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01x24 - Wizard of Stone Mountain

Posted: 08/16/21 16:34
by bunniefuu

And the Masters of the Universe.

I am Adam, Prince of Eternia.

Defender of the

secrets of Castle Grayskull.

This is Cringer, my fearless friend.

Fabulous secret powers were revealed

to me the day I held aloft

my magic sword and said,

by the power of Grayskull.

I have the power!

Cringer became the

mighty Battle Cat, and I became

He-Man, the most

powerful man in the universe.

Only three others share this secret:

Our friends the Sorceress,

Man-at-Arms, and Orko.

Together we defend Castle Grayskull from,

the evil forces of Skeletor.

Another day wasted in this lonely tower.

Me, Mallek,
the mighty wizard of Stone Mountain,

held prisoner by the
memory of the one I love:

beautiful Teela.

How I've longed to see you
again and make you mine,

but you rejected me.

Preferring to join the royal
guard than to become my wife.

It's not fair!
My magic can get me anything I want,

except her...

Mallek, are you alright?

Karyn, I didn't call for you.

But I heard a noise.
I thought you needed help.

Well you thought wrong, assistant.

Now leave me.
We'll go over your magic lessons later.

Yes, Mallek.

If I could go to see Teela...

again, but she'd only
reject me like before.

Still, I wish she could be mine,
There is no price...

I would not pay to make
that dream come true.

Greetings, Mallek.

Who are you?

I am Lokus, a special
messenger sent by my master.

Who is this "master" of yours?

What does his name matter?

The important thing is,
that he knows how you feel about Teela...

I can help you, make her yours.

Really? How?

Well, there is a price, involved.

A rather high price.

I'll give you anything.

Well in that case, we have a deal.


What was that?

A mere formality to seal our agreement...

and now to work!

Wait! What are you doing?
Stop this at once!

It's all part of the bargain, Mallek.

The bargain you agreed to.

I never agreed to wiping
out those people's crops.

If you won't end this madness,

I'll use my magic to stop it.

Consider this a warning, Mallek.

From now on, I'm in charge.

Oh Mallek, it's like that
awful creature owns you.

This is it, Orko.
I've had it with your silly parlor tricks.

Sorry, Duncan.
I must have gotten my spells crossed.

You got your spells... crossed?
Why, you...

Wait a second. I can fix everything.

Hey, what's going on?

What's going on?
I've got a blizzard in my workshop.

That's what's going on.

Oh, I know what I did wrong.

Next time, Orko,
save that trick for a hot summers day.

I've got to meet Teela
for my combat lesson.

Well, I guess I'll be going too.

I suppose I'm going to clean up this mess.

You will? Gee thanks.

You black-hearted villain.
Prepare to defend yourself!

Hey, take it easy, will ya?

Oh c'mon, Adam?

I'm just trying to make
your combat lesson fun.

What do I need lessons for?
Aren't you my bodyguard?

If you had a little skill, Adam,

you wouldn't need a bodyguard.

Duh, it's no trick to be tough, Adam.

Uh, you just gotta use your head. Oh.

[laughs] Only you could make an
appearance like that, Ram-Man.

Well, I always try to
make a good impression.

Get it?

I think the lesson's just about over.

Great, come on, Ram-Man.

Let's go have a bite at the palace kitchen.

Oh, who?

Forgive my sudden
intrusion, Captain Teela...

But I must speak to you.

Certainly, Mister uh...

Lokus, ma'am.
I'm a farmer from Artanna...

or I was a farmer until...

until Mallek the Wizard of Stone...

Mountain, destroyed our crops.

Mallek? It can't be.

It's true, ma'am.
We were lucky to escape.

But with one magical gesture...

he blasted away the Stone Mountain dam...

and wiped out our village.
-No, not Mallek.

He would never use his
powers for destruction.

But there's one more thing, Ma'am.

He destroyed the dam out
of loneliness for you.

Excuse me?

The trap is baited and set...

and soon,
both Malik and Teela will be mine.

Uh, hey Adam? Would Cringer sit up
and beg for some food, huh?

Come on, Cringer, come on:

sit up and beg.

Oh, the only thing I beg is that

lout's pardon. Sit up and...

beg indeed!


There's been some trouble in Artanna and

Mallek seems to be behind it.

Mallek? Hey...

wasn't he your old boyfriend?

He thought so.

Well, uh, what do you want us to do?

I could use your help, Ram-Man.
And Adam...

please, ask my father if
he could locate He-Man.

I'll need him too.

Oh, won't I do just as well?

Oh, please.
This is no time for jokes.

By the power of Grayskull!

I have the power!


I... understand you were looking for me.

Ah, am I glad to see you.

Mallek the Wizard of
Stone Mountain is in trouble.


Uh, your old boyfriend?

Don't you start in on it too.

Are you gonna help us or not?

