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03x07 - Midnight to 3 A.M.

Posted: 08/15/21 07:32
by bunniefuu
And what's that naked
guy with the goat's head?

Did he have...

- Mm, the one with the piercing.
- Yes! I was gonna ask.

Yeah, he was flapping
that thing around last year, too.

- I guess he wants everyone to know.
- Why? It looks terrible.

- I don't get it.
- Yeah, me neither. [LAUGHS]

Are you disappointed at all? I mean,

'cause we came from
the party a little early?

No, I guess, after I got
over the shock of it,

I... I expected it to be crazier.

Oh, it gets way crazier
later on. I mean,

we can go back in a couple of hours.

- No.
- No?

But the way Kit described it,

I expected, like,
blood and sex and, like...

Oh, there were.

- There were people doing some...
- I know, I know. So...


No, but I thought
it'd be like that Greek play,

where the women go crazy,
have sex with all the men...

and then...

k*ll them.


- That's the party you wanted to go to?
- Yeah.

Me and you must've been taking
different drama classes.

It's better to be back here with you.


You're a tough guy to get alone.

[SCOFFS] I mean, I'm...

I'm alone a bunch.

Not with me.

Well, you're Jen's best friend.

- She doesn't want us hanging out alone.
- No.

She's probably with Amber
right now, so we can hang out.

Amber's usually my job.


My parents would lose their minds
if they knew you were here.

- I can go. I mean...
- No.

No. Stay.

[GROANS] It's not gonna give!
It's not gonna give!

- Keep your mouth shut!
- You're pulling it open!

I can't f*ckin' breathe!

- It's not give, it's not gonna give!

- Calm down. Calm down. Okay?
- I can't take it!

- Calm down, okay?


Oh, f*ck! [SCREAMS]

- Oh, f*ck!
- Oh, f*ck, get it off!

Get it off! [GRUNTS]

[ROBERTA] All right.

Take a bunch of my cards.

And the mug sh*ts of Wyatt.

And canvass the neighborhood.

We want to know if anyone's seen him

with any of the victims,
the residents of the apartment,

or near the school, the café,
or this building.

Can't this wait till morning?

I mean, we got the guy
locked up for two murders.

Two of six.

He did the rest, I'm sure of it.

But something feels hinky.
I mean why'd he...

he flipped when he saw
the dissection photos.

- He's putting on an act.
- You know, I hope so,

but then why is he bragging
about two of them

and cagey about the other four?

- He's got a screw loose.
- Okay, you know what? Maybe.

But if we're wrong
about the other murders...

There's a k*ller out on the streets.

A k*ller who's m*rder*d
four people in hours.

A k*ller who might be lining up
their fifth for the day.

- Okay, gotcha.
- If I want to be able to sleep,

I need to find something to trap him

and push him into confessing.

- Got it?
- Got it.

Let's start with the residents
then hit the streets. [SIGHS]




I don't know how that happened.

[CHUCKLES] It's okay.

I figured I should stay. I dunno.

Even if they did catch this guy...

[SIGHS] I can't believe I slept.

I've been sleeping so badly lately.

Yeah, me too.

Must mean I feel safe with you here...

taking care of me. [CHUCKLES]

[SCOFFS] I'm fine. Seriously.

You should rest.

- Let's swap.
- And you'll protect me?

I'm stronger than I look.

- That's scary.



Come here.

Lie down.



I feel like I should be
doing this to you.

Why not?


[ROBERTA] Police. I'd like
a minute of your time.

It's that detective again.


Sorry to bother you so late,

but we're going door-to-door
asking if you've seen this man.

Is this the Druid?

- The man you caught.
- He's a suspect, yes.

Wow, really?

Do you recall seeing him
in the building, the community?

He looks so normal.

I guess I expected...

- I don't know, a monster or something.
- Do you recognize him?

No. Sorry, I don't think so.

- Is he from around here?
- Never near the school?

No. I think I'd remember. Sorry.

Wish I could be more help. [SIGHS]

[ROBERTA] I want to assure you,

I know the part that
Dan Olenski played in this,

and I'm not gonna let it go unpunished.

It's not just him, it's everyone.

- Others in the building?
- That bitch Violet down the hall.

She's been blasting the internet
with that tweet and our photos.

We've been getting death threats.

We have a cyber unit that
takes threats very seriously.

