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01x02 - The Shaping Staff

Posted: 08/16/21 10:25
by bunniefuu

And the Masters of the Universe.

I am Adam, Prince of Eternia.

Defender of the

secrets of Castle Grayskull.

This is Cringer, my fearless friend.

Fabulous secret powers were revealed

to me the day I held aloft

my magic sword and said,

by the power of Grayskull.

I have the power!

Cringer became the

mighty Battle Cat, and I became

He-Man, the most

powerful man in the universe.

Only three others share this secret:

Our friends the Sorceress,

Man-at-Arms, and Orko.

Together we defend Castle Grayskull from,

the evil forces of Skeletor.

I'd say your new training

equipment is a success, Duncan.

What's left of it you mean?
We can pick up the pieces later,

right now Prince Adam is going
to be late for dinner unless...

I hurry.

Well, I'll see you there.

Good evening, ladies and lords!
I thought there'd be a full house tonight.

But no matter,
Orko the Great will entertain you

all with a dazzling
display of amazing magic.

Hey, that's not supposed to happen.

It'd really be amazing if he ever
learns how to work that silly wand.


I heard that Man-At-Arms. You better have
some respect for my magic, or I'll...

Oh, just watch this!

And now the tricky part, I must have
absolute silence, I must concentrate.



Greetings Mother, Father. Sorry I'm late.

Perfect timing, as usual, Prince Adam.

Sorry Orko.

You could at least make an
effort to get here on time.

Sorry Teela, but you know how time
flies when you're... heh... having fun.

That's the trouble.
You're ALWAYS having fun.

Really, son. Such conduct
is not worthy of a future king.

I think Adam inherited from me what
we earthlings call a "sense of humor."

Well he'll need more than that
if he wants to rule some day.

I'll be ready, Father,
but not for a long, long time, I hope.

Oh very well, son. On with the magic, Orko!

Now you're talking, Your Majesty.

Behold, Demon Dust, the very thing to
conjure up a fearful creature from beyond.

Lucky for us, the biggest thing he's
ever conjured up was a rabbit.

"Now, by the powers of wizard and
elf, I command you demon, show yourself."

Look, the spell is working!

It is? Hey, it is.

Galloping galaxy,
how'd I do that?

That's no demon.
You can say that again.

Forgive my sudden arrival, Your Highnesses.
I am Magestra, a traveling magician.

I have come hoping to entertain you
all with my wondrous illusions.

Welcome, Magestra!
I'm sure we'd all love to see your

illusions, however we already
have a court magician.

But father,
I don't think Orko would

mind. Sharing the

stage with one as talented

and as fair as Magestra.

My thanks, little one. Here, for you!

Show off.

Proceed, Magestra. Let us have music, then!

Harmonies pleasing to kingly ears.

Huh, Big deal!

And now, Your Majesties,
the most mystifying spell of all!

Behold! The cabinet of wonders!
To all outside

appearances, an ordinary box. But inside...

Just what is inside?

See for yourself, Sire.


"Spirits of magic from far and near,
make His Majesty disappear"!

What evil wizardry is this?

Wait, your king is unharmed. Here he is.

That's some trick.

Well, magic has certainly sharpened
your appetite. Your Highness?!

Oh... oh, well done Magestra,
yes, very entertaining.

I invite you to stay with us a while longer

my dear. You're too kind, Sire.

Come, I'll have the guards
show you to your room.

Nicely done, fool.
You nearly ruined everything.

You worry too much, no one suspects us.

There's something funny going on here,

and I'm gonna find out what it is.

Arise, Your Highness,
and greet your guests.

Oh. The last thing I remember,
I was in the banquet hall.

What? It's impossible, it's me. You're
no simple magician, who are you?

I see, the time for deception, has ended.

Evil-Lyn! Beast Man! You fiends dare
to come to palace Eternia, itself?

I dare anything, Your Highness.
Now that I wield the shaping staff.

This legendary wand can transform
any matter in the universe.

But the shaping staff is just a myth,
a fairy tale. It was just a myth,

until Beast Man and I found it in
a hidden cave near the Crystal Sea.

Soon, I will hand it over to my master,

But first, I decided to test the wand here.

On you.
Let you who were once king of

now be king of goats!

Now, with you posing as the real King,
Beast Man, Skeletor will rule Eternia!

Through you!

Get him!

We can't let him tell the others!

Stop him! I-I'm trying,
but he jumps around like a blasted cricket.

Huh? Then a cricket he shall be!
Prince Adam, Prince Adam...

That takes care of him.

Behold Skeletor, the Shaping
Staff, as I promised.

Well done, Evil-Lyn!
Now we begin, Phase 2.

Tomorrow Beast Man and I, in disguise,

will lead the forces of
Eternia to Grayskull!

There I will hand over the
Shaping Staff to you, and then...

Then we shall defeat the forces
of Eternia, in one fell swoop!

You be careful now.
You must make Prince Adam believe,

that you are his father.
You worry too much.

You sent for us, Sire?

Yes, Adam,
I've been speaking with Magestra,

about the old castle in the forest.

It's time we made Grayskull,
a part of our kingdom.

But why father?
What use could Grayskull be to us?

If you've no taste for conquest,
you can stay behind.

Man-At-Arms, ready the troops,

we march tomorrow. Yes, Sire!

But why this sudden interest in the castle?

I mean surely there are more important...