[laughs] Lead on, Captain.

That terrible creature, Lokus,
is responsible for this.

I should never have listened to him.

Still, once he helps me win Teela...

I'll use my magic to set
everything right again.

Mallek, I've seen what you

and Lokus have been doing.

I may just be your assistant,

but I know that Lokus is evil.

Send him away, before it's too late.

She suspects too much.
I must get rid of her.




Your will is mine now,
Mallek, you'll do as I say.

Uh, y-you think your
boyfriend will be happy to see us?

For the last time.

Mallek was not nor will
he ever be my boyfriend.





Use your blasters to frighten the monster!

No, it might drop you!

I'll be alright, trust me!

Wings, appear at my command.

That's some trick.

Those are some power's you've got.
Who are you?

I'm Karyn, Mallek's assistant.

We'll talk after we're settled with him.

From bones you came, to bones you return.

Like I said before.

Those are some powers.

You're saying a demon is responsible

for Mallek's actions, Karyn?

Yes. Mallek follows Lokus' every command,

and all out of love, for Teela.

Oh no.
I thought he'd gotten over that.

Duh, over what?


I guess I better tell you everything.

Before I became Captain of the Guard...

I spent several months studying
in the City of Wisdom...

It was there, that I met Mallek...

who was training to
become a master wizard.

He always seemed like a nice enough fella.

Such a beautiful girl deserves
the finest gown magic can produce.

Though, he did have some
trouble controlling his magic.

Mallek eventually improved his
magic and became a great sorcerer.

But he couldn't believe
that I never thought

of him as more than a casual friend...

and that's the whole story.

Some women would be honored
to have Mallek care for them.

Like it or not,
I think you've got a rival.


I've been waiting for you, Teela.

You, put her down!

Mallek, let Teela go, at once!

She is mine, He-Man.

Heed my warning, and leave Stone Mountain.

Not a chance.

Mallek, this is ridiculous.

Is something wrong, my love?

Yes! Everything's wrong.

You can't force me to
fall in love with you.

Not in a way that's real.

But you will love me in time.

Time, is the one thing
you've run out of, Mallek.

Wait! Wha... What's happening?

As I said, wizard, your time is up.

Now you have to pay me
for bringing you Teela.

What does he mean?

What do you owe that creature?

Mallek was so busy thinking of you...

he never stopped to consider
the fee, for my services.

Wha.. what do you want from me?

Your soul, wizard.

My soul?
-Oh no!

It's true! You did make a
deal with that monster...

and now to call my master
to take possession of you both.

Oh, master of darkness...

lord of all evil things...

come forth!

Your servant awaits.

Mallek, I have come for you.

Who dares intrude?

My name is He-Man.


So we face each other at last.

Who - or what are you?

I am the master of fear
and destroyer of hope.

The enemy of mankind
throughout the universe.

Spirit of Evil: Mortal, I am Evil, itself.

Miserable animal!

You cannot harm me.

Duh, I'll stop him.

Fools, you just delay my ultimate victory.

Evil will crush you all.

No, it cannot be!

He... He is as powerful as I!


Your goodness is equal
to my own dark power.

I could fight him for
years and never win.

I'm ready if you are.

I will waste no more time with you.

I still claim Mallek as mine!


You'll not take him. I say, no!

I offer you another soul, Evil One.

A soul freely given for Mallek's.

My own.

Your soul? Unheard of.

Never has there been such an offer.

I love Mallek and would
risk anything for him,

even oblivion itself.

It is done then.
I release Mallek,

with your soul... for his!

My hand!

Curse you girl!

Any soul, that would give
itself up for another...

must be filled with the
one power I can never over come...

The one power that could destroy me...

The power of love!

Real love, this time.

I have been cheated.

Lokus! Lokus!

Curse you.

This is all... all your fault.

But... but... master.

I will deal with you later.

As for you, He-Man...

our battle...

our battle will continue.
-I'll be waiting.

We make better friends than
enemies, Mallek.

That we do, He-Man.

We fixed the dam, Teela,

but I don't know how to make up for...

for all of the trouble I've caused you.

Just give the attention you wanted to

spend on me to someone who deserves it.

I hope you don't take losing
Mallek too hard, Teela.

Actually, there's someone
I've been working with...

that I've grown rather fond of.

Really? Anyone I know?

Coming, Ram Man?

Ram Man?
-Ram Man?

Eh guys,

when you got it,

[chuckles] you got it!

In today's adventure, Mallek thought
he could do whatever he wanted.

But instead he found that
when you do something wrong,

you may get away with it for a while,

but sooner or later you
have to answer for it.

Fortunately for him,
Mallek had friends who cared about him

and came to his rescue.

All of us make mistakes,
but doing something wrong,

when you know it's wrong,
really doesn't make sense.

Sooner or later it catches up to you.

Until next time.... bye.