[JEN] Like that'll make a difference,

when you can't figure out
where the threats are coming from.

People are yelling at us from
their cars, and throwing things.

It's happening all the time.
It's even happening at their school!

I promise you.

I'm gonna get you and
your mother justice

for what happened here today.

Can you take a look at the photo?


Yeah, I saw him at the party last year.

He was weird.

Stood by himself,
didn't party with anyone.

Anywhere else? Around the building?

The coffee shop. Xander's place.

- [SAADIA] Really?
- Yeah. Couple of times, for sure.

Well, did he talk with Xander,
get into any disagreements?

No. He stared at people.

I remember, because
I didn't like the way

he was staring at the girls, my sister.

Well, did he talk with her?

No. He saw him looking
at him and he just left.

Have you seen him talk to
anyone else in the building?

Maybe Cassidy?

At the coffee shop? But...

- I'm not sure. I'm sorry.
- No.

This is a great help.

I'll need to talk with you
again in a day or two.


You two aren't going back
to the solstice party?

Huh. Too many Druids.

Well, we caught the one that matters.

So, you guys enjoy the rest of your night.

Thank you.


Are you okay?

You know, cops didn't do anything
when Kit died, and you know,

because he partied and slept with guys.

But they're all over this.

'Cause Cassidy was a cute white girl,

and Kaili was a white teacher!

But she's black.

Her boss is probably white.

Probably right.

I'm gonna go shower,
get out of this sweaty costume.

I'll meet up with you later, okay?

- Okay.
- Okay.

If... the Druid shows up...

Of course the Druid's gonna show up.

Why else would this
sick f*ck do this to us?

Then you gotta k*ll me.


We're gonna get outta here, okay?

- Promise?
- I'm not gonna let that fucker k*ll us.


How bad is my face?

It's always looked
bad to me. [CHUCKLES]

f*ck you.

I thought you guys loved
your plastic surgery.

I'm gay, not rich.

Although I would love to take a scalpel
to the Druid right about now.

Yeah? [GRUNTS]

[SIGHS] Yeah, you and me both.

That fucker will probably gas us again.



There's gotta be a deadbolt
on the other side of this door.

Whatever. The door's locked.

[PANTS] A padlock.

It's got a keyhole.

Maybe it's a sewer.

And maybe it's a way out.

There's gotta be something.

There's gotta be something.


What'd you find?


I found a nail.


We're so f*cked.

You gonna attack the Druid
with a f*ckin' nail?

- Oh, my God, we are so f*cked.
- No.

I'm gonna pick that f*ckin' lock.

I took a survivalist course
for a month in the militia.

- Everything's a resource.
- Uh, why?

For k*lling all the non-whites?


It's to survive.

No one else is gonna help me.


This might work.


[PUJIT] Police!


Police! I'd like to talk to you
for a few minutes.



It hurts so much.

Hey, I'm gonna get the f*ck outta here,

and I'm gonna k*ll the fucker
who put us down here.

Serial K*llers are all white.


- No, they're not.
- Name one, not white.

What kind of backwards-ass
racism is that?

Oh, you're so easy to piss off.

Yeah? Well, I've got a lot
to be angry about.

- Yeah, I suppose.
- And what about you, huh?

Why are you such a f*ckin'
angry pain in the ass?

Hey. Hey. Come on now.

- Come on now.
- I'm just... I'm just thinking.

What are you thinking there, genius?

I expect better.

That's it?

You expect better.

Out of them?

Or the world, or...


All of... All of the above, I guess.


I feel the same f*ckin' way.



Hey, hey, hey, hey! Hey! Hey,
come on. Come on now.

Don't pass out on me, all right?

We are gonna get the f*ck outta here...

and we're gonna get all fixed up.


And then we're gonna drink
a shitload of beers.

Then we're gonna have
a laugh about all this,

especially my friends when
I walk into the bar with you.


I think the guys might've thought
you were my boyfriend.

- I really do.
- [LAUGHS] I think you're right. Ah...





- Where's Saadia?
- She's in her apartment.

You left her alone?

I can't help her all the time.
I'm not good at it.

It never works out, anyways.


- [MRS. DIXON] Those poor kids.
- Huh?

Jen and Connor.

- Who?

The kids down the hall, Frank.
They go to school with Erica.

That poor woman burning
herself to death like that.

Jesus, stop going on about it.

