank you, Father.

But if it's important
to Eternia's safety,

I think the Caption of the Gods
should go along.

Teela, you'll accompany
Man-At-Arms and the prince.

Yes, sire.

Can I go too?

They might need some magic.

I don't think so, Orko.

Well, I guess I should stick
around here

and practice a few tricks
for the banquet.

On the other hand,
one can never have tell

what might come in handy.

All right, Orko, you can go.

[ominous music]

[crickets chirping]

♪ ♪

[footsteps approaching]

The time has come.

Join hands as we bring together

our mystic powers.

♪ ♪

[lightning crackling]

Let our evil grow.

Let it reach out!



The Cosmic Comet is now
in my power.


[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

We should be almost there.

Hold it, att*ck Track.

[att*ck Track]
Affirmative. Full stop.


[stammering] What's that?

Zagraz Mountain. We're here.

[att*ck Track] Affirmative.

Any special instructions?

[stammering] Yeah.

Turn back.


[chuckling] Oh, my.

Visitors. How wonderful.



I haven't had company
in years.

Oh, or is it ?

Well, I don't...
it's been a long time.

So what can I do for you?

Well, uh, we were hoping
you could tell us

something about
the Cosmic Comet.

The Cosmic Comet?

Yeah, Skeletor is planning
to take control of it and...

Oh, Skeletor! Oh, no.

This is terrible, terrible,

and it's all my fault.

What do you mean?

Oh! I'll show you.


Oh, once there were
two happy comets,

wandering the universe.

I wanted to control them

as I controlled
all the other comets.


So I cast a spell,

but I made a mistake.

I was so eager to prove
my greatness

that I used too much power
in the spell,

don't you know?

And I destroyed
one of the comets.

The one that remained
grew lonely and evil

without its friend.

It lost its heart.

I knew then that I was just
a foolish old wizard,

not worthy to be
Keeper of the Comets.

You mean there's nothing
you can do?

I just haven't got
what it takes anymore.

I'm too old and silly, I guess.

I don't think you're so silly.

And anyone can make a mistake.

[Zagraz] Oh, thank you, Teela,

but it...[sighs]
it doesn't change the facts.

I can't control the Cosmic Comet

and Skeletor can.

Heh, all because of me.


[Beast Man] When do we begin
our cosmic as*ault on Eternia?

First we must deal with
that fool wizard Zagraz.

He alone might interfere
with my plans.

Zagraz? What can he do?

Perhaps nothing.

He's lost confidence
in his powers

since his mistake
with the Cosmic Comet,

but I'm not taking any chances.

Cosmic Comet, hear your master.

Send creatures to capture


That should take care of Zagraz!

When those pieces land,
they will become creatures,

creatures that will capture

He'll soon wish he never even
laid eyes on the comet.


[dramatic music]


And they're coming straight
at us.

♪ ♪



[expl*si*n booms]

Oh, thanks, Teela.

Just doing my job.



♪ ♪

What are they?

Oh, they're pieces

of the Cosmic Comet.

Evil power has made them into
un-living monsters.


Then they're not alive?

[Zagraz] No!
No, they're more like robots.

[stammering] Alive or not,

it's time to go.


Adam, come...

Teela, look out.

♪ ♪

Try some of this, creature.

Wow, that thing ate
Teela's freeze ray

like it was ice cream.


Let's see it chew on this.

[blaster fires]

Oh, my!

I think we're in trouble.

Come out of there, Cringer.

We've got work to do.

Oh, no.

My mother didn't raise
any foolish children.

By the power of Grayskull!

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

I have the power!

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪


Now I know we're in trouble.

They're...they're only
comet chunks.

I must try to control them.
I must try.

Zagraz! Don't!

Away, comet creatures.



Oh, no! Zagraz!

You've got a friend of mine,
Rock Head.

[triumphant music]

♪ ♪

Couldn't control 'em.

Oh, the evil power.

So weak, so weak.

What happened?


I sure am glad to see you.

But where's Prince Adam?

Don't worry, he's safe.

He-Man, Zagraz...he's hurt!

Old and foolish. Oh!

I couldn't do it.

Cosmic Comet was too strong.

We'll help you, Zagraz.

Too late.

Skeletor already controls
Cosmic Comet.


[He-Man] We've got to get him
to Castle Grayskull.

Come on!

Hmm, these might come in handy.


He's very weak,

but I think can help him.

Then we'll leave it to you
and Orko.

Teela, Man-At-Arms,

let's go see Skeletor.

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

[Skeletor] So it's He-Man.

Beast Man, take the basher
and slow him down!


I'll slow him down, all right.

And you and I, dear Evil-Lyn,

will call upon the Cosmic Comet

to defeat He-Man
once and for all!

[att*ck Track]
Arrival in . seconds.

All passengers be prepared.

Old Bonehead
is probably waiting.

He won't have to wait long.

[att*ck Track] Alert! Alert!

Air vehicle approaching
for att*ck!

