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01x22 - Song of Celice

Posted: 08/16/21 16:32
by bunniefuu

And the Masters of the Universe.

I am Adam, Prince of Eternia.

Defender of the

secrets of Castle Grayskull.

This is Cringer, my fearless friend.

Fabulous secret powers were revealed

to me the day I held aloft

my magic sword and said,

by the power of Grayskull.

I have the power!

Cringer became the

mighty Battle Cat, and I became

He-Man, the most

powerful man in the universe.

Only three others share this secret:

Our friends the Sorceress,

Man-at-Arms, and Orko.

Together we defend Castle Grayskull from,

the evil forces of Skeletor.

They're here.

Adam, you said I could do it, remember?

Be my guest, Orko.

Prime Minister of Tahryn.

King Randor sends you,
this token of his esteem.

Uh, that's not what I wanted.

Uh... no, no problem.
Got it here somewhere.

Is this what you're looking for, Orko.

Oh... yeah.

Oh, here you go, Your Majesty.

Thank you, my friends,
and welcome to Tahryn. I...

By the power of...

Are you alright, Teela?

I am fine. just a little shaken up.

What happened, Pangas.
-Yog almost awoke.

Legend says, that this
horrible creature called Yog...

lives in the caverns beneath Tahryn...

and when he wakes...

A Singer must let him back to sleep...

or he will destroy
Tahryn and all of Eternia.

How horrible!
To live with such a threat.

As long as there's a singer, we're safe.

You mean, your singing
seems to calm Yog down?

Nice trick. What else can you do?

Anything I choose. Even stone will obey me.

Most interesting.
I may have a use for this, singer.

I'd like to see the real Skeletor,
all wrapped up like that.

Perhaps someday you will, but not today.

It was her idea, Skeletor.

Quiet! I have a job for you two.

Where is Lizard Man?

Touring the rock garden.

He probably fell asleep in the sun.

Who's there?

Going somewhere?

Yesss! Away from you.

No, I think you'd better stay awhile.

Nice try.

Now see if you can get me down.

Not this time, lady.

I'll stop him.

No, let's get who we came here for.

For generations my family
has kept Yog asleep...

with our songs.

It is a marvelous talent.
-It certainly is.

Tela, Trap Jaw and Evil-Lyn are...

are taking the singer.

Now uh, if you'll excuse us.
Oh and don't bother getting up.

By the power of Grayskull.

I have the power.

That was easy.
-So far.

Let's hope we don't run into...

He-Man! Oh no.

Let the Singer go!

He-Man, with our Singer gone,
nothing can stop Yog should he awaken.

I'll be safe here.

Too bad you can't float like me, Lizzy.


If Yog awakens fully,

Tahryn will be destroyed.

Teela, you and Man-At-Arms
try to find and rescue Celice.

You can bet she's at Snake Mountain.

Right. What about you, He-Man?

Orko, Lizard Man and I,
are going to stop Yog.


Beware, He-Man.

There are more dangers
than Yog in the caverns.

we've gotta reach Snake Mountain

before Skeletor
makes his next move.

The fools! I'm way ahead of them.

Delay them, Beast.

Use your telepathy to call one
of the creatures you control.

Giant Crawler, arise.

This should bug them a little.

Father! Look out!

No, father!

Take him to Ice Island in the
middle of the Lake of Fire.

How can we find Yog in this maze?

The caverns run under half of Eternia...

they might even go as far as Grayskull.

Battle Cat can sniff him out.

He's hot on the trail.

Yeah, only it's the wrong trail.


Unfriendly Orks, the worst kind.

Welcome, Singer.

You will sing for me, now.

And your song will
hypnotize the Sorceress...

and open Castle Grayskull.


I think you can be persuaded.

Evil-Lyn, persuade her!

With pleasure, Skeletor.

The centipede, will be easy to track.
I'll save you, father...

...wherever you are.

This calls for some teamwork.


This should brighten things up.

Now, Lizzy!

Come get me, cave crawlers!

Okay, He-Man, your turn!

Well done, team.

Now, by the time they find their way out...

we'll be long gone.

-Run! - We can't leave you.

I said, run!

He-Man! Oh.

As I was saying, let's go find Yog.

Skeletor's will is your will, singer.

You will do as he bids.

No, I will not use my songs for evil.

You have no choice, you are in my power!

Follow me.

I built this model from a stone

stolen from Grayskull.

Sing, Celice.

I... must... sing.

It works!

Now, for the real thing.

The Centipede's tracks stop here.

So my father must be...


But, how do I get there?

I hope this works.

Haven't got time for a hot bath.

... and, away!


Keep back, you overgrown garden pest!


Father, hold on. I'll get you out.

Any idea, how?

This should put that big bug on ice.


You're safe!
-Yes, thanks to you.

Now, to get off this island

and then to find Celice.

The Sorceress is in Grayskull, Celice.

You will use your siren

song to hypnotise her

and then sing the Jawbridge down.


You... are... evil... but...

I... cannot... resist you.

Forgive me, Sorceress...

wherever you are...




We're under Tahryn.
This has to be Yog's lair.

O-okay, b-but he's gone.

That means he's awake.

Listen. Celice.

You're right, Orko. He's awake,

and he's followed her song.

Let's go!


Come to Grayskull.


To Grayskull, c'mon.

Her song has lulled the Sorceress to sleep.

You have done your job well, singer.

Now open the Jawbridge.


She's broken my hypnotic spell.

No one defies me and gets away with it.


Open Grayskull for me!

You cannot can't stop me!

Grayskull will be mine!

Oh no you don't, rug-face.

Get out while you can, Beast Man.

Lizzy, let me give you a hand.


Wake up, Sorceress. Wake up.

Leaving so soon?

Let go of me, flesh-face, or I'll...



Skeletor isn't fighting fair!

This should even things a bit.

A zero-G bubble.

I always said you were a
lightweight, Skeletor!

Sleep again, Yog.

She sang Yog back to sleep...

but not for long.


Yog's out of control.

The old squeeze play, eh?

Are you alright, Celice? -Yes.

He-Man! The Sorceress
is under a sleep spell.

I can't wake her up.

I will wake her.

What happened, Lizard Man?

Oh, things all right
now, Sorceress.

Thanks to the singer of Tahryn.


Well, looks like things are back to normal.

We'll return you to Tahryn, Celice.

To what purpose?

You have hurled Yog into a bottomless pit.

I am no longer needed.

Courage and strength like yours

are always needed Celice.

Teela's right.

There's still plenty of evil on Eternia.

We could use your help against it.

I am a singer.
I've always been alone,

but now, I have friends...

I will do, what I can.

In today's story,
the beautiful voice of Celice

kept the evil Yog from making

all sorts of bad things happen.

Now, I can't promise that a song

will make any magic for you,

but I can promise that when

you're feeling lonely or sad,

and we all do sometimes,

if you try singing a song,

or maybe whistling, or maybe just smiling,

you'll feel a lot better. Honest!

Try it and see.

And I'll be seeing you, very soon.

Bye now!