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01x07 - The Curse of the Spellstone

Posted: 08/16/21 10:30
by bunniefuu

And the Masters of the Universe.

I am Adam, Prince of Eternia.

Defender of the

secrets of Castle Grayskull.

This is Cringer, my fearless friend.

Fabulous secret powers were revealed

to me the day I held aloft

my magic sword and said,

by the power of Grayskull.

I have the power!

Cringer became the

mighty Battle Cat, and I became

He-Man, the most

powerful man in the universe.

Only three others share this secret:

Our friends the Sorceress,

Man-at-Arms, and Orko.

Together we defend Castle Grayskull from,

the evil forces of Skeletor.

The Spellstone!

It better be worth all this
trouble, Evil-Lyn.

It will be, Skeletor. That I promise you.

Oto, redundis, serenandum ardor!

Now watch, closely.

The hand is quicker than the eye.


No, my prince, the marble is here.

You're right, Orko,
the hand is quicker than the eye.

How'd you do that?

we magicians never reveal our secrets.

So, just what is it that this new
invention of yours will do, Duncan?

My weather controlling satellite will...

make us masters of the
seasons, Your Majesty.

It can turn a cloudy sky to clear.

Then, proceed, by all means.

It works!

Duncan, what's wrong?

I don't know, Your Majesty.

Adam, my machine couldn't
have made a storm like this.

But I know of something that could.
The Spellstone.

The Spellstone?

I thought it was only a legend.

Oh, it's real enough.

But to do this, it must have fallen
into the hands of someone evil.

I have an idea who that might be.

Come on, Cringer.

If that means danger,
I'd rather stay right here, Adam. Adam?

By the power of Grayskull!

I have the power!

The storm works its evil.

Soon, all Eternia will be devastated
and I will reign supreme.

You mean, we, Skeletor.

Only if you do your part right, Evil-Lyn.

A voice in the crowd can do more
damage than even this storm.

According to legend...

The Spellstone is here
in the Region of Flame.

Skeletor must have broken
into the Temple of the Fire People.

Who are the Fire People?

A fierce tribe.

That doesn't like strangers.

I-I have a feeling neither does he.

Any ideas, He-Man?

Just watch. Electricity works everytime.

Let's get to that temple
before anything else happens.

More pressure, Teela!
Right, father.

Spellstone! Do my bidding!


I'm alright, father.
Just had the wind knocked out of me.

Keep fighting the blaze. I'll be back.

Our house! It burned to the ground!

Everything we had is gone, father.

The king's fault and Man-At-Arms.

What do you mean?

Their inventions have angered
the elders of Eternia...

They have brought forth this storm.

The only way to stop it is to
punish those who are responsible.

No! You must be mistaken.

The woman is right.

How can we save ourselves?

We must act quickly,
or the elders will destroy us all.

In ancient times,
what was the worst punishment?

The Creeping...


Father, do you know where it is?


Then take me to it.

Here's the temple.

But where is the Spellstone?

Is this what you're looking for?


Robots, attack!

Skeletor, you make it too easy.


Just what I love.

A great big toy.

King Randor!

You have strayed from the
ways of the Eternian Elders!

That voice. I've heard it before.

You have brought this curse upon us.

It's Evil-Lyn!

We must save ourselves
and you must pay.

Give me the Creeping Horak.

I beg you! Don't use it. It's too terrible.

Don't believe her!
She isn't what she seems!

Fool! You think this will hold me?

Give me that!

The Creeping Horak will grow until
it completely fills the palace.

Faster, it's gaining on us.

What is that thing?
The Creeping Horak.

Long ago, it was used to punish criminals.

They'd be locked in their houses.

The Horak would grow over it
until all the air was squeezed out.

How horrible.

It'll even be... It'll be even,

more horrible if it happens to us.

Can't shake him off.

But maybe I can shake him up.

Argh. I can't go forward or backward...

so, how about up?

There's a big difference
between a cat and a robot.

The cat lands on his feet.

Your robots are nothing...

more than scrap metal, Skeletor.

And as for you...
Not so fast, He-Man.



There, the King and the Queen.

Look hard, heroes, for it's the
last time you will ever see them.

I think our friends could use a nice swim.

Follow me.

Run fast, warriors!

There's just one way out, He-Man.

The others lead to destruction.

Come, Trap Jaw,
to the palace and my triumph.

But what if He-Man and the
others find their way out?

Never fear, fool.

There is no way out.

In here.

Let's see what it will do against this.

A dead end.

Solid rock.

But wait a minute.

It's hollow.

Boy, would I give for
a trap door right now.

If you can't find
a trap door...

You make one.

Well, that takes care of the water.

Now, how do we get out of here?

Talk about fast service.

Finally, someone on our side.

Or maybe not.

Let's see how this
monster feels about fire.

Teela, no!

Run, Teela.

I am Helios.
King of Fire People.

You have stolen the Spellstone.

No, you're mistaken. We're on your side.

We want to find it and return it.

Liar. Seize them.

Try not to hurt them.
They're not our enemies.

I wish you'd tell them that.

There's nothing to you.

But you sure do pack a wallop.

They've gotta be kidding. What can you do?

Sorry I asked!

We're running out of rooms.

Stand clear!

There's no effect. It's not stopping it.

Fall back!

Oh no.

Fly, Orko! Fly!

Tell me where you've hidden the Spellstone.

How can I make you
understand we're friends?

Fire People don't make
friends with thieves.

I won't fight you.

That one nearly singed my tail feathers.

Help me.

You wouldn't have saved
me, if you were evil.

Go in peace and may you
find the Spellstone.

The last room in the palace.

I built this hydraulic
door to withstand anything.

It's our last chance.

You've tricked us, Skeletor.
But you won't get away with it.

Who will stop me? Not you!

How about me, Skeletor.


You blundering skull-face.
You said you'd taken care of him.

And I will.

Evil-Lyn the Spellstone!

Stratos, can you reach the Spellstone?

I'll try.

This is all our fault.

Then let's do something.


A person doesn't need
superpowers to be a hero.

All he needs...

is bravery.

You forgot that, Skeletor.

You haven't won, He-Man.

The only thing that can destroy
the Horak is the Spellstone.

And I command it to return
to the Region of Flame.

Got to reach it.

Got it!



Now's our chance to escape.

The Creeping Horak, it's gone.

and so are Skeletor and Evil-Lyn.

We'll meet up with them, again.

And what about the Spellstone?

It's gone back to the Fire People.

Where it belongs.

Well, peace has returned to Eternia.

The sky is clear and the birds are singing.

The only thing
missing is a rainbow.

Let me handle that.



You've all seen how
Orko's magical tricks...

don't always go the way he planned.

Sometimes they backfire on him.

The same thing is true of practical jokes.

Sometimes they don't go
the way you planned...

and you, or someone else, can get hurt.

So be sure and think twice before
playing a joke or a trick on anybody.

It might not go the way you planned
and someone could wind up...

losing a finger, or an
arm, or may be even an eye.

And no joke is worth that, is it?

See you again soon.