Look, she was a psycho,

and we're all lucky she wanted
to put on such a big show.

How can you say that?

Because if she'd burned
herself in the building,

we could've all been f*cking k*lled.

So? So, let's thank God
for making this broad

so desperate for attention
that she chose a big stage

instead of the apartment...

- that we share a wall with.
- You are so f*cking heartless,

do you know that?

- Thank you, Justine!
- Stop it!

No, thank you for being such a
showboating, f*cking whack job!

She'll hear you! [GROANS]

That crispy bitch and that dead druggie

brought the cops around
here all the time.

What do you think that does
for my f*ckin' business?

Your business?

You don't give a shit about anybody.



- Mrs. Dixon, are you okay?
- You don't talk to my wife.

We can hear everything through the wall.

Okay, then go back home,
put on your headphones,

and listen to your shitty rap music,

because I'm gonna do
whatever the f*ck I want

in the privacy of my own home.

- Are you okay, Mrs. Dixon?
- Oh, the f*cking balls on this guy.

Do you know who the f*ck
you are talking to?

Frank, he's been through a lot.
Maybe you should...

Maybe you should just shut
your f*cking... [SCREAMS]

Oh, no. Oh, no. What did you do?

You need to run home right
now and lock the door...

You should take this.

- It used to belong to my mom.
- You need to go.

It looks just like an old phone. Here.

I know you might think you're helping,

but he's just gonna be twice
as mad tomorrow, okay?

So you go home and you
don't come back, all right?

All right, you hear me?

Just stay out of here, all right?
Just stay the f*ck out of it!



What are you doing?

It's not safe here.

We need protection.

What does Kaili Greenberg
need protection from?

Hmm. It's too late for her.
This is for us.

- You think someone's inside her apartment?
- Hmm.

We've been inside, all over.

Hey. Hey, hey.

We caught the k*ller.

Have you seen him before?

No, but I know who did.

Great. Who?

Everyone he k*lled.
The last thing they saw.

Where have you been today?

Hmm. I've been here all day.

Day and night, night and day,
light and dark, dark and darker.

If I would've seen him,
I would know him.

Do you?

You're here a lot, too.

Where were you specifically?

- Am I under investigation?
- I want to know what you were doing.

I made the kids breakfast,
I salted the doors,

I worked on Kaili's door.
I was here all the time.

Ask any of the residents.
They would've seen me.

They pretend they don't, but they do.

Have you seen Mr. Lopez, or
Ms. Chao, or Mr. Olensky around?

They're not answering their doors.
I want to show them the photo.

Now I see why you're saying
you caught the Druid.

- Why is that?
- 'Cause it gets you off the hook.

You promised justice, but all
you bring us are these pictures,

these pretty little pictures.

Well, let me take you home.

If you're so sure he's the k*ller...

why are you showing
that picture to everyone?

'Cause deep down inside, you know.

You know he's not the guy.

[SIGHS] Oh, my God!


Miss Chao, I'd like to talk to you,
please! It's the police!

I'm sorry to bother you again today,

but we just arrested a suspect.

We're going door to door,
asking residents...











- f*ck!
- What... What hap... What happened?

- The f*ckin' nail snapped. It's stuck.

What the f*ck are you laughing at?

I'm so... I'm sorry. [SIGHS]

We're gonna get outta here!

Mark my f*ckin' word,
we're gonna get outta here!



[JEN] I've seen him, yeah.

- Where?
- Hanging out at Xander's.

And maybe the school.
Yeah, lurking across the street.

He's always staring
at the girls. Pretty creepy.


are you done bothering us?

I was just returning your
stepmother to the apartment.

She can walk the halls if she wants.
Okay? They're our halls.

She has more of a right
to be here than you do.

She was carving symbols in Kaili's door.

With a knife.

He cut Kaili open so all
her sins could spill out.

Why does she know this?

- That might be my fault.
- I'm really...

- sorry to have bothered you again.
- That's all you do!

You bother us all the time!

I mean, you haven't done
a thing for my mother!

I tried.

- I did everything I could.
- [CONNOR] Yeah, okay, great, thanks!

- I'm over it now, so thank you.
- Connor, you're upsetting Amber.

I bet you're gonna
f*ck this one up, too.

It took you a year to catch this guy.

A year!

I'm really sorry to have
bothered you. My apologies.

Here, lay down.

Here you go.