You're a fine one to talk of
importance, Adam. You, and your lazy ways.

Come Magestra, we have much to do.

It's not like my father'd
ever consider attacking,

Grayskull. He's always been a man of peace.

Well, maybe I can reason
with him in the morning.

He's getting suspicious. Leave him to me.

After tonight, we won't have
to worry about Prince Adam.

Who's there? A-Adam, are you asleep yet?

Cringer, what do you want
at this time of night?

Well... it does get rather drafty
sleeping outside, y'know.

T-To say nothing of... Scared, huh?
Alright, come on in, old cat.

Now what?

A cricket!

A-Adam, it's me!

The king is a fake...
It's Beast Man with Evil-Lyn...

Pl-Please help!

If he's a fake,
where's my father?

He's in the dungeon!

Don't worry Orko, we'll help you, and
rescure my father. Let's go Cringer.

Oh, Do we have to?
Do you want me to go alone?

Y-You sure you w-want
me to answer that...

By the power of Grayskull!

I have the power!

Oh, I hate this part.

Good evening, Prince...

Evil-Lyn and Beast Man!

So, Adam's fears were right.

Yes, my enemy, but you'll not stop us.

My sword can deflect magical bolts,
Evil-Lyn, or didn't you know that?

Beast Man, help me!

Father, that noise!
I know. it came from Adam's room!

I can't see!

He-Man! Evil-Lyn!

Get back before she reaches that staff!
I already have it, fool!

Ah, I can see again!
Although you can deflect

the Staff's magic, your friends cannot.


Surrender He-Man,
or Teela will remain a little frog forever!

Now, for you... First,
free Teela from your spell! No!

She will join the others, in my menagerie.

Don't you recognize them, He-Man?

It's the former King of
Eternia, and his court clown.

Release them, you evil witch, or I'll...
You'll do nothing!

Except change. There.
A handsome golden present, for Skeletor!


You two are not worth
bothering about. To Grayskull!

I will make another He-Man,
an evil one, called Faker!

I have done it!
A perfect likeness of He-Man!

Sometimes my power, even amazes me.

Faker, you must get the Sorceress
to leave Grayskull. Outside

the castle, her magic is
weaker, and I can overpower her.

In this dim light,
she'll think you're He-Man.

Call her, Faker! Yes, master.

Sorceress, Sorceress, please hear me!

What brings you here at this hour?

I've been hurt. There's something wrong...

Your voice sounds
different, He-Man.

That's because I was ambushed,

by Skeletor. I-I can't think clearly.

Stay there, I'll come to you.

Where are you?
Right here, Sorceress!


You should not have left your castle!

Here my power is as strong as yours!

Now that you're here, perhaps you'd
like a taste of the Shaping Staff.

Remain rooted to that spot forever,
Sorceress, as a harmless tree.



Very good Evil-Lyn!
I could have taken care of her myself,

of course, but this fate is more fitting.

Soon, Man-At-Arms will lead his troops
here to rescue He-Man and his friends.

Let them come!
I'll face them with the combined

powers of the shaping
staff, and Castle Grayskull.

Sorceress, even in this transformed
state, I can still

sense your thoughts.
Use your magic to break the spell.

I-I can't. Evil-Lyn's power...
Too strong. Can't...

Resist. You've got to
try, for all our sakes.

Yes, must try.
Must... break the spell.

Quick Skeletor! The wand!

We don't need a wand.
Not with Faker here.

You, forget, He-Man, I have your power too.

Let's see how well you can use that power.

How do you like that, Hero? I don't

like it Faker, and I like you even less.

It's a long way down, He-Man.
Need a hand?

In this case, a leg will do, just fine.

Wait, stop!

With this staff I can rescue
Faker from the bottomless gorge,

but first you and I,
have some unfinished business.

Have a nice trip down, Man-At-Arms!

I must break his fall.

Meddler, you'll pay for that.

The staff... Get the staff.
Oh no you don't.

The only way to break your evil spell
is like this. Thanks, He-Man.

C'mon, let's get out of here. No,

the staff is still strong
enough to stop them.

Fools, with one wave of this
wand, I'll turn you all into...

That'll teach you to
fool around with magic.

Curse you all!
Once I've restored Evil-Lyn and Faker,

I'll be back to have vengeance!
So swears, Skeletor!

it's good to be on the throne.

It's good to have you back, Father.

And i-i-it's good to have you back,
little buddy. Thanks Cringe.

Y'now I don't think I'd
like to be a cricket,

but I sure wish I knew
how to do that trick.

Adam, it's too bad you weren't around.
We certainly could have used some help.

Thank goodness, He-Man showed up.
Funny, he's always there when we need him.

Well, I hope I can
meet him someday. I'd

really like to thank
him for helping us out.

And for bringing my father back.
Thank you,

son and now I think we
all deserve some fun.

Orko, let's have some magic!

Your wish is my command.
Now, for my first trick...

For my first trick, I'm gonna disappear...

In today's story, you saw what happened
when a stranger came to the palace,

she turned out to be evil and dangerous.
Of course,

turning people into animals
is only make-believe,

but there is nothing make-believe about how

dangerous some strangers
can be in real life.

Never accept any food or toys or
money from strangers. Don't even talk

to them. No matter what a stranger may
say, never go away with them.

Terrible things have happened
to some kids who did.

The smart thing is to just walk
away, or in my case just float away.