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01x21 - The Royal Cousin

Posted: 08/16/21 16:32
by bunniefuu

And the Masters of the Universe.

I am Adam, Prince of Eternia.

Defender of the

secrets of Castle Grayskull.

This is Cringer, my fearless friend.

Fabulous secret powers were revealed

to me the day I held aloft

my magic sword and said,

by the power of Grayskull.

I have the power!

Cringer became the

mighty Battle Cat, and I became

He-Man, the most

powerful man in the universe.

Only three others share this secret:

Our friends the Sorceress,

Man-at-Arms, and Orko.

Together we defend Castle Grayskull from,

the evil forces of Skeletor.

And where have you two been?

You were to report back upon completion.

We ran into a little problem, Skeletor.

You did plant the Globe
under the Royal Palace?

Not exactly.

He-Man caught us. He took it.

The both of you are fools!

Go back and find that Globe
and plant it so it will grow.

And if you fail again,

I will not be so understanding.

So you took the Globe away from them, hm?

Yes, it's safely hidden
away in Castle Grayskull.

Nice work, lad.

Don't tell me, tell He-Man.

I am telling He-Man.

Come in.

Adam, your father's been looking

everywhere for you. Where have you been?

Eh, oh, eh,
I was just out on some Royal business.

Hm, as in 'monkey business'?

Well, you better report to your father.

He has a little surprise for you.

Adam, this is your cousin Jeremy.

Wow, the last time I saw you,

you were just a baby.

Big deal.

Jeremy will be visiting us. I want you to

take charge of him while he's here, Adam.

But, Father... my Royal duties...
They will have to wait.

Now show Jeremy a good time.

You are certainly qualified
in that department.

Oh, alright. Let's go, cousin.

Don't call me "cousin".

Jeremy, this is Man-At-Arms.

Don't you have a real name?

My friends call me Duncan.

That's not much better.

Listen you...

I'm Orko. Pleased to meet ya.
- Hi!

Why, If you like,
I can show you some magic...

Maybe later.
Look at all this stuff.

What's this?

Be careful with that.
It's my new rock softener.

What's it for?
Well, to convert

rocky areas to soil for farming.

Now, put it down.
I haven't even tested it yet.

Don't worry. I'll test it for you.

Jeremy, don't!

Sorry, but now it's been tested.

Young man, someone oughta
teach you some manners

and respect for other people's property.

Uh.. why don't we wait in the hall?

That's a good idea, Orko.
Go ahead, Jeremy.

You've caused enough trouble in here.

Hey, Jeremy.

How come you were so mean to Man-At-Arms?

Ah, I'm just sick of
grown ups spoiling my fun.

I know how you feel,
but Adam and Man-At-Arms are OK.

We like to have fun too.
Oh yeah? We'll see!

Yeah, my cousin's a real charmer alright.

I'm worried, Adam.

That boy is going to cause big trouble.

I can feel it in my bones.

I'll keep a close eye on him.

You're needed for other things.

Like now. You're going to help me test

the rock softener out on the plains.

Oh, I forgot alright.
I'll have to leave

Jeremy with someone else for a while.

The question is:
Who's gonna be the lucky babysitter?

Duh, sure, Prince Adam.
I'll look after him.

Jeremy, stay with Ram-Man for a while

and don't play in any of those vehicles.

They're dangerous.
Yeah sure.

Duh, Don't worry.

I - I got a way with youngsters.


Do it again! Do it again!

Oh come on, not again!

Enough is enough!

Do it again or I'll tell the
King you were mean to me.

Oh, my aching head...

go ahead, try to chip it.

It won't chip. It's too hard.

Stand back.
Let's see how the softener works.

Now try it.

It's a little too soft.
I'll have to make a quick adjustment.

Well, try and hurry. I have a feeling

Ram-Man maybe in over his head.

Jeremy! Where are you?

Jeremy! Where are you?

Prince Adam's not gonna
like my losing the boy.


Duh... Hey Jeremy! Answer me!


Now this is what I call fun!

Jeremy! Stop!

Hey, that's not a toy!

Duh, Jeremy, you can bring it down

by pushing the last red switch.

I've got a better idea.

He-Man could have put that Globe, anywhere.

How does Skeletor expect us to find it?

I'm tired of taking orders from him!

Quiet, Evil-Lyn!
Skeletor has ways of hearing.

Let him! You forget, Tri-Klops.

We have powers too.

If we just had... What's that?

I can't make it out...
Use your dista-vision, fool!

It's a young boy flying a Sky-Sled.

Ram-Man is with him.

Let's see what they're up to.

Well, I'm just about ready.

Hey, that looks like one of our Sleds!

Take her down! Now!

Alright! Alright!

Hey, it's stuck! Help! Help!

Help! Please someone help!

It's Jeremy and Ram-Man
and they're in trouble!

Hurry, lad!

By the power of Grayskull.

I have the power!

We're gonna crash!

He-Man! What's he doing up here?

Let's find out!

Set the Basher down behind the rocks.

Wow, He-Man!

I never thought I'd get
to see you in person.

What happened here?
Uh.. Prince Adam's cousin

Jeremy, he decided to
go for a little joyride.

Why, Jeremy?
I thought it'd be fun.

Somebody could have been hurt.

That's not my idea of fun.

But you saved us. Nothing happened.

One of these days something you do might

cause more trouble that anyone can fix.

Can you see them?

My gamma-vision can.

They're just behind these rocks.

We were testing a new rock softener.

When we're through, we'll take you back,

but you'll have to spend the rest

of the day in your room.

But Adam said I could
go to the street market!

When Adam hears what you've done

I guarantee he'll agree with He-Man.

Who is the boy?

I don't know,
but I sense that he's weak.

