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01x15 - A Beastly Sideshow

Posted: 08/16/21 12:40
by bunniefuu

And the Masters of the Universe.

I am Adam, Prince of Eternia.

Defender of the

secrets of Castle Grayskull.

This is Cringer, my fearless friend.

Fabulous secret powers were revealed

to me the day I held aloft

my magic sword and said,

by the power of Grayskull.

I have the power!

Cringer became the

mighty Battle Cat, and I became

He-Man, the most

powerful man in the universe.

Only three others share this secret:

Our friends the Sorceress,

Man-at-Arms, and Orko.

Together we defend Castle Grayskull from,

the evil forces of Skeletor.

Move back, Move back,
make way for the carnival.

Wow, I'm really excited!

Me too, Orko.
It's going to be some carnival.

Look what's coming!

Go on, step up and have a look.

Is s-she talking to me?

Hey, she seems to really like
you, Cringer...

too bad she has to be in the cage.

I wonder what she's doing, after the show?

Well, Beast Man...

Have you captured
Prince Adam's overgrown pet yet?

Not yet, Skeletor, but I...

But what about your
power to control animals?

Use it on that creature.

I tried, Skeletor...

There's something different
about this animal.

But don't worry, Pretty Kitty has
already captured his interest.

I will not fail.

You better not, fur-brain.

Once I have his pet,
then Prince Adam will follow...

and when I have him,

He-Man will come to their rescue...

and, you will have him.


Look, the Human Electrode!

Wow, that's the guy who can
create electricity with his hands.

Pretty hot stuff!

I could do that. Watch!

It looks dangerous, Orko.
You might catch fire.

This black powder will help me.

It's ancient magic from the planet
Earth, called 'pepper'.

How about letting me try?

Yikes! That magic pepper better work.

It didn't put it out.

That was some trick.

This pepper is worthless.

Maybe you just weren't using it right.

Nah, it's just no good. You can have it.

Hurry hurry hurry...

It's showtime! Yesiree.
At the beastly menagerie.

And now...

can beauty tame, the savage beast?

Father, no!

Good boy, you know I'm your friend.

So please, put me down, okay?

Another trick like that, and I'll

have you banished from the kingdom.

As you wish, sir.

And now,
the most fearsome beastie of all...

Pretty Kitty.

Down, boy!

A loving creature,
if you know how to tame her, if not...

Would anyone care to pet the charming lady?

Let's go, Cringer.

Tonight you will pay your new
friend, a special visit.

A-Adam's not gonna like this,

and I'm not gonna like this.

Nothing like a little evening swim.

Why, Pretty Kitty,
you've brought your friend back.

I see you've taken quite a liking to her.

Why don't you, join her in the cage?


to the carnival.

It's? It's... B-B-B-Beast Man!

Next stop: Snake Mountain!

I hope Skeletor likes carnivals...

Cringer, Cringer, Cringer!

The cook said he didn't
show up for breakfast either.

Cringer has never missed a
meal in his life. He's gone...

and so's the carnival, a day early.

I don't like this, Adam.

Adam, Man-At-Arms...

[Orko flies in] One of Teela's guards,

found a message from Skeletor

He has Cringer.

He wants you to come to
Snake Mountain to get him.

I'm going to get him back!

It's a trap...

Skeletor wants to capture you
as bait, to draw He-Man.

By the power of Grayskull.

I have the power!

If it's He-Man Skeletor wants...

it's He-Man he'll get.

Sounds like we have company.
Prince Adam, no doubt.

He-Man! He's come after
the creature himself.

Our plan's working better
than we thought.

My plan, Fur-face. Don't you forget it.

Is it time to show him,
Prince Adam's tiger?

Not yet. I want him closer...

then we will spring our trap.

And you mean to tell me...

Adam went after Cringer by himself?

Honest, Teela, he'll be all right.

Someone has to go after him.

I don't know if it's such a good idea.

He wanted to go alone.


It is my sworn duty to
protect Prince Adam...

and that's what I intend to do.

Be careful, Teela.

Let's make sure our little
trap is ready for He-Man.

He-Man will see the animal...

and will walk this way to climb up to him..

and when he does, he will fall
into the pit and meet Octabeast.

Now is the time.
Release the Shadow Beast.

We've got him now.

The Shadow Beast will
imprison He-Man in the cave.

Remember me?

-Teela! -Don't worry...

the Shadow Beast and I are old friends.
Right, fella?

That's it.

Just put my friend down. He won't hurt you.

