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01x09 - The Dragon Invasion

Posted: 08/16/21 10:31
by bunniefuu

And the Masters of the Universe.

I am Adam, Prince of Eternia.

Defender of the

secrets of Castle Grayskull.

This is Cringer, my fearless friend.

Fabulous secret powers were revealed

to me the day I held aloft

my magic sword and said,

by the power of Grayskull.

I have the power!

Cringer became the

mighty Battle Cat, and I became

He-Man, the most

powerful man in the universe.

Only three others share this secret:

Our friends the Sorceress,

Man-at-Arms, and Orko.

Together we defend Castle Grayskull from,

the evil forces of Skeletor.

They are ready for transporting, Beast Man.

The dragon's eggs. And the dragon pearl...

Mer-Man found it in the Slime Swamp.

The fool traded it to
me for Eternian silver.

He doesn't know it's value.
He doesn't know...

The mother dragon.

Stop her, Beast Man.

Stop! I command you...

She is protecting her eggs, Skeletor.

I can't control her.

I think we'd better leave.

A lot of good you are, Beast-brain,

and you'll leave when I tell you to.

Get the Air-Cart out of
here before she comes back,

and do it now.

What makes you think you
can always order me around?

Now move!

Well, little dragons.
You'll soon be in your new home.

We'll take the last plate now, Orko.

Ah. Boy, am I stuffed!

Pity, you're not not two Orkos.
You could eat twice as much.

Not a bad idea.

Wow, that never worked before.

If I were four Orkos I could
eat four times as much.

Now, there are four of me.

I'll bet I'm four times
as powerful a magician.

You are not, I'm four times as powerful.

Says who?
I'm four times as powerful.

No. I am!

Me! Stop it.

Hey guys! Hold it!

Why can't you co-operate?

You know, use some teamwork.

Teamwork, us?

When things look bad,
teamwork's the answer.

Okay, we'll give it a shot?

Hey! We did it.

Oh well. It was fun while it lasted.

That trick wasn't supposed
to shake the room.

A baby dragon! Isn't it cute?

Look! It's growing larger!

Look out.

Your Majesties, come with me.

Adam, get the guards.

I don't think I care for baby dragons.

By the power of Grayskull!

I have the power!

C'mon, dragon-face. Take your best shot.

Now, He-Man.

Just hold that pose, flame-face!

Need a hand, He-Man?

The more, the merrier.

Here I come! Ready or not!

Thats the hardest dragon I ever rammed.

You missed.

That's better.

How convenient.
I was looking for something...

to test my new stasis-ray on.

It won't be able to move for hours.

Where could that dragon have come from?

Well, Beast Man has the
power to control animals,

and Skeletor, controls Beast Man.

I'm so powerful, I even impress myself!

Gah, but you don't impress me.

Some day, I'll show you
what power really is.

Did you say something?
No, nothing, Skeletor.

Good, the growth serum works perfectly.

Baby dragons grow to...

full size in less than a minute.

And if you think thats magic,
wait till you see what I do...

with the Dragon's Pearl.

Teela, Avion has just been att*cked by a...

Let me guess:

a dragon.

Right, how did you know?

Dragon eggs are falling from
the sky all over Eternia.


It's time for your nap, Flame Thrower.

A good thing my father made
more than one Stasis Ray.


There. That oughta hold him for a while.

This dragon hunting, is tiring business.

I'm afraid there's no time for rest.

There are more dragons waiting
in the Mystic Mountains.

My plan has worked perfectly.

While He-Man and his
friends are busy...

battling the dragon invasion...

we will enter Castle Grayskull.

The space portal will transport us there.

Follow me.

Our new home:

Castle Grayskull!

We can't get in.

He-Man and the Sorceress have
stopped us everytime we've tried.

He-Man's gone,

and as for the Sorceress...

Not even she is strong enough
to resist the Dragon Pearl.