- You want your sounds tonight?
- Yes, please.

It's all over.

They caught the Druid.

You don't have to worry anymore.

You take such good care of me.

You're the only good thing in my life.

Things will get better.

I miss your mom.

Us, too.

Good night.

I love you.

- What the hell was that?
- What?

Yelling at a cop?

She finally did something good for us.

- She caught the Druid.
- You know what, man? I don't care.

f*ck her.

I don't want you running off
and doing anything stupid.

- I won't.
- Okay? Promise?

I won't. f*ck!

We can finally live normal, happy lives.

Keep your shit tight. Remember?

- Oh, my shit's always tight.
- Mm-hmm.




[ROBERTA] Pujit, meet me out front.

I'm smelling cleaner everywhere.

- Don't tell me somebody else got k*lled.
- We think we caught him.

- Where are you guys going?
- We're going to my mother's.

Yeah, everyone here
has just been so shitty.

None of these people care about
anything that's happened to us.

Have you seen him around?

No, I've never seen that piece of shit.


Was he crazy?

Why'd he k*ll my dad?

Honey, your dad wasn't big
on making friends.

Was he in the business?

We think it's tied up with the
Kit Jennings m*rder last year.

- Yeah, Frank saw that happen.
- He didn't tell me much.

Are you surprised?

I told him he was being
stupid, but there you go.

Did he tell you anything else?

Like what he looked
like, how tall he was?

No, just that he was wearing
that costume, and he...

put a big, bloody knife up in his face.

Scared the shit out of Frank. [LAUGHS]
Not that he'd ever admit it.

- Mom.

We got a long drive ahead of us.

I guess you still got my number?

- Yeah, I have it.
- Thanks.


- Were the cleaners here today?

Around here, that would be
four times a year.

The kid's blood was
in the hall for weeks.

I don't think it's been cleaned
in, what, a month or more?

You give me a call if you need anything.

I don't think we're coming back.

Singh, I'm grabbing some Luminol.
Gonna check for blood spatter.

Call me when you're free.



- Can't sleep.
- Girl, why you even trying?

I just put Amber to bed.
You wanna crash on the couch?

So we start the night off
at some crazy Bacchic festival.

Now we're ending it with a sleepover.

You are officially a party monster.

Who says "Bacchic"?

What are your jam-jams?

- Jam-jams? Like music?
- Your pajamas, your comfies.

It's what my mom called them.

What do you like to sleep in?
Shorts? Sweatpants?

- Sweats, please.
- Mm.


- Try the football shirt.


And if you walk around
in your underwear,

it does the whole skirt thing.

I am not sitting around your
house in my underwear.

- Connor.
- Connor is asleep.

- But he likes you, though.
- Is that weird?

You two make total sense.

It doesn't bother me.
You'd still be my bestie.

Obviously, thanks.

- Mm-mm.

He's so shy.

Yep, but he's more relaxed
around you than anyone.

Has he had many girlfriends?

Just earlier, I felt like
he was trying to kiss me.

- Maybe this is a little weird.


What's it like?

To kiss?

Wow. Se... Seriously?

Okay. It's pretty great
with a good kisser,

and pretty shitty with
an aggressive tongue attacker.

- Ew.
- But when it's good, it's...

it's warm and...

sweet, you know? It's... It's nice.

I don't think anyone hates kissing.

I know it's not a big deal for most,
but, it's huge in my culture.

I don't know if a guy would be
willing to wait for me.

I'd have to really know
the guy is worth the kiss.

You know?

Like, trust him completely.

And you're feeling that with Connor?

I am.

Connor's a good guy.

He's been so off lately.
I don't know if it's me or...

- today, or...
- It's not you.

Every day, we're getting closer

to the anniversary of our mom's passing.

- The solstice party, the murders...
- Right, of course.


Here I am whining about him
and asking you about kissing.

No, it's okay.

You're helping him. You really are.

I didn't even think he was
gonna come to the party.

He's tough...

he's also sensitive.


- You like that about him.
- [SIGHS] He is really sweet.

- And so cute.
- I think he looks like a total dork...

but I get it. I get it.

[SIGHS] Okay...


[AMBER] What exactly have you done?

- [ROBERTA] We've issued warnings.
- Warnings?

To all the residents in the building.

- That's all you're gonna do?
- I'm afraid that's all we can do.

They should be arrested.
They should go to jail!

We have no proof,
nothing to press charges on.

We might be able to apply
a public-mischief charge

- on Dan Olensky.
- [AMBER] You might?

There are no cameras in the building.

Anywhere. No way of verifying it,
no matter how certain you are.

It's him.

Of all the awful things
that have been done to us,

- we know that this one was him!
- You know that.

And I know that.

But you didn't actually
see him doing it.

Without that, it'll just get thrown out.

[AMBER] He was standing there gloating!

Rubbing it in our faces!

- I'm sorry we can't do more...
- They k*lled my wife!

They bullied her until she k*lled herself!

She f*cking, f*cking k*lled herself!

She f*cking k*lled herself! [SOBS]
You don't give a shit.

We're the ones who have to live with it!

- It's gonna be okay.
- ... and the name-calling.

Every f*cking day!

Every f*cking day! [SOBS]




If I could just turn it
a little bit more. [GRUNTS]

Ah. It worked! Yes! Motherfuckin' yes!

Oh, my God, Dan! Yes!

Come on, come on, come on, let's go!

Come on, Dan! Come on!


- Come on, yes, yes!

[SAADIA] No, dude. Old school,
they used to actually have

real pieces of bubblegum
in the ice cream.

Now they put, like, white chocolate
or something, I don't know.

- You love bubble gum.


I heard talking.

Saadia was nervous about
staying home alone tonight,

so I'm offering her the couch.

- You have to be okay with that.
- Mm-hmm.

[SAADIA] Thank you.

It's a scary place.

I'm just gonna go and get
some blankets and a pillow.

I'll be back in a minute. Okay?

I'm sorry about how
I acted earlier today.

It's okay.

I'm sorry.

Do you want some of my tea?
It'll help you sleep.

No, thanks. I... I think I'm good.

I stopped drinking it a day ago.

Don't tell anyone.

Maybe that's not such a good idea.

Maybe that's why things
have been bothering you so much.

They're drugging me!

- Who is?
- Connor and Jen.

They think they can control me,
but no one can.

Oh, I don't think
they would want to do that.

They hate me.

I spill their f*cking tea
down the drain.

No one's going to stop me
from what I have to do,

from what I have planned.

Everything okay?



Good night, sweetheart.

What did Amber do this time?

She thinks you're drugging her.

We are.

Her doctor prescribed it.
Amber doesn't sleep if we don't.

She'll be up three days straight,
being all shitty and scattered

with everyone. Trust me.

Oh, my God! [SOBS]

Mom! [SOBS]

Why didn't you do anything?

- Why didn't you stop her?
- I didn't know! I didn't know!

- Why didn't you put out the flames?
- I didn't know!

Why? Why? [SOBS]

- Stop it!
- Why? Why?

- Please, stop it!
- Why?

Why? Please, why?
Why didn't you stop her?

Why didn't you...

Connor, come back from the edge, please!

It wasn't your fault!

- I could've stopped her.
- Nobody could have!

- We should have.
- We didn't know it was going to happen!

- Please, just come back from the edge.


I just want to die where she died.

If you knew, you would've
stopped her, Connor!

- You would have! You're her son!

Mom was strong!

In her own f*cked-up way,
she was a fighter!



Oh, my!

I'm sorry.

- [CRIES] It's okay.
- [SNIFFLES] I'm such a f*ck-up.

No, you're not a f*ck-up.
You're not. Don't say that.

I miss her so much.

I know.

But what would she want you to do?

That's what you live for.

And if you ever feel like...


- feel like doing anything crazy...
- I feel crazy all the time.

Then you come and grab me.


I miss her, too.

And if you jumped, I would just...

- I would jump right after you.
- No.

You can never do that.

I couldn't stand losing you, Connor.

I'm sorry.

I won't f*ck up again, I promise.

You're not a f*ck-up. You...

you keep me strong through all of this.

You teach me how to get through
everything so, let me help you.

- Yeah.
- We keep our shit tight for each other.


- Okay.



You there?

If you don't have your radio on again,

you're gonna get a damn suspension.






What the f*ck?

What the f*ck?






Please, I can't.

I can't.

[ROBERTA] Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.


- Hello?
- [ROBERTA] Police! Identify yourself.





You did nothing.

You didn't do anything!

But... No!



You left us.

You left us!


You abandoned us! [SOBS]