Good boy!

Thanks, Teela. What are you doing here?

Same as you.

Looking for Prince Adam and Cringer.

Cringer must be up there.

I'll get him.

I'll wait here in case Adam shows up.

And to keep your friend, calm.

Look, He-Man's still coming.

How did he defeat
the Shadow Beast?

No matter.

He's approaching the
final trap with Octabeast.

Cringer, there you are!

Calm down, I'll be right up.

H-H-He-Man. Be careful, it's a... a trap!

He can't hear me.

Don't worry, Cringer. I'll get you out.

Only one more step,
and He-Man will fall into the pit.

There's only one way to save He-Man now.

Cringer! Noo!

That creature saved him.

It's all your fault, you flea bag.

I'll have your hide for this.

Cringer, why on Eternia
did you jump like that?

There was no other
way to warn you...

You would step into a trap.

You risked your life to warn me.

Oh-oh-oh. I did, didn't I?
I wonder what came over me?

Well, I think it's called 'courage'.

Thanks, Cringer.

As long as we're here,
let's pay Skeletor, a visit.

Oh, co-co-come on, He-Man,

haven't been through enough for one day?

You'll feel better after this.

I can't wait to get my
paws on that boney creep!

But, Skeletor, it wasn't my fault.

I did everything you told me...

Skeletor, the alarm!

Someone else is on Snake Mountain.

It's Teela, Head of the Royal Guard.

We may have some new bait for He-Man.

He-Man !

He-Man, help!

Oh no! He-Man!


Beast Man, communicate with Octabeast.

Have him bring the woman
to the south entrance.

He-Man won't leave without her.

Let me go, you overgrown chimp!

And spoil our fun?

Hurry up, He-Man will be coming soon.

Don't worry, we'll be ready.

I've energized the chains.

They're so strong,
not even He-Man can break them.

You witch!

Why, thank you.

We made it, Cat.

Atop, Snake Mountain.

Now, let's let's find Skeletor.

Going somewhere, He-Man?

You've been working too hard, Beast Man.

A little trip will do you good.

No! Put me down!

If you insist.

Argh, argh.

The walls are still spinning.

Let's see how you like
being in a glass cage.

Enjoy the view in there, Beast Man?

Let me out of here.

When I get my claws on you...

We'll come back for him later.
Now for Skeletor.

Not so fast, He-Man.

Just because you defeated
that fur-brained fool,

don't think you'll get past me.

Battle cat!

No, put me down.

Let me out.

Not yet, but here's a visitor.

Unhand me, you big cat.

Beast Man, this is all your fault.

My fault? You're the one,

who said...
Beast Man, this is all your fault!

Two down.

And Skeletor yet to come.

Welcome, He-Man.

You said you wanted to talk.

Of course, He-Man.

Just as soon as you escort me
to Castle Grayskull.

Never! Give me that Magic Staff of yours.


Only one is really me.

Which one is it, He-Man?

The walls are closing in.
Now take me to Grayskull.

Even you can't hold them apart for
long, He-Man.

You tiring already.
Soon you will take me to Grayskull.

Orko's pepper!

No! Keep away.

You'll pay for this, He-Man.

Now let's find Teela.

He-Man, I knew you'd find me.

We would have been here sooner...

but Battle Cat and I
had some unfinished business.

Evil-Lyn energized the chains.

She said you won't be able to break them.

We'll see about that.

Thanks. I've had enough of Snake Mountain.

Let's find Adam and Cringer and go home.

Ah, I'll see that they
get back to the palace.

Besides, there's something else you can do.

I have Beast Man and Evil-Lyn
locked up inside the cave.

Hm, don't worry. I'll see that
they'll get what's coming to them

in an Eternian court of law.

I was hoping you'd say that.

And then He-Man promised to return
Prince Adam and Cringer to the palace.

... and that's the story.

Orko, I gave this to He-Man
and he said give it back to you.

See I told you?
Nobody wants it because it doesn't work.

On the contrary.

He-Man said it saved the day.

Huh? It caused uncontrollable sneezing.

Sneezing? Let's have a look here.

Uh, I don't think you want to open that.

Hey, I'm a magician.

This stuff won't work on me.
Besides, I...


Today I want to talk to you about courage.

Now courage not only means being
brave in the face of danger,

it also means having
the strength to say 'no'

when your friends are trying to talk you
into doing something you know is wrong.

In short,

courage means having principles
and sticking to them,

no matter what.

See you all again soon.