Vector - - .


This will give you something

to think about, He-Man.

[brakes screech]

Can you make it, Track?

[att*ck Track]
Height of obstacle: meters.

Composition: Stone.

Opinion: No problem.

I'll stop you this time!

[att*ck Track]
Air vehicle approaching again.

Let's clip its wings.

Wonderful idea.


[Beast Man] Ah! No!

And now for Skeletor.


Ah, more mud.

Cosmic Comet, obey your master.

Give us your power
to b*at He-Man!



Do you feel it, Evil-Lyn?

Welcome, He-Man.

Are you here to pledge
your loyalty

to the new ruler of Eternia?

You'll be ruling
from a dungeon cell

when I'm through with you,

Let's get 'em!


We've done it!

We've beaten He-Man!

I've done it, you mean.

Remember who controls
the Cosmic Comet.

We should chain them up

before they come to.

[Skeletor] No hurry. They...

[Evil-Lyn] They're gone!

But where? How?

It's the Sorceress, you boob!

Well, she won't cheat me
of this victory.

We'll set the Cosmic Comet
on Castle Grayskull right now!

I've never known Skeletor
to have that much power.

[Teela] He draws it from
the Cosmic Comet.

I'm afraid that he's about
to use the Comet

to att*ck Grayskull.

And there's nothing I can do
about it.

[laughs] Maybe I can't control
comets anymore,

but I think there is something
we can do.

We'll try anything.

Well, if we could make
another Cosmic Comet

and fill it with
the power of good,

we might be able to use it

to cancel out the evil
in this Cosmic Comet.

But we'd need some pieces
of the Comet itself.

You mean like these?

Orko, I could kiss you.

Please do.

[Zagraz coughs]

Uh, time is a-wasting,
don't you know?

The Sorceress has got to fuse

the pieces together again,

and then we can get started.

[lightning crackles]

Let our power reach out
once more

and bring the Cosmic Comet down
on Castle Grayskull.

[dramatic music]

The Cosmic Comet's coming!

♪ ♪

Oh, it's finished.

Now...now we have to give it
some heart.

Gather 'round.

You must all touch it.

♪ ♪

Ooh, it feels so evil.

No, don't...don't think about it.

Concentrate on goodness.

Think of all...
all the good people in Eternia.

Think of the goodness
in your own noble hearts.

Let that goodness reach out

and overcome the evil.

Hurry! Hurry!

Ah, it's working.

It's working.

Oh, that's good.

Oh, that's very, very good.

Thank you.

Because of the goodness
in your hearts,

my heart beats again.

He-Man, it's here!

The Cosmic Comet is here!


Are you sure this is safe,

Suppose Castle Grayskull

is not destroyed.

You furry coward.

There's no way Grayskull
can be saved.

And I want to be there
to see it fall.

Now it's up to you.

You've got to send
this new comet into the sky.

I don't know if I can.

I'm still so weak, and if I make
another mistake...

It's time to forget
your mistake.

I know you can do it.

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

Oh, can you hear me,
comet friend?

Fly, fly away.

I am trying,

but I need your help, Zagraz.

Hurry, Zagraz. Hurry.

Oh, almost have it.

A little more time.

Our time has run out.

Then I'll just have to slow
that comet down.

can you give me a lift?

[shimmering tones]

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪


Got to hold it.

He-Man's done it!

But he can't hold it back
for long.

Zagraz, I believe in you.

Try, Zagraz. Please try.

You can do it.

Fly away. Fly away.

Fly away!


Can't...hang on.

♪ ♪

That's the last time
I try to wrestle a comet.

He-Man, are you okay?

More or less. What happened?

Zagraz did it. Look.

[Comet ] Thank you all
for bringing me back.

[Comet ] And thank you
for helping me

find my heart again.

We knew you could do it.

Oh, well, you had faith in me

when I had none.

I feel terrific now,
don't you know?

Oh, I feel terrific.

I guess I'm not old and useless
after all.

We never thought you were.

[Skeletor] [cackling]

Did you hear that expl*si*n?

The gates of Castle Grayskull

must be cosmic dust!

Skeletor, look.

There's two Cosmic Comets now.

It can't be.

It can't be!

They're coming right at us!

Who could have done this? Who?

[Skeletor] He-Man!

[Zagraz] That's right, Adam.

You just have to concentrate.

Once you can control
the magic orbs,

you're just a step away
from controlling comets.

You're doing fine,
don't you know?

Just keep concentrating.

Uh, that's, uh,
very impressive, son.

Thanks, Father.

Adam, don't...don't stop


Zagraz! Adam!

Get it away! Help!


In today's story,
Zagraz had a problem.

He lost his confidence
in himself

because he had once failed.

Well, now,
we all fail sometimes,

but we should never be afraid
to try again.

And we should always keep
believing in ourselves.

As the old saying goes,

if at first you don't succeed,

try, try again.

♪ ♪

Until later, bye.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪
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