We may be able to use him.

That should be just about right.

Well, just a few more quantums...


Now let's get this soil back to my lab.

If I’m right,
it should be perfect for crops.

C'mon! He-Man doesn't have the Globe.

Forget the Globe, three-eyes.

That new invention is much more valuable.

What would you want with a rock softener?

We'll use it on the walls
of Castle Grayskull.

You mean,
so Skeletor can get in?

Not Skeletor! Us!

Then we will hold all power.

- Yes! Of course! Let's take it now!
- Wait!

Why not?
Because we'd have to face He-Man!

Then how do we get it?
We won't have to.

I think that boy will get it for us.

This isn't fair!

You said I could go to the street market!

You were told not to
play with the vehicles.

I just wanted
to have some fun.

What you think is fun might be

dangerous to others. Or yourself.

I can take care of myself.
I don't need anyone's help!

Well, you did today.

Duncan, let me talk to him
alone for a few minutes.

Be my guest.

So you don't need anyone's help, huh?

That's right.

I do. I need the help

of people who care about me.

Everybody does.

I'll bet He-Man doesn't
need anybody elses help.

That's not true.

How do you know?

I know He-Man a lot better than you think.

Look, even if you could
take care of yourself,

how would you feel if something
you did hurt someone else?

Maybe even k*ll them. Think about it.

Well, going to the street market,
is not gonna hurt anybody.

All right, all right!

You can try the

Just quit nagging me, will ya?

There's a target on top of that building.

I want to keep it!

I told you.
You don't have enough money!

Perhaps this would be enough.

Ah, yes. Yes!

Yeah, the Magneto-Boomerang is
yours, my friend.

Oh, one moment, young man.

I paid for that.

You can keep it,

if you help me play a little joke.

On whom?

An old friend of mine.

That grouch?
Sure, I'll help you.

Good! There's a little box
with flashing lights in his laboratory.

Yeah! His rock softener!

Bring it back here to me.
And I get to keep it? The Boomerang?

Deal. I hope it's a good joke.

The joke will be on
He-Man and all of Eternia!

You'll be going home tomorrow, Jeremy.

Have you enjoyed your stay?
- Eh, it's been alright.

Y-Your Majesty! Adam!

T-The rock softener!
Someone's taken it.

That device was for
the good of everybody.

Who would have taken it?

I can't imagine. Unless...

What's the hardest substance

on the planet?
- The walls of Grayskull!

I don't get it. Why is everyone so upset?

Skeletor's warriors could use the rock

softner to enter Castle Grayskull.

If that happened, all of Eternia

would fall to the forces of evil.

Does that mean that...
that people would get hurt?

Maybe even k*lled?

Jeremy, do you know anything about this?

Now this is serious.
Tell us what you know. Right now.

I took the rock softener.
A woman asked me to.

You can bet it was Evil-Lyn.

She said it was a joke.
She bought me a boomerang.

You've made a grave mistake, young man.

Man-At-Arms, alert Captain Teela at once!

Eternia's only hope is that

somehow, He-Man will get word.


By the power of Grayskull

I have the power!

I'm gonna make up for what I've done.

You were right about
Jeremy causing trouble.

You know, I think he actually felt bad.

Maybe he's learned something.

Let's just hope he hasn't
learned it too late.

As soon as I get the right setting,

we'll soften the walls of Grayskull

and enter our new home.

Sensors detect Growth Globe nearby.

So that's where He-Man hid the Globe!
Castle Grayskull ! - Activate it!

It will keep growing until we stop it.

Until it's knocked down the castle walls,

from the inside.

Now, to weaken those walls.

I sense danger.
An enemy attacking the castle!

There's Evil-Lyn!

The Jawbridge! It's starting to crack!

It's too powerful for my magic!

The party's over, Evil-Lyn!

He-Man! Quick! Inside!

He-Man! Hang on!

Look! The Jawbridge is open!

Grayskull is ours for the taking!

And He-Man won't be
giving us any trouble now.

He-Man! You're hurt!

Jeremy! Bring me my machine!

Stop the boy!

Use your boomerang to get the machine. Now!


Now if I can just reverse it's effect...

That's better. Now for you, Evil-Lyn.

No more Mister Soft Guy!

Hey, put me down, now!

No! Put us down!

Duncan! Your Porta-Prison!

With pleasure!

He-Man! Quick! Inside!

Castle Grayskull is in danger!

No magic can stop it!

Only your strength can!

Push, He-Man!
Use all your power!

It's skrinking!

Can you get me to the window?

Thanks for the lift!

I guess, thats the way the ball bounces.

Before I left, I wanted you all to

know how sorry I am for what I did.

Well, we all make mistakes, Jeremy.

At least you were willing to
learn something from yours.

Not only that, but you're quite
a shot with that boomerang.

Thank you, but it was your idea.

I'm glad you were there.

And He-Man was glad you
and Duncan were there

to help him.
- You think so? Did he tell you?

Well, let's just say, I'm pretty sure.

Well, bye everybody!
I'll never forget my trip and

I'll never forget to listen to
the people who care about me.

Hey Jeremy!
You forgot your boomerang!

Orko, don't throw it!

Whoops! Sorry!
But why didn't you want me to throw it?

That's why!
Hmm.. I can see what you mean.

Hey! Keep away! Hey, no!
Get away! Get back! Help!

Well Orko, Jeremy sure changed his ways.

Yeah. He was acting
pretty rotten for a while.

I think all he really wanted was
for people to notice him.

But what good does it do to be noticed
if people don't like what they see?

That's right. The best way to get
attention is not to look for it.

By being polite and helpful, people will
not only notice you, they'll like you, too.

I'm going to do something
helpful right now.

What's that?

I'm going to say goodbye!