I will control Castle Grayskull.

Stop me, if you dare.

Your power is no match for mine, Skeletor.

Go back to Snake Mountain, Skeletor.

We have enough trouble
without you showing up.


I'll show you trouble, Sorceress!

Evil-Lyn, focus your magic here.

The Dragon Pearl will make
it a hundred times stronger.

I... I must get help.



He-Man, come to Grayskull.

Come on, the Sorceress is calling.

There's trouble at Grayskull.

You trapped the
Sorceress in the Dragon Pearl.

At last, Castle Grayskull and
all it's secrets are mine!

He-Man will not set foot
in Grayskull again.

What, in Eternia, is going on?

Grayskull has fallen, He-Man.

To me!

The Sorceress is my prisoner...

and with her power added to
the Dragon Pearl...

all of Eternia will be mine!

There's no science or sorcery...

that's hot enough to burn
through that force field.

It looks bad.

When things look bad,
teamwork's the answer.

Hey, thats it! I remember what Adam said.

Maybe teamwork's the answer.

That's it.

Let's bring all the dragons here.

But Beast Man controls them.

Then we'll control Beast Man.


Are you sure the Sorceress cannot
escape from the Dragon Pearl?

I transported the Dragon
Pearl, back to Snake Mountain.

Away from Grayskull,
the Sorceress is powerless to resist.

The Dragon Pearl is
draining away her magic.

When it has it all...

she will be part of the
Dragon Pearl forever.

And her power will be mine!

Snake Mountain.

We may be playing right
into Skeletor's hands.

Well, we'll have to chance it.

This is our only hope to save Grayskull.

This place gives me the creeps.

Lets hope it also gives us Beast Man.

You called, He-Man?

I'll destroy you, He-Man.

Stand back, He-Man!
This will quiet him down.

Now, as for you, dragon.

Looks like these dragons
aren't so bad after all,

when Beast Man isn't controlling them.

Take him back, Teela.

We'll need all the
firepower we can get to...

break through that force field.

Where are you going?

The mother dragon has to
be somewhere nearby.

And I think we'll need her help.

Stratos, all the dragons
have become friendly.

I know, He-Man and Teela
must have found Beast Man.

Let's get them to Grayskull.

But how can the dragons
help us get into Grayskull?

How else? Teamwork, remember.

Fire when ready, dragons!

It has to work.


Orko was right.

With the dragons working
together as a team...

not even Skeletor's
forcefield could resist.

Stop them!

I won... I think.


Not a chance.

too bad about the others,
but at least I escaped.

Not for long.

You've had it, Skeletor.

We'll see about that.

I win, He-Man.

Your Sorceress is trapped
inside the Dragon Pearl!

Her power is now mine!


Hang on, Skeletor.

He-Man, you're a fool.
You know I wouldn't have saved you.

I guess I value life more than you
do, Skeletor.

Even yours.

Well, I value this.

Take your last look.
You won't see it again.

Oh no, no!

Well, at least you'll never see...

your precious Sorceress again.

Thank you.

Well, let's go home, Zoar.

That's the last of them.

They're on their way back to their mother.

What happened to Evil-Lyn and
the rest of Skeletor's group?

Evil-Lyn's magic was strong enough
to call up another space portal...

they escaped through it.

I can't say I'm sorry to see them go...

but I have a feeling...

they'll be back.

You know,
one of those baby dragons...

might have made a nice pet.

Hey, I said might have.

Hey, take it easy.

Stop that.

Oh, this is... embarrassing.

In today's story,
Skeletor tried to conquer Eternia...

by using animals in an evil way.

Animals, like all living things...

should be treated with
kindness and respect.

I hope that those of you
who have a dog or cat...

or maybe even a hamster, remember that.

When we have a pet...

we also have a responsibility...

because they depend on us.

But you can be sure of one thing...

however much we love them,
they return that love,

and more.

Well, time for me to